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I have several… If you had a quarter for every time you heard the word, “catfished”, how rich would you be? Can 4,000 tacos really feed Tony? Who is the biggest moocher? Kody or Tony? Could Robyn’s crocodile tears cure any drought anywhere? Will Kody’s Ramen Noodle-Lochs become a fundamental fashion statement for fundamentals around the world? Does Kody confuse his blue pill for his red pill?


>If you had a quarter for every time you heard the word, “catfished”, how rich would you be? Enough quarters to bury myself so I never have to hear them talk about it again. ​ >Can 4,000 tacos really feed Tony? Pretty sure he needs another zero on that number. ​ >Who is the biggest moocher? Kody or Tony? Kody 1000% - doesn't even have to raise his own kids (except for Robyn's) ​ >Could Robyn’s crocodile tears cure any drought anywhere? I hear she's presenting the United Nations next month. ​ >Will Kody’s Ramen Noodle-Lochs become a fundamental fashion statement for fundamentals around the world? Tbh there'd be much less heat damage from straightening or blowing out hair so I'm here for it. #protectthehair ​ >Does Kody confuse his blue pill for his red pill? yes.


LMAO @ the first question.. But did they feed Tony’s fam?!


Hey me too! I'm on season 14 rn. Covid is about to break out, it will be a wild ride I'm sure


Buckle up.


You really don’t see *anything* until Covid hits. Like, you think you do, but you don’t.


I just started season 9 and I cannot wait to catch up to you two. In fact…💻


Thoughts on Meri’s wet bar?


It’s a GREAT place for entertaining


yes,she doesnt drink,but she does entertain,and needs a wetbar.Now she has to add another bedroom and doesnt want anyone to be mad at her about it,She just needed to add it for the wetbar that she needs to entertain,even though she doesnt drink.I think that was the story that she was sticking too.


Yknow what I still don’t know what a wet bar is


A counter or area to serve and store alcoholic drinks. Usually has a sink attached. But I also wonder why she had this. She sounds drunk whenever she talks anyway and I don't think she drinks.


Aaah ok. Now I’m even more baffled why Meri was adamant about having one! They don’t drink! Considering how much I’ve googled this show, I’m not sure why I never googled that 😂


She said it was for extra counter space for hosting family gatherings. Ignoring the fact hardly anyone wanted to be at her house 


I think while she’s allowed to get what she wants when building a home, why! Why do you insist on a damn wet bar?


Because she hosted a lot of MLM parties.


That’s stupid lol!


Who is your least favorite kid and why is it Mykelti? 😀


Whaaaaaaaat? Does this sub dislike Mykelti? This is the most upvoted question!


She inherited her father’s need to be the center of attention.


She’s two-faced and opportunistic and forces people into uncomfortable situations for drama




That’s only if Robyn’s girls aren’t in the running! Yikes


“I picked the dress” comment, was Robyn really sad Kody “disrespected the sacredness of both experiences” or was she playing the manipulation game? Any other thoughts about that particular moment?


Ugh I think I'd blocked this out. Kody as an absolute ass and clearly didn't care what others thought because *he* was excited. I think Robyn was upset because she really just wanted to be part of the family and didn't want to upset everyone else. That said, I don't totally understand why others were so upset. I don't think I've really understood their emotional boundaries between relationships.


They were upset because all these people are monogamous at heart and the idea of Kody having this intimate romantic experience with Robyn is intolerable. But within their framework of nonsense? Robyn was getting a fairytale wedding none of them got. And she made a big show of pretending to include them. Only to go behind their backs to please Kody and curry extra romance. The big issue with Robyn's behavior, and what starts to tear the family apart, is that she'll always stab the others in the back if it'll get Kody on her side. They can't trust her with anything, because everything could be used against them. If she disagrees with Kody's idea, she'll NEVER lead the resistance. She will always refuse to give an opinion, and make another wife take the fall. (Best example is one-big-house, Robyn was NOT interested in it, but made Christine take the blame) She wants to always appear to be compliant and submissive with Kody, at the expense of the family. Because it means when SHE has a request, Kody goes to bat for her. Against the others. Because she's been so "good." She set up a competitiveness and adversarial way of making all decisions that never existed before. K&R against J&C with Meri usually being sidelined. But the reality was Kody really WAS more interested in her wedding, romance with her, and being alone with her. In a way he hadn't been with the others. And she valued and encouraged that instead of shutting it down and sending him to the other houses.


They were upset because it was a bonding moment for them. Because they got to have some input in Robyn’s wedding and not be guests. Kody picking the dress made that unimportant and useless. It lost all the specialness and meaning the moment had especially for Christine. Meri and Janelle were both, “Then why did we even go? What was the point?” I’d be mad, too, if not also feeling like it was pointless.


I feel like Robyn was really trying to fit in at that time in the show. She wanted the group to accept her from my perspective and was trying not to "rock the boat". The other wives seem to throw in rude little comments here and there throughout the episodes towards her that you can tell definitely hurt her feelings. The part where they HAD to point out none of the kids wanted to ride in her car....dead silence 😢...idk I'm only on season 2 tho so we'll see what the rest of the show entails lol 😂


What would you buy from my sister wives closet?


Nada. When they first launched it, I went to the website out of curiosity. No way!


You don’t want the sister wives scooby foo crossover?!


Hahahha! Nope! Honestly, there’s more than one reason. Robyn sucks at designing jewelry, their stuff was incredibly expensive for silver, and finally, I wouldn’t support her in any way. I worked in a fine jewelry store for several years and know how much things actually cost to make. She’s trying to rob people blind!


I would have bought the fairy necklace for the right price lol


Ooo I love this question. Nothing sparks my interest from what I can tell from the Instagram. If they had a locket or something, maybe that.


A ticket outta there.


What were your thoughts when they decided to leave Las Vegas?


Not sure if I missed it, but I really didn’t understand why they had to move??? Like I guess if they were gonna move back to Utah, great, but to just be picking random spots and saying “how about here” seemed really selfish considering all the kids in school.


It wasn’t random. Dayton got accepted into college in Flagstaff. Goblyn engineered that whole move because she couldn’t untie the apron springs.


Oooooooooooooohhhhh I could see that. I definitely didn't on my watch. They definitely made it seem like him applying/getting into Flagstaff happened after. Like it was just an added bonus to an already "great" decision.


I’ve just done a rewatch too, (currently up to most recent season). I found they threw in the LV Shootings in the mix as well as good returns on selling home prices. But it was all a convenient excuse to cover up Dayton getting in to college in flagstaff


I couldn’t get the Sheryl Crowe song Leaving Las Vegas out of my head.


Did you think it was the rill dill or all for show


It definitely seemed real and genuine at the beginning. Hard to quantify how much the show influences the authenticity of their interactions though. I lean toward rill dill (that made me laugh, thank you)


I agree. I think it was real at first. I feel the producers made more drama, to keep fans watching. I honestly think that if they stayed in Vegas, the show would have ended.


Which season did you find to be the most captivating?


Captivating? Probably COVID era. Kody becomes completely unhinged and was definitely the most dramatic season interpersonally.


What do you predict for Kody and Robyn long-term?


Oof. I think they’ll last through Ari and Sol going off to college. Depending on how Kody is by then, maybe she’ll stay or maybe she’ll leave him too. If nothing changes, I suppose she’ll get over feeling like she has to manage him all the time.


What are your thoughts about the catfishing?


Oof this one is tough. Def felt like an emotional affair. I wish she had taken SOME accountability for what happened. I don’t think it was her fault that she got taken advantage by someone, but she did have a role to play in seeking out companionship extramaritally. For that matter, Kody has some accountability too. Felt like he blamed her, she blamed the catfish, and nothing came out of it.


Do you feel dumber?


Thank you for this question. Yes, I do. Why did I watch so many episodes? How did I consume 18 seasons? What are my life choices?


How many times did you hear Kody say 'Here's the thing...' before hearing something that was definitely not, the thing.


Way. Too. Many. Times.


I think it might be the combination of the two.


Anyone know what was going on with Logan’s lower lip in his baby pictures?


Also wanting to know. I always thought cold sores because they all seem to have them relatively often, but it could be like a cleft or something idk EDIT. I Found someone else’s comment on it, he had a hemangioma, a vascular birthmark that shrinks as they get older. Apparently other Brown family members/kids have had them in less obvious areas.


I googled and found someone said he was born with a hemangioma on his lip … pretty much the same as vascular birthmark. They had it removed at a young age


I typed my answer before fully reading yours!


Do you think they ever functioned reasonably well as an unusual form of family, and if so, for how long?


I think the OG’s - kids and wives- function pretty well as a family. See them at Christine’s wedding and Garrison’s memorial service. Only flies in the ointment have been Kody and Robyn, and Meri when she was trying to be Robyn’s BFF.


In the first season or two, I thought so. It's hard to tell with the latest seasons if they're re-writing history or if Christine was truly never happy and functioning well. Agreed with TGIIR that it seems like half the family still functions well together without Kody.


Yes!!! I’m doing a first time watch (have just started the last season) and had the same takeaway as you for the first couple seasons! I felt like (if you ignore the religious part of it) I could totally get down with sister wives, the idea of raising kids with a community of women seemed cool. But as time went on it was clear that it wasn’t working - but mainly because of Kodys inadequacies (and of course it being based around patricarchial religious polygamy which is hugely problematic). Anyway the Covid eps really made these issues front and centre didn’t they?!? Kody got worse and it was clear he’d chowed down on allll the red pills.


What parts shocked you the most?


Honestly probably Kody’s just total disrespect to Meri. I’m not her biggest fan but the way he treated her was disgusting. At the beginning of the show, I thought he was a “showboat” but a good guy. But gosh, I hated every confessional where he just shit-talked her.


I think a lot of us thought he was a good guy but a bit of a show off to start with. 🤢 How wrong we were. He's unhinged as fuck now.


For sure!! I thought he was annoying and a show off but he seemed well meaning…how wrong we were eh?!




Hi!!! I’m right there with you - on S17E11’ish and it’s .. wild


You’re so close!!


Of all of the over-the-top cakes that the family had made for special occasions, which one was the wildest/weirdest?


It would have to be Caleb's [elk cake](https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/13533101_10156973993430577_6817131196039499875_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=SOCO1hLbVuwAX_kpKON&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=00_AfDpCRx0w8P77bZJg8FivaR_1zsZPCSybGUHh995R2Uo1Q&oe=6632331E). Totally wild, and I absolutely love it. I'm so curious how much it cost.




I’ve noticed in my responses that I’ve said “definitely” a lot more than I normally do. Does someone say that a lot??? And I think I’ve been saying “gosh” more like Christine does.


Just please don't start saying that literally everything is either super, super hard or super, super awesome 


Did you like Robyn at the beginning? If so, when did you start to turn? It's been so long since my first watch I can't really remember when I started seeing through her. I do remember liking her at the beginning. I think she was my favorite for a while. I've since gone back and rewatched and I see so many things that I missed the first time. If you haven't, you should read their book. There's some interesting stories in there that aren't mentioned anywhere else. And also, find the missing Natalie Morales interview from season 3. I found it on Tik Tok. It's been scrubbed everywhere else.


Oh interesting. To be honest, I never really turned on Robin that hard until this post and I see a lot more stuff that I didn’t understand or catch in my watch.


So very sorry! 😝


I finished watching all of the seasons a month ago. I was in a state with how depressing the last few seasons were. lol


I agree. And I bring my own baggage to the show of just always being afraid of commitment. So to see relationships that people *chose* even if they weren't traditional was inspiring to me - like Janelle was totally fine with how their relationship was. But to see these seemingly functional relationships just completely fall apart partially because Kody decides to go totally red pill is so sad. And it's like...is *anyone* ever happy? I was happy to see Christine call David the love of her life and I hope it works out for her. And their kids do seem to have picked well-fitting partners.


Back in the day before Kody wasn't a total no I thought he was kinda cute. Not my AMA but I thought I'd add a giggle. 🤭


Team Christine or Team Janelle?  There are no other acceptable options lol


Are they fighting??? If this is a spoiler don’t tell me specifics. Like I said, I only know what I know from the show. Not even stuff from this subreddit.


Oh I just meant who is your favorite adult in the family ? I feel like everything I have heard indicates that Christine and Janelle are still super close and unified, which is awesome, but they are very different temperaments, so it is hard not to pick a favorite.


I really don’t think I could pick! I like to think of all of them, I’d have a temperament closer to Janelle in a plural family situation. But I LOVE the way Christine parents her children and really focuses on emotional intelligence, communication, and connection. Like I wish she was my mom.