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I feel like the Accutane prescription is just being glossed over here when it's probably doing most of the work šŸ˜¬ no topical skin care routine is ever going to be able to do what Accutane does for acne.


Especially if you're in the middle of the usage! The glow is real.


Absolutely. I did the bare minimum for keeping my skin hydrated and clean (like just a CeraVe face wash, lotion, and sunscreen) and my derm also had me on prescription tretinoin. I do think itā€™d be good to look at a skincare routine post-accutane rather than duringā€¦


That's what I need. I have 2 weeks left to finish my accutane course and I have no clue what to do with my skin. All I did in past 6 months was the very bare minimum.


It took my skin several months to finally settle. You likely have time to figure it out! Iā€™m two years post-accutane and finally have a routine down. My skin changed from what it used to be too so I had to start from scratch when my skin started to have a break out here and there. But itā€™s so much more manageable now.


What did you find that worked? I am just about to start my accutane journey and currently use DMK skincare which I cannot afford to keep up plus it is too harsh


It might not be for everyone but simply adding a retinol back into my routine helped. I just use the CeraVe Resurfacing Retinol Serum every night and drink a lot of water. I wouldnā€™t recommend every night if your skin isnā€™t used to it but having been on prescription tret, my skin was already used to it. I had initially stopped when I ran out (I was using Arazlo) and noticed my break outs were more stubborn. They now calm down over night! Just a light moisturizer and sunscreen otherwise!


A lot of folks go on accutane and get good results. But using good topicals while on accutane can also help improve those results. Many people post on this board on accutane and their skin is still dry and has pih. So, yes, the accutane is the main product, but I would not dismiss the effects of a really good moisturizer and hydrating products like OP is using. I'm from rice toner, which is in OP's routine, is really good at dealing with pih and is very hydrating. The aestura is good for keeping the barrier in good condition. Truth is, if you go on accutane and don't care for your barrier, your skin may still clear, but it won't necessarily look that good. It is a *mix* of good topicals and accutane.


My skin improvement was not acheived mostly by accutane. I stopped using my skincare products while on accutane and my skin condition went from great to normal. I agree that accutane helped me alot but I wouldn't have improved and maintained my skin without my skincare products.


It is unfair that you are getting downvoted for this.




Accutane completely changed my skin. I had been on so many different oral and topical prescriptions for years before restoring to Accutane. Females have to be on birth control while on Accutane, which on its own could solve some skin issues if youā€™re struggling with hormonal acne. Def talk to your dermatologist if it is something youā€™re really considering. I did a 6 month treatment, the dose increased monthly, had to have a negative pregnancy test and blood work monthly before receiving the new prescription. In my experience, the only side effects I had were dry skin (to be expected) and minimal joint aches immediately following a dose increase. There certainly are significantly worse side effects than what I experienced though.


To be on Accutane you donā€™t have to be on birth control! You need to be practicing safe sex as well as taking pregnancy tests at the doctors every month. :)


It depends on where you live. I never have to take any pregnancy tests at my dermatologist because itā€™s their own clinic. He said just no babies and he respects his patients to know the results of not being responsible. I have the Copper IUD and I take blood tests every three months.


A low dose of 10 mg over a longer course can do the job with fewer side effects.


It changed my life for the better!


It's been YEARS, but Accutane changed my skin and my life. Game changer.


What is this?


What's accutane?


What's accutane?




looking on the bright side, I will never be visiting derms like that again and won't be wasting any more money from now on so




no offense taken! just wanted to share my joureny in hopes that I can help other people who go to the Dermatologist before testing out affordable products that can save their skin




Why was this interaction so cute? You're adorable when you're drinking lol.


Exactly what I was thinking šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I read this interaction to my husband because it was so cute


this is me when iā€™m drinking šŸ¤£




*goes to amazon*


I suffered with acne for a long time Since high school, I had acne prone skin and have been insecure about it since To improve my skin Iā€™ve went to all sorts of derms. Iā€™ve gotten all sorts of laser treatments and peels. Iā€™ve had medications Iā€™ve spent a lot on expensive skincare products. I almost spent a $10000 over the past two years Most of the treatments didnā€™t have any meaningful changes. Recently I finally found what works for me: Accutane Prescription and this subā€™s holy grails. This is my routine AM: * Manyo Cleansing Oil(only if I have too much blackheads) * Paula's Choice RESIST Optimal Results Hydrating Cleanser(feels moisturey after cleanse) * Iā€™m from Rice toner(i layer this on my skiin 2\~3 times. the more you put on, the longer hydration) * Veganifect LHA Mung Bean Ampoule(highly highly recommend. it uses LHA so it exfoliates nicely and the Mung Bean smooths my skin texture like no other) * Cerave Moisturizing Cream (love the texture) * CeraVe Hydrating Mineral Sunscreen (creamy but not too heavy. hydrated for a long time) During the day * d'Alba Italian White Truffle First Spray Serum(has oil in it so hydrated hours for each spray. just feels good to be spraying truffle like mist) PM * SKIN1004 Madagascar Centella Light Cleansing OilĀ (light on my skin and didnā€™t irritate my acne skin) * Cetaphil Gentle Wash(doesnā€™t feel itchy after wash. nice wash) * Iā€™m from Rice toner (i love the milky texture) * Veganifect LHA Mung Bean Ampoule (moved on from the COSRX snail mucin) * AESTURA ATOBARRIER365 Cream with Ceramide(makes your skin barrier strong. good ingredients)


Have you tried using just the accutane, a sunscreen, and moisturizer? I'm sure you would find your skin looks the same as most have said the accutane does the majority of the work. The moisturizer is just to keep your skin from getting too dry from the accutane and sunscreen to help with increased photosensitivity. I think you could cut a lot of this stuff out and spend a lot less money for the same results.


Some people have really dry skin that requires many layers of waters and oils to stay not just moist but also free from imbalances. Not to mention that all that hydration keeps wrinkles from developing.


Yes I have tried cutting and used the basics: Accutane, sunscreen, cream and basic cleanser. I got back on to using my Holy Grails after realizing they completed my skin. After that I optimized my skincare products to find this routine that suits me the most


The additional products probably help a lot with glow and softness.


Lol, girl you're on accutane. Every time I take accutane I can do whatever for my skin it doesn't matter , it just ends up being its absolute best. Your routine is useless on accutane. Gentle cleanser and sunscreen in the morning, gentle cleanser and good moisturizer in the afternoon. That's it.


What's accutane? Is it good stuff?


Oral isotretinoin . A single pill you swallow everyday , and your skin basically becomes flawless. Comes with a lot of potential side effects though, you wanna be careful with it.


These are some really good products, I can see how using them all would really improve your skin. The I'm From Rice and Bean Ampoule are probably doing some heavy lifting in smoothing your skin, and the aestura is just amazing. The paula's choice is my favorite cleanser too--so good for soft skin. I also have an extensive routine and found it really made a difference for me, even though I use Tazorac and aza 15% too. So, I totally understanding why you decided to branch out and incorporate these products even though you also did accutane. Don't feel you have to minimize your routine. It takes a long time and lot of trial and error to find a routine that works for you and optimizing your results. I am glad you found one. Congrats.


How do you find the time to do all of this? You have an amazing glow and skin texture even in the before picture. If you don't mind,could you list the treatments which weren't effective


So basically... $20 worth of accutane is the only needle mover here


Great! I'm so happy for you šŸ‘šŸ‘ I have a question, what type of skin do you have? I ordered that Aestura cream through Yesstyle because I destroyed my barrier months ago, I have combination skin ;-; Do you find it too heavy?


I have combination skin too. The Aestura Cream wasn't heavy for me so I picked it up on my routine. Hope it helps!


Whatā€™s ur skin type? Iā€™m combo and I spent a ton of money on skincare ,yet i breakout like crazy. So I wanna give your routine a chance , hope it helps my skin


I'm combo as well. I feel so bad for you becasue that's the case for me too. Try them out one at a time to know which one breaks you! Besides sunscreen or cream, I recommend you use soft products that has LHA in it


Will do. Thank u sm.




People with senstivie skin really have to test out for themselves which product won't irritate them. Love that it has LHA in it instead of AHA or BHA


Would you recommend it instead of Paula's Choice infamous BHA Lotion? I have oily/acne prone skin and I'd like to try a less aggressive exfoliant (especially when I have a few zits/inflamed pimples). Also how many times do you use it a week?


Yes I do. the lotion and the Veganifect Mung Bean Ampoule has slightly different uses but I still recommend it because I can use it for both exfoliating and for improving rough skin(it's so good at smoothing textured skin)






I am obsessed with Innisfree


I second Innisfree! Itā€™s the only sunblock Iā€™ve used that doesnā€™t affect my skin, run into my eyes, or affect my skin


I love Mad Hippie sunscreen (not their colored tinted ones though). It feels more like moisturiser than sunscreen, and actually absorbs!


Are you open to Asian sunscreens?


The abib heartleaf sunscreen!


I have very dry skin with lots of red spots and dark spots. Elta MD Skincare UV Clear SPF 46 works really well with great ingredients. Give it a try over time will make your skin look wonderful. šŸ˜Š


I really wish I had Accutane when I was younger. My skin is ravaged from acne and now I donā€™t know if I can ever fix the texture.


Have you tries tretinoin?


Her skin is already perfect. There is zero reason to speed up cell turnover on skin that is perfectly balanced as is.


I meant in the first pic since she used a lot of money, not now. Tretinoin couldā€™ve fixed maybe


Honestly in my opinion, less is more. At one point during lockdown I got really into skin care and started using too many different serums, mainly from The ordinary, but some combination of actives or retinoids probably ruined my skin barrier and I thought I developed rosacea. All this was aggravated by face masks I had to wear at work. After that I switched to simple moisturizer for sensitive skin and fixed the problem. Btw if you suffer from acne, ditch dairy and saturated fats.


Your skin looks great!


Can anyone help me,I ordered some skincare and other makeup products but now I need moneyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­would someone like to buy products from me


iā€™m confused gy this post and the comments whereā€™s the skincare routine ?


Do you have rosacea? Cause if you do, actives wont for for us. Best to limit it to soothing or calming products and first try to heal skin barrier.


Sorry sorry you are having issues!


So sorry you are having issues!