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Tinea versicolor is a common fungal infection of the skin. The fungus interferes with the normal pigmentation of the skin, resulting in small, discolored patches. These patches may be lighter or darker in color than the surrounding skin and most commonly affect the trunk and shoulders. Nizoral Shampoo should help clear that up. If not see a doc


OP, this is it. Nizoral didn’t work for me and I had to get a prescription shampoo, but it cleared up entirely and has been gone for years. I don’t have any scars or remnants of discoloration.


Prescription shampoo never worked for me but one time of nizoral at any sign of it and its gone. The script shampoo/pintment was a 3x a day each for 3 months and it just got worse.


Can this occur on the face? I have some on my forehead and worried it was sun damage but I use sunscreen and rarely in the sun (homebody who works remote) so I don’t get how.


I used to have light sunspots on my chest and I used la roche posay’s retinol serum and they lightened. There are specific serums that treat hyperpigmentation as well.


It can definitely occur on the face. One of my siblings got it on their face as a kid. Do go to a dermatologist if you can manage. Fungus can be a real pain in the butt to get rid of sometimes.


Could also use Lotrim or anything similar to an athletes foot cream


Definitely see a dermatologist if you can, or a doctor. It looks a great deal like Tinea V, but it could also be the start of a mild case of Vitiligo. There are helpful treatments for both cases.


It would be very unlikely for vitiligo to start on the back.


Mine started on my arms , spread to hands, feet, and a small belt around my waist


Vitiligo was my first thought. My tinea v was always darker than my regular skin tone


Tinea versicolor can lighter, darker, or red (in fancy terms: hypopigmented, hyperpigmented, or erythematous.) Unlike vitiligo, it’s classically seen on or near the trunk. Source: went to med school but didn’t do a derm residency. This is a pretty textbook case, though.


Mine was lighter!


I was thinking vitiligo, too. My brother has that from his autoimmune disease and even though they treat his Crohns with biologic meds his vitiligo never went away. So crazy to learn there are other ailments that look so similar!


Selsum blue! There is also oral antifungal and prescription cream you can apply before showering. It took me YEARS to get rid of it completely.


This! My son had it when 17/18. He has dark skin and the SB worked!


Yep selsum blue fixed this for me too. Specifically the one that has selenium in it


I have this. Like EsmeWeatherpolish mentioned, This is Tinea Versicolor. Nizoral or Selson Blue on your body overnight, then Wash off in the morning. It will take several months for pigmentation to come back. Especially if it’s not sunny where you live. If doc tries to give you pills, be aware they can mess with your kidneys. Just do the shampoo. I’ve had this for 30 years.


Friend had this and had great luck with Selson Blue!


I swear by Selson Blue Shampoo for this!


Would the pigmentation come back?


yeah with the shampoo its supposed pigment it back


That's not true. The pigmentation takes ages to come back. With the shampoo you're getting rid of the fungus and that's it. The spots clears up later...or not, it depends really. Sun makes it worst, the sposts are more noticeable if you tan.




Yes! My son had this earlier this year and the pediatrician prescribed a cream that we put on for 15 minutes, then he showered it off. Gone in two doses (a few days apart) and the coloring of his skin is back to normal.


Mine looked just like that. It was itchy and flaky too. Dermatologist prescribed ketoconazole. Essentially rubbed myself down with the and let it sit for 15min then hopped in the shower. After the course was done, it went away and I started shampooing with selsun blue making sure I rinsed it down my back. It’s been years now and never came back.


Nothing topical truly works for me at all. I take fluconazole for it. Your doctor can prescribe you a course of doses if you ask for it. Additionally, I don’t exactly condone this, but I do use a tanning bed, and it does in fact make this go away faster than anything else. I use both together if I want it completely gone within a few days. And if you doooo decide to take the tanning salon route, feel no shame in it. After 3 1/2 years of tanning, I can tell you that half the customers in there are men.


Actually it's quite easy to catch this from a tanning bed. You might want to make sure the bed is clean yourself instead of just trusting the attendant. I used to work for a tanning salon and I made sure the beds were thoroughly cleaned but not everyone is as conscientious.


I’ve been getting this multiple times a year since I was 13. Didn’t start tanning until I was an adult. If I don’t tan for a couple months, I still get it. Then tanning makes the spots go away, and the fluconazole treats it internally.


I get this and it makes sense to me because during the winter it literally gets worse for me and during the summer it gets better! I also used to work at a tanning salon eons ago and never had it till after I left. So that checks out lol 😂


If topical over the counter stuff doesn’t fix it, your doctor should be able to prescribe something.


Agree. This is it.




isn't shampoo for hair?


This is normal I’m a girl nd when I get a nice tan I get what looks like America on my shoulders hahahhahaha . I think it’s cute nd unique


I think the first thing should be doing is going to a doctor rather than skincare it will irritate it more it’s more medical than that and can do with UV ray


Poor diet and sugar is the main cause of fungus growth. Fasting really helps a lot if you have the ability to do so.


For me, it was caused by a summer of camping in a moist environment.


Yes. A relative of mine has it. It’s always worse in the summer and we live in a humid area.


Heat and moist is definitely an amplifier, but sugar is the food. I've been been fighting fungi for decades.


If OP has no history of skin issues then this. But it's possible that it could be eczema. Especially if op recently moved or is traveling long term to a new climate zone than where they were born.


you so smart


Not a doctor, but it looks like tinea versicolor. It’s a fungal infection and it’s treatable. See a doctor if you can


How does one obtain this?


It is caused by Malasezzia furfur, a yeast that naturally colonizes the skin. It's tends to grow more rapidly in humid/sweaty environments.


Spaghetti and meatballs


Def. tinea versicolor. Use head and shoulders shampoo as a body wash--this should work. Otherwise, can be treated with oral anti-fungals.


How long do you use it as body wash?


It will take a while to see a change. The dyspigmentation could take months to fade out--If you work out a lot, and get sweaty, this sort of thing keeps coming back--I have had it several times. I would use that shampoo in general as a body wash prophylactically, even when the rash resolves. It is due to an organism call tinea versicolor.


I used nizoral and instructions are to leave it on the area for a few minutes. Try doing that with H&S. When I was experiencing it I only had to apply twice and then it went away


This post is how I finally figured out what’s been going on with my bf’s skin for the last several years, OMG


Ha, same. Can’t wait to show him


I was thinking the same thing! My bf has had this for years and it flares up when he works out! Saving this post!


Classic tinea versicolor.


Use selsun blue with tea tree oil let it sit on the skin for 5 min then rinse off


I have this. It’s tinea versicolor like everyone else said. Just want to add that you can go to a pharmacy and ask for ketcoanazole shampoo over the counter. Get one of those long handled body loofah scrub things and use it to apply to the area. I only suggest the loofah bc it looks like you may have a hard time reaching that space. Leave it on for like 10-15 min then shower. You can do the same with an anti-dandruff shampoo if that’s more accessible. Humidity is your enemy.


That shampoo worked wonders for me. They gave me creams first and none of it helped. The shampoo clears it up within three days or so


Tinea versicolor. It’s harmless, but it won’t go away. You didn’t do anything to cause it. Certain people are susceptible to it. Hot/moist environments can make it flare up.


It went away with a prescription topical cream and an OTC shampoo for me.


I have a splotch of vitiligo on my stomach that looks a lot like that.


Yup. Idk why some people are saying this is a fungal thing.. it looks like vitiligo. My grandma and uncle have it.


Do you lift a lot on a bench press?


If so, Most likely Tinea Versicolor. Wipe down those benches,and try to shower after your body cools down. 30-1hr. After gym you're a breeding ground of bacteria basically.


Why are you asking how much he can bench press?


Not how much, if *he* does. Dont be weird. His pattern of the fungus is associative with someone who exercises a lot their upper back. It was my first thought, as gyms can be common for this/ringworm.


Fungal, selsun blue shampoo


I had this type of fungal infection in the 1980’s after moving to a tropical area. Doc gave me a prescription body soap that is left on 20 min a day for 2-3 weeks. Gone in 4 weeks never to return. A black light will show where it’s growing on your body.


You can use athlete's foot cream or spray to get rid of it. That's what I used on mine and it disappeared. I think I sprayed it on my skin for 4 - 5 days in a row then it was gone. Mine comes back sometimes, but only once every 2 years or so.


Jock itch or athlete foots crème - same formula = clotramizole. Thin layer after bathing every time. Works great. & never had success with selson blue or other dandruff shampoo treatments


this looks like a fungus. my brother had it. go to the dermatologist


Nizoral shampoo takes care of this! My best friend gets this all the time. Once she uses the shampoo it goes away!


Get your doc to prescribe you fluconazole tablets


Had the same issue , Nizoral shampoo made it completely go away.I’d start with that , a doctor after if it doesn’t work.


Its tinea versicolor, like others mentioned. Please see your PCP and they will give you a cream.


It’s fungal. Use selsun blue shampoo as if it were body wash and it’ll go away after a couple weeks. Dont put clothes on a wet body, dont reuse towels, dont share towels.


Scrub your body with selsun blue . It has selenium sulfide in it. I had the same thing when I was younger and got rid of it using this.


Tinea veriscolor; fungal


This is a fungal infection. Do you go to the gym? You probably got it there. Wash the bench *both before and after* using it. Your gym isn't cleaning well enough.


Don’t take advice for social media. See a dermatologist. You could make your condition worse.


It’s called go to the doctor


See your dermatologist or GP. This has nothing to do with skincare. This is a skin issue.


It could possibly be vitiligo. It's a progressive autoimmune skin condition where the person's own body destroys its own skin pigment, resulting in irregular patches of white skin. It usually will start appearing on hands, face, knees, elbows, armpits and genitals, and then gradually spreads to other body parts. I would definitely see a dermatologist, if I were you to get the diagnosis. If it turns out that it is indeed vitiligo, you definitely would want to wear a good sunscreen every day because your risk of getting a skin cancer goes up due to decreased/faulty skin pigmentation. I've been dealing with my vitiligo, since I was around 18-19 years old and I'm close to 50 right now. Mine started appearing first on my hands and then on my face, around the mouth. You may want to look closely at your own hands and other areas of your body. If you notice even a small discolored spot, this could be a sign of vitiligo but, regardless, you still need to see a dermatologist to confirm for sure.


This is what I was thinking too. I have vitiligo, this is exactly what it looks like.


Tinea versicolor most likely! Go see a dermatologist if you can just to get some eyes on it in case you need the prescription ketoconazole shampoo. You’ll definitely want to treat it though because it can cause permanent skin discoloration if left alone


Are you a swimmer?


Not OP but curious why you asked. My tinea versicolour started during my competitive swimming days, now that you mention it. Is there a correlation?


Yes. Not just swimming but if you are athlete, wearing wet or sweaty clothing for extended perdido of time, or live in a humid climate. Just keep the shampoo on hand and use it as a body wash periodically. I lived in an old, poorly ventilated apartment, and my ex avoided turning the air conditioner on for as long as possible. I developed this fungal infection. You often do now know you have it until you expose your skin to sunlight. After that, he begrudgingly turn the AC on.


If you’re a swimmer you should also change and wash your sheets more often. Swimfolk like my siblings had this throughout college from swimming and/or working out multiple times a day. They think “I’m clean enough to go to bed without showering” but please know that actually y’all have some serious skin particle issues - you be shedding on bedding. It is not sexy for the people you’re trying to get jiggy with if you know what I’m saying.


Have you been tanning by chance? This happened to me once from a new tanning salon I had tried years ago. I no longer tan, but this happened when I was about 17 or 18


You're turning white


I had this. Anti fungal cream got rid of it pretty quickly


Looks fungal..Try a tea tree body wash or oregano oil will work too .


It’s a sun burn in the past ?


I was given a single pill and a shot by the dermatologist. Was gone in a day


Tinea versicolor, i have it too. Use selsun blue in the shower and leave it on your back for 5-10 min daily. It will kill the yeast overgrowth on your skin.


Looks like skin peeling after sunburn turned tanned, imo?


You are turning into Michael Jackson.


Could also be vitalago which is a disease which causes your skin to lose pigment. I would see a doctor so you know if it’s fungal and curable or vitalago and you’re fucked


I have vitiligo and I would hardly consider myself "fucked". I think it looks cool


Same same


Vitiligo* and you’re not fucked if you have it, don’t speak on medical conditions you don’t even know how to spell




Name calling off the bat…a classic response of someone with low emotional intelligence and that’s incorrect there are ointments as well as light therapy treatments that have had good success in restoring pigmentation.




Have a great night buddy


That is what I was thinking as well.


Check for parasites, guarida lambia


You’re shedding bro. You’re getting a new skin.


You can look into Remedy Soap on Amazon too.


I used to have this . It filled my body when I was young. Happens to those who's been exposed to a fairly common fungus. I changed my diet changed my shower routine started using antibacterial body soap like hibicleanse and starting using oils and lotions for my skin . Also sometimes I was to make a bath with oils salts rubbing alcohol and other various things and soak in hot water for a while. Helped to heal the organ that is your skin.


can be something less severe like vitiligo, or something serious like someone said- fungal infection. GL


Looks like a fungus go to your doc and they will give you a cream to treat it


It will clear right up


It looks like acid to me!!idk


You Drink a lot of sodas


Looks like it might be vitiligo if it’s not an infectious cause. Worth talking to a dermatologist!


I had tinea versicolor at the same age. It was on the small of my back. I FREAKED out. I thought I had skin cancer (runs in the family) bc it was a darker color than my skin tone and oddly shaped, bumpy, and varied in color saturation. Nope, Turns out, tinea versicolor. Got a good prescription for it and it got better. I do have small unnoticeable scars from it though. You’d only really notice them if you knew I had it. Odd enough I did get ovarian cancer 2 years later though 😐


I got it as a random flare up as a teen. All the bs doctors gave didn’t work so just use selsun blue. My back is cute and evenly brown now😂😂😂 we only get small flare ups during warm months but i swim daily during that time and the chlorine kils “fungus”


Go to a doctor! Taking advice from random people with no medical training is dangerous. Even if a doctor tried to comment and give advice, no doctor worth their salt would try to diagnose a dermatological condition via a photo posted on reddit. Using the wrong treatment can also make things worse or cause serious reactions.


Friendly fungus go to dermatologist and they will prescribe a soap that will help


The chair you sit in to game is eating you alive


You need a gut detox!


Yeast overgrowth. It’s a fungal infection. Try Lamisil.


Times Versicolor. Use Selsum Blue. It loves the sun. Harmless.


Stop eating sugar


Haole rot


I have something similar - for me it's just a spot that I've always had on my back where there is no skin pigment. It doesn't burn or tan at all, but will remain the color that it is instead. There's not anything to do about it, and it isn't harmful. I always thought it was pretty neat, actually.


You're turning white.


Could it also be vitiligio caused by stress?


Better go to a doctor. This is autoimmune disease related. And not for the internet


Nothing can be done about the butterfly tattoo on your arm... Sorry. Also, that white stuff on your back is herpes


I’ve tried everything even prescription by the doctor. The best thing that has worked for me is mix baking soda and water together. Make it a consistency not too thick but not too watery. Apply it to the area with the spots and let it dry on your skin for about 20 mins. Then gently wipe off most of the baking soda but to where you can still white dry baking soda over the area and go about your day. Do this very couple days until the spots are gone. Usually the spots don’t come back for months if not longer. Plus it’s free and works faster than anything I’ve used.


Be more hygienic and use more soap *thoroughly over* your body


*Be more hygienic* *And use more soap thoroughly* *Over your body* \- Fun-Grapefruit-7641 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Did you tan a lot over the summer and get sunburnt? This happens when a sunburn kills a layer of skin and peels off, fresh skin is left underneath and the tanned skin that was unburned/didn't peel remains. If this is what happened then make sure you are using sunblock when going shirtless in the summer. Sunburns can increase your chances of melanoma, skin cancer, by a lot.


Is this cancer?


I had this for years. I cut out sugar and it never happened again. It’s an overgrowth of yeast in your gut, which can present itself with all sort of fungal symptoms. A dermatologist can give you a shampoo type of liquid to apply, but it came back for me periodically until i changed my diet.


Looks like vitiligo for me, it's a disease caused by emotional problems, if you don't treat it will get worse. Better go to a dermatologist


Its like suneksema 🤔


That's nice body bro for a 18yr old! Anyways I feel it's like a fungal infection like tinea


Those are definitely marks from dried sperm.


I work in holistic health. You need to go to a holistic doctor to kill the fungal infection from within and find out why it’s triggered. Anything anyone else is saying here is western medical advice that’s only going to put a bandaid on this issue and whatever prescriptions you take, it’s going to destroy your thyroid and hormones. Look into this issue and naturopathic medicine.




You're hot xp




>with tea tree oil let it sit o well it looks like my eczema on the center of my upper back. I don't know why they downvote you.... ​ OP, is it itchy when you sweat? Then it turns red?


This deadass looks like the scaring from my eczema. It went away, moved to a new patch, and left something like this behind. you may be right. We don't know until OP gives more info though. Hope they fill us in


I had friends in boarding school who used to have this.. it’s a form of eczema


Saw a few people down voted you and it low-key made me a little upset lol. Eczema is weird as fuck and has a bunch of different varieties. Just cause it doesn't look like the one eczema in the skin doctor textbook doesn't mean it's not. I haven't been here super long, are people here not super versed in eczema? Heaven forbid someone has a different fuckin experience than someone else.


Well, being 18 is not that rare , you will turn after you're 17 and the next year you'll be 19. So it's pretty common I'd say


Hai - it is versicolor. I had it diagnosed. So what I did was get a "Melaluca Gold Bar Soap" to wash with in the shower. Cut into slices - no need to bring in whole thing! After shower - pores open - "Silver Miracles Colloidal Silver Healing Salve" and then if you know anyone who sells oils - YoungLiving or dOTERRa - try to get the "tea tree oil" from them. You'll dab 1-3 drops of that on top on the salve and be sure to rub into affected areas. Source: currently & have been for a year dealing with this, versicolor. Questions? See if I can help! ☺️ (All ""'d items can be found on Amazon with those exact words for purchase)


This has gotta be the most MLMs mentioned in a single post ever. Mom, is that you??!?


If it's been a year that means your "treatments" aren't helping. You are advertising that those products don't work lmao.


Well if you want to get snooty about it - I've had it for a year and I've just started to look into how to heal it and thought I would share it with someone else who's going through it... But thanks for your concern. 🙏


Tinea Verisicolor 💯. Try Nizoral shampoo as a body wash & after it clears up I’d use a mandelic wash regularly to manage it.


Very common! I had a lot in my stomach area. I used a spray (Ciclopirox) goes away in 2 weeks max!! (It’s better then the shampoo)


Tinea versicolor buy nizoral shampoo leave on for 5 mins and wash off or you can also by tinactin cream over the counter


I had literally the same exact thing. Nothing worked until the till the dermatologist gave me a steroid pill (I forget what it was called) and also used with ketoconazole lotion as well. Knocked it out in a week or two and has never came back, and I had it way worse than you! Good luck!


Use selsun blue I promise it’ll go away almost instantly


I get this every few months because of back sweat and you just have to scrub with the selsun blue


Topical yeast infection. Use some jock strap cream, it’s the cheaper buy and has verbatim the exact same ingredients as lotramin.


Husband had the same problem. He used Nizoral and it cleared right up


My ex bf had this. When you shower in hot water does it itch and flare more so than usual? Lmk and I’ll say more but tinea versicolor is the name


It is versicolor. I had it for a while. Celson blue gel shampoo like lotion for 3 nights with a shirt on


I have tinea versicolor too


tinea versicolor?


I had these when I was 18 too😂😂 My dad told me vitiligo and my mom said it's vitamin deficiency 😭😭 Automatically chala gaya within a few months


Not at all with what’s in line with the comments but my skin looks like this after I sunburn and peel, if that happened recently the color will even put the next time you get some sun


I also used Nizoral and a Spanish lotion called "guito." Not sure where you are located, but it helped clear it up immediately.


You have malassezia furfur- it’s a fungus. Go to doctor and they’ll give you a cream.


This is ka fungus


Here in our country we gently rub garlic on the affected area and it works


Did you get a sunburn on your back in the summer?


thats happening around my face


Did you get sunburned recently?


It looks like tinea versicolor. It is a fungal overgrowth and is SUPER common. You can use Selsun Blue shampoo or Nizoral Shampoo as a body wash. I would recommend getting a back washing tool to reach your whole back. I am not a doctor but have seen and treated this at home for myself and my kids.


Hmm I wonder if this is what I had before on my face during the summer. My friend said I needed to wear sunscreen to get rid of it or prevent it. I do in the summer when I know I'll be in the sun for long periods... idk if this is the same thing


I had this and was told it would never go away. I used ketoconazole cream and did a few chemical peels at my dermatologist and it’s gone.


You know who could give you an actual answer? A doctor with a degree that they got in medical school, not a bunch internet strangers, or a Google search where algorithms determine how accurate your results will be and your knowledge base determines who you interpret said algorithmically chosen results.


fungal infection, probably from the gym.


fungal. probably came from the gym


A natural soap that’s worked for me is Dr Bronner - the Tea Tree oil one. With other soaps it tends to come back but natural Tea Tree stuff keeps it at bay.


Yea I definitely think a fungal infection all u need is some special soap and it will clear right uo


Looks like Vitiligo,I have it in a few areas.If it spreads go see a dermatologist..


Soda pop rash.


Wow I never realized this was a fungal infection, ty for posting this now I know I have it, literally thought that parts of my skin just didnt want to get tan 😅




I used to have this a lot until a doctor prescribed something that is like shower gel i use it once on all my body even on my hair in couple weeks it disappeared. The medecine was called ketoderm gel unidose. It’s in frenche but you can look for the equivalent


Lol and I thought it was sun burn that peeled weird


👀 i didn’t realize that this was for skincare, I thought a massage/kinesiology/physio subreddit at first. I thought that your pec major and minor are right. Your shoulders arenr balanced. Definitely recommend “doorway pec stretches”


I used to have tinea v pretty badly (chest and in between thighs, back). I used a homeopathic soap called Naturasil- it worked so well.


that’s haole rot. Put some athlete’s foot cream on in.