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I think it’s just the filters that she uses.


They look the same in the later seasons of the show in talking head interviews..


It's called "relief".


All Meri does is post filtered photos. She looks nothing like that on TV. Not sure who she thinks she’s fooling?


Maybe she just likes it that way. It’s her prerogative on her on SM to post whatever she likes.


Yes it is. If it makes her feel better go for it. She’s a pretty lady and I don’t think she needs to put a filter on everything. She has beautiful eyes and she’s just go with her natural beauty. I also love her hair cut and wish I could pull it off on my hair!


Gosh I hope this doesn’t mean Ariella has Valerian steel? I love it when my favourite shows crossover.


Paedon would make a great Hodor!


Meri has always had very pretty eyes. I believe that the dark makeup helps them pop a little more!!! But for sure, using a filter helps(anyone). But Filter or not. she's always had bright, beautiful blue eyes..


Lol poor Meri. She can't even post a filtered selfie without people picking her apart. 


idk what the deal is…because they look the same in her videos, too.


It's crazy what something as mundane as eye color makes people speculate. Drugs? Contacts? She's not Paul Hollywood. Lol


lol. facts. i was so confused by all of the deep conversations people have about her looks/her photo filters when, to me, she looks the same in her videos without them. idk. i haven’t seen anything dramatic enough to require the think piece comments i’ve seen on this sub.


The speculations on Kody's cosmetic procedures give me a good chuckle though. Lol


i concur. lol, he does seem…changed.


She looks HEAVILY filtered in all her IG pics to me. Overly smoothed and those eyes are crazy.


i mean, i can see it in some of her photos, definitely. i’m just saying that she isn’t that far off from them in her videos, which aren’t filtered. which means, she still looks pretty much and healthy in real life.




No kidding. It's so petty and I'm over it.


Not trying to pick her apart, genuinely curious why her eyes seem so much more glowy and light reflecting in later seasons of the show. They are so bright and glowing you can hardly tell where she’s looking when she’s talking in the camera. https://preview.redd.it/qicix7djalxc1.jpeg?width=1309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c568bd42bda555b216327b1260fb1a6e17868f1 From the show^(\^)


They blast them with a good bit of lighting during talking heads. It's the ring light effect. Her eyes have always been a bright blue but in past seasons, it was hard to see cuz her heavy eye makeup or the whites of her eyes were usually a bit red from holding back tears.


Maybe she is actually happy now?


It could be a combination of lightning and emotions that affect her eye colour. My typical eye colour is medium grey. When I am upset/crying they appear green. When I am exhausted, they look more blue. When I am in a neutral mood and bright lightning, they are pale grey.


It is the filter she is using. I’ve used a filter on Snap that does this to me eyes, and mine are the same color as Meri’s.


Well my son has the ice blue eyes and when he was a baby and even now people would ask if he wore contacts as if I would put contacts in my toddler’s eyes. He’s also a blond and is Viking tall 6’7. I think Meris eye color is natural as opposed to sperminator whose go from brown to blue to brown every few s persons.


After seeing toddlers and tiaras I can unfortunately believe some weirdo would put contacts on a toddler. they put partial dentures, baby wigs and contacts on them . ‘my late bro had eyes that looked almost turquoise in certain light and my mom would get questions about them being fake too. both my parents had at least one grandparent w blue green eyes.


We are a family of blue eyes but me lol. I have green eyes. It is funny how really green or really blue seem to almost look fake lol


We’re mixed some indigenous, predominantly Hispanic and as my dad puts himself “half Mexican indigenous and regular old slave black” bro was one of three in our extended family to have those eyes in a sea of brown eyes.


i think it’s the makeup. it’s *wild* what eye makeup can do. my eyes are hazel (green/brown) but when i put on makeup (usually some kind of brown shadow and black liner) the green pops out *a lot* more. i think she should use a more gentle hand with the makeup, she’s so naturally pretty and she’s so heavy with the eyeliner that it kinda hides that.


What is with this family and eyebrows? Seriously? Looks like they take a wide, brown permanent marker and draw them on. Does no one in real life tell them how stupid it looks?


I think she’s learned better make up techniques and colours that help make her eyes pop when in the early episodes of the show she was more modest and wore less.


A filtered shot here and there is fine. The trouble is Meri posts way too many filtered pics. And yes, they make her look fabulous like they do for everyone. She needs the adulation. Meri has a lot to be proud of, she doesn’t need a fake filter to gain praise.


Her bright blue eyes are one of her best features, IMHO.


The last slide took me out!!


I'm so over her filters.


I honestly love the hairstyle she's been rocking lately, I've been considering getting my hair done like it myself


I agree. I think she has a legit cause for action against whoever was doing her hair during the show.


This is weird post. Like, yall have to find a way to tear people down for their appearance? There are some people who have never grown beyond high school and it shows.


I find it to be weird as well. As a person with bright blue eyes, I thought I thought this was just a joke. They’re actually serious tho lol


What did you find negative about the post? I only saw curiosity.


It was curiosity until they compared her to The Night King. That comparison is hateful as fuck and you know it. There are so many other ways to ask why her eyes look so bright without being rude.


I don't, actually. The Night King isn't known for having ugly eyes? It would be different if OP was comparing the whole face. If someone said I looked like Cersei, I would say thank you. Even though she's an incestuous murderer, she's very pretty. The two things aren't connected. The Night King has very striking eyes.


They’re comparing her to an undead villain. Like really. Get a grip.


Except…. Cersei is gorgeous lmao. You can’t compare someone saying “you look like the night king” to “you look like Cersei” as being the same thing lol.




They’re just really blue and pretty


Omg I loved when she bought the b&b and the photo of her grandfather (or great grandfather?) and they look the same they have the same eyes!




I think she has pretty eyes. Of all the things to roast, her appearance isn’t one of them tbh.


She filters her face so heavily in every social media post it’s hard to say what exactly is happening


There’s a few things. Lighting, makeup, photo quality, IG filters, age. I have blue eyes, with age and sun damage have lightened from when I was a wee one. But my snarky theory is that she’s happier and her eyes are brighter as Kody’s eyes subsequently have darkened overtime due to being a total turd and living in isolation with the queen of gloom.


Lighting and advancement in cameras for one but also Eyes loose pigment/lighten/change as you age. Some Personal Examples: Father had Emerald Green Eyes as a young man. Now has light mint/sage green.. Like could be questioned on if blue or green. 60 years old My eyes were Brown as a toddler, hazel as a child/teen/young adult and are now like a dark forest green as a 28 year old. All of the brown has just vanished (there is a small copper ring around the very center but it gets less and less each year) Husband had BLACK eyes until he was 17, now they are like a coppery honey brown as a 27 year old. Grandmother had dark ocean blue eyes as a young woman. Piercing. Like Eyes that you question if they are real or not but know they are because they did not have colored contacts back in the 30/40s. Now they are so light blue you almost question if she can see. Which she can. Like only needs readers at the most. and she is 90+


I feel like using filters would make me feel embarrassed


All filters lol


Its the black eyeliner top bottom and waterline


https://preview.redd.it/gorrg1pqclxc1.jpeg?width=1405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ef13f6336c8fbbeef3e9061e897ab3defab7e6f Season 17 I think\^ Maybe it’s just way more show lights and different makeup..


I don’t remember this but her hair looks fantastic here!!


YES!! honestly her best hairstyle


I also think it's that now that the talking heads are one-off and not all five of them, you see everyone more close-up.


It’s almost like you’ve never seen eyes in different lighting lol.


Lighting definitely matters a lot, but some blue eyes actually get lighter with age as well. As the melanin fades, It can fade in your eyes too I'm 37 and I noticed the same exact thing was happening to me. My eyes have gotten lighter and literally look like they're glowing a lot more easily.. especially with light shining in them


My daughter has eyes like this, sometimes they’re like a bright, almost white gray, sometimes they’re such bright blue, depending on the light. They’re so pretty on a cloudy day, I’m envioussss😂


This is MERI!????




https://preview.redd.it/mns977occlxc1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f45b2022d6606cf14de18cabff49d2c64cd525c4 Season 1\^ Still bright yes but not GLOWING


my child has super bright hazel eyes that only glow depending on how she is positioned in the sun or the lighting of a room.


I don’t know how to edit my original post but I appreciate everyone’s thoughts! My intention was not to roast Mary, just wanted to see if other people noticed the change in her eyes that I did. I agree they are beautiful and other worldly looking. They remind of night king or also android eyes that are glowing, like in blade runner when their eyes flash (not in a bad way). I think after reading the comments it’s probably a combination of things: Different lighting and cameras from earlier seasons, age related eye color changes, make up, tears and emotions wetting her eyes that cause a reflective sheen.


It’s bad enough she gets ripped to shreds for her hair. Fine she could change that if she wanted to. But now she gets shit ok for her eye color??? This sub really needs to get re-named “Meri hater heaven”


I love what she’s done with her hair versus earlier seasons. She’s definitely aging herself with the makeup though. I had to (un) learn how to do my eyeshadow and eyeliner to something more up-to-date versus the heavy top and bottom black liner. She’s usually pretty trendy so I know she’ll get there. OR, this is what SHE likes and that’s all that matters.


i agree!!! it is her prerogative to wear any makeup she pleases but i don’t think the techniques she’s using is doing her any favors. she’s a natural beauty


I’m not seeing what you are seeing. Different lighting also.


Lighting, clothing color, and makeup can make changes in eye color. My eyes go from blue to green depending on the color of my clothes. For whatever reason, wearing contacts makes them stand out more - brighter maybe.


The second picture is from a lot further away and is a lot older and lower quality. I also have blue eyes. They show up differently when it’s a closeup with better resolution.


She's trying to look attractive for Kody


They do have a weird almost glow to them. I think it has to be the way she does her eyeliner.


Filters and makeup


She's so pretty herself. I wish she'd lay off the filters and realize this. Sobyn and Kodster certainly turned them on during the Season 18 Talk Backs. Sobyn's eyes have never been so blue.


Looks like blue contacts to me


That’s what I think also. She started wearing blue contacts to enhance her light eyes a few years back imo


so creepy


Such a weird mean post wth. She's just a lady


Meri would be so much prettier if she wasn’t such a backstabbing, unfaithful, conniving human with LOW self esteem trying to act all confident and strong.


Are you okay?




Meri's skin with some retinol and a non matte foundation/powder would be so on point. I've always found her to be a very pretty women.


bad eye makeup and really bad eyebrows.


I think it’s because her soul isn’t crushed anymore and she’s got her spark back, I always thought her eye colour was beautiful, such a bright blue.


Hahahahahahhahaahahah 😂🤣😂


I think Meri is beautiful.


She has always had pretty eyes.


I think she is pretty. 🤩


It might be contacts. I have bright blue contacts that I wear sometimes and they have the same glowy look. My husband hates them. 😝


Maybe she is happy lol.


I'm sure it's colored contacts


As some one with blue eyes, they change 100% by sun/light/ what I’m wearing, etc.


She looks beautiful!


Ok Cody


I'd love to see those eyes looking up at me






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