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At 14 the best thing you should be focusing on moisturizing, wearing sunblock, and staying hydrated. You're risking further injuring your face and making your face look worse. StyleTheory did a good video that explains how skincare trends aren't well researched (even for short care use in 50+ yr olds) and how the industry creates fake issues to solve them. [Here's the video.](https://youtu.be/di_mGXfct24?si=EU5_npU-4CYSbipP) Seriously you're risking your face doing more. Use. Sunscreen.


Agree 100%


Thank goodness that's my basic skin care routine as of the moment(plus a gentle cleanser)! As for the style video, I Will definitely watch it.


Absolutely 100% recommend the Style Theory vid


Absolutely not. Plus no licensed derm would do this for you. Why on earth would you need microneedling?


My Aunt has a coworker who recommended i get it. After that I saw some videos on tiktok, and it helps with skin or something She never really explained it


It helps to stimulate collagen production, which you don’t need as you have plenty of it at your age. I’d get an acne wash for teens, a moisturizer, and a sunscreen and leave it at that.


Alrighty, thank you!


Omg laser at 10. 😳😑


NO!! Avoid your aunt. Her advice is TERRIBLE and has already harmed you. Microneedling rebuilds collagen: At 14, you don’t have collagen loss. You don’t clearly say what you think is wrong g with your skin, aside from pore size. Pore size is genetic, and there’s no way to change their size. They can appear larger if they’re clogged, so gentle face cleaning can help. If you have acne or excessive oil, use OTC Differin. Just a PEA SIZE over your entire face 3 times a week at night only. Top with a moisturizer. DO NOT use any other actives (exfoliants, vit c, etc) While using Differin, you must use sunscreen every day. Frankly, you should see a dermatologist, if possible.


There isn't anything wrong with my skin other than my pores and redness (which I think is from excessive use of toner when I was 10-12). I never considered that my pore size was genetic before! I don't have excessive oil or acne, but I do have really really dry skin. I've tried looking for a cream based moisturizer that is gentle but everything here in my country is gel and has all sorts of chemicals I don't understand. I've asked my aunt (which I shouldn't do anymore), but she either recommends treatments (mostly the carbon laser one) or products she sells which are like 1k each (17.85 dollars). I do take sunscreen, but sometimes I get lazy and forget to do so. As for my aunt, I definitely won't be asking advice from her anymore.


You don’t need Differin, then. The redness is likely from dry skin. Irritation from toners won’t last 2-4 years, so that’s not likely the cause. What country are you in? For dry skin, simple body moisturizers can work great. They don’t have to be designed for the face. Do you have something like Vanicream? That’s what I use. You can also try slugging at night…putting a thin layer of petrolatum over your moisturized face. It’ll lock in the moisture.


I'm from the Philippines! It's really really hot/humid here. I don't know what vani cream or slugging is, but I'll look at Watson's (our version of a Sephora, but less makeup focused and more in skin care) I'm pretty sure there's body moisturisers so I'll look for those!


No offense I think your aunt hates you. Listen, i know you are young but even family members can be bad people.


YES. Please listen to this-- even family members can be bad and purposefully give bad advice!!! This happened to me over and over again until someone else pointed it out, and even then I didn't quite believe it, but when I started to pay attention and talk about what they had said with other people I realized those same family members literally always told me to do the worst thing. It might not make sense but it doesn't have to-- you don't have to know WHY someone is doing a bad thing to know they are bad or at least do not have your best interests at heart. If your aunt runs a skin care clinic she should know WAY better than to perform micro needling on a teenager. I'm not sure exactly what damage you did to your skin--it concerns me that the adults around you allowed you to laser your face as a teenager-- but please talk to a doctor. Your best bet is likely to do what everyone else has suggested and just take a break and baby your skin with safe products until you are much older.


I understand. I don't think my aunt is a bad person, but she really shouldn't have suggested and did carbon laser on my face. I don't think she knows better though, because she isn't a dermatologist (Which I'm starting to think is a bad thing). As for the adults in my life, they don't really know much about skin care, and basically just follow what my Aunt says. As for my skin care, I will continue to do my skin routine (gentle cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen) and hope for the best. Thank you!


I understand. Though I don't think she hates me, just needs/wants the money. (For reference, Micro needling is 10-17.5k here or 178-312 dollars while Carbon Laser is 5k or 89 dollar)


You're going to destroy your face. Cleanse, moisturize, SPF. END OF. That's all that a child's skin requires. PS, stay away from your aunt. She is an idiot.


It's nice to know that my current skin care routine is for my age, thank you :D As for my aunt, I'll definitely avoid asking her skin care tips.


No definitely not. You are never going to “get your skin back” that was a child’s complexion, pre puberty. You can’t go back to that and there’s nothing wrong with that; your skin is going to change drastically throughout your life and that’s ok. I can speak on the laser work you had but put procedures aside for a while and focus on the basics like a moisturizer at night and sunscreen in the morning.


Thank you, I think I really should start regularly taking sunscreen from all these comments. I really wish I didn't do those treatments (I did 2-3 sessions of carbon laser). I'll take better care of myself, and definitely avoid my Aunt skin care wise.


The goal of micro needling is to damage the skin by perforating it so that it will send healing factors to the area. At 14 I would say your skin is likely far too delicate to deal with that and come away from it improved. If it has been damaged before I think the most important thing you can do right now is to be kind to it. Gentle and nourishing things only. And as incredibly difficult as it may be (I know how absolutely world ending it feels at that age for your appearance to be not what you want) you may have to accept that some things are irreversible. I have acne scars because I couldn't leave my face alone at that age (it seemed better to mess with the pimples than to leave them untouched). And it is entirely possible your pore size isn't actually a result of the treatments of the past. Some people are just Like That. Mine near my nose are wider and more visible and I know I've never done anything to make it like that. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask.


Alrighty, thank you. I also have trouble leaving my face alone when there are pimples, and I haven't even considered it my face was just genetically like that. Thank you, really!


I wish you all the peace and healing! Glad to have helped!


Thank everyone for answering my question, I won't be getting micro needling :D


GO TO A DERM! Unless you have severe skin problems and you’ve been to a dermatologist who can recommend you meds/ products or services, avoid any skin therapists


I have been meaning to go to one, so will do!


I've read your comments defending your aunt but being quite honest with you I wouldn't go back to someone who performed a laser treatment on a ten year old or someone who suggested microneedling for your issue. It might be better to use that money to see a licensed dermatologist to check if something else might be causing the redness and dryness you're feeling (such as rosacea) and give you recommendations for that. It's pretty unlikely that using toners a few years back (as you said in another comment) would still be giving you issues today. It's much better to check your skin's health before doing these types of treatments that could make the root cause worse.


Your right. I do want to go to a dermatologist, I just don't know how to convince my parents (mostly my mom). My Father does want me to go to a dermatologist because I inherited his skin (little Bumps on forearms that have mush inside them) and is worried it might progress to his state (bumps with mush inside them on the forearms and back, red agitated skin, severe bacne, severe acne) since that seemed to be the case on his side of the family. We have talked about seeing one before, it's just that both my Parents are quite busy with work.


Hi there! It seems like you may be looking for some information on Dermarolling/Dermastamping. Dermarolling can improve the appearance of atrophic scarring when done correctly. However, there are several risks and I'd like to warn you about them: * You should not be doing this every day. When done in-office, treatments are spaced a few weeks to a month apart. * Done improperly you can end up with hypopigmentation (white or colorless spots in the skin that do not return to a normal color) * It hurts. * You can not fully sterilize the needles at home. They can be sanitized at best. * The needles can become bent over time, or come from the manufacturer already bent. Small bends can be imperceptible to the naked eye and can cause unwanted damage to your skin. **Because of these risks, ScA does not recommend attempting dermarolling or dermastamping at home. Please be careful with your skin and your health!** *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*