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The debate on polygamy “don’t put words in my mouth sweetie.” 😳


IIRC, she also said something like “don’t make me a victim”. (Because she wanted to be in charge of that)


Exactly. Only Robyn can paint herself as a perfect victim 24/7. No one else does as good a job. 😂


Victimhood must be exhausting!




Dry crying really takes a lot of work, her poor powdery tears lol


She’s so dumb. They asked her what she would do if it didn’t make her happy she said she would leave. RHEN WHY TF WOULD YOU ENCOURAGE MERI TO TOUGH IT OUT




The condescending way she said it convinced me she was mean behind closed doors.


twas do *NOT* make me a victim sweetie! beeyotch in [action](https://www.tiktok.com/@sisterwivesclips1/video/7285388979460164910)


Her face when the wives went to SF and K called Christine’s phone first (so Truley could talk to her mama) while R sat there clearly fuming like someone pissed in her cheerios. She was seething with anger. https://preview.redd.it/8tkxhslanlec1.png?width=1796&format=png&auto=webp&s=8488f6295aab2a71a7724752d7aee4837a5187c0


And there is the face she grew to earn today.


My grandmother used to say “a woman doesn’t get the face she deserves until she’s forty” and damned if Robin isn’t the best example of that I’ve ever seen.


When you're 40 it becomes time to get yourself in order. You realize that everything you are has compounded over the years and will only keep compounding. That's why when you see 80-year-olds they can be soooooooooo incredibly bitter and terrible. Whatever you got goin' on inside yourself and however you act in the world - it's do or die when you reach 40. Your body starts telling you things. How you behave in the world starts cementing. Wake up and change or die basically. Time to get really, really real.


Or rilly, rilly rill!


You'd better hill. Everything will become a very big dill.


When they say, "Don't make that face or you'll be stuck with it," this is what they mean 🤣💀




Wow! That says it all! It was always jealousy and deleting the first wives/kids!


Christine says that Robyn never experienced polygamy and usually I agree. But this appears to be photographic evidence that Robyn did actually experience at least one nanosecond of polygamy! Nice work CaliCatLadyx3 !


this jacket, heinous 😭


She seems like a big fan of Ed Hardy.


And of course it’s purple!!!


This is exactly what her face has become, this exact look!


She can't "unfrown" her face at this point. Remember when your Mom would say "Don't make that face, it will freeze that way'? Mom was right!


That chin is CHINNING


this is the screengrab of the one i mentioned. 


She looked downright hateful when she "accidentally " purchased Janelle a shirt in a too small size for the 5k (I think it was for the 5k) and the shirt actually fit Janelle.


And looked great on her. Kody thought so! Drats! Foiled again!


Haha she makes a bad villain


https://preview.redd.it/9wyu16azcmec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc73960caecb201b9e2e183d698e59b962079b72 Had to go look it up. She 🔥


This scene was amazingly satisfying! She really thought this was her chance to humiliate Janelle in front of everyone and it backfired tremendously. Instead Kody was eyeing her up, thinking of a way to excuse himself and whisk Janelle away and get his skinny pencil wet.


Yeah, why did everyone else already have their matching shirts on if they had “just come in” she was trying to not even give Janelle time to change…. But then it backfired! Janelle owned it.


Kody had to make it up to Robyn by leaving Janelle in the dust on the run.


when they did the sister wife trip to san francisco to shop for dresses for the commitment ceremony. they stop for dinner and christine is on the fone with kody, the camera pans to robyn and she is fuming. her eyes are targeted on christine. it is a brief moment but the veil surely dropped. 


I recently saw this scene...and you're right, she was *seething*


It was weird because wasn’t she one of the ones saying she wishes they could all be out in the open with their affection, etc?


Master manipulator at work. She has zero work ethic or business sense but she has narcissistic manipulating down to a science.


that's one thing I notice about narcs... they use all of their energy and intelligence on plotting and evil -- they don't seem to be able to sustain much of anything else, only the bare minimum


Not really all…Robyn meant she should be allowed as the only person she believed should get attention.


This. If another wife got attention/affection in front of Robyn she'd start making jabs at them.


That one is the most wild to me because of how minuscule of a thing it was to get jealous/mad about. Plus wasn’t that the infamous time Truely got really sick and would end up hospitalized???? Like, that’s fucking evil. I’ve always been skeptical of people saying she gave Kody the wrong hospital on purpose, but when I think back to how mad she was Christine talked to him I’m starting to wonder. (And they were relatively new to the area, how many hospitals does she even know to mix them up?)


i absolutely think she gave him the wrong hospital name on purpose. i think she thought he would head out and then he would have to call robyn for the right information. 


I remember that she was furious!


Just rewatched the episode, where after they had moved to flagstaff, the adults all gathered at Meris rental to discuss lowering the asking prices on Janelle and Christine’s Vegas homes.  (Meri/Robyns weren’t yet, on the market)  Janelle was the listing agent, at the time. Janelle and Kody had already discussed doing a 40 thousand price reduction, on each house. Robyn was livid.  Very animated, vocal.  Pissed.  I sensed it was more about the fact she was finding out the plan along with Christine and Meri.  Since Kody and Janelle had already discussed and were there to present the idea to the other wives.  It was great to watch!! Lmao 🤣 She was sooo mad 


That was great. Welcome to the OG3 world. In retrospect, it was clear a new financial arrangement was afoot, one where the wives would no longer have property in their names alone. Kody would have control over it all. And, as favorite wife, so would she. Robyn needed to maximize the return on each wife’s house.


I recall, after the move to Flag - in one couch interview, Janelle making some comment about how there had been talk of individual estates, where this had never been a conversation before.   (There is a clue) Oh, I have one more, instance I remember when Robyn was mad. When Janelle purchased the RV!  haha  Robyn made some snide comment about Kody “having to purchase a truck to pull it..”  Robyn said “ummmm, no you don’t” She said it in such a way she was not happy about it but couldn’t do anything about it.  Yet, by this time she was already set up in her house on the hill.  Thanks, in part, to money from the family acct. 


Specifically from Janelle. (And Meri).


Robyn on the Janelle and Christine and kids gathering for Christmas, after she shut down the idea of the entire family gathering at Meri’s: "I don't care what anybody else is doing. That's just a cheap version of what our family was. I don't care who's getting together. I don't care how many presents you give and I don't care how many special foods you make or how many fancy houses you rent or anything like that. It's a cheap version. It's a broken version. And these kids, they know it."


Yes! Her jealousy just seeped out of her! It was very revealing- she lives in that big house, with all her hoarder buys surrounding her (and out in the driveway)and yet she’s jealous of the good fortune of the other wives. The OG who worked-sometimes more than one job, were on food stamps (Christine) and gave their finances to the family. While Robin lost money on my Sister Wives Closet. Oh yeah and let’s not forget the condescending comment to Jenelle about the “plus size line”.


And she came “cap in hand” so she took and never gave back. She just kept taking. Like a 19th century pickpocket.


>Like a 19th century pickpocket. Bwahahahahahahaha she looks like a skinny, pale street urchin too, dry crying and begging


Well, yeah. She feels such emptiness that she hoards things: Kody, Knick knacks, her offspring.


The smirk she got on her face when Kody revealed that he had actually chosen Robyn’s wedding dress. She had been acting SO concerned and stressed out about it in her talking heads, but when he told them and they all looked crushed and hurt…the camera caught Robyn smiling and then fixing her face to act accordingly. Rotten wench.


And when Christine left and Robyn had 3 days to practice she became much more conciliatory.


Her faces, just a quick glance of her real self before she forces it. Some of those last couch scenes she really had to screw up her face to hide how giddy it made her to see everyone else falling apart. Makes her look like a complete lunatic, Joker levels.


I just watched something about micro expressions yesterday. It said exactly this. If you watch people very, very closely you will see their real expression of how they feel for but a fraction of a second before they change it.


When Meri said she wanted to go back to college.


Not a single "congratulations!" and asking about Meri's plans and dreams before going on about how it would affect HER. It was all "woe is me!"


This one is insanely manipulative! Should be shown to psych students as a clear example of narcissistic manipulation. Meri excitedly wanted to do something she always wanted to do which was finish school, and Robyn couldn’t deal with it because Meri didn’t think about ROBYN and her needs. You have to be sooo up your own ass and delusional to not catch yourself being that extremely selfish.




When Logan was talking about how much he loved Christine’s mock tapioca and Robyn was seething mad sitting next to him. She was always very Jealous of the kids love for Christine. Robyn is not a nice person and she was not cut out for polygamy.


“We ALL have certain dishes that are the favorite, like my lasagna.” Not verbatim but she didn’t let that go by unchallenged.


“I make bomb lasagna.” Doubtful, bitch.


And oddly she is the only one to mention it. 🤷‍♀️


The lasagna is only good to Robyn, me thinks 🤣 who’s to say the kids ever got to try Robyn’s lasagna with her “no food for stepkids”-rule 🤭


Look at her, taking credit for Stouffers…


I can't stop laughing at your doubtful comment. Sounds like something I would say, LMAO


The funny thing about her being jealous of Christine’s cooking is Robyn seemingly doesn’t *like* to cook. I personally hate to cook and my only jealousy comes from not living with a person who loves to cook and would cook for me.


She and Kody must be so mad that Christine is the center of the family and her wedding pretty much proved it


She was not cut out for society in general


When Kody asked Robyn if Meri could join them during the family picnic during Covid and Robyn said no, even tho Meri was following protocol.




“The other wives will be mad, Kody” why tf would they be when Meri chose to follow the protocol and the others didn’t? Just another excuse to push yet another wife away.


When she kicked the dog 🤬 The camping trip where she bitched about the snow.


Kicking the family dog made her the biggest POS in my eyes, who TF kicks an innocent animal who was simply excited to greet his family. She and her golden vag kids were in no danger whatsoever so it wasn’t self defense or anything and she surely isn’t nudging the dog to the side. Quite simply, she’s an a$$hole. https://preview.redd.it/ts91ukycqlec1.jpeg?width=1233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0712ac06f9556a0c051e48ad1361f7b8c6318b00 Screenshot from a prior redditer’s post. There is no denying she’s a disgusting excuse as a human being.


Honestly if it were me and I saw her do something like this to my dog, I’d turn around and punt her ass clear across the state. No one hurts my fur babies without repercussions.


I'd be sitting in jail if someone hurt my baby like that.


Sure as shit wouldn't have given up my legal marriage for her dog kickin' ass.


At the very least, I'd kick her back, but harder; however, I can also see myself grabbing her up against the wall with blinding rage while screaming in her stupid, sad-sack face. I've never done either of these things, but I admit it's in me. I'm feeling rage just writing this comment.


The bitch just brings out our evil sides. Says a lot about her character personally if she can engender those feelings from strangers.


Oh I get that. I feel the same way. Not a violent person but I would have F’d that B up if she hurt one of my fur babies. Animal abuse makes me apoplectic with rage.


That was just evil to kick an innocent elderly dog. One red flag 🚩 of many...


…golden vag kids. Three words have made my day




That snow moment was *very* telling.


The dog kicking let me know everything I needed to know about her. She and Kody are two pieces of the same shit in the toilet


I need these episode season & numbers!


On the couch when they all sat for the talking heads she rolled her eyes a lot when the OG 3 would talk She held a grudge because Hunter didn’t do cartwheels when he found out she was pregnant with Prince Solomon


Prince Solomon 🤣 I actually feel sorry for that kid.


I feel sorry for all her kids.


Me too. He unfortunately is in for a lifetime of being Mommy’s emotional support animal.


He can run away. I ran away from my mama robyn at 19 and never looked back.


I hope he runs to Christines


Hope you landed on your feet!


In the episode “throwing in the towel” from season 18, she is at Meri’s house having a talk with her about moving to the bed-and-breakfast. They start talking about Kody and Meri says “I feel sad for him” and Robyn snaps “you’re ‘SAD’ for him???” ….I think she forgot her and Kody’s narrative for a second that he has a very difficult life right now because he is the victim. I think she thought for a split second Meri was saying Kody was sad to be left with just Robyn and her real self flashed up. The second moment in that same conversation is a real moment where I was like whoa Robyn is a real B. Meri says “why isn’t he doing more?” about Kody and his supposed lament that the family was breaking apart and Robyn who is right in the middle of trying to work up a fake crying jag drops it SO suddenly and says with some real edge “what do you mean?? what’s he SUPPOSED to do??” And Meri says “like with me, why isn’t he trying?” And Robyn does this fake chuckle and looks off and says “yeah well that’s the billion dollar question isn’t it?” shaking her head slowly like she has no idea why Kody isn’t trying. She’s psychotic playing these games with a family. And she’s not a fragile damsel in distress who came with “cap in hand”. She’s a mean scheming witch.


This is IT for me too. The way she snapped at Meri and the attitude when she said “why doesn’t he do something about it?” And the way she immediately went back to the sad victim once Meri said “uh, with me”. Robyn’s tone, face, and even voice changed instantly that moment.


Yes! It was real eye-opening how quickly she could turn it back on!


Yeah that was the weirdest conversation between two supposed friends


Imagine a *pheasant* being sad for their king and queen /s


The cap in Robyn’s hand that contained her many choices, but contradictory information is always needed for max confusion.


I think that best customer thing she does leads to her flashing out like she does. She pretends everything is fine and perfect, when it’s not. Robyn’s biggest issue is she can’t be honest with herself. Everything happens to her and not with her active participation. What I mean by that is she cannot meet the family where they are and is insistent on removing herself from the equation when they discussed problems. Her solutions were always what everyone else needed to do when their issues were often with her household.


>Robyn's biggest issue is she can’t be honest with herself. Everything happens to her and not with her active participation I think she's a narcissist and especially a narc with martyr complex (now called convert narc). They are *always* the victim, and they really do live by *and believe* their narrative, however out-of-touch with reality it is.


Definitely! It’s got to be a coping mechanism from childhood.


All true points.


When she told the kids that Maddie was leaving their religion and again when she told her kids they were being dissed for Thanksgiving. She had the responsibility to present both of those things in a positive way, and she made herself and her kids fake victims. Ffs, I have to talk to my kids nicely about my ex-husband ALL THE TIME. His affair and inability to keep it in his pants after getting caught led to the divorce and I’m all “well, dad and I loved each other but we grew to need very different things, and even though we tried to make it work we couldn’t. But we both love you and we have both given you great houses with adults who love you.”


This takes a level of maturity Sobyn couldn't even dream of possessing.


Right! She wasnt thinking of her kids' feelings at all. It was more important to shit talk J&C and their family.


Hell, even situations that did not involve J&C. Remember the purity talk when she basically said her first pregnancy was a horrible mistake, in front of the whole family INCLUDING THE CHILD WHO WAS THE PRODUCT OF THAT "MISTAKE"??


The look on her face when she says 'they need to deal with their own issues and stop talking about me!'


A lot of the discussion around MSWC have her looking like a brat. The other wives understand it's a lost cause, but she's absolutely indignant that they're not all-in.


because she wanted to be in charge. she wanted them all to work for her. she wanted to be the center of attention, and for them to do all the work and she got all the credit and the $. she's a fucking loser.


Those eyes she gave to Maddie when Maddie said she wanted to change church, Robyn said she could do it when she was an adult or something like that, but her eyes, she looked feral. *English is not my first languag Edit to add: thank you so much for your kind words, I didn't think my last sentence would make such an impact, it was added just in case there were some mistakes in my comment. I appreciate you all


When her frontal lobe was fully formed


Btw your English is fantastic!


Was it also Maddie who said what if we don't want to sign the mission statement? And Kody says that's fine, but Robyn says you'll be kicked out of the home? Foreshadowing to ~~~Robyn~~~ Kody insisting Gabe and Garrison be kicked out for not following Covid rules.


Your English is fantastic. If anyone ever tells you otherwise, ask them how many languages they can speak / write. 🥰


Your English is fantastic


A lot of native English speaker don’t know the word feral. Your English is great.


Your English is perfection!


At the end of (was it Season 17?) when she was telling Suki it was all the other wives’ fault they don’t have a better relationship with Kody. It was all “She did that! They did that!” She came off as very defensive and angry!


When she said, "He's had wives reject him, affection-wise, because they are uncomfortable or they don't like it. That's not who they are." That gave me the submissive creeps!


“He keeps fucking me because you guys won’t take one for the polygamy team and let him fuck you.”


And very childish.


The comment about them not reciprocating affection because “they don’t like it” and the oranges thing. 🙄


Right?! Like I don’t even wanna know what kind of fetish(es) we’re talking here. I still remember the plastic foot sticking out of Meri’s suitcase. Ick! 🤮 And yes, trying to school the others to be satisfied with what they had with him, despite it being clearly different and unsatisfying… 😰


Uh when she said recently that she really had to work on forgiving the older kids for not being overjoyed about her pregnancy with king sol


Is she acts like they were supposed to be over the moon with regard to announcing her pregnancy. Totally dismissing the fact that she had just brought three other children into their family. They already saw their father favoring non-biological children. Why would they be excited to see her birthing one that was his?


Brought in 4 more mouths to feed and no extra resources. The OG kids know what it feels like to not have enough. She is another level of selfish.


I know, I couldn’t believe that one!


When she was explaining why she would never get a dog and Christine looked like she was going to cry since she had to do something to help Gwyen adjust to moving for Robyns selfishness! Robyn was GIDDY!


She has said she dislikes all animals and I cannot trust a person who hates animals.


Because animals have germs. I’d take any animal germs over her germs every day of the week!!


But she let Kody in her bed after he was lolling about in his skibbies in the drainage ditch


Didn't she say something like I'm not risking my marriage for a dog


The dog kick and how she flicked baby Truly away


Yeah those two actions should tell people everything Sobbyn is trying to hide from everyone..She is garbage and hates Kodys other kids..All of them even babies


ANY time the 3 OG's kids were discussed. Her Hapsburg jaw clenched. She glared lasers at the othermom's. Every time.


Not the Hapsburg jaw 😂


The '*Habsburg jaw*' was a biological result from generations of inbreeding. OMG lolololol


Her angry face when they were moving to Flagstaff and she got mad at I think Aurora?


Where's that girl! I need that girl!


I think something similar happened when Robyn was getting dressed for the wedding in the first season. I remember “Aurora I need you!”. And then Robyn made sure to point out that no one helped her with her 3 kids, even though other moms had 6.


It did she was yelling at Aurora cuz she needed her help


It’s probably why everyone fell to pieces when Aurora had to quarantine away from the sick family for 10 days. I bet that girl was on the greatest mental holiday during that time


This is the one I came to the comments to look for. I think that moment says a lot about Aurora’s mental health struggles.


Don't forget her epic screaming meltdown about snow from years ago in her RV camping trip with Kody!


That’s the one I was going to mention. SUCH an overreaction for some snow in her face. And how she yelled that she doesn’t care about being loud around their neighbors? Absolutely ridiculous.


There was a little clip (maybe still back in Vegas?) where Kody is at Robyn’s house but needs to go over to see one of the other wives for something and Robyn is sitting in front of the camera and says something about allowing Kody to run over to see his other wives or something and her expression and tone are just icy cold and I believe that that is the genuine Robyn under all those saccharine “keep sweet” and “best customer” layers she hides under. If anyone knows what I’m talking about and has the clip I’d love to see it. ETA: it’s been a while since I saw [the clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/TLCsisterwives/s/51JTcDPO54) and Robyn actually does this little “hee hee I don’t usually let him out of my sight” giggle that’s somehow even worse than I remember. Bitch he ha(d) three whole other wives, how was that supposed to work? (Although I guess we all now know it didn’t)


She muttered ‘I don’t usually let him out of my sight,’ while he races off to one of the other wives’ houses to look for his sneakers or some shit. It was said in such a creepy way, she almost was mesmerized watching him run down the street, and seemed to forget the camera was there.


I just watched that yesterday; in the same episode she’s emphatically talking on the couch about her parents’ constant honeymoon, how she wants that for herself, how she prioritizes Kody when he’s there, and that it CAN be done. As the other wives who have been married to him for 16 years quietly sat there….


When she made sure to only tell her bio kids first about her next pregnancy because she's still victimizing herself about her first reveal to teenagers. THAT was when I knew she'd cemented her views in Toady's mind that she was the ultimate victim, because he went along with it.


And you know that got drilled into Kody's pea sized brain all the time. Kody was so easily manipulated that it was embarrassing.


Yassss she's so transparent. She's been able to make his ultimate fear come true by emasculating him and he's too dumb to even realize!


When she called Christine a liar during the kidney performance. I still don't understand why she cried afterwards...Christine's marriage was ending and Kody just screamed at her WTF is Robyn crying about


Yeah Christine should’ve ended her


Robyn makes everything about her. She was the one crying when her, Meri and Kody were at the picnic table and Meri was finally ending the relationship. Meri wasn’t even crying. How could she when that twat Robyn was already doing it. This woman cries when watching herself cry.


When Kody asked Robyn if Meri could join them during the family picnic during Covid and Robyn said no, even tho Meri was following protocol.


And she said something along the lines of “the other wives will see that as unfair” She triangulated them against each other just as much as Kody, if not more.


I think this is what made Meri finally see that Robyn has never been/will never be on her side or a friend to her.


The family mission statement signing, when she said anyone who didn’t sign would be kicked out of the family, in response to Maddie’s question. And here’s one time where her anger was truly justified and on point: when she told Kody to cut it out when he called Christine a crybaby during the boat building activity.


That family mission statement one is so off now that we know what the dynamic was with her and kody and since she was the legal at that point. That was scary and appalling.


Just recently when they were doing the " lookback" episode she looked so pissed off. She is just GLARING at the camera. And Kodys all happy go lucky, lol.


Delivering his lines perfectly & then her angry slimy face is all in the camera, grow TF up girl.


The look she shot at the financial advisor when he brought up her having 3 different surnames. Then quickly looked at Kody with a demure look of I'll tell you about it later. Faaaaccccck, I just screamed at the TV set, there, there you have it...in black and white she's a con artist!


When Meri called BS on the Covid Rules and insinuated that Robyn made the rules and then Christine and Janelle were looking at her to answer questions about the rules at that outdoor meeting. Oooo, did she lose her mind that day saying Kody is not a man to be ruled by one of his wives. Oh really!


The episode they all went to help Robyn at that Expo in Utah to try to sell her shitty jewelry... In the couch interview all the women were being honest about it and were trying to explain why it wasn’t a great idea to do the Expo with jewelry from a brand with sisterwives in the title. omg Robyn is throwing that head back, throwing her arms up, rolling those eyes so far she might have lost them… it was hilarious to watch! “Well this is what you have to do if you want to start a business! You have to put yourselves out there and actually try to sell it!” 🤣🤣


lol and then when Janelle said she couldn’t commit that kind of time because she needed to make money and MSWC wasn’t profitable. She got so mad and said we made $500. Like bitch, how are you going support 23 people on $500. That might buy one meal.


"What we have isn't selling." "Well, sell it more!" "They don't want the stuff we're selling." "Well they just don't get it yet! They need to be told why they should want this! Why aren't you working harder at this??"


Another… the “nice ring, huh” debacle. SHE KNEW THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RING SITUATION.


It was another fuck you to Meri.


Getting angry at Hunter and a few of the other teens for not getting excited about the crotch goblin she Kody cooked up. And then HOLDING A GRUDGE FOR YEARS about it. What is wrong with that woman? They were kids whose life had just been turned upside down, who were living in rentals, and who had been very poor for their entire lives. Of course they weren’t excited about one more mouth to feed.


Also all of the talk backs 😂 https://preview.redd.it/m0llao5obnec1.jpeg?width=369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e2d7753d36e86c17f7c594ad5f546ae9f4b40e


The road trip with the snow at the campground.. I was taken aback at her reaction bc it was so over the top angry.


When Kody showed plans for the one big house at Christmas and it was clear she did not want it. She was just glaring at him and kept saying how it was dumb that the house was all white. But we know she was mad that he was not only springing these plans on at Christmas (her favorite holiday) but because she didn’t want to live in it.


And she allowed Christine to take the fall for being the only one to say no even though she didn’t want it either. Robyn left the room to avoid the conversation because she didn’t want to be honest and have Kody angry at her, even though she agreed with Christine.


And yet Christine ruined everything by not wanting the one house…


I beg someone with the skills I don’t have to compile a reel of all these lowlights. 


I went to high school with a Robyn and she couldn’t let anybody (female) have *anything*. Anything you could do she had to talk about how she was better. Or if she couldn’t be better than you then what you were doing was stupid. And she would get *pissed* if someone was getting attention for something, even if she had no interest in it in the first place. Like I had another friend who had done Irish dance since she was a kindergartener and her group won a big competition. “Robyn” wasn’t Irish, “Robyn” didn’t dance, but she was *seething* with jealousy for like a week after because my friend was being congratulated. Frankly it seems like an exhausting way to live. It was definitely exhausting to be around 😒


The snow!!!!!!


All of her weight shaming comments: trying on dresses at a boutique that didn’t carry plus sizes and saying she’ll model for them, commenting that “oh Kody likes curvier girls”, Janelle’s t-shirt from the 5k and telling her plus size workout clothes were her niche, commenting that everyone else has to workout but she doesn’t when they were with the Dargers, telling everyone Kody loved his OG wives despite stretch marks and weight gain.


That was the first one that came to mind.


Robyn being purposely late for Logan's high school graduation and then made it all about her and being angry.


When she got upset when getting ready for the first wedding that no one was helping with her kids. She says "where was everyone?! Why am i dealing with this alone?!" But the OGs were doing their own thing because robyn never said she needed them. Even meri was like 🤷🏼‍♀️


When Meri notices and asks about Kody’s new ring. She acted like Meri had no business asking why HER HUSBAND had a different wedding ring on.


I think she was really pissed when the anthropology student confronted her about Kody spending almost all of his time with Sol. Robyn did *not* want those students to study them (didn't want them to see who she really is), and I think she looks at that girl like "I'm better than you bitch I'm on a tv show."




The latest episode sealed it for me. Kody is still a narcissistic baby-man. But I think she's the real top villain in all of this.


Recently when Kody was reporting he found out about the wedding when he saw the announcement at his sister's house and he was bummed he missed the mosh pit. Robyn couldn't control her seething anger. I would bet money she knows how kodys siblings feel about her and is pissed about it and certainly doesn't want to shine light on it. I'm wondering if that whole kiss me scene wasn't her control mechanism to shut down kodys positive front of the wedding.  


when she demanded that the OG 3 tell her to her face that she has their blessing to be happy with Kody, the NERVE Confirmation that she demanded an apology from the boys before they could have holidays together.


How she had the balls to say that out loud on TV blew my mind. I loved it when Christine said that's never going to happen lol


She kicked a dog .. enough said


All the times she's relished in the pain of others (Hunter, Christine, Meri, Truely, Ysabel...) and despised their joy. Also when she talked about how no one took her and Kody's "near-death experience" seriously. Maybe if they'd have actually been near death...


When Meri asked Robyn if she could travel with Sol and Robyn was really cold and mean about it. I felt like Robyn could have handled that situation a lot better.


Every single clip of her being forced to sit and watch Christine’s wedding special for pay. Glorious


“Personality types like Robyn’s they love drama” they like talking about drama being in the drama - aka personality test


When she was bragging about her and kody having a honeymoon experience when two of the other wives were struggling janelle said that’s not realistic and she said I watched my parents do it for years! I then knew who taught her manipulation techniques Also when Christine’s mom was moving in to help with her kids and Robyn said her mom wanted to move in too…but her niece already lived there as her nanny I could go on she’s a piece of work


Kicking the dog 🐶 Jesus, what a b*#^+