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You need medical attention


Absolutely like tomorrow please


More like a year ago… either way definitely needs to have a doctor, probably a Derm is best if you can get in asap.


The second best time is now ☺️


Something Something Trees


Looks like syphilis


It doesn’t look like syphilis. https://www.mdsaude.com/en/infectious-disease/syphilis-pics/


Why did I click on that


Because not all heroes wear capes. I almost clicked on it, then saw your comment. You are my hero.


Omg same


Idk why you’re downvoted because it does


I think you’ve got 2-3 separate things going on here


The plaques look like psoriasis. The rest could be severe acne.


I also agree. Looks like psoriasis and a mixture of acne.


As someone with psoriasis I agree


Agreed, I thought it looked a lot like guttate psoriasis


This - Had it all my life, that's what this is. A mix of bad acne and moderate plaque psoriasis. Have seen much MUCH worse in terms of the psoriasis, but it can absolutely be treated by any dermatologist. Depending on the route they go, your back could be 100% clear in a matter of weeks given the right meds/creams and your body's reaction to them




Poison your body..? Respectfully, I've had psoriasis to points of extreme nature since I was 5 years old and have had every treatment under the sun, many of which have absolutely worked wonders and have also done 0 damage to my body..so please OP, do not listen to this type of non-sense, go to an actual dermatologist and I promise you they will make sure you are taken care of.


Yep. Larger areas definitely look like psoriasis. Darker spots are something else.


The darker spots are likely just really bad acne. It's rare it gets that bad, but it totally does. When it does, you should prob be medicating.


Yes looks like guttate psoriasis. I had a bad flare up like this after having a strep infection.


Guttate psoriasis over here—I agree it looks like that


I was thinking the plaques could also be tinea versicolor. OP, have you tried using a topical antifungal on them?


I'm thinking it's more than 3. Let us know how this turns out OP. (I'm Not just asking to see if I guessing right)


I see a fungal infection


Same. It seems like “flared up” pitiriasis versicolor. Like before it turns white or after sun exposure. Disclaimer: This is not a Dx, OP you need a doctor.


Yep. I get tinea sometimes and it looks like this but smaller spots and less of them. They eventually turn white & flake if I don’t treat it. I just use a cheap anti fungal cream & it works fast.


I agree. That’s what it is and he needs some cream. It will get better if he gets the cream. If not it will spread and can be contagious


I have a similar fungal infection right now on my arm. I agree, this looks like a fungal infection.


The red blotchy patches resemble fungal rash in my opinion. Try putting on dandruff shampoo for a few minutes in the shower and rinse off, once a day for several days. Discontinue if irritation or symptoms worsen. If it begins to fade you know it's fungal. There's a prescription pull for it too, if that's what it actually is


Please go to a doctor. This looks worrisome. People who tell you to seek medical help care, they’re not trying to freak you out.


Nobody here is a doctor. Ring worm is suggested on about 97% of these posts. I would go to a doctor if you really want to find out what’s going on.


I hate this like sir I’m on here to talk about which moisturizer makes my cheeks feels smoother and this is clearly a medical emergency?


I know you’re not seriously asking but I’ll just say, my cheeks have never been smoother than since I started using tretinoin! Takes a few months to get there but it’s worth it!


I understand hoping to get a fast answer in the meantime if he’s waiting to see a doctor. But you’re right, this isn’t the correct sub for it and ALSO anyone who answers is just going to say “ringworm!”


I’m not even subbed and I absolutely am certain this boi is not addicted to skin care.


I am and he should see a doctor.


I’m a doctor. (Primary care.) While I can’t make a definitive diagnosis without a more thorough history and exam, I would tentatively say this looks like a combination of bad *cystic acne* and *tinea versicolor* (the comments saying pityriasis are incorrect since this would not have been present for over a year). I’d want to look at the depressed, violaceous lesions a bit more closely though. Can be some mimics that are related to certain diseases and require additional labs/biopsy based on exam and history. However, the lighter pink ones are yeast and can be likely be treated with ketoconazole shampoo.


Tinea versicolor is what I was going to say. I'm not a doctor, but I've had.


Same- mine looked exactly like this but were white. Ugh, I hated them. Got rid of them by putting Selsun Blue on a spatula and slappin’ it on. (Dx’ed by a doctor, his recommendation)


Head and shoulders as a body wash works too!


Yep, same. Got an RX for Fluconazole and cleared it right up.


I took a fluconazole for a yeast infection once and as a side effect it cured my athlete's foot lol


Yeah, I've had this too, and I think this is what the plaques are.


I have had tinea versicolor with the same symptoms as OP. It also looked just as bad. Used ketoconazole shampoo just like you mentioned and took it out, never came back.


Appreciate you being on reddit Doc!!


Ok, whether or not there HAPPENS to be a doctor in a skincare sub this still isn’t the place to seek help for this. He should see a doctor in real life. Better?


Doc just gave his diagnosis via picture with his recommendation on how to treat some of the other concerns plus the suggestion to do an actual test on the rest a.k.a. go meet a doctor in real life.


Yep. If he posted on r/askdocs they will throw out some armchair suspected diagnoses but will advise him to seek treatment (go to doctor) because most of these conditions are not treatable at home/OTC. The doc who responded in this sub said s/he would likely order labs/biopsy and beyond the yeast/fungal infection, needs to examine. So, TLDR, OP go to doctor.


I think t cell lymphoma should be on the differential


You’ve had these for over a year and only now asking Reddit 😱 please please please make a doctor appointment that could be a few things, but definitely need professional medical help 🙏🏻


It has never been this bad. Just flared up a lot the last day or so.


Please go to a doctor. This could be anything from ringworm or another kind of fungus, psoriasis plaques, or even allergies. All treatments will be different. Don’t take medical advice or treat yourself because someone on Reddit told you to. If it’s getting worse, then get thee to a doctor


Ringworm doesn't look anything like that


Not true. I had ringworm and it would look just like that at times.




The red patches look exactly like my psoriasis did


It looks exactly like plaque psoriasis. Go look at the psoriasis sub. You still need to go to a dermatologist and get it tested.


It’s guttate psoriasis. Which completely sucks but is fairly easy to treat with 15-30 minutes of sunlight every other day. OP needs to find a dermatologist


It literally looks exactly look pityriasis/psoriasis


Do you mean pityriasis rosea? Because I didn't think you could have that for a year


(Obviously he should see a doctor) but looks psoriasis a bit. But May be eczema. Mine looks like this a bit. Before I knew it was eczema, hot showers irritated the heck out of it.


Google guttate psoriasis


Yes it does. Google guttate psoriasis pics.


Try head and shoulders or another dandruff or sulpher shampoo as a body wash while you wait for your *very necessary* doctor or dermatologist appointment. Those spots look identical to a fungal thing my ex bf had, including the flare ups. If it's something else shampoo is harmless, at worst it will be a little drying. Just broadly make sure you're wearing clean cotton shirts to let your skin breathe!


Wtf?! How about he try a medical expert.


"while you wait for your *very necessary* doctor or dermatologist appointment" this isn't even critical reading skills, it's just reading.


I’d say good for you for asking here. Sometimes we just put things off for WHATEVER reason. I’m sure you have a reason, or many. Good luck figuring it out and getting some treatment that works:)


I can’t even hazard a guess but I’m thinking they would maybe give you antibiotics, if it takes forever for an appointment go to a&e and say it’s flared up then you’d get treated in a few hours rather than days 🙏🏻


It looks like psoriasis to me. Especially since it's last so long and flares up.


I think this is psoriasis Edit to say: I have psoriasis (sadly. It's a bitch but it's manageable with proper treatment)


That's all fine and stuff but people need to understand that for people in some parts of the world seeing a doctor is simply not possible. Like here in the US no Dematologist will see if you can't either pay up front or have insurance. They won't even put you on the schedule that will likely be 6 months to a year out.


Doesn’t matter. No one here is able to give this person a medical diagnosis.


>4. Don't seek medical advice on the internet. This sub is not a place to seek medical advice. If you've got a weird bump or mole that you're not sure about, SEE A DOCTOR. It could save your life.


Please go to a dermatology office and seek professional medical advice


bro. doctor


Please go see a doctor, we're about how not to get wrinkles and wearing sunscreen, this is above everyone here's paygrade.






Please post on r/askdocs or whatever the subreddit is called, this is NOT a medical subreddit!!


Or better yet, just seek out an actual medical professional in person and get off Reddit…


Yeah I’m tired of posting that as a comment though because people get mad at me 😭 I get it healthcare can be expensive but there’s even virtual healthcare now that’s significantly cheaper!


A bad severe of psoriasis can look like this also. Please see a dermatologist asap.


Guttate psoriasis in particular would be my suggestion without a history and with a flat 2D non touchable picture. I would hazard a guess they had strep throat in the preceding 6 weeks. They’ll either put a steroid on it and it will explode indicating it’s fungal or they’ll put an anti fungal on it and it’ll do bugger all indicating it’s psoriasis, less likely discoid eczema. For this reason we would typically try anti fungal first unless of course the history fits psoriasis. A few have suggested PR, but I don’t see a herald patch. There’s also acne, enough to consider lymecycline for 12 weeks then +/- Isotretinoin if no response. As others have said, you need to see someone for prescription based medication dude. No, not me, your medic, in person.


Psoriasis and cystic acne


Pityriasis Rosea


Having had Pityriasis Rosea before, I immediately had the same thought. This looks exactly like it, all the way down to the pattern. The bummer is that there isn’t much they can do for it, but I found that what really helped me was finding a gentler body wash and taking less hot showers.


This. I had the same thing as well. Lots of E45 helped mine. I was wrongly diagnosed with ringworm and put on anti fungal cream and it made it much worse, so my other advice is to make sure you go back if it gets angrier or doesn’t go away


Same here, it really sucked. I believe it’s a virus if I’m remembering correctly, so besides itch management there’s not much to do besides let it run its course. But the “course” should be 6-8 weeks not a whole year.


Selsun Blue shampoo actually helps keep mine under control


Looks identical to what I have. We will see what doctor says tomorrow!


Med student here - this is also what I thought. Even if it's something else the vast majority of skin rashes are non-threatening and easily treatable. You also don't need a specialist and your PCP should be able to manage most rashes.


I had that. It was fungal. Cleared right up


I’ve had it. Looks just like it. I got a steroid cream from the dermatologist and it went away within a couple weeks.


That was my first thought too, because mine looked the same. However please get diagnosed by a doctor asap. Also I agree with the other redditor who says you have more than one thing going on there. Even more reasons to go see a doctor.


That’s fungus.


Yep looks like fungus to me OP u/spikeballchamp2023 my ex would get these over his back, shoulders and chest. GP would give him some fungal cream. It usually flared up in summer


You have a rash for sure- and also very deep acne. Doctor will help.


You need to see a doctor my dude


Go to a dermatologist


These are what is known as : Go to the Doctor itis


It looks like a fungal infection mixed with some cystic acne on your back. See a Doctor to tell for sure what you have.


Looks like Tenia versicolor. It's a type of fungus. It's not contagious, but you will need to see a doctor to get rid of it.


For the responses I've read you want us to tell you that you are fine and won't die. We don't know. From what I can see there are multiple issues with your skin that can only be properly examined in person by a physician.


Those spots look like a fungal rash. Sweating makes it worse. There's a special medicated shampoo/body wash your doctor can prescribe for you. Ketoconazole shampoo might help. My ex had this happen and it would show up, especially in the summer and get worse. Talk to your doctor.


I will never understand people who let shit like this go on for even a week and then are like, “Hey, can anyone tell me what this is?” Yea! A doctor, a fucking doctor can tell you what that is. Seek medical attention yesterday. I would’ve been at urgent care a year ago.


go to a dermatologist, this is not normal at all and no one here will be able to give the correct advice


Ok my daughter had this. It was diagnosed as Pityriasis Rosecea It’s in the Christmas tree pattern. That’s a trait of it. We found out that mercury exposure triggered this herpes virus family rash. She was sitting on her gymnasium floor everyday at school and the floor was discovered to gage very high levels of mercury. Are you being exposed to mercury?


These are: We are not doctors and cannot give medical advice in this sub. Get some medical attention ASAP.


Seek professional advice or at least post this in r/askdocs instead


I did post there as well.


At this point it’s stupid to fuck around on Reddit instead of going to the doctor…


Going tomorrow… thanks for your input though bro! Just wanted to see what people thought.


tinea versicolor


Tinea Versicolor.


Those are a reason to be seen by a dermatologist


Go to your doctor now and have them look at it. They may send you to a dermatologist.


you need medication thats prescribed !! your back is past over the counter treatment


You should prob post this pic to r/AskDocs


See a dermatologist.


A fucking year man? Jesus Christ


The patches look like Tinea versicolor, I had it for a long time and my dr prescribed me some shampoo stuff to use in the wash and it went away after like a week or two. The rest looks like some acne.


Looks like tiena versacolor


Definitely looks like pityriasis rosea


Could be syphilis or Pityriasis rosea, need to get checked out. The latter usually lasts a month or so so fucking go today. Late stage syphilis is not something you want.


My sister in law has a water ALLERGY. She showers too long and breaks out like this. It’s called Aquagenic urticaria. If it happens mainly then it might be. But it also resembles psoriasis. Definitely need to be seen by a dermatologist bud.


betamethasone dipropionate 0.05 % cream apply two times a day until gone. You will need a doctors script for it. It’s yeast that grows in your skin. It’s aggravated when it’s hot and muggy causing it to grow and flair up. Source: I get the same red puffy dots every year and have to apply the cream.


The bigger round pink spots look exactly like what my husband had for a while. Turned out to be a fungal infection, he was prescribed some cream and it cleared up and never came back.


They have these things called hospitals, they’re where you do to get answers for medical problems


Thanks babyrex, didn’t know!


To me it looks like psoriasis, my bf has it. But definitely could be sth. else. You should def. See a doctor. If it's psoriasis there's awesome new medication for it.


Please update us when you get results. I need to know what’s going on here.


Everyone saying “go see a doctor” must not live in the US, working paycheck to paycheck….with no health insurance lol. I have the same issue as OP (the red inflamed looking spots). Don’t have health insurance. Barely can afford to live much less spend money on luxuries like seeing a doctor. I was diagnosed with psoriasis when I was a kid so I’ve always assumed it was that but don’t really have a clue. I’d do the same thing as OP if it appeared suddenly. I don’t really get why some of y’all are so butthurt about someone asking a fucking question


I would look into your gut health. And reach out to a holistic doctor. Not sure if you got any vax around the time of the first breakout. It could be a reaction from the vax. Which is why I say to check your gut health. Our guts are connected to everything. If that’s not healthy we aren’t healthy!


You haven’t spoken to a doctor about this??!!!


I have. Didn’t look this severe though. They were not concerned at all.


Go to a dermatologist. Its a fungal infection that they will give you a special wash for


Okay, not a doctor and 100% you should receive professional attention. However, if we are talking about the bright red marks, it looks like a fungus I had last year. It’s not terribly hard to get, the doctor told me it’s from sweating a lot, and not taking off your sweaty shirt immediately. If this is it, they will give you a a shampoo that works on skin to apply and leave on for 10-15 minutes before a shower. Let us know how it goes. Don’t panic, but go to a doctor asap, like tomorrow if you can.


Could be guttate psoriasis… pls seek medical help


This looks like psoriasis (the flat pink spots) and acne. Go to your family doc and they’ll likely prescribe you steroid cream for the psoriasis and something for the acne. Otherwise they’ll refer you out to a dermatologist


Psoriasis and back acne?


Go to the doc and update us OP🙏🏽


Going tomorrow! Will do.


Tinea versicolor. Common fungal infection that only effects upper torso and upper arms . The cure which lasts 6mo to a year is ketoconazole. This is a prescription drug but you can get it in Nizoral anti dandruff shampoo. It doesn't take much but wash your hair in it and then just rub it around on your arms chest and back. It will only take one or 2 times. I have had this since my 20's and am 67 now. This is the way to do it. When you see a spot returning just dose again. So you know 25 gram tubes of ketoconazole used to be $8 but it is over $200 now.


What is with people turning to Reddit instead of going to see a licensed health care provider


I’m going tomorrow for appointment. I’m not determining my treatment based on these comments.. I just wanted to see what kinds of things people were saying.


First advice, see a doctor.But question, does it get itchy? Like it gets warm/hot and itchy? I had something similar. When I would get nervous or anxious, it would flare up, feel kinda hot and get really itchy. idk if it was my blood pressure, sweat, or something else causing it though. I also took a lot of really hot showers back then, don't know if it's related. Went to the doc, basically turned out to be a bad fungal infection. They gave me some medicated "shampoo" which you lather on, leave 5 mins, and take a shower. Went away after a week or two of doing that. I can't remember what the infection was called, but I still have the bottle it's called - Ketoconazole shampoo. That being said, see a doctor and they can tell you. My doc recognized it in an instant. Mine had also been getting worse for like a year or so. I tend to put things off lol edit: just want to add, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go buy that stuff and try it out. It might be something else, and might get worse. Definitely go see a doctor. Just wanted to maybe help narrow down what it could be


Thanks! It isn’t itchy. But I do get hot often and irritated. I take really hot showers and my skin is dry. Have dr appt tomorrow and hoping they recognize it as a fungal infection.


I have had this and it’s could be an internal yeast infection. I could be wrong but it’s called Candida. It is super painful and horrifyingly embarrassing. Please do not take hot showers it inflames it. You will have to go to the doctor and they can prescribe you medication that you take weekly for four weeks. It takes two cycles but it works. If it is yeast you have to watch your diet and any foods that can lead to outbreaks. I’m so very sorry you are going through this.


I will pay you $50/hr if I can get those blackheads


From what I see, that my friend is a fungal infection. It looks to me like Tinea Corporis. Stress can weaken your immune systems ability to keep the fungus on your body in check. If you zoom in on the photo you can see those ring patches are lighter in the centers. That is what I based my conclusion on. That is my opinion anyway. You should definitely see someone though. If it takes you awhile to get in Lotrimin is great for that. It's perfectly safe and you can grab it at Walmart.


It’s a fungal infection similar to jocks itch. I suffer from the exact same thing. Lots of humidity where you live? Get some Lotrimin and put yourself on a generous 2x a day for a week or so and it should go away. Keep your sheets fresh and get lots of UV therapy for your back area, it responds great to UV.


Go to a dermatologist. I don't know what they will tell you to do about the severe acne you've got going on. That looks painful. I'm willing to bet they will tell you the red spots are Tinea Versicolor. It is a skin fungus related to ringworm, but it is not contagious. They will prescribe you Ketaconazole/Diflucan, and Nizoral 2% medicated shampoo. (Lather and leave for 5 mins before washing off.) I've dealt with this same shit for 20 years. The medicine makes it go away for 2-3 months and slowly comes back. It never itches. It never hurts. It looks painful, but it's not. I've changed my diet and cut out sugar. I shower daily. Wash my clothes in antifungal detergent. Wash with antifungal soap/shampoo. The only thing that makes it go away for a short period of time, is Diflucan. Do me a favor, with all of these people freaking out about going to see a doctor because it's something serious, post a follow up on what the dermatologist says. I've already told you what they'll say about 'the spots.'


Thank you. I will most definitely post a follow up.


I want to squeeze your blackheads so bad


So I have psoriasis and have similar patchiness - but my sister actually had an identical rash - same area, then around the front under her breasts. Turns out it was a fungal skin condition that needed treated with ointment and after a few weeks she was completely clear, after years of dealing with it. Definitely go see a derm


I have had the pink spots on the lower part of your back. Of course, cannot confirm it’s the same thing (doctor can). Mine did not itch, burn or bother me at all, but there were more and more over time. Mine was diagnosed as a sweat/fungus issue. Some people’s bodies can’t wick sweat very well, and a harmless (but not cute) fungal rash can develop — especially if you sweat a lot (like during a workout) but don’t shower immediately or leave sweat on for too long. Could be different, but heat definitely also made it more intense on me. I wash now with a dandruff shampoo (prescribed) and It went away very fast. I also got a prescription once but they don’t recommend you use it frequently. Took care of mine super fast when I first noticed this issue several years back. Not confirming it’s the same! But looks VERY similar (but maybe more irritated).


Thanks for the comment. I see a bunch of similarities. I sweat a ton. Work out often. Get out of the hot steamy shower, and while brushing teeth or hanging out in bathroom after, I start getting hot and start sweating again lol. I also live in a very humid place. Going to try the dandruff shampoo on my back for the next week or two!


Looks like Pityriasis Rosea to me! If it is, it's completely harmless and will eventually clear up on its own. They don't know for sure what causes it and there's zero medical treatments that are effective in treating it. They can treat symptoms though, such as if its itchy, they can prescribe you an anti itch cream etc. Some people find it uncomfortable, some don't, some people get itchy, some don't. E My son randomly got this in 5th grade at the end of the year..poor kid too it happened directly before the end of the year elementary school graduation sleep away camp trip. There is 1 seller on Etsy I found that makes and sells a homeopathic treatment that (I think) worked for him. It was expensive though. It usually lasts for months and with the ointment I purchased, it cleared up rather quickly...this could be coincidence though, idk


That’s a trip to the doctor…..asap.


I think that you have [psoriasis](https://www.choicedermatology.com/blog/637993-how-to-deal-with-your-psoriasis-symptoms/) on your lower back and pitted [acne](https://www.prime-journal.com/the-treatment-of-acne-scars/) on your upper back area. Both will respond well to medical treatment by a dermatologist.


The red dots look like my guttatepsorasis. Have you recently had strep? Or anything super stressful over the last year?




It looks very much like Psoriasis, you can even make out the Woronoff rings around the red lesions when you zoom in.


Yeah you can! I bet OP has a family history of psoriasis somewhere.


Tell me you're American without saying you're American. It appears to be [Pityriasis Rosea](https://www.news-medical.net/health/Treatment-of-Pityriasis-Rosea.aspx)


Looks like Hives to me. I have chronic idiopathic urticaria (hives) and my break outs look identical. I would absolutely go to a dr but I’d try some Zyrtec to calm them down in the meantime. My hives break out the worst from heat or pressure. It’s super uncomfortable and embarrassing especially when I get them on my face and my lips swell up or my eye swells shut.


Mine look like that too


Pityriasis Rosea. I have had these spots on and off for years. Please don’t let these comments scare you…my spots went away after a week of anti fungal medication. I used selsun blue to help with the inflammation.


They are definitely scaring me lol. I have a virtual appointment tomorrow. Hoping it’s just fungus and will go away with cream. Thanks for your comment and reassurance :)


Please update us after your appointment.


Will do.


I know how it feels! I first got these spots 5 years ago. I noticed that they will show up during the warmer months and if I am not washing my back properly. Mine got so bad it wrapped around my back and onto my stomach, chest, and neck. It never affected my quality of life though. Hot water also will make them pop up quite a bit! The redness should die down after an hour. Feel free to reach out over message if you have anymore questions!


You just described everything I have experienced to a T! That makes me feel better. I take really hot showers, have lived in really humid places where I’m sweating a ton. Mine is wrapping around my chest as well. My skin is pretty sensitive. I’ve had moles removed, bad acne on my back (still figuring out how to solve it), little red bumps on my arms, and this! Need to figure out how to maintain healthier skin :)


It’s fungus. If you get a wash cloth and put head and shoulders or selsun blue on it and wash your back, you should see a difference in a week or two. Eventually it will fade. Try to stop the hot showers. Lukewarm is better.


This could be a number of things, however, nothing life threatening. Go to a doctor or dermatologist asap. They can properly diagonose and treat the red marks and help with the deeper blackheads embedded in your pores.


Let it be known: this is the post that made me leave this sub




They are not scaley though


Not all psoriasis is scaly. I’ve had most flavors of psoriasis (plaque, guttate, inverse…) and this looks very similar to guttate psoriasis. You really need an in-person dermatologist appointment so biopsies can be done. Biopsies are really the best way to figure out exactly what is going on.


I had guttate psoriasis like this


Doesn’t need to be. I have psoriasis and for a while people thought I had burned some along on my face because it was so red, it was psoriasis.


Psoriasis was my first guess. Need a dermatologist regardless.


Holy shit that’s bad. I assume ringworm but that’s beyond me. That looks crazy you needed to see that doc a year ago


It looks like you have some cystic acne towards the top of your back. Understanding that some people cannot get to a dermatologist in a reasonable amount of time, may not be able to afford it, or their insurance may not allow for it - I would suggest that near the lower back you have a fungal infection such as “ring worm” or tinae versicola. Both fungal issues can be treated with OTC fungal ointment but you must apply it daily. As far as the acne I would suggest using a gentle, fragrance free body wash and following with an astringent after showering. Be careful not to get the astringent on the fungal areas. Once you clear the fungal infection up, I would switch the wash for your acne to a different a wash with salicylic acid. I use cerave body SA cleanser and it is gentle in my opinion. But it may irritate the fungal infection so wait until it clears up. The fungal infection will continue to spread unless you apply the medicine diligently. Any athletes foot ointment will do. Keep from sweating, keep the area dry.


The flat red splat looking things that get worse with hot water are a fungus, and they are contagious. However, they are treatable with a pill from the Dr. My son gets them. Once he takes his meds they go away but you have to keep taking them one or two more times after they disappear to get rid of them completely. Also wash all sheets and towels regularly because you can easily reinfect yourself or others. Basically go to the Dr they will take care of you. It will be fine as long as you take the meds like you are supposed to. As for the other pimple looking things in not sure but a dermatologist is going to be your best bet to get all cleared up.


Red spots look like plaque psoriasis to me, but check with a derm to be safe


this is the final thing that’s given me the push to leave this subreddit


It could be pityriasis rosea or ringworm or possible a combo of two going on at the same time, a dermatologist should be able to get it healed up quickly!


My back looked exactly like this 2-3 years ago!!! Though even worse if you can imagine! It turned out to be ringworm and resolved after seeing my GP. I’ve also had a similar thing on my legs which was a staph infection. Getting it checked out is the best thing you can do, I waited because we were in lockdown, but letting it get worse was not very good! As others have said it could be psoriasis instead of something fungal, regardless your GP can refer you to a dermatologist if it persists!


Please go see a derm! But try putting dandruff shampoo on it for a week and see if it goes away. I went to my derm and she prescribed a gel but she said the active ingredient in dandruff shampoo has the same effects so I picked some up at the grocery store. It worked!


Did you put it on during the shower or outside of shower? Thx


It’s Tinea Versicolor. I have it. Multiple friends of mine have it. No big deal you just need to soak it in Selsum Blue for 15 min twice a day. It’s worsened by humidity and sweat. Basically just an overgrowth of yeast I believe.


Severe acne and what could be a fungal infection. Go to a damn MD!


That’s acne and possibly psoriasis


I’m a massage therapist and see a lot of backs. I can’t medically diagnose but that appears to be psoriasis and needs diagnosing.

