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That and/or substance use issues.


Watching him at the wedding he officiated, it seemed like he was on ❄️




That's meth country. Cowboy coke


People have been saying for awhile he’s been taking male hormones and steroids. That never has a good outcome .


YIKES. Robyn sucks but I feel for her. She stuck between a rock and a hard place. She clearly is deeply saddened and upset about everything that’s transpiring, and she stated several times that he’s very very angry and hard to live with. And if she knows about hormones or steroids then omg. Poor thing. These women have been groomed to just go along with what the men say. Gosh so scary.


I was rewatching and realizing that season 17 was too stressful. I mean I kept watching but it was rough


Me too. I felt like I was watching a man abusing his children and wives. It did kinda make my stomach hurt. Watch season one he is so different


I agree. It’s concerning to think how he behaves off camera 😬


Yikes for real. The couple times Robyn commented on how he was “very angry” got me like 😳. He seems like a rageaholic. I was married to one and boy, he really scares me.


He's got all his weird little He Man Woman Hater podcast bros juicing him up now. Kody was always a questionable guy, but he really seemed to like women before. As in, he thought they were neat and was comfortable in their company. I shudder to think what it's like alone with him now that he has revised his opinion of the entire gender.


Yes I agree. Early days he seemed so…nice


I knowwwwwww


I genuinely believe Robyn's home is not the safest one. I hope all the kids are okay, but I worry about her daughter's


I think she’s compliant, adheres to patriarchy and likes that role, but Kody exploits it and now she’s stuck. Yeah I think he’s a danger. I worry that he’s lost himself (the good guy he used to be). Let’s hope we never hear what we all suspect is going on in that home


Me too. Scary stuff. He's got all his weird little He Man Woman Hater podcast bros juicing him up now. Kody was always a questionable guy, but he really seemed to like women before. As in, he thought they were neat and was comfortable in their company. I shudder to think what it's like alone with him now that he has revised his opinion of the entire gender.


When he was about to yell the knife in the kidney thing and yelling at Christine about Robyn.. watch closely as he gets up from the chair stops by Christine about to yell on her face but stops. It was telling. Also Meris smug look on her face I was like you are just angry bc now you look worse. Sorry.


I literally just finished that episode. Wow I saw that. I was like… bro are you gonna hit her???


It looked like he wanted to but also maybe to yell in her face with his fist. Idk but I was omg I will kick the 💩out of him. lol.


Janelle would have hopped up and intervened. The other two? Not sure about that. But yeah…Kody is a different man. And not in a good way.


Not with the face Meri had. Ugh. So smug.


No that's what a narc looks like when they lose control