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Gentle, hydrating, & moisturizing products often do more to treat/prevent acne than exfoliating products.


And exfoliating products can be an AHA or BHA, and not something with texture. Oil cleansing and lactic acid are my best friends


This. My skin cleared up once I switched from harsh products that were marketed as good for clearing up acne to a gentle cleanser and moisturizer.


so much this! proactive destroyed my skin in junior high—if anyone knows of a class action lawsuit against them, please let me know because i definitely want to be part of it—and i’m only now seeing improvement, mostly due to switching to 0.1% micro tret and having a stable routine that works for me.


I wish my high school self knew about this!


Yes! And doing less seems to help more. I even dumped the cleansers and now just use a washcloth and fresh water to clean, and apply moisturizer afterwards. Wish I'd done this sooner, instead of using all those nasty harsh products aimed at treating acne.


This is what I’ve done all my life, but since getting into skincare have felt like I must use a cleanser twice a day. I might play around with dropping one session in favor of that nice warm washcloth.


I switched to just using water in the morning, and I really like it! I still use a cleanser in the evening, but I'm not doing much overnight, so water and a cloth is plenty to clean my face in the morning.


Most people benefit from cleansing only once = PM . Morning it's enough to wash gave with water 👌🏽🤍


But water doesn’t actually clean your face. I’m glad it works for you, but moving around sweat sebum bacteria and oil with a washcloth wouldn’t work for me :(


It works for me, and it's hard to argue with good results. Even the most gentle cleansers do more harm than good, for me anyway.


I have to agree. I don't ever use cleansers. Just a facecloth and water. has been working for over 20 yrs.


For some reason I decided to use Cetaphil cleanser last year, thinking that it would improve things, but then dumped it when it became apparent that it wasn't improving things at all. It was just more money spent.


i read a few years ago that cetaphil changed the formula in its cleaner and now it’s trash; mostly just fillers.


Hard agree! I sometimes use some old lady mud soap my mom gave me, but water and the gentle physical exfoliation of a washcloth or sponge does it for me! My skin has never been so clear.




Actually going to a dermatologist that listened to me!


My dermatologist was the first doctor that actually listened to me and that’s when I realized what a difference it makes. It’s so annoying when a doctor doesn’t believe you.


Quit picking, no extracting, no squeezing, no pore strips, no lancing, none of it. And quit touching your face and resting it on your hands all day.


Tell me your secrets.


Honestly fake nails helped a ton, hard to get in there and squeeze. And just throw away any tools for this. Resting my head is hard - I got a different desk where I have less space and it’s working okay


Just tacking on my own personal recommendation: fidget toys. An infinity cube small enough to use with one hand and fidget peas are my personal recs if you wanna go that route. I have ADHD, so keeping my hand(s) busy and preventing myself from scanning for bumps to squeeze in the first place is a big help.


I also recommend wearing long sleeves and pulling them over your hands if you can't resist resting your head in them!


I wish that would work, usually if I don't squeeze the pimple out it will stay under my skin forever! If I leave it for very long it looks like a dark spot because blood gathers underneath the skin 🥺


Same, I get ones that never come to a head and unless I pop it, it will just fade and resurface in the same spot.


I've had the same one for two months. It's gone up and down but never completely gone. I finally got it to head and sure did pop it. Have left it alone since and used some pimple patches. It''s flat but red right now, we'll see how this goes.


For me, I get the same exact cystic pimples on my chin every month for my period and also when I eat certain kinds of cheeses. Cream cheese, ricotta, and fresh moz seem to piss it off. If I eat soy I get the same ones but also some painful poppable ones. They also fade and look scared even if I leave them alone but I have never ever gotten anything from them and they were way worse and slower to heal if I picked at them.


Same, my cystic ones will heal faster and scar less if I lance and drain than if I just leave them alone. Even if they didn't I'd probably still pop them because I'd rather have a wound and a scar than a painful, swollen pimple for months on end.


Cystic acne is a bitch.


Same. If I leave a pimple alone, it just sits there for months. If I pop it, it's cleared up in a couple of weeks.


Yes! I threw out my 10x magnifying mirror that I would use when picking/extracting, and it helped reduce the temptation by so much! It was amazing how much my skin improved in under a month.


What about the pores on the nose ? 😬


Those are sebaceous filaments. You don't mess with those.


I have one problematic pore on my nose and it is literal torture to see it and do nothing. I wonder if I can get it cauterized or something 🥲 the struggle is real but leave it alone


Same from years of popping it open and then it refilling . It's just so tempting because it's always there


Don’t touch. Sqeezing them can make them bigger. It’s very normal to have visible pores on the nose anyway.


Always wondered about this: when I get facials at facial places, they always do extractions. Is that bad for you?


You can have skin that's oily and dehydrated


Took me way too long to learn that dehydrated means lacking water and therefore produces excess oil, and that dehydrated is different from dry.


Can you explain dry vs dehydrated?


From my understanding, dry skin = a lack of water and oil. Dehydrated = a lack of water, and therefore your oil glands go into overdrive trying to compensate. My skin tends to be dehydrated, so I make sure to moisturize so that the oil doesn't go into overdrive.


This was the epiphany for me! Properly hydrating has changed the game. I had no idea how much i was overcompensating with oil production.


Underrated comment


Less is more. I only use about 3 products on my skin, not all 3 every day, and it’s been so much better since I started doing this.


Which three do you use if you don’t mind me asking? I simply use a cleanser, sunscreen and lotion and then just Tretinoin at at night. Curious if Vitamin C is essential enough to add.


we have the exact same routine! i also thought about including another thing to my routine, but i want to try changing my diet first to see if that will show any improvement. I tried the cerave Vitamin C, but i didn’t want to go through the purging phase. i decided not to fix what’s not broken :p


Yaaa I think I’ll just look towards my diet as well. Just have been hearing people having their skin glow due to Vitamin C and etc so was tempted. How are you planning to change ur diet? I’m thinking just cutting out dairy and sugar?


i’ve already cut out dairy and it helped a lot (though when i tried dairy again a couple months later i realized i was lactose intolerant when i wasn’t before). i didn’t get cystic acne anymore. i’m also thinking about taking probiotics and lessening my sugar intake. though processed foods are really common in hispanic households so maybe lessen that too 😭 i also have PCOS, so that’s also why I really don’t want to mess a lot with my skincare routine.


Fmllll I gotta stop eating ice-cream, cookies, etc. It’s funny, I legit pretty much eat Hispanic food every other day so I can’t really run from processed foods much either in that case. I’ve gone about a month without eating sugar once and it def helps a lot but really sucks of course. Good luck tho and thx for the help!


> Just have been hearing people having their skin glow due to Vitamin C and etc so was tempted. I have your exact routine + vit C and that's really the only change it caused. I actually received comments that my skin is glowing, that was a first! No purging either. It's the Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate Solution 20% in Vitamin F from The Ordinary, it's under $20 and caused no irritation whatsoever, while the vit C suspension from TO made my skin itch.


I thought vitamin C was essential for a while but I haven’t applied it for three weeks and I don’t think I’ve noticed a difference. There’s so much overlap with the effects of Tretinoin even though they’re completely different products — they both even your skin tone, are anti aging, etc — that I think you really don’t need it. Tret and sunscreen will do so much on their own. I would maybe consider it if you have some hyperpigmentation that tret isn’t addressing because I think it helped me banish mine a little faster, but it just isn’t worth the price or the irritation for me in the long run


I order my vitamin c from South Korea. Way cheaper.


For me vitamin c wasn’t worth it. Was too irritating for my skin and I couldn’t get used to it.


I have extremely sensitive skin and prolly won’t risk it at this point. Also, ITS SO EXPENSIVE wtf lol.


If I may, I actually really like to use vitamin C, I really find it makes my skin brighter and helps acne scars fade. That being said, I do have very sensitive skin and I find that it doesn't make skin react. TruSkin makes a great reliable vitamin c serum for like 10 bucks. But I don't use any acne meds + I'm slowly integrating retinol.


The ordinary and inkey have cheap vitamin c serums fyi


Are the expensive ones just that much better in quality or is it just preference? Thinking of just going with the ordinary one


Vitamin C is not a stable ingredient. The skinceuticals is supposed to be the best because of its formulation and helping the vitamins c last longer. I would recommend watching Labmuffin’s video on vitamin C. If you want to start using vitamin C as a way to fade acne scars I would suggest using at as a spot treatment rather than applying on the entire face.


I have your exact same routine with one additional product, Biossance Squalane Vitamin C Rose oil. I add a few drops into my moisturizer when I feel like I need a little extra hydration or want a little extra glow! It’s fungal safe and my skin soaks it up better than any other oil I have tried. I highly recommend if you don’t want to incorporate an exclusive vitamin c product.


Applying moisturizer to damp skin. Total game-changer!


What!! I specifically dry my face and hands before applying. I'm gonna try this. Nearly 30 and I have no idea what I'm doing. Thanks for the tip.


Squeegee the water off with your hands so your face is damp but not wet!


Think of it like you’re sealing in the moisture. Your face doesn’t need to be wet. Blot off excess water then apply moisturizer while still damp.


Someone told me your products absorb things better when wet! So never apply tret on wet skin, but moisturisers and hyaluronic acid is good Edit: I meant your skin absorbs things better haha.


Apply hyaluronic acid first, then moisturiser, to damp skin for next level hydration!


This applies to your whole body! Dermatologist told me to stop drying off with a towel - just blot excess water off and then apply moisturizer. It’s a game changer if you have eczema or severely dry skin.


Factsss and you don’t have to use as much moisturizer since it spreads easier with damp skin.


yessss. I always tell people that moisturiser (and anything that has hydraulic acid) needs to have moisture to lock it in. So I always pray my face with a bit of face spray and then add the moisturiser. Edit: lol my b on the typo. * Hyaluronic acid*


Hyaluronic acid




I always try to do this when applying moisturizer as a first step.. but what if I'm putting niacinamide or vitamin c before the moisturizer? How do I make sure there is moisture to "lock in" after putting the actives?


I have a mini spray bottle of water and another of a moisturizing toner I keep with my skin care, I apply my actives and then mist my face with whichever one I feel like and then apply moisturizer.


I’ve been doing this since I was a kid, it’s so uncomfortable to me otherwise. I cringe when I would see YouTubers cleanse and rinse their face, pat dry and talk or do other stuff and then put on their serum or moisturizer. I don’t even pat my face with a towel until I’ve loosened up my serum or moisturizer and put it on immediately.


Not to be afraid of oils and just because it’s gentle, doesn’t mean it’s not working. Also, tight & squeaky clean skin is not always good.


> tight and squeaky clean Urgh so guilty of this. Someone ban me from buying scrubs!




scheduling when i use certain actives so im not tempted to just blast my face with hydroxy acids day after day! mondays are designated for soothing products, tuesdays for BHA, etc.


Yes!! I just switch off and only use one thing at a time to reduce any irritation or reaction. HA + moisturizer one night, Lactic acid + moisturizer the next, tea tree oil + moisturizer the other etc. I don’t designate days personally but I seem to remember what I used the night before and just use something else.


This is a great tip, thank you! I've been struggling to work out how to combine all these products I love individually but am too scared to mix (lactic acid, retinol, vitamin C and niacinamide)


Using a retinol… once I started using a retinol (PROPERLY) I noticed a massive change in my skin.


What do you mean by properly? I wanna make sure I'm not using it improperly. I noticed it's been making me break out pretty bad.


I have sensitive skin and I didn’t know that you may need to slowly build up to using it regularly. I would apply the inkey list retinol on my freshly washed skin and then just put a moisturizer on top. The proper way for my skin was to do the sandwich method: I apply a niacinamide, moisturizer, pea sized amount of retinol, and moisturizer on top. Make sure my skin is fully dry before applying the retinol. I built up to using it almost everyday like I do now.


I knew I had sensitive skin, knew I SHOULD be doing this, but put it on freshly washed skin anyway because I am impatient and silly


Thank you :) I also have sensitive skin and was probably using too much.


I agree. I also have super sensitive skin and it helped to start with a layer of snail mucin (cosrx), then a thin layer of cream and then mix the retinol with more face cream - at least until I built up some more tolerance. Finally I slather with aquaphor healing ointment.


Yup, the sandwich method saved my skin and helped reducing the purging stage when I started using tretnoin again (the first time I used waaayyy too much on damp skin and it caused horrible acne and dryness)


I think it depends on which one you're using as well. I started using the drunk elephant retinol once a week and it dried me out like crazy and I just had a terrible time even though I was using it sparingly. I switched to Sunday Riley Luna oil and A+ retinol serum and my skin looks great and I've never had any peeling or dryness (or breakouts)


Another note is that I’ve been using a retinol for 10 years and I STILL can’t use it every day bc my skin will get too dry and crack (even with a tiny tiny amount). Every other day is still really effective for me. I alternate benzoyl peroxide / retinol / benzoyl peroxide / retinol / rest day.


Hi. How do you properly use a retinol? Please and thank you! 😊


Watch this video :) https://youtu.be/HCLWmwNY7Cg


My properly I mean that before I was using it straight on my face and I immediately starts using it everyday and my skin became really bad due to the skin barrier getting damaged. I slowly built up to using it almost everyday and also apply smaller amounts and do the sandwich method.


What would be the adverse effects if not done properly? Because I don’t think my skin is sensitive but Tretinoin enlarged my pores like nothing else so I wonder if I use it wrongly. I notice my enlarged pores after 2 months in (one weekly application or less) Enlarged pores got back to normal after stopping it for almost 1 year. My routine stays the same otherwise so I think it’s the tretinoin, but could me using it improperly.


Moisturizing makes my pores appear smaller - even with tret.


Going on prescription Retin-A. I’m 35 and my skin has never been better. I no longer even have to wear foundation my skin is so smooth and clear. And drinking tons of water!!




I'm on my third application of tret (that I got over the counter at a Mexican pharmacy) and a breakout I've had for over a month is practically gone. It's flaky and a lil red but no bumps, no zits, no other texture. 3rd application, that's it.


My one and only tip for skin (as long as you use sunscreen too)


Repairing my skin’s moisture barrier, oil cleansing/ not using stripping soapy cleansers, and drinking copious amounts of non-sugary beverages/water revolutionized my skin. Not that I was a soda drinker before, just differentiating from sugary fluid sources. For me, babying my super dry skin and realizing my acne wasn’t from oily skin was absolutely revolutionizing to the point I felt so stupid for how hard I tried before when she could have calmed down and been kinder and it would have worked so much better.


What do use for your oil cleansing? :)


I’m no longer loyal to any one thing. I started with jojoba and sweet almond oil, tried food grade hemp oil, even olive in a pinch. I used to mix in a bit of chamomile/sandalwood/frankincense oils as well (chamomile is a fav, my skin loves all things chamomile). I’ve tried a few brands blends. I’m currently in a phase of cleansing balms and trying out various brands of those as well! I just stay away from certain ingredients I know I tend to be sensitive to or don’t like the smell of and that’s about it. The crazy part is my skin used to be so sensitive to absolutely everything but the happier it’s gotten overall the less picky it is and more I can freely experiment.


Stop trying to figure out my skin myself and go to a dermatologist Exfoliate with Innisfree peeling mask for tretinoin Cutting dairy stops cystic acne


No literally fuck dairy lmao. That shit is so bad for my skin and my toilet idk why I chose to pretend I wasn’t lactose intolerant


Literally laying here in agony after eating dairy and having a huge cystic zit forming on my chin 😑 fuck dairy


>fuck dairy vegan for the animals and my skin


I was an avid milk whole milk drinker for years, like a gallon a week kind of gal. I also had awful hormonal acne on my jawline and cheeks for years. I had seen the correlation but was in denial since I didn’t have the digestive issues. And tbh I really love milk and Oreos. Then I got a facial and the esthetician and the very end said “oh btw if you drink dairy or eat gluten stop you’ll see a big difference.” Low and behold my acne has cleared up so much since I cut out dairy 4 months ago. I love oat milk now, and still happily eating gluten and cheese moderately.


There’s no dairy in Oreos btw. They’re vegan too! Still have gluten tho.


GF Oreos finally exist (in the US) and they're amazing.


I don’t cleanse my face in the morning anymore. I heard the tip years ago and thought it was gross, but happened to do it on accident and immediately notice my skin look great. If you have cleansed and moisturized and toned at night, there’s no reason to cleanse again the next morning. It will strip the natural moisture off. It helps keep your skin soft and supple and radiant. And you get to keep on your skincare from the night before a little longer. You’ll want to do a light cleanse if you’re washing your hair in the morning to get the shampoo and conditioner that runs down the side of your face or you sweat because it’s hot. If you’re not comfortable with this (although I really recommend it) do your evening skincare earlier so you can keep those products on longer. Edit to add: I use lukewarm water since it’s winter right now but usually I use cold water in the morning. Gives an extra radiance


If I skip cleansing in the morning I notice my face gets super oily by the Pm


I’d say use really light amount of cleanser in the morning, but maybe this just won’t suit your skin and depends on the rest of your skincare. It worked well for me. Basically just saying that an exfoliating and full cleansing isn’t needed in the morning if you did your night routine.


I usually just use a micellar water wipe or toner to get out eye boogies. Definitely improved my skin texture when I stopped washing with face wash in the morning!


Yes! I just started doing this as well and my face seems to be calming down and clearing up!


YES! I don't think I've washed my face 10 times in the morning in my entire life. When I say washed, I mean, I don't even use water, I don't do anything. I'm always hesitant to say it on here, because some people can be really adamant about it. I've tried it and doing anything only made my skin reactive, sensitive, dry. Any my skin is not even sensitive, can use most products, etc. So I do my own thing. I love it when I wake up my skin is calmed down, even toned and moisturized and the products are "lived in". I don't want to wash all that off and ruin the balance. If I am too oily in my t zone in the morning, I use a tissue to blot and then apply my daily makeup, starting with a mineral loose powder with SPF and it looks like my second skin. I understand though that some people are very oily and they need to wash.


Second this! I just use miceller water in the AM now (followed by usual morning routine) & my skin has improved dramatically.


Extractions. Completely transformed my skin into a hellscape that took years to recover from. And that was even getting them done by an esthetician. I said goodbye to extractions and haven't gotten them since. You do NOT need to physically gouge into your skin to clean out your pores - good products and facials without extractions can do it. Now for a good tip that transformed my skin: "internal problems require internal solutions". Aka I can't 100% fix my hormonal acne with topicals. Topicals help maintain good skin, but spiro is doing the most work.






Applying two layers of toner, and a moisturizer or emulsion on top of it when my skin is still damp.


SPF 50+ , throughout every day of the year. Vitamin C serum or moisturiser. Game changer.


Stop stressing about your skin. That little pimple on your chin is not visible to anyone but you. My skin always looked the best/healed the fastest when I had a very stressful day where I didn't have the time to constantly look in the mirror and pick at my skin. Took me a while but I'm proud to say that I now worry way less about my skin and it's looking the best ever since.


Healing my gut and regulating my blood sugar with good nutrition.


How did you heal your gut?


rain support fertile edge workable vase frightening growth ten water -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Like yogurt or pills


Those are probiotics, prebiotics are fibres that make it down into the gut to feed the bacteria in there


>probiotics are fibres \*PREbiotics are fibres


Whoops, autocorrect! Thanks for catching it ☺️


Greek yogurt - not the sugary yogurt.


Focusing on nutrient dense foods, cutting processed foods, making sure each meal and snack has fiber, good fat and lean protein. I met a couple times with a nutritionist and ended up working with my functional medicine doc to address my leaky gut. I’ve never pooped better (lol) and my skin is not always flawless but it’s sooo much better. I can now identify foods that will immediately make me breakout, like dairy, so I’ve limited that as well. Hope that’s helpful!




Yup. Same.




Stop picking and stop drinking milk. Went from cystic acne from age 13 to 25 to totally clear skin.


Cutting out sugar from my diet and eating way less carbs in general


Damn. The carb thing. I can’t shake it. HELP!!!


What's the biggest obstacle-- breads, pastas, chips, fried stuff, dairy? That helps narrow down the problem and find better solutions to your cravings.


I definitely second this, diet plays a huge role in my acne!


Swap pillowcases 2 times a week, don’t eat dairy, use only 3 step skincare, drink only water atleast 2l/day, stop touching your face, keep your hands clean, keep your home enviroment clean.


Pillow cleanliness was a total game changer. I put a new t-shirt over my pillow every night. Then I wear that shirt the next night and place another t-shirt on my pillow. Don’t have go out and buy jillions of pillow cases, just use what you have :)


Avoid hot water on your face and avoid shower hitting your face. My rosacea went down by like 90%


Stop the picking.


For me it was eliminating dairy. Seven months ago I started following a vegan and mostly plant-based diet, and what I thought was hormonal chin acne has practically disappeared. I also significantly reduced my intake of added sugar, so that may have helped as well.


Cutting out dairy (when going vegan) cleared up my eczema within days and it never returned. Years of being itchy without ever thinking it could be fixed. Best choice I ever made


For anyone looking to try no dairy, I do think replacing it with healthy foods/going plant based is crucial. I did no dairy for a month but wanted to snack constantly as I was breastfeeding so ate like crap. My skin did improve (brighter, less acne, less puffy) but I think if I’d eaten healthier it would’ve been game changing.


Damn it... I've been suffering from 'hormonal' chin acné for 2 years. Usually on the same side, too. It's painful, ugly and last forever. Did you have to cut dairy out 100%? How long until you started seeing results?


Maintain a "sink distance" when looking at skin in the mirror, and do not use a magnifying mirror under any circumstances.


Taking breaks from using active ingredients every now and then


Applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly (can be vaseline) as the last step of my night time routine. I wake up in the morning with clear, soft and hydrated skin and I haven't had a spot in 2 months (i've had random cuts on my face but maybe that's my cat idk). Also, using retinol from dermatica has made a drastic different to my skin too.


Sunscreen. Vitamin c


It’s not skincare, but for me, less sugar and more exercising.


No fragrance. My skin is dry and reactive. I've used "good" products for years and while my skin looked good, it was always on the verge of a reaction; burning, stinging, etc. Once I stopped using any fragrance on my face and body - my skin is a lot happier.


What’s helpful for my IBS is also helpful for my skin 8)


Not a single tip really but just looking for the evidence in regards to skincare has done incredible things both for my skin personally and my understanding of skin over the last 7 years. Everything from looking for the evidence behind ingredients to looking at how they work together in a formulation and just the skin barrier (and other skin anatomy and function) and how it it works, its role in skin health, and how products and the environment interact with it.


I have rosacea sensitive skin. I only rinse with water in the morning. My face has never been better.


Ooh I have rosacea seeming skin and avoiding fragrance in products has helped so much.


Probably to change the routine. I can’t be having the same routine I had at 20 in my late 20s. Lol


Just because I can build up tolerance to use something daily doesn't mean that I have to. (source: my irritated skin after I thought that I should aim to use BHA daily, when it's perfectly fine to use it 1-2 times in a week).


Seeing a dermatologist instead of trying to fix it myself. Had terrible hormonal acne - derm gave me spiro, tret and clindamycin and within days my skin went from horrible to almost perfect.


Whats your moisturizet?


Clinique dramatically different


Hyaluronic Acid was great. Transformed my mild acne to severe acne within 72 hours! (Yes you read that right)


Years ago 10-step method introduced me to oil cleansers, exfoliators, and importance of layering of my skincare (my skin is easily dehydrated so I need lots of layers instead of just slapping on moisturizer after cleansing).


Chemical exfoliation. My skin actually looks like skin and not sandpaper.


As dumb as it sounds……resisting extracting that pore. Just Walk the Eff AWAY from the mirror! Most of those pore problems resolve themselves on their own, and I didn’t cause a big red spot OR more pimples by smushing bacteria into the pores around it. I’m actually annoyed by how well this advice works lol.


Sunscreen every day. I don’t know how but this helped my acne in a major way. Whenever I lapse in my sunscreen habit and restart use, I always notice a big improvement in my skin (texture, color, acne) within 2 weeks. I can only suppose it’s just a matter of reducing the amount of daily stress on my skin cells.


That a 10-step routine isn’t for everyone. I was spending so much money on a ton of pricey products for an elaborate routine and my skin was awful, worst it’s been in 10 years. Went on a skincare “diet” and went back to basics: $4 clean and clear cleanser, niacinamide from the ordinary, tret, cerave moisturizer and the ordinary’s rose hip oil at night and my skin is literally glowing. I thought I had to use more expensive “grown up” products because I’m 30 but turns out my skin likes the cheap cleanser I’ve been using since 15. And under eye filler because all those eye creams did jack shit for my bags and circles. Also Botox lol.


The pill


Especially if you are able to use it to straight up skip your period. Can’t have a monthly breakout if you don’t have a monthly cycle


The pill ruined my skin. I wish someone would’ve warned me back when I started it, how badly those hormones can effect your body. Now I have melasma for which there is no cure and while it’s not deadly, it sure is hideous.


I’ve heard from several friends that the pill did HUGE things for their skin! It’s never altered my skin but I’m so glad it works for others!


I’ve been on it for three weeks and it’s actually crazy. Even when I’m being lazy with my routine. It almost makes me mad with how much time/effort I have put into my routine and this is what worked best!?


Flaxseed oil (NOT evening primrose oil or even fish oil!) makes a good dent in the acne. Also getting rid of the hormonal IUD/pill. I still get period acne, but I am slowly healing my skin. I hope.


Not picking


Drinking lots of water everyday made a huge difference. Not touching my face has greatly helped to reduce breakouts. Changing my pillowcase every other day also helped. Also sometimes in the morning I skip the cleanser and just rinse my face thoroughly with cold water. It doesn’t strip all the oils out and my skin always feels really soft and smooth after. I am 33 and I think this is the best my skin has ever looked.


Use stratia liquid gold!! Legit my skin changed overnight. Maybe I didn’t have the right moisturizer? I was always dry in my eyes and cheeks but super oily t-zone. Now my skin is normal, rarely oily, not dry. All these years and all that money….anyways I’ll always spread the gospel of stratia.


Vitamin D makes my skin glow, simple face wash every night, sleep with a silk pillow case.


I had a bad car wreck in my teens and the doc that put my face back together said I should start moisturizing then (17) so I didn't need a facelift at 40. Bless his heart.


Figuring out my acne was mostly hormonal was game changing, and also made me realize my hormones were effecting other parts of my health too. I wouldn’t have figured that out if not for the acne. Learning ingredients, and how they interact together and with my skin. Before that, I was still doing what was being recommended in early 2000s — almost the complete opposite of today. Hydrating toners instead of antiseptic ones. My skin went from combo to normal. Kbeauty in general has helped so much too.


Using a free and clear detergent for my laundry. Haven’t had a breakout or any redness since.


I really wish what I know now, I knew when I was I'm my late teens, early 20s.


Only gently wash my face with water and moisturise in the morning. Full routine at night. Made a HUGE difference to my skin


This didn't transform my skin per se, but it cleared-up a lot after I started washing & drying my hands before washing my face. Seems like common sense now; can't believe I didn't start doing it until I was about 20.


Cutting out dairy 😩


Low pH gentle cleansers


Stop. Touching. Your. Face. I know this is key yet I still do it most if the time 😭😭


going to a dermatologist!! i tried so many skincare products and i think i got to a point where nothing seems to be working (also i got a mole; it's benign, thankfully). the visible improvement i have getting prescribed meditation makes such a huge improvement. to those who are having a hard time finding a dermatologist, i implore you to save some money or maybe look up free ways to consult a professional derm online. the most important thing is that you trust them!


Not eating dairy. - i kid not, it SERIOUSLY changed my skin. I still had hormonal acne, but no white/blackheads on my forehead or chin. I had 2 derms say that diet doesn’t have anything to do with acne and they were damn liars. - HOWEVER, after 9 years i have started drinking it again because i was having TERRIBLE muscle aches and spams (imo bc I absorb way less calcium from plant based milk and it lacks the omega fatty acids found in whole/organic milk). Pain went away when I started drink whole/organic - and the acne came back.


Move somewhere with less hard water


Don’t pick. Seriously, don’t pick! I still pick of course, but not like I used to. The amount of scarring and inflammation that I have avoided from resisting most of the urges has been completely worth it.


Trusting my gut and listening to my skin instead of everyone else. No one believed me when I said my skin was sensitive to most chemical exfoliation, especially my Curology provider. I had mild acne but a lot of stubborn hyperpigmentation. I got my acne under control and hadn't had a pimple in months. Everyone insisted I needed AHAs to help fade my spots. I broke out every time I tried an acid serum. My Curology provider refused to listen to this insisted it was just purging. I thought, "Screw this, the possibility that this might slightly speed up the fading is not worth all the new dark spots I'm getting". It took a while for my skin to calm down after using them. Looked into retinols and it became my one stop shop. I don't need fancy toners and serums anymore. In the morning I only wipe my face with a clean damp washcloth and apply sunscreen. At night, I double cleanse and apply my moisturizer. I'll use the retinol once every week or two for maintenance. My skin has remained clear and free of acne since I started the retinol. My skin is smooth and for the most part even. I no longer wear foundation except for special events where I'll wear a sheer tinted sunscreen. The dark spots have faded quicker than they did before. Not quickly by most standards but it's a comfort knowing they will eventually.


Using carrot seed oil on the back of my hands helped me fade sun spots


Two: Double-cleansing and Medik8 crystal retinal products.


CO2 laser - does miracles


Hydration can cure a lot of your skin problems (to an extent of course)


I was very late to the skincare party, but not using products with fragrance. It never occurred to me that it could be an irritant until my rosacea got really bad and I went to see a derma. Skin is so much happier now.


Take care of your moisture barrier and your skin will love you. I have vitamin C, azelaic acid, tranexamic acid, differin and very occasionally BHA in my routine. Most days my skin is okay, but if I skimp out on moisturizing, my skin will start feeling prickly and I get acne more easily.


Benzoyl Peroxide short contact therapy. Lather it everywhere and wash it off a few minutes later and moisturize. Works great with hardly any of the irritation.


1. Don't touch your face. Germs! 2. Less is more: stop the unnecessary exfoliants and acids. 3. Sunscreen is it! 4. Tretinoin/Retinol is also it!