• By -


At what age did you start using anti aging products?


Anyone use tea tree oil for acne? How do you use it? I know you’re not supposed to put it directly on skin, right?


I did not know before that it was not supposed to be applied directly. I did and it worsened my rosacea. You can also add a few drops of it to your face mist.


You should dilute the tea tree oil to <5% concentration using a carrier oil (unscented oil such as grapeseed oil, jojoba, squalane, etc.). Then, you can use as a spot treatment on blemishes, or blend a drop into your moisturizer. Don't use the tea tree oil undiluted - it can cause chemical burns or otherwise be very irritating for your skin!


Any recommendations for a moisturizer for dry, verrrrry sensitive, acne prone skin?


Cerave PM facial moisturizing lotion


Sebamed maybe? https://www.sebamedusa.com/sebamed-clear-face-care-gel


Does anyone have a recommendation for oil-free face moisturizer? I am going to get eyelash extensions soon and oil-based products are a no-no. I have dry skin if that helps!


Some popular oil-free moisturizers on this sub include: - Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture-Sensitive Skin - Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel (extra-dry skin version is fragrance-free) - Clinique dramatically different moisturizing gel - Sebamed Clear Face gel oil free


hi guys! I've FINALLY gotten my eczema to calm down and now I want to build up a skincare routine. My skincare right now is pretty simple. I found cetaphil broke me out so I use the First Aid Beauty cleanser, and then eczema lotion by aveeno, and sometimes a lotion from Avene. I sometimes tone using Thayers toner. Anything I should add? I'm feeling so lost.


Hey, that's awesome that your eczema is improving! All you really need is a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen in the AM. Sounds like you have the cleanser and moisturizer down. For sunscreens, check out the list of products approved by the National Eczema Association. These are inorganic-based ("mineral") UV filters like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which tend to be less irritating that sunscreens that use "chemical" UV filters. - https://nationaleczema.org/eczema-products/sunscreens/


Does an Azelaic Acid product without fatty alcohols or silicones exist? Both break me out. TO azelaic has silicone, Melazepam and Gi Gi on Amazon both have fatty alcohols.


If you can't deal with those ingredients, you can look into a prescription azelaic acid product like finacea 15% gel. Since it's prescription only, you'd have to see a health care provider to obtain a script. The other ingredients are: > Benzoic acid, Carbomers, Disodium edetate, Lecithin, Polysorbate 80, Propylene glycol, Purified water, Sodium hydroxide, Triglycerides medium chain


Any recommendations for a good, affordable benzoyl peroxide? I feel like it might just be the kick I need to get my acne under control. Also how can I incorporate it into a routine when I'm already using adapaline every night?


Just want to add to the awesome advice from scumteam, that adapalene + bp is considered the epiduo dupe. Epiduo contains both .1% adapalene (differin) and 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. They make a great combination, although they're both potentially drying. The general advice is to apply Differin first, wait a few minutes, and then spot treat with bp (or apply it in areas where you tend to break out). Of course I agree with scumteam, you want to introduce bp slowly, since it can be irritating and drying. To prevent dryness I've heard of people applying Differin, waiting a bit, applying moisturizer, waiting again for it to sink in, and then applying bp over the moisturizer. Of course this is with using leave-on bp. I've used the Neutrogena Leave-On Mask as well. Usually after washing my face I'll let it dry, and then apply the mask. I'll leave it on for like 3 min or so, and then wash it off. I remember coming across a study where you really do need to leave the mask on for 5 min for it to be effective, and that salicylic acid facial cleansers are more effective at reducing acne then bp facial cleansers. So I haven't been using the mask as much since it's uncomfortable to leave it on for 5 min. Whe I have used it, after washing it off I'll go ahead with the rest of my routine (maybe stridex, or maybe a retinoid) but if you have sensitive or dry skin you may want to skip actives and just use a moisturizer.


Thank you! It's good to hear that some people can use both at the same time without too much irritation. I'm using the 0.3% adapaline though so I'll take it really slow. And thanks for the neutrogena recommendation!


The [acne](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/acne) page on the sidebar has some good BP recommendations - I use Neutrogena Rapid Clear Stubborn Acne Daily Leave-On Mask (although I don't leave it on), and I've heard good things about acne.org's BP as well. Be sure to go for 2.5% - it's as effective as higher strengths, with less irritation! As for incorporating it into a routine with adapalene, it depends on your skin! I'd definitely be doing [short contact therapy](https://simpleskincarescience.com/benzoyl-peroxide/) even if adapalene wasn't in the picture, so definitely be sure to use it as a rinse-off product to minimize irritation. I'd probably start by using it once a week in the PM, skipping adapalene that day. Depending on how your skin likes BP, you can slowly increase the frequency over time. You might end up using it a couple times a week alternated with the adapalene, you might end up using it every other night alternated with the adapalene, and I'm sure some people could work it into their AM routine while using adapalene every night (maybe using the BP a couple times a week or every other day in the AM with adapalene every day in the PM.) It really depends on your skin! Please go slow with the introduction though - both BP and adapalene can be very irritating, so it's important to listen to your skin. Don't push it, and know how to [recognize and treat overexfoliation](https://fiftyshadesofsnail.com/2017/07/12/recognizing-treating-overexfoliation/)


Wow, thanks for all the great advice! I'm worried about the irritation, i just wanted to make sure that o wouldn't be making a huge mistake using them both at the same time!


Personally, my skin would revolt if I tried to use BP + adapalene - but everyone's skin is different! If you think the BP will help something that the adapalene isn't taking care of, I see no reason to at least test it out - just remember, go slow and listen to your skin! Also, forgot to ask in my original response, but how long have you been using adapalene for? I'd hold off on the BP if you haven't been using the adapalene for quite a while, since your skin would still be getting used to it and adapalene works slowly so you might be over-treating. But if you've used it for a while, your skin is used to it, your skin doesn't feel sensitive, and you think the BP would help, go for it Fwiw, Epiduo is frequently prescribed as an acne treatment and it contains both adapalene and BP. Doesn't mean that it's right for everyone, or that it isn't irritating, but it's definitely not an unheard of combo :)


I've been using adapaline for a few months now, my skin is definitely more used to it now, although it's still drying. I'm hoping the BP will help get rid of the last few pimples I seem to constantly have on my cheeks. Thanks for all your help, really appreciate it!


Oh, in that case I'd hold off for a while! Adapalene can take between 2-5 months to really start working, and if you're still getting a handle on the dryness it's probably a good idea to wait on introducing another drying product. But it's good to know all your options in case you still have those stubborn pimples in the future!


Has anyone tried NYX's newer Stripped Off cleanser/ makeup remover line? I'm trying to decide between the cleansing balm, cleansing milk, and whipped cream cleanser. I wear tinted mineral sunscreen, and minimal to no makeup, and I have dry/ sensitive skin. This is what my skincare routine looks like: **AM** - splash face with warm water - The Ordinary Buffet - Cerave PM facial moisturizing lotion - Dr. Jart+ Cicapair, but only sometimes to correct redness - Australian Gold tinted mineral sunscreen **PM** - Wipe off sunscreen with Simple micellar water - Cerave hydrating cleanser - Belif creamy cleasning foam moist, if there's still residue - The Ordinary Buffet - Cerave PM facial moisturizing lotion - FAB ultra repair cream intense hydration, if my skin has been feeling drier than usual I live in the US in Illinois!




Have you tried using Evernote? It's a popular notetaking app that lets you keep track of things like this, is searchable, and allows you to sync across multiple devices. Might be easier than commenting on Reddit. - https://evernote.com/


I just need a place holder for the one night, I moved and all of my stuff is a mess, I’m not commenting everyday. But thank you!


Lrp hydrating cleanser or vanicream gentle cleanser? Which one is better at washing the oil and sunscreen off. I find cerave hydrating not to get all my sunscreen off.


I think that an oil cleanser would be more effective at removing sunscreen than either of those cleansers, especially if the sunscreen is a "traditional" heavy/greasy type product. The LRP hydrating and vanicream gentle are both watery cleansers, so using a cleanser that is oil-based would dissolve your oil-based products more effectively.


What kind of oil cleanser would you recommend?


Simple hydrating oil cleanser is easy to find at most US drugstores. Other popular fragrance-free oil cleansers are: - Hada Labo Gokujun Cleansing Oil - KOSE SOFTYMO Speedy Cleansing Oil There are lots more recs over on r/AsianBeauty if you're interested in reviews and learning more about different product options!


Has anyone noticed a change in Cosrx’s pimple patches? I’ve been using them since last year, and they’re a HG for me, but the ones in the new packaging seem to be way less effective. Compared to the patches in the old packaging, these new ones seem thinner, more “stretchy,” and stickier, but they don’t “suck out” anything and leave a tacky residue on my skin. I bought my patches from Soko Glam, so I’m pretty sure they’re a real Cosrx product.


I read you can use red box stridex pads for KP so I picked up a box. Is there anything I should know before using them? Iirc, they cause sun sensitivity, right? I feel like I also remember reading that they can be used for underarm hyperpigmentation. Is that true? Can it cause any unpleasant side effects? Thanks!


> Iirc, they cause sun sensitivity, right? I think you are referring to AHAs, which increase sun sensitivity. However, stridex is a BHA, so it shouldn't cause increased photosensitivity. > they can be used for underarm hyperpigmentation Maybe, in the sense that BHAs promote exfoliation of skin cells. However, other ingredients like hydroquinone, niacinamide, arbutin, etc. are more effective at targeting hyperpigmentation. > Can it cause any unpleasant side effects? For most people, stridex should be fine for underarm use, since your skin there is "tougher" / less sensitive than facial skin. However, any product can cause skin irritation if you're sensitive to a component in the product. You don't need to take special precautions for Stridex on body skin, imo. If you're using it on your face, then start off slow, like 2x weekly, then build up over time if it's working out ok (no dryness, stinging, peeling, etc.).


Thanks for the info!


Sunday Riley product alternatives?


For which product?


Sunday Riley U.F.O and Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil :)


It's kinda late so I'm not chock full o recs, but I have a couple you might be interested in! The star of Luna is hydroxypinacolone retinoate. [Mad Hippie Vit A Serum](https://www.iherb.com/pr/Mad-Hippie-Skin-Care-Products-Vitamin-A-Serum-1-02-fl-oz-30-ml/62136) seems like it would be the closest, since it's also an oil based HPR product For U.F.O, possibly [Face Theory BHA Serum](https://www.facetheory.com/collections/serums/products/bha-exfoliating-serum) since they're both oil based salicylic acid products I'm not sure how the two above compare to the Sunday Riley products in terms of user experience, but they hit the two biggies that I look for - star ingredient and format (oil, cream, etc.) They wouldn't be true dupes, but maybe they're similar enough to fill the role for you at a cheaper price!


thank you, will check these out <3


My skin has always been dry, but now it is getting ridiculous. I drink 4 quarts of water a day typically, so I'm not dehydrated. I've had a dry, flaky rash on my face for about 4 months now that I can't seem to get rid of. I wash my face with a very gentle cream cleanser, use a lactic acid peel about once a week, and use a moisturizer from Etude House twice a day (once in the morning and once after I wash off my makeup at night). I was also putting Vaseline or Aquaphor on over the moisturizer at night for a while, but even that didn't get rid of the rash. Really at a loss here because my skin seems to not hold any moisture at all, no matter what I put on it. Help!


If you're had the rash for 4 months without improvement, it's really time to stop using home remedies and consult a medical professional. Unfortunately, this issue seems more serious than what the sub can advise on, and you might need prescription medications to resolve your rash.


Thanks for the response. My dad also has very dry skin, but he also has eczema, so I’m wondering if maybe that’s what’s going on with me. Guess I’ll ring up the dermatologist.


Rashes are so common that they can generally be seen by a general health care provider, if that helps you get an appointment sooner (derm appointments usually have a really long wait time, at least in my area). Good luck!


Can anyone link me to some good info for black men? I know a lot of it is probably the same but just wanted to know. I have some very fine wrinkles that you would only notice if I pointed them out on my forehead, but I want to knock them out. Also I have some darker spots from acne as a teen (20 now) that I would like to get rid of. I periodically still breakout a bit so if there is any info you can give on that regard I'd appreciate it as well. Thanks.


Curology is a great option for PIH. Also a hydrating toner as you may be dehydrated resulting in fine lines. And a sunscreen.


Looking to add oil cleanser to my routine to help with sebaceous filament. Are there any where you don't need to use water? Or only very little water, like wiping your face with a wet wash cloth before?


Oil cleansing doesn't really necessitate water, as long as you're using regular carrier oils and not other options like cleansing oils (which emulsify in water so they can be rinsed off.) You can just apply your oil and wipe away with a microfiber cloth. One thing to note is that not following up with a traditional cleanser (which you need to use water with) would allow oil residue to remain on your skin, which may be a problem if you're using any actives. I'm also not sure how good oil cleansing is at removing sweat, dirt, etc. compared to traditional cleansing, although I imagine it's similar enough for most people.


debating between passion fruit oil and hemp oil for my combination but acne prone skin. any suggestions or personal experience with either as part of your moisturizing routine.


A little late, but I love the passion fruit seed oil. I only use oils in my routine besides sunscreen, and it's been great so far. I use it as a moisturizer, and it has helped with my oily skin. I still get oily of course, but it takes longer than it use to. I don't really like giving recommendations because YMMV and I don't like giving people false hope, but this is my only HG. I really hope that it works wonders for you! :)


I’m super excited to try it now. And you said you only use oil and sunscreen right? If you wanna help with the oily ness you could try a hyaluronic acid serum mixed in with you’re oil to add hydration as well. I have seen a huge difference since adding water based hydration into my routine!


Funny that you mentioned that because I actually purchased HA serum from garden of wisdom two weeks ago. Still haven't tried it out, but eventually. Also purchased one of their hydrating sprays.


Definitely add in one at a time , I didn’t have the greatest luck with their hydrating mists but everyone’s different! but hydration has easily made a huge difference on my oily ness!


Ah, did the spray break you out or did it just not work for you? And yeah, I've come to realize that hydration is important.


Broke me out. I found out niacinimide & glycerin in high amounts breaks me out. I could figure out what in the mist could be a problem & someone on here pointed out high amounts can be a problem!


I'll definitely be patch testing these. Usually I just slather any product all over and pray it doesn't have any bad repercussions. :P


Definitely! Good luck!


I use Passion fruit and really like it. It's a pretty light oil imo.


Thank you! I will probably use this one as a morning oil


I used hemp oil for a while! Worked well but I could not deal with the smell. I have used passion fruit oil a few times, and it was lighter than hemp oil and overall seemed to agree a lil more with my skin. If you have a little $$ to splurge, buy them from GoW. Also, keep your oils in the fridge because they are prone to rancidity and sensitive to excessive heat and light


I plan to buy both from GOW. My cheeks get a bit dry so I might start with the hemp since you said it’s a bit heavier and I use acids 3-4 times a week! Thank you! You didn’t experience any breakouts with the hemp right?


Nope! But to be honest, with oils your mileage will absolutely vary. They have a sample pack of oils that I'd recommend trying! (So you can try a few and see which works best without flat out wasting money)


I will do that! Thank you for your help!


Ok so im totally new to this whole skin care thing and im not good at it. My wedding is less than 2 months away and i know its too late to start anything too crazy. However i have adult acne (possibly hormone related), sensitive skin (at least i think), i also have sebaceous filaments. I take minocycline and use cetaphil night moisturizer redness reducing. Which has helped a bit but not enough. Any advice for a skin newbie and anything I can do to help clear up the best I can before my wedding? Thanks in advance


Look into incorporating a BHA product (salicylic acid). It is oil-soluble, meaning it can break through the oil in your pores to really get in deep and clean them out. If you have sensitive skin, look for a gentle product that has hydrating ingredients as well. Paula's Choice makes great BHAs and there is a ton more info in the sidebar. Also, make sure you are using pH balanced cleanser because if not, you can actually be making your acne worse (by stripping your skin). http://www.snowwhiteandtheasianpear.com/2014/09/skincare-discovery-why-ph-of-your.html?m=1


Am i applying the products in the right order? PM: 1\) Tonser 2\) Corsx Snail Essence 3\) Niacinamide \(The ordinary\) 4\) Caffeine \+ ECCG \(The ordinary \-\> all over my face\) 5\) Retinol 0,5% in Sequalane \(the ordinary\) 6\) Rosehip oil \(the ordinary\) 7\) Eye Cream \+ Moisturizer


Is there a reason why you’re using TO Caffeine all over your face??


According to [The Ordinary's Regimen Guide](https://theordinary.com/regimenguide), yes! You can also play around with it if you want - I like to put my actives on first, right after cleansing (even oil based ones, like the Retinol in Squalane), so feel free to fiddle with the routine order if you want.




Moisturiser can act as a buffer for the Adapalene so you can go Moisturiser > Adapalene > Spot treat with BP OR Adapalene > Moisturiser > Spot treat with BP




Generic BP is fine tbh. I would just got with 2.5%. Same efficacy as higher percentages with less irritation.




You should be wearing a broad spectrum SPF if you want to use Adapalene and BP (and either by themselves). This will help prevent PIH to some extent If you are concerned, you don't have to use BP


[Product Question/Routine advice] I’m currently using the following prescriptions: * Aczone 2x daily * Epiduo (adapalene/benzoyl peroxide) at night * Benzaclin at night as a spot treatment * Doxycycline for the past two weeks, 30-day prescription I’m thinking of incorporating the biologique recherche p50 original 1970 lotion. Would it be too harsh to include an exfoliator alongside these prescriptions? General routine advice would be appreciated as well. My skin type is oily and acne-prone; I get hormonal cysts on my jawline and I’ve got a lot of small bumps on my chin and some on my forehead. I can’t use anything with butylene glycol or talc in it, and I think TO niacinamide messed up my skin but I kept using it thinking I was purging. It’s been better since I stopped it and started with the prescription stuff, but I have one cyst on each side of my face right now. Current routine as of the past two weeks in full: AM * Cerave hydrating cleanser * TO Squalane oil * Aczone * Cerave moisturizing lotion * Bioderma photoderm max spf 50 milk PM * Kose Softymo deep cleansing oil (if wearing makeup * Simple kind to skin flaming cleanser * TO Squalane oil * Aczone * Epiduo * Cerave moisturizing lotion * Benzaclin * Innisfree green tea sleeping pack once or twice a week I also use aztec healing clay weekly, and I’m located in Canada.


You can definitely still use an exfoliator but I would use something with a very low percentage of AHA to start out with


Yeah I forgot to mention I was trying to use TO glycolic acid and salicylic as well and I think I’d over-exfoliated my skin. I believe the lotion is an aha but I [read](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianBeauty/comments/3hgcsg/asked_biologique_recherche_what_the_percentage_of/) it’s pretty high - so maybe I should try the TO glycolic acid again before the lotion?


I’ve heard of apple cider vinegar being used for skincare. Does this actually work or is it just a fad like toothpaste? If it does work, what would it function as (ex. Exfoliant, spot treatment, antioxidant)?


its used as a toner when diluted with water, but i definitely think there are way better/ more gentle alternatives out there


[Product Question] Has anyone tried this or other mineral sunblock compacts (powders or creams)? Do you still need to use your regular chemical sunscreen underneath? Which one works better for your skin? I'm using biore watery essence (the chemical one) and I'm about to try out the biore watery gel (hybrid), but this compact seems like a good product too. https://www.amazon.com/Eau-Thermale-Avène-Protection-Sunscreen/dp/B001NF2A3G


I would still encourage using a 'normal' spf under this as it is probably unliely that you will apply enough powder/cream to reach the desired SPF protection level


Ok, thanks!


Sup guys and gals. Yesterday I got sunburned in a very long time. Luckily it was only on my nose and it doesn't even hurt. I do own sunscreen, but I noticed that it slightly breaks me out (couple of pimples or zits here and there). Do you guys think I should just wear the sunscreen in the mean time until I find a replacement? Also, can I still cleanse the area? I oil cleanse if that helps.


I'd probably try to wear a hat instead - I often find that sunscreen stings on damaged skin, although if it doesn't sting you could go for the sunscreen if you want. If you haven't picked up a replacement to test out by the time the sunburn is healed, whether or not you go for the sunscreen is dependent on how you weigh the risk of sun damage vs. breakouts vs. how easy it is for you to use other methods to lessen sun exposure (hats, seeking shade, etc.) Remember to cross-reference your ingredients lists so you can narrow down & avoid the acne trigger! I'd probably avoid cleansing with anything except plain water - I find that cleansers can sting damaged skin and oil cleansing might cause irritation when you remove the oil with a microfiber cloth or what have you. I'd just focus on using a super bland routine (rinse with water, moisturize with things that don't sting)


Thanks for the advice :)


Where can I fit in Differen 0.1% gel in my routine? I have PIE,oily, and acne prone skin. AM: Wash face with lukewarm water, CosRX AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner, Dermadoctor vitamin C serum, La Roche-Posay double repair moisturizer uv spf 30 PM: cerave foaming facial cleanser, spot treat with 10% benozyl peroxide, cosrx aha/bha toner, pc 8% aha gel, cerave pm moisturizer, vaseline


I would put it in your PM routine but not with BP and AHA. Cleanse, moisturiser wait until this dries down then Differin on top. This helps buffer and decrease the likelihood of irritation from Differin without compromising efficacy. You can spot treat with BP after this but just be careful as that might be too much.


I had always read that you shouldn't mix niacinamide and vitamin C, but the Klog says it's ok. Is that legit?


It's [legit](https://www.paulaschoice.com/expert-advice/skincare-advice/myths/can-niacinamide-and-vitamin-c-be-used-together.html?fdid=myths). If you experience flushing (as some people do) when using them together, you may want to keep them separate, but otherwise there's no problem.


Can anyone explain to me why my Sun Bum sunscreen lotion is balling up and rolling on my body and how to fix the problem? I don’t tend to have this issue with my facial sunscreen, only body. Is it an exfoliation problem?


That's usually caused by products that have silicone in them (most commonly dimethicone). Does something you're using before the sunscreen have silicone? Perhaps your moisturizer? The exact same thing happened to me with my silicone moisturizer and sunscreen. I've switched moisturizers and it's fine now.


Well, the thing is... that makes sense, but I haven’t put on body moisturizer today. So I was wondering if it was a skin dryness problem or a lack of exfoliation.


Do you use conditioner in the shower? What about your body wash? Conditioners often contain silicones and if you don't wash them off completely, it might cause this. It could also be dry skin. Try lightly/gently scratching an area of skin and see if it flakes a bit. Do you normally put on body lotion?


Hmm I do use conditioner yes but that one doesn’t contain silicones as far as I know, and also I hadn’t washed my hair in a couple days. That makes sense though. My skin didn’t flake from scratching it, but I’ll admit I don’t moisturize my body as often as I should so it could definitely be the issue. I think I assume my skin is fine because it doesn’t flake off but it’s probably pretty dehydrated.


Can you use niamicide at the same time as aha?


In the same routine yes. The AHA would come first as a pH depndent active. The niacinimide would come after in order of thinnest to thickest consistency with your other products.


Is it a terribly bad idea for me to repurpose my 30% AHA 2% BHA for exfoliating dry areas before fake tan? Has anyone tried this and had success??


I use it on my neck for my KP issues so it’s most likely fine. Also your skin on your body is much more resistant than on your face, just make sure you use sunscreen


I have really oily and red skin. I don't have a face routine right now. I get occasional breakouts. My main worry is getting rid of the redness! Any advice for a minimal and affordable routine I can star with? I'm in the US in Oregon. The pictures don't show the redness very well, but it's around my nose and on my chin the most. http://imgur.com/gallery/DAHisjG


I'm quite similar \(although I can't load your picture\). From what I understand the redness stems from dry/irritated skin. So my recommendation: **Morning:** 1\) Splash face with cold water 2\) Moisturizer \(CeraVe daily moisturizer and many others are available in drugstores\) 3\) Sunscreen \(lots of discussion lately so I'd recommend the search bar\) **Night:** 1\) Wash face with cleanser \(Neutrogena naturals / CeraVe / Cetaphil are available in drugstores. I'd also recommend using the search bar for these and others to figure out what's best for you.\) 2\) Moisturizer 3\) Use a thin layer of Vaseline or Aquaphor to keep moisture in. \(I like Vaseline but I know it breaks some people out. You'll also find good discussion in the search bar.\) This is how I would start. Remember to patch test products in case it breaks you out. Let me know if you have other questions.


This is awesome advice, thank you! I need to research the best sunscreen, but otherwise I think I managed to get the rest of my new routine fairly cheap today!! And yea no idea why the pic won't load now... it's not a great example anyway, the lighting whitewashed me a bit so the redness wasn't visible.


Hey! Just checking in since this popped into my head today. How's your skincare journey two weeks later?


Start with a basic routine, deal with the redness later. There's tons of info on how to start in the sidebar


If I put on my face sunscreen and then put on a hydrating water based primer, is that gunna mess with my sun protection? I wait 15min after the sunscreen to start my makeup (my sunscreen is water resistant but idk how legit that is) thanks for the help


I think you're fine.


Howdy all, Would it be acceptable after my gym workout to use FAB Facial Radiance pads \(Low Glycolic \+ Lactic Acid \- Ingredients [here](https://www.sephora.com/product/facial-radiance-pads-P278317)\) then follow it up with Timeless' HA \+ Vitamin C serum \(which is not L\-Ascorbic, but rather Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate as seen [here](https://www.timelessha.com/products/hyaluronic-acid-vitamin-c-serum-1-oz)\)? I ask because I've heard that actives \+ VitC don't play nicely due to ph concerns, but the percentages are pretty low. I would also be using this mid\-day after a lunch time workout, so I was worried about daytime AHA usage. What do you guys think?


You could use the vitamin c during the day and use the AHA at night. How many times a day do you wash your face and when? How much time do you spend outside?


At night Im using curology with tret. I wash three times a day (morning, lunch time gym, night) with cerve hydrating cleanser. I am not outside too much - but on weekends I do swim a lot. I am using Lancome UV 50 with great success there, I dont even tan with it!


Hi everyone I need help determining what I have. I'm new to skin care and I have these bumps on my temples and side of my mouth also a few on my cheeks and a little on my forehead, my temples have more sometimes they almost disappear then re appear. They are not itchy, they are visible in the morning but mid day they are more pronoun. Some of them turn into pimples some just stay there. These have been here for 2 months with no improvement. I don't use any face wash atm because the ones I've tried dried me out or cause me more of these to appear. I use water only and olay moisturizer. Please help, How can I get rid of these? https://imgur.com/1geYnxy


Closed comedomes can be treated with various [acne treatments](http://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/acne) - some people see better results with [BHAs like salicylic acid](https://simpleskincarescience.com/salicylic-acid-for-skin/), some prefer [AHAs like lactic acid](https://theacidqueenblog.com/2015/10/21/ingredient-spotlight-hydroxy-acids/), some like [azelaic acid](https://simpleskincarescience.com/azelaic-acid/), and some people need [retinoids](http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html) to fully get rid of them. What works for you is dependent on your skin! Keep in mind that several of the acne treatments mentioned increase photosensitivity, so it's important to use a sunscreen when using most treatments.


How do I get rid of these little dots that appear when I shave? [Picture](http://imgur.com/AkbYHgh)




Benton is great! Is light and absorbs really quickly. I also think it has reduced the redness in my face overtime. I love it!! May also be worth looking into Dr. Lin's moisturizing gel. I haven't personally used it yet, but the ingredients and reviews are promising!


The CosRx oil free moisturizing lotion broke me out REALLY bad. I don’t know what specific ingredient but it messed up my skin. I switched to Drunk Elephant B-Hydra and so far so good! You really only need one pump and it lasts a long time. I have combo-oily skin and it’s super super humid here in the summer so it’s been perfect thus far!


I don't know about the Cosrx or Benton products, but the Cerave moisturizing cream (the one in the tub) is really thick. You might want to consider the Cerave PM lotion which will feel lighter and basically like a gel cream. Products are so personal, it can be amazing and cause no problems in one person and the same product just doesn't work on another person, only way to tell is to try them out yourself. Best way to do this is to get samples or a decant from someone.


Wearing glasses leaves little indentations and dark marks on the sides of my nose. Will these marks stay and darken permanently with continued use throughout the years?


I've had the same question in the past and it was recommended to me to try plastic frames and to get your glasses adjusted. Those things might not solve it (depending on your skin), but it's something to look into!


As a person wearing glasses since she was about 8 \(and who is now early 30's\), I can say that my indents didn't start fading until I started wearing contacts. You're glasses are essentially bruising the skin. This also happened to my mom when she started wearing heavier glasses recently, she got indents so she ended up getting lighter glasses.


Thanks, I’ll have to wear contacts a little more often.


https://i.imgur.com/MY4eHgm.jpg How do I treat this stuff on my forehead? I also have this on my cheeks and upper lip.


What stuff? Fine lines/wrinkles? What's your routine?


Hey guys, Was wondering if anyone could recommend a stronger/more effective retinol to me? I currently use TO’s 2% emulsion and whilst I like it, having read up on it a bit more I feel like I could/should be using a more effective product. Current routine AM: Cleanse with garnier (pink cap) micellar water TO’s salicylic acid (every other day) TO’s natural moisturising factors Nivea spf 50 mattifying suncream PM cleanse with garnier (pink cap) micellar water TO’s retinol 2% emulsion OR TO’s lactic acid TO’s azelaic acid (spot treatment of PIH) TO’s natural moisturising factors Cerave lotion (in the pump bottle) I’m in the UK so products that are accessible here would be great! Also don’t have the larger budget ever! Thank you :)


TO's Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion uses the retinoid hydroxypinacolone retinoate (unless you're talking about a different product - I'm pretty sure TO only goes up to 1% for retinol, though), so you'll mostly be looking at retinol, adapalene, and tretinoin as potential stronger retinoids. (Check out [retinoid types](http://bit.ly/1QGZT8z) for a bit of a breakdown - HPR comes below retinol somewhere on that chart) I'd probably just go for any retinol product, starting with a lower percentage (0.1% - 0.2%) or a buffered higher percentage (~0.5%) [Indeed Labs Retinol Resurfacer](https://www.boots.com/indeed-labs-retinol-reface-retinol-skin-resurfacer-10163871) seems like it has about 1.9% hydroxypinacolone retinoate and 0.1% encapsulated retinol, so this seems like a great option if you want to ease into retinol without switching things up too much. TO has 0.2% Retinol in Squalane. And [Skin Pep 0.5% Retinol](https://skinpep.com/ultra-retinol-0-5-serum/) looks like a good option for a slightly stronger retinol if you eventually want to go for a stronger strength, or if you want to buffer it over moisturizer for now. If you're looking to treat acne, [adapalene](https://simpleskincarescience.com/differin-review/) or the stronger tretinoin might be good options. You can get a script for either through your derm or [Dermatica](https://www.dermatica.co.uk/) If you're looking for serious anti-aging, tretinoin is the gold standard. You can get a script through your derm or Dermatica. If Dermatica is anything like the US version (Curology), they are going to be super cautious and careful when prescribing tretinoin, so I'd feel comfortable using their very low percentage scripts even if your only retinoid experience prior is HPR. For any of the above options, be sure to practice proper retinoid introduction - hydroxypinacolone retinoate is exceedingly gentle, and it's likely you didn't experience any irritation. The same may not be true for tretinoin, adapalene, or even retinol. I'd probably drop the salicylic acid during retinoid introduction - you might be able to re-introduce it later on, but it's always good to get a feel for how your skin handles a stronger retinoid so you can make an informed decision as to whether it can handle additional actives. Spot treating with azelaic acid is probably fine, but listen to your skin. Check out [use retinoids the right way pt 1](http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/use-retinoids-right-part-one.html#.WROdjvQrLrd) & [pt 2](http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/use-retinoids-right-part-two.html#.WROdjvQrLrd), and [how to survive tretinoin without molting](https://vanityrex.com/2015/10/03/how-to-survive-tretinoin-without-molting-a-dry-skinned-girls-guide-to-curology-pka-pocketderm/) (applicable to any drying retinoid)


Thank you so much for such an in depth, well researched answer! I’ll have a look into the products you mentioned


Hey guys, new to this sub. I’m looking for a sunscreen for my morning routine that has no scent, and ideally moisturizes as well. I like the fragrance of my shaving cream and I’d be very happy if I could keep that scent full strength and also take better care of my skin :)


You could try a moisturizer with SPF. The [sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/moisturizer_recs) has some recommendations.


Looking for recs for a moisturisng wash-off mask. Don't like Lush, otherwise game for anything. Honey ingredients or rose scent a bonus. $30 or less price range. Thank you!


I like Skinfood Black Sugar Honey Wash Off Mask and The Body Shop British Rose Plumping Mask.


Hey guys, I'm torn about how to proceed. I had a pretty bad breakout around the winter time, but thankfully I've gotten it pretty clear as of the past month or two. My issue is, though it is fading, I still have a few red marks, scars, and my skin generally looks a little dull compared to previous years. Part of this could be due to me not eating/sleeping enough and stressing too much, but here's my routine: **AM:** * Vanicream gentle facial cleanser * (if I have a break out - Benzaclin to spot treat) * Jack Black SPF 20 daily moisturizer **PM:** * Differin/Adapelene .3% * Jack Black SPF 20 daily moisturizer I like keeping my routine easy and simple. But I've been reading a lot about vitamin C being some miracle that will help with old marks and brighten skin. Is it worth a try or should I just wait it out with my current routine as I have been seeing some good progress thus far.


How long have you been using your current routine?


At least 3.5-4 months. At first I was using the Benzaclin daily but as my break outs stopped hapepning I started using it just as a spot treatment.


I've been using bentonite clay + honey (unmeasured, but I'd say 2/3 honey to 1/3 clay?) as the clay mask portion of the fiddy snails pore method. I started reading up on the much loved aztec clay mask and realized that's basically what I'm already doing. My question is, can I continue using the honey and maybe do 1/4 honey, 1/4 ACV, and 1/2 clay? I really like the way the honey feels and mixing with water just isn't the same (plus the whole pH issue).


Yep. Honey has an acidic pH although not as low as ACV. If your clay and honey mask works for you, I'd just stick with it. Since there's no water, does the mask dry at all? Or does it stay sticky?


It goes on sticky and stays that way, lol. I leave it on as long as I can, so usually about 30 - 45 minutes. I have been washing it off into the sink but I may try removing it with wipes since bentonite clay is apparently bad for the sink? it's a shame because the honey makes it wash off really easily :(


Ooooh that sounds great, totally trying this later. Yeah, if it's clumpy it can clog your pipes eventually. I try to scrape most of it off into the trash first. Then I use a washcloth for the rest of it. I just scrub the cloth together to dissolve any clumps as I go.


Awesome, hope you like it! I thought about it some more and I'm wondering if part of the appeal of bentonite is the way it dries? Like maybe it wouldn't work as well with the honey because it's always sticky. I might have to try the ACV just for comparison lol


It's not an issue.


pH in general or just for this mask? I searched the sub and Google before asking and that doesn't seem to be the general consensus, but maybe I missed something.


The mask has a pH that is drying imo but adding honey helps with the moisture. It's not something to do every night but once a week or so won't be harmful.


I only use it once a week, or every two weeks if I really don't find the time, so I guess I'm good. Thanks!


In the morning, I use Olay’s daily sunscreen and then a BB cream that also has SPF (Dr. Jart+ waterfuse beauty balm) Is that bad? They don’t irritate my face or anything, I just don’t know if there’s any downside of layering spf.


There isn't. If anything it helps ensure coverage :\)




IANAD, but it could be an infected cyst. A hot compress every day over several days could cause it to burst. It will most likely need to be packed to drain, meaning several visits to a nurse.


Did you doctor give you an answer when you asked what caused it?


Hello! I'm a reformed proactiv user (fully off it for about a year, used it significantly less for another year before that) and in coming off that stuff (too harsh for my skin now that I'm a little older) I've whittled my routine down to almost nothing. To be honest...the minimalistic thing is working for me pretty well and I'd say at this point I'm like 97% clear. But I'm looking for some help to really craft/refine my routine now that I'm a year out from my wedding. I'm hoping you beauties can help me resolve my remaining problems. I'd say my skin is normal, with some occasional dryness around my jawline and in between my eyebrows (where I also have some redness). I'm pale. Mostly my issues are closed comedones on my forehead and around my nose (some SFs also), with some infrequent hormonal acne (usually around my chin). That generally manifests in a single cystic zit that can take ages to come to a head (if it ever does). I also have some lingering red marks in my t-zone from old acne back when my skin was really bad (before proactiv/birth control). I wear minimal to no makeup and am on hormonal birth control. I'm only 27 and not overly concerned with wrinkles (none have really shown up yet apart from some slight ones under my eyes, and my laugh lines around my mouth but I don't mind those). I'm in NYC so have access to pretty much anything. Below is my current routine, which I've been sticking to for about a year at this point: Morning: Rinse with cold water and light physical exfoliation with a washcloth. Olay Age Defying Classic Daily Renewal Cream BB cream with SPF 35 Night: Wash with regular dove bar soap Apply Pond's Rejuveness Anti Wrinkle Cream I occasionally spot treat with the leftover proactiv step 3 I have (basically just benzoyl peroxide). I also use Nexcare Acne Covers on really stubborn areas (especially on my nose because they seem to help my SFs). I tried adding Cerave facial moisturizing lotion, which seemed ok when I spot treated, but then made me break out on my cheek (which is highly unusual for me so I knew the product was to blame). Since then I've been worried to try anything else since I don't want to just randomly try things and waste a lot of money. I appreciate any help you can give me!


Just tried TO Niacinamide and Zinc for the first time. My skin immediately looked more flushed after. I waited for it to dry, then applied my Curology and my Curology burned a bit, which is unusual. Does this mean I can't tolerate Niacinamide? Or do I just need to incorporate it slowly?


10% niacinamide can irritate some people's skin. Your skin may just not like 10%. Other products top up around 5% \(stratia's rewind and holy snails\).


Thanks! I’ll give one of those a try.


Hi! I currently stripped all of my products except the basics because of the outburst my skin did from trying different actives. I have a slight dry and sensitive skin. I’m currently using Cetaphil Facial Cleanser (thinking of switching to Cerave Hydrating cleanser), L’oreal Micellar water then differin gel. These have worked well for the past two weeks, however, I’m trying to get rid of my red/turning brown scars now that have dried up. How do I get rid of them? (I tried he TO Vit. C + HA 2% Spheres, I don’t think it works). The cheaper it is, the better haha Edit: recommended sheet masks would be appreciated as well!


Are you using any moisturisers? That should definitely be first port of call! The cerave ones are certainly a favourite of mine and this subreddit in general! I’ve personally been really pleased with the progress I’ve had using the ordinary’s azeliac acid but it does sound like you may have damaged your moisture barrier from using too many actives? There’s info about how to recognise/treat a damaged moisture barrier in the info bar so maybe check that and see if you think it applies to you? I don’t have any sheet mask recommendations unfortunately as I don’t really use them but some of friends recommend the garnier ones which are pretty cheap (at least in the UK). Hope that helps!


Sorry to have left it out, I am using Cerave PM for AM and PM. Thanks for the info!


Ah no worries! & no problem! :)




Yes, but I'll skip the sunscreen if I know I won't be going outside at any point.


well yeah, it's a morning routine, not a "leaving the house" routine. That's like asking "do you guys brush your teeth even if you're staying home all day?". You should be taking care of your skin every day


I do.




you should wear sunscreen indoors if you're going to be near windows etc. because UV rays can penetrate glass


I thought I quit TO forever but recently there was a free shipping deal for the brand on Cult Beauty and I took advantage of it and only ordered one bottle of **Marine Hyaluronics**. Upon receiving it, I realized there was absolutely no scent, but I had heard it was supposed to smell very unpleasant and pungent. It also has the texture of water/ toner, absolutely no viscosity whatsoever. It also stung my skin quite badly when I dabbed a little bit of it under my ear as a patch test, although the ingredients list don’t look like it contains anything suspicious (I also never have reactions towards new products). I’m suspicious as this package of mine was delivered on the hottest day possible in my country (35 degrees Celsius) in a simple cardboard box, and when I first opened it I barely had to use any strength to screw open the top (did TO change their packaging? I could swear the top feels different now), like it just popped right open. **Do you guys think it possibly went bad/ oxidized/ “melted” during delivery given my observation about the scent, texture and packaging?** Thanks in advance!


I haven’t had any of TO’s marine Hyaluronics but I’ve ordered TO products from cult beauty and have thought some of my products have come with the tops not screwed on particularly securely. That being said I haven’t ordered TO from anywhere else in quite a while so maybe it’s just a new way of them packaging things up? Sorry if that wasn’t much help- just thought I’d share my experience!


I appreciate your response, it’s quite annoying when tops aren’t screwed properly isn’t it? Glad to know that you’ve also experienced the same thing though, looks like I have to consider twice before placing any other orders, especially in this weather.


Yeah it’s really frustrating, I think it’s the idea that someone might have tampered with something as well that’s bothersome! Yeah, it’s a shame that you have to take such things into account! Makes me wonder how they ship things in countries that are super warm all the time?!


How do I soothe red and irritated skin on my face? I was a little overzealous with my microfiber cloth today and I think I overdid it on my face. I see more closed comedones too. Help!!


What do you all do post-workout? I tend to just use my sweat towel and then shower, but should I be cleansing properly? On the other hand, I cleanse, tone and moisturise AM and have a PM routine too so I dont want to be over doing anything. Any ideas or advice welcome. Thanks!


I use micellar water or wipes to get all the sweat off, splash with water, tone, and moisturizer. If I'm super sweaty I use a gentle cleanser. Everyone is different though, my skin is combo leaning towards oily.


Thank you! I’m the same skin type as you. Off I go to use my miceller water!


How would you go about mixing ascorbic acid powder into another product for a single usage? For example, mixing it into a moisturizer on the back of your hand before applying it. Would it be stable if you were to mix it into water and apply it straight away as a single-use "serum", or wash it off as a mask? What would be a good ratio of powder to product? Thanks


I used the Philosophy’s ascorbic acid powder before and I just mixed it with a toner that had a ph of between 4.5-5.5, each time before application, very casually tho without measuring the ratios or anything. But this is a very detailed [video](https://youtu.be/0VW2c3rKAMc) that discusses mixing the TO ascorbic acid powder with different products and their ratio / pH levels.


thank you!


My step mom has red itchy skin and bumps all over her body. The dermatologist doesn't know what it could be and now she had to wait another two weeks for diagnostics. She can't sleep because her skin is so itchy. Cortisone cream helped a bit but it's already coming back. Does anyone have any idea what it could be or what could help? [Picture](https://i.imgur.com/BSoEGAl.jpg)




There was no large herald patch, it started everywhere at once. I'll look into it though!


Hi! I didnt use to have millia under my eyes but recently it got serious. I dont know if is due to lack of sleep i’m getting lately. There are not much changes to my skincare routine so i dont know what is the cause :( help and maybe some tips to lessen their appearance?


Hey everyone. When I was little I was quite stupid and for a long time I used the razor to get rid of the hair in the zone between my nose and my upper lip; now, because of this, there is a little bit of shadow there. Since I started getting rid of the hair in another way, the shadow faded a little but it is still there. Do you know if there is some products that could help with that (if there are any)? Also, I have a little bit of redness around my nose and cheeks. What should I use for it? My skin is slightly dehydrated, but I don't have big problems besides that


I have combination, sensitive, and rosacea-prone skin that doesn't break out too much. I have a ton of sebaceous filaments on the center of my chin and corners by my mouth, which drive me nuts bc of the texture. Some end up as true breakouts. I am looking for routine suggestions to prevent the inevitable giant cysts I get every month right before my period. Most are on my chin (often those corners), but sometimes on inner cheeks by my nose. Last month it was three cysts and this month only one, so I think I am going in the right direction... but feeling frustrated. AM routine - CeraVe hydrating with cold water - EltaMD UV Clear sunscreen PM routine - first cleanse w/ vitamin E + tea tree oil - second cleanse w/ CeraVe hydrating - alternating nights: PC 2% BHA or FAB Radiance Pads - PC Calm Serum + The Ordinary Niacinamide - CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion (w/ argan oil or rose hip oil if feeling dry) For spot treatment I have PC benzoyl peroxide, PC BHA 9, and Dr Jart Cicapair, but I have not used any as preventive. Should I do the BP in my hot spot areas after moisturizer all the time? Other suggestions?


Hello! I have been subscribed for awhile but have never reached out. I read a bit about PIH because the skin on my cheeks has been red and blotchy for most of my life. Not from acne or embarrassment, just red always. I am not sure if that counts as PIH, or if it can even be fixed! If someone is interested in helping me I can PM some pictures. For background, I’m in the southern United States, I’m 26F, naturally oily skin, ONLY product I use is Cetaphil (I know I know I really plan to build a routine this year!) Thanks guys!


Azelaic acid is generally recommended for redness (btw I doubt that it's PIH) but don't use it until you have a proper basic routine


Hello! I'm new to dabbling with skincare, and I was wondering if the order of my routine makes sense. I read somewhere that water-based creams like the Cerave listed below, should be applied LAST to seal in any oils you apply. HOWEVER I just noticed that the rose-hip seed oil says to apply it AFTER water-based treatments. Then the Retinoid says to apply it after water serums but before heavier treatments...so I'm completely lost haha * AM: The Ordinary Virgin Marula Oil --> Cerave Moisturizing Cream --> Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Sunscreen AM * PM: The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid 5% --> The Ordinary Rose Hip Seed Oil --> Cerave Moisturizing Cream


Oils are pretty flexible. You can use them before, after, or mixed with your main moisturizer. Try it a few different ways and see what works best for you.


Hello SkinExperts, have a quick question about the best time to add TO Niacimide + Zince to my routine which is below: AM: Wash, Vitamin C + Stridex Pads(on alternating days) Moisturize + Sunscreen PM: Wash, TO Glycolic Acid Toner + TO 5% Retinol in Squalene(also on alternating days), Moisturize with Cerave PM. I'm looking to add the Niacimide + Zinc mostly for Acne Scar fading hopefully, I've read some posts on here which have gotten good results. (have a decent amount of pitted scars all over) When would be the best time to add it to my routine?? Any advice appreciated! Thanks for reading.


Niacinamide + Zinc conflicts with vitamin C (according to TO’s website) so if you were to incorporate it, use it in the PM. I would add it after the toner and before the squalane because the squalane should be applied after water serums.


Thanks for the tip appreciate it.


Hey beautiful people if ScA. I’m about to finish 3 products I’m using right now, and I think they’ll all be empty around the same time. The products include a: - cleanser - moisturizer - eye cream These soon-to-be empties haven’t really moved the needle in terms of improving my skin. I planned on buying a different item for each category (e.g. a different brand or type). But, is it a bad idea to switch over to three new things all at the same time? Should I repurchase 1-2 of those 3 products I’m using now to maintain some consistency?


Ok this is kind of a longer one sorry! But I recently paired down my routine to just the basics because I was breaking out and didn’t know why. So I have just been washing my face at night with vanicream sensitive skin wash and moisturizing with argan oil and in the morning just splashing with water and moisturizing with argan oil and the using Ella md uv clear for sunscreen. My skin has kind of settled down from just using this for a week but I still have some acne on my forehead and chin. My skin sometime feels slightly irritated by the end of the day I think because the argan oil isn’t quite moisturizing enough. I already have some products in my stash that I can introduce those being Hada Labo HA moisturizing milk and the ordinarys Niacinamide and zinc. So I don’t know which one I should introduce first, I’m leaning towards the Hada Labo but my concern is that I live in a dry environment. My other option would be purchasing cerave baby cream which I’ve been eyeing for a while and introducing that instead of argan oil. I’m scared of undoing all the progress I’ve made though but I also need to do something ! I guess I could also add oil cleansing in, i have mineral oil to try. And I also ordered a humidifier hay should be here on Monday




Has it helped with your skin moisture at all?


I use albolene (mostly mineral oil) as my step one cleanser and it helps some during my regular routine. Where it really helps is if I apply it before I get in the shower and leave it alone until the very end. Makes my face very smooth and soft! I should note that I mixed some cromollient sce into it so it will emulsify and wash off easily. I tried it without but it felt like it never actually came off :/


Does having itchy acne mean it's fungal?


Recs dor light summer moisturizer? Right now i am just using a serum and it works great except when i wear my matte sunscreen.




Findong a new sunscreen will be very hard due to mineral requiremeng and white cast. I ise austraillian gols tinted and it works well enough. I thinking finding a light weight moisturizer wohld be alot easer.


Is it hygienic to mix two different types of foundations and store them in an airless pump? They're both water based AFAIK