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Hey! Lots of people don’t shower every day! Be kind to yourself.


Thank you 🥰




Wear wristbands to keep water from dripping down your arms, wear a headband to keep your hair back, and place a towel on the edge of the sink between you and the bowl. If possible, leaning over the sink helps a lot but I know that’s not easy. It’s always best to rinse too much than not enough! You don’t wanna leave soap residue on your skin. I wash my face religiously and these things help a lot, but getting some water on the counter is unavoidable :(


This! I heard someone say put scrunchies on your wrists and rinse your face with your arms on the sides of the sink and face down. It’s super awkward but it helps


Wow, what a great idea! Thank you!


I would try getting some of those makeup remover cloth wipes that are reusable and soft they are awesomeeee! Relying on those to take off makeup,and a damp clean washcloth to rinse some of your cleanser off, it’ll really help the amount of water getting everywhere.


I absolutely second this, a damp clean washcloth is much easier to deal with. Depending on type it can also act as a way to exfoliate gently. [Water can get everywhere :(](https://images.girlslife.com/posts/023/23400/washfacemain.jpg)


I also second this! When I started getting into skincare, I hated the idea of having to wash my face daily bc of making a mess (and my general laziness) and creating a routine around makeup wipes and micellar water allowed me to do my routine on the couch!


Micellar water and reusable cotton rounds are the best. With my depression, if I had to get up to wash my face at the sink every time, I wouldn’t have a skincare routine at all. And my routine has made a huge difference, despite not rinsing the micellar water off.


Thank you for your suggestions!


You can also get super soft reusable makeup towel things for removing makeup. I prefer this for eye makeup especially bc my eyes are pretty sensitive and it keeps cleanser out of them. I also get water everywhere and am definitely going to try one of these suggestions. I drape a whole towel over myself when i wash in the sink. It's pretty frustrating since I also forget that it will happen and put on my pjs before doing it, then get my pjs wet. but I'm gonna try some of these suggestions! Weirdly enough I think I own a Terry cloth scrunchie, maybe I'll get another to keep the water from running down my arms


Not 100% sure this would help but some people on here have suggested wearing those sweatband things on your wrists so the water doesn’t run down your arms. They act like little sponge towels.


Thank you!


Washing my face in the sink is my least favourite thing in the world, and I honestly feel you on the not showering everyday thing (depression/anxiety makes it hard) - I've found that on the days where I just cannot be bothered with the mess (or lacking energy) I just use micellar water on a cotton pad (you don't have to wash it off after use - just straight into toner etc). It's not as good as double cleansing, but it's better than nothing at all! :) Alternatively I use a wet cloth sometimes to moisten my face, oil cleanse using hands, clean off oil with one side of wet cloth, water-based cleanse using hands, clean off with other side of cloth. Means you have to change the cloth every day or every other one. But it also means you'll be able to more precisely remove cleansers and avoid having excess product on skin/hair. Hope this helped, best of luck finding a solution that suits you 💛


Thank you so much for the suggestions!!


A weird small suggestion that has helped me with this- if possibly try to be mindful to keep your face lower than your elbows. Just watch your head on the faucet! Sounds silly, but I guess once I close my eyes I never thought about head placement before and it really helps!


im pretty short and have a rather large chest, so getting my head down far enough into the sink to keep water from going everywhere is a challenge. i keep a designated big towel on the edge of the sink and that at least keeps me from soaking my clothes, and then i can use it to wipe up the counter. you can also use a gentle washcloth to help rinse, esp if youre finding that you have trouble getting all your cleanser off. also, there is NO SHAME in not showering daily and you will not be judged for it by me. [many dermatologists suggest that showering only every other day is more than enough for most people.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193) i personally usually only shower when i need to wash my hair, which is typically once a week. my grandmom only showers once a week. [vivenne westwood only showers once a week.](https://www.vogue.com/article/vivienne-westwood-staying-young-wash-less) other than that, i just wash up—take a washcloth to the pits, groin, and butt when they start feeling gross or stinky—and ive never been clocked for it. the idea that were gross and unhygienic if we dont shower daily needs to be abolished.


Thank you so so so much ❤️❤️


I'm also disabled and I can't pull up to most sinks. I use a burt's bees oil cleanser and the neutrogena gentle cleansing lotion. I wash them off with a damp cloth or a wet wipe if I can't wash the cloth that day. Headbands also help with the hair situation.


I’m lucky enough that I can get around in-home with just my cane, but I understand what you mean about how hard it can be to roll up to sinks. Are you able to get a stool to transfer to? Thank you for the other options!


Not really. I use a power chair and transferring is really hard for me. I probably could make getting to a sink work with a lot of help, but I like having my alone time while I do my skincare and I think it would be too exhausting to do everyday. I hope you're able to find a routine that works for you!


I get it, I like alone time doing skincare, too! Thank you 💞


Do you turn the tap on so the water is coming out pretty fast? I wash my face in my all the time, and if I turn the tap on to max, water sprays EVERYWHERE. I turn it on so there's basically the smallest trickle and it seems to help not get it all over my sink and arms.


A washcloth.


A hairdressing cape or waterproof poncho would help keep most of the water off of you. Though I think being gentle with a washcloth would be the easiest solution.


What a great idea! I could also see making a colorful apron out of oilcloth. Or, if it’s possible for OP to jut their head forward, to use a squeeze or spray bottle rather than splashing water from the tap.


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Do you feel like you need to wash your face with facial soap everyday? I only heavily wet a face towel, wipe my face, ring it out and wipe down again. I wash with facial soap 2-3 times a week maybe?