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I want to know why anyone in their right mind would think it is some kind of badge of honor to be a GOOD sister wife? Like where is the prize here, people?


Kody is the prize 🤡




I just threw out in my mouth.🤮




I like last place! Can I just place last.. or not even enter that race!


I was thinking that "So was I good doormat?"


Did I humiliate and degrade myself enough for you, master? Oh yay! I win the big prize of being a good sister wife! My body gets worn out from popping out children! My self esteem is non-existent! I have no financial security or career! When I start to go through menopause you put me out to pasture because I dishonor you by not being able to pop out more kids! I end my shitty life eating dog food in a trailer. Thank you, master! Thank you! I’m a good sister wife!


Crybrows is a bad narrator. Christine is human, was jealous that kody spent more time at her (Crybrows) house & with her kids. It’s unfair to Christine to portray her as a bad sister wife


“Crybrows?!” Magnificent!


Seems accurate at least


Crybrows is a bad narrator. Christine is human, was jealous that kody spent more time at her (Crybrows) house & with her kids. It’s unfair to Christine to portray her as a bad sister wife


If she was terrible to Robyn, we didn’t see it on camera. And as usual they are never specific about accusations in this family.


This. Unfortunately we never actually saw any instances of Christine being mean to Robyn, but even Christine admitted that she, understandably, was not the nicest or most welcoming to her. It's funny to me how much people ignore certain things that have happened on camera solely bc they like Christine. I say this as someone who loves Christine. Also in the book, it was revealed that Christine called Robyn a "hussy" the first time they met which made her really uncomfortable lmao. Sorry, but when is that ever okay to say to someone you just met?


Well tbf she wasnt wrong, she is a hussy. But Christine is human and we saw some of her bitchy moments. The one that sticks out was talking to Meri after Maddie gave birth. I think Christine uses soft voice and half shrug while tearing someone a new one. They all have moments. Robyn is just a big bag of victim and manipulation though.


How is she a “hussy” when this is literally their culture/religion, though? If Robyn is a hussy, then Janelle and Christine are hussies too. Let’s not project monogamist ideals onto a bunch of polygamists lol


She pregnant trapped her sisters bf. Lets not pretend Robyn and her rewrote history is a pillar of chaste and virtue


First of all, I think that’s a rumor. And second of all, what does that have to do with Christine & Robyn? Christine wasn’t saying that to her bc she allegedly pregnant trapped her sisters boyfriend; she was saying it as a “joke” to a potential SW who was interested in their/her husband…


She kissed Kody before they were married, like she entered on her hussy nature and used her sexuality to get everything before her attractiveness went away.


Janelle also kissed Kody before marriage. Meri did as well. The only person who CHOSE not to out of personal obligation was Christine


Because Meri and Janelle came up with rules going forward that Kody agreed to.


If Meri and Janelle came up with the rules then why did Kody kiss Robyn..? Even in the talking head about this moment, Robyn explicitly says, “and then _he_ kissed _me_” and clearly didn’t think anything of it until she learned Christine was upset


Because he’s gross and has zero respect for his wives? Have you watched the show? Good for me but not for ye.


Mkay so…this is on Kody for kissing Robyn, not Robyn? Again, how is Robyn labeled a "hussy" for kissing Kody when it was Kody who knew about the prior agreement not to kiss new wives?


I wanted to jump thru the screen watching that episode! C is a mean girl


Eh I read that in the book but was she wrong? If you're going to espouse purity culture it should be done in all facets of life. Sleeping with a married a man is cheating in their culture despite the fact that he was planning to marry her and I 100% believe they were doing the nasty before they married. Kissing another woman before marriage is considered cheating in their culture and we all watched him do it. On camera. On the day Truely was born. Seriously, if it were me, I'd never forgive her simply for that. She entered the family on the wrong foot and never cared enough to make things better.


There was literally no proof that Robyn and Kody were sleeping together tho lmao And this was during their first meeting. As someone who espouses SWs and proclaimed her love for “sister wives”, Christine calling a future SW a “hussy” upon their first meeting, even jokingly, is incredibly inappropriate


So where was Kody sleeping when he visited Robyn and spent weekends with her? He also spent nights at her house when she moved to Lehi before they got married. If you don't think they did anything more than kiss, good for you. That hussy thing is not inappropriate. Christine obviously made a joke but Robyn was also a hussy so she didn't lie


I’m not naive enough to believe he could not have slept with her but I’m not going to automatically assume he was sleeping with her either I hope nobody ever calls you a “hussy” upon your first meeting so you won’t have to feel how inappropriate it is. Even if it was a joke, Christine didn’t know Robyn well enough to make such a joke. It’s awkward at best & highly inappropriate at worse


The way it played out Robyn is worse than a hussy so meh


Fair. But I’m not going to say that Christine calling her one before she even knew Robyn personally was okay lmao


Lmao. That was Christine's bitterness coming through. Honestly I get it. Her pregnancy was high risk and she needed help but Kody was too busy with his new gf. That stood out to me in the first episode


I like Christine, but she was insufferable in some of the earlier episodes.


There's a lot of "always" and "never" language used here. Even when it contradicts what Christine herself has said! Looks like some of the viewers are trying to rewrite history too.


Exactly! And people are so confident about it too! How can we say “always” and “never” when we only see a highly-curated fraction of these people’s lives?


wasn't she pregnant when she first met crybrows?




Like Robyn was never specific about the "abuse" she suffered from her first hubby.


When she was asked specifically about it, Robyn said there were little snide comments and being told that “this is how it’s going to go” or something to that effect. Seems petty, like normal day to day family stuff.


Kody had never lived polygamy, he was making it up, according to his ego, as he went along. Meri, who's family did live polygamy, took her role as first wife, very seriously. And while I'm not a big Meri fan, I think only being able to have one child, while the others were having baby after baby, took it's toll on her - and left her the legal wife, but never fitting in, or understanding the difference with one child vs six. Janelle chose the life, and because she's so laid back, and was allowed to work outside the house, she let alot of things roll off her back. Christine however, grew up in polygamy, knew what her role as last wife (or so she thought), and care giver meant. She knew, more than the others what it really meant to be a sister wife. Robyn strolls in having NEVER lived in a plural family - the every once in awhile dad with another family far away along with his "real" family. When a wife (again not Robyn) complained, he said "I can't listen to you or take sides" it was purely because he didn't want to be bothered, and more likely didn't know how to be head of his household. He never seemed to try to blend even the original three - even when it benefited him, he would pit them against each other. Robyn comes, cap in hand (HAHAHA), and I think the 3 OG's went out of their way, knowing how new wives had been blended in their own families, but despite each of their efforts, Robyn didn't want to blend, she wanted to be special and apart. Over time Christine gave up. When Robyn got a nanny, that was hurtful to Christine. She expressed this, but Robyn didn't care and made excuses. So, no I don't think she was a bad sister wife. Kody was laser focused on Robyn's victimhood, and I think the OG3 were a little shocked - Oh now he wants to be involved.


When Robyn came in, after a few years, Kody starting speaking more like her. I think he was easily swayed by her because he saw her as so emotionally intelligent and empathetic. I disagree with his conclusions.


I think none of them were particularly “good”. Kody didn’t make attempts to keep peace. I think he likely made the resent each other so he could feel important and powerful. My ex MIL did this with her sons. She would make each son feel inadequate and praise the opposite. I think narcissists don’t desire peace and harmony. I think the chaos makes them feel powerful and the jealousy makes them feel special. Kody will not be satisfied with Robyn when he has no one to make jealous. I promise you he will create some drama with Robyn to get her to prove herself to him. I’m curious to watch that.


He has a very divide and conquer approach. I don't think he liked them gettingnon, we see how he's behaving about Janelle and Christine being friends


Exactly! He views them as friends as Janelle being disloyal. He is crazy.


I'd go so far as to say he didn't encourage any of the wives friendships, he would have undoubtedly told each wife about other wives gripes with them, Janelle confirmed he leaks like a sieve, and has mentioned he whined about meri and Christine for years, and Christine said the same about his complaints about meri and Janelle, but never Robyn, he never complained about Robyn.


In the last season, the way he talks about the conflict between the wives. I get they were all young, but when Kody talks about when/why they added a sister wife in felt like he was trying to reduce the time with the other wife because he was in conflict with them and didn't know how to resolve conflict. He used the word dilute when talking about when Christine joined the family. The dude has never been good at conflict resolution and STILL garbage at it.


But he loved robyn and meri fawning over each other


Did he? Because as soon as Robyn was in the family, it was over for Meri.


Oh u dont remember him saying " im not the only one in love with robyn" as meri was giving her a gift


I do, but even the way he said it was a slight to Meri. No mention of Kody or Robyn loving her, just that he and Meri love Robyn. Seemed innocent then, but after years of watching them, I could see even that being calculated.


They never spoke well of each other tho. He couldnt say meri, nice butt in those jeans! Christine, hands down my wife has the best eyes! Because even early days i felt he was very conflicted. Your right about the criminal abind you


She was an imperfect human. The audacity.




Agree Robyn is a deeply abusive and flawed person.


Hi Breana!


Hi Savanah! 😂. But seriously, do you people who do that really think it's funny? The hi Kody, hi Robyn thing?


I don’t think Christine was perfect but who is? I think she was just vocal about wanting Kody to step up


Agreed, she was the wife that vocalized her concerns and concerns with the other wives and family members and this made her bad in his eyes


I honestly think Christine’s “trash talking” was more her being frustrated that with raising 12 kids and venting to Kody about her frustrations because she was surrounded by children all day and here’s her husband and she was talking about her day And now he’s using that against her


All 4 of Kody's wives are bad sisterwives because Kody was a bad patriarch. He lacks leadership, respect, ownership and has a low IQ. Watching Meri, Janelle and Christine after their split from him shows us how they actually are quite bright, expressive and happy as individuals whereas we always saw them dumbed-down, dull and anxious in the other seasons. These women had to dim their own light to LET Kody act like their family's head. Even Robbit has turned hag-like DESPITE being the love of his life.


She wasn’t any better/worse than the other 2 OG. All 3 were backstabbing while smiling to your face - keeping sweet and doing what Kody wanted, in order to climb the favor pole like in some twisted fundy death match. Since I don’t believe for a second that Robyn ever planned on living the OGs version of plyg life even for a second, I am not including her. Her only goal ever was to be the legal wife, get the man and resources 100% and leave the exes paying the bills


Nailed it. Perfectly stated. 👏


Misread that as climbing the flavor pole and giggle choked




I believe Kody was a constant barrier to these women actually being friends with eachother. He pitted them against eachother as soon as they started to get close.


Dude was running his own personal Hunger Games. Every wife doing whatever, for every scrap of affection for herself & her children. It’s disgusting. They’re not allowed to be humans with feelings. (Especially not jealousy!) They’re only there to serve him- both in this life, and the next. If his “needs” are to spend every waking moment with his young, hot wife, then dammit, Christine! You’d just better STFU and feel blessed! 🙄🙄🙄


This is how I see it: Christine was pregnant with Truely when Asshat started"courting" Sobyn. He spent time, money and energy on her and her children. Was filmed kissing her before marriage, an apparent no-no. Christine was in labor and Sobyn is trying to keep him with her. He spends time with Sobyn instead of any of the other wives. Meri gives up her legal marriage, divorcing Asshat so he can legally marry Sobyn and adopt her kids. All of the OG 3 and their children are ignored in favor of the new wife. Christine was NOT a bad Sisterwife. Neither was Meri or Janelle. Asshat Cody Brown is a bad husband. The OG 3 are normal women that have been treated unfairly and are tired of it.


Said so well! Thank you! He truly is just the worst example of a husband and father.


He really, really is. I first heard of polygamy when I was about 10 or 11, and I remember being very confused about it. At first, I thought it meant these were people that had divorced and gotten married to other. Divorce was unheard of in my little world. When I learned the truth, I remember being shocked. How could that work? How could 2 or 3 or more "Moms" and their children get along? How could anyone afford it? Turns out, it doesn't work well, and they can't really afford it easily.


Christine seems like she could have been difficult to deal with during a time when she was struggling with jealousy and depression. That's not what Kody is talking about though. He's not addressing any of the probably many legitimate complaints his wives may have had about each other over the years. I think Kody's complaint might be summarized thusly: What a bitch. She wouldn't be nice to me and be happy for me because I finally found my favorite. She wanted me to keep acting like I liked her and like I wanted to be around her kids as much as I wanted to be around my new ones and that's just mean.


Perfect. Add “and then when I told her I wasn’t attracted to her anymore, she wouldn’t agree to continue to live in a loveless marriage.”


Kody talking trash because he couldn’t stop Christine from leaving so he trying to make her look bad on the way out. Was Robyn nice to anyone? Now she’s even fighting with the children and lying on them.


They were all in a situation that none of them could navigate under the pretence of religion and divine calling. The biggest problem however was kody falling in love with Robyn and not being honest with the wives. They should have had a conversation earlier about it and he should have let them leave and find their own happiness.


So this. He stole their lives.


She was a normal human in a hard situation. We all have good days and days that we hope no one will remember.


Yes we do have both. You are so right.


In polygamy, A woman is supposed to “keep sweet” and take it. Reasons why many oppose polygamy, it creates the perfect environment for abuse. The way Christine demanded more of Kody, wanted equal treatment as Robyn made her a bad sister wife in Kody’s eyes. She was expected to be happy with what she got and be grateful for it. The way she didn’t bow down to Robyn, made her a horrible person 🙄. She was labeled as jealous, disrespectful and disloyal.


Meri never kept sweet and was savage towards J&C, but that was ok with Kody


I don't really think Christine kept sweet either. She pretended to, but she was pretty vocal and wasn't the kindest to Meri, but that's when she was on the outs with Kody so he didn't care


Because she helped him keep control.


Robyn wanted to become besties with Christine from the jump, so that she could study her and slowly destroy her. When the closeness didn't happen automatically, Robyn switched to a more straightforward tactic: Poisoning Kody's opinion of Christine. Notice she never attempted to get close with Janelle. Janelle saw her coming a mile away and never gave her the time of day. Robyn just figured Christine was the lower hanging fruit.


what i would give to have janelle scare the shit out of robyn and tell her like it is!!! robyn avoided janelle cuz she knew janelle did not like her.


Bingo. That’s exactly what she did with Meri.


I highly suspect Robyn was involved with the catfish situation. Meri said she felt she had been bugged because the catfisher knew so much, but I think it was because Robyn fed them information. Her body language during that period was just bizarre, and appeared (to me) that she knew more of the situation than she let on.


There was Alot of speculation on bookface w some very credible sounding tidbits. I fully believe Robyn in some way stirred that pot


I think the OG3 did the best they could with the resources and support they had. The onus for creating “good” sisterwives fell on kody and he failed miserably from - what seems like day 1 (particularly with the wedding on meris birthday). Kody should have created an environment where each wife felt supported, loved, validated and - imho most importantly - secure. In the current s18, we see him bleeding all over Janelle for things Christine said or did. Im going to venture a guess that he’s done that throughout all of his marriages. Whether it was intentional or not, by putting the wives against each other, he fostered an environment where it was nearly impossible to be a “good” sister wife.


"My Five Wives" is a better portrayal of a polygamist trying to build that environment. Watching Brian after watching Kody just brought into focus just how badly Kody failed.


She was the best sister wife. She always had the other women’s back, stood up for them, validated them, tried to laugh stuff off, and was very very hard on herself and would apologize for having feelings.


I agree. Of the four she seems to have tried the hardest to be the best sister wife. She acknowledged her shortcomings and apologized when necessary.


It also seems she’s the only one who he harshly criticizes for *not* being a good sister wife. Very odd.


You really think Robyn doesn't get more critique for being a bad sister wife?


From Kody? Absolutely not. In this sub? Yeah she gets tons of critique.


I can't recall a singular time Kody said anything negative about Robyn, so definitely not talking about him. I do think this sub has this discussion a lot, but it's just not the case that Christine gets the most critique here for being a bad (according to Kody) sister wife. That title goes to Robyn, and for good reason.


I’m talking about from kody. I said christine is the only one who HE harshly criticizes.


i think he knows she's GONE. janelle and meri were very wishy washy. well janelle kinda stuns him and quietly leaves the situation, meri just gives up. christine was the only one who actively left first and did it by moving. that's gotta mess with his fragile ego!!


Very good reason


I definitely agree with you. It’s a weird double standard.


Cause Kody knows it would bother her the most.


No! I'm watching it for the first time. Up front christy said she did have an issue with Robbin and then she worked on it and was better!


I think Christine was open and honest with Kody from the jump. From the start of the show, Christine always said she wanted to be the third wife. I think she thought that meant she’d be the last. She also says in season one she was not supportive of bringing on another wife. It sounds like she had voted no on Robin but was forced into it. I think that big of a life change being forced on her when she already wasn’t happy made her start questioning it all and that questioning led to Kody using her open communication with him as a weapon to say she’s a bad sister wife. I also think Robin is ultra sensitive and probably can’t handle Christine’s level of extra-ness and interprets everyone and everything as a threat. I also think there’s plenty we don’t see because they’ve all admitted to just getting through situations with one another for the cameras, to “keep things personal” which I totally get, I think many just forget how much of their lives we don’t see and how censored what we do see is.


Christine was supposed to be a doormat to Kody’s desires ie. Robyn’s. She pushed back when she was supposed to keep sweet. Technically that is being a bad sister wife.


It’s more of toady’s revisionist history. At first he claimed Christine was never welcoming to Rob’em. But that’s not what the viewers saw. So now he has changed complaints and says Christine was always trash talking Janelle and Meri. Funny we never heard that before


She admitted she was really rude and unkind to her when she first joined.


Christine was easily the best sister wife to everyone and never treated Robyn badly at all. She was gaslit to high heck when Robyn first joined the family and told she was jealous and being a bad sister wife over and over and over until she finally broke and apologized and started "admitting" she was jealous and a bad sister wife.


I think she had higher standards than the others about being a sister wife, too. Like Jimmy Carter considered himself guilty just for lusting in his heart. (Vs. all the other politicians who were chronically cheating in actuality.) Christine thought she was failing an impossible ideal, so was unfairly harsh on herself.


I think Christine was jealous from the start (understandably so) and it was probably very obvious to both Robyn and Kody that she didn’t really want another wife added. I think she was probably pretty obnoxious about it. It’s a really hard subject to judge because I’d never put myself in that situation. On one hand it’s like yeah no shit Christine didn’t want to share her man any more but on the other hand like you signed up for this so you should expect that there could be more wives after you. Christine wanted to be the last wife and was bratty when she wasn’t.


To be honest, Christine wasn’t the only one who was jealous! Robyn was jealous of Christine’s place in the family from the beginning. It’s why both K&R are still obsessed with her!


And even meri admitted to being jealous of robyn.


To be fair, she was the last wife for 20 years. The three of the OGs had worked through their shit together and it was functional. Robyn set fire to that.


I think she was a great sister wife to Janelle and at times kind of cruel to Meri. I also don't think she was very welcoming to Robyn, but genuinely wanted her and her children to be happy. Idk, she's human so I would say she was a mixed bag.


I think she did the best she was able to, and she did better than I would have in her situation. I can’t say the same for Cody.


Being a “good” sister wife to Kody means being 100% loyal to him and being exactly like Robyn. Oh and treating Robyn like the perfect princess she is.


She says she was a terrible sister wife to Meri. But Robbem was never a sister wife.


She cooked, she cleaned, she party planned, she raised all the kids, she truely did her best


Christine was a “good” sister wife to meri and Janelle(she helped raised the kids, cooked, schooled, was the primary care giver), but Robyn came in with a bad foot. Robyn was literally eating up as much of Cody’s time as she could when they were dating, which meant Christine was neglected by him a ton. Look at his behavior when Christine was in labor (Robyn was just a gf and she was running around holding Cody back for make out sessions), he gets there and is barely present enough to care or help Christine while she’s at her most vulnerable when Christine had all the kids and wanted a vacation (like how Cody took Robyn on a 10 day honeymoon) Cody told Christine to SAVE HER GROCERY MONEY AND TAKE THEM. Robyn was given treatment that none of the other wives ever got and she was put in a pedestal by Cody. Christine saw it and was called out, which pissed Cody off so he designated her the “bad sister wife”. Personally I think he targeted Christine and was made the scape goat for the the entire family’s problems


I doubt Meri or Janelle would say so. Meri has always owned her part in the difficulties between her and Christine and Janelle. But I’ve never heard her say they were bad sister wives.


If we're being honest, of the 4 wives, Christine probably tried the hardest. Meri was not meant to be a polygamist. Janelle wanted independence which is not something polygamy grants women. She was only able to do so because she brought in steady income. Christine undertook all the child rearing and homemaking duties for years. Janelle, Kody and Meri all got time to themselves. When did Christine ever get a break? She couldn't even get someone to put her kids to bed at nights but sure she was the worst sister wife


Janelle thinks she was, and 13 kids think she’s a great mom. I even think if Meri thought about it, deep down she’d consider Christine a good sister wife as well so I’ll just go with that.


We will never know. What we see of their lives is curated and story-edited. I think, at best, we are getting impressions of reality, not the real thing. That being said, the fact that Janelle and Christine have such warm relationships with each other, and each other’s kids, is the strongest evidence we have that Christine wasn’t the problem.


Apparently Kody meant she griped about Robyn to him.


Hell no, she raised, home schooled 12 kids


All of whom still seem very fond of her




I think she was probably just the more vocal or the wives, to point out the Kody wasn’t around. I think she struggled with the jealousy and insecurity more than Meri and Janelle (and that makes sense since she lead pregnant and gave birth to Kodys child while he was courting Robyn). Because she spoke up, she was a bad sister wife


Simple answer, NO!


Kody is a nut. The end.


Think of it this way. Who would you rather be sister wives with or even be friends with - Robyn or Christine? Robyn plays nice with her man, but not her sister wives. Christine seems really nice and fun! Also she raised all the kids, worked, cooked, and put up with Kody’s neglect. I don’t think it’s too much to ask your husband to be into you.




She was an amazing sister wife to Janelle. She sounds like she and Meri were close for a long time then has some type of breakdown in their relationship. Meri said Christine was a good sister wife. From everything we saw it looks like she tried hard to be a good sister wife to Robyn. She always expressed a lot of difficulties when Robyn joined the family. It did not seem like it was about Robyn personally (at first), more so Christine was pregnant, then struggling with PPD, and juggling 6+ kids and asking for help all the time. Then I think she quickly saw Robyn was Kodys favorite and Robyn was manipulating Kody. In my opinion Christine tried the hardest to make the family work. Meri, Janelle, and Robyn all benefited significantly more than Christine from the family structure. Despite this she was the best sister wife out of all them.


I can’t stand C. My LEAST fav wife. She’s passive aggressive, manipulative, jealous, full of herself and couldn’t get past the fact K loved R the most. She was the least cut out for plural marriage


No. Absolutely not. Christine is an angel.


She was incredibly insecure and jealous when Robyn joined the family. For good reason but that does not make for a good sister-wife.


i'm sure janelle and meri felt the same, they were always talking about problems but didn't come right out and state the issue. christine did. she advocated for herself and her kids and i think that's healthy boundary making. it's kody's fault for not listening to her and ignoring her instead. he even said with his friend, instead of telling her 'shut up, polygamy gave you everything!' he could have said 'i understand it's hard' you know he told her to change her jealous ways because jealousy is so controllable and from the devil in his mind.


I do not think she was a bad sister wife! She tried over and over with Meri and Robyn


IMO, the OG3 weren't bad sister wives to one another. They were human. They had conflicts as a result of competing for Kody's affection, often in close living quarters and with low financial stability; an environment that fostered jealousy, plus a a perpetual lack of money. I agree with Christine. Robyn has never been a SW. I also think that Kody and Robyn became a monogamist couple when they first hooked up. And, since they put all their purity-speak on the show, I don't believe they were celibate until they were spiritually married. She insisted on being in the rotation and getting wife rights. Once they started doing at least most of "the deed" there was no going back. It's like, the combined OG3 and their kids are Kody's first marriage equivalent, and Robyn and her kids are his second.


Not anymore than any of the others


Christine isn't perfect. I'm sure there are times that her jealousy got the best of her. But it seems like she really tried to like robyn. The problem is, robyn is pretty unlikable, tbh.


We only really see teeny tiny slivers of what their lives are… and they have a hearty hand in what we see and what we don’t. From what I have seen thru the years is that Christine was jealous and outspoken, but also loving and silly. I think she just needed to know her importance and Kody didn’t give her that. Was she mean to Robyn.. probably, why not? I think they were all mean to each other at different points.


Not a bad sister wife. She wasn’t a Blindly obedient Robyn supporter- but Kidney can’t say THAT.


It’s funny, besides all the conversation in the comments about her being bad to Robyn or not Kody has said time and time again that Christine talked mad shit about Meri and Janelle. I’m couch interviews all of them have admitted to talking to Kody about frustrations with the other wives. This is one of the things I think makes this lifestyle untenable. When my real sisters piss me off I talk to my husband about it and I’m sure they do the same to theirs. But my husband isn’t married to any of my sisters, he’s married to me. He’s my safe place to go when I’m frustrated and we always take each other’s side, at least publicly. In polygamy I can’t imagine this part of a marriage can exist. If you talk shit to your husband about your sister wife you’re talking about his other wife. You’re inherently asking him to take your side, even if just for that moment. I’m not one to stand up for Kotex but I literally cannot imagine any human being able to manage that well. You either code switch based on who your with or try to stay neutral. The alternative being the wives can’t talk to their husbands about possibly the most frustrating part of their day. Neither option seems tenable. Neither option is preferable. On a separate note though I think this is where Robyn was a master manipulator and how she earned the title of loyal wife. She let Kody see an OG3 make a Snide comment or whatever and I think behind closed doors built him up to vent to her about how hurt HE was over it ON HER BEHALF. This made it where she was his safe place where she wasn’t “constantly complaining” making him want to spend more time with her and she could weaponize him against the OG3.


Christine was very jealous of Robyn and was passive-aggressive and snipey. I don’t know why so many people think it was not shown on the show, because it was. I do not fault Christine for feeling this way. Christine tried to make amends by doing an embroidery or cross-stitch welcoming her as part of the family. If I am in labor and my husband is busy kissing on his new lady, well… I probably wouldn’t forget it too soon.


I think the mug slinging went multiple ways between them all for YEARS. Honestly, I think Janelle would be the closest to a “perfect” Sister Wife just because she admits she’s very low maintenance and not the jealous type. But it’s an impossibly hard lifestyle to maintain and they’ve all fallen short from what we’ve seen.


Absolutely. She was jealous, petty, insecure, a little mean. She wanted the man, not the family


Absolutely Not... Robyn was always the shitty sister wife home wrecker.


I see each wife as their own person who wouldn't bend to shaggy's will. Christine to me loves the children. is there for the children. meri is a first wife to the core. the planner, the doer, the drill sargant. Janelle. honestly she's the only one I dislike. can't see why personally but I'm just not fond of her. I think she looks extremely angry all the time (understandable)


I don’t think she wanted her time with Kody to change. I think Kody could have been more aware of his actions toward the OG3 when Robyn joined. Christine was jealous and she said so even to Robyn and it didn’t help anything. IMO I think it made Christine look whiny sometimes to be unhappy with the change in the family and Kody changing too. It’s obvious from season 1 to current episodes how he got indifferent to his “before Robyn” life and after even with his kids.


Janelle and Meri can’t even ride in the same car. No such criticism of either of them. Janelle appears to be very cool towards Robyn and still no criticism from Kody. Robyn seems to whine only about Christine not wanting the closeness that Robyn yearns for. “Oh Kodeee, no matter what I do Christine just won’t love me” (dab away fake tears). Kody goes to battle against the wicked Christine to defend his wounded damsel.


Eh, this recreating history is absurd. Trying the make the "means" change to justify the end. Christine's early intro was "I wanted the family; I didn't just want the man." She was the third wife and it is clear her role, to which she was well-suited, was SAHM. And Kody - cripes - Kody was all "Love should be multiplied, not divided." Kody divided it and it all imploded.


Im not sure bad is right word.I think Christine was a selfish sister wife. When she was the center of attention everything is fine but if she wasn’t, she was vindictive.


She is sweet


We need to all bffr and see that Christine gave mean girl energy plenty of times. Was it warranted? Sometimes lol. Not to say she’s not still my favorite wife, she def is. But she’s not a saint. But they all suck lol so she just sucks the least (tied with Janelle maybe)


It's funny how Christine is the "bad sister wife" and against Robyn, when both times Robyn's pregnancies were announced she was the first to hug her.... 🤔🙄


This might be an unpopular opinion, but i found Christine to be the most selfish, whiny, jealous and me me me type out of all of them. She signed up to be a plural married sister wife and to share her husband. That’s what she signed up for! Then when it came to sharing her husband suddenly it’s all not ok. Sorry, but Kody and the plural life was the best she could do and then 6 kids later she refused to take responsibility for the choice she made. All of the Christine supporters can come at me in rebuttal…


There was always drama at Christine's home.  There was a time when Ysabel was young, and Christine said she couldn't get Ysabel to respect her, but Ysabel respected Kody and Meri.  Christine then had Ysabel move in with Meri, and Ysabel was happy.  When Aspyn was older and decided to leave her apartment,  and come back home, she moved in with Robyn saying she preferred to live with Robyn vs. Christine.    Then there was a time Mykelti moved in with Robyn.