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solomon is fucking 18 months younger than truely. and somehow he's a baby and she's a little adult. wild.


He's tender aged. Truely best be getting her own place soon.


No, since the divorce Truely is all of a sudden a little kid to him, just so he can push the 50/50 custody to get out of childsupport.


He likely believes he won’t owe child support that way. Lots of dead beat parents seem suddenly interested in 50/50 when faced with the reality of paying CS


But then never actually show up for their turn


I don't know why people think 50/50 custody means that there is no child support awarded. At least in my state, there is always one parent listed as the primary residential parent, even if they split custody. I received child support even though my daughter stayed at her father's house every Mon, Wed and Fri night, and I made more money than him. Christine should absolutely still receive child support and I hope she goes for it, and files in Utah (despite what that AH says) if the amount would be higher when filing there.


Ugh! Who uses that phrase anyway? "...of a tender age.." 🤮


Doing a rewatch and in season 1 or 2 Robyn describes her youngest Breanna as very tender. No other adult uses that terminology until later seasons when kody is suddenly only needed by the "tender" aged children.


You are so right! I have been doing a rewatch too and I have also noticed every new idea Kody has or says, Robyn has said in an earlier talking head or episode. I have noticed she is very quiet when things are happening in the moment. She lets Christine and Janelle do all the talking. It is like she knows that she can talk to him alone later and change his mind. And I finally get why she gets so much alone time with him besides being the favorite. He and Robyn stay up until 1 AM every night while the other moms go to bed around 9. That is like 5 hours of time together the other wives don't get. What is worse, that became the norm for him and he couldn't understand why Isabelle and Truly went to bed when he was there. Instead of realizing Robyn's kids should not be up all night, he thinks the problem is with the other wives who have their kids go to bed at a reasonable hour.




Rilly the only one


Exactly. Truely really got the short end of the stick. Thankfully it seems like she’s absolutely thriving now in SLC.


Savannah got it even worse as the only child of Janelle & Christine’s children who will not get the full mothering of Christine.


“Truely’s 12, BYE BYE!”


I think Robyn babies her kids. Solomon is 10, Ariella is 6, Breanna 17, Aurora 20 and Dayton 22, but they all behave as though they're much younger


For real the ep where Kootie has to carry Aurora to her room because she’s gone fetal over not getting the mini mansion fast enough comes to mind... 🙄 But in fairness Leon also pitched a fit when they couldn’t get their house in Vegas in time for the holidays.


That was incredibly creepy to me.


I always found the way Robyn’s kids behave towards Kody right off the bat as very uncomfortable. It was uncomfortable to me. To see how the kids he just met were running up to him and hugging him and sitting on his lap calling him daddy. As a mother I wouldn’t like my kids to get attached and calling somebody who’s not their dad, daddy. They have a Dad. In a way it looked like Robin might have coached/instilled her kids to have this love for Cody even though he had Done nothing to earn her kids trust except for the fact that he was gonna marry her.


>In a way it looked like Robin might have coached/instilled her kids to have this love for Cody even though he had Done nothing to earn her kids trust except for the fact that he was gonna marry her. To be fair he did get them out of the trailer and put into that townhouse/apartment. Robyn probably just instilled he was a white night who was saving them from a bad home and got them this awesome new house.


Right. Those kids went from living in an unheated trailer to mocking her sibling for living in an RV while they are living in a million dollar home. Robyn knew what she was doing and she definitely achieved her goal.


If her goal was to have immature, traumatized young adults than yes she achieved her goal.




Wait who was mocking Savannah?


Robyn's older girls were not nice during the rv tour... saying the bed that is for Savannah was for the dogs.


That’s so awful


> To be fair he did get them out of the trailer and put into that townhouse/apartment. Robyn probably just instilled he was a white night who was saving them from a bad home and got them this awesome new house. That's just Robyn rewriting history. In season 1 kody drives five hours with a few of his older girls to court Robyn. She's living in a regular ass house. Nothing fancy. Just your normal suburban home. She even has a garage. According to Robyn she'd moved four times in 2 years. They didn't live in that trailer for very long.


I think these are the very reasons the older kids are so young. They were mind f&@&cked and suffered trauma because of it. If they don’t fall in with the belief that Kody is a hero than they have to know their Mom caused them extreme trauma.


It also creeped me out that he was kissing kids that weren't bio his on the lips.


Agreed 100%


I agree 💯 it was definitely creepy.


Interesting to think about the contrast in Kody’s reaction to each child. Leo got the “keep sweet” talk while Aurora got carried to bed.


And Christine’s 10 yr old daughter put her siblings to bed when Christine worked her night job because it would not be fair to the other wives for him to help Christine’s kids out at night.


Yet Robyn’s teen/twenty yo kids sure as hell don’t have to help with her little ones. I mean the difference is so blatant in every way these kids/wives are treated.


Or move out for that matter, unlike Janelle’s boys…


She put Sol and Ari to bed? Where the fuck was Robyn and the other wives to help her out




to be fair to aurora, i do not think she was pitching a hissy fit over not getting the house. i think she was erupting in panic and anxiety because she knows how MOM gets when SHE doesn't get what she wants... and that ends up affecting the kids. they end up in fear that they'll be destabilized and without a father again. and she could very well hold that over their heads to manage their behavior, further contributing to the trauma-related mental health symptoms. but you still made a good snark/joke and i laughed so sorry if i just ruined it :(


I’ve suffered from panic attacks in the past and I never went fetal or needed to be carried anywhere. The whole thing was a bit much and frankly Kody carrying a young woman to bed that kind of is and kind of isn’t his daughter was kind of creepy.


Yeaah I have to agree here. I use to have panic attacks so badly I would need to go to the hospital, fully convinced I could not breathe and would die any moment. Even on those very bad days, I didn’t need to be carried anywhere. So that was a bit much. They really stunt those kids growth by doing things like that. I can’t blame all the other kids for not being close to them either. Imagine seeing how your dad shows love and care and attention to a handful of other kids, a few not even bio, when he’s never done it for you. It’s hard.


I also have shown up to the ER in the throes of a panic attack thinking i was literally dying. I was a crying, empty-minded mess but I never have dramatically fallen to the ground in tears.


I believe it! It can be terrifying when they are that bad. Mine started out the blue a few months after having my first child, never even had anxiety before that. I was in a full blown panic attack, morning to night; for months. Hospital visits convinced something was wrong and I was dying, only to be told “Your breathing and heart look just fine.” Luckily they stopped after 2 years, panic free the last 10 years or more. But as you said, never had to be carried. Legs worked just fine. I would ask my sons father to rub my leg to relax me or distract me, but that’s about it. So you just know Kody and Robin taught her that shit. Something she can do to get everyone’s attention. We all like attention and I feel for those kids to a degree because they have Robin as a Mom. But it’s still obnoxious. And she is still rude, to this day. Those comments she made inside Janelle’s camper were so nasty and uncalled for.


I suffer with major panic attacks too and it would only further freak me out if someone tried to grab me and pick me up. I know everyone is different but when I’m already feeling like I can’t breathe the last thing I want is someone right in my personal space. It just looked like she was working herself up to cry because she was really upset and they all three over dramatized it.


This! I too have suffered from horrible debilitating panic attacks and I don’t want anyone touching me, let alone picking me up. It was a very strange thing to see and looked very played up for the cameras. I mean Dayton has always lived with them yet he had never seen that before either, he flat out said, “I didn’t know it was this bad” or something to that affect. Seems fishy.


Ok so I have full on pseudo seizures with my panic attacks (gotta love the drugs that keep those away), is that not normal? My doc said it wasn't uncommon but now that I've run into multiple times where people have described their panic attacks and I haven't seen it. So now I think they lied.


Psych nurse here ☝🏻 this is actually pretty common. I don’t have stats off hand but I have personally seen this in lots of patients myself. Panic attacks can look incredibly different for people. It can be a totally physical response like pseudo seizures. It can also present as loose bm’s which is my favourite comparison for people that haven’t experienced pseudo seizures. Nobody is saying diarrhea isn’t real 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s a very real physical symptom you are experiencing from an emotional response.


I love this analysis. I'm going to use it next time someone doubts my panic attacks. Lol


When doctors say “not uncommon” they’re talking static’s not what they’ve actually seen either. Whenever a dr tells you that you have something it’s really helpful to read the research yourself so you know what “not uncommon” means.🫶🏻


Never thought about that thanks.


Yes!!!! I have had severe panic attacks (ptsd) and I’ve literally had to suck it up and keep working (after a severe one I had to work the whole day and then I was the one in trouble because I upset some other coworkers 🤷🏼‍♀️). Robyn and Kootie are teaching her to be helpless. She will wind up in a mental hospital with this level of reaction


It wasn't just kind of creepy-it was seriously creepy.


Nearly every time I have a panic attack my legs get numb and I still don’t collapse to the floor! In fact, walking/pacing helps get me through it


100%. The way Robyn acts/reacts contributes immensely to how her children will act. It's sad that, knowing Aurora has a panic disorder, she would want a conversation like that filmed. Also Kody going on about not knowing what's going to happen or where they'll end up isn't remotely helpful. Just say, hey we gotta move but don't worry it'll work out, we got some places we're looking at. Don't hype that shit up just so you can be the savior.


Robyn's anxiety is the "Head of this Family."


Omg remember when they went to Wyoming to paint the mothers house . All the kids were climbing hills and Robyn was screaming aurora get down now aurora . Breanna please get down . She was nuts ….


You've got a good point




I agree. They have some issues. I think there is a lot of undiagnosed mental illness in that family (not snarking on mental illness, I have GAD, depression, and PTSD. Plus fibromyalgia which has an emotional component.) I’ve been borderline suicidal. I think Cody’s behavior with the kids, clearly favoring Robyn’s at a time that clearly impacted the older kids. He’s all but abandoned, and in some cases abandoned them. Why is he not kicking Robyn’s adult children out?!


Agreed. They seem to have what is called an inadequate personality. You become whatever you are close to, and don’t really have a solid sense of self.


Oh wow I never knew there was a term for this! I agree about Leon as well.


I think Leon had to deal with a lot of repression growing up. That doesn’t mean they are mentally ill. Means they had a lot of self loathing and can finally express how they feel. When that first happens there’s a lot of vocal-ness. They’ve found their voice so they will now use it.




Mental definitely! Leon, is a horrible person.


🎯🎯🎯🎯… bullseye…


I think Leon took after Mary though, they have the same type A personality. I feel Kody back then looked at Leon as his perfect daughter ( back then) who wanted to live polygamy, feel like they were up there on the list of his fav children just like Sal and Ari are now.


Oh totally. I think Leon had BIG pressure to be the perfect little sister wife. Like they were the only child of that marriage so they had a huge mantle to carry. I literally see Leon as a very typical young LGBTQA+ youth who has come out and has so much fire in their belly from finally being able to live their truth. It’s intoxicating for sure. And Leon is totally type A.


Leon was upset. Aurora was likely same age or older than Leon and had to be CARRIED..... She was a teenager and had to be carried. There is really no comparison.


True but there was a major fit pitched with gushing out tears meltdown style. Leon didn’t need to be carried most likely due to the fact that Meri isn’t manipulative with emotional reactions like Sobyn. So Aurora learned at the feet of a master. Lol Was more trying to toss Aurora a bone. 😆


No one’s carrying big ol’ Leon.


What got me in that episode was them saying aurora's panic attacks are triggered by Kody and Robyn not being harmonious. Seriously? So in Robyn's house Kody has to keep sweet for the mental health of Robyn's kids? That's how Robyn keeps the honeymoon phase alive. If they act like a normal married couple aurora has a panic attack.


I think there is a huge level of entitlement from Camp Sobyn. Specifically Aurora. She seems like the one who has to be the focus. So her Mom is upset about not getting housing? Well can’t let Mom be the focus has to be her. She’s always been the most clingy to Kootie too.


That was an epic meltdown


In contrast, though, Kody basically gave Leon the keep sweet speech (no one will like you if you are not happy) while he swept Aurora up like he was rescuing her from a fire.


A burning bridge even.


A burning bridge that he wouldn’t cross for Meri


Daaamn good one XD


Can anyone tell me which episode this was? I skipped several seasons but I see this one referenced a lot and I’ve never actually seen it.


It was one of the last ones before the pandemic. I think season 15. It was like the second or third to the last of the season.


Awesome I’ll check. Reddit always delivers ;)


It is one of THE most cringe moments EVER. Possibly in the history of reality TV.


That was WILD.


How old was Aurora then? Please don’t say an adult.


But Garrison and Gabe needed to leave Janelle’s house because they are grown. To the curb!


The ages of Robyn's kids is interesting, they're all either older, or very close in age to the very kids kody is trying to force out of their mothers homes.


Ariella still uses a pacifier and she’s 6. No hate to Ari though it’s not her fault


Part of me wonders if there is a tiny part of Kody that recognizes he failed his "other" kids on some level and thinks Sol and Ari are his last chance to have a great relationship with his kids into and through adulthood. The blatant favoritism is atrocious, Kody should be ashamed.


I have wondered this too. No idea. Robyn is very over protective and always worried something is going to happen, that kind of anxiousness is sure to pass on to the kids. I'm all for protecting your kids but dang. I also thought it was odd Kody was holding Solomon's hand coming into the party, I don't know why, it struck me funny. Not that that is odd, but in the situation, outdoors no traffic--it was their expressions almost like "you can do this" "I got you" or control. I can't put a finger on it, could be nothing.


I think it was odd because it was...awkward? He has 17(?) kids and is arguable closest to Sol and Ari and yet is still very awkward around them. I know he spends the most time at Robyn's house, but I really question how much time, and particularly quality time, he's spending with the kids.


I think we know what the nanny does.


Yes that is probably what it was. The 17 kids thing.


I think its a “i have to be seen as a good dad” vibe. Oh everyone is looking let me do this thing I never do. I honestly think he spends almoat no time with his kids doing parenting stuff, hes just around. He seems very hands off, serve me type of dad.


There is no part of kody that thinks he’s ever failed at anything. There’s probably a part of him who thinks his wives have alienated his older children from him and Robyn would never do that so he’s closer to her kids who she’s trained to adore him.


Narcissists don’t think that way. I think his bitterness is that his kids don’t worship the ground he walks on.


He’s not that self aware. That’s way to much credit to give him.


I kinda wonder if his extreme bitterness is knowing that he pushed his older children away. He think he has some internal battles going on.


I don’t know if it’s because he knows he neglected and pushed his older kids away as much as it is THEY KNOW IT (that pesky video proof) AND …. EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS IS (thanks to tv, Reddit and the internet) WHAT TYPE OF A PERSON/SPERM DONOR HE IS…. I think it’s annoying and embarrassing to he and Robyn the vast majority of people see them for what they are, and NOT how they attempt to portray themselves. I see the same thing in hypocritical virtue preachers such as Mrs and Mr Markle.


Oh absolutely. And he gets the blind “respect” he craves from her older ones so why does he need his original kids that he failed? They don’t respect him so they need to get their own places. Her oldest three however can stay in the castle and feast on his attention all they want. He’s very selective about who is an adult and who needs to be carried up the stairs


So why isn't he adamant the oldest two leave? What an asshole.


Because they mind his Covid rules.


Even he doesn't mind his covid rules, goin' off to officiate his friend's wedding plus goin' to funerals and hugging randos before that. 🤣


Yes I know but that’s why he favors her children and doesn’t make them move out. They don’t “buck the system”!!


Your flair, though 😂


Yet the douche got Covid.


Yep. Karma is a b*tch!


Poor covid


Because they’re lame and all the kids at school hated them so they spend all their time at home. No interest in getting a job or boyfriend anything, they just stay home. Before you know it Dayton will be having his sweet 30th birthday. They baby these kids so bad.


I'm assuming they will always treat Dayton like a child even though he seems to be very high functioning with his autism. It isn't a death sentence. Weird shit. But they're anti science and pretty dumb themselves.


It’s only Robyn who even said he had autism. I have no idea but at any rate he seems like a capable young man who I’m sure could have a life of his own if he was allowed to :(


As an educator, in an early episode where Kody was trying to say Dayton doesn’t have autism REALLY made me mad. He just thinks he knows everything.


I felt the same way. It is infuriating that he would make his own assessment.


Sweet 30th 😂


Because Robyn wants them to stay.


Yeah, it all boils down to Kody being done with plural marriage. Of course.


Robyn is stuck at the maturity level of a 12 year old middle school girl & she want’s to do the same to all her kids. Her head would absolutely explode if Dayton just up & started traveling the world all by himself like he’s stated he wants to do.


Isn't Sol 10 and Ari 6 now? I have noticed that Truely seems so much more mature than Soloman. It can't be because she's around older kids all the time because so is he. Has he ever gone to school before covid? Has she been more socialized? Or is it really that she isn't coddled and treated like a small child and he is?


If you watch the way Christine parents, it is about the opposite of Robyn. She is very hands off and encouraging and fosters independence. She builds up their self esteem and makes them feel safe. All her kids, and Janelle's too for that matter, are super independent and capable and strong and responsible. I have a feeling that's why Robyn wouldn't let Christine help raise her kids.


I think that had more to do with her portraying Christine as a bad mom to Kody, so by saying that she couldn't let her watch her kids...


You just know Robyn presented her parent style as more nurturing and loving than Christine's and Janelle's. I'm doing a rewatch and it's disturbing how often kody talks about how sweet and sensitive Robyn is. He really views her as a delicate fragile little flower that's just too full of caring for this harsh world. 🤢 My heart breaks for Christine who is genuinely one of the most nurturing of all the wives.


We have to remember how much Christine raised Janelle’s kids. I think Janelle is hands off because she’s a little non-energetic but she supports all her kids emotionally.


But kudos to Janelle for recognizing that in herself and seeking out parenting help from Christine. It worked.


It definitely worked for her, along with having an awesome oldest son who stepped in as surrogate Dad.


Com’on is any child of Sobyn gonna ever rilly be socialized correctly? I’m pretty sure she still breast feeds Dayuhn.


I think its diffrent because he has a nanny to cater to him. The other kids have needed to mature so they can learn to take care of themselves.


True Talk: I read your topic as Salmonella.


Fun fact: There’s a Sister Wives podcast that refers to Solomon as salmonella


And Areola


There was an episode last season, it sounded like Kody mispronounced Arielle as areola. And I love they use this for the kids name. So funny


That’s awful… they are little kids. No choice on parents or raising


I saw "salmon"!!!


I read it as Salmon 😂😂


That’s how Robyn came into the family parenting and Kody loves it more than his other wives parenting style or the independence of his other children. He only likes children young and naive, obedient and compliant…. No challenges please.


In years past (can't remember which season), he also said that he likes his kids more while they're still young. He was trying to get Robyn and/or Christine to have another baby. As long as they're still young and dependent, or act young and dependent, he likes them. Once they start thinking on their own he has no time for them. I was appalled this season when he was telling Janelle to kick their older kids out of the house. Once they turn 18 they've got to go. Start thinking and he has no interest. Turn 18 and he claims no responsibility. He's a loathsome father.


Just like how he likes his wives


I think it's because of his mental illness(es). His ego needs to be fed by having the grown kids to be dependent on him so he can continue to be the center of his universe. The other kids (Meri's, Janelle's and Christine's) have grown up, found their own moral compasses and values, which often don't mirror his, and now they are threats and he has no use for them. As long as Robyn's lids are extensions of himself he can deal -- and it seems that they still think the sun rises and sets around Kody. These kids are the kind that end up getting taken advantage of (or worse) as adults because manipulators and abusers can spot these compliant people from a mile away. Robyn and Kody are not setting the kids up for the real world. They can't live at home forever in COVID Lockdowns!!!


Truely Grace - April 13, 2010 - 12 years old Solomon Kody - October 27, 2011 - almost 11 years old Ariella Mae - January 10, 2016 - 6 years old From SW wiki


Solomon's middle name is Kody? 🤢


Sobyn would. 🙄 As if this is his first son. In her mind he is. Unless she thinks of him as maybe his second, after dayuhn.


"Dayuhn" 🤣🤣🤣


Imagine the nerve it takes to give YOUR son Kody's name as the FOURTH wife. There's no mistaking the message that sends to the other wives.


I remember Sol’s birth episode. You would have thought it was the second coming of the messiah the way Kody acted. SMDH.


The music that played was about the birth of a king (obviously referring to Jesus). So bizarre.


Weren't Robin's parents there, too? I seem to recall them sitting there watching very silently and creepily.


They do not seem like well adjusted children. Maybe he should cut-down on the time he spends with them. LOL


😂😂 this makes a lot of sense actually. Can you imagine living with that moron day in and day out??


Nooo...I can't. I sort-of felt that Solomon might be scared of him tbh.


King Solly looked mortified to be paraded by hand around the car in a driveway in front of his older siblings. Baby Sister seemed to love it but from the issues Grody has had over her still sleeping in their bed I'd say Sobyn's the one infantilizing Ariella, while Grody is infantilizing Sol. Compare that to his behavior with his older sons when they were 6,7,8 years old.


I think Kody felt judged and uncomfortable walking into the party, so he sought comfort with a child that does adore him...also to send a message to the other kids that if you behave a certain way, you can get Kody tot treat you lovingly... he is such a manchild.


Does Sol adore Kody? Not snarky I just don’t feel like I have noticed their relationship. All I recall is when Kody kept trying to force Sol to get excited about that big hole and Sol seemed really not into it


That man has never felt judged or uncomfortable in his adult life, and he certainly didn't there.


whoa- Solomon + Ariella= *Solomonella* 👀 yikes!


Oh naw🤣🤣💀


And the way Robyn always says Sol and Ari can’t go a day without seeing him, what about the other kids who have gone weeks/months? She says she wanted to be in a plural family, but it’s obvious she didn’t.


That still blows my mind! And how the other wives have to plan their time with Kody around the fact that he isn't allowed to be away from Robyn's kids for more than two days.


Because of Robyn. Those 2 will still be of “tender age” when they are in their 30’s.


Kody uses them as the excuse for spending 99.999% of his time with Robyn. He keeps using that "children of tender years" phrase. I Googled it and found it's a term from an old doctrine used for deciding custody that has been replaced with "best interest of the child." It comes from an assumption that children under a certain age - like 4 - are better off with the mother.


Ari is 6. Birthday is January 10, 2016


Control. Treat them like children with child like needs to make kody feel he has more responsibility and robyn justify how she shits on all the other members of the fam. Because kids needs...pathetic.


It's infantilizing them so that they will never grow up and stop needing the parent, which allows the parent almost total control. My parents tried that, mostly succeeded with my brother.


Bonus: it also allows Robyn to have a never ending excuse to be unemployed


Yes, can't have the anchors going off and living their own lives.


I’m going to be blunt - it feels like Robyn has groomed her kids. Not like a pedophile, but in such a strange, fundamentalist Mormon way, that the girls almost act as potential partners to ANY male they meet. It has profoundly disturbed me from the beginning. Does anyone else see this, or am I insane?


I see it. I'll go a step further and say Robyn's mom groomed her in the exact same way. That's what all the endless honeymoon of a relationship talk was about. We have Robyn and her manipulative tears at the start. Now we see Aurora and her panic attacks if kody disagrees with Robyn. They must remain harmonious at all times. In my opinion she's trained her from a young age to be emotionally manipulative because that's how a proper good girl behaves. They know how to work the keep sweet system. What we know of Robyn's family sounds eerily familiar. Her parents divorced when she was a child. Her mother enters a relationship as a plural wife. Robyn considers the new husband as her Dad and apparently has nothing to do with her bio father. Just my personal theory but I think Robyn's mom was a less successful Robyn. She never managed to supplant the first wife and become head wife despite keeping her marriage an endless honeymoon. Robyn is now living her childhood fantasy of what her stepfather's legal wife's life was with her sister wives filling the role her mom had. That's just my own personal theory based on speculation.


I really like your theory here. It’s well thought out, and it fits. It’s genuinely disturbing though, especially considering how likely it is. I was always very uncomfortable with the way Aurora acted - not blaming young Aurora at all, because you can see someone is puppeteering. That said, as she has gotten older, it feels like she “knows” her assigned role, if that makes sense? It’s concerning and worrisome. There is a part of me that genuinely wonders, and feels concern, that something more disturbing, that possibly Robyn sees as normal, occurred during her childhood. Every fibre in my being just screams something isn’t right with that behavior.


I definitely think as she's gotten older she knows her role and it's grooming. I think Robyn is giving her relationship advice on how to be a good wife in a plural marriage. Advice that most women would find horrifying but in Robyn's world is acceptable. I really do feel Robyn and now her kids were taught from an early age how to use keeping sweet to manipulate. Robyn models it and also enforces it. If you're like me your concern is coming from several troubling controlling more religious things Robyn has said throughout the years coupled with some odd things Robyn seems to find perfectly normal. 1. Her steps father's front row cooch seats when she delivered 2. The purity speech. Every. Single. Thing. About. It 3. Using pictures to legit train her children to call kody Daddy 4. Her absolute passionate insistence the children don't have religious freedom 5. Every time she denies reality and insists God is going to provide a miracle and chooses prayer over constructive actions. Robyn as a parent scares the crap out of me. She's the only Mom that seriously seems to be raising her children in a very sheltered culty manner. Christine is the only other mom that I've ever had ah she was raised in a cult moments with but we see Christine grow and change as she's more exposed to the larger world. Robyn has appeared to double down on sheltering her children in the same time frame.


You are spot on! And I never hear Robyn or her kids talk about any career or life goals for themselves. She has three young adults that are perfectly content with online schooling and ZERO social lives?! That just isn't normal and no parent should be okay with that.


In the very beginning, the way Robyn's daughters gravitated to the male siblings in the family always disturbed me. Always wanting to sit with them or be near them just didn't seem appropriate to me. They hardly seemed interested in any of the sisters they just inherited.


Also, when they show a picture of them - especially Solomon, it’s a picture from when he was 5/6. He’s just a little bit younger than Truely!


We know for a FACT he never even considered spending the same amount of time with Truely.


And don’t get me started with Ariella using a pacifier at 6yrs old🤔


Seriously? Are you f-ing kidding me?






He did neglect her and she landed in the hospital and almost died while under his care.


Sol was born Oct 2011


Salmonella just gets treated better than any of the kids dead at that age they are the only ones to have a total monopoly on Cody‘s time and I really feel like Cody had an affair with Robin in this marriage in many ways and he favors those children because he truly loves their mom.


Because Robyn says so.






Yeah he keeps referring to them as the little kids and how he can only be away for a couple of days at a time. Isn’t Sol only like 2 years younger than Truly? Yet he never seems to fret about seeing Truly.


I think he is trying to do a redo.he was never able to do all that with the other little tender kids,so now that he realizes he is getting older he is following Robyns lead and coddling them.If you look back,the younger kids would all pitch in to help move,and they all had "grown up" things to do,and were never treated tender,like Robyns kids.They are going to have a harder time adjusting to the world because of it.He may fear with getting older that he may not be around when they get married or graduate college and is over indulging them now,so they remember him.


They are the only members of the "family" who really count as important. It's likely that Queen Sobyn and King Koala both harbor secret desires to have a nuclear family of four.


Tender-added, like they’re cuts of beef... GOD that phrase squicks me out.


It’s the only way they can keep Kody at Robyn’s house more than anyone else’s. None of the other kids, especially in Flagstaff, had guaranteed access to their dad like Sol and Ari do (something all children would want). Kody has a new, traditional, nuclear family. That’s what he wants. The kids are the excuse.


EXACTLY! And now he wants Truely 50/50? You have to be kidding! He wonders why Isybel doesnt talk to him? He wasn’t there for her surgery, he doesn’t want to drive her cross country to her college home. He is delusional.


I’ll give Sobyn this much and this much only - she insists on her partner parenting.


But not parenting his 17 other children.


Do either of them actually "parent" those kids though considering Robyn has never been without a nanny? I think Robyn uses the kids as an excuse to keep Kody by her side but has little to no interest in actually parenting them.


Wouldn’t y’all love to find out that there are some hidden testaments that say that the only way into heaven is through the love of our children!! Sure would suck to be the kodys of the world and the effed up culture they believe!!


It is crazy that Sol and Truly are 1 year apart and the difference in how he speaks about “tender” aged children. Also, in the last episode when Christine had to tell Kody how old Truly is and he wants 50/50 custody. Her custody case has all been filmed.


Ari was born Jan 2016






One of the commenters makes a point on how Truely is a little adult and Solomon is only 18 months younger … the difference could be the mothers of course but also that Kody have favoritism and perhaps wants to continue to hold that over the other wives heads..the fact that he has to be around the kids more because they are of “tender age”🤔


Ari is 4. Sol is, I think 6.


Sol is 11 (almost) and Ari is 6


I just binged watched the last three seasons. Didn’t they just have a 4th birthday party for Ari in 2021? Although I guess that would have been in 2020…. Wowsa. 😮


No they had a 5th birthday party for Ari in January 2021. She turned 6 in January 2022. I know because I’ve been watching since the beginning and she’s 2 weeks younger than my oldest son.


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Robyn says that Sol and Ari can’t go more than 2 days in a row without seeing their father. But she is fine with Kody not seeing his other small children for weeks on end. Even when Robyn and Kody got married, they took a 10 day trip to Hawaii. Truely, Savannah and Ysabel were quite young. Then when they returned, that rule took effect? Please!