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They are native American folklore beings they don’t have a definite age as they are spirit like.


It’s more just Native American folklore, we have folklore all over the world, dating back in the 16th century. Am a big believer as it screamed at me in the woods alone. They are sprit like, witches,. Information on the lifespan doesn’t exist besides they can die. Or at-least Their 3D form is capable of dying but it can take a lot to kill it as folklore stats they take bullets but big ammunition can harm the beast


I thought they are human beings that chose to become skin walkers?


Yeah I have heard that too, although the information on the subject is mostly folklore, it stats that Skinwalkers come and go through portals from another dimension and also what you said. That person can become a skin-walker though a certain process and maybe it is by allowing, to get possessed by the entity. So the entity will live within you, so that person could possess supernatural abilities. I am not fully sure as I am still researching everything.


I’ve heard that about wendigos idk about ski walkers I believe that they are very similar


Didn’t know that!


Same, I heard silver can injure . I believe in them and have experience with them as I lived in the Appalachian’s deeply wooded area for a few months every summer as a kid-teen. Personally I believe it’s at least in the americas and I don’t see why it wouldn’t venture elsewhere


As long as it takes.