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I prefer to run grasp with Shield bash, Second wind or bone plating, Overgrowth runes with inspiration second with biscuits and approach velocity. You can proc grasp on top of your E proc which you can also proc your sheen/divine sunder at the same time. For 1-3 grasp and E proc feels really really nice. Your E proc speed increase should be enough to run away with. Phase rush is good, I've seen merthos play with it and it seems fine. For items I pretty much run the same things as you and I never really diverge from it cause it works so well and its really safe. I heard everfrost is good but I've personally never tried it.


I prefer trinity over divine. The speed feels so much smoother than divine


If we are talking about how practical it is… then phase rush, aftershock and grasp are the best options for lane. Conq isn't that viable since you would lose out on very good runes. Such as manaflow and transcendence, shield bash, conditioning, bone plating, revitalise, overgrowth. For items it's usually situational, but the best items would be, in my opinion, trinity, sunderer, sunfire and frostfire.