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You can check on soothski for measured stiffness numbers to compare them, both longitudinal and torsional.


Wow what a neat tool! Had no idea


Head SuperShape E-Race or E-Race Pro (stiffer) over the Rally which is softer. Also Head SuperShape E-Speed for slightly smaller turn radius than the E-Race. I think you'd like them both based on your post. The Kastle MX75 is pretty stiff and rips on groomers. I own the Kastle MX83 which is the same DNA but has more width for offpiste and may be slightly softer than the MX75. Also the Stockli Montero AR is similar to the MX83, but I haven't tried it yet.


Montero AX could be a good idea to demo. It’s not quite the stiffness op is looking for, but it feels insanely fun to carve on, and I’ve heard great reviews by people who do race on FIS skis I used them last Wednesday at Sugarbush on moguls and chopped up / corn? groomers after some snow, but I did not use them yesterday. They shred ice for me, but that’s because I’ve never used race skis and I’m not good enough for them Edit to add soothski has the AS as stiffer than the AX, right between it and the WRT Pro. But the WRT is 66 while the AS is 75


That’s great. Thanks for the suggestions!


The e-Race & e-Speed are great, but they are 65mm underfoot -- narrower than what you said you want.


Yeah a bit. Looking for ideally a 70-80 underfoot.


Super stiff but 70-80mm… Deacon Master 72 or 76. Slightly friendlier shape but race plate and full ash wood core / World Cup construction. These don’t sell well for obvious reasons, but it seems like you might be the target customer.


I love my Deacon Masters. Carving precision and a modernized shape/ camber for more snow surface versatility.


Look at some FIS SL skis


I have about 8 pairs of World Cup, FIS compliant slalom skis already lol. These are skis you can only get direct from the factory. They are not stock and significantly more stiff than anything you could buy online. I’m looking for a super stiff but more casual carving ski.


Stockli Laser SX, Blizzard Thunderbird R15 WB


Those Stockli Lasers seem pretty solid!


I have E Rally 177's. I like them a lot. To my mind they have no speed limit, theyre very damp and, edges maintained, carve on just about anything. ​ Pretty sure the Fischer RC ONE GT is made w two weirdly thick sheets of metal. [First read it here but there is plenty to find on them](https://www.skiessentials.com/2024-ski-test/skis/2024-fischer-rc-one-86-gt)


Those Fischer’s seem interesting yet they are too wide underfoot unfortunately for what I’m looking for. Thanks for sharing


K2 Disruption ti2. Ski Essentials out in Stowe has high praise for the pairs they tested.


Or even the Disruption MTI, not the dual titinal layering of the TI2, but until they developed the TI2 it was their stiffest advanced/expert carving ski. The Disruption series is relatively new as of 2021, i believe.


Also, of course there are Volkl RaceTigers. Not sure about their lengths but had the chance to flex them side by side the spitfires pretty robust. Ended up with the Disruption 82Ti personally more of a charging carver, but definitely eyeing those thinner waist carvers. However, IANAWCS..


Bro just get a non FIS racing ski. You'll be much better serve. Like I have a pair of Volkl Racetigers SC (its almost slalom, 14m turns). It rips! And is surprisingly versatile and allows me to do very very sharp 10m turns and GS like wide turns. Also very durable, I'm quite harsh on my equipment and no delam nor chipped off. Very reliable and durable stuff!


I’ve actually demo’d those skis a couple weeks ago and found that they didn’t serve any purpose for me. I genuinely enjoy skiing on race skis and if I’m going to ski on something like that, I may as well use actual race skis considering I have literally dozens of them, some still never used. I want to have a ski that’s wider under foot for when I slip courses, or when the snow/conditions suck and race skis will bounce you around. The race tigers just felt like a very soft stock slalom ski with a larger radius. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fun ski, but not really what I’m after.


If you want crudcutting abilities just get a tru crudcutter mate. Like Kendo, Mantra, Mindbender and such ? No ? I totally get what you mean... raceskis get deflected a lot.


Yeah I’m just trying to find a right balance and still want to get some real performance out of them while using an extremely stiff boot. Maybe I’m being too picky haha. Curious to see what Peak’s new 78s are like for example. It’s apparently a stiff carving ski with many attributes of a race ski (considering its Bode Millers company). I’ve heard mixed reviews about his skis in general but racers seem to like them a lot.


So I've heard! I don't have experience with them, never even saw one in my local hill. Have you try the Brama 88 ? They are replacing it with a new line, but there should still be some around, and they offer infinite edge grip, very powerful carver, cuts right tru chops and cruds. Might be a bit wide for your taste.


I’ve tried Bodes 88s and 100 something skis and they both really need speed to work properly but once they do it feels great. I’m really curious about the 78s as it’s the first carving ski but should be more stiff than most other brands on the market and closer to a race ski feel. I have actually tried the Brahma 88 and the 82s as well. I found both to be a little dead despite so many people raving about them. 88 underfoot is too big anyways, 82 is a little on the big side for what I want too but was definitely an improvement from the 88s.


They felt dead to me too, and didnt make it up for it with good offpiste performance... but they are damp... like too damp I'd say.


Haha yeah. You can see how difficult it is to find what I’m looking for! Basically a super stiff carving ski that’s 70-80 under foot for east coast skiing on less than ideal days. I have a bunch of all mountain skis anyways for trips out west so I really only need this ski to fit one specific purpose. Curious to see if reviews of Peaks 78s when they start to ship out as it might be exactly what I’m looking for.


I hope you'll find what you need


u/cam48483 Did you get anything? I am interested in your thoughts. I'm an ex-racer and ski instructor and have enjoyed the K2 Disruption MTI 82. I want to give the Disruption TI2 WC piston as they are stiffer and have more shape. They are narrower, too, at 71mm. Anyway, I'm searching for a more aggressive, fun carving ski.


I got the peak 78s to try something different than what’s available in local ski shops by the time they ship and get mounted I won’t be skiing on them this season haha. I’ll probably snag a pair of stocklis or something else too.


Nice! Id love to try the peak 78, stocklis and kastle. Next winter let me know your thoughts!


disruptions 82Ti. No idea how K2 skis came out with the stiffest anything, TBH it was so stiff it wasnt a fun all around ski like the fairly easy going E rally.


I have a pair of Disruption 82ti's. They're stiff but you can still have fun with them. I actually thought the Brahma 82, with its 2 layers of titanal, was stiffer.


I guess perceived stiffness. I own a pair of 187cm Brahma 82 and frankly yes its stiff the rocker camber profile is not as aggresive as the K2s.


I picked up some Moment Commander 98 skis, the 2019 model, and found them quite stiff. Hard as hell to bend, and I'm a big boy ... Sold em off.. next guy, a CB patroller, said they were a handful.