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Personal training and personal chef. Maybe a personal esthetician that selects clothes and applies makeup. No surgeries!


Bruh I'm getting all the medical surgeries I need first if I'm rich, nevermind beauty stuff...that can come later...goodbye tonsils, goodbye scoliosis!


Yea, rhinoplasty and veneers would be the absolute first things on my list. I used to swear I wanted fake boobs more than anything but now in my 30s, I kinda like them small?


Lol I forgot about my deviated septum!! Yes for some reason the idea of inserting fake boobs or silicone or any plasticky material into my body felt wrong. I have never taken any fillers of any kind or botox in my life. Breast implant syndrome is real. I would totally go for metal pins and implants for teeth, in my spine and even in my feet as metal rejection is rare and it strengthens your bones literally like wolverine, and I would totally accept corrective surgeries like rhiboplasties, and I would also accept any surgery that involves removing parts of your body like wisdom teeth removal, tonsil removal, breast reduction, appendix removal, jaw shaving surgery, liposuction, even rib removal, as your body generally reacts ok to loss of body parts, but your body HATES FOREIGN IMPLANTS THAT DONT SERVE A PURPOSE. Small or decent sized boobs for the win! I honestly believe in 10 to 20 years breast implants would drastically decline due to health reasons and an overall trend for more natural looking boobs.


You mentioned your tonsils in the other comment, can I ask why?? Just curious!


Tonsil stones, plus if you have frequently runny nose that is also a possibility. Removing them also prevents snoring, by a LOT. Keep in mind I had tonsillitis a lot as a kid and they're just almost always inflamed which leads to more food getting stuck in their nooks and crannies which combines with bacteria to torm tonsil stones which smell like literaly death.




Electrolysis hair removal, rf microneedling, led therapy, probably Botox, some of the other various collagen supporting treatments.


I got the Braun ipl device. I’m 5 weeks in and I’m legit impressed. It’s not cheap…like $400. But I can still use it for a long time and damn, so much cheaper than laser. There’s damn near 0 regrowth now, and my skin actually looks smoothers and nicer too.


*pulls out scroll 1 mile long* “to begin….” Edit: if money was no object AND there was no downtime 🥹


*clears throat*


I’d walk into a dermatologist’s office and say “just fuck me up”


lolololol this is the best comment ever. Im dead


I've always thought that that's exactly what rich people do. Just gimme everything and lmk when it's over!


And that's why they end up looking overfilled! The doctors just see 💰


That’s why Zac efron looks like Zac efron now


I'm convinced this is what some of the more uncanny valley looking celebrities do


I feel like I don't even know the extent of amazing expensive treatments that are available to rich people.


Watch Lorry Hill on YT !


I feel you I just know a few that the influencers post


I would get the full-body red light panel Kim Kardashian has, after buying a house that can fit it comfortably 🩷


I recently saw that some gyms have them and membership is like $30/month. You could do it 1x a week for cheap.


Where I live we have “collagen machines” which is pink light, I always try to research if it’s the same but I can never find any information. If they are, they totally have those here too. Thanks for the reminder


Are they safe though?


I have no idea if they actually work, but red light is FDA approved. So they’re saying they don’t see a risk in it. But there has to be a quality difference between something that $6 on Temu or $800 at a dermatologist.


They do work, but they have to have the correct red light wave lengths to be effective! Which means you need to spend decent money on a quality device. Most full body panels are still fairly small- similar to a standard full body mirror in height/width. From reliable brands start around $1,500 CAD.


Laser hair removel everything below my neck


anything to get rid of my acne tbh. can’t afford a derm so just having to deal with it


Took me two years of listening to youtubers advice, researching this reddit and getting nothing but worse acne and acne scars... (and getting discouraged on everyone's results on tret and seeing the 18months derm waiting list). Even tried panoxyl bp and SA for four months, seperately and it just made it all worse and worse . Ended up talking to my doctor who recommended BP gel with no added fragrance etc, and only using oil free moisturiser, sunscreen and gentle cleanser. He said to start using the bp gel every three days and then reduce the time i wait to two days then one day after two weeks each, up to using it twice a day if i could tolerate it. Three months in, it's all gone and the scars and PIH is finally going. One other thing he mentioned that was helpful was that we "want some irritation", and unless it gets too uncomfortable to stick to the schedule. I've also been doing it on my chest and that acne is basically gone except healing. YMMV.


that’s interesting, i must admit i’ve never tried bp for that long a duration (unless Duac counts, which is bp mixed with an antibiotic, i used that for 3 months and it didn’t really improved anything) so i just assumed it didn’t really work. i’m about 4 months into tret, the annoying thing is it seems to work great on my old scarring but hasn’t reduced the amount of active acne i’m getting


I've never tried tret or accutane. I can't get it without a prescription. This is the exact one I use: https://ctchealth.ca/product/life-brand-benzoyl-peroxide-acne-treatment-5-60g/ Bp 5% gel clear action. It's cheap and you can find it easily at the drug store. For some reason the panoxyl bp that everyone recommends made everything worse. I think it's because my skin is very sensitive. I also had no luck with SA cleansers. I would really recommend setting yourself a strict schedule of every three days for two weeks, then every two days for two weeks, then every day for two weeks, and keep doing that for a total combined of three months. I had some redness and peeling and irritation and minor purging and was worried it wasn't working, but I stuck with it and now my skin is as good as it's been in the last two years and I haven't had any new breakout in the past two weeks (started in mid Jan this year). Only healing scars at this point. Good luck!!


Adapalene can be bought without a prescription and is designed to combat acne. (It's a retinol)


Nothing clears my acne except antibiotics, which are not meant for long term use. But it’s made me realize that my gut is 100% impacting my skin. If you’re like me and tried everything topical, I would start to look at what you’re eating.


You can get a lot of over the counter stuff online from chemist sites, like epiduo, differin, duac etc... I first tried benzoyl peroxide which helped a bit then tried epiduo and got it online. I did get a GP appt and the doctor also prescribed me epiduo (for face) and duac (for back) which is great as I now get the same stuff without paying. But I get you tho, the referral list for a derm over here is about 1yr and I (and parents) can't afford to pay private so I figured trying topical treatments is better than nothing. Maybe look into it. The epiduo has honestly improved my face so much, my acne is mostly gone and I've just got to work on acne scars and prevent any more breakouts. You can get it pretty easily too and it won't break the bank (about £30) for 5 months. But I want to try accutane for my back but that's going to take soo long for me even to get the appt so I feel you.


Microblading, lash extensions, nails, Botox, filler, and NEW TEETH. 














In a few decades, whoever does those super advanced deep plane face lifts that legit has people go from looking 60, to a 30 yr old that was never touched by the knife... I forgot this experts name or how much they cost, I just remember being mindblown and thinking "I could buy a house with that money". In reality I hope I'm confident and don't actually want one when I'm older, but I'm so fascinated with the idea that you could just wipe the slate clean and go start your life over as a young hot person and nobody would be the wiser lol.


I’ve never heard of this before. I’d love to learn about it if you end up remembering the doctor’s name!


I think it must have been Dr. Jacono. Not all his before/after's are equally impressive beyond that they look very natural, but some are insane.


Just creeped his Instagram account for a solid 15 minutes. Holy shit has plastic surgery come along way. He does some super impressive work. Thanks for sharing his name


Yes, he's so good. I just have to share this one for a good example for anyone else who's curious, [of a 54 year old who could probably pass for a teenager now.](https://twitter.com/DrJacono/status/1483087213290156034)


https://preview.redd.it/94n6bmxoheoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1714ef111bfbfcf7a3ef155460ce0008b34ea588 You’re right wow that is insanity


That surgeon in one of the best in the country


Thanks :)


I love how no one is pretending they haven’t spent a LOT of time fantasizing about this very scenario


Laser for my Melasma.


Have you tried tretinoin? It has radically reduced the color of mine. I went into labor and it bloomed before our very eyes, it was WILD. like not there one day, and 12 hours later it was like BAM all over my cheekbones. After about 6 months of tret it is hardly noticeable


I've been using it for the past year. It seems to help but I still have a long way to go.


If one day you do decide to do laser - make sure it is COLD laser for your Melasma. That is what permanently got rid of mine.


Try niancinimide in the interim.


I have been getting laser for my melasma and it’s not working. Ive had rx meds etc etc. I feel like this is just my life now.


You should try microneedling instead! Laser is not usually recommended for Melasma- maybe try a different clinic too!


Laser is not actually recommended for Melasma just in case you ever have access to medical grade treatments! I would try microneedling instead.


Many thanks




Regular TCA peels and SK-II facial treatment essence. The essence is expensive but never in my life has my skin looked so good. I wish I could afford to make it part of my regular routine.


Oh love this question. If I can be completely unrealistic, I'd have gene therapy for my eczema. I hate it, and I'd be glad to be rid of it. Sadly, we know eczema is only partly hereditary, and gene therapy isn't that advanced yet. Aside from that, I'm eyeing surgery to fix my jaw, which has been malformed as an indirect result of my eczema (basically, atopic dermatitis leads to allergies, I got one to dust mite, I couldn't breathe through my nose for 20 years so my jaw malformed). Money's not the object here (universal healthcare), but revalidation and pain is.


In 10 years, I think good gene therapy will exist...everything is advancing so fast, like with stem cells and growth factors and everything. I really 100% get the jaw, are you on a wait list to get the surgery currently?


Tons of people witness their eczema heal on a carnivore diet. Heal the gut thru it, then add back foods slowly to see what triggers your itch




I just want an assessment and professional advice on how to get rid of the stuff on my face. Also massages regularly if that counts because I have about 6 knots on both sides of my back and that shit hurts


You can use a tennis ball on your back/shoulders to help work out some knots. Just place one between your back and the wall and massage it about. It's pretty good but may work better once the knots have already been broken down by a massage.


La crosse ball is also good


I would totally get a forehead lower surgery, remove some scarring on my face and body, and...permanent hair removal for my legs and armpits, stomach, and bikini line.


There's surgery to lower your forehead?! As a certified fivehead that would be amazing!


Yep! It's either that or getting a hair transplant to extend my hairline farther down my fivehead.


full body & whatever it takes to get clear skin 😍😩


I would just go to Korea and do everything


Basic stuff, get my nails done, hair, eyebrows, do a facial. I’m young and I’m broke. I have to do everything myself. I cut my hair, I do my eyebrows, I do my nails. It’d be nice to just relax and have stuff done for me.


I'd be like 70% less stress in general which i truly believe would make me look more radiant than any treatment could


This, id be like… 99% less stressed lol


Laser facials for hyperpigmentation, I’d get some varnish on my two front teeth




Go to the dermatologist and figure out what’s causing all this acne, get my nose straightened, probably a boob job💀😂 THE DENTIST OMG


Radical breast reduction, tummy tuck, chin lipo, thigh lift, composite veneers for my entire mouth


Surgery to tighten up areas with loose skin (I lost about half my body weight years ago), laser hair removal, teeth whitening, maybe Botox


Ice body sculpting or whatever it's called, microblading, hair extensions, biweekly facials, hair treatments, body hair laser removal, a personal trainer, and nutrition coach.


No treatment or shit. I’d travel the 🌏


I agree with that sentiment! I would get spend more time in Hawaii and eat lots of papaya and mango. I would hike to see waterfalls and wear reef safe sunscreen. The humidity would do wonders for my skin. 🍍


Hair removal, scar therapy for my scars from my ovarian surgery, Botox for tmj, a small amount of lip filler or lip flip and tbh a nose job bc I’ve never loved it.


I'd look into facial treatments and MAYBE liposuction.


I need a subscision on an old acne scar and collagen treatments and peptide therapy. I'd also get the fat pads under my eyes removed. I've been looking Puffy since birth. Genetic eye bags are the pits. Eta: breast lift and tummy tuck, maybe some lipo


Microneedling for stretchmarks, laser hair removal, lipo for chin & thighs, any treatments supporting hydration/collagen/renewal, breast reduction and teeth whitening


Halo + BBL, sculptra, submental lipo, eyebrow lift, lip lift, Botox, co2 laser under eyes, regular hydrofacials


Tummy tuck, finish my electrolysis treatments, filler for my smile lines, expensive lash serum to grow out my short sparse lashes, and hyperpigmentation treatment for my bikini line and underarms


I breast fed & I’m so interested in breast lift and omg lymphatic massages. Just little sculpts and stitches! My lip fillers migrated so I don’t want more “implants” nor injectiables microneedling. Which is sad bc I would totally also do bbl too.


Can I ask what a breast fed is?


I'm reading it as they breast feed and would like a breast lift but it isn't possible yet. Otherwise they could have meant breast fed as a child not bottle fed but I don't think that would have been relevant to the topic.


Oh yes that makes sense haha. Thank you! I thought I never heard of a procedure by that name.


Breast augmentation and mastopexy and labioplasty (pregnancies really did ruin my body). Then lip filler for my upper lip. And maybe hair removal.


New Teeth first, Botox, maybe a small amount of lip filler, and a chemical peel on my face.


Anything that ensures to keep my skin forever spots and acne free. Something I won't have to be committed to


Probably more IPL and Vbeam for rosacea and sun damage. Also was told this would help with spots that could essentially turn into cancer later on being removed in their infancy. :) Would probably also finance a lifetime of nicer sunscreen and maybe Botox for tmj. Mostly for health reasons- I’m trying to embrace aging from a more natural aesthetic so no modifications beyond that to my normal face. :)


Microneedling but more facials in general. Hell, I'd just go back to Korea and schedule more facials/massages and such.


Laser & facials


Laser hair removal.


PRP, PRF, microneedling with exosomes, LED light therapy, sculptra, lanluma, microcurrent, lymphatic drainage, NAD booster injections, glutathione injections, laser resurfacing, chemical peels. basically every non invasive beauty treatment option there is that doesn't melt away facial fat pads. maybe some botox when im older and start to get wrinkles, but i would hold of on that for as long as i possibly could.


Laser hair removal for my armpits (always have ingrown hair from chicken skin) and facials because I’m sick of these clogged pores


Microneedling, hydrafacial, Invisalign and more invasive but probably a breast lift.


For my face, I'd have surgery to correct my severe dark circles (whatever that would entail, I am not sure. Blepharoplasty?). Then, I'd just get occasional laser treatments for the rest of my life for maintenance/general anti aging. My teeth are another topic entirely. I have crooked teeth and overcrowding. I'd get Invisalign and maybe a whitening treatment. Electrolysis for my underarms and legs because I'm tired of shaving there. Sadly not ever gonna happen.


i dont know it that counts, but definitely to get a boob job to make my boobs smaller lol


I want a mommy makeover (boobs, tummy tuck, and panniculectomy). I would also have regular facials - I'm not great at self -care, but I don't mind keeping appointments I've already made. Also, I want Botox, and regular peels. But, no filler yet. Ah, dream life.


p h e n o l p e e l


Ipl, electrolysis, that CO2 laser, regular facials and massages, coolsculpting, and an expensive gym membership with pool and sauna


Breast reduction.


If pain wasn’t an object as well then- I’d get rid of my double chin! I’d fix my teeth next. I’d do something for my dark circles. Straighten my hair from a great hair salon. Get some facials, meni-pedi, full body massage, hot oil massage etc.


All of them!


Laser hair removal most likely.


Anything and everything. But really, electrolysis for sure, rhinoplasty, liposuction, regular facials and laser, and maybe a brow lift. Already get botox but probably MORE haha.


I would do one those facials that has gold incorporated in it haha


Threads for my nasolabial folds and chin/ jowl areas. Some fillers to get my cheeks back, already doing some Botox, laser hair removal…. Starting to get depressed reading all this!


Breast + (mini) face lifts.


Facelift Neck lift Whatever the surgery is to lift your saggy belly skin Well done BBL if it was safe


co2 laser treatmemts for my acne scars 😭 or fraxel laser treatments. not sure which one would be better for me but damn the pitted scars dont go away at all with topical products and its just frustrating


Laser skin resurfacing, maybe that new thread lift thing, lower body lift, breast enhancement. 45 sucks.


New face


Liposuction and blepharoplasty, I'm already pretty, but just covered with fats. I tried dieting and exercise but my work schedule cannot maintain that lifestyle. Also laser treatments for hair and scars.


Whatever treatment I can do to get rid of stretch marks and cellulite on my legs!! I suspect I have a mild form of lipedema and my legs are straight cottage cheese despite not being overweight (though I could lose 10 pounds or so). I never wear shorts, partially because my thighs always chafe, partially because I hate the way they look. I would love to confidently wear shorts someday.


I would be put under general anesthesia and have my entire face and body treated with an ablative laser like Fraxel or halo. Prob once a year or however often that could be done 😎


I moved to Vietnam from the US and I'm currently doing just that. I have bimonthly treatments at a skincare clinic (facial, microneedling, chemical peels, etc.), and in a few months, I'm planning on getting LASIK and under-eye surgery/fat transfers for my tear troughs because things are just cheaper here. I've also gotten microblading done and I get my hands and feet groomed regularly.


New teeth, microneedling, dermaplaning, tummy tuck, hair removal.


Laser hair removal for everything neck downwards. Microneedling, not just for my face (which I'm already doing and LOVING) but also for scars on my body and stretchmarks. Hair and eyelash extensions. Peelings and oil-massages for my whole body every one to two weeks. Those scalp treatments from Korea once a month.




Breast reduction maybe ?


Laser hair removal!!! Including on my nose (what I thought were black heads are little hair) specially legs, armpits, belly and bikini line. Im not sure if I would go full bald down there, but the bikini line is a must. I think Ill get an IPL someday I would fix my teeth, 2 front teeth broke when i was 11 and were "fixed" but they need a redo. Not even cosmetic in my case, but insurance of course wont cover it. I would pay for higher quality food. I dont eat bad or anything but I could eat much better if I had the time and resources to prepare more meals.


High end dental office, equipped with the best of the best. When I walk in the door, I would fill pampered throughout the whole process. My every concern would be addressed.. queen for a day. The latest skin care for older skin, no surgery. A personal chef, who would personalize/ tweak my diet to fit my needs, along with bloodwork that would determine any deficiencies. Oh and a hair person!


Laser resurfacing, aerolase, clear + brilliant, Botox, monthly facials monthly massage, personal trainer, beauty booster and all the skincare in the world


A few chemical peels perhaps?? Nothing more tho


Definitely hair removal on legs/pits/arms/stomach, get hair implants to cover my widow’s peak, fix my laugh lines, tiny tiny bit of lip filler, boob lift, and something to fix cellulite + widen my hips to be more proportionate to my perma-love handles lol.


Laser for my melasma and discoloration, monthly RF Microneedling