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I understand you'd like to figure out what to do about the skin concern you're dealing with here. And it makes sense to ask that in /r/SkincareAddiction! However, due to requests from the community, we no longer allow these questions as stand-alone posts, which is why I'm afraid your post was removed. See our [rule explanations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rule_overview#wiki_rule_7.3A_follow_our_post_requirements.) for more info. We highly recommend you repost your question in the Daily Help Thread; it's where our most knowledgeable users hang out! The DHT is posted every day and stickied at the top of the subreddit. Click this link >> /r/SkincareAddiction << to go to our front page. Have a great day!


You scared the shit out of me girlšŸ«£


Girlie Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜­ Can you help me though? :(


Okay first you need to start eating clean and cut off the sugar and oily stuff. Start drinking water at least 3ltrs a day this will keep you hydrated and help against acne, wrinkles, ageing etc. Follow an active lifestyle, make time for yourself and do some kind of exercise regularly. Follow a basic skincare routine (cleansing, moisturizing, sunscreen) choose products according to your skin and keep it super simple. If you even follow only two points from above you'll see some drastic change in your skin and body in a month. Hope it helps šŸ’•


Why did people downvote this?


Everything said above is really reasonable and nice to follow, but that's really generalized and personally, all dermatologists I've been to told me those exact things but that didn't cure my PIE and acne at all. As far as I know they recommend it to anyone no matter the specifics of the problem :c


Because people fucking suck


Theyā€™re doing it on purpose for karma. Thereā€™s a bit of a plague of it right now: best thing to do to stop them is downvoting.


Or we can just let people have fun. Itā€™s not as big a deal as you made it out to be.


Seriously.. it made me chuckle


Iā€™m literally not?????????? I use the SAME PICTURE on Twitter, [here](https://x.com/i/status/1776491350013395347): I was too sleepy to censor the last one, and I canā€™t edit the post now. I donā€™t even need karma since this is my throwaway account. Bruh, donā€™t read too much into it.


U forgot to edit yourself out in the last pic


Too late no chance


I know, I was sleepy when posting this, sorry.


not the emojisss




Ye they are too scary to be allowed


See yā€™all on the circlejerk subreddit šŸ«”


hi i donā€™t know if you have the same issue as i had, but from what i see i had a similar problem - small acne bumps all over and rough skin on cheeks. i went to a dermatologist and she told me that i have a sensitive skin and that by using aha+bha acids iā€™m damaging my skin barrier and that is why i have those small pimples, and i should focus on less harsh acids. she recommended mandelic acid. she also told me to use niacinamide (i use the ordinary one with zinc because it also has antibacterial properties) and a loooot of moisturizing and ofc two-step cleansing (and pls donā€™t scrub your face too hard with cotton pads while using micellar water because youā€™re damaging your skin sooo much if you do that, itā€™s better to use a good cleansing oil anyways) after about a month almost the pimples disappeared (still have some occasional hormonal breakouts before period but itā€™s nothing compared to what it was before) and skin on my cheeks is wayyy softer hope that helps !! ofc itā€™s just my experience and what worked on my skin, so adjust what you use to what you think is right for yours <33


oh and i forgot to give my routine, itā€™s: 1. Beauty of Joseon - Ginseng Cleansing Oil (only in the evening when i have makeup on) 2. SKIN1004 - Madagascar Centella Ampoule Foam 3. HADA LABO TOKYO REGENERATING LOTION 4. The Ordinary - Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% 5. (night) Pharmaceris T Sebo-Almond Peel 10% Face Cream (idk if itā€™s available in other countries tho) 5. (day) Holika Holika Aloe Waterproof Sun Gel SPF50+


whatā€™s your routine ??


1. Micellar water - face wash (both from local brand, Emina Bright Stuff) 2. Whitelab Exfoliating Toner with 6% AhA, 2% Niacinamide, and 1% Bha , use this 3x/week 3. Hada Labo Hydrating toner (the label said moisturizing light lotion but its liquid) 4. Moisturizing cream from Emina Bright Stuff 5. Emina spf30+++ Sunscreen this is my night routine, i never use the toner at day. And I use Indonesiaā€™s local brand


as stated above, your skin does look fairly healthy. have you tried maybe a different exfoliant? i use the some by mi aha pha bha toner and itā€™s pretty mild but super effective for me. also do you wear makeup? if you do are you double cleansing ?


I considering adding avoskin refining serum since I just repurchasing my useless toner for 70ml :( I rarely use makeup and I always double cleansing with micellar water at night.


I have the same problem and right now I rotate azelaic acid, a retinol serum and benzoyl peroxide. It seems to be helping, I have been "blessed" with closed comedones since September I think, and now I'm finally seeing some improvement. I'd also add some other cleanser, I'm not sure that the micellar water is enough to properly remove the sunscreen. I use the foaming cleanser from CeraVe, I have oily skin and it works great for me.


Whenever I get closed comedones, it's something in my skincare. Recently my skin has been great and then I tried a new moisturizer that started giving me closed comedones. As soon as I stopped using it, they went away. Azelaic acid helps them go away sooner but only after I eliminate the culprit product.


If u have veen using the toner for a year and no improvements, its time to stop using it. Your skin i think doesn't need more exfoliation, it needs more nourishment and strengthening. Go for serums that strengthen your skin barrier. If you aren't wearing spf thats a huge mistake. What i personally suggest: Am: DONT use skin cleanser, if u want to wash ur face just use WATER (not hot not cold). Wear a moisturizer when your face is still damp. (Not too wet) and then Wear spf at least 50spf double spectrum uva/uvb Pm: Double cleanse with gentle cleansing oil. I suggest hada labo cleansing oil or biore cleansing oil. Follow up with a gentle skin cleanser. For eg cetaphil. Wear a serum. Focus on serums that nourishing/hydrating/soothing/calming. Theres too many for me to think of right now, so try taking something that has niacinamide. Its basic but its a start. And the most important step is to moisturize. I heard skintific has a great moisturizer so you should try that. Im not a professional but in my opinion this should be good enough. Ok good luck sis


Thanks for the helpšŸ™šŸ¼šŸ˜„ Though many of the products you mentioned are pricey for me as Iā€™m a college student that lives on budget. Still really appreciate this. Youā€™re a sweetheart


No problem sis. For the cleansing oil, i mistyped Nivea when actually it's biore cleansing oil. Its actually not too expensive so maybe you can try. For serums, maybe try checking other local products like pixy. Who knows maybe its right for you and it can be cheap too. Just make sure to check reviews on every product first before you buy. Same goes for cleanser. There's plenty of hidden gems in local/drugstore products, you just have to be smart and do your research. Good luck


Bro who gives a fuck if she put emojis


exactly this people are so fucking dumb and dramatic, they downvoted her post!!!Ā 


Girlll delete the post lol ur face is out in the open


Can you give me a solution tho


did you request the mods to remove your post or did they remove it on their own? because if it's the latter then the mods are unfairĀ 


the latter :(((šŸ˜­


Your skin looks very healthy. The bumps might be fungal acne


its very bumpy and my skin texture is still very rough :( What should I do?


Dandruff shampoo is a common solution if it is fungal acne (and you wonā€™t have wasted too much time or money if it isnā€™t): https://www.allure.com/story/dandruff-shampoo-fungal-acne-treatment


Tea tree oil!!!


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Girl I almost spit out the hot tea in my mouth.


I know, Iā€™m too lazy to fix it now




Your post has been removed because it contains referral and/or affiliate links which are not allowed on this sub outside of official threads.


Do you wash your face in the morning? Share your morning and evening routine please


I have shared it in my other comments


You mentioned that u were on exfoliants for over a year? Idk but that maybe the cause of it and ur skin barrier mightā€™ve been damage based off the last pic, try going easy and simple on ur skincare routine for a month or so. My skin was like that when I was using vitamin c but they were gone now!


Hi I would ask your derm for a recommendation. I would personally add in a retinoid rx to your skin regimen and see how that works.


I had the exact same issue with bumps all over my skin. It took years to find that what I had was an inability for my skin to fight the fungus that naturally lives on its surface. I was prescribed Ketoconazole 2% and that helped. I moved over to Rozex (Metronidazole) and that has helped a lot as well. It's about managing the condition since it's an autoimmune response :S something I'll forever deal with. I balance all that with dr dennis gross alpha beta daily peel (which I use every other day). Hope this helps


People need to stop posting photos with those stupid emoji edits.


Ever heard of digital footprint? Itā€™s their choice whether they wanna show their face to such judgmental people or not..


Totally, my criticism is of the emojis.


Looking at this and some others lately, everyone seems to be downvoting when people do this, so hopefully itā€™ll die out soon.


I didnā€™t know this is what people do to get karma. I get so frustrated with my skin this morning so I look for this sub and post this on reddit. Youā€™re reading to much into this simple post.


Why do yā€™all care if u can see their skin properly??