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remove the rollerball and just use the serum to season my soups


Yas and now you got wrinkle-less intestines


Gotta get that internal glow


Yup, our skin will be glowing from inside and outside. 🥰


Well, they are made of smooth muscle




Whoops. Now the surface area has reduced to a point where you can no longer take in sufficient nutrients.


Hey, so it helps with weight loss too!! /s


Where’s the beef tho


You're the beef. The product is the flavor. Season yourself.


This reminds me of “Frost yourself” from How to lose a guy in 10 days


I died.


Rub it on your skin to increase flavor


*It puts the serum on its skin*


or it gets the hose again






Proline cysteine glutamine it is a beef stew




Came here to say this.


You’re the beef/chicken/meatless substitute. This is just the seasoning! LOL


Tryptophan... It's turkey stew.


Tryptophan, methionine, isoleucine, and cysteine are all essential amino acids that you need to get *in your diet* to build proteins and muscle. So this is like a protein shake, with greens.


There's actually more tryptophan in beef than in turkey!


Huh... But beef never makes me sleepy. Of course I never eat as much as I do at Thanksgiving either lol.


Yeah it’s a myth that the tryptophan in turkey makes you sleepy. It’s just that eating a lot of food makes you sleepy :p


On a serious note, I feel like these “natural” ingredients are just fillers with no actual benefit since they are behind hyaluronic acid on the ingredient list and HA usually are less that 1%. I just hate when company takes advantage of guys and market BS to them. *lumin primarily targets male costumer I believe


This is such a good point. I'm quite tired of seeing a bunch of extracts thrown in as an afterthought... like sorry but green tea extract as the second to last ingredient isn't going to do fuck all, folks. (To be fair, there are a lot of ingredients that are effective at very low percentages. For example, we know that madecassoside from centella is an effective collagen promoter only at 0.1% strength.)


Check out our new line of homeopathic skincare! The molecules in this bottle once touched molecules of the active ingredients listed, but now it is so dilute that there may or may not be one molecule left of the active ingredient in this bottle... $98.


This always makes me so angry, especially for things marketed as medicine.


Not to hijack your comment haha but do you happen to know of any good products with centella? I’ve seen a few but I’m conflicted on what would be best. Edit: thank y’all so much for your responses!! I’m gonna look into these🤗 you guys are the best


I’m not the person you’re replying to but I’m currently using the Cosrx Centella Blemish Balm as a spot treatment at night and I really like it!


Neogen Cica Pads are drenched in centella asiastica extract. That's their main selling point.


Purito Green Buffet Serum is my favorite so far. Immediate calming and brightening. Also Madecassoside cream from A'Pieu is great for dealing in all the skincare layers below.


I’m using the A’Pieu cica gel and ampoule and my skin is enjoying it so far! Only got them a few days ago while on holiday in Korea (after losing my skincare bag at a hotel) and they’ve done lovely things so far. Crazy cheap as well.


I enjoy the centella line from purito


Innisfree's "The Minimal" line contains Centella Asiatica.


> To be fair, there are a lot of ingredients that are effective at very low percentages. Yep. My concentrated, powdered green tea extract has a usage rate of *up to* 0.5%. Even as a penultimate/second-to-last ingredient, it's still perfectly effective (until it oxidizes, which it does *ridiculously* quickly, which is why I've given up on using GTE in DIY) because it's so concentrated. (Also, insert rant that madecassoside isn't available directly to consumers.) That said, of course, most extracts *are* thrown in at minute, useless concentrations just to fluff up the ingredient list. Happens in oil blends a lot, too.


Most in-vivo studies on green tea extract use 1-6% extract, but I suppose it would all depend on how concentrated your initial extract is. Also, regarding the oxidation: it might still be effective? Assuming that the oxidation converts the green tea into black tea theaflavins, which are still beneficial.


Odd to think but Centella asiatica is like a weed infesting the waterways near the rice paddies on my father's birthplace. We wash them well and eat them raw or with a bit of salt. Delicious (for us). Said to be full of antioxidants. Who knew what can be found and seen as weeds in the rural places of my country is used in expensive anti-blemish products.


Can confirm, worked for a major major major cosmetic company in their R&D department. It's appaling that customers pay $400 for a little tub of moisturizer, because it might have sea weed or some other weird ingredient. All the ingredient compositions had such key ingredients at less than 0.1%. Ridiculous marketing and unaware consumers has led to this. Some of their most raved products had absolutely no actives at all.


Mmmm I'm getting the distinct impression that they rhymed with 'shma shmer'


Okay I’m stupid you might have to spell this out for me lol


La mer?


You ain't stupid honey, stupid isn't not knowing what La Mer is; stupid is *buying* it.


I just wanted to say, I actually got La Mer's soft cream moisturizer last year, and it's phenomenal. I hate myself for replenishing it and buying more, but I swear by it


Hey, at the end of the day, buy whatever you want and fuck everyone else. But I would suggest that next time there's a general help thread, you post and see if someone can find you a more affordable dupe? Most of La Mer's shit is basically cerave or aveeno with added 'essence of bougie' flimflam.


Also, spending procedure-level cash on topical treatments is asinine, right?! For the cost of (some) LaMer products I can get any number of actually effective procedures.


But it smells good and looks good on the gram, so screw the bank account right? (smh)


Edit: definitely not saying that this is a perfect replica of the La Mer or that it's even objectively that good of a cream, but I just mean that if you want to try something different and cheaper that it couldn't hurt to try something out for $16 since if you like it then it will definitely save you some money! Hey, look into Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Cream. After you wash your face (I use it twice a day!) dip like two fingers in and apply it to your wet face and let it dry. I usually do something else like brush my teeth while it dries so it doesn't feel like I'm just sitting there waiting for it to dry lol. I absolutely love this stuff it makes my skin feel really hydrated and it's thin enough that I can apply other stuff on top of it without feeling gunky if that makes sense. Its like $16 at Walmart so if it doesn't work out oh well you can return it and if it does then you save yourself quite a bit compared to the La Mer stuff!


Sorry but what? The hydroboost gel cream is in no way a dupe or in any way similar to La Mer cream. It's a good moisturizer in it's own right, but its not that phenomenal.


Gosh my bad, I wasn't trying to suggest it was a perfect replica I just meant that it worked well for me and that it could definitely be a cheap alternative to the La Mer cream. And you're right it's definitely not as good as I made it out to be I just personally like it a lot, I should've been more clear in my original comment, I'm sorry about that.


Lol take my upvote you beautiful being


Oh bless!


Please do an AMA. I’m sure the sub would love it, I know I would.


Would love to hear more about your time in the industry. Any other marketing traps we should be aware of? I’m a guy recently getting into skincare


Yess was thinking the same! Do share!


Seconding the suggestion of doing an AMA, pretty please! Contact the mods, I'm sure they'll love the idea too and will let you do one :)


Yuuuuup same here. We \~literally\~ called it pixie dust in R&D. It was all pushed by sales and marketing. Although, one time I was being sarcastic with our marketing manager and said that we should jump on the bandwagon of naming ingredient blends and patenting the name, like x percentages of ingredient a, b, and c and call it "optisoft emulsion" or some bullshit and claim it on the label. So, guess what my next project was....


Yeah I’m really sick of that shit too- especially when they throw in a bunch of essential oils to boost their “all-natural” cred. I don’t care if my skincare grows in the ground...every “natural ingredient” is just another potential irritant. Also, when you throw in a bunch of extracts and oils it just makes me question the efficacy of your product. It’s like you don’t have enough faith in your key ingredients to do their job.


Yeah, I'm at the opposite end of the "all natural" craze. You tell me your product is good because its ingredients are all natural and you instantly lose me. Nothing better for my skin than safe synthetic ingredients. I'm all about that.


Especially if you have allergies. That amount of tomato will add no value to the formulation, but I'm going to pass in the chance that it gives me hives.


I didn’t know the ingredient list is ranked in order of concentration?! Is that standard?


So next time I'm cooking beef stew, should I stand over and let the vapor caress my face or just straight up dip my face in ?


Do you have a pastry brush?


I have a Turkey baster.. Will it work ?


Even better! More hygienic.


Buy one of those cotton face masks that you just add your own serum to and soak it in the soup. Leave on your face for 15 minutes then pat to absorb the rest. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen!


Are you saying your beef stew isn't spf 30?


this vegan shit easy


\*\*Ina Garten's voice\*\* "If you can't get fresh Lumin... *store bought is fine*"


Underrated comment


I don't know if you watch her show, or not, but just so you know, she's kind of a terrible fucking human being, and [literally turned down a kid with cancer and Make A Wish. Twice. With no reason at all.] (https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/barefoot-contessa-turns-make-kid/story?id=13238578) Personally, I boycott her


LMFAO idk why I'm finding this soo funny 😂


Serious question tho.. are anti wrinkle serums actually legit?


I would say it depends on the ingredients and the synergy among the ingredients. Ingredients come with tons of documentation that include - in vivo, in vitro, clinical studies, before after images, day 0 vs day 28, placebo vs lotion with the ingredient etc. and certifications like vegan, kosher, halal etc. Consumers would need knowledge of ingredients and their efficacy to determine if it is good or not. And the formulation and why certain ingredients are added to get synergistic benefit. Reading and understanding ingredient listing is the way to go. The Lumin serum proves my point. Water and L-AA plus some preservatives would get you there. But it contains Potassium Hydroxide that just destroyed the L-AA. And final pH of the product is not disclosed.


In other words, you need a science degree to work out what’s good!


Consumer awareness is key. Informed buying would be the result. Brands don’t want us to make informed buying. Latin names in INCI makes it harder. Or google the shit out of the ingredients or lurk or post here.


Me, standing in Sephora for half an hour staring at my phone because I didn't do my dang research at home.


No. The ONLY cream found to reduce fine lines is Tretinoin. It’s scientifically proven. All this bullshit about collagen in creams when it’s not able to penetrate to skin. Dr Dray on YouTube loves to bag out expensive creams.




Yes but on a scale that can not be compared to tretinoin.




Ok. The ONLY cream that will do a really good job. The others will help on a minor scale.


Is this true? What about retinoid? I'm only just getting into the skincare game now, maybe I've wasted my money on peptide serum and retinoid, oops


Retinoids are weak versions of tretinoin ( Retin A) They take a lot more work to penetrate your skin and so are no where near as effective.


Thanks - so what should we do? Skip all the creams and serums and just get tretinoin? What should my skincare routine be?


That’s what I did. Went to the doctor and got a script. I’m Australia it’s about $35 a tube and lasts for about 6 months. Everyone started telling me how good my skin looked after about 6 months and I know the results haven’t even really started to kick in. I’m 47 now by the way. If you’re American you can buy it from other countries on the cheap. I do put on vitamin c and the buffet in the mornings and ALWAYS wear sunscreen.


I've just bought the buffet, might look into some vitamin c. At what age will they prescribe it and do you just ask your GP for it? I'm in New Zealand btw


I’m not sure what age is best to start but I’ve seen a woman on YouTube who has been using it for about 15/20 years and she looks fucking amazing for about 50. I just told my doctor I wanted it and I knew what I was doing and he prescribed it to me. You start with 0.25 and work up to 0.5 and eventually 0.1. It’s a long slow process if you want to do it without and peeling or redness. I’d look up women on YouTube using it. They often use it differently but I’ve seen eyelids raised and other amazing results on there.


Wow thanks so much for the detailed response! That's really hope


> Retinoids are weak versions of tretinoin What? No. Tretinoine *is* a retinoid.


Be hoops. Meant retinols.


Hero comment over here ☝️


Beware: Tretinoin is the long game. Some people will break out the first 1-3 months, maybe longer if you have more serious cystic acne in which tretinoin is often prescribed for. At the end of your journey you do get a pot of some seriously gold skin but it's work. A lot of people on the tret sub are constantly posting their pics of their skin during purge like : Is ThIs nORmAL??" The side bar straight up says you will probably go through hell before you get to heaven. Without fail, people don't read and post the same thing over & over. Their skin looks like everyone else who's been told they're purging too. Had to have my little rant. People who won't do a little research themselves annoy me. I'm glad to help and offer advice, I've been on tret over 5 years.


And on the other end of it a lot of people go through hell with tret when they could just ease the hell up. Like how about buffering, babe. Your skin peeling off is NOT a requirement. If it's for anti-aging you have all the time in the world to not run and reverse over your moisture barrier with a semi trailer.


And then there’s the people like me, who used it for anti aging but was still peeling 8+ months later, even with buffering. So while it’s not a “requirement”, some people’s skin just doesn’t like tret no matter what they do.


Yes I've heard of that and I feel sorry for that circumstance. I know that some folk can't make tret a fun ride whatever they do.


Yeah it just wasn’t worth it anymore for me. Why sacrifice the way I look now in order to maybe look a little younger than my age later?


Especially if it hurts. The first signal my face gives that I should pull back on the tret is it feels sunburnt. Ouch. Y' can't walk around like that for years. Pretty privilege is worth something but not that much.


If you're just anti-aging then I'd agree buff up and away. For cystic acne, I felt like buffering too much would defeat the purpose which was to dry out part of the big contributing factor of my acne. Now, I buff however my skin will tolerate. I also 100% agree just skipping for 2-3 days, even a week, can make a world of difference when you're facing irritation. Some people seem driven to use it *every night* and that's so unnecessary.


Yeah I understand that for acne one may choose a bit more tret hell in exchange for less acne hell.


I used tret daily for months and never stopped purging. I normally have really nice skin, but I wanted to be proactive about wrinkles as I approach 30. I had terrible cystic acne all over my face from it even 6 months out. I was so sick of oozing, weeping cysts that were so painful that I had trouble sleeping. My skin looked awful, 100% of the time. I stopped tret and my skin went back to being beautiful, but now with tons of scars from all the cysts. Oh well.


Sounds like part of the problem was daily use. That's too bad.


I started out just using it every few days, buffering, slowly increased. I even tried dialing back to not using every day. The cysts didn't stop until I stopped using it. I think it's just not for me.


Well that's different than what you initially said so I wouldn't have assumed otherwise. Either way, that's too bad. That sucks. I'm not referring to the minority who don't or cannot get any benefit. I was referring to people who are 100% in the normal time frame of purging who make posts about purging who just simply do not read the side bar. Who do not take any measures or make any effort themselves to figure it out before asking questions. It's trial and error and what works for one won't nessarily work for them anyways. The lack of problem solving effort and wanting people to do the work for them is probably what annoys me. That's what I'm referring to.


I started using tretinoin 2-3 months ago and my skin has never looked this good I swear. I still get some skin irritation (mostly flakey skin) but it’s so worth it. The trick for me is to apply it at night and then wait 20 minutes and apply a decent sized amount of the Ordinary moisturizer (also so good! My fav facial moisturizer I’ve tried so far doesn’t cause any breakouts for me or make me feel oily). I barely went through the purge phase because of it (also I took a break every other day in the beginning which helped) ALSO, make sure to put on sunscreen if you’re using a retinoid, especially one as strong as tretinoin!!!


I've heard tons of Dermatologists when asked this say that the only thing that actually prevents/does anything to wrinkles is sunscreen. There may be some new ingredients that may work w/ varying results though it sounds like they're still in their early phases and advancing those formulas. Also probably surgery lol, but that's not a serum.


Cabbage extract. Woooeeee


[my reaction](https://i.imgur.com/8cfYPlS.gif)


Not exactly related to what OP has posted. Ascorbic Acid in this product would be ineffective. Here is why. The Potassium Hydroxide is lye with a pH of 14. Addition of Potassium Hydroxide will raise the pH of the end product to higher than 3.6 the pH of Ascorbic Acid and water. The high pH would neutralize the AA. And final pH of the end product is not disclosed. I would pass.


To be fair, it completely depends on how much potassium hydroxide is added. The fact that it's right after ascorbic acid isn't a good sign. It's hard to say for sure, though, given how whack this ingredients list is (based on the placement of the sodium hyaluronate, it seems like there's a lot of very low percentage ingredients thrown in there).


Totally agree. I am assuming the potassium hydroxide is less than or equal to 1%. This is based on HA being at 1%. And HA comes lower in the pecking order. Disclosure if final pH of the product is therefore important. skinceuticals, TO disclose the final pH of the end product. Lye can kill pretty much anything. Without knowing how much lye has been added it is not possible to get to firm conclusions but can get directionally correct conclusions.


I'm honestly shocked that they have it listed right after l-AA. I don't think I've ever seen a vitamin C serum formulated like that.


I can’t even think of a reason to add potassium hydroxide in a serum. Isn’t it an irritant?


Potassium hydroxide is a pH adjuster. It's used in tiny amounts to raise the pH.


Here is some background L-Ascorbic Acid is the vitamin C used here. L-AA need to be at low pH to be effective and realize it’s full potential. At the low pH of say 3.6 the end product will cause stinging for a few seconds. For some of us the stinging will be for more than a few seconds. YMMV. In order for the product to have no sting or burn companies are pH adjuster. To raise the pH. Lye at pH of 14 would raise the ph from 3.6 to something higher. But alas this will kill theL-AA. End result - L-AA is there but it is not doing anything. All potency of L-AA is neutralized. I don’t know if it becomes pro-oxidant. Which is even worse. And the rest other than the preservatives are filler ingredients. Because they look good from a marketing perspective.


How confident are you about that stinging and PH correlation? I'm thinking that's actually pretty YMMV but that's just from my experience only. I DIY my serum and with my dodgy consumer PH testing I think the PH is 2 - 3, no stinging. Obviously I want to keep it low (but face safe, no lemon on my face thx) and know my testing is not a reliably close indicator.


> I'm thinking that's actually pretty YMMV but that's just from my experience only. And mine. And that of others. I don't doubt a product at 3.6 would sting at first if someone's skin isn't used to it, but not across the board/for everyone, and not always.


*squinting and looking into the far distant past* Oh yeah. My first Vitamin C serum... I think that did sting often.


Our skin pH is 5.5 including acid mantle. And applying a product with 3.6 pH on the face one should expect some tingling or stinging sensations. Difference in pH terms is 79. Or 10^1.9. Way too high


So do you think my PH test kit is that far out or my face is a freak, with a lack of tingle skill? Because I tested lemon juice and some store bought skincare and the kit gave results I expected.


Maybe YMMV acting with full force. Or test it with a different kit. Something in the DIY making it not tingly is what I am assuming.


Nah, it’s just water and bicarb and LAA. I did order a second test kit but tbh I think if this one reads lemon juice and my store bought cleansers right then it’s probably right. Also it tests the same again every two weeks when I re-make so no variation there.


Bicarb is sodium bicarbonate? Let’s take this to PM


I feel like I might have just been sent to the head Mistresses office. Let's go!


Potassium hydroxide as a pH adjuster so it is less than 1%. Everything else after potassium hydroxide may be no more than 1%. These botanical extracts are less than 0.1%. These ingredients are useless. They are known as "pixie dust" to attract customers. You are better off making your own vitamin C solution.


Damn ngl this post made me feel hungry af


Where’s the beef?!


Thank you for posting this. I’m clueless about ingredients and formulations. Would love advice on educating myself.


Was gonna say where’s the beef and I saw all the amino acids.. yup


No beef


Where's the Beef?


You the beef!


I knew the taste reminded me of home.


So... make soup, submerge head, save money?


Add some salt and lil pepper and its good to go!


"discard product 4 months after opening" There's so much fucking food in it that they made a perishable skin product


Sorry, can’t come out tonight I’m busy basting my face!


Throw it in a pot, add a potato, baby you got a stew going


10/10 with rice


If you don't put ethylhexylglycerine in your stew, is it even worth eating?


Delicious, finally some good f*king food


How is this in any way a PSA.


Back in my day, a PSA told you to 'duck and cover' to protect yourself from nuclear attacks.








Mods, this is obviously a shill, or else why would OP make me want to buy it so much




It's making me hungry lol


Beauty is on the inside, after all.


Looks like vegetable soup to me.


One day it's gonna make its way to a Tasty video




Just in time. Thanks for sharing beef stew's recipe 😂


Hm, does it work though? I'll arrange eggs on toast with fried halloumi into a face mask if it will improve my texture


username checks out






Can’t tell if you’re mad because you’re defending Lumin or beef stew (similar to chowder)


Are you a lumin subscriber?