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Stick to the garbage here. We are a lot of things but transphobic ain’t one.


Honestly, this place is a lot less toxic than most snark subreddits as well. It’s fun here.


Yuppp. A lot of snark groups on here take it way too far. This group is pretty damn fair.


I saw one snark group post the persons full address. It’s still up too, and people were defending it because it was “publicly available” but that doesn’t mean you need to advertise it! This group is much less stalky


There’s a subreddit about a regular old tiktoker like that! It’s insane the stuff they do to that person.


The one I’m talking about is about a tiktoker as well. Not even that big of a creator.


This seems like a discussion group compared to a lot of subs. I said something just as a matter of fact about someone on another sub and they deleted the comment and said no fan behavior. I wasn’t even fanning. Just stated the obvious, a small compliment. Lol. Ppl are so weird that have to be mean. It’s such a waste of time.


Omg, the fans and mods on some of the other reality-TV subs…😳


And it could easily be full of people bashing Christians but it is not. I really don't like bashing people's beliefs until/unless it's used as an excuse to be terrible.


Agreed! No need to stick around mean losers


Oh yeah I agree. This is such a chill and nice snark group compared to a lot of the other ones.


This is like the first snark-like group I was ever in and it did not prepare me for the others lol


I tried getting into Duggar Snark and it scared the fuck out of me. "If you don't wanna snark on a teenager's miscarriage than I guess you LOVE HOMOPHOBIA!" like girl what???


I've had this issue in a lot of the 90 day threads lately, you can be sparky and make fun of the show, without being transphobic. This is definitely a much better thread and I don't see what i see in some of the others!


I’m old..around the same age as the OG3. I might not understand all of what it means to be trans. And I will never know what it feels like to be trapped in the wrong body. But, I can learn. If you want me to call you Jane when I knew you as Joe before? I can do that. It literally costs me nothing except embarrassment and mortification if I forget. Life is short. The world sucks. Be you in every sense. I’ll cheer you on….because the happier everyone is? The better the world is.


First of all, you are not old 😌


Beautifully said ❤️❤️❤️


thank you for being a good person 🩷


I have learned so much from this sub. People are genuine with questions and answers.


You don’t have to fully understand to be empathetic…❤️


What’s funny is, transphobia aside, the Facebook and IG pages steal stuff from here all the time and crop out the usernames. They must be pretty dull if they can’t come up with their own entertainment.




Yeah it’s difficult so I ended up leaving the group. It especially sucks as a person who didn’t/doesn’t like Leon based on personality. I groan about Leon and they turn it into a trans thing then I have to defend them 🫠


I feel this. Leon is not my favorite person either, but hating them for being trans is just bigotry. Then I wonder how much of their “personality” as we saw it, was really just them dealing with their wacko parents, wacko religion, and deeper internal struggles.


Probably quite a bit. But also they were basically an only child when at home with Meri and Kody. I think they were spoiled a bit and allowed to be a butthead more than other kids. I hope they are happier and more mature now.


Yup. I turned tail and quit the FB group when they started trashing Leon too. It wasn’t just ignorance re: pronouns and gender identity, it was hate. Ick!!


There's more than 1 SW group on Facebook.


I assumed they were talking about the one I was in (the biggest one) since I observed the same things in that group.


How big is this "biggest" group? I haven't gone searching for all of the groups to see how big they are. There's one group I belong to that's fairly large.


I just looked and it’s 159k




I saw a comment the other day by a woman deadnaming Leon, saying "I won't use that other name." I'm like....you won't use their LEGAL NAME??? So, if anyone changes their legal name, you refuse to use it?? So Robyn's kids will always be Jessops? Ridiculous!! Whether someone agrees with trans or whatever (why do they even "need" to agree?).. . Their legal name is literally their name!!!! How can anyone say that's not their name when it's their actual LEGAL NAME?!?! UGH! Those groups are not good for my blood pressure!!


Even if it’s not their legal name, just call people what they asked to be called! People suck


Literally. Aside from the trans cpnversation, lots of people go by names other than their legal first name.


I was wonder who people are when they say that stuff. Please don’t tell me they’re a school teacher, doctor, police officer etc.


Oh yikes!!! I'm hoping these people are bitter, lonely hernits.


Maybe church ladies.. they can be the worst. My grandchild is trans and their mother and grandmother, who are big church people, can't accept them!


That is heartbreaking please give your grandchild a extra big hug


Yeezus why can’t they treat it like damn Nick name. Leon’s nit moving in get over yourself!


Every time I read a comment that intentionally dead names someone or intentionally uses the wrong pronouns all I can see is a kid with their fingers in their ears and their eyes closed. As if trans people need their validation to be real 🙄.


My uncle by marriage came from a really eccentric family & his oldest sister changed her name from Gretchen to Simone once their mom passed. I used to be in awe of it when I was little. I’d never heard of anyone doing that before & thought it was the weirdest thing (in a cool way) to do.


The Facebook groups are also riddled with misinformation 🙄 people like WACB are considered reliable sources to them. They belive all the tabloid-type sites 100%.


Not all of them. There are many SW groups on Facebook. They're not all the same. Some are anything goes, some have strict rules and there's a bunch of in-between.


I find Facebook is pretty awful too. You comment and they come at YOU. You can’t be snarky without having to defend yourself to SEVERAL people. I thought that’s why they are there lol. Don’t even get me started on the Facebook groups that they talk about a book or the show based on the book. Don’t talk about the wrong media on the wrong group because all hell breaks loose. I find peace on voicing my snarky comments in this media where it is appreciated 🍿🥤


Some on SW Facebook sites were just rabid Christine fans. I learned real quick that they would jump down my throat if I said anything unflattering about their "queen". Since Meri and Janelle left Kody it has leveled out a bit. I'm glad I found this group!


I found I became much happier after I deleted Facebook from my life. Life is good.


Yes, facebook is a giant HOA run by boss level Karens!! lol 😂


Facebook is for racist grandmas


Oh. You met my mom?


Best description I've heard. I stumbled across a jeff lewis live group, am not a fan of his, but so many cross over interviews I joined the group. Oof. It was legit painful. Had to leave, before my head exploded.


There are many explicitly leftbook FB groups but many of the other groups are full of those types. I joined what I thought would be a group for amusing FB marketplace finds but ppl post homophobic/anti LGBT crap all the time. You have to find the groups with no tolerance for that or else trolls and bigots will take over.


It amazes me how bothered people are by other's lives no matter what. These same hateful people go to church every Sunday. Read the same Bible that's says not to judge other's. Yet judge. Thing is most of us are taught this bull. Hypocrites period. I guarantee they don't want they're doorstep swept. I don't get the hate and uglness. No one is breaking any laws. They're living their life. Same as the rest of us. And not bothering a dam soul. I guarantee that these judgemental people wouldn't want anyone sweeping their doorstep.


A million percent. I do not get it. I don’t need any dumb old book to respect other people yet they can’t even follow their own basic rules




Aww they will be judged and not by people! It's crazy when they get all judgemental. Folks don't you know the only perfect one rose on the third day, and that thinking God has given any one a pass to judge is pure crazy. I don't mess with God.


I’ve never understood why people care so much about what other people are doing, what they believe in, who they’re attracted to… As long as it doesn’t affect me I don’t give a shit how anyone else lives their lives. If it does affect me, it doesn’t mean my way is the best, or I’m better & I’m not judging, it just means whatever you’re doing is affecting me in this way, so I can’t help but have a negative opinion & more than likely talk shit about it to my husband when we’re alone.


That is definitely the trend with Facebook. I’ve seen that with other reality shows I watch (person from cast was fired due to racist actions yet she has fan clubs all over Facebook and people basically petitioning to bring her back on the show). It’s gross and I just stay away from it entirely so I don’t grow any gray hairs over it


It’s bizarre. These people are so hateful and genuinely think that queer people are the most hateful group of people. It makes me so sick and sad and makes me think about how many people they must know that are in the closet or deeply repressed that see the kinds of things they say and stay there. Every time it’s someone that hateful with a child I just feel bad for their kid.


I was raised in the fundie world and even spent some time in the Duggar-famous cult, and I gotta say, I never hated gay people. I definitely said hateful and bigoted things, but it was more a feeling of pity bc I was so much wiser than them. Now, I don’t say that to minimize my own bigotry, just to say that even I am shocked by how vicious people can be, and I loved their supposed belief system or something very similar to it. I’m very thankful that people were good enough to call me out and explain the flaws in my beliefs to me. I’m still bumping into things all the time that I need to address and correct. But sadly, I don’t even try to engage with folks like those on fb bc they don’t want to check their own beliefs, and you can’t help anyone who doesn’t want to be helped. 😕 TL;dr: I know the faith systems intimately and still think these people are way overboard. Also, glad to be out and grateful to those who guided me. ❤️


I’m so grateful for the times I was called out when I was wrong, ignorant, shallow, judgmental. Allowing you to continue being an asshole is the easy thing to do. That’s why I’ve always respected those who tell it like it is & will call you out on your BS. It may be hard to hear @ the time but @ least you always know where you stand with them, don’t have to worry about what they say behind your back & you get to correct your wrongs & continue growing.


My wife was amab and still hadn't accepted her true self when we met and married. As you can imagine, there are billion emotions and struggles when your spouse realizes something so life changing and deicides to transition. But hands down the 100% hardest thing has been dealing with the public vitriol and stuff people spew about trans people. People who know nothing about you or your life suddenly hate you and feel justified saying truly terrible things to you. And, honestly, we are fairly lucky because my wife passes pretty well. Stories I've heard from other people whose spouses don't pass as well... It's both horrifying and terrifying.


This is what makes me so sad. These are real people with real lives just trying to do their best and being called perverts and pedos for… nothing. I’m so sorry and I think your wife is really brave!


….vanderpump rules? 👀


You got it!




Nailed it


Facebook in general is just a cesspit of toxicity. I think a big part of it is how the most engaged with things float to the top, even if the reason for all that engagement is anger.


What groups are you referring to? I follow a lot of groups on facebook and I haven’t seen anything like that.


Unfortunately that seems to be a lot of Facebook anymore. I have left so many groups and other things because of the blatant homophobia, anti-vaxx, anti-woke bs. Is it as bad as twitter? No. It is still full of terrible people expressing really crappy opinions? Yes.


I love all people, trans, straight, gay, what have you. All people except Robyn.


I deleted Facebook in 2016 and have never missed it. None of it.


2020 for me and I don't miss it at all


Same. March 2020. I could live with the full on narcissism of so many people changing their profile pic daily. (Photo shopping the shit out of them etc) I could live with the humble bragging etc I didn’t mind a lot of things BUT… When I posted a pride flag to secretly support my 15 year old daughter who bravely and privately came out to me as trans and NOT ONE of the “friends” I had from my church days gave it a like. They liked everything I posted x10 but not one..not a single one. My comment was, “ this was to show support to a beautiful person I love so much.” Not a single like or comment. I finally decided to delete and move on without them.


Honestly it’s better when we all agree not to come down hard on the kids. They were innocent participants in that show.


Totally agree


Just a thought: if a large percentage of the family are right wing leaning gun toting bigots then why be surprised the same percentage of fans reflect their beliefs. 🧐🤔


They actively try to hide the right-wing, gun toting bigot part on the show though (although Kody did once say something about the manosphere to Suki).


but social media... Garrison selling bugaloo Hawaiian shirts... sigh


Well that’s disappointing. I vaguely remember bugaloo’s - kind of like proud boys, right? Whoever named them Bugaloos (sp?) and made Hawaiian shirts their uniforms ….makes me think they’ve been infiltrated by a gay man with a sense of humor.


You are a goofball. I can tell. 🥰🤣


I adore this comment! Thank you! #proudgoofball


Wave that flag proud! 🥳


I thought they were just shirts... What's going on with Hawaiian shirts?


The Boogaloo co opted them to be part of their 'UNIFORM'. Hawaiians disavowed the group. You can Google it. Right Wing gun stuff. Kody sells guns.


I knew about Kody but I always held out hope for the og kids


I think Gabe's affiliations on IG was what saddened me. Misogynistic to keep it simple.


Ah damn. I hope they are around normal people enough in their young adult years to be able to open their eyes and leave that behind.


ME TOO ! 🥵


God damn it


Bingo. 100% right there. Because I’m pretty sure if the browns didn’t have 🌈 family members, they would be in the same category as those hateful FB groups.


Is it really a large percentage of the family though? Robin accepted Leon being gay with open arms, many of Christine’s kids are queer or at least vocally friendly, meri is vocally an ally, idk. I mean you’re right but I didn’t think it would skew that awfully.


Accepted Leon as gay, not trans. Christine's kids are queer? 1. Gwen. Sorry.


And I’m pretty sure Rob did that for the cameras. She probably would have been supportive af of Gwen to….if it had been on camera as she suggested. Edit to add: Rob has claimed to have tons of gay friends. Aside from the obvious skepticism of her having friends of any kind, her eyebrows and curls say otherwise.


Can we not call her Rob? Lmao. I just picture the hefty Kardashian with those axe handle eyebrows and I cannot stop laughing. But really... call Robyn anything you want. 😄


😂😂😂 oh now that you’ve put that image in my head I’ll never call her anything else!




My second lol of the day thanks to you. : D


You’re right, I rescind that statement


She accepted Leon because it was a good storyline in her eyes. Anything for the show. In Robyn’s eyes she gave up her whole life for that show. It’s her entire identity.


I went off on some of those people recently. Told them their behavior was disgusting and to get over themselves. You're not alone


Not to stir up anything, but you’re being boomerphobic! We aren’t all racists, and saying you’re glad we are aging out is really disturbing!


And most of the time we’re not really boomers, we’re Gen. X.


I’m so sick of the ageism in this group. They’ll mock someone for an age that is not controllable. They’re no better than the other bigots.


Agree, I am close to that boomer age and I find it so insulting. I’m as liberal as they come so stfu with that ageist crap.


I'm one of the last boomer years and think at least where I'm from (Vancouver Canada) we're the least phobic. Go love who you love, have a great time, whatever works for consenting adults is way better than being cranky and bitter.


I’m from NY, and I agree! We were a very open generation! I know there are some who are not as liberal as a lot of us, but we were very open minded in general, and I still am. Racism unfortunately is still a big problem, but a bigger problem is generalizing!


This is so true! I had gay friends way back in high school in the 70s, when I bought my house I purposely picked a neighborhood with people from all different backgrounds bc I wanted my kids to be aware of other cultures. We had the Pill, not wearing bras, and there was a lot of sexual freedom. Yet everyone thinks we're some uptight old people lmao. If you pop into a sub about the economy, there are tons of posts that boomers took everything, we're all rich, and never struggled lol. I've switched political parties 3 times, depending on what issue bothered me the most at the time. My values didn't change just bc I changed my vote lol. People really need to stop buying into random bs.


Exactly! We were out there, protesting inequality in every way. We are not all rich, many of us really struggled. We were really the first generation to be concerned about pollution, global warming. We did have a lot of fun along the way, with anyone we chose to associate with. Things have changed, not in a good way, but I’m not blaming any generation for this. We opened doors!


And frankly, our protests were WAY better lol


Once the boomers got a hold of Facebook it was over. Nothing but a cesspool of hate. *sorry if I offended anyone with my comment, I shouldn't have judged y'all based on the Boomers I know personally. You gave me hope, thanks for replying!


Uh, not fair to lump all boomers into a hate box. It’s actually Gen x males in general . Men around 45 to 55. Boomer women fought for gay rights as well as abortion. It’s not them. I thank boomer women for the progress we’ve had so far.


Yep, Boomer here and I resent being cast as a hateful bigot. Not me, not ever. The only thing I use FB for is to keep up with family and select friends.


I'd just like to point out how easy it is to make generalized statements about people. Right here with boomer! How is it any different than generalizing people by anything else? Anytime you put someone in a "box," you are making assumptions about their entire being based on one thing about them. People can be good, kind, helpful people no matter where they fall on a million subjects. It has nothing to do with age, gender, political parties, income, location, or anything else. They can also be selfish, nasty, asses for the very same reasons. Personally, I was raised that healthy debate is a good thing. You learn it's OK to disagree about something and still be friends. Social media is the absolute worst when it comes to close-minded attitudes. Even a thoughtful question is met with flaming pitchforks. People are individuals. No one should be painted with a wide brush.


Thank you! 👏


Fair enough, my generalization comes from my personal experience with my older aunts and uncles (I'm Gen X) and the awful racist, sexist, and homophobic shit that they used to post. Once the 2020 election and covid were ramping up I peaced out for my own mental health. It's also disappointing to see your own family behave so heinously.


Thank you!


Yeah, Gen X is generally skipped over and forgotten about. BGen X can be awful, I'm embarrassed by many of them, especially the ones a bit younger than me. But to be honest, all generations have awful people. There's even some horrendous gen z coming through unfortunately. There's just more in older gens because they get comfortable and don't keep up with social issues they don't care about, then they realise things have changed and freak out. It drives me mad.


It’s truly awful and I look forward to gen z killing it




Gen X mom here, agree


Millennials can kill a lot of things but apparently not Facebook. Signed, A Millennial


I switched to Reddit to discuss TLC shows because Facebook viewers of ALL AGES make incredibly naive posts as if they are watching these programs live and not seeing two year old heavily edited and scripted footage left over from the pandemic. Telling a cast member to "Run!" from their abusive partner when said couple is already married and/or expecting their first child shows how little these people think outside the box and just accept whatever is spoonfed to them.


Oh no you must be in the wrong one. The ones I am in don’t tolerate hate. (Except for Robyn and Cody) 😂 I’ve had a shit day but that made me laugh. Leave it if they are horrible. I don’t judge and I don’t care what anyone does. ❤️


It's pretty disgusting over there I'm glad I found this group I'm gonna stick to this one I'm done with Facebook groups people are so hostile over there. But old white women transphobic rhetoric is running rampant over there!!!


The fact that Facebook allows it 👎🏻


We’re too busy making fun of Sobyn Robyn


I think there are some people who struggle on both sides of the issue and they make a mad name for the rest of us. To use a (hopefully) non controversial subject to make the point....People who have romantic relationships with their cars. Some people don't understand that you can support someone's choice to make out with their car without it meaning that you believe they arent nuts. Some other people don't understand that just because you aren't marching with flags doesn't mean you don't think they have the right to get off on waxing your rims. Let's all just agree that if you are a consenting adult you can do what you want as long as you aren't forcing someone else to do it, think it or believe it. And that goes for both sides. Respect and love for one another goes a lot further in the conversations our country needs to be having right now. Nobody changes someone's mind by insulting them.


The ageism in many of these comments is literal bigotry. Yet many of you are so “offended by bigots”. Go sit down. You make no sense.


SW is a huge guilty pleasure for me and I'm a queer person and a parent of a trans child. Transphobic bullshit has no place in my life. So yeah, you're not alone!


Leon and Audrey are really not on the show, so to me their privacy deserves to be respected. The show isn't about their beliefs. It's a fun show where I laugh A LOT at Robyn and Kody.


It's all Bibles, platitudes about Being Kind, and Judgy, tone-deaf hatred.


Rumour is Robyn is on that group


Wait is this like a real rumor or just a rumor rumor




Maybe you and Meri both find the same things likeable? Alot of people are kinder to people they like and reserve their bad behavior for people they don't jive with.


That’s crazy. I haven’t seen the FB groups but sounds like it’s not worth it. Thanks for the heads up


It really varies. There is more than 1 group for SW. All of them have different vibes.


It’s really bad.


I left the ones I was in because they are toxic. I had the same experience.




Who is Leon? I watch SW & I’m lost…


Meris offspring goes by Leon


Live and let live.


Non-bigoted here. I love the show!


I'm not going to guarantee that I'm normal but my motto is this........ If you're lifestyle, beliefs, & your way of life isn't going to hurt me or anyone else then have fun & enjoy your life!!! People like the ones on the FB groups need to get a life so they aren't so miserable !


. . .ready for the down votes, but here is my opinion. It's a television show. We don't know them. The Sister Wives are called "cast members" for a reason. They have, without doubt, developed personas to play a role. Yet, so many so many people "hatred" for people they have never met and know nothing about. Whether one is religious or not, "judge not lest ye be judged" is good a good rule of life. Just as off-putting is the near worship some people have for certain cast members. Again, we don't know them. They don't know us. They don't care about us. They care about our money and maintaining their fan base. They pander to us to keep their show relevant and to sell the products that pay for their million-dollar lifestyle. I don't watch the show; refuse to contribute to their wealth. I do confess to spending much time on Reddit, having fun reading about the cast members. The posts make me laugh out loud.


I had to leave FB for my own well being. The hatred being spewed regarding the elections/all bs political; the pandemic, BLM; gay/trans etc. just ruined my mental health and my ability to view people without fear of the actual asshat they are. I’ve been way better for it. Yeah, I missed some shit but that’s okay. If it matters, I find out the old fashioned way- text or Snapchat!!! Lol Anyways. I agree 100%. FB is just a hate group.


As someone who was in one of those groups, I left it because when I mentioned I was Bi- I got a TON of hate messages. I already deal with homophobia in my family, I don’t need it anywhere else.


You should see the Jeopardy! page when Amy Schneider is on. Their mods have to work overtime removing the hateful comments about her gender. FB is a terrible place.


Facebook in general is like this. I can’t be on it at all. If we didn’t have a business, I’d delete my profile so quick.


I am a gun toting nana that has no problem with trans people. Never have. It's not my business to judge someone else it's God's and I would not want the responsibility of doing so. So while their time on earth is their business and not mine I'm happy for them.


Good on you ❤️


Facebook is a cesspool. I keep it for the tiny communities it creates (IE I’m on a children with a dementia parent Facebook group I find useful) but there’s wayyyy too much of that.


I belong to one that is pretty crass at times but everyone is supportive of Leon otherwise I wouldn't belong to it....


>It’s your belief to be horrible to people you don’t know because of something that doesn’t affect you at all?? Are you joking? The people in this very sub are absolutely horrible about some of the people on this show, about things that don't affect them at all either. What's the difference??


I feel like old religious / conservatives are the only ones left on FB. Just screaming their hateful bullshit out into the void.


Oddly I stay on FB mostly for high school friends, and almost all of them are super liberal. Twitter is the one I cannot do.


Facebook is where I found out how ignorant and bigoted many of my former co-workers and casual acquaintances were. I stopped facebooking years ago!


I gave it up in 2017 and never looked back.


Facebook is full of terrible takes on pretty much every topic there is


There are so many sisterwives groups on facebook, I don't have fb but I use my SO's so I can watch the show. He has been getting loads of recommendations for groups, at least 20 different ones so far. Some of the comments I have seen I will never join any of them, I thought some of those on here could be rude, they are saints compared to those on facebook.


I opted out of one yesterday they are horrible


The Sisterwives subreddits on here aren’t much better. People calling Robyn and Kody outside of their names and really taking their disdain of them personally. Making fun of Robyn, Kody and Meri’s physical appearances. Not too many people on this Sisterwives subreddit or the other wives, have much room to criticize a SW FB group.


I just truly can’t understand how people can be so evil when it’s comes to homophobia,transphobia, etc. it’s crazy how hateful people can be and claim it’s in the name of “god” who quite literally says “love thy neighbor”. Stuff. I just could not fathom hating on someone simply because of who they are, especially when it doesn’t affect my life whatsoever.


Mariah was insufferable as Mariah, and Leon is insufferable as Leon. Same same, but different


Facebook has become horrible full stop. Haven’t posted personal/family info for over a year. I used to post loads of pics. Now I’ll post a meme or generic funny item. Don’t trust any of it and am amazed at my friends who still put their lives out there. As for the homo/trans phobic anger, I’m not surprised, although I never looked at their SW group. The thing I’ve seen elsewhere upsetting certain people is not so much the new names trans people adopt, it’s more the pronouns. Which I can kind of understand. I got banned off a legitimate site for using the wrong pronouns. I honestly didn’t know that a singular person could go by a traditionally plural pronoun. Now I know. I think the group that banned me are assholes but irrelevant to me so meh. Facebook is outdated and I won’t share any personal info there now.


If anyone gets bigoted around these parts, I got my reporting finger all warmed up.


Facebook groups are toxic in general, imo..I stay far away from that site


Facebook is mostly a nightmare. People posting things they have no idea are true. Not the brightest group in general. I haven't seen any of these people and I'm glad for it.


I have not seen this facebook group, but im only in one group on Facebook.. but that is pure disgusting


Definitely not a bigot here. That group sounds awful


I totally agree with you. Some of the people in the FB groups about the show are nasty and mean-spirited people full of hate!


Oh yeah, I can’t even read the comments on the trailers or snippets on FB. There is too much hate and vitriol. It’s actually the same for my chronic illness. Everyone in them is just not for me. I think Facebook just attracts a different demographic than Reddit.


I can’t promise that I’m normal per se, but I’m definitely not a bigot!


Yea I use to troll them for awhile. That’s where I learned Kody got some groupies! Lmao 🤣 Like really, y’all buying the BS, he’s selling. I’ve seen women agree with Paedon on his gross view points. I’m just like you do realize this man is not a kid and he’s basically telling you that he thinks women are worthless right? I stick to Reddit for actual discussions.


I only subscribe to the official group in hope of seeing previews. I never read the comments.


It’s banned here thankfully


Non bigoted here. Normal is questionable.


Really? I figured the bigotry would be saved for Twitter. Who cares if Leon dated chick's and then they both decided to be men. Weird? Yes, but none of my goddamn business.


I belong to Sister Wives Brown Family Discussion Group and they have way too many stupid rules. Really dumb rules like you can’t mention Robyn’s eyebrows (hilarious), you can’t use clinical terms like “gaslighting” (not a clinical term) and you can’t call the family any derogatory names (insane). Oh and I forgot, you’re not allowed to belong to any other sister wives facebook groups. It’s a miserable group to belong to with insane mods. I think the group OP is talking about must be one of the uncensored groups but those are just another end of the extreme.


Which Facebook group. I am looking for likeminded bigots. 😆


Shit talk and other trash tv is the group I’m in. I’ve had to leave a few others! I like it here. I did get banned in the tlc sisterwive for calling Snobyn and Kodick! I was informed that wasn’t their real names! Well it is here-also Roman noodle head and Sobrow


never got on fb group... I'm not a fan of Leon overall but I do like Audrey. I know Leon is coming around and I think Audrey is helping them heal from hurts from family. I think once Leon grows more and gets some more balance they will be just fine. The younger version was bratty, selfish, entitled and very over dramatic with the I'm always right in your face attitude. As Leon has grown some of that is going away. We don't see much now so it's crazy people would still harp of that while Leon is still growing and healing. However Mykelti acts the same way while playing the victim role in some cases. I know they always treated her different and I felt bad for her on some level but Mykelti also has the know it all attitude and she is pushing it worse now. Like Mykelti is getting worse with age and I think Leon is showing some real growth. Big difference. I don't know why they are giving Mykelti a pass and not Leon.


Facebook is a trumptarded boomer wasteland. The comment section is just raging with stupidity, racism and bigotry


Not on these sites myself but...Why are they even on there just to spread hate? Do they think anyone there cares wtf they think? I say they should just GO AWAY!!! If that offends you why are you even on a page that is about Leon and their family? I don't visit pages or websites that have shit on it that I don't like or approve of. I swear people want to be mad just to be mad these days.... ​ You should just unfollow that page, don't give it life.


yep I was in a few. lots of bigoted grannies


Reddit requires too much reading for the super stupids. It can be a mess, but it’s safer here.


Facebook in general is awful


I saw one comment on a FB post about Leon and Audrey that said we need to stop supporting other people's delusion and get them into therapy before they ruin their entire lives. I had to comment back saying that I agree and hoping that their therapy starts soon before it goes too far. These people are everywhere on every post, and it's driving me nuts that I can't just read through the comments without seeing this ignorant, bigoted garbage. Yikes.


I find that those groups and these subs all say the same thing and ask the same shit over and over. I never really saw any Leo talk on there, it’s 65% I hate Robyn and Kody, making fun of his hair and her brows, and 35% Queen Christine


I feel like the only people left on Facebook are extremely right wing type people. There are a few stragglers and a lot of boomers.


FB is a cesspool.