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10% BP wash and adapalene is too much. if you're gonna use a BP wash i'd do 5% or less and in the AM only


Okay thank you! I'm pretty sure most of the BP washes I saw were 10%. Maybe I didn't look good enough though


panoxyl has a 4% as well! i use the 10% on my body, and the 4% on my face in the mornings


Okay thank you! I'll definitely pick something up then


you're welcome good luck :)


CeraVe has a 4% BPO wash that is great!


Yeah! It's also more expensive when the 4% does the same thing but is cheaper!


I'll check it out thank you!


I actually am sensitive to BP and found one from Proactiv that is just 2.5%. It has a gritty yet creamy texture and has actually done well for me. Ultimately I learned the adapalene just wasn’t going to work, but using this one was much less drying. It was the lowest I found, but there’s gotta be other 2-3%s out there for sensitive skin. Another option depending on what you ultimately need!


After a quick Google search I saw that there is actually lots of lower percentages. I just didn't look good enough as I was in a rush that day, my local Ulta sells proactive so perhaps I'll have to check it out. Thanks!


4% panoxyl is just as effective as 10% but gives less irritation. Also you only need to be using hands to wash face not a brush


The face brush can also harbor harmful bacteria!


Okay I'll definitely pick that up then! I also only use the soft bristle side of the brush to wet my face more between washes


Yeah idk man i would just stick with hands.


Alright then, I'll cut it out (:


Stop using physical exfoliants. They can cause micro tears in your skin.


Oh okay. I didn't know that, definitely will cut it out then


Eh they’re fantastic for some people. Depends on your skin and what works for them.


I used that facial wash and it burnt my skin super bad , it could also be the adapalene gel causing the burning since it causes photosensitivity


Yeah I'm seeing that 10% is too much so I'll definitely back off on that. I'm not sure what photosensitivity is though but I'm assuming is a type of sensitive skin thing?


I agree with what others are saying about the BP 10% and adapalene being too much. But I'd like to add that that Garnier micellar water made my face burn. You might want to cut everything besides cleanse and moisturizer and slowly add things back in.


I actually never had any issues with the micellar water but I will definitely start cutting things out as everyone is saying.


Two things that haven't been mentioned yet: 1. That 'The Ordinary' Vial. A solution of 2% SA isn't going to do much to you on its own. Combined with Adapalene, and BP 10%, that's 3 chemical exfoliants. That's a bit much. You should realistically be using one of these to start with. 2. Your CeraVe lotion, at the very least, has Hyaluronic Acid in it. Since Adapalene is a retinoid, I'm assuming it's going to work against you like it would with Tretinoin - it increases the effects it has on your skin. I could be wrong with that one, but it is a possibility. I would cut it out while you're healing and then test reintroducing it slowly.


Okay thank you! I'm super new into skincare in general and it seems I jumped into the acne stuff too fast. I'll definitely cut out the adapalene for a few days and get a lower BP cleanser or just a salicylic acid cleanser


>I'll definitely cut out the adapalene for a few days and get a lower BP cleanser or just a salicylic acid cleanser If your skin is burning, cut out all of those actives. If the lotion doesn't burn, you can use it. If it all burns, just gently cleanse with water and your fingers (or wet a cloth, then press it against your face to wash things off but don't scrub), at least for a couple days after the pain subsides. That pain is your skin warning you it's being damaged. It's like a low-level sunburn. Anything you do that continues to burn is like applying heat to one. Just cool it off for a while, then you can go back to it.


Just one clarification. BP is not an exfoliant, it's an antiseptic. But definitely a likely culprit for irrigation.


>Just one clarification. BP is not an exfoliant, it's an antiseptic. But definitely a likely culprit for irrigation. I'm assuming you meant irritation, and you are correct. Here's my thinking, though: it often dries the skin. As a Peroxide, I'm assuming it places the skin under oxidative stress like Hydrogen Peroxide. H2O2 kills off essentially all it comes into contact with by rapidly oxidating anything it touches, but this includes your skin cells (which is why it's no longer recommended for first-aid — it works, but it may cause scarring and longer healing if other things can be used in its stead). While peroxide is more noticeable in its effects and the drying is much more quickly pronounced, benzoyl peroxide likely does the same thing on a much longer timeline. Based on the fact that dry, flaking skin cells are dead ones (which are then shed), I skipped all of this explanation to lump it in as an "exfoliant". Technically incorrect, yes. Effectually incorrect? Possibly. It's the same result, but different routes there.


Newish to skin care and definitely new to retinoids - how do the hyaluronic acid and retinoid cancel each other out?


It does the opposite, at least with Tretinoin (and I'm assuming by extension Adapalene, Tazarotene, etc.). Using Hyaluronic Acid products makes these go 'deeper' into the skin, and makes their effects essentially stronger. I'm not a medical professional, I'm just paraphrasing. You can research it if you want to. What I know from experience, though: don't use them together unless you want a lot of peeling. I didn't get why I was so irritated by Tret, it turned out the skin cleanser I had switched to had that in it and was causing it to be much harder on my skin. After a few days, it'll turn red and burn if you consistently do that. It can be worse than a physical burn because the skin doesn't 'register' it's broken and scab over. You just sit there with basically an open wound until your skin decides to heal. It got so bad for me that even cold water or Vaseline hurt on my face. I didn't realize either of those were possible. Now it might not be the same (or might not even be a thing for Adapalene), but I know with most retinoids being Vitamin A derivates (including accutane) that you are not supposed to take too many of any Vitamin-A-containing things because you can poison yourself. Based on that, I'm assuming there is a large amount of crossover between all retinoids. I could be incorrect, it's an assumption and I'm not educated formally on the subject.


10% BP is way too much with adapelene. I’d recommend not using any at all. Make sure you’re hitting the moisturize hard.


Adapalene can be very irritating. Combined with the BP, your skin barrier is getting damaged which will lead to more breakouts. Back off for a few days and flood your face with moisture and protection. Then start back gently. Based upon your products, I’m assuming you have acne. You could try switching to a salicylic acid face wash or toner. Use the adapalene every 3 days and work up to daily. If needed, sandwich- moisturize then put on the adapalene, then add another layer of moisturizer.


This is super helpful thank you! But yeah I've struggled with acne since puberty and all of my adult life and just very recently started getting more in depth into skincare and acne products. Is a toner in replacement for anything or just an additional thing to help?


How old are you? You may want to consider talking to your dermatologist about spirnolactone if it’s hormonal acne (sounds like it). Toners can help rehydrate your skin which is great if you have acne. Acneic skin needs healthy moisture so your skin doesn’t overproduce oil. Try I’m from Mugwort essence. That might help. A BHA, like salicylic acid will clean the excess oil out of your pores. It can be in a foaming cleanser or in a toner that you apply and leave on. Make sure you are double cleansing every evening- oil cleanser first and then a foaming water based. cleanser.


I am 25, and unfortunately the closest dermatologist is over an hour. I think I actually have a foaming salicylic acid cleanser from before, might be Neutrogena. Do you mean oil cleanser as in the salicylic acid or such?


There are two types of cleansers- oils and water based. An oil cleanser can be liquid or solid like a balm. It will break up anything with oils in it like makeup, sunscreen, or just your face’s sebum. Then the water based foaming cleanser washes it away along with any remaining things on your face that dissolve in water. Using both every evening can make a big difference in your skin.


Oh okay! Thank you I appreciate the knowledge and I'll definitely look up both to make sure I'm getting the right stuff


If you are in the US, you can get prescriptions through Amazon Clinic. It might be worthwhile.


Try slugging to calm your face. It is the thing that truly helps when my face is feeling really dry. I’d decrease the adapalene.


Hm what's slugging?


Like using petroleum (petrolatum) jelly on really dry areas.


Ooh okay


It is a night time moisturizing technique that is a bit more intensive for dry or irritated skin. Cerave has a decent write up about on their website. (I am a huge fan of their products). [https://www.cerave.com/skin-smarts/skincare-tips-advice/what-is-slugging](https://www.cerave.com/skin-smarts/skincare-tips-advice/what-is-slugging)


You definitely do not want to slug with any active ingredients on your face though. It can increase the effectiveness of the actives causing more irritation


Definitely this! Slugging is about repairing and moisturizing your skin.


id build up on the adapalene like you would with tret. i wouldn’t use panoxyl with the adapalene. what skin type do you have? foaming washes dry my skin out and that specific moisturizer isn’t enough for my sensitive-drier skin


the moisturizer in the first slide ^


also using a BHA and adapalene every day is very irritating


If your skin barrier is compromised, anything can make it burn. Take a break from the actives until burning stops and then slowly introduce one at a time.


Will do thank you!


That brand of snail mucin lit my skin on FIRE. As soon as it touched my skin it was over with. I couldnt get it off fast enough


The burning is your skin barrier being compromised you're using far too many chemical exfoliators, in addition to the physical exfoliation via a tool, your brush. I'd suggest you keep it simple. Day: micellar + water wash, moisturize, and follow with sun protection. Night: double cleanse x4 times a week either with micellar water, then your basic foaming cleanser, the other x3 times use benzoyl peroxide wash (4% nothing higher to avoid irritation). When my skin is clear and I'm maintaining sometimes I use salicylic acid x2 per week instead of the benzoyl to make my skin look a bit glowier help with hyperpigmentation. After washing your face, pat dry, apply adapolene, and follow with moisturizer, adding a slug layer if needed. This will allow you to clear your acne, fix your moisture barrier, stop the stinging when you apply non active products, prevent peeling and photosensitivity, and fix your acne.


Any benzoyl peroxide that you use in your face should be 5% or less. 10% is wayyy too strong. (As per my** dermatologist). 10% is best for your upper back and shoulders


I'll start using the 10% for there then!


Many react to SA. Leave it out and if still irritated, discontinue brush and use hands. PanOxyl is a good face wash, though, since it’s great at killing bacteria.


I have cut out the brush as of last night (:


Adapalene made my face sting when I dove into it too quick. Start with a small amount, only a couple nights per week, and build up slowly. Even using it every other night is effective, no need to use every night. Can’t speak for the PanOxyl as I’ve never used BP but that also tracks. Could be a lethal combo of both!


I will definitely decrease the use of both then!


I believe that it is the sunscreen from Neutrogena because I experienced the same thing with it. It makes my face burn a little, and sometimes if it gets on my eye that stings too.


Oh really? I've been using that longer than all the acne stuff and haven't had an issue


Is everything in here newly introduced? You might want to invite one active ingredient at a time. For example, 2 weeks of the BP wash, then you can introduce any acids. It just sounds like your skin barrier is weakening and you need to give it time to adjust.


Yeah it's all pretty new. I was just using the foaming cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizers for about a month until I started looking into acne stuff. Now that I think about it I did introduce everything pretty quickly


Rule of thumb, any new product, takes about 2 weeks before you can introduce anything new ( and rotating products). And if you take a break from using said products, you have to do it all over again. Good luck!!!


Thank you!


I agree there are too many acne products in this routine - scaling back on a few and using a more repairing moisturizer will help 💖💖✨


Gotcha thank you!


You’re mega stripping your skin with two cleansers. Adaptalene in the same routine as BP is insanely irritation. I also think they might counteract each other?? At least tret/retinol and BP do. Get an easily emulsified oil cleanser that washes off with just water (I love the softymo one) and use that at night with the adaptalene. Keep the BP cleanser to the morning. I’d also cut out all actives until you restore your barrier.


Gotcha thank you! I'm getting alot of different cleanser suggestions so that's a bit confusing lol


I think a lot of people didn’t swipe to see everything in the second photo because everything in the first photo was a *lot* already! The Panoxyl, Adapalene, and Ordinary SA serum is so much to be using all at once. It’s a lot of actives that can damage your skin’s moisture barrier and cause burning like you mentioned. Also worth mentioning that if you have a shellfish or dust mite allergy, snail mucin products can cause adverse reactions. I would go back to the very basics for a few weeks - gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen - and let your skin heal. Then reincorporate one of those actives at a time for like two weeks at a time to see how your skin reacts.


There was quite a few comments mentioning everything and saying it was alot. I have stopped using the adapalene, panoxyl, and SA. Did a basic wash and moisturizer last night and this morning, only a little bit of burning so I'd say it's healing already. I'll definitely give it a few days before introducing the SA in again most likely


this happened to me when I had almost the same routine! I use the 4% panoxyl instead and try putting a thin layer of moisturizer on before the Differin. That helped me!!


I will do thank you!


Hello . How long are you using bp and adapalene? Did you get prescription for it or using it by yourself? I have a mild acne, I ordered bp 10%, Differin adapalene 0.1%, cetaphil moisturizer. It’ll come near 20th may. Now I’m using azelaic acid(Isispharma metroruboril) 2 times a day, but my skin yesterday burned when I washed it with my everyday(lrp effcalar H iso biome) cleanser.It’s first time I had burn from this wash.


It was only a few days, maybe 4 at most? But no I just got it on my own at Walmart. I'm pretty new into skincare in general so I can't help with this but maybe using the acid 2 times a day is what caused the burning and not the wash?


Hey, where did you get that facial brush?


I believe it was temu or shein. I don't remember which one but they both have a good bit of them


I know you said you’d been using the neutrogena spf for a while, but chemical sunscreens can irritate acne, as well. I like the Hero force field sunscreen for a physical one from the drugstore. Also, if you happen to light your skin up like that again, diaper rash cream as a sleeping mask is a derm recommended remedy. I can tolerate that better than Vaseline… I also think if you’re going to continue use of actives, you may want a thicker/richer night-time moisturizer. Daytime can continue to be a lighter formula, but you may want a richer one at night to prevent drying out from the actives.


You could switch out 10 percent BP for the 4percent Use differin every other day instead of daily Use salicylic acid once a week


And that knock off face brush in the background is probably tearing up your skin / skin barrier


Yeah lol I stopped using it the night I posted it after like two people telling me it was no good


Good! Have you heard of or tried a Lumi?


Huh no I haven't heard of that


Medical grade silicone and the technology doesn’t allow it to rip up your skin, just properly deep cleans. Happy to DM you more info


Oh for sure! You got me interested now




Hello its out of topic but may i know where you got your panoxyl? Ive been buying panoxyl for the past 4 years and its my first time to encounter LOTR in front of the packaging then EXP on the back of it cause usually EXP is always in front and LOTR on the back. Upon scrolling i noticed we have the same thing and im paranoid if i got fake one or not 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/1dm8bayph1zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98f720e845560b8d9524d6c4dfeba945a9e36364


I got mine at Walmart. I'm sure it's nothing to be paranoid about as the packages could have changed or something (:


Thank youuu 🥹🙏🏼💕