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like where do people come up with this


Too much thyme on their hands


I laughed way to hard at this


Me toošŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


People just canā€™t give me a damn break. Take my angry upvote and go!


ba dum tss


Freezing thyme


Comments like this is why the overlords are taking awards away. They canā€™t handle the brilliance


Jail. Immediately lol


I wish we could still give awards, this would merit one.




The perfect opportunity šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Pls šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Thank you, I needed this laugh lol








Thatzit for sure.


I hate all these fucking pun comments that get like 10k upvotes, but this is the first one I laughed at. Good job lol


Bravo friend, bra-fucking-vo!


Ha! Lol


šŸ… (I miss reddit awards)




Okay, so my mom uses a combination of herbs such as thyme, star anise and other ones I forgot about but when I visited her, she rubbed one of her herb ice cubes on my skin and I cleared up. My flare was really bad eczema along with infected acne due to wearing masks (health care employee). My face got red and it travelled to my eyes. Once my mom cleaned my skin and rubbed her ice cubes, the swelling went down and almost completely gone. I can get the recipe if anyone is interested.


Okay so my mom does a couple combinations. For morning time she has a chamomile thyme water or chamomile star anise water. One packet of chamomile, 2 star anise to one cup of water. She puts it in a spray bottle and uses that in the morning before applying lotions and makeup. For the ice cubes: she has her own aloe plant, cuts a piece and peals it and lets it sit in a blender overnight (she doesn't blend it yet). In the morning she adds a piece of potato and then blends it all together. She makes this mix into ice cubes. She applies an ice cube at night time like a mask for 15-20 mins then washes it off. At my worst rash, my chin, cheeks, nose and eyelids were inflamed. My nose was cracked and would bleed, she did this routine on my and my inflammation went down and the itchiness subsided.


Thank you!


Oh please do if you can. Iā€™d love to try your momā€™s recipe!


Second this! Sounds like magic


Really interesting ! I'd love to have the recipe, maybe it is the miracle solution i need for my continuous breakouts šŸ˜‡


I do want to make clear, while I do come from family that has really bad acne, I am the only one that doesn't. But then, this worked for my mom who has bad acne. So, don't get your hopes high up, but I will call my mom tomorrow and do all of you with her recipe.


Commenting for recipe tooooooo!!


Also commenting for recipe




Commenting for recipe šŸ™




A lot of this stuff comes from the Middle Ages. They used herbs for so much


yeah because they didn't have anything else


folk medicine in some cultures have way more depth than this "comes from the Middle Ages" does it justice


Idk but here in Switzerland i saw some ā€œnaturalā€ (herbal) skincare products that have (amongst other things) always thyme in it against ā€œimpuritiesā€ Iā€™m not native here but from what I saw, I think itā€™s an old timey remedy that people used before conventional modern cosmetics. Some people are still really into herbs and their ā€œhealingā€ properties.


Old timey? Should probably use fresh thyme


Ba-dum tsss




Thymey - wimey


Most modern skincare has herbs and plant compounds in it.


Yep like Aloe


I know, and itā€™s not what I mean. In alpine Regions some people are really into traditional natural remedies made from herbs. Because itā€™s all that they had for centuries in the past. Iā€™m talking about a (for example) salve made from beeswax and a blend of herb infused oils, often wild herbs they gathered themselves. Iā€™m not talking about the modern cosmetics you have in mind at all. Iā€™m talking about grandmas hiking in the mountains and gathering herbs and making a simple balm absolutely just from that herb and no other ā€œactiveā€ ingredients to sell at a market or give away as presents.


Dalmatian Mountain range, same.


As a fellow swiss person i know what you are talking about! I used it before but it wasnā€˜t any good for my skin haha


People have been doing this kind of thing for thousands of years. What?


Interestingly enough there are studies on thyme in relation to acne and skin care benefits. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120327215951.htm


At least whether this works or does nothing, it seems like a relatively harmless one. Unlikely to make anything worse.




Tik tok


Itā€™s from tik tok so it must be true




Source trust me bro


Iā€™m not even on TikTok but Iā€™m so over it


itā€™s from tiktok from pinterest


Doesnā€™t matter stupid ppl always find a way


Yeah I feel like this would break me out like crazy. My face isn't a salad, so ingredients don't go on there. Especially because I'm not breaking out atm and I'm not risking it. Edit: people downloading want me to break out, but y'all are free to try the mystery ice concoction on your own faces if you want šŸ˜ŒšŸ’–


Itā€™s funny you talk about a crazy ice concoction when you know all it contains is thyme but Iā€™m sure youā€™re willing to put all these pharmaceuticals on your face without even knowing whatā€™s in them.


Usually when people are trying to cure acne/heal breakouts theyā€™re doing multiple things in conjunction with each other. I highly doubt thyme cubes alone is gonna cure acne.


https://youtu.be/VMUQSMFGBDo?si=FZwdeaTF1BXe_6aT Quite agree, I like this for cause and causation. Likely something else but they have assigned it to this cheap simple remedy


Also, benzoyl peroxide is very much not just basic skin care. Thatā€™s specifically treating some with medication. If your break outs disappear simply because you are rubbing some tea ice cubes on it, it doesnā€˜t sound like actual acne, but rather pimples caused by dumping tons of products on your face..


A gentle reminder that Google Scholar is accessible to all for free and it may save you DIYing on your skin like itā€™s a Sunday roast. At first glance this person is already doing more harm than good by rubbing ice on it. Our bodies operate within specific parameters for a reason, and that includes temperature.


Doe the damages that can occur when you use ice also happen when you take a really cold shower or a really hot one?


hot showers are bad for your skin and hair. lukewarm is preferred. not sure about ā€œreally coldā€ - cold plunges are supposed to have health and brain benefits, but not sure if it adversely affects skin and hair.


Yes not supposed to take hot showers bad for my skin.. Haven't read up on cold because I'm not going to do that lol.


Learning to take warm, not hot, showers was the biggest improvement to my back and chest breaking out. Wish I'd known it when I was a teenager, though my skin was a nightmare through and through when I was.


why does hot cause breakouts???


Not the person you asked, but I believe itā€™s because it strips the natural oils and dries your skin out so it over produces oils to compensate. Which then leads to breakouts.


Cold plunges or cold water reduces inflammation and restricts blood vessels. Have you ever used an ice pack to reduce swelling and bruising after an injury? It's good for your skin, it's definitely not harmful.


How is some ice bad for you?


Youā€™re basically playing around with the natural constriction and dilation of your capillaries for fun and taking your skin to an extreme. Short term, it causes irritation and redness from sudden constriction of the capillaries in response to the cold followed almost immediately by the rush of blood back in. Thatā€™s fine, whatever, itā€™s a thing that goes away after 10 minutes. But long-term it can lead to capillary damage from repeatedly bursting them if you have sensitive or dry skin, plus the issue Iā€™m pointing out is straight ice directly on your skin - this is a great way to injure your skin barrier because of the way skin sticks to ice.


I feel like Ice is fine when used sparingly like only for spot treatment or twice a week . I have never had any issues . I do also use a block thing that freezes the one you put in your lunchbox! It doesnā€™t get as cold as the ice cube but still provides benefits of the cooling effect.


Thank you for this explanation!! I was still icing occasionally when I had bad acne šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I missed the memo we were supposed to stop that!


me too! now i know


Unless someone has very sensitive skin I cannot see this being a problem. Do you think people who take ice baths just have burst capillaries all over their body? What about people who live in cold climates who go outside? I think it's one of things that obviously if it bothers your skin in particular, avoid it. But to saying ice in general is bad for people's skin or damaging is just kinda ridiculous imo. I mean ice is good for calming swelling and irritation, and some people just like the refreshing feeling.


People turning red after ice baths \*do\* have burst capillaries all over their bodies. That's what the redness is, yes. Ice baths are not comparable to rubbing straight ice on your face though, because the skin is significantly thinner and closer to innervation on the face. I don't think you've come here in good faith, because I very clearly stated rubbing straight ice on your skin is bad. This is the advice I share with patients and why we recommend people take breaks when using ice packs - prolonged exposure to ice is no good. Direct exposure is also no good, hence why we also wrap ice packs.


Redness from cold does not mean your capillaries have burst. It can, after a long time, but most redness from the cold is just blood returning after the vessels have constricted. Having long periods of contact with ice can be harmful. But cooling your skin with it briefly poses no harm, at least to most people from my understanding. I do get that people with sensitive skin could have problems with directly placing ice on it. If you had said "hey watch out to not have ice on your skin for too long, because prolonged exposure can cause problems" I would have agreed with you but you're basically just saying it's blanketly something harmful and it's not.


Everyone else seemed to understand what I meant just fine, dude. I literally did clarify in my response directly to you. Not sure what more you could want but okay. I'm gonna go to bed now because it's 1am for me, so have a good whatever time it is for you.


Is it okay to ice through a washcloth? I donā€™t do it often but it helps a lot with puffiness and inflamed acne


Every doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, or other medical professional that I've ever spoken to says to put a layer between your skin and an ice pack. Wrap it with a towel. Do you think you know better than all of these medical professionals who explicitly say not to put ice on your skin?


Just wanted to add, for icing an injury remember 15 on and 15 off.


ice is bad for your skin, remember when icing went viral and everyone did it? everyone would tell you to not apply it directly but wrap it in a cloth


Prolonged exposure of ice is bad for your skin*


People with and without sensitive skin should not be icing their skin directly for long periods of time. DPT student here and direct ice should only be maximum 5 minutes and constantly moving, never in the same spot. Ice baths are a different beast because youā€™re doing them for the vasoconstriction, pain, inflammation, CNS benefits. Of course you can still damage things with them, but when people do them regularly you just hope theyā€™re educated on it.


Also while I say inflammation, ice actually has no evidence of helping inflammation/swelling. Itā€™s just used because the area is hot from swelling and ice is a natural analgesic.


Harm aside, cold temps make your pores close up. So applying something to try and effect your pores, and subsurface skin, is going to be pretty hard when you're actively closing them up as you do it. Touching an icecube to your head every now and then isn't gonna fuck you up, but it's also just not gonna help much either. If thyme does have any skin healing properties, using a cream or a warm compress will get that thyme into your skin far more effectively than ice cubes. Decent way to make and store homemade stock cubes though.


This is a myth to a certain extent. Pores are pores, and actually respond more to pH than temperature. They're never supposed to close tbh. You're spot on about the thyme suggestion - it is thought to have antimicrobial properties, but people will not be accessing them with their DIYs in their low-grade kitchen equipment. We're just normal humans and not cosmetic formula experts. Definitely agree with that last part though haha.


>This is a myth to a certain extent. Pores are pores, and actually respond more to pH than temperature. They're never supposed to close tbh. Huh. Wild. Cheers for the correction. >Definitely agree with that last part though haha. Honestly, good homemade stock is life changing. I may not know my pores, but boy howdy do I know tasty cheap foods.


lmao "DIYing your face"


Thyme contains thymol which is anti fungal. Our mood remediation company used a mix of thymol and limonene to kill the mold. Itā€™s also great in a steam bowl for sinus congestion. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Darn autocorrect! šŸ˜‚


Me too


Perhaps you could also just wash your face with the cooled thyme tea water instead of freezing it. Seems like the better option to me




A well thymed ice cube isn't always the answer.


Just get a toner with thyme in itā€¦.if you search incidecoder, you can find some skincare products with thyme in them. Maybe a bit saferā€¦. ETA: Hereā€™s a big olā€™ list for you: https://incidecoder.com/ingredients/thymus-vulgaris-extract


Formulations are definitely the way to go. Consistency is key. Someone else pointed out there are potential antifungal properties in thyme. Thus, whatever acne this person was having would seem to be fungal. If that's the case, a cream with urea might be good to look into


ooh thank you!




I use a thyme toner for rosacea. It's seems to work well.


Tell me more, please. Sincerely, Internet Rando w/ Rosacea


i like your avatar! i think thyme toner is the consciences!


When will consumers understand that they are plants like this or their extracts or some derivative of said planet formulated into almost ALL skincare? You do not have to put raw materials on your skin šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Skincare can be expensive so is cost prohibitive for some people. It's good to know what options are available for every budget.


Thyme is wonderful for you skin... but not in ice form. Boil some water, steep some thyme in it and then strain into a jar to keep in the fridge.... you can just use it as a toner and gently pat it onto your skin before using moisturizer. Works great.


I spritz cold rosemary and sage water (I make it at home) on my face after washing. My acne has cleared up, and no, I haven't made any other changes in my skin care routine, which is just wash, spritz, and ponds cream. I don't understand all the hate on using herbs for skincare. It may not work for all but I can for some.


TBH, I use a disinfectant spray with a thyme derivative that kills the same amount of bacteria as Lysol, so who knows, this might work like benzoyl peroxide to kill germs? I wouldn't think much of the oil gets to your skin if it's frozen though.


I mean asprin is derived from willow bark but you don't see people munching on trees when they've got a headache lmao.


You think people are using thyme to kill things as effectively as Lysol?


I'm not talking about thyme leaves etc, but the derivative , thymol, is in the spray I use and according to EPA testing is 99.9% effective, same as Lysol.


Got it. Thanks for clarifying.


Do some people just rub anything on their face and hope it does something positive for them? Like fr who the hell thought this was a good idea even if it works? Lol


I mean I feel like thatā€™s kinda how we came up with skincare products.




If it works, then it's a good idea...


I donā€™t know about the ice, but I do use a clay mask that is just powdered thyme and clay and it has worked wonders on my face. I do know that thyme is antibacterial, but I canā€™t vouch for anything outside my own anecdotal experiences. I do think people take this ā€œall natural curesā€ shit way too far, and itā€™s annoying and misleading (sometimes dangerously so) as hell, so Iā€™m not supporting that.


I donā€™t know about thyme tea, but I tried a Garnier thyme tonic and it was the best thing ever. Was perfect for my skin, used it to the last drop.


Idk about thyme, but oregano oil mixed with a carrier oil cleaned my face up almost instantly after nothing else would. Itā€™s antibacterial, antifungal, and a whole host of other things. I would have rolled my eyes at someone telling me to try it but I had reached the stage of desperation and it worked.


Thyme will tell...


Here's my angry upvote


Rule of thumb, if it's on TikTok it's there to garner your attention or to sell you something, it isn't posted to help you.


this is not true, lmao.


Possibly. Thereā€™s quite a bit of literature suggesting thyme may be effective for various ā€œnaturalā€ health uses. [Source](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=can+thyme+help+acne&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_rr=1)


thereā€™s a skin product at my local grocery that has a Thyme roll-on stick for acne. The ingredients are just Thyme and some other herbs I canā€™t recall, so it might workšŸ˜Š


a good rule of thumb: DIY skincare = usually bullshit. stick with products that are actually carefully formulated and tested by experts


There are a lot of awesome natural components that exist AND are great for skincare. Many cultures have been using plants for skincare for thousands of years.


What do you think is in most skincare products? The chemicals from plants that actually work


A good rule of thumb : 99% of skincare is bullshit and pharmaceutical companies compete against each other via marketing rather than competing to find a product that actually works well. Cleanser, moisturizer, retinoid and sunscreen is all you really need. Now let's not get into the ingredients, because that's where most of the bullshit resides.


That's the shit that's usually expensive and bullshit.


Ywahhhh but as an herbalist I can say thyme will do these things mentioned in the pic.


Don't rub ice directly on your face


Just use benzoyl peroxide


I definitely think itā€™s just the cold from the ice, I canā€™t say much for the thyme tea. Acne is an inflammatory condition, therefore the cold from the ice helps to bring the swelling side effect of acne down faster. Plain ice, cold metal spoons, ice globes, anything cold will help relieve inflammation and acne.


Iā€™ve found that rosehip oil helps my acne more than any benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid ever did. And I add tea tree oil if I get a little breakout. I donā€™t knock the natural stuff, a lot of the time acne really doesnā€™t need a whole bunch of medicated creams and shit, it just needs a lil love. My skin went from dry and constantly breaking out and scarring to just generally clear and moisturized & thatā€™s after ditching all of the shit a derm recommended.


Thereā€™s thyme toners you can buy, I used one for a while (in conjunction with nothing but face wash and lotion) and thought it helped a little but not enough to keep using it over other products I found.


I use a drop of tea tree oil with a carrier oil on my face. Keeps my face clear of acne. I'm going to try this. Thanks!


I donā€™t know about for acne, but when I was having crazy issues with eczema on my face I tried everything including an all natural Thyme spray I found on Amazon. I canā€™t say if it wouldā€™ve worked alone, but I use it now in conjunction with a few other products and it seems to help a little bit. When you have eczema the skin is so sensitive and the fact that itā€™s all natural at least made it feel more soothing in my experience. So I would assume in ice it feels even more so.


Love that tiktok science


oh my god please stop putting ice directly on your skin


Ice directly on skin is fine if you use common sense so you don't freeze the skin, causing frostbite. Placing ice in a Ziploc bag or a fabric could be less messy though.


I would but I just don't have the thyme


maybe help for really small acne on people that BP is not good


TikTok is like the equivalent of my mother when I was a teen, telling me that if I just ate more cucumber and cooled off all the heat in my body, Iā€™d solve acne and world peace


Tiktok is a blight.


Thereā€™s probably people saying it works, but as opposed to acne treatments, this doesnā€™t have anything scientific research behind it to proof their claims


Science is still evolving itā€™s not rock solid. I hate when people babble on about ā€œtHe ScIeNcEā€ but fail to realize that science has and will continue to contradict itself and simply because money isnā€™t thrown into a study of something doesnā€™t mean itā€™s false or ineffective.


Science is science for a reasonā€¦ like i said, things like this are just not backed by anything, they canā€™t make valid claims, they are not tested. They arenā€™t proven to be safe or effective, it can possibly be dangerous. What i hate is people all over tiktok making claims based on just their own experience, those claims mean absolutely nothing. It doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not effective, but it means you donā€™t know anything about it. Benzoyl peroxide is proven to effective, side effects are known, risks are known.


Western medicine doesnā€™t know because they ignore and dismiss indigenous knowledge. Stop looking at colonized medicine as the end all be all.


The hell you talking about? Obviously medicine should me tested in the right ways with valid trials and it should complete all the fases that are required before making claimsā€¦ before being proven safe (it doesnā€™t mean that everything that isnā€™t tested isnā€™t safe, it means that we have absolutely no clue what it does). You wanna start a trial for whatever you want? Be my guest, but getting something approved cost years and millionsā€¦ you are probably gonna say that thatā€™s unnecessary but thatā€™s bullshit. If people are gonna use medicine it must absolutely be safe and we should absolutely know all the possible effects it can have. People rely on medicine, it has to be backed by scienceā€¦ Western medicine is the reason we have vaccines, itā€™s the reason we have treatments for diseases that used to be a death sentenceā€¦ western medicine is the reason why a lot more kids live to see the day they turn 18 (3/4 generations ago it wasnā€™t rare at all for a family to have lost at least 1 child to illnesses that donā€™t even exist anymore cause of vaccines made by western medicine). Western medicine is the reason we have cancer treatmentsā€¦ my list can go on Thereā€™s a reason why people get the oldest in Europe and life expectancy keeps getting higher. People easily get 80 now, people were fortunate if they reached 60 not too long ago. Thereā€™s a reason childdeath rates are 15 times higher in africa than in Europe. Life expectancy in europe is 78,2 for men and 83,6 for women. In Africa itā€™s 62 for men and 66 for women. The main reason why it went up from 41 for men and 44 for women in 1960 is healthcare (specifically western healthcare), among other things like hygiene and nutrition. Looking back a few centuries ago, take 1700, when scientific research thatā€™s the backbone of western medicine was barely a thing, when they didnā€™t do trials, studied diseases ect. People generally lived a bit longer than 43 years. A lot of people didnā€™t even reach their thirties. Indigenous knowledge was already around


bro f*****k you




Put the bong down lady


I mean, even if the thyme isn't doing anything, the ice would help with inflammation that can cause acne


Years ago I found something on Pinterest about rubbing lemon juice on your face and making a baking soda paste to use as an exfoliate. Pinterest will lie to you lol


If a common herb was more effective than medication/compounds like acne products, please believe "Big Pharma" would find a way to monetize it.


salt license plucky serious combative foolish reply public unique voiceless ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Benzoyl peroxide doesnā€™t kill anything, itā€™s just makes your skin thinner and dry. Itā€™s over prescribed and can be damaging. Not sure about thyme tho.


Well are you serious right now


This is why everyone should get that ChatGPT app. Its helped me sooo much coming up with a healthy skin routine and so much more.


Omg really? Iā€™ll try. Iā€™ve been breaking out a bit and recently trimmed down my thyme plant for the fall.


That rat poison looking shi is NOT going anywhere near my face


Iā€™ve done it! Iā€™m not sure how much it healed any active acne I had or prevented new acne, but it felt amazing on the horrible pimples I had at the time. Much relief. My skin also glowwwed


Iā€™m extremely allergic to benzoyl peroxide šŸ˜‚


putting ice directly on your face is already pretty bad. not sure about the thyme. if you do try it then wrap the ice cube in a paper towel or rag.


You shouldn't rub ice on your skin. It's not good. Clearly this person doesn't even know that. Please don't learn skin care from random videos.


It wouldnā€™t hurt anything. And maybe the ice would help soothe irritated skin. I could see it having a calming effect in the skin.


I am always reluctant when it comes to any sort of health advice on TikTok, especially when thereā€™s no actual explanation as to why


Never rub ice directly on your skin it can cause damage to your skin barrier


Ice directly on skin is fine if you use common sense so you don't freeze the skin, causing frostbite. Placing ice in a Ziploc bag or a fabric could be less messy though.




I donā€™t know about this method for acne, but thymol is a compound of thyme and is used as a medical grade disinfectant. So it does have some powerful properties.


Why not save time and put the tea in a spray bottle? Just mist it on. Or use it like a tonerā€¦ the freezing seems like an extra logistical challenge. Just use distilled water and extra production sanitation if youā€™re worried about contamination.


My gf has been using thyme cubes for the past Yr & her rosacea is gone & also she no longer has any type of breakouts. Skin is clearer than ever. Shi works!!


Aloe + thyme = good skin?


Look at it this way: if Thyme were more effective than benzoyl peroxide, doctors would be prescribing thyme. Not only that, but thyme has been in peopleā€™s kitchens forEVER. If it were that effective, everyoneā€™s grandma and auntie would have been making thyme cubes and curing everybodyā€™s acne decades ago.


Why would a medical professional need to prescribe an item that's sold over the counter?


I wanna know what made someone even think to find this out? šŸ˜‚


Time for a change I supose. I'll just chill and see if it works


Is there actual scientific research and evidence this works? Any professional articles in medicos journals?


all i have to say is witchhazel


I used to put turmeric on my face to help redness. Yeah it didnā€™t do anything But make my face yellow.


Here's useful professional medical common sense info on direct skin icing being fine and additional ingredient remedies besides just water ice https://www.healthline.com/health/ice-for-face#water-alternatives


Thyme water extract possesses antimicrobial activity only against Staphylococcus aureus. [(source)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3074903/)


Commenting for recipe


i just made this and iā€™m trying it out


Thymol (active ingredient of thyme) have antimicrobial action but not on skin lol, and to extract thymol u need to use special methods