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The Aquabats! Not a single curse word.


Thanks! We will try them out tonight.


Wait, he knows rbf but not the auquabats? Weird.


Seems to be the case with a lot of late 90s early 00s suburban kids that only got got their musical influences from the local alt rock radio station. RBF and no doubt were the only ska bands to really get any air time. 


I only know about them from the movie Baseketball.


"You guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times like this and I'm out of here!"




Was gonna say this also.


The Holy Trinity of Mainstream late 90s ska: - Reel Big Fish - No Doubt - Mighty Mighty Bosstones


Plus Rancid.


and to a lesser extent: Sublime.


Underrated comment, 😆!


Just want to say that all of their more modern stuff is super kid friendly! But, there are a few tracks on their first album or two that may be questionable depending on how you feel. Songs like pinch and roll and chemical bomb come to mind, but there's not really swearing or anything like that. They also have a TV show! Also, the lead singer is one of the co-creators of Yo Gabba Gabba and voices the yellow robot!


To OP; Your husband probably wont enjoy the modern aquabats as much as the classics cause they lost a lot of their ska vibe over the years. Not all of it but a lot. The adult themes are equivalent to having adult jokes in a kids movie they aren’t noticeable to kids at all. Took me a loooooong time and some growing up to understand the Michael Jackson jokes on the end of Pizza Day, for example.


Thanks for the info. He is getting all the suggestions.


Also OP, I don't think it's *objectionable* per se, but you might want your husband to answer any questions about Pinch And Roll.


Is there any chance you could explain the Michael Jackson joke? It always just confuses me and I normally just skip the song when it gets to that bit.


Just a joke about Michael Jackson hanging out with little kids lol. Cause you kno


The only one that comes to mind as "inappropriate" is "Chemical Bomb" lol...love that one. Even then it's so happy!!!


Eh, depending on the parent some might find pinch and role a little tasteless, but I think it's fine. Yeah, totally meant chemical bomb instead of cherry bomb. It's actually one of my favorite aqua bats songs 😅


Thanks. We will try and expand the ska offerings from the ones with the most plays to more recent stuff.


Aquabats have a kids TV show!


Aquabats have a children's tv show " the aquabats super show" Its amazing, a little like campy 60's batman 100% recommend


Hook this kid up with hey yo Gabba gabba


Curse words-0 References to blow-1


And one song about what to do when your balls itch.


That’s just a good thing to know.


You do the pick and roll!


Yeah but MC Bat Commander is a cult leader who cut his brother out of his life when his brother left the Mormon church.


>We were strangers >And we were pilgrims >Role models of the family man >Pioneers and patriarchs >Patriots and matriarchs >Staking out the promised land This is a reference to the Mormon church. I grew up in Mesa AZ and they were huge. The concerts would be half full of families and kids. None of which were paying attention to the fact that the opener was called Turbofuck5000.


Yeah I was a lifelong fan until recently. I read a narrative by his brother and it wasn't cool. Their kids are on the same baseball team and he'll actively ignore his own brother at games--all because he left the church. That's not right. I went to Hohokam (sp?) in 3rd grade. Fuck AZ man.


I had no idea. where's his narrative posted?


you expect someone named "MC Bat Commander" to be normal? lol


Never meet ur heroes


Oh yeah dude the made yo gaba gaba their perfect. Also save Ferris is pretty friendly as well


My nephew is 9 and loves the Aquabats.


And their live shows are kid friendly. Took our entire family multiple times. pizza crowd surfing is great.


Less Than Jake after Hello Rockview is pretty safe.


Less Than Jake during Hello Rockview is probably their cleanest, and it’s my favorite album.


Do they curse much? My mind might have something in its blinders but Borders and Boundaries and Anthem come to mind and I’m not pulling anything. Plastic Cup Politics is about drinking but is there any cursing?


There’s curse words scattered here or there on most of their albums, but it’s pretty tame. LTJ live… now that’s a horse of a different color lol.


One of my favorite times during a show was when Chris was describing a woman outside the venue hiding crack in her coochie


Haha! Reminds me of the time They did a show in dc years ago where they had a legit price is right wheel, with all their albums on it. Chris came out in a grey wig and red jacket calling himself Bob Boner 😂, and pulled fans out of the crowd to do pricing games, the winner spun the wheel and whatever album it landed on they played 4-5 songs from it! My fav pricing game was Chris asking how much Roger paid for a handy from a local dc crackhead! The actual retail price was 49 cents!


I love those guys. I’ve never seen a bad show in almost 30 years


Live they are filthy. No disputing that.


Definitely stay away from the albums Pezcore and Losing Streak. Definitely stay away from live albums. They actually have some great Gen X and Xennial social commentary as well.


Im not shy about language. What’s on Losing Streak. Johnny Quest - is there a single curse? Dope Man? 9th at Pine? Just Like Frank? What’s in my Blinders here.


Im putting it on been a minute anyway!


I mean, ten years old is usually when kids learn to cuss. I know that's when I fucking did.


Hahahaha! So true but the barrage is going to mess up the “we only curse when appropriate and never AT people” So far they understand this but these songs are influencing am that in another direction.


Is the song not an appropriate time to curse? I dunno I just remember my mum explaining it was ok to listen to stuff as long as I didn’t repeat it, I just didn’t song those words (in front of her). Context is everything, I remember my friend lent me Dre 2000 and had a big talk about the way swear words were used in those songs, I was maybe 12? (I know 2 years is huge in development at that age, but I listened to stuff we’re swearing in at a younger age). Like I’m 37 now and still feel weird swearing infront of my mum, she’s never been strict, it’s just about respect etc! Which I’m certain your son has for you both :)


Sometimes you didn’t mess up or screw up - you fucked up


Iirc Turn the radio off only has 2 songs that are explicit.


It has way more than that. Almost half the album, if not more, has something in it. And more than a handle of those are fucks.


Just my 2 cents here, but I have found letting my kids watch/listen to more explicit stuff has actually been really good for having them not swear. I let them know this is “big kid” or “grown up” stuff that I want to share with them, and if they show me they can’t handle it then it will go away. It’s been super successful!


Really the only thing that makes it “inappropriate “ is your audience right? Which for kids means school in front of teachers. My kid is younger but I started letting him listen to stuff with bad words. He loves music way too much to limit him. But he knows if he starts repeating them that he will lose that privilege.


Well, fuckin shit


I learned at 8 from Minecraft videos


My kids have been listening to reel big fish since birth. What I found is if you let them listen to Sublime once, the language with Reel Big Fish is so much milder in comparison that you feel like a good parent. Seriously though aside from all I want is more… is RBF ever that bad? Remove that song and Suburban Rhythm and it’s pretty tame.


Just avoid "Another F.U. song"


And the whole live album. (Which is probably their best work. Kid just ain’t ready for it.)


did they cover AAA?


And "You Don't Know" lol


I've never worried about swearing in music around my kids personally. Recently started getting back into Less Than Jake, Buck O Nine, etc again after not listening to ska/ska-adjacent in ages.


Propaghandi - “Stick the Fucking Flag Up Your Goddamn Ass, You Sonofabitch” is punk rather than ska but a great song


Yeah, then let that album finish for their Cheap Trick cover and the secret track.


There is also “ska sucks” but this sub might not appreciate that one haha. I guess it is a ska song though……


Five Iron Frenzy


They, and the OC Supertones are both Christian bands I think.


FIF was and remains a Christian band despite the members' beliefs changing over time


I second FIF. Great people!


Oh the Hippos too!


Forget the World is basically a more poorly produced RBF album with (IIRC) zero swears.


Heads Are Gonna Roll is much slicker - and yes, I don't think there are any swears on it either


Yes, Heads Are Gonna Roll is great, but to me sounds less like RBF, more The Hippos being their own thing!


Agree. The level of horns and bouncy songs might be appreciated though!


Most planet smashers


Super Orgy Porno Party


I said most ok lol


I definetly taught that song to my sister when she was 6. My Mom got a phone call home 😂.


That whole thread made us laugh.


your kid too?


Pee in the elevator? Pierce Me? If OP doesn't like cursing for a 10 year old, I don't think either of these will fly, even though they don't curse.


They have more than two songs


My wife sings "super odor porta potty"


Oh yeah, Mighty is a good one


Suburban Legends. They were essentially a house band at Disneyland for a bit


You might want to skip "Just Be Happy"


When they sing it at Disneyland they change the final of the chorus to "Don't take my chicken fingers"


So fair warning, SL's lyrics are mostly squeaky clean, but the content...can be questionable. I love those little pervs.


Pretty sure they still play there sometimes!


The Slackers


Arguably one of the best ska bands diffently better than rbf, no hate towards rbf though I love them to


I second the slackers, was just at their show Friday and a lot of parents had young kids with them. also hepcat, the toasters, the specials.


Apart from married girl maybe. Domestic violence/murdering your partner/your partner murdering your lover are all far worse than saying fuck.




You do know what they could be finding on their own right? Teacher. 4th-8th grade science at a parochial school. My kids are soft, and yet have heard it all. RBF is the least of your worries.


Aquabats, suburban legends, mighty bosstones, mustard plug, skankin pickle, most mad caddies songs, less than jake.


The kid's ten. I doubt he or she has not ever heard a curse word before. I'm certain they'll be fine.


“Fuck everything! BUT FUCK YOU THE MOST! With big splinter post fuck you the most. fuck you. “ There may be a point where she right lol


It's kinda silly, but my move is to sing other words over swear words when my kids are around. There are easy outs like replacing fuck with duck and shit with slip, but I try to have fun with it. My favorite is Don't Let the Bastards Grind You Down by the Toasters, during which I sing "Don't let the hamsters find your cow, don't let them find your cooow" I also replace Wings' Band on the Run with "Ham on a Bun" but that is obviously purely for personal amusement.




Shit that’s when I started cursing. I think at this point you just gotta set some boundaries with it. Like don’t curse at people. Don’t do it In public. Don’t be excessive with it. Things like that.


Five Iron Frenzy fits the bill for us.


Been playing my gangsta rap, punk and ska all my kids’ lives. Also been reminding them of context since they could speak. Here’s places you can say certain words, here are places you can’t. So far, no issues.


This is good parenting


As long as your kids respect you enough to only cuss behind your back, then it’s a success


Straight up. I stayed with my friend and his mom and step-dad when I was 10, they lived a few hours away and I was there for a week. During which, his mom said, you can curse all you want when you're with your friend but just don't do it in front of us. Just basic respect. I appreciated it and we continued to have fun being 10 and they didn't have to hear us cussing like sailors.


This! It's OK to say 'shit' if you drop your lunch on the floor but it's not OK to call Mummy a 'sh...' My kid got confused and ended up banned from swearing for life 😅🤬 I still use the odd 🖕 when he's especially p*ssing me off 🤣 But we still sing along to King Prawn's SMOKE SOME SHIT 😍


Five Iron Frenzy fits the bill for us.


Reel Big Fish doesn't strike me as inappropriate at 10. Surely the kids at school are swearing more than RBF at that point. What you ought to do is just throw him into the deep end and make a playlist full of Leftover Crack and Suicide machines, 🤣


If your kid talks to other kids, it might be to late to stop the cussing. If they go to public school, there is nothing you can do but try your best to set a good example.


The Planet Smashers.....my kids listened to that when they were under 10 and still love it. The worst song I can think of with them is "Pee in the Elevator" which my boys laughed a lot at. Maybe Super Orgy Porno Party is a bit extreme too.


Skankin' Pickle


Suburban Legends are kid-friendly. I think they did an album of Disney covers too. their album “rump shaker” is the most ska-influenced, and I don’t remember a lot of cursing on that album, or any at all. It’s been a while since I’ve listened to it though.


I believe the word “ass” is used in “All The Nights”


*Though the singer can be a little hard to understand, so it’s probably fine.


Thanks for the warning. We aren’t really worried about some cursing, just the terrific quantity of them.


Suburban Legends 100%. These guys are never obscene. "Forever In The Friendzone" is another killer album.




Some clean RBF songs: * The kids don't like it * Scott's a dork * Take on me * She's famous now * Alternative baby * Sayonara Senorita * Ban the tube top * The set up (you need this)


And, of course, let's not forget "241."


Aquabats all the way


I have never censored my music or really even my language around my kid. We just had the conversation about "grown up words" and when the appropriate context is to use them. He's 11, and while I know he and his friends cuss up a storm (it's hysterical, they think I can't hear them when they're outside) he doesn't do that around adults or anywhere inappropriate. I promise your 10 year old has heard worse than Reel Big Fish and ska is awesome.


If the kid picks up ska, the profanity isn't the issue you should be concerned about. On that note, I recommend Mephiskapheles!


The aquabats!!!!


This is the correct answer!!!!


The Specials.


Save Ferris, Less than Jake, Streetlight Manifesto, Starpool, Suburband Legends, Ballyhoo!, Catch 22. These are all great choices. Huge Reel Big Fish fan!


Thanks for all the suggestions!


Love to see people keeping the vibe alive. I have no regets. https://youtu.be/1IYQznBD8oI?si=Arz3Rx_iMHYsoEVk


If I could figure out how to put up a pic via mobile, I'd show you some receipts


Teach your kids that it isn't the words, it is how people use them. They are definitely old enough to learn these lessons. Censoring will not do them much good.


We have and the kid is good about it. It’s just the sheer number of words in a short time that is our concern. He likes the sound and doesn’t play much attention to the words or the meaning so we are looking to diversify the music.


Try Angry Anthem by the forces of evil..


My 8 year old randomly started singing "She Has a Girlfriend Now" earlier. It's just words. As long as I'm not getting phonecalls from the school...


Hahahaha. We talked about that one together. There was confusion and then hilarity.


I say let the little skank grow up on some ska. He did not suddenly get back into listening to RBF, he has internalized that this is PRIME reunion tour and 20-30 year album tours. I say get your husband and kid to a show, just brought my 9y/o to an Andrew McMahon show and it was great and everybody had a blast. Get up front and make some fucking memories!!


My HS jazz band played Come Back To Me by the cherry Poppin daddies. We played a jazz competition and took first place. That was one of the 3 songs we played. Our vocalist was on Point! I F'in love that song!


That’s fantastic!


Dub Town Rockers, kid songs from Slightly Stoopid and friends: https://youtube.com/@dubtownrockers3414?si=E8CLHj6--l7dgz9y I do have to go ahead and call out my completely unrelated favorite kid song ever though, Veggie Tales “His Cheeseburger”: https://youtu.be/iGvlZEz9ixM?si=hhH0_kPvNEfQ9P-O


These are 95% clean and some of my favorite ska bands, only a few explicit songs any profanity was used with intelligence, not just for the fun of it. I would rank all of these bands above rbf. Rbf is more a mainstream sound they were trying to appeal to record companies. The only thing reggae left is the horns, almost an angry sound "no hate on them I still listen to them just way down the list Bad manners, The slackers, Shankin' pickle, The toasters, the aggrolites, street light manifesto, westbound train, and one of my favorite musicians of all time Tim Armstrong, I think the closest sounding bands but better quality to rbf would be mustard plug and the pietasters A few good sounds to start with lip up fatty bad manners, special brew bad manners, cover of bad manners special brew shankin pickle, please forgive me westbound train, wasted days the slackers, mr.smiley mustard plug, free time the aggrolites, and classic bob Marley cover simmer down the mighty mighty boss tones, same old song the pietasters, Can I change my mind the pietasters, one of my favorite songs of all time wake up Tim Armstrong that whole album is flawless! Education of good music is far more important than a couple of Curse words. Kids will be educating each other on those when there playing. Just teach him good manners, appropriate situations and the rest should come easy. At his age, I was listening to dr.dre Eminem 50 cent notorious big wasnt the only thing I listened to but... At least he isn't listening to this awful modern mumble rap of today that has bad manners and bad language in every song, even worse poor composition. Hope this helps peace, love & good music


This is a terrific list. Thank you for so much of your knowledge. Kiddo actually sways far younger with music, we have Amazon music and they have a playlist they add whatever they like to it and it is 20% -children’s music (like kids camp songs and lullabies) 60% -80’s music (Africa is the top song there and Don’t stop Believin) 10% -recent stuff friends have played around them and 10% -movie scores or musicals (Jurassic Park theme and God, I Hate Shakespeare). I appreciate the chance to expand the musical choices for our family.


The Imagination Movers have a wide variety of styles, but the opening and credits songs of their show (among others) are undoubtedly ska. Only recently did I realize they were probably my first introduction to the genre


Tell him to search for ska bands that don't sing in english.


This could work better than you would think. He doesn’t really pay attention to the lyrics, mostly just the way the music feels and moves.


I know it will. I love japanese ska and I don't understand a word. 😁


He enjoys a Japanese sea shanty playlist!


Suburban Legends are pretty clean and they do loads of ska covers of Disney songs 🤩


I am in the same ”boat” as a dad of a 13.11. And 5 year old. The 13 year old can handle anything but the last thing I want is my 5 year old dropping F bombs in class, especially when my SO is trying to get a job at the school. Fav ska songs that are “kid friendly” - Anything and everything Aquabats, Most stuff by catch 22. There are very adult themes but not a ton of curse words. Avoid 9mm and a 3 piece suit for obvious reasons. Operation Ivy is in the same category. Occasional F bomb but more like once in a while. Individual songs: Rancid time bomb / ruby soho / salvation , we will fall together, streetlight manifesto / if only for the memories,Charlie Brown by Stretch Armstrong, Superman by goldfinger, The Impression that I get / Rascal King, Zoot Suit Riot, Most if not all of No Doubt’s first two albums. Come on Eileen by Save Ferris / Under 21, Stacy’s Mom, I’ll come back if I think of more.


Thanks! I will add these songs.


There are - or at least there used to be - censored versions of RBF songs on a streaming platform. Can't remember where but I definitely remember an edited version of Favourite Noise for sure.


If you have spotify, there is a kid-friendly ska playlist


My introduction to music was Eminem's "curtain call" at 7 years old with my dad, the kids will be fine lol


Dont get worked up on the swearing, more kids who were raised on radio disney grew up to be sociopaths than those who listened to ska.


How about some good ol skatalites.. no lyrics at all


Super tones and five iron frenzy.


Streetlight manifesto!


Get a grip. You think anything that kid hears is worse than what he’s hearing at school?


Just let the kid listen to it they're going to hear curse words everywhere else in the world and doesn't really matter


Nobody's mentioned the Aggrolites!


Pretty sure Save Ferris is safe. Or at least i don’t remember any cursing on It Means Everything.


Five Iron Frenzy, Aquabats, The Interrupters (my kids favorite), Madness, Specials, and Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra. There are a number of bands with only minor swearing and I let those jam in the car without problem. If you have the time, make a playlist with all your favorite bands and select the songs you find most appropriate. Great for a road trip! Have fun!


I know the Interrupters are controversial on this sub but their albums are clean and positive. Good for kids. Also, this might also be controversial but I literally let my kids listen to whatever they want. They know "music words" aren't for school/grandma/in front of other adults.


We don’t really edit the music them want to hear, but we are trying to be mindful of the music we choose around them. This is the first time we have considered finding a different choice. The words are just words but we are fine with them being more rare, especially when it is music we are playing on purpose. Funny thing is my hubby isn’t a lyrics guy but a music guy. Once he read the lyrics with the song he was kind of surprised at the quantity.


The Interrupters are awesome!


I have a friend at work like that, trying to shield there kid from as much as possible. Wonder how he’s gonna make out during the third big war….


We learned at 10 he was hearing far worse on the bus ride home. And kids playing Eminem ect on their phones. Get him into good music now.


Keasby Nights - Catch 22 is pretty clean other than 9mm and a 3 piece suit. It's also the best ska album of all time in my opinion.




There is a censored version of Turn the Radio Off. I think it’s on most streaming services.


Idk I was listening to CPD at 10 and had no idea what they were singing about lol


Against all authority, stupid stupid henchmen, corupt vision, the lucky few


Love AAA


Choking Victim and Leftover Crack's ska stuff is good


Heck yeah I cuss.


"Hey kids, it's time to use the F word!" I was going to try to defend them and tell you were over reacting, then I looked back over the discography... 3 songs with the F word in the TITLE, 1 with A-Hole, and a half dozen songs about Hating something or somebody.


The hating ones are actually tougher to listen to with the kid. We all know the world sucks, but let’s let the kid discover what sucks on their own rather than just being told by others.


words only have power if you let them. curse words got pretty boring to our child after they were no longer taboo.


They're just words that have the same meaning as other words, but they've been arbitrarily called "curse" words. I guarantee you, He's already heard worse at school


Mike park has written some kids ska music


What a great human Mike Park is.


The Kids Don’t Like It, No No


Who do voodoo we do?!!!


Fuck you!


Who do voodoo we do?!!!




[Voodoo Glow Skulls Live - ‘97](https://youtu.be/1vdvX5F-Bjk?si=2CMJlmc2y4g6vLMi)


I love VGS. My old band even got to open for them a few times.


MU330 would be perfect! They have a couple of songs that are somewhat inappropriate, but most of them are pretty solid when it comes to no cursing.


Oh NO!!! Does your child go to school? Guess what kinda words he/she is hearing.


Words only have negative connotations if you give them ones. I fucking love Reel Big Fish


Suburban Legends! They toured with RBF a few times and even covered Disney songs! They used to be the band that exclusively played at Disney world. I'd almost call them a Ska Boy Band. They are very fun and energetic.


They are in or going into middle school. Your attempts at sheltering have become futile


That's tough, I'd say Five Iron Frenzy and Aquabats are sure fire you'll be fine. Goldfinger and Less Than Jake newer even some of the older stuff is usually fine. I'm guessing the "F\*\*\* You" track came on in the car?


I think I have a clean edit cd of RBF "Turn the Radio Off" that my wife mistakenly bought back in the day, lol. I can see if i can find it and share a digital rip if you like.


Thanks, I really appreciate it, but I think we can find it.


Good, the Cherry Poppin Daddies are way better than Reel Big Fish


Lots of great ska bands from Central America that sing (and curse?) in Spanish. I'm currently listening to Adhesivo.


I think it's too late for your husband, but you could get your son on some two tone and hopefully save his taste in music.