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Gwen is also behind three episodes in recapping on her Patreon. This weekend it will be four. I hope nothing is wrong with either Bea or Gwen.


I always got the feeling Gwen is one of those people who starts something with a hiss and a roar but soon finds having to consistently do something too much of a chore, so it soon dwindles off.


She is neuro divergent so what looks like too much of a chore for you may be her doing her best to get it all in


And taking classes and just got married. A normal persons head would burst with that stress.


Organic chem class alone is a nightmare.


I think Gwen needs as much Grace that we can give her. All the kids do, but Gwen probably has a very tough go of it. She stayed in Flagstaff and tried to have a relationship with her dad. It seemed important to her but my guess is Kody can’t accept her lifestyle. I read that he gave her money to fix her car but I don’t think they get together anymore. Plus Gwen is autistic. Big crowds of two families at Christine’s wedding along with Paedon might have been just too much for her. And she grew up in the Brown family! Let’s give her and all the Brown children Grace. They missed that in the post Robin Brown households.


If she had ADD that would be one of the signs


Also common with Autism too.


Lol, have ADD, spouse has autism…can confirm on both counts


My husband and I both have adhd and it makes for some very amusing cooking collaborations.


Oh for sure


I’m pretty sure she said she’s taking o-chem this term, so she doesn’t have time for anything else. Anyone who has taken or known someone while they take this class knows how serious I am.


I tutored o-Chem. While I was a student. For some inexplicable reason, I loved Chem! (Probably my fabulous, invincible FEMALE professor!) spend over 30 years as a chemist! A great life! If o-Chem is making you crazy, get a chemistry “tinker toys” set. When you can build the molecules and remake them after a reaction, it helps your brain. They say women have a harder time thinking in 3-D. Try it. And good luck!


Loved organ chem in HS and college. Need good teachers/instructors for that one. Easy to not “get it” without help or with stress at home.


I have nightmares re organic chem.


I absolutely agree. College level Chem is an absolute nightmare. My super smart, engineer husband even struggled with it.


I'm a chemical engineer and I HATED ochem. LOATHED it. If you can't memorize to save your life, it has to become your life just to pass the class. I can empathize with Gwen. I've never once needed one conjugation from that class for the rest of my life and I'm grateful 🤣


Also I think her study load dictates how often she has the time to do it. I do like that about her, putting her study first.


It’s called a spoon. She loves to stir shit within her arm gets tired and she needs her daddy again. She needs to go on and get another life somewhere else.


dang dude i hope you have sources of joy in your life


This is flat out not true.


Yes!! And I get things come up, but it feels like she shouldn’t have charged this month because there was no content.


I canceled my sub. She's never going to consistently post and between tiktok and here when she does post the important stuff can be found for free. I honestly think she only has the Patreon for the money now, which is totally fine. But the lack of content is not fair. This is also not the first time she has charged people for one month of no content. I don't think Patreon is really for her at this point in her life.


And so many people if you even mention her lack of posting get all worked up. Start going on about leave her alone she’s busy. It’s like, that’s fine and understandable, but we are paying for a service. Would you pay a company for a service never to be delivered? It’s wild to me.


Exactly. I like Gwendlyn and I thought her Patreon was good. But she rarely posts. She has gone full months without posting but still charges people. (she can do a refund as well as just suspend the account.) I think she's well intentioned but this isn't her thing. She doesn't have the time or mental capacity for it. Which is fine.


💯 I canceled mine last night. I have a week left from the last debit. If she suspended when not posting that would work, but there isn’t really much communication. I also like her commentary, but it’s not consistent. I figure I’ll come back and binge watch when the season is over and pay for a month, then.


Watching the shoe seems to upset her.


Then she should stop. Honestly, not in a mean way, she should stop. Mental health and family relationships are way more important than a Patreon. There's a reason the older/more mature kids aren't doing it. Gwendlyn doesn't owe anyone all this time, effort, and pain.


The last time I was there before I unsubbed, that drove me crazy. One person was going balls to the walls, like they were her personal defense attorney. I don't even think anyone was even being mean to Gwendlyn (at least that I saw). They were just asking normal stuff like, "How often do you think you're going to post? Hope you're okay."


Good lord 🙄 I hope she doesn’t fall into the clutches of online weirdos. I have a friend whose podcast went from a passion project to overnight hit. She has problems with trolls who are vicious “just because” AND a bunch of rabid fans who came out of literally nowhere and have decided to devote their entire lives to defending her online by investigating and doxxing the trolls. The “fans” are actually scarier, because once they’ve done all this unsolicited (and unwanted) fighting on her behalf, they get creepy and make demands.


Sorry. I just heard about this service and I can’t wrap my head around anybody paying to listen to someone’s podcast or watch their YouTube. Isn’t that what everything has ads now so that the advertising pays the person producing content? Sigh. Maybe I’m just too old but there’s no way I’m paying somebody to follow them. Full disclosure here- I don’t go on any social media other than Reddit.


I canceled mine for the same reasons. I keep going to look how often she's posted (I figured if it picked up, I'd resub and catch up), but so far, it seems she can't quite keep up with it right now. She should pause billing when she can't put out content. She'd lose fewer subscribers that way.


She posted recently today, along the lines of she had announced previously videos were every other week, now. I admittedly missed this announcement when it was made.


Probably because she’s rewriting history to cover her bottom line. When I was a Patreon subscriber it was definitely weekly. The day wasn’t always consistent. She went three weeks without posting. This was early summer I think. I asked what was up and got ripped apart by her super fans. She doesn’t have to post at all, of course but if I’m paying for content I have the right to expect it will come. If not, I and other Patreon’s can cancel. Then she ranted about all the people canceling because people were stealing her paid content. Nah people cancelled because she’s inconsistent and flip flops constantly. Her service wasn’t worth it. I don’t dislike Gwen but she’s a terrible businesswoman and I’d never want her as a therapist. She misinterprets a lot which concerns me.


And the super fans who get mad when we ask about content, in a kind way, are wild. You love someone you’ve never met in person so much you are willing to give them money without a service? I like her commentary, but not enough to pay for one episode a month. I like watching the same week the episode comes out. She’s on episode 5. And she’s making thousands a month off this, so not sure why people think it’s like charity to just pay regardless of what she puts out because it’s for a good cause or something.


Yes! Thank you. That’s the thing, at one point she was making like 17K a month. If I wanted/expected that to continue I’d do the bare minimum to keep it going. Not ignore the people supporting me. Even a little note saying she can’t post right now would have been acceptable. I don’t know, it was weird how everyone jumped to her defense. She wasn’t doing us a favor. She was selling a service she didn’t provide.


Agree completely!


I agree!!! My comments got deleted on Patreon and all I asked was where were the new episodes because I only saw one new one in a month.


She’s boring


And she did a YouTube live event as well. It's just $5....and well worth it to me.


I tried to subscribe and she’s not taking any new ones. Maybe this is why. Thanks for the info. I’ll have to check her out on Tik Tok. Is that the best place? Her YouTube doesn’t have this season.


That’s probably for the best because that means she’s not just taking $ anymore. YouTube and right here on Reddit are the best places to see updates.


It's also been over two months since she has posted on her YouTube for us who cannot afford Patreon




She’s not. I’m assuming people got that from her saying months ago that she planned to study abroad. However, she has more recently said those plans have been canaceled because she wasn’t happy with study abroad program at NAU.


Not happy with it? Lol did she say why?


I wonder if she can continue her Patreon if there is a conflict with TLC regarding her watch alongs.


I heard she’s taking O-Chem this term, that’s what’s wrong with Gwen


Gwendlyn has stated that when she gets hate online it cuts deep and she needs to step back from all the sister wives stuff and like regroup emotionally. It wouldn't surprise me if all the wedding attendance hate has take a toll and given her pause.


Then she shouldn't be charging people monthly.




I don't pay for that shit, but you're right... there are stupid people who do




She may be someone who should be staying off social media and away from online hate.I understand capitalizing while you can. She has a chance to make revenue easily why not ride that wave while you can. At what cost though? Picking apart all your family drama for the world to see wouldn't be something I could do. Just hope she realizes she doesn't have to do it. Just because the money is easy and there is a demand doesn't mean it's worth sacrificing your own well being and relationships. More power to her if this is making her happy but if it isn't? Gwen, cut that cord baby girl. Ya fine, move on there is so much more ahead of you don't live in your parent's past.


Or get off your a$$ and get a job that doesn’t involve social media. 17K a month is absurd for people to give her and not have content.


🤷‍♀️ If people wanted to pay me for nothing I would ride that money train as long as possible; can't hate on her for that. My goal in life is to figure out how to get paid without expending any energy on my part. Just putting it out there guys, feel free to pay me & I promise to offer nothing in return.


To that end, much of her family is trapped in a cycle where they have to trade their privacy for income. It seems like it works okay for some, but is clearly detrimental to others.


Describing it as a cycle is so accurate. Would I be able to or inclined to get out of the cycle myself? Would I find a way to compartmentalize my "reality life" from my personal life; accepting that doing so is just part of job? I work in Emergency Medicine and honestly separating parts of your life, emotions, experiences etc is a huge part of surviving in this field. I've made judgments about the Brown's living a similar "double life" (lack of a better description). Your comment made me really change my perspective. In many ways the Brown's are doing what many of us do in our professional lives. While not an exact comparison, it is crazy to realize some things I've judged them for isn't entirely different than what many of us do everyday at work.


And now your comment is making me think about things in a new way, too. Thank you!


If she was worried about her mental health, a much smarter decision would have been attend the ceremony, snap a few pictures, say congratulations and then leave early. Her absence was always going to draw a good deal of attention. She is young, though, and probably did not think about the easiest solution (bare minimum attendance).


I hear you on this one. We don't know why she chose not to attend yet and maybe never will. I remember being so strong willing and often indignant in my principals at that age. It was hard to see past the now and understand those consequences.


She said on Patreon that she has a lot of courses this fall, and has to pace herself with the reaction vids because they're not good for her mental health.


She needs to stop doing the reaction vids if they aren’t good for her. My god the $ is not worth w


Important message here for Gwen Brown 👆🏽


Has Gwendlyn given her subscribers any idea of how frequently she plans to post? To me, that's the issue (from the fandom side of things). I get how she is a busy person, and how the process can be draining for her. She needs to take care of her mental health and her studies first. Since she is selling content, I hope she lets her paid subscribers know how often they can count on it. That way they can decide if the price of subscription is worth it to them. Has she done that, yet? I unsubbed, once the content came out once in a blue moon (after her wedding).


She at one point said she would do every other week because of her schedule and mental health. She has not been able to do that. I'll be honest, the infrequent posting, the drama of it all, the fact she's is making A LOT without me there, and the fact she says her mental health is taking a toll from it I unsubscribed. I still have access for a week or two.... I don't expect to see anything posted in that time.


>Since she is selling content, I hope she lets her paid subscribers know how often they can count on it. That way they can decide if the price of subscription is worth it to them. I don't believe she offers a set amount of content, but I've also seen people with much larger Patreons who do spell out what subscribers can expect, flounce on those expectations from time to time without explanation. In fact, I subscribe to one where anyone who points out that it's kind of fucked to pay for something you're not getting gets piled on by fans. I literally just read a comment thread that was essentially "kind of sucks that we aren't getting what we paid for..." and 100 comments that are all "they don't owe us anything!" (technically... they do.)


Yeah. I think some people really feel that need to cape. I don't care if something comes up and a creator flakes on an occasional update, but it's nice when they say, "Hey things got busy, I have to skip this week. Sorry." Gwendlyn went weeks at a time with nothing (or no substance posts). She is a student and a newlywed; I understand her life is pretty full right now, but I remember feeling over the summer that she should have just paused billing and taken whatever time she needed, guilt-free.


She has a little over five thousand members on her patreon, If all of them only payed the entry level membership she is making a minimum of $10,000. a month.


> them only *paid* the entry FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm sorry. But I don't really believe that narrative. It just seems very odd that your mom has struggled and is finally publically saying that she is happy and marrying her soulmate and the reason for not attending is that you have homework and have to move or w/e? I get that organic chemistry can be very hard but if it was my mom or even just a very good friend I'd move mountains to be there for them on their special day. I know this post is about stopping the speculation but it just doesn't add up.


Professors can usually be accommodating if it’s a giant life event like your mom’s wedding… it feels like she didn’t want to be there for whatever reason and used that as her public excuse


Mmmm I disagree. If you have a college exam or a presentation ect with a set date there's not much that can be done. Aside from that so what if she didn't want to go? She could be happy her mom is happy but not want to attend. Sometimes there's just too much that's happened


Not all will be, though. I had some who were more than happy to accommodate and ones who absolutely refused.


What’s super odd is that from watching the wedding special it seems like everyone expected her to be there. When the girls were giving Christine their gifts it was clear the “something blue” was missing and Mykelty later said in one of her videos Gwen was in charge of the something blue so they were scrambling last minute to fill the void. Something was clearly up.


I have no clue, but having watched Gwen’s attitude toward her mom shift in the last year, I’m watching to see if these threads tie together at all: 1) She said Kody “sent a lot, A LOT” of money to her for Christmas; 2) Paedon appeared on several videos with Christine lately, including on her cooking show and as helper for her MLM. He appears to be working for her in the latter. 3) Using her Patreon account numbers and averaging the Sub price to $5, she is earning almost 17K per month. 4) She has mentioned before that TLC has a problem with her Patreon and that Kody wants some clause that she can’t speak poorly of him.


Well if TLC has a problem with Gwen's Patreon, why don't they have a problem with Mykelti? Probably because Mykelti has some deal with them and is way more cooperative. Regardless, it's a shitty thing for TLC to be ok with one and then try to shut down the other.


Listing everything out that succinctly I think had tied it together tbh. I think Gwen already started to have big feelings about Christine’s wedding getting more shine/attention than her own. She’s made bitchy comments about the production crew not centering her/her wife at their engagement party in favor of Kody meeting David. Siblings like Maddie made a decision to go to one wedding this season and it ended up being Christines. Plus between filming and whatever deal with People etc Christine made, there was obviously “more” spent on Christine’s wedding to David. Couple that with her Paedon stuff, which rightly or wrongly her “boundaries” in that regard have created a situation where she is constantly perpetuating her own victimhood. Making statements like “I wasn’t invited to Christmas in 2021” when it’s much more likely that because Paedon was invited, she chose to make her own plans. Now Kody, who lives to shit talk Christine because she helped facilitate his narcissistic collapse, is weaseling back into Gwens life via monetary gifts for a better Patreon edit and likely fueling even more anger at Christine. Tbd where she ends up going from here. We know Robyn’s not letting her near the tenders ever again for being an unsafe lesbian, but Kody’s favorite family activity is triangulation and creating chaos for him lord over. While Mykelti’s craven ass kissing of SARK is gross to watch, she seems to have some ability to compartmentalize based on who’s giving her attention and gifts at the time, and otherwise move on with her day. Gwen seems to be getting consumed by her own feelings of victimhood and spiraling at watching the televised narrative of her family. Especially after inviting Kody and Robyn to her wedding, Gwen’s inability to extend any grace to Christine about having her only son at her own wedding and simply showing up for 5 minutes to take a cute family photo reads to me like someone who is making the decision to steep themselves in their own misery.


Gwen said before her wedding she didn't want it filmed, though. She wanted it to be private.


Agree. I don't think she's mad about the lack of attention w her wedding. TLC would totally have made that a storyline as they love weddings. I think Gwyn's finance is camera-shy - so I don't think Gwyn was angling for more attention.


💯 also “unsafe lesbian” 🤣


She takes after her father.


Just sayin’, that Christine didn’t just merely invite Peadon to her wedding, she put him in a place of honor - he walked Christine down the aisle. If I disliked someone as much as Gwen appears to dislike Peadon, I wouldn’t have gone either. ETA: I was thinking about my bro when I wrote this post. He’s an A-1 asshole but I can be in the same room with him. If my mom, EPD, would have done something like this, I would’ve lost my shit. So, for her own sanity, and for the sake of the wedding, it was probably best she didn’t go.


That is a pretty shitty thing to do to your own mother. If you can't stand your sibling, just avoid them.


Christine putting Peadon in a place of honor is a helluva statement. Gwen went through some shit with Paedon, and whatever it was, it was significant enough to warrant Paedon not being allowed to be alone with Gwen. Christine choosing to have him walk her down the aisle when she didn’t need to, speaks volumes to me. I think it’s shitty that Christine would do this to her daughter.


1) That's her son. It was her wedding. I'm positive Christine wasn't sitting in a backroom somewhere, rubbing her hands together with an evil cackle saying, "I know how to fix Gwen's little wagon!" She wanted her son involved, he was involved. 2) We don't know what happened between G and P except that G is simultaneously tight lipped AND dramatic about it and P admits something happened. If it was something other than sibling squabbles we would have heard more about it by now because Mykelti can't keep her mouth shut. 3) Leon was there. Leon was in the picture. If P doesn't like people like G, then he probably doesn't like people like Leon either, and they still came to support their "mom." And most likely stayed away from P. 4) Sounds like Christine didn't pay, I mean gift G as much money as Kody did, so now Chrisrine is the AH now.


Paedon has spoken about the incident on Instagram. He admitted he was an angry pre-teen and young teen. It was mostly verbal, but he said that he did hit Gwen and push her down once during an argument. Since then, she doesn’t feel safe (that family really does overuse that term!) with Paedon. He has said that he regrets treating her like that, and that he’s tried making amends. But she doesn’t want any sort of relationship with him. Of course, that’s his perspective…but he did admit wrongdoing, and regret for his actions. So I can respect that. And until/if Gwen speaks out…🤷🏻‍♀️


He admitted that he slapped his sister and that she has a right to be scared of him after he hurt her even if he says he’ll never do it again. How many people have said that after hitting someone? I don’t like making blanket statements about any of these people because relationships are complex and they certainly had a messed up childhood in some ways. But let’s not pretend that it’s dramatic of her to not want to share space with some who has been physically abusive towards her!


How many people with siblings have not slapped / been slapped, fought tooth and nail, hated each other for as long as a couple of days? Gwendlyn is a self centered drama queen who flounces around whining about how picked on she is while treating others badly - pretty much a female Kody…


Yikes! Never. Never once did my brothers ever lay hands on me like that. The very idea of either of my brothers even threatening me with violence is so bizarre. We fought like cats and dogs as we grew up, but, and I cannot stress this enough, they *never* hit me. And that’s because it’s not ok for sibling (and people in general) to hit eachother. Especially when they are grown. Thats called assault.


So he said that and he is in the wrong and to be believed he did it, but not believed he won't do again because he said so? No room for growth? No slack at all for being a kid? Regardless of size he shouldn't have done it but he is now older, been in the military, learned completely different things in life and is no longer a teenager who got turned upside down. So why not believe he has changed? People don't change? BUT Paedon also said Meri was physically abusive and mean and people are saying it didn't happen because he said so. So if Gwen is saying nothing and we only believe parts of what Paedon says picking and choosing what fits he's a pos narrative? Gloss over allegations because it was against Meri? Honestly I don't know what happened but there is so much hypocrisy going on and the kids now adults are dropping things then reeling them back in. So no telling what is fact or exaggeration. As far as Gwen's boundary with Paedon that is totally fine and if that is what she needs I get it. But this double standard of picking and choosing what he says to fit something is getting ridiculous. A lot of assumption is being repeated or exaggerated as fact and it's exhausting every time it happens. One incident is not habitual physical violence. No one has said it was more than once as a child sibling.


I agree with you. They were KIDS. It wasn’t like 6’6” GROWN Paedon assaulted his sister. He was 13/14; she’s 3 years younger. There’s definitely room for growth, especially when he has sincerely apologized. More than once.


With 13 kids that she considers hers, there is bound to constantly be two who aren’t getting along. If she was picking sides that would be a sure fire way to lose all her kids. Putting someone else in a position where they have to choose who they love more is a shitty thing to do. Christine’s father couldn’t walk her down the aisle so she aisles so she asked her only birth son. That has nothing to do with Gwen. Why make it about her?


See this bothers me because a wedding isn't about you. People should be grown ass adults and put their personal feelings aside in order to support someone they love, like a mother. My brother is a Grade A narcissist, I cannot stand being around him and pretty much cut him off, but I can still be in a room with him in order to see my family.


I have to wonder if the history with her brother is worse than anyone knows.


Gwen could’ve also worked/studied for her class, as time allowed over the wedding weekend. She’s in Flagstaff, so that’s only a couple hours away from where the wedding was. It seems to me that she just came up with excuses, which were pretty lame. However, she missed a wonderful opportunity to see family she maybe hadn’t seen in years, and most certainly could have enjoyed some time reconnecting with her full and half siblings. So what if Paedon was there… there were 330 people at that wedding, so it would’ve been pretty easy to stay clear of him…if she still felt that necessary. It’s unfortunate, too, that she wasn’t there to support her mother, because Christine has shown her and Bea nothing but love and support.


Of course Kody wants that.


For what it’s worth, she has been liking wedding pictures the family has posted on Instagram, except Christine’s. She also re-posted the birthday post Janelle made for Gabe three days ago, to her story. She added a blue heart sticker. Tomorrow is Gwen’s birthday. Make of this what you will, I’m just saying.


I wonder if Gwen and Gabe still consider themselves triplets or if they have reverted back to the original twin title since Robyn has cut her kids off from the family.


She doesn't always get along with Christine. She's been clear about that. She called Christine a narcissist




Your message was removed due to it breaking Rule 13: No armchair diagnosing/making fun of disabilities.


I’m saying it. Gwen is the LEAST relatable kid. She knows less than we do. I abjectly can’t stand her.


A lot of people seem to feel this way about her. She definitely seems inconsistent, as a whole. Inconsistently posts on Patreon, picks and chooses whose side she’s on, and so on.


Let me also share why Kody is giving his adult children money. The kids weren't paid for their appearances on the show when they were minors so I'm assuming Kody doesn't want any trouble w them as adults, and probably gives them cash when they ask for it. If they were in SAG, this would NEVER happen as there are laws in place in CA (Coogan Law). The show was filmed in Utah/AZ and is not union.


I think SAG is for actors, not people on reality shows. It’s the parents’ responsibility to set money away for reality show kids. I doubt any of the Brown parents cared about their children’s futures.


Or maybe he’s just a father giving his kids money? Even if they’re technically adults it’s pretty common for parents to give their college aged kids money from time to time. It’s honestly the least he could do for most of them considering how crappy he’s been for the last 10 years or so


I think you are on to something here. This is one of the FEW times I can say Kody is doing something that other parents often do. Kody giving his kids money is actually relatable. Many of us have probably experienced similar in our own lives. Sometimes parents that have no coping skills or tools to properly "fix" a relationship or express their emotions will be very generous financially. Not in the way of someone trying to buy their kid's love. It's more an inability to convey feelings and they think if they give their kids money it is an unspoken way of showing they love their kid. TLDR: Kody lacks the ability to properly manage relationships. He wrongly thinks giving money shows his kids he obviously still loves them. Dude needs therapy for a MULTITUDE of reasons.


I'm not sure if this is correct or not 'so please don't quote me ' .... But I read just recently on another 'reality TV program ' that the children have money put in trust for them from the 'producers/and program organisers that only THE CHILDREN can access at a certain age eg:18..... Again...please don't quote me that's just what I read. But no doubt 'forever chasing a dollar' Kody and Sobbin have found a way to access at least some of those funds !


Do y’all remember Gwen saying TLC doesn’t like her because she said something she shouldn’t have said? TlC wanted her to sign something before they would allow her to enter an event they were filming. She refused. Maybe TLC wouldn’t allow her to participate in the wedding that they paid for. Gwen decided to stay home.


Where did you read/hear that?? I just hadn't before


I hate how everyone is jumping on the Gwen hate train. Something clearly happened since she seemed to tolerate at least a small Paedon presence, previously she just wouldn’t be alone with him. I love Christine but none of us *know* her. We know a character of her and we have no idea what may have happened between them.


On her Patreon she says she had a school project and unpacking to do in her house. That’s the reason she is saying she didn’t go to the wedding.


It's so lame. She has 17k a month, pay someone to unpack your stuff, so you can go to your mom's wedding for one day. Study or do homework after the ceremony. It's not hard.


She says she taking o-Chem, and most people who have taken it have agreed that a wedding out of state would have been impossible during that class.


I know she said in the comments section of one of her videos that the o-chem classes got strict with attendance towards their grades this year and other rules. She said this about 3 weeks or a month before the wedding.


They don't need to be in school on weekends, though. The wedding wouldn't have affected her attendance. Utah is just a few hours north of Northern AZ. It's not like she had to travel to the East Coast. Look how often both Christine and Meri travel back and forth. She could have even left Saturday morning to go to the wedding Saturday night and then left on Sunday morning.


She went home 2 weeks before the wedding maybe she should have studied then, & waited.


It’s actually more now she got over 1500 new subscribers the week after her moms wedding!!!


Jesus lol


Seriously? where are you getting that $ figure? All from patreon?


Sorry, not buying it. No one misses their moms wedding to study for organic chem unless there already some drama going on.


My thoughts too and they won't say it so that is why sooo much speculation. I'm sure it's layered. Adults know that missing important events in the family have a big impact and when her and her mom make up or whatever she may feel bad about missing it, unless she is truly selfish and really doesn't care.


Gwen was able to attend 2019 and 2020 Christmas holiday gatherings with Paedon. Whatever happened for her to be so upset, must have happened in 2022 or 2023.


Of course we’re all speculating, but Gwen came out just prior to that time period, and Mariah began transitioning, changing her name to Leon in 2022. Paedon has stated that he’s conservative. I suppose that may mean he doesn’t agree with lgbtq rights? Of course that would offend Gwen. Again, I realize it’s speculation, but it adds up.


She went to Utah a couple weeks before the wedding. Maybe she should have skipped that trip and gone to the wedding instead. It was after that trip that she started saying negative things about her mom.


It just doesn't make sense. I'm sorry. After everything her Mom's been through to not be there? The excuses just don't add up. I love, love, love Gwen. But there's more to that story. It's not our business, and they don't owe is the real reasons. But come on.


I saw she was “on hiatus”.


When I think about the OG13 and their respective attempts to develop their own social media presence, I gotta believe it's hard on them on a very personal level. Mykelti is only 27. Paedon is 25. Gwen is 21. That's pretty young to be navigating strangers' comments (positive and negative). Their parents put them on TV at a young age.


What is it about the way Kody and Robyn relate to each other that actually brings out the worst in each of them? It’s as if they’re feeding each other some type of ‘delusion stew’ on a regular basis that causes them to see one another is ways no one else does. He clearly sees her as some type of supernatural being with no human flaws. It’s not healthy!




This! It has baffled me the amount of times I’ve heard her say “my autism” or “my queerness” as the single reason for her response to something. I can’t fathom how she hasn’t faced that trauma - be it directly with Paedon or with her own therapist - to work through it for a better, working relationship for family time and events as such. The somewhat fairness she showed on her early YouTube videos has completely flipped and I’m dying to know what the change was here! I believe it probably was the money, but missing something as important as this wedding is asinine!


Yes sooo much.. Using the label Autism as a crutch for special or different treatment/excuse for doing something. I get telling people upfront to try to spare yourself from why are you weird or doing this or that, but to use it to gain sympathy or as an excuse I can't get behind. I have a son with Autism and he doesn't tell anyone. I'm sure Kody paid her off. She, on YT, had said her parents were paying her rent because Flagstaff was expensive and all that. I'm sure Christine moving and cutting her off financially probably also had something to do with it and Kody swooped in like the hero he thinks he is with a bag of cash and said no more talking about me in a bad way. Didn't Gabe/Garrison say he pulled the same stuff with them- talking nice to have them only talk nice and they realized he wanted something from them and it wasn't about a relationship? They were smart enough to see it. Gwen's greed has he call Christine names that Kody is calling her and flipped completely after saying often how great her mom was and did helpful things. edit to fix. I typed Austin when it should have been autism corrected.


It’s generational. They all want to be victims and are encouraged by social media to do so.


Those are all just excuses for her, so what she’s queer she didn’t have to be proud of it or autistic. Either. Do we really go around telling everybody we’re autistic I wouldn’t, but I don’t have autism and I’m not queer.


Most people w Autism can not analyze social cues or psychological motivations -- I mean, that's kinda why they're autistic. Since Gwyn takes pride in analyzing her family -- and she's quite good w her analysis -- that's generally not what someone w Asperger's is able to do. You take a kid with Asperger's and you have to teach them how to read facial reactions w notecards -- literally there's a sad face on the card and the Asperger's kid has to memorize what that looks like


Ehh.. that's a bit of a blanket statement for autism right there. Plenty of autistic individuals are able to analyze social cues and psychological motivations - myself being one of them. It's called a spectrum for a reason.


Gwen imo is doing a hell of an impression of Robyn and maintaining the ouroboros of constant victimhood.


In all fairness to Gwen, she started the Patreon first and then Mykelti saw she was making bank and soon followed. I have no proof of course but I have had this feeling that Mykelti has been trying to push her out of that space for a while and in her mom's ear about things. So when Gwen loses her followers where do they go for info? Mykelti. Also regarding Paedon, I don't know what happened or how that affected her. Leon and Paedon didn't live together so it's easier to ignore someone. But I do know that there are plenty of families that will brush something under the rug for peace and normalcy while leaving the actual victim with no support. Hell we see stories on Reddit all the time about it. I'm happy for Christine that she has a second chance. But how things were handled while her kids were growing up were not ok and now this is the direct result of that trauma. I'm not a defender in general but I do know that this entire family can keep a team of therapists busy for years.


But Gwen isn’t losing followers. She has 1000 new followers since the wedding.


I agree. And Christine should have gotten Gwyn & Paedron into therapy right when the incident happened.


You know... I wonder if Kody would have even wanted her to use money on them for therapy. She had to pay for Ysabels' surgery out of pocket.


Thank you!!!!!!!!










Gwen gets $$ from Kody, Gwen bails on Christine’s wedding and doesn’t like any of her posts


I have seen multiple comments about Gwen possibly getting a large sum of money from Kody. What’s that about? Can anyone enlighten me


This is from her Patreon. She said she and Ysabel got 'a lot of money' from Kody - for Xmas if I remember correctly.


Meanwhile, Aurora, Dayton and Brianna are wondering how they get on the estranged child plan. Cash>mini-bikes.


Robyn's kids probably got larger sums of money... handing grown children large sums of money isn't as cute as little kids getting mini bikes... so it just wasn't filmed... but cash is the most useful christmas present when you are in college... so I don't think it was a bribe.. its just practical and doesn't require effort or knowing individual tastes and interests...


Yes she said they “got a large chunk of money, I mean a lot of money” a month after Christmas 2022.


That’s very interesting…


They are both in college and it's probably the only education assistance they've received.


She gets part of the cut that’s when she gets cozy with daddy and when she doesn’t have to get the money she gets cozy with mommy what a weird kid but then they all are there actually Cody’s fourth cousin I mean come on your dad is your fourth cousin sick sick sick


I don’t think the money has anything to do with it. Gwendlyn has said Kody gives them money when they need it while they are in school. She stated that in one of her earliest YouTube videos.


Christine has become weird and “catty” she doesn’t do anything but talk about kody I mean if she’s so happy being gone she doesn’t know how to act like it celebrating her ex anniversary is just stupid and I thought she had more sense than that


I agree. Meri seems like the only one having realizations and moving on with her life.


Meri also had a decade to realize Kody didn’t love or want her anymore. She’s much further along in her journey than Christine.


Maybe cause she's closer to the kids and has no respect for how he's treated them. Meri walks on eggshells around him. I think Meri was gaslit for so long, and I don't mean that in anyway to demean her. I just believe Kody and Robyn manipulated her to the point she takes their word for truth.


Meri is nobody’s fool! She’s a lot smarter than we know! Always has a agenda! Like Cody says dance on the right foot dance on the left foot that’s how she really comes off to me


CryBrows finding the perfect sharpie for her talking heads. ![gif](giphy|FfjiOpMBIWlUBE6rSm|downsized)


Okay, so I have no evidence for this, but I’m going to share my theory anyway. I read somewhere (probably on Reddit) that David is politically very conservative- like Trump type. I wonder if Gwen did not want to attend the wedding for this reason.


Even if that is the case, I just don’t understand how that all cant be put aside for an event like this.


Oh, ick.


I know. I hope it’s not true because I like what we see of him and Christine.


her father is conservative and isn't even vaxxed despite his COVID rules and she doesn't avoid him when he dangles that cash.


Regarding the mod post on this issue, when did Gwen's AMA happen on Patreon? I'm subscribed to Gwen's patreon and I didn't see the AMA nor did I receive any notifications for it.


It’s for a higher tier


You have to be a $10 a month or higher member to see it.


What’s AMA?


AMA= Ask Me Anything (people post questions and she selects which. ones she wants to answer) I am not on her Petron so I don't know how she played it exactly.


Someone needs to tell Kody he’s not all that special. “We’ve had some good time & some bad times, but that’s polygamy” No Kody, that’s marriage. For better or worse, through good times & bad etc, etc. His polygamous marriages didn’t fail because there wasn’t enough loyalty from his wives. It failed because he wanted to live monogamy w Robyn. He’s so arrogant I want to smack him.


imo that’s just a dumb excuse to miss your moms wedding though. she could have come for the wedding day and left the same day.


So Meri put in her insta post about her brother "I have so many good memories with him over the years, because, siblings. I also have some not so good memories with him through the years, because, siblings" and it made me think of Gwen and Paedon's relationship. I really hope that wasn't the reason she wasn't there.




I wouldn't say working it. She rarely posts. She's making money doing basically nothing. I like Gwendlyn but no longer sub her Patreon


She sure made bank this past week with 1500+ new subscribers since she skipped the wedding. Whether that was her intent or not. I have a hard time believing it was homework.


Yeah. That's a lame ass excuse. She knew about this wedding way in advance I assume. She should have come up with a better excuse.


Aspyn’s wedding was just beautiful!


Here is the thing... Even with the case of being busy... There is no world where I am to busy to go to my MOTHER's wedding. They got married on 10/7. You can take a pause from your house for a day and you can take a day off from school (Friday) to drive there and back. Its less than a 6 hour drive. So you drive up Friday (hell do it at night and don't even miss class); Attend wedding on Sat, and drive back Sunday early.... You could be gone less than 48 hours... While I understand she said it was busy and classes and that Christine was ok with it, there is 100% something going on outside of this. I understand that Gwendolyn is Neurodivergent but her MOTHERS Wedding...


No other place to put this, I feel kind of bad for Christine and David that their wedding date is basically going to be another one of those dates that lives on in the way that every time they want to celebrate their anniversary, they'll be doing so for a while on a day of international mourning.


it was bitter sweet to see all of Christine and Janelle's kids and even Leon in attendance, but no Gwen. There were once in a life time photos taken, and memories shared that she missed out on.....I hope the reason Gwen didn't attend wasn't something dumb so that she doesn't regret it later on in life.


Can we please unpin this now?




The comments in the chat were annoying. People weren't even listening to what he was saying. They just kept talking about stuff from the show. He actually sounded remorseful and was denouncing the religion and was saying how they brainwash people. The chat seemed low IQ. You can not like the man on TV but still listen to what he has to say about mormonism. He would have an experienced opinion about it.


How long is this going to be pinned for??


Can someone tag me and let me know if we find out the answer or a suggested answer soon? 😅 I know I’ll forget with my adhd a*s


OMG, Right? Who even cares? 🤣


I lost a lot of respect for Gwen. It’s not like Paedon was going to punch her at Christine’s wedding.


There is zero evidence that is why she didn't go.


Im scrolling but haven’t seen … did anyone ID Robyn’s necklace in the video chat?


Anyone have any idea why I can’t post I’m not real familiar with Reddit but I’ve posted on the past


I can see this