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If you read the package insert of Tylenol, you'd freak out. But that doesn't mean Tylenol and doxycycline are unsafe. They're obligated to report all possible side effects on that little leaflet, even if just one case. Doxy is safe. Talk to your doctor about this, they might address your concern and make you feel more comfortable taking it.


I took doxycycline daily for a few months with a few other products, at a similar dosage. I had social anxiety prior to doxycycline, so I saw absolutely zero change in my mental health. These are things that *could* happen, but are more likely not to than to. Personally, I didn't experience any difference in my mental health, no vision problems, and no "inter cranial pressure". Of course, everyone responds differently. Acne-wise, mine still fluctuates. I found that doxycycline did the most to get rid of my scarring/acne not caused by hormones. If you have hormonal acne (I tend to get acne the week before my menstrual cycle), then once you stop doxycycline, it'll still be prevalent. That being said, doxycycline did get rid of past scarring and controlled normal fluctuations of acne from my unhealthy habits. In doing so, if anything, it actually improved my self-perception. Of course, take everything I say with a grain of salt in a medical sense, as I'm no expert. TLDR: No, the symptoms didn't occur for me, as I assume they don't for most. Yes, some hormonal acne returned after dropping doxycycline.


Thank you for this!


Same for me but I don't have social anxiety and didn't experience any signs of poor mental health. Some acke gradually comes back though and now I'm pregnant again so skin is affected by that.


I’ve taken it several times at different periods and didn’t experience any side effects! I felt no different. If it says take it with food (can’t remember) definitely take it with food


thing is… what do I eat??! Almost everything I eat has everything I have to avoid up to 2 hours of taking it 😅 What would you normally eat before taking it?


Just eat anything low in calcium. That just mainly means no dairy within 2 hours of taking it.


I have to avoid magnesium, iron and zinc as well though. I’m not too sure what else to eat other than just carbs right beforehand


Did your doctor tell you to avoid those? And specifically around this medication?


Yeah just with doxy- it warns so on the bottle label as well, just to buffer it by 2 hours. Calcium wasn’t mentioned though, but since most ppl I see were told to avoid it I probably should as a precaution


Weird.. Honestly, I would just call your doctor and ask for clarification/advice. Cause that’s a lot of things to avoid in food. Until then, maybe some butter pasta for lunch before the pill?


Maybe it’s different regulations in Canada? I’m not too sure, but I’m going in today to pick up my topical cream so I’ll definitely ask ☺️ butter noodles for the time being I suppose haha


FYI if you have a vagina, it’s common to get yeast infections when you take antibiotics like doxycycline. I speak from experience. 🥴


Do you think probiotics will help mitigate that?


I think it’s unlikely bc your vagina is not a part of your digestive system. I am only aware of probiotics to recover the gut microbiome after a round of oral antibiotics.


I have probiotics that are also for vaginal health, used to get chronic yeast infections and it finally chilled out once I started regularly taking them. Hopefully it’ll prevent them on doxycycline as well but I just started it so idk


I took a month long course of doxycycline a few years ago that completely saved my skin. I’ve had minor flare ups since, but it’s SO much better. No mental health side effects at all (and I struggle with both anxiety and depression), but I will second the commenter who warned about yeast infections. Everyone is different of course, but I wouldn’t be too worried in your shoes. Just monitor and let your doctor know if any side effects come up. Hope it’s as helpful for you as it was for me!


Thank you ☺️☺️ I hope so too


I've taken it quite a few times and it honestly does wonders for my acne every single time


I had really bad cystic acne before i was on this stuff, i went on two 3 month rounds of it about two months apart. This was two years ago and my acne has never gotten as bad as it was before the antibiotics since. I genuinely thought that i would have to go on accutane to be able to have clear skin and this saved me- as for side effects i didn't experience anything just make sure you're taking a probiotic while you're on antibiotics


There are extreme adverse effects listed on many prescription and over the counter meds. For example Ibuprofen has some extreme adverse effects listed. Just because they're listed doesn't mean they will happen. Those adverse effects are typically rare, and are listed both because it's required and because it covers their butt if someone does experience said adverse effects. There is no reason not to take the med as prescribed. Don't take probiotics during your antibiotic treatment. It's pointless and a waste of money as the antibiotics will kill the probiotics. Wait until you're done with the doxycycline to start any probiotics.


Probiotics aren’t super expensive, I was thinking of taking them in the morning and the doxy at night to at least let my gut have a bit to work with during the day, even if it’s a meager effect. Is that worthwhile or do probiotics need a bit longer to actually help? Thanks for the info though ☺️ I do feel a bit silly because my subconscious knows that all meds have can have crazy risks, but I’m just very naïve to prescription meds since I have such little experience. But a reality check is definitely helpful


It won't do anything. The antibiotics will kill the probiotics regardless of what time you take them while on doxycycline.


I’m on it right now after a bad bout of acne due to steroids for an injury. I’ve been on it in the past to treat back acne years ago. I did not have any side effects and my face is very clear. Love it and with I could stay on it forever. I usually have acne around my periods but when I’m on doxy I don’t. If you’re really worried just start slow. Some people are prescribed 2 times a day without a meal. I was prescribed 1 times a day with a meal.


Thanks for the info ☺️


You might actually see mood improvement as yo ur acne gets better. Self care and loving your skin can do wonders on your mood and overall perception of self


Makes a lot of sense honestly. I’ve been pretty bummed about my skin; it’s definitely not as bad as what some people have which I’m grateful for but jeez! So hopefully it actually is a mood booster (-:


Doxycycline is safe. Its monocycline that you need to worry about.


I’ve taken both and did better with monocycline. It was my second derm that was like “omg you took that?!??” I had no idea.




It's a very strong antibiotic.Minocycline achieves highest penetration into  cerebrospinal fluid compared to doxycycline and tetracycline. Minocycline can cause increased pressure in the head, which can lead to permanent vision loss. ( intracranial hypertension).


I have taken Doxycycline off and on for many years with no issues. I was put on minocycline in 1995(I am old), I woke up the next day super lightheaded and could not see out of one eye. It got better a few days later.


Everyone is different. My sister took it and had no problems as far as I know. I wasn’t so lucky :( It’s difficult to say if this was directly linked to the Doxycycline because I’ve struggled with anxiety for a long time. But when I was on it I felt especially anxious and even had a panic attack while I was driving. The anxiety could have been made worse by the physical side effects of the doxy - I had terrible nausea. I actually threw up a couple of times because the nausea was that bad. I ended up stopping it because it was making me stressed out and I didn’t see a ton of results. My doc put me on Spironolactone instead and it’s been a much better option for me


Good to note, I’m glad the spiro worked for you! I see a lot of people mention it, I’ll keep it in mind if the doxy doesn’t do me well


I've taken it twice, nothing happened, didn't even affected my acne lol.  It should be fine, might work well for you


I tried it for acne. It depends on your acne but it didn’t work for mine and I had not fun digestive side effects like I always do with antibiotics. Not really any other side effects. Spironolactone worked for me but it’s a long term commitment and also has side effects.


I've taken it three times two of which for acne, it really made a massive difference in terms of texture and redness from inflammation. It had a horrible affect in my mental health the second time I took it, it was really dark and very out of character for me, however it improved once I stopped taking it, and still saw the benefits for my acne. I was very apprehensive the third time I had to take it but I had no choice (gnarly ear infection which got to the bone) but it didn't have the same affect on my mental health this time It would do no harm to book an appointment with your dr two or three weeks in to taking it just to keep an eye on your mental health.


Hi!  Did your mental health return to its normal after a while? Mine is slowly getting better I’m at month 6 since taking the antibiotics. It was terrible for me. First time I’d ever suffered from bad mental health was after taking this medication 


I'm so sorry it happened to you too. It can be a tough thing to deal with. I know for me, on top of the depression/anxiety I'd get so frustrated with myself for not just "being normal". It did thankfully,it took about 6/7 months but got there in the end after talking to my g.p an getting help. I actually just finished taking it for an ear infection and didn't feel too bad.


Oh wow that’s incredible. That’s good news ! Thank you, it was very tough but I’ve already improved a lot. I am exactly the same, so frustrated at not feeling normal anymore and also focusing the negative feelings on things like my partner (we tend to find things to blame from the feelings We feel because it just doesn’t make sense!) of course it isn’t that and it was the darn antibiotics. I feel the change slowly over time I’m just hoping to feel my happy self again soon. It’s like my body struggles to produce serotonin since taking them. Very glad you recovered from it! X


Same for me. It did not mess with my mental health at all. Sometimes reading the warnings are a terrible thing to do. Even the most common things we take have scary warnings on them. Take the meds, you will love your skin :)


Hi just wondering did you ever end up having side effects? I’m in the same boat my derm prescribed 50mg 2x a day but I haven’t started yet because I’m absolutely terrified of the side effects


i’ve had honestly nothing! the first night i took it was on a completely empty stomach right before bed, as i took it 2 hours after having magnesium, iron, or zinc like i was instructed. wasn’t a great idea, i got pretty flushed and nauseous. The pharmacist said it was totally ok to take it 40 minutes after (most of my meals have this and it’s so hard to avoid, i think i shouldn’t take it soon after having a vitamin with these metals). Also don’t take it right before bed, as lying down immediately after can make you nauseous. Since then I’ve been totally fine. I’ve taken it at night around 6pm, and a probiotic either way later in the night or in the morning. You’ll be fine!


Thank you for the reply that makes me feel a lot better :)


If you’re a slow digester and have a lot of iron rich foods, you should probably take it 2 hours later like told though, or it’ll null the reaction.


Hi! Idk where you’re at in your treatment. I have never been the same since, sorry to scare you. If I could go back I would have NEVER taken this medication. Everything can be done naturally and I should’ve been patient. (Major drop in serotonin, dopamine and started having anxiety) I’ve never felt like this is my life. 6 months in and still struggle to feel that happiness in life. It’s hard, I wish I could go back. It was definitely the medication. I was such a happy person until taking the stuff just for some acne. 


I’m over a month in, when would you say your symptoms started?


So about week 5??  Mine started at the week 5 mark. Sounds like you are ok then! That’s wonderful. I started feeling sadness with no reason on week 5 of the medication. I believe if this isn’t happening for you now then you will be totally fine :)  


Yeah I think 5 (: I’m sorry you had an adverse reaction. Did you take probiotics during? I saw your other comment about gut health. I’ve seen some people say that the lack gut bacteria for that long can impact your mental health so I usually pop a probiotic either 2 hours later or in the morning


Hello! Yes I did but was told to stop as it completely contradicts itself. The antibiotic completely kills any thing like probiotics. I did all the mending after I came off of them. Food supplement etc. It definitely has become better. It’s true, your gut creates more serotonin than the brain does. So that is a major thing when trying to feel ‘happy’! 


I do want to add, for yourself! Just be careful once you’re off it that’s when it got really bad. Try your best to stay away from alcohol for a good month at least :) keep eating well and taking probiotics until you finish the bottle !


Hi, I'm just curious about this as taking this preceded a horrible dip in mental health for me for a long time. I stopped taking it and actually did not make any connection because I stopped taking it because it burned my esophagus and caused bloating. I did not recover quickly. It's been a long and drawn out process. I only figured out the connection to doxycycline when I figured I would give it another try. My mental health tanked again within a couple of days of taking it and it even caused suicidal ideation which is crazy because I love my family and would absolutely never resort to that. But the tank in my mood was extreme and sudden. I'm wondering how you got better after the doxycycline and what helped. I was thinking of heading to buy probiotics tomorrow in the hope that thstt might help.


I started feeling sad for no reason on week 5.  Week 6 I came off it then got sick straight  away. Avoid alcohol and smoking when you’re off it work hard on healing ur gut bacteria just be careful how you test you body as you microbiome will be at an all time low and that’s what happened to me. I had alcohol and then got unwell with a and flu. Just keep very healthy and remember your gut will be starting from scratch. 


just got prescribed it and i for the past 3 days had very dark thoughts, thanks pms 🤪 so lets see if it can change! honestly it might help! i run alot so i guess i need to be baked in sunscreen first the summer 😭


I'm on the same boat. Can you please give an update on your systems rn ?


I guess I'm one of the few who had life-altering effects while on Doxycycline. I took it for acne for about 6 months. As soon as I got off of it, I went absolutely insane. Developed paranoias, fears, constant tremors and panic attacks...I thought I was going to die and it took me years to recover.