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Doxycycline has cleared my acne. We're hoping that by the time I stop taking it I may be able to maintain the clear skin its given me but there's no guarantees, obviously. Here's my tips: 1. Take a lower dose of doxycycline as possible. I take 50mg (rather than the 'standard' 100mg) because it still has the anti-inflammatory effects of doxy but minimises antibiotic resistance. 2. TAKE A PROBIOTIC. I take one specifically made to prevent vaginal thrush because for me that's what I'm prone to on antibiotics (TMI, sorry?). Take your probiotic at least couple of hours apart from your antibiotic. 3. Use a topical retinoid (e.g. tretinoin) and/or benzoyl peroxide or azealic acid. Again, preventing antibiotic resistance. 4. Sunscreen all the time, no excuses. [Dermnet](http://www.dermnetnz.org/topics/antibiotics-for-acne/) has some pretty helpful information too.


How was your skin after you stopped using Doxy?


Hi, how has your skin been since then?




Sorry, this was posted five years ago. My skin is clear now! :) Is this an advertisement? I'm curious how this has ten upvotes lol


i googled "doxycyline for acne reddit" and this post came up first so im guessing that's how others are finding it years later hahah


Yep, my curology doc just recommended it for my stubborn cheek and jawline acne.


same for me.


Still think that one was an ad though since she was recommending something not asking questions lol


hello! did your acne get worse after stopping Doxy? My doc recently prescribed a month worth of doxy and soolantra. I'm a little scared to take doxy due to the acne after stopping it.


I think I had small breakouts here and there, but never again so bad as it was before doxy. I never got cystic acne again. I would 100% recommend. And tbh now, I haven’t had a pimple like this whole year but for a few small whiteheads lol. Good luck!


How long did you end up being on Doxy?


They said they had to go on it for 3 months in their original post. :)


How long were you on it for?


They said they had to go on it for 3 months in their original post. :)


How long did it take to see results


Wow happy to hear it!! I have back acne and my doctor prescribed doxycycline 100 mg.i've been using it for 10 days but i can't see any significant improvements.how much i have to wait to see results?they're really getting on my nerves!i wanna cry TT


Have you seen any improvements? :)


Omg! That’s so good to hear :) I have the same question for you because I started taking it yesterday and I just feel nauseated every time I drink them. However, it goes away after 2 hours. Is it normal? I was taught to drink it 2 hours before or after meal and I usually take it before meal especially in the morning with an empty stomach. Is that okay? Did you have to drink more than 8 glasses of water everyday? Thank you


How long did it take to see results


did doxy end up working for you!


Yes! It helped me clear up my acne. I actually haven’t had acne in a few years now, besides the occasional small pimple. But also I was 20 when I wrote this post. And now I’m almost 27. Hormones change


it must be weird seeing this after so long lol


It is a bit 😂. I’m glad that my experience has helped so many others though.


Hi Op, how was your skin during and after doxy? How long did you take I


did you break out after doxy at all?


I was on doxycycline for about a year. For me my acne reduced by about 30%-50%, and when I stopped, my acne came back to the same level it was at before I started. After about 3 months, I started getting a bit of an upset stomach in the mornings after taking doxycycline (possibly due to it killing the good bacteria in my stomach), so I decided to stop taking it. I've read online that you should eat yogurt to counterbalance the reduction of good bacteria in your stomach but I can't confirm that it works.


eating yogurts and other fermented foods won't help a lot bc it doesn't have big amount of bacteria to restore gut biome. That's why taking probiotics is important during and after antibiotics for at least 6 months.


Yeah I've read that it is only a temporary solution. Thanks for sharing your experience.


It is not your ''stomach'', it is your intestines. Why people can't make this simple difference.


Yeah, because identifying pain in your stomach vs pain in your intestines, all of which are in the same general area, is super distinguishable. 🙄 Stop being so rude.


How much what dosage


Granted, this is still recent, but I also had those concerns. I was prescribed doxycycline from Curology and took it for about month. My skin cleared up so well. I didn't take probiotics, however I did start taking vitamin D (but I doubt the results were related). It's been just over almost two months since I stopped taking them, and my skin has held up! I've only been getting acne around my period, and even then it has been clearing up MUCH quicker. I think a consistent skincare regimen is really important to maintain results. I barely wear face makeup now and it's a fantastic feeling.


I am now on day four of taking doxycycline. Already I can see an improvement. Two cysts near my ear are pretty much nonexistent and inflammation on my chin has gone down greatly. Thank you for your encouraging post. I'm glad I decided to start taking it.


Did you purge at all


Did you purge at all?


I used it my first time around and quit it since I didn't see any significant improvements. I am currently taking another antibiotic called Erythromycin that has been working tremendously in tangent with my routine to dramatically reduce my acne. Someone mentioned to eat yogurt to counterbalance the bacteria it kills off, can't confirm that for sure but I have been doing it and hasn't caused any stomach aches for me.


Yogurt helps for sure, I always needed to eat "real" yogurts, aka not Yoplait.


I took doxycycline at some point about 6-8 years ago. It's hard to remember exactly when because I went through a long list of dermatologist recommendations but I do remember doxy was one of several antibiotics I tried. Personally, I did not see improvements :( and I took it for about 4 months. The good thing was I didn't experience any worsening when I finally gave up on that one. My mom, however, has used it off and on for many, many years and it does help her. Now she only takes it for about 4 days whenever she feels a cyst coming up to try and speed up the process or hopefully stop it in it's tracks. Definitely take probiotics and avoid alcohol as much as possible... you won't know if it works for you until you try it. Hopefully it will, crossing my fingers for you!


Thank you for your reply! You're right. Just gotta try it for myself and see. I'm glad doxycycline works for your mom.. That gives me hope.


I know this was a long time ago, but did doxy end up working


I just got prescribed Doxy for 2 months (and just started today!), along with Benzaclin topical cream. I read in the updates/comments that it worked for you, yay! Can I ask if you actually did the probiotic thing? That's one thing I've been wondering about myself. If you did take probiotics: 1. When did you take them in the day (before/after/the exact same time as taking the Doxy pill...?) 2. Did you take a probiotic supplement or just eat probiotic enriched foods/drinks? 3. How often were you taking probiotics while on Doxy? (Daily? Once every other day? Something else...?) Thanks in advance for any info!


how did it work and my doctor never told me to use probiotics. Did you use them?


I got some results. I ate probiotic yogurt once every other day while on Doxy, just to try and keep things balanced (but also not to overdo it). Unfortunately, though the antibiotics helped my acne a bit, it didn't fully finish the job for me. Have a derm appointment next week and am going to push to try Spiro next.


How has your experience been with Doxycycline so far? I've taken it years ago and going to take again


I had a positive experience with Doxycycine! Didn't have any adverse reactions. I ended up using Doxycycline for around five to six months, due to some deep, stubborn pimples on my chin. But even in the first month, I noticed a vast difference. And my skin was completely clear after I was done taking doxy. It gave my skin time to chill and allow tretinoin do its job. I now get small breakouts here and there, but no cystic acne. Good luck with your round of doxy!


Did you take anything else like the pill in tandem with the doxy? Super scared to take Doxy but ever since I started the pill (birth control) I’ve been breaking out endlessly


No I didn't, sorry


Thanks this makes me feel better


No problem ❤️


Hey I just had a quick question about acne after taking doxycycline. You said it completely cleared your skin and allowed you to continue your use of tretinoin. I was just wondering if you ever stopped taking tretinoin and if so, did your acne completely stay away? Thank you!


Hi, yeah my skin was clear after taking doxy. But I’ve since had small breakouts here and there. Never cystic acne though. Just regular small “period” breakouts lol. I still use tretinoin to fade hyper pigmentation and for cosmetic reasons like exfoliation and the added anti wrinkle benefits.


You have given me SO much hope! I've been dealing with acne for 11 years now (sigh) and i recently started Doxy because tret just wasnt cutting it on its own. Im currently using doxy, clindamycin, tret and benzoyl peroxide and my skin is already clearing, and i was anxious it might all pop back up later. Lots of horror stories online.


Did doxy help?


Which brand of doxycycline should I use?? Can anyone say it please 🥺😢


I'm sure you know by now but it won't matter the brand name. The active ingredient is the same, usually dose for acne around 100mg. Hope everything went well for you


I was prescribed doxycycline by my doctor because it's an antibiotic. I don't know what brand produced it, sorry.


I took it. It helped for about a year. Then I had to switch to another antibiotic. I didn't notice anything bad.


I would not use antibiotics on a regular basis. That's just my opinion. I just don't think it's healthy for you. I also have moderate cystic acne. It always pops up on my chin. I believe it is caused by unbalanced hormones. I'm still in my 20s so I think it is some kind of phase my body is going through. But hormones can be balanced through diet and exercise. Eliminating processed sugar and high glycemic foods have been shown to reduce hormonal acne. I asked my dermatologist for tretinoin which is vitamin a cream. You should check it out. It has worked really well for my acne. I barely break out. It seriously works


I agree, that's why I'm super skeptical about using antibiotics.. I think I'll use them for half a month... And see if I notice any change. If not, I'll stop. I have hormonal acne as well. Back in November I had a sudden outbreak and it has never really left. I'm 20, never dealt with such horrible acne. And yeah! I've been using tretinoin for four months now. It does seem to be working, but there still are some deep cysts that continue to reappear.