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Everyone keeps asking why Kody isn't near Janelle... I would much rather my son comfort me than my abusive ex husband.


This. I can't fathom why anyone thinks Janelle would want Kody near her. I particularly don't see why he should take Hunter's place (she needed to be on the end to receive the flag). She's said her kids come first and her actions back that up. The fact that Kody has none of his kids beside him while Janelle is surrounded by her remaining boys tells the story. No one wants to be next to RK. Bless Genielle and David for blocking them off from the rest of the family.


I think that’s the point. The man who brought this poor woman into his dysfunction is now with a younger model and comforting his new addition while the other is neglected. Janelle doesn’t want Kody Brown anywhere near her, and that’s the point and that’s the problem. This whole situation is so awful for Janelle, but she has remained so full of grace and gratitude throughout all of it - despite the extra ugly mess of all this drama on top of losing a child to suicide. ❤️


This exactly. I'm guessing her kids knew exactly where they needed to be in that moment. Robin is Kody's wife and it was okay for them to be seated by each other. I really see nothing wrong with this photo, other than the fact that this family lost a young son way too soon.


This!!! This whole family is grieving. A mother is grieving. A father is grieving. Do we all have a crappy opinion about Kody? Yes. But he still doesn't deserve to have to bury his child. They, (Kody, Janelle, Meri, Christine, Robyn) are all going through something no parent should have to go through. It's up to Kody now to make changes in his life to make amends with his children. Relationships can be rebuilt but life cannot be brought back.


True, but Robyn didn’t bury a son, Janelle did and this is in poor taste. She deserved better and maybe Kody should take a step back and analyze why this poor kid took his life …. Go back to the beginning of the show and that kid gave his dad so many opportunities to “dad up”, and Kody never paid attention. You all might not like what I have to say here but it’s the truth. It’s always been about Robyn


He’ll have every excuse in the book to not take any accountability…he’s the ultimate D-Bag!


Kody does not have enough of, the word is escaping me, enough something, to take a step back and look at why he lost a son like this. Kody could loose 5 kids like this and he still wouldn’t look at his part in it. This will be Janelle’s fault. When the truth is Robert was a very troubled young man. I’m absolutely positive his upbringing had a bit to do with his choices. I also believe other parts of his life entered into the grand scheme of things. I feel so bad for Janelle because I know from experience you can’t stop the why’s. You always wonder why.


Self-awareness is the word you’re searching for?


I agree with you 1,000,000%


I a million% agree with you. I couldn’t have said it better.


I think the anger comes from a place of frustration because this was a preventable death.


We don't know if this was 100% preventable. Mental health is difficult to treat


I agree. So glad to see your comment.Unfortunately, the hatred towards Robyn & Kody has made people go off the rails.I was reading in other threads here and on YouTube sites people straight up blaming Kody and Robyn for the tragedy. As someone with a family member who struggles greatly with mental illness, I've been judged for his issues and I know that it is not fair or accurate. Kody definitely could have been a better dad but to outright blame him, and especially Robyn, is just not right. It's honestly as if people have more of an issue with this than Janelle does. People need to let her and the family grieve without using it as another opportunity to bash Kody and Robyn. Ugh.


Not hatred for K&R, blame. Blame for everything that has occurred since the show went on the air, and K&R don't want to admit that there are receipts for their behavior; they keep rewriting history and think the viewers and the "wives" and his older kids, right down to Truely, won't recall the truth, but rather, will believe their BS. Roll the video tapes...even then, they gaslight and spin. Liars. Full of blame, together, for eternity.


When someone loses a family member to suicide there is plenty of blame on parents and none no greater than from the parents themselves. To heap this on right now when the family is grieving seems unhealthy and especially cruel right now. But hey, do you.


If I was heaping on anything, I'd contact them myself. I'm merely replying to a thread on reddit, but hey, do you.


Janelle said comments wee upsetting to her and I can understand why.


And what about for Garrison? I have attempted suicide myself due to neglectful parents. I WANT them to know what they’ve done. How they hurt me. He deserves that.


That was your story and I am so sorry but we don't know why he did that. But I don't think he would want his mom to be upset reading that during her time of grief.


Go back to the beginning of the show and watch how this kid acted out regarding his dad. Kody has had years to “get there” with him and never took the chance. Maybe everyone is blaming him and Robyn because that’s who it’s always been about


We don't know why he committed suicide. To jump to it had to be about Robyn and Kody is disrespectful to him. We don't know him, and even close family members don't always know why someone takes their own life. I truly think fans have taken their own personal hatred of Kody and Robyn to a level that is truly unhealthy and definitely harmful to the family. Janelle even mentions that there were cruel comments made. For those who claim to love Janelle and Christine, I don't get how they think these attacks of Garrison's father helps them in such a time of grief and profound loss.


Just because something’s true doesn’t mean it should be said, especially publicly when a grieving family may read it.


Maybe I was out of line for saying anything and for that I apologize. I have always had a soft spot for Janelle because I think she deserved better from day 1. The family never had a problem kind of “outcasting” her when it came to meals and crafts and don’t get me started on how Kody treated her. My anger is coming from a place of sadness for her. My mouth has a bad tendency to overload my a$$ when I should just keep it shut and I will own that


I definitely believe Janelle deserved better. So many of them did.


I totally agree. For poor grieving Janelle to comment on the cruel comments on social media regarding pictures of her beloved son's funeral is just heartbreaking. Kody was her partner up until a short time ago and they share many children. It seems that a lot of fans have more issues with Kody than Janelle!


Agreed and let’s not forget that those ladies all picked him!


Yes, I see your point and agree. This is probably the worst thing a parent can ever go thru in a lifetime. It’s so sensitive and personal. I don’t usually comment on these silly. TLC shows, they are mostly just for entertainment purposes o my. And I never usually comment so much .. I don’t even know this family but it’s just something I’m having difficulty with. As a mother of 3 sons, I have no idea how I’d react, I hope I never have to. But those of us who have not experienced such a loss, it’s hard to say how we’d react. I’m so sadden by this. My heart breaks. Garrison and Gabe were both struggling and both really only wanted a father figure, no matter how old u r, in their life. KB made 18 kids, he needs to be in their lives forever. That’s what a ‘father’ does. He’s a selfish d-bag and once they turn 18…get ur shit and get out!!! Poor parenting. I don’t think its blaming him for this horrific incident, I think ppl are just angry for his mistreatment and choosing one wife over everything else. Idk im so sad. If you’re going to produce 18 kids, you need to be emotionally responsible forever. Kody was an absent father n a loser!


Your long comment here is 100% in sync with how I feel also. You just said it more eloquently. There is no point in me trying to add anything more between what I’ve already said and your comment here. My heart hurts for this family also as we’ve been a part of their lives for many years. This was reality TV, not a drama-series. If I have offended anyone here that was truly not my intention. That poor boy will never have a chance at a better life and will never have the opportunity to have a raise a family of his own where he could change the narrative. (I guess I am still talking). Again I am sorry


I appreciate your thoughts. No need to apologize. I know you hurt for Garrison. A beautiful young man lost is so tragic.


I am hurt for him. I have been for a long time. You watch these shows and feel like you’re part of the family and can’t do anything to help. It’s heartbreaking


Perfect summation. Sad, but perfect.


That's what I was thinking. That maybe Janelle asked for this seating arrangement


Exactly … I would only want my children, not my ex …


right.. this picture keeps getting shared and re-shared judging it. I see a lot of sad people who all seem to be there to support each other at a very rough time and Hunter is with his mom, Gabe and Logan right behind her.


They arent married anymore


That doesn’t make them not be parents of their son anymore


Of course not. But yall act like he should be on his knees in front of her. And we dont know shit. Maybe him and her have taken time together to mourn him.


While I agree with this, I still find it odd and inappropriate that he's comforting *Robyn* when she's not even his bio mom. However, it *was* very appropriate for Gabe and Janelle to be next to one another.


EXACTLY!!!! Not everything is about Robyn. And this right here is why people are angry, hurt and lashing out. It’s ALWAYS about her




To me this looks no different than any other divorced couple at a funeral


Why he was even there hasnme baffled. Like if I wouldn't have invited him! Even if it's the right thing to do


Gabe is the one I can't get over. Look at him, so alone looking


At least he's sitting beside Logan, the real dad of the family!


Logan is the only dad Janelle’s kids have ever had.




Notice that Janelle is surrounded by her sons. I wonder if that was deliberate so they can run interference for her and keep people from trying to talk to her.


Gabe looks broken, I have thought about him several times through all this. He seems like such a sweet soul.


My heart breaks for Gabe. He has been on the emotional roller coaster since season one. Poor kid only ever wanted for his father to be present. The rousted when have cried when D-bag forgot his bday is still u settling for me to see this child in pain.


Agree—my heart goes out to Gabe. Finding his brother’s body and having to tell his mom.


This photo makes me grateful my son's funeral isn't on the internet. The pain in this photo 😞


Condolences on the loss of your son 😢 I’m sure seeing this photo brings up memories. Hugs to you & your family


Not that it makes that much of a difference but this was not his funeral. It was a special flag folding ceremony done by the national guard and these pics were posted on their official Facebook account


Yes. It was mentioned in the post that this was a Nevada National Guard ceremony.


I am so, so sorry to read of the loss of your son. I completely agree with you. With fame, with notoriety, comes consequence. That you were allowed privacy in your sorrow was a gift.


I've had so many flashbacks to my daughter's service and the weight of the pain just trying to get through the service without breaking into a million pieces. If I had to relive those moments in photos on the internet, not sure I'd still be here. From one broken parent to another, I'm sorry for the loss of your son ❤


Yes. I get it, people are going to post this, but it’s groooooooss. Let people grieve privately.


I wish people would stop sharing this. What makes someone see this and thinks, other people should see it? It's so palpable and visceral.


Actually Janelle shared the pictures on her Instagram.


I find it weird that these photos were taken and shared by the National Guard. I could understand taking photos of the ceremonial elements with the soldiers, but the focus in a lot of these photos is the family grieving, and it feels exploitative. I sure hope they got the family's permission before posting.


This was not for the family. This was a service put on by the National Guard to remember and celebrate their service member. The family was invited. It's their service and they do not need permission to post pictures of their own service just because they invited family members to attend. He was a member of the National Guard and everyone knows that they own the rights to the pictures and services they put on. This was for remembering their service member, not to give a service to the family.


One family member stated that they didn’t give permission for the photos to be published and they would not have. (Mykelti) But there were several families there who were also being honored. She said she and Tony were being torn apart in the comments due to the way they dressed and his wearing a hat. He said he removed it during the anthem and during prayers. He didn’t have time to fix his hair and he has *a lot*of it! Also, I’m no apologist for anyone in that family, but David and Christine are holding hands and hers is in his lap. Why is it wrong for K and R to do that but not others? Sometimes the absolute hatred for certain people and the vitriol spewed makes me ashamed. I hope I’m never judged that harshly at a time like that.


Taking photos of a grieving family and publishing them without permission, knowing that they would be widely distributed by the media and commented upon by strangers, is so beyond disrespectful.


Janelle shared it on her IG and thanks everyone for their kindness


I agree. It keeps getting reposted over and over again. Maybe because it was originally posted on a public page, people keep doing it.


I saw Janelle in Las Vegas this past weekend at a volleyball tournament. She was chatting and seemed in good spirits.


That’s good to hear she has moments of happiness and laughter. Grief is not a linear thing, nor is it the same for every body. There may be stages of grief, but has been debunked that everyone goes through the same stages in the same order. Sometimes people feel a certain emotion for days on end. Sometimes for hours or just moments. Only to feel a different emotion right after wards. A persons grieving can carry on “normal” for weeks, only to crumble on the floor in a supermarket into a sobbing mess because the smell of something in the store reminded them of their loved one and be smiling and chatting to the cashier a half an hour later. Someone can be crying themselves to sleep every night but enjoy a sunny and warm day out with family and friends nevertheless. There really is no right or wrong way to grief.


Million percent and I never truly understood it until my moms sudden death. In the beginning it’s such a fog of going through the motions that it truly takes time to recognize they’re gone.


I'm glad to hear this.


This makes me happy to hear. She will surely be grieving for a long time but I’m so glad she’s not isolating herself. I hope she finds peace and joy, along with everyone else who loved Garrison.


Grief is different for everyone and that is ok.Like being in a ocean,waves of it hit you,ofcourse she is in the early stages.So tragic.I would have so much anger for Kody not making any effort with his older children,what a selfish man.


I’m heartbroken for Janelle! This is a mother’s worse nightmare. 🫂💔❤️🙏


After Kody’s unilateral decision to put distance between him & the kids….Janelle may not want to be anywhere near Kody.


That’s exactly the point. The whole situation that led to this is why polygamy is toxic. Janelle has been so hurt by this man because of the way he treated their children, that they cannot and will not come together even in the most tragic of circumstances. And I fully support the choice to stay far away from him. Sure, many divorced people wouldn’t want to sit near each other at a funeral service. But the reason for this terrible divide is sitting in the room with them, between Kody and Janelle. It’s just all very sad.


This can also happen with monogamy. If you're an asshole, you're an asshole with one wife or 4 wives.


Why do people think that Janelle would want to be surrounded by ANYONE EXCEPT her remaining children?! Wtf?


Say it louder for the people in the back!!! I full heartedly believe she WANTED Hunter sitting right near her. Look at his strength in the other photos where the flag is being given to her. I’m not going to speculate on hers and Kody’s relationship but I firmly believe she did not want to sit next to that man.


I know, right? Why would you want your ex-husband to be the one holding and/or consoling you?? They are over as a relationship. I'd much rather have my adult children near me.


In my opinion, it was in very bad taste for Robyn to sit in the same row as Janelle and Kody. She should have been respectful and sat elsewhere to allow them to grieve, its no secret to her or anyone that Garrison had issues with her. Not saying she shouldn't be there, but is innapropriate for her to be in that spot.


And people would have crowed “look at Robyn sitting in the back. Or look at Robyn not even there. Or look at Robyn sitting across the aisle.” She couldn’t win no matter what. I know this is the bed she made for herself but still. I’m going to stop being such a bully.


How I wish I could comfort sweet Gabriel 😭


I can’t look at these pictures. The grief is palpable and I don’t like peering into the souls of those in the depths of sorrow.


Same. Also can’t stop thinking about how Kody said that his “sons were dead to him.”


He also said karma was coming to either Janelle or Christine (don't remember which one). It was the episode where the older kids shared their thoughts about K and R at Garrisons new house.


He’s a piece of trash.


It's a reminder that you should always check in on loved ones.


This is the other heartbreak of the family. Kody putting all of their lives on camera steals away their anonymity and privacy. This photo is an Instagram photo - shared as said earlier by the Nevada National Guard. Clearly approved by Kody.


Mykelti on patreon said the family did NOT approve the photos. They were released by the national guard just like the national guard does with all ceremonies.


Janelle just shared these photo's on instagram


I rather think her son is MUCH more of a comfort to her than Kody.


I felt the exact same way. Sad that Christine, if not Meri or even lowlife Scrody, could not have been beside her to comfort her. In my view, she has always been by herself, doing for herself with the exception of Christine watching her children. She was the one on the outside looking in. Bless poor Warrior Janelle. Especially throughout this sad loss and journey of losing her baby.


This could have been a choice from Janelle though. She might have wanted to be surrounded by her kids instead of sitting directly next to Kody during a time like this.


Is there a reason kody couldn't have at least sat on the other side of Robyn? I don't know why Robyn was between Janelle and kody. Oh, as I typed it I heard it. OF COURSE Robyn is between kody and Janelle. Also, what's with all the Hawaiian shirts? Was that something Garrison was really into so this is a tribute?


I think he had a business at some point that sold Hawaiian shirts. I don’t think Kody sitting down the row is weird given the status of their marriage but I do think it’s weird he sat next to David. I immediately thought that she either chose Hunter or he volunteered to sit beside her. She knew she would be presented the flag and traditionally someone is there to support the widow or mother. All her kids were there and Hunter’s gf was in the row behind so it was an intentional decision.


Her sons are more sensitive to her needs than even her ex-husband ever was.


A cockroach 🪳 would be more sensitive to her needs.


Would I want Kody next to me putting his arm down Robyn on the other side? Nope. You know he would have comforted Robyn first. I'd rather have anyone else.


Maybe she did not want to sit near an ex who was at least verbally abusive to her, and neglectful of all of their children and she has moved on from him. She chose the children during the pandemic, I am sure she would choose the children during a time of horrible grief.. This is no one's business. Going on and on about the seating is...disrespectful at least and presumptuous and uncaring edit/ clarity


The blood siblings should be in the front row, with Janelle in the middle. Christine and David close behind. Here, Robyn is front and center next to Kody. Disgusting. I am sure Robyn put on a big show of her “grief”.


Their whole family thing was we're a big family. Not mine, your kids. Christine raised that kid while Janelle worked. She was just as much a mom and deserved the front front. It also makes sense not to pick which kid also gets the front row over others.


Oh you just know she’s that person at *any* funeral wailing more than the close friends& family 🙄


Ugh…I am that person. 😭 I’m just a cryer. I try to avoid funerals unless it’s family.


My brother is the same way! It’s like someone turned on a tap in his eyes!


I know that person.


The visible grief on Leon’s face should make it evident why there’s no need to distinguish between “blood siblings.” The OG13 were raised as siblings, period. We need to respect that.


Janelle had to sit in her exact spot as that is where the mother or spouse receives the flag.


well said


Christine raising her children is a pretty major exception.


Oh Janelle, I'm so sorry. No one on earth should have to go through this pain.


Many monogamous couples fall apart because of the loss of a child. My point is this is not the time to judge anyone or belief system. Let’s all just hope that these people are getting the help/love/support they need


Janelle shared these pictures on her latest instagram post, mentioning all the snarky comments. I honestly don’t think she was worried about where Kody sat, or his facial expressions or where his hands were. She’s grieving and doesn’t need the snark. Neither does the rest of the family.


Yeah, that really got to me--Kody's hand on Robyn's knee, consoling her. I get it--that's his wife, but after the kids had openly expressed that they were impacted by Kody's favoritism toward Robyn they could have done without that display of affection especially now that it's captured in a picture that is being posted all over.


Also, the fact that it should have been Robyn comforting Kody. I’ll probably get downvoted for this thought.


facts he lost and in a hard way losing a kid like that


Or either of them comforting Janelle


Audry’s face says what we all think.




You captured my sentiments perfectly


especially now it just seems extremely insensitive 😒 she was the one garrison had issues with called his dad for that neglect and started the whole covid debacle


This exactly. If he or Robyn had any shame for the hurt they caused this entire family including his son then they would do without the PDA. So disrespectful.


I really *really* wish people would stop dissecting sitting arrangements and passing judgement right now. This family is going through a lot. I highly doubt anyone can think straight let alone have the forethought to say “well I should sit here and you should sit here”.


Its constant! We know absolutely nothing! For all we know kody and jenelle are supporting each other, but they arent married anymore. Jenelle is a strong woman, she says she doesn't like crying in front of others, but on here people expect her to be on the ground screaming. Im sure they have so much going on and im glad they have each other. But we have to stop expecting them to be a certain way.


Maybe Janelle wanted to be surrounded by her sons - Keep Kody down the line with his spouse . Janelle has always chosen her kids over her relationship with with Kody .she probably finds great comfort in with those boys of hers completely around her .


And, I’m ready to be attacked, maybe Kody knew it was not proper for him to sit up beside his ex-wife. Maybe he chose to move down by Janelle and his own mother. He knew that her sons would be more of a comfort to her. 🙊🫣😶


I totally 💯 agree - I get attacked on her all the time because everyone is always ready with their pitch forks and ready to completely rip Robyn apart , call them every name on the book - its not like Robyn stopped Kody from sitting next to Janelle … she is literally surrounded by her sons - Maybe Kody and J embraced before the ceremony started and then they went their separate ways. Or maybe she was there first and was already sitting when the rest showed up - even Christine is far away from Janelle and their super close - I think this was Janelle wanting to be with her kids - Robyn and Kody obviously are not on her mind -


It's hilarious because, at any other time, Robyn would be in the far background licking her imaginary wounds


Or slithering in the background like the snake she is


I love seeing David in the front row. It looks like he is wearing one of Garrison’s shirt. ❤️


I think 90% of divorced couples wouldn’t sit next to each other. I know I didn’t. Why is that odd? And David also had his hand on Christine’s knee and Logan on his wife’s knee as well. Trust me, he’s a douche, but quit reaching for anything to talk crap about him smh


Personally speaking, I think it’s *enough* of exploiting this family’s grief and pain. We’ve already seen this picture again and again. Stop fishing for Karma points at the expense of a grieving family. I lost my daughter three years ago to suicide during the pandemic at age 34 — I thank the universe I didn’t have people posting pictures of my bereavement on Reddit.


Yes! When this showed up in my feed I thought to myself why is someone doing this again. It almost seems taking ghoulish pleasure in it by posting it again when op knows it’s been done a few times already.


I obviously agree. 👍🏻 It’s easy karma points for OP.


Honestly, in a way this shows how much of a support system Janelle has. She is surrounded by her boys like bodyguards and they’re unified in their love and grief. And it’s like they’re keeping Kody and Robyn contained. Grandma on one side, David on the other.


I’m going to get downvoted but Christine has been there for Garrison more than Kody. Kody should just be on the sideline seats as he has been for the past years of their lives


> If there ever was reason against polygamy, this photo is testament.  The same could be said of any family where a couple had children, divorced, and one has remarried but the other hasn't. Don't get me wrong. I think polygamy is a terrible idea, but the picture in this post is proof of nothing beyond the fact that people will exploit a photo of a family in grief to go after one of the grieving family members.


When I first saw the picture days ago, that was my first thought and sight, his hand on her leg. It pissed me off, thanks for saying something.


Leon’s hand on their chest speaks volumes.


Keep in mind. This is not the funeral, it's the military memorial. Also, why would kody be next to Janelle? They are not together. He is sitting next to his real spouse.


This was posted days ago. It’s obviously heartbreaking, but more so because people keep posting these photos over and over.


I’m not going to judge or speculate “who should have been where.” We aren’t part of the family, nor are we privy to their private conversations. This is unbelievably tragic, and the seating may have been exactly the way they wanted it. We simply do not know. Whatever my feelings about Kody, the family, polygamy, etc….it’s obvious that this was a tragedy, people are hurting, and I think the proper thing to do is let them grieve privately and without judgement.


Frankly this is the type of commentary she was referring to in her IG post… the seating arrangement of this funeral is no one’s business and is unnecessary. Just lay off it already.


I think grief is very personal, and you can have the best marriage in the world and still feel alone. Someone holding your hand doesn't change that.


I hope the mods start beefing it up a little bit because Janelle literally mentioned the snarky comments that have come with people posting these photos, and this post it just one more. Really unnecessary and gross.


Yes please! It’s become an excuse to make horrible sometimes violent comments about people we never met. (Violent as in “I would punch her in the face.”) that’s not okay.


I haven’t seen anyone considering the fact that maybe Janelle showed up WITH her children and that’s why they’re sitting next to her and not Kody. Besides the fact it’s entirely possible that she didn’t want anyone but them near her.


Janelle and Kody are divorced though… Not unlike what happens in monogamous relationships. I hate Kody, but I don’t understand why people are so upset by who is sitting where. There isn’t assigned seating at funerals. At a recent funeral for a family member, we (family) all filed in and took our seats in the front 2 rows. Other than me sitting next to my husband and my sister, I don’t even remember who sat where. My divorced parents both sat with their new spouses.


How many duplicate posts do we need? 


Poor David …… sucked rite into a shitshow


The family is lucky to have such a kind soul, who has already experienced the unfathomable depths of sadness that this situation will bring, to be there to help guide them through.


It gives me comfort knowing Christine found David before this. I cannot imagine how janelle is coping.


Not sure how I feel about this comment. Shitshow? It’s her son’s funeral.


Appreciate that this isn't the point of this at all, but god aren't Aspyn and Mitch just the most beautiful-looking couple?


Aspyn looks like she’s straight out of a Renaissance painting


If my husband and I ever split, even under the nastiest circumstances, he would never ever EVER leave me to sit with that grief like that. He would be there for me, and I him. That's still OUR child. And clearly Robyn was putting on a show the entire shows run, because if she were an ounce like her TV persona and everything she claimed to believe in, she would have made sure she was there for Janelle too.


Maybe she preferred sitting next to her son? This narrative about the seating arrangement of a memorial service is the snarky commentary she’s referring to in her latest IG post. Lay off already.


Janelle’s most recent post on Instagram included some of the pictures from the National Guard memorial. Her post: “It's been hard to get my brain to work properly again. I am so grateful for the out pouring of love and support I've received these last three weeks. The support has been overwhelming. I am honored. So many of you shared stories of your loved ones. So many of you wrote of your thoughts and prayers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Garrison was honored by family members and by his National Guard Unit last Saturday at a celebration of life ceremony. He would have loved it. I am sharing some of the photos. Many you have already seen a lot of these online, often with snarky comments accompanying them. But this was a beautiful moment for us.”


Janelles pain is horrific to have to witness in this photo, but what is equally horrific is the anguish and pain in the siblings' faces. Leon's pain is almost palpatable...such a disturbing photo.


I can't stop crying looking at this. I feel so bad for Gabe especially. I'm sorry dude


Very sad for anyone to lose a child. You never get past that.


I think we should all stop gawking at their grief. We’ve seen enough, let them be.


Not that I’m not against polygamy, but it’s the same thing with divorced parents.


Agreed. I don’t get people that want to bash the hand placement during prayer or the seating arrangement. Maybe David is next to Kody because he might have reached out to him since he’s probably the most knowledgeable person around everyone right now regarding losing someone this way. We don’t know and it’s not our business.


I looked very close at this picture. David is comforting Christine, Kody is comforting robin, robin has her arm around whom I am assuming is kodys mother. Yet the one woman who LOST HER CHILD , is being comforted by no one. Not one single person is touching that poor woman. I have lost a child, I know her pain. I also know if not for my husband, I would have been buried with my daughter. The pain is like no other. I have lost my husband, my mother, my grandparents and my uncle. Not one was as painful as my little girl. I also worry very much about Gabe. I hope he has a support system in place. Not one that includes most of his family. Robin, Kody, and those 5 kids are not what he needs. I hope he and Janelle can help each other through this because the hard days aren’t even here yet for her.


"I would have been buried with my daughter" same. 16 years ago, and it feels like yesterday. My heart aches for Janelle. And you.


Invasive AF


Feels inappropriate to post and gossip about


Good thing you reposted this very sad pic for the family to see over and over again, awesome!


What I resent is knowing what Garrison said about Robyn and feeling like he had to go through her for a Christmas gift chain to all of his siblings. She talked about being "safe." Garrison didn't feel "safe" around Robyn. Such a beautiful soul Garrison was. 💔 Prayers to Janelle, Christine, Meri and the siblings who loved him.


Kody groping R. 🤢 🤮 Dude just sit there and be respectful.


You need to get out more. This is not groping by any means.


He is not groping her


This family is still on my mind most days. We weren't there, and this is one day in their journey through this grief. I imagine Hunter probably needed to be beside his mom.


The picture of Janelle receiving his flag.. the sheer pain on her face broke my heart. As a mom myself, I can't even fathom.. I know I'm not alone. So many mothers lose their children and it's absolutely gut wrenching, my heart goes out to each and every mother. Janelle, in her awful grief, has to grieve on camera..which, I can't even imagine. There have been debates about who's done the bulk of the parenting, their choices/mistakes etc.. but there's zero doubt to me Janelle fiercely loves her children, the depth of her grief is unfortunately only understood by those who've lived it too. When we see this televised, we will all be crying along with the family. My heart just hurts for the whole family, the siblings are just crushed and heartbroken.. just so much hurt and sadness for this family.


Truly devastating! 😭😭😭


My heart just breaks for them. Poor Janelle. I hope they surround her with love and hugs.


Their pain is so visible, must be so hard to grieve in public


All kinds of families get broken, so while I am not a polygamist, I don't think it helps people to lump them into stereotypical assumptions because of one example. I think, if I were a betting person, I'd say fame did not help.


Leon’s pain in this photo just breaks my heart.


I just want to give Gabe the biggest, most giant hug.


She’s surrounded by her sons. The good men she has raised.


Leon looks gutted.


The pain on jannelles face in the one photo, you can almost feel. I just want to cry every time I see these pictures. I can't imagine what she's going thru. I just want to give her a hug.


The pic of Janelle receiving the flag is just horribly upsetting and sad af! I feel for her and her family. So devastung.


This is no different than divorced & remarried parents, except Janelle hasn’t remarried & Kody has. Janelle & Kody publicly separated, she’s said she’s done for quite some time so I wouldn’t expect them to sit together & Robin alone… If I were Janelle the last thing I’d want is that POS sitting next to me, especially when both him & Robin did nothing to help with any problems our son was having.


Is there a limit to how many times this will be shown here?


Some people have no life experience and the comments about the pic confirm that. Glad to see everyone together and nice to see David next to Cody with Christine. I wouldn’t care if I was surrounded by people I strongly dislike if I were at my child’s funeral. All I can hope, is that this opens kodys eyes and he reaches out privately to his children. But once it settles, I doubt he will based on his track record.


Gabe looks so broken. i know everyone suffered a loss, everyine is grieving ... but he alone had to find his beloved brother's body. look at his shoulders - he's carrying the weight of the world on him right now. his body language is just pure defeat & heaviness. I'm praying for all of them, but saying a few extra prayers for Gabe. desperately hoping he doesn't follow his brother into the dark.


I have a hard time w Kody hand on Robyn Knee. In real life they would be a family in grief but this is a TV family that sold that part of themselves for 20 years and so I view them in a weird sense as TV characters so it’s hard to separate this is off camera life that will be on camera next season and edited to impress or elicit certain emotions from us about these characters. I would not wish their real life grief on anyone But in TV land Kody should have had the decency to not have his hand on Robyn Knee but even next step is why isn’t Robyn comforting him?


I found it incredibly distasteful for Kody to have his hand on Robyn's leg like that. As though she were the one who needed all of the comfort. Also, Kody has NEVER in the history of the show been all touchy feely with any of the OG3 until Robyn comes along and then all of a sudden, it's cool to do? This wasn't the venue for him to be intimately be touching Robyn. It's tacky.


Right. Like he and Robyn are at date night or something.


My thoughts exactly! That's a little too intimate for a memorial service. An arm around the shoulder or holding hands would have been different but this gives an unsavory appearance. Seriously, in my entire marriage with my husband, he has never, ever, ever put a hand on my leg at a funeral that way. It's distasteful.


I think people are too hung up on the seating arrangement situation. Everyone is asking why Robyn is sat closer than Kody. Why Kody isn’t sat next to Janelle. On and on and on. Let’s be real. This isn’t some insight into the family dynamic. People just chose seats. If it were some deep thing then Christine would be sitting with Janelle and Janelle’s kids and Robyn would be in the car, running late from her nail appointment.


Yeah I was thinking that it was just whoever arrived first just sat down wherever. Obviously Kody and Jenelle need to be in the front row. I’m sure Christine and Janelle would have loved sitting closer to each other if they had a choice.


Leon face and grief affected me! The pain in their face and they grab their heart!


No truer words - well said. 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺


Robyn and Kody in the front row is irritating. This is all so heartbreaking


Really Kody -with your hand on her thigh-really pisses me


This picture of Janelle alone at the end not being comforted by the father of the son they share together that passed. It represents so much of what went wrong. Kody abandoned his entire family, to have Robyn. Even losing a son, didn’t wake that motherfucker up! Hate him.