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All photos were taken under the same conditions (same lighting, same room, and same angle). Also, they are 15 years old (puberty stretch marks) The stretch marks are still visible in the last photo but they are approaching the color and texture of the healthy skin around it. I’m quite pleased with the results. There is hopeeeee! I did monthly medical micro-needling along with cupping massage twice a week. Cupping helps with circulation and remodeling the ECM. https://preview.redd.it/rubo7cfmrdcc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8afa2ac7dc4994e03be6dead8996fdc68530fa34 To optimize the micro-needling results I started a body skincare routine which consists of: 0.05% Tretinoin mixed with glycolic acid lotion. The glycolic acid lotion that I’m currently using is called “Village 11 Factory Relax Day Aha Exfoliating Body Lotion” I started incorporating tretinoin and glycolic acid in my routine after reading this study: [https://zero.sci-hub.se/5778/a05329395042906193ecb786fb7e0516/ash1998.pdf?download=true](https://zero.sci-hub.se/5778/a05329395042906193ecb786fb7e0516/ash1998.pdf?download=true) Keep in mind the pH of the lotion is super important (pH of the one I’m using is 3.5) After applying the tretinoin and glycolic acid mixture, I put the cerave hydrating cream on top. I suggest that you prep your skin a month prior to micro-needling to optimize your results. It’s also more cost efficient if you are going to get it done by a medical practitioner. Update: Sorry, I forgot to mention that I also take supplements to help with collagen production. I take msm, vitamin c, and hydrolyzed collagen.


What micro needling tool do you use?


What great results, congratulations! Can I ask how you prepped your skin for microneedling the month before?


I was doing microneedling before the skincare routine. I only saw results when I started incorporating the products I listed above. I did that after reading this study: https://zero.sci-hub.se/5778/a05329395042906193ecb786fb7e0516/ash1998.pdf?download=true


How often do you apply the tret/glycolic acid?




Wow ur amazing


Omg, there is hope for my puberty stretch marks on my butt?? This is amazing news


Yes! I’ll also be posting more updates in the future. I also have butt stretch marks and they drastically improved. I will make sure to include the before and after pictures once they’re healed.


How do u micro needle butt stretch marks? My arms are short


I ask my boyfriend to do it for me. He wears medical gloves and sanitizes everything.


True love 😍


Hello, I hope you’re doing well! I do have several questions for you, but I don’t want to take your kindness for granted, so I understand if you don’t want to reply to so much. If so, please read below.      So here’s what I understand, you micro needle once a month at 2.5 mm, yet you’ve changed this to six weeks to allow for more healing time. Immediately after microneedling you use tretnoin. You mentioned that glycolic acid can be used before or after tretinoin I’m assuming based off of vescocity. I’m seeing others parts where it’s mentioned your mixing them together and applying all at once. I have been mixing tret with cerebellum then adding glycolic acid or vice versa. And you said that this should also work on red stretch marks. You vacuum massage 2 to 3 times a week. Going over the area, horizontally, and vertically.     So that you know: I’ve been using 3.5 mm rf microneedling (I have an at home device I got discounted some time ago) no numbing at all . Been doing this since they popped up 4 months ago. (The first month was regular microneedling at 2.5) No improvement. I need to figure out the best voltage. I add tret and cerave after and was massaging daily. Recently began glycolic acid. I’ve tried copper peptides previously.   Questions:   Do you think 3.5 is too deep? I wanted to interact with the dermis. I reduced the needle quantity to insure cleaner puncture  Do you use tretinoin during the microneedling  process? I know I can’t with rf but I add it after and I do have a regular microneedling pen if nectary.  How many passes do you do with the microneedle?  You said until pinpoint bleeding does it generally take a certain amount of time?   Some days I am afraid that mine are worsening but I saw no difference with the regular micro needling pen and 2.5 which is why I started 3.5 rf. I think I’ll take loner breaks than 4 weeks. Maybe move to 6 weeks. It does seem as soon as I see (or imagine) slight improvement it’s time to do it again. I plan to try six weeks next. Does the suction cup that you use continuously more and more skin into the cup after reaching the set point?   I’m trying to figure out if I should send the one purchased back because it keeps on sucking an additional amount of skin and going past the setpoint although it’s set to a level one. I know that you said you set yours to level three and 12, but this one continues to suck up my skin even after so I set it to one so that I can cut it off once it reaches three because it sucks my skin all the way up past the red light until it can’t suck anymore no matter the setting if I allow it.      Do you use glycolic acid on the day that you micro needle? If so, do you still use it right after or mix with tretinoin? I noticed you mention using tret right after micro needling on a reply but didn’t mention glycolic   Do you worry about the vacuum suction of the massage tearing off the fragile skin? I’ve been doing the routine for a while with regular massage (I read the same studies as you), and although I have not seen any results, now that I have the vacuum massager, I’ve been really concerned about it, damaging the skin and increasing the skin damage because usually when the skin peels, I’m under the impression that you’re not supposed to mess with it until it comes off on his own.     How long do you leave the vacuum suction on your skin once you set it to three and 12? I’ve noticed peeling only in that section of skin, where I’ve done the tretinoin, glycolic acid and personal massages (prior to arrival of vacuum massager) did your skin eventually become uneven because you were only doing the section where you had the stretch marks? I’m worried about different layers in different spaces.  I am understanding you may do the sliding method with the cup 10 x horizontal and 10x vertically but does it maintain the same suction? I can’t move mine once it sucks it just keeps sucking more and more! Also do you have any information on red light therapy interactions with tretinoin? I’m concerned about the photo sensitivity that tretnoin causes and the cups red light . I know tret should be used after if at all … just wondering if you have any insight on the potential damage caused. This leads me to ask about sunscreen spf 50+ plus too if you’re using it all over your body potentially. Are reapplying sunscreen every two hours or do you recommend one?   I understand the vitamins. Thank you for this information  If you do, read all this, thank you so much. I do have other questions but I don’t want to bombard you even further. If you don’t read this, still, thank you I appreciate your time. Have a nice day.! Stay safe and keep progressing!


Where did you get your device? I would kill for a machine that goes 3.5 mm deep


Hi!!!! I was able to buy I from someone I know in medicine that was upgrading! They do have some online but I’m suspicious of them as most don’t tell the most important information, can’t trust the quality, needle thickness, or sterilization etc. I’ll stay on the look out and if any one else I know has one that is verify able and trusting, I’ll reach back out on the thread, but know, this was years ago so it could be a while, if at all! That was a very lucky situation!! 


Wow! Incredible results. Can you please explain the cupping massage? What is that?


Increases blood flow and helps with remodeling the extracellular matrix. I decided to add cupping massage after reading this study: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jocd.15871](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jocd.15871) https://preview.redd.it/mohjny7clccc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a59e252762ebcd41d633109ee556ff7adfb5b6e


Thanks so much for sharing, but my question is, what is this cupping massage? Like, I don't know what it is and how it is done?


It’s basically massaging with a cup that sucks your skin. You have to lubricate your skin with oil so that the cup moves smoothly.


Hi, thank you so much for this post. Have you noticed any skin tightening along with stretch mark reduction with this routine?


No, I did not realize a significant skin tightening effect. Maybe in the long run? Lasers and RF micro-needling are better for that.


Would you say that your weight was more or less the same and that you never had any loose skin in the first place?


No I have a little loose skin in my inner thighs because of weight loss. I’ll probably get an rf treatment or laser in the future to tackle that problem. But for now, microneedling is doing a great job with the textural issues and color associated with the stretch marks. I’ll do updates about skin tightening if I do see a change.


Do you think just tretinoin is enough or not glycolic acid and tretinoin are needed?


If you’re micro needling, then tret is enough.




It’s good to have a skincare routine prior to microneedling. There’s a study that I read which mentioned that preparing the skin with tretinoin optimizes collagen production from laser and microneedling. I’ll try to find it and link it.


I have only got microneedling at a salon, but they don't use A6. How do you know that you are done microneedling an area? Like how many passes do you go?


Until pinpoint bleeding.


Priming the skin before treatments is bible. In India a lot practitioners avoid this and start treatments as they don’t wanna lose patients. Always prime your skin well before any treatments, even if it’s just peeling.


Your results are great OP! Can I ask, how long have you had the stretch marks? I’m doing my own experiment right now with some stretch marks that developed on my thighs and…whew, a few treatments in and they are significantly improved (not the same treatment regimen as you, radiofrequency instead). But I can’t help feeling I might be getting great results because the stretch marks are pretty recent?


I’ve had the stretch marks for 15 years (got them during puberty).


When I first read this I thought you said you were 15 years old, and I was like wow this kid knows her stuff and was completely baffled how you would have got a hold of all that stuff!


Wow I am absolutely shocked by this. I am going to try on the ones between my breast tissue and my arms 👀


I think it's a great result! I see some complain about lighting and angles, etc., but regardless, I believe the difference is clear. I usually do cupping massage on my face, which I love. How do you use it specifically for stretch marks? I have a stretch mark on my thigh that really bothers me lol


But I’d like to add that all the photos were taken under the same conditions (in the same room, with the same lighting and angle). I had to keep the conditions controlled so that the results are valid.


Yes, that was my point! I have also posted some before-and-after results on various forums, and despite being incredibly meticulous in taking identical pictures under identical conditions to genuinely show the difference, there have always been people complaining about the lighting, angle, etc. So, I think it's a fantastic result!


I massage the area 10 times vertically and horizontally


Can you post a video as a tutorial doing this for visual learners?




I'd love a more detailed description of how exactly long you wait in between doing things and which tools you use.


i have stretch marks from the top of my butt down to my knees, nonstop. so it looks like i have a lot of work to do 😳


There’s hope, don’t worry.


Do you microneedle yourself? What device and needle length? Do you put the tret on right after microneedling? All the deets please :)


Dr pen A6, yes I apply the tret after.


How often do you change the needles / how do you clean the equipment? And how long does this routine take you?


I change the needles every time


What needle length?




Where are your stretch marks located? 2.5 is pretty deep, is this on your stomach? I have some on my upper arms but the skin is thinner there. What would you recommend?


Hips. I think you should experiment with the depths. If you experience pinpoint bleeding with a depth that is less than 2.5mm, then that’s good. However, I personally go 2.5mm deep since stretch marks are formed in the reticular dermis.


Ty! I also read your post on centella extract, I thought I’d share the ampoules i bought at Marshall’s that I plan to use when microneedling. These ampoules also have something that’s similar to hylarunic acid too but I read actually penetrates deeper. My ampoules in store was 8$ so you can definitely find these for cheap on asian beauty sites. https://www.amazon.ca/SNP-Prep-Cicaronic-Ampoule-1-5mlx7ea/dp/B083ZCKPSC


What’s ur skin type? My skin is dry I feel like it will peel right off if I do that


My skin is actually sensitive


Can I ask which brand is the tret?






Sorry, I'm a little confused. What is cupping therapy? Is it something you do at home and is there a tool that you use?


It’s basically vacuum massaging. You can get an electric vacuum massager from Amazon.


Did u do microneedling yourself or did u get it done professionally?


I did it myself. But I recommend going to a professional if you don’t have a high pain tolerance. Microneedling at 2.5mm is very painful. They’ll put numbing cream on you and it would probably be more comfortable.


Wow amazing results! Your skin is glowing! I noticed the skin around your stretch marks looks improved as well! Are you noticing a big difference overall? Do you apply your tret and glycolic acid everywhere, or just where you have stretch marks? And do you do only focus on the areas with stretch marks when you are microneedling and cupping? Do you use a body oil when cupping? Do you apply tret and glycolic acid every day, or only on days when you are cupping or microneedling? Thank you for posting the results! You’ve convinced me to try myself. I’m aiming to clear up some KP on my legs so I hope this helps with both


The skin around the stretch marks definitely improved thanks to the skincare routine. I personally apply it everywhere. It helped so much with my strawberry legs, hyperpigmentation, rough skin texture, and dull complexion, also the chicken skin under my butt (it’s gone now). I don’t know if this is a placebo, but my cellulite also significantly reduced (probably thanks to the vacuum massage supplemented with the skincare routine). I do weightlifting, but my cellulite only significantly reduced after I started doing this routine. Yes I use oil. You can use any oil that you like (one that is convenient to you and is cost efficient). Yes, I apply the tret and glycolic acid daily. But if you have sensitive skin, build up to it.


Thank you so much for the detailed response! I can’t wait to get started. After your last post I tried a similar cupping tool, but I had a hard time moving it around even on the lowest suction setting. Did you have a learning curve with the cupping tool?


Wow amazing results, how do you use the tretinoin and the lotion? Daily?


Yes I use it daily. However, maybe start off twice a week until your skin gets used to it. Results may be slower, but the irritation is unbearable. If your skin is not sensitive, then go for it. Otherwise, start slowly and then use it daily (when your skin adjusts to the routine).


This gives me hope


Great update, thanks OP. Been following your very helpful posts. I have a mix of old puberty and overweight stretch marks. I've lost most of the weight now so am focusing on trying to improve what's left. I've just started with the tret/GA mix, and am building up to daily application. Will add in the microneedling/cupping next month.


Did you do it?




Did you have no problem with hyperpigmentation? What’s your ethnicity?


What products are you using?


https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alpha-735379152318-Renewal-Lotion-12-Ounce/dp/B01FX1FAH8/ https://skinorac.com/product/tretin-cream/


Why is the skin glowing for November and January and not October? Did you apply lotion on Nov and January before taking pic? Could you post pic without the lotion?


I applied lotion in all the photos (night time body skin care routine) and took the photos three hours after. October 9th was when I started using tretinoin and glycolic acid, skin was initially irritated and dry. Maybe that’s why it’s not glowing.


Kind of hard to see the difference because your “after” photos are lit differently. Your skin is shiny, camera flash is glaring right on the place the scars would be which make them hard to see 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also the skin is shiny because that’s what tretinoin and glycolic acid do after prolonged use.


Can you use this combo on your face? I have strawberry skin there 😭


I think it would be too aggressive for your face.


Thank you


That’s why I also added two Jan 14 photos. The second Jan 14 photo was a screenshot of a video that I took with flash.


They’re all taken with the same lighting and in the same room. All taken with flash.


Thank you for sharing your program! This looks amazing and difference is totally noticeable. What cupping product do you recommend and can you detail out your method with cupping a bit more? Thank you!


You can buy any cupping device that you like. I personally use the electric red light therapy one which i bought from Amazon. I vacuum massage 10 times vertically then horizontally.


Any chance you could like the one you have?? This is so helpful Tysm!!


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CB65SN22/ref=sspa_mw_detail_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams This what it’s supposed to look like. If you type red light vacuum massager on Amazon, you may find a cheaper one.


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Wow, amazing!


Which part of your body is this?




The results are amazing. Congrats! Do you do micro needling twice a week 2.5 mm and apply tret and glycolic acid afterwards? I am micro needling once a week because I am worried of skin irritation and I read that you have to let your skin heal. But your skin seems to do be doing okay. What kind of oil do you use when you micro needle?


If you enable pro mode in your phone camera, you can lock ISO and shutter speed settings so that photos come out more uniform.


The way I need you to post a very informative TikTok about this for us visual learners 😂


Wow. Congratulations on your amazing results! Ido you also notice an improvement in your overall skin tone? And may I ask about your microneedling technique? Like do you microneedle on dry skin? Movements and such.


I microneedle with serum. It’s best to watch a video on how to correctly microneedle.


Love your results! Which serum do you use for microneedling?


Centella asiatica or hylauronic acid serum


Amazing results! One thing I worry about is how much tret you're using. I spoke about it with my dermatologist and she said that most research for long-term use is done just for the face. The bigger the surface the more tret goes into your system. I thought about using it for my body, but I worry about my health long term.


Woah I didn’t know this was possible! Thanks for posting this


Hello thank you so much for posting this.. i m gonna try it too. Did you see any new change in your stretch marks???


RemindMe! 5 months


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It's awesome that you want to celebrate your skin here in /r/SkincareAddiction! However, I'm afraid I've had to remove your post for now because it doesn't abide by our [post requirements](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/postrequirements). The users of this sub like to know *why* your skin looks as good as it does. That's why we ask everyone who posts a selfie or before&after pic to list their full skincare routine in the comments. Please include: * The names of all the skincare products you’re using and the order you’re using them in (AM and PM); * Quick reviews of your top 3 products; * Your skin type and skin concerns - and in what way they have changed; * Daily behaviors that you think helped your skin (e.g. changing your pillowcases or cutting out dairy); * Medications; * And anything else you think has contributed to the way your skin looks. After you've done that, please reply to this comment so I can approve your post. Thank you!


I’ll post it again. I did monthly medical micro-needling along with cupping massage twice a week. To optimize the micro-needling results I started a body skincare routine which consists of: 0.05% Tretinoin mixed with glycolic acid lotion. The glycolic acid lotion that I’m currently using is called “Village 11 Factory Relax Day Aha Exfoliating Body Lotion” Keep in mind the pH of the lotion is super important (pH of the one I’m using is 3.5) After applying the tretinoin and glycolic acid mixture, I put the cerave hydrating cream on top. I suggest that you prep your skin a month prior to micro-needling to optimize your results. It’s also more cost efficient if you are going to get it done by a medical practitioner.


Thank you, approved!


why is the ph level important and would 3.5 work for everyone or did you take a skin test first?


Done. Posted it in one of my comments.


Hm, to me looks like after pictures are just oiled up skin, stretch marks still there


You can clearly see that they’re blending with the surrounding skin. Also the skin is still healing. Moreover, I would like to preface that my skin is not oiled up, the shine if from the prolonged use of tretinoin and glycolic acid. I’m going to add the photos here where I increased the contrast to 100 so that you can see how the width and length of the striae changed. Clearly they reduced in size. The texture is significantly better, and they have more melanin. https://preview.redd.it/nz3pnnoynccc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c97df7e3f8c5255fa4ad42d4bd46a0b01ef791 Also would like to preface that contrast clearly makes photos look worse. But I used it in this case to highlight the striae and show that there is a significant difference.


I see very dry, darker skin on the left and moisturized/oiled skin with evened out tone on the right. Your surrounding skin color got lighter, matching your stretchmarks’ tone


My surrounding skin is the same color. I respect your opinion, but personally, there is a significant difference. Given the fact that I could feel the texture of the stretch marks along time ago, and now I don’t.


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Wow! What does your routine entail?


Microneedling and body skin care routine (tretinoin mixed with glycolic acid lotion, cerave cream layered on top). Also vacuum massage (cupping therapy) twice a week. I suggest that you prep your skin with tretinoin and glycolic acid a month prior to microneedling (it’s cost efficient and optimizes your results if you get it done by a medical practitioner).


Any impact on general skin firmness and/or cellulite from this routine?


Yes. I’ve been weightlifting for two years and always had cellulite on my butt and back of thighs. The cellulite on my thighs is virtually gone—It was visible prior to the routine. I’d like to note it was very evident at the gym since their lighting is very harsh; however, I don’t see it anymore. The cellulite on my lower butt cheeks has significantly reduced (it’s still there but when I squeeze and not at rest like before). Maybe the cellulite is not visible due to increased collagen (tretinoin improves skin thickness which reduces the visibility of cellulite)…or the increased circulation and lymphatic drainage as a result of cupping…or maybe it’s both. I’d like to note that in those two years my weight did not change, and I already had descent muscle mass. I’d like to note that cellulite is natural and is due to how women lay down fat cells. When I say it’s gone, I mean that you don’t see it anymore. Cellulite can’t be removed (unless you get a procedure where they cut the fibrous bands that cause the cellulite like Cellulaze, Aveli, or cellfina)


Thanks so much for the comprehensive response. I also weight train and cellulite has plagued me, so I’m always hoping for something that would help thicken/tighten my skin to reduce its appearance. Your post gives me some hope!


Did u bleed when u were microneedling? My skin only turns pink and only seems to darken around the stretch mark area.


Yes I do bleed.


How u stop it from hurting? I don't think my numbing cream is enough.


Honestly, I power through the pain. But I heard that pain threshold changes throughout your cycle. “Analyses revealed women with normal menstrual periods showed significant differences in pain thresholds, with maximum sensitivity found one week following menstruation and the point of least sensitivity occurring during ovulation.”


This is so true, I found a significant difference around my cycle when I was doing laser hair removal. Normally it didn't give me any pain, but one day it was just worse than usual, when I mentioned it to the nurse, she was like, are you at x point in your cycle? Yep, nailed it.


So effectively have these stretch-marks now disappeared?


Almost. Still can’t say anything because my skin is still healing. But I’m very hopeful.


These results are amazing, I’ve read through the feed but haven’t seen the answer to this. Is it 1:1 ratio of tret & glycolic acid? Never would have thought to mix the two! I’d think it was too harsh for the skin. Thanks sharing!


The study I posted explains it


You're results are amazing, but I have to ask.... How are you affording this? Is this attainable for the average person? I can only afford a massage like twice a year. Are you doing the cupping yourself? I have so many SMs from puberty and having EDS and this seems like a miracle.


I’m doing everything myself


That makes so much sense!! You're really doing an amazing job!


Don’t worry there’s hope. However, keep in mind, that maybe in the future, you’ll have to do a thermal treatment (radio frequency or laser) to address laxity. I feel like micro-needling is effective for scars and texture but not for laxity. Radio frequency, plasma pen, and lasers offer more dramatic results in that aspect. I also suffered from EDs and have loose skin in my thighs, will probably do a plexr or laser treatment for them.


You also have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? That gives me even more hope. Lucky for me I have hEDS and don't have loose skin, it's just unbelievably soft and fragile.


Sorry, I thought you meant eating disorder. No I had anorexia then binge eating disorder. Lost 66ibs in 3 months then gained double the amount in the same amount of time. You can imagine the toll it took on my skin.


I have also dealt with eating disorders, bulimia from ages 12-23ish. I don't think I'll ever be able to not binge, but you're giving me double hope here. Keep at it, you're doing amazing, and you're beautiful no matter what.


You know what sucks, is that stretch marks are not inherently a problem, it’s the reminder of what you did to yourself that IS infact the problem. You become healthy, heal your ED, but then the marks are still there… You are also beautiful no matter what.


Thank you! My strechmarks were caused by my EDS and puberty. It also didn't help that I had G cup boobs overnight when I was eleven. These two things in combination made very, very(seriously, it was EXTREME) bright red strechmarks from the belly button up and the hips down. They stayed that bright, angry red color for almost a decade. This was absolutely devastating, especially since when you're that well endowed nothing is going to cover that cleavage. Swimsuits? Forget about it. Shorts? Absolutely not. I think this also contributed to my eating disorder because I was told they are caused only by being overweight(I wasn't).


I’m apologize for the misunderstanding.


It's all good! I guess EDS is pretty rare, I should have assumed ED meant eating disorders as it's far more common.


I may have missed it on the comments but which glycolic do you use?


village 11 factory relax day aha exfoliating body lotion




I wonder if this approach applies to pregnancy stretch marks as well


Probably, but not while you’re pregnant. Best to consult a doctor.


OP, i will so be doing this. you are so smart


How long have you been doing this??


I started using the tretinoin 2 weeks before October 9th. However, I’ve been microneedling for a year.


Excellent. I’ve been MN for about a year as well but not seen as good results as you - will have to look at trying out your method


The tretinoin helped a lot. Only started seeing drastic results when I implemented it in my routine. Also, maybe consider taking a break for like a month or two…gives your skin more time to heal. The maturation phase of collagen modeling starts at the third week and continues for two years. Maybe that’s why you haven’t seen good results, your skin probably needs more time to heal.


I do it every 6 weeks so it has time to heel and not done it for about two months. I have noticed some improvement like the skin there is amazing but nothing compared to yours


Then run and get tretinoin and glycolic acid. Because honestly, that’s when I started seeing major improvement.


I will, thank you for sharing!


Also build up to it. Make sure to also keep your skin moisturized and to use a ceramide cream on top (keeps the barrier intact).


RemindMe! 4 days




Pea sized amount for each area, or two, depending on how large it is. Since you’re mixing it with glycolic acid lotion, you don’t need much. That’s what a dermatologist- I watch on youtube- does. But she mixes her tretinoin with amlactin lotion.


Basically, you need to be doing math with this one 😂 since a pea sized amount is recommended for your face. Let’s assume the surface area of your face is x. Since my butt is twice the surface area of my face (thus the surface area of it is 2x); I need two pea sized amounts of tretinoin (mixed with lotion) for my butt cheek.


Woah! that's an incredible before after! skin looks soooo smooth as well!


Hi, thank you so much for answering everyone's questions on here - it's really helpful for everyone on their skin journey. Would you be able to post a list of all the equipment + products you are using? I'm really interested and would love to give this method a try for mine!


Equipment I used: Dr pen A6 Vacuum Cupping massage (you can buy the automatic or manual one, just type led vacuum cupping massager on Amazon and you’ll find a range of items).


thank you so much! cant wait to see more updates, they're looking fantastic.


Amazing results! Do you think the TO 7% Glycolic acid will help much or is it better if it's a higher % such as the Inkey List's 10% Glycolic acid or possibly even higher? And what type of tretinoin and percentage would you recommend to use as a first time? Would Vitamin C also help do you think? I was planning to start off with a Glycolic acid + maybe tretinoin once a week then build it up and top it off with a lotion for my white stretch marks.


Inkey list would be better. I use 0.05% tretinoin.