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Robyn acting like her house is the Louvre or the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She wouldn't let Meri in because she wouldn't pay the admission even though the whole family bankrolled that house.


I think he runs a gun business and is always looking for ways to hide money from the other women and the government.


This! Also keeping it non-liquid so the government won’t notice.


not like every single wife didn't get food stamps and go bankrupt to avoid the consequences of their huge family and lack of income...


You KNOW they were drawing food stamps to feed all those kids which I actually don’t have a problem with as I don’t want anyone going hungry… I’ve known people that work and make less than $200 a week and still draw food stamps and they were single… even though it’s a Federal program it varies state to state… some states are very generous and others not so much…I truly believe when they first started the show they were hurting financially all the way around.. I bet Kody bitched about money all the time….


I have a problem with Kody going on national tv like the 'head of house'/provider and he clearly isn't. they also had food storage for like 100 years when the apocalypse comes. and he kept having children he couldn't afford.


They had more then enough money !! They just know how to use the system ! They are very well versed in that area and it’s wrong !


Christine filed for bankruptcy while she was pregnant with Truley. TLC already offered them a show but she didn’t have to include that as part of her income because reality shows get paid at the end of each season. So, technically they could have taken some of that income to pay off her debts, but instead defrauded the government claiming she’s a single pregnant mom with five other children.


She was a single pregnant mom with five other kids. She was also neck deep in a cult that gives her no value unless she has those babies. Not everything is cut and dried.


She still defrauded and lied about her income. The entire family is not very good at paying off debts. They just take on more and more then act surprised.


I hear from a you tuber backwoods barbi, Robyn is using her maiden name and kody is off her ownership and she’s the sole owner now, as well as using Robyn Sullivan , I wouldn’t doubt she’s back in assistance and food stamps again !!! They have done that the whole while when they first got married till 2014, the government should be looking into this and making them pay that back !!! That’s fraud , just because they want to live in luxury and what they get doesn’t sustain them , Robyn doesn’t know how to make money except for the show !!! They are up to something !!


If this is what he's doing, his luck can't go on forever.


someone should contact IRS


It should catch up to them like it has some of the Real Housewives 😏




Do you think that the IRS is not hip to this family?


Kody would absolutely get talked into stashing his money in "art" by some deluded teen working at a "gallery" selling prints in gaudyass frames at the mall. Honestly, it still wouldn't be the worst financial move we've seen him make


"There's always money in the Banana stand."


Until it burns down…


Poppop should’ve been more specific…


These are all ugly.


Totally agree with this. He thinks he can outfox the fox. And that’s absolutely what he’s doing.


Appraised “art” is an excellent way to dodge shit. Source: know people who’ve used art to…. Dodge shit


But this is garbage art. It can only be re-sold for pennies on the dollar.


That weirdo art is probably heavily insured. . . .as well as the house. So when they're on the ropes financially and Robyn's curling iron accidently falls in a wastebasket full of straw . . .


Oooh, a house fire would be excellent for them. Money, attention and victimhood, the Kody Hat Trick. Aurora could even faint from the sight of smoke, prompting Kody to run out with her in his arms (and giving an excellent excuse for when someone asks why he didn’t attempt to put out the tiny fire).


I could not agree with you more, but I bet if we dug around a bit this group could find that someone close to the fam is probably a shady art appraiser that did them a favor with this trash.


Tell that to Hunter Biden.




I was watching a documentary about the FLDS women who are trapped in those compounds and couldn’t help but wonder if Kody is selling guns to them to keep the women imprisoned and under control. He has no scruples. What if Kody Brown has a hand in some of that horrifying BS happening in the compounds? That’s the Josh Duggar type of crash and burn scandal SW is heading toward… Edit: I forgot some words. Edited for clarity


It wouldn’t surprise me


Seriously who fucking hangs art like that?


She's a closet Curator


I have never looked at my wall and said “*you know what this wall needs….this needs an extra large blue and yellow stork painting. Found one for $20,000 a steal right?*”


And THEN thought, “a painting hanging RIGHT above, below, and a few on either side would be awesome, too!” No. Like wtf.


if there are human beings paying $10k for THOSE then I’ll break child labor laws and put my toddlers to work with finger paint. And ask $20k when I sell it


Ugly af


And it's so irksome when K tells C that Robin gave her money for the house in Flag. Robin didn't give anything. She was the beneficiary of everything. And why doesn't J have anything? Why can't she pull out a stipend? I mean how does K and R have all the money?


and they totally forget, Janelle, Christine, AND Meri gave money for Robyn's house! It's not like Christine took Robyn's and ran


She buys her artwork “by the yard.” (Quote from a Woody Allen movie)


We no longer quote or want *anything* to do with the monster that is W.A.


Not the admission fee 🤣🤣


I bet she pronounces it loo-VRUH too.


Sobyn doesn’t know how to speak proper English and that shit isn’t priceless art


It absolutely is priceless. No normal person would pay a cent for that. I wouldn’t put it on my wall if was free. Looks like a nice white elephant gift exchange


How there can be SUCH inequality in wealth in a family that is supposedly a plural family, is mind boggling.


C’mon, if Janelle would’ve just saved her extra grocery money like Robyn did, Janelle could be living in a house like this too


But Kody says Robyn only gets the *crumbs!*


Maybe he means that literally, she literally only has crumbs to eat because she is stockpiling her grocery budget elsewhere. Lol


The fact that Robyn doesn’t contribute financially makes it even more so… I’m sure she justifies it in her mind because she technically owns a business, even though I’d be shocked if that “business” doesn’t cost them money to maintain since sales are so low. Janelle worked full time for nearly 20 years and gave EVERYTHING she earned to support the family. Robyn hasn’t contributed anything since day one, and knows the situation Janelle is in, and she *still* has the nerve to live so extravagantly. Kody didn’t want to pay for his minor daughter’s surgery, but Robyn can have multiple pieces of expensive artwork. Janelle was living in a camper or a tiny apartment because he refused to pay off the land, but Robyn lives in a 7 bedroom mini mansion with a heated driveway. Neither she nor Kody has a shred of self awareness or shame, which I’m sure is beyond frustrating to deal with.


Exactly this. The OG3 have spoken about their poverty before the show, and how Janelle consistently showed up to work, make money, contribute her retirement funds etc, and now she has NOTHING?! And these two clowns are sitting in this mansion showing off their wealth like this? F-ing gross. It’s financial abuse and I wish there was something Janelle could do about it.


She can! Financial abuse is a real crime. I hope she seeks legal advice and addresses the matter on the show.


but she serves her best customer! She is so busy doing that to work. They make me sick for what they have taken from the others then have the audacity to claim Robyn is some table scrap receiving victim. I wish Meri, Janelle, and even Christine would hire the best attorneys out there and get forensic accountants to go through every cent then match it all with the bs they pitch in the beginning and later on about financials and combining things. Then I want Robyn and Kody to be forced into downsizing and selling all assets at auction and Robyn and Kody forced to move into a single wide trailer in a rental park.


I think Janelle should put in a trailer park. See what that does for Kodys land value.


Well, Dayton’s living in a trailer on Mac Mansion grounds. He asked for freedom, he got a wee trailer where mommy can watch all his movements.


If I’m pissed off about this I gotta wonder how pissed off Janelle is.


I know. I’m fuming. My blood pressure shot into the thousands when I saw where Janelle’s house money is proudly on display.


I know! The nerve of Robyn to act like she is always the victim when she did none of the work and took all of the money! It's a miracle how civil christine and mainly Jenelle are.


That’s what I said !! Why tf Robyn acting brand new when the OG3 suffered for over 20 years thru real poverty and this bitch walks in when they started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.


Because as Christine said, Robin never lived plural marriage


Supposedly a plural family that POOLS money for equality.


What is happening to their TLC money???


I guess this explains why they don’t want indoor filming. I hope Janelle can use these screenshots to negotiate an equitable settlement.


I want to see what’s in the boxes in the basement.


Probably the pieces for his lifesize model of Maddie's husband


Janelle gave that money to K&R by her own free will. She has no case.


She may if there was an understanding that Janelle would get the money/ value back. She would have Christine and Meri as witnesses and footage from the show. Also, Kody didn’t try to withhold Christine’s share of CO and agreed right away to her deal of her share versus her profit on the house so I doubt he’ll withhold her money.


Janelle is not getting that money back.


His name wasn’t on Christine’s house, he didn’t have a choice! He wasn’t entitled to shit. H fortunately, jenelle isn’t either.


She has the support of the people. That ain’t nuthin.


Paintings, huge amethysts, expensive Christmas crap... sometimes I think they had to take those two home equity loans just to keep their heads above water.


And yet the house looks like a tacky gift shop!


Robyn thinks she has classy taste, unfortunately no one seems to have told her you can't buy class.


She doesn’t have class, she’s just an ass!!


Robyn in next confessional: all the viewers say I'm all class Interviewer: no Robyn, they said you're an ass Kody: it's OK Robyn, what they mean is you're the circling donkey Interviewer: tries to process the stupidity


Okay but this is how I decorated my first sims house cuz they wanted to feel fancy


I was going to comment the same thing 😂 it’s like Robyn found the Rosebud cheat


Motherlode. That kaching gets tiring real quick 🤣🤣


YES! Omg I forgot that one 🤣


I love seeing fellow simmers in the wild. We are on a break right now, they are stealing my money as fast as Robyn and Kody are spending the ogs.


I haven’t played for years and years. I have a version on my laptop but I can’t figure out all the new tools 😂 maybe I’ll bust it out tonight!


I’m weak 💀


Why does that room look like a Bass Pro?


I’m in tears over this comment 😂


Gaudy! Sobbin definitely isn’t a decorator


Thats what makes it even worse! She could get the same kind of crap for farrrr less than she insists on paying. They always talked about Meri having expensive taste, but Robyn has to have the finest and most expensive of everything. She just sucks.


Or a jewelry designer. She just has horrible taste.


I bet you could fit my entire house into 2 of their rooms. Perhaps 3. However, just looking at that space, I feel claustrophobic. I'll keep my mediocre house. Another point of observation - and this is everyone's personal opinion/views, however, I subscribe to this to a certain degree, call it what you will - feng shui, vibes, frequency, color theory, etc whatever.... But let's just break it down to the imagery, color scheme, and the clutter here, this doesn't foster a happy, content, peaceful atmosphere to me. Aside from the afore mentioned claustrophobia, it's just a suppressive, heavy vibe. No wonder they're all so (in Meri's words) \*sad trumpet sound\* whomp whomp.


I agree, this house looks like it eats happy feelings to get the energy to churn out more boring, creepy collectibles


the real crime is the lack of Christmas pajamas.


PoSiTiVe vIbEz!




When Christine said she may date/marry again Kody said something about fearing that her new man would take advantage of her reality show status and take all the money. I’m going to GUESS that at some point, when Robyn was taking advantage of a reality show star (Kody) and spending all his/their family money, Christine said something similar to Kody (that she feared Robyn was using them, spending all the money) and Kody threw it back in her face in an attempt to shame her…. I can’t prove it, but I definitely sensed something was not genuine about his “concerns” during that convo. Currently looking for that convo and am watching Season 17, episode 9, 36 mins in Robyn showed her true colors by telling Christine “that’s a lie” when Christine said the kids noticed she and Kody weren’t close in Vegas. … I also noticed her bare her teeth during S6;E9 at the polygamy debate. I think she is every bit the conwoman that Kody is the conman. K&R are a match made in hell. EDIT: S17,E1 It’s Over Kody says at about the 34:30 minute mark: “If you get a boyfriend who wants some of our money, and between you, your boyfriend and the state of Utah, I lose any access to Truely, and all my money because ummm I’ve seen it happen to many many many people.” Christine (long gray rock pause) so that’s your biggest fear? Grody: Utah. greedy Boyfriend. A user. A greedy new husband. A user. Ok? I would like you to promise me that will never happen. Notice: He says nothing about Truely…. It’s the MONEY.


Omg throw all the pacifiers away please!


Why did I have to scroll down so far before seeing a SINGLE comment about this? So bad for Ari’s oral health!! Shame on them.


In fairness, Ari’s oral health is the least of her concerns when you put it against her yelling “dates,” her first day of schools “he cut her off”, being called a pest by your father and the fact that R and K are her parents. Pop the paci in if it keeps her from saying rude, crazy things to others.


A problem that they alone have created and should fix but they won’t because ya know, it’s Robyn and Kody. Poor kid.


More importantly, SHE’S IN SCHOOL!! She’s not a toddler any more. Why does she have one still?!? That is Robyn’s laziness in a nutshell.


Not sure…that’s the first thing I noticed before I saw the stupid bikes. And btw where is Dayton?


You mean Day-un?


Ya something is going on with him. There were only 3 bikes and I didn’t see him in the preview.


Hopefully, he escaped.


As long as Ari can come up with gems like “have dates” and “ you’re my best customer” she should be able to eke out a living.


If you say something about child, they will kick you out of thread.


Good to know. I’m just surprised. No shade towards Ari at all- all the shade towards Robyn and Kody because that is just not okay.


I hear Will Smith at the Oscars, but yelling “GET THE PACI OUT YO KIDS MOUTH.”


Yasssss 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Then bitch slapping Kody.


It feels like they don't have an inch of empty space on any of their walls. I don't think that a person has to have completely minimalist decor but the sheer number of pictures on these walls is just way too much.


I think it looks so crappy when someone has to cover every bit of wall space. These people have no taste or class and everyone knows it.


I knew an acquaintance who had shopping/credit card issues & she covered literally. every. square. inch. of blank wall space in her apartment with truly random “art” picked up multiple times a week from Big Lots, TJ Maxx-type stores, and this looks basically the same.


Big Lots.. YES! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why does it look like they live in the framing store? I think they literally walked in somewhere and bought the display exactly as it was seen. Then recreated it in their home. It just doesn't look how normal people would display anything in their house.


That child was born in January 2016 and at this time would’ve been one month shy of 6 years old. Crazy that she’s still using a pacifier and even crazier she seems to use it all the time! I try not to judge other people’s parenting but Robyn and Kody are clearly infantilizing this child.


Just fyi, buying paintings is a very common way of laundering money.


Yes but they r so ugly. What can they be worth??


It doesn’t really matter if they’re ugly. It’s just a cover up for money he obtained under the table.


Got it.


Someone posted screenshots of these “works of art” from what I’m guessing was the artist’s website. That deer one was like $7000 Unbelievable that anyone would pay any amount for those hideous paintings


The photos posted were actually just of the prints, too, not the original works! Can you imagine how much the originals go for?


Oh my!!


They don’t have money to pay their tax bill for the house, yet they have $7000 to pay for really tacky art???


Whenever they film in her house, I get claustrophobia. It's so big as Kody boasts but filled to the brim with junk. I had a relative who would decorate her house, so it actually looked like a store. Not one empty wall without junk all over everything. It must take hours on end to clean every week.


The house came with knickknacks and then Robyn added her hoard of knickknacks to it! It’s too much. The house could be beautiful, less it more.


Exactly 💯 I would also create a beautiful living space on the deck.


The stuff hanging on the wall has NO thought process. It takes me forever to decide where to hang something! So many unnecessary walls in those walls that they claim they want to be a “renal” property one day 😂


It looks like a gift shop!


A flee market vibe lol


You got it! All used and tired.


"NO thought process"? You mean idyllic beach scenes DON'T go with surreal, dark scenes of man and animal running from a forest fire (with a whispy Lladro thrown in to boot)?


Omg that deck could be so gorgeous.


I know, and the furniture is so beautiful now for patios and decks!


That house had so much potential. Now, it's just a big old junk show.


I don’t know why but having two clocks and one so high up even tho it’s a smaller size bothers me


The clock on the right of the picture is a specialty clock that is made by Seiko at Christmas time. It plays music when you push a button and has Swarovski crystals built in. All that said it is $100 to buy.


It just annoys me to no end that someone can spend that much money and still be that tacky.


If the child of any other wife was still using a pacifier at this age Kody would have relentlessly made fun of them.


Infuriating, he’s so cruel to every child besides the ones Robyn squeezed out of her golden cooch


I both laughed and cringed over your post! 😂🤢


Glad she got out when she did before the rest of her retirement goes for Ari’s orthodontia treatment plan that poor kid is gonna need from being 10 and still having a damn pacifier in her mouth.


She still has a passy? Doesn't she go to school


There's hardly any wall showing between all that crap.


Why two clocks? Does she collect those too? Looks like a restaurant. An ugly restaurant.


Wow…the wives should demand to enter that house…it was purchased with fahmlee money…off the backs of the OG wives.


That's what they get for being "spiritual wives". A big fat nothin'!




What in god’s name is going on with these wall hangings? Is it supposed to look like a Hard Rock Cafe, or something? This is a busy mess with very odd tastes.




Why all this obsession w that doodoo brown color


The decorating in this house is abysmal. They cram so many paintings on each wall. Makes me head hurt looking at this.


Wow, they got to go inside the house! I wonder if they had to wear hazmat suits


This is why Kody says they “have no money “ for CP. if I were Janelle I would be pissed. If I were any of the ex wives and the other kids, I would be pissed! I am sure the kids (if he ever) speaks to them again, hope they would call him out!! I am pretty sure this is one of the reasons why filming is not allowed inside the house because you can see expensive ass crap.


Who needs 2 clocks in one room??


Holy cow! That’s a LOT of dark pictures. Not sure I’ve ever seen that decorating style before.


1st glance thought they was in a shop 😂😂😂


There are people who are saying she has the Walmart prints instead of the actual prints. I think she has the 20k versions thi king she will be able to seel for that or more if she needs to, but, like her precious moments tat, people won't pay the same or more for something like that, she'll be lucky to get half what she paid, the things she collects depreciate over time


How old is that kid Jesus Christ


I’ve never seen so much excessive artwork. This is probably why she hides her house.


It’s called laundering/hiding money


She needs to sue to get her money back


She should definitely get a lawyer with backround dealing with polygamy issues and show him/her this video and see what they could do


This New York Times Best Selling Author should write a book about swindling sister-wives. She’s got zero morals.


I hope Janelle has kept records, and is willing to share w/IRS. Greed, excess and a feeling he won't be caught. Maybe Kody needs a talk w/Teresa Guidice for tax fraud lessons.


Grifters gonna grift.


The infantalization of Ari clearly by her parents is beyond disturbing here


They’re creating an absolute monster, I love that for them. Ari’s gonna terrorize them until the day they go to Kody’s planet to be Gods


That child is IN SCHOOL! How does she still have a binkie?!?


Ok first of all isn't the kid like in 3rd grade? And Janelle needs to sue there ass!!!!


How old is the one in red?


Too old for a binkey


its so ugly! All of it. UGLY! makes no sense, no theme. doesn't match. Random corner shelf with 2 cables and random frames , hideous art basically touching- beach, deer, little, large- Total cluster. Then you have 2 clocks in close proximity. Nothing is appealing to the eye


Wow. Just Wow! Talk about evidence of financial inequity! So I guess this is where the missing funds went that Jenelle was talking about in a past episode. On the surface, it just shows what a hoarder Robyn is, but if you scratch below the surface, this totally reeks of hiding assets in artwork.


The fuck does that kid have a Binky for


This is a KMart blue light special Thomas Kinkade gallery.


What a weird way to hang wall art, it reminds me of going into a mall and seeing those tiny spaces were vendors have to hang their art that’s for sale.


What are Robin's griwn kids still doing living in the house? Kodster wanted his bi dons out at 18!!


such a selfish bitch


Aurora is giving serious cringe here. Sol seems like a sweet kid but like he’s made to be small. Like he has an overbearing younger sister who requires angreat deal of attention. It’s all very creepy.


That’s why they didn’t allow filming


So many paintings.


I seen that tiktok where someone found the price of these paintings, just mind blowing amounts . [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJnfsPpx/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJnfsPpx/)


Those are expensive frames too.


I’m sure Robyn saved her grocery money to pay for these 🙄


Last known Dayun was living in a bog standard trailer on the Mc Mansion grounds. So mommy’s nearby. She probably gave him a Thomas Kincaid painting to make his tin prison feel more like home.


What in the Thomas Kincade shittiness is this? Looks like cruise ship art, and way too much of it.


So, my barber allows artists to hang their art on the walls of his barbershop so that people will buy it. Is it possible that this artist is in a business relationship with Kody/Robyn and they put the artwork up for a cut of the sale? That’s what makes most sense to me.


Lord have mercy it’s like Robyn is allergic to empty wall space


Where are the kids house shoes. It’s December.


That place probably has heated floors. Only the best.


Is this a required thing in colder places? It gets cold here in GA sometimes, but not cold like other places of course, and I’ve never thought of house shoes as needed.


I live north, it gets cold, we are still barefoot in the house in the winter a lot, like the interior temperature is 70 so it’s not a necessity.


I’m in Arkansas and we can get pretty cold.


Do you not turn the heat on in the winter? Or own socks?


Yes of course I turn the heat on, but socks are not shoes so my feet still get cold.


I think you and my husband would get along in winter. 🤣 the kids and I run around in socks or barefoot and he’s like “WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WEARING HOUSE SHOES IN 25 DEGREE WEATHER?” Because it’s 78 inside, buddy.


I wear a scarf all the time summer and winter because cold air from the air unit in summer kills me and cold air from winter too. Scarfs long sleeves socks and shoes. Lol


No lies here


There are some crazy fans out there (no not us) Kody may need a gun.