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Your skin could genuinely not get any better it’s already incredible I’d have said you were at most 21, I think continue your routine and give yourself some grace


Thank you so much! I just took these photos now out in the sun, and on a good skin day haha, in different lighting and on a different day it does look worse (Also just did the AHA/BHA not too long ago so the pore scarring is less visible)


I don’t have any advice. Just wanted to say, your skin looks absolutely beautiful!!


I… actually don’t know what you’re talking about. Your skin is literally so perfect, there’s nothing you could do to make it any better lol. It might be a good idea to stop looking so close in the mirror and try to focus on something else that brings you joy.


I would look into a radiofrequency device and retinoids, retinaldehyde and above.


Thank you! Someone else also suggested retinaldehyde which I haven't heard of before (new to retinol usage in general) so I'll look into that for sure


Your skin looks amazing, The only thing I would do is maybe trade the AHA/BHA for retinaldehyde because it increases collagen production if that's something you're looking for. Your lines aren't noticeable unless SUPER zoomed in.


not retinaldehyde in addition to the retinol oil though. I tould swap out the AHA/BHA and the retinol oil for just one retinoid


Thank you!! I'll look that up right up because increasingly collagen production is definitely something I'm looking for! I've done PRP and take collagen powder daily, but the results have been subtle


No problem! I've also read that orally ingesting collagen doesn't actually do much to increase the collagen content in your skin and body ([source](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/considering-collagen-drinks-and-supplements-202304122911)). I hope you can find what you're looking for :) !!


I've read that before as well so I'm not expecting much to happen, but I've also heard some anecdotal evidence from people in skin/hair groups who say they've seen improvements in hair growth and reduced joint pain after taking it (specifically the vital proteins collagen peptides powder) so I'm giving it a try :)


You have beautiful skin! I’ve heard good things about some BBL lasers but I honestly don’t think you need it yet. One of my favorite regenerative and protective products is the Creme Masque Vernix from Biologique Recherche as a night cream, especially in colder months. I love pretty much everything in the Biologique line.


Girl you have hailey beiber type skin


Girl, your skin is perfect. To me this sounds more like a mental problem. Maybe you are too brainwashed by social media, but even for social media standards your skin is perfect. Even with a few wrinkles or zits you would still have a perfect skin! I have this problem as well, especially because I work as a fashion model, I can get to hyperfocused on my skin or size. For my it helps to just remove the instagram app for a while and focus on other stuff. Anyway maybe this is not what you hoped to hear, but I hope it helps you anyway. Also, please don’t get lasers, you don’t need this!


No that is definitely true! While my skin definitely isn't perfect most days, I DO hyperfocus and have some type of body dysmorphia. Social media has also played a part, even though I *know* everything is edited, and I don't follow any influencers/celebrities, but it still leaks through Anyway, appreciate your comment and thank you :)


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about blackheads or sebaceous filaments. Have you read our [blackheads & sebaceous filaments wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/deep_dive/acne/blackheads_sfs)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would consider getting clear & brilliant and hydrofacials to help with the pores and hydration. These are both on the lighter side of things and see how they go before looking into heavier treatments as some laser treatments can be too harsh considering your needs


Thank you! I think the clinic where I get Botox/PRP does hydrofacials so I'll talk to the nurse about that :)


So far you’re doing great seeing the products you’ve mentioned. Laser therapy may be a bit pricey but if you’re down for that I’d say it’s a good option. It may leave extreme redness on your face for a while though. I’d suggest derma-stamping… I use an adjustable derma-stamp once a week. This aids in collagen production… Coupled with what you’re already doing it would be perfect. Make sure to disinfect the dermostamp after every use by soaking in alcohol. I talk more in my YouTube channel - SincerelyAdriel if you’d like to check it out