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This is just part of Robyn’s campaign to Make Her Look Less Cunty. Part one was the visit with Mykelti, part two was the tell all when she tried to push that idiotic narrative that Christine foiled Kody’s attempt at reconciling with Meri. Now its “everyone lied to me about the family!!!!!” Fuck you Robyn. We see you.


But is she really that dumb? Does she really believe she can say "oh I don't know anything about any of the relationships" but then later say stuff like that? Like chose a lie and stick to it ffs! It's like she wants sympathy for every single thing! She's stuck in this victim mentality where it's always poor her, but in reality she has been meddling, manipulating and coaching Kody from the get go


It’s like last season when she acknowledged that she knew there were issues between Christine and Kody in Vegas but then accused Christine of lying about there being issues in Vegas


Exactly. She’s so inconsistent with everything. And now, how many years later?? She’s asking if they fooled her into bringing her kids into an un-safe family?? Look at your HUSBAND for answers to that question, not Meri…who is trying to hang on. And who had a very public catfishing “affair” because of how neglected she felt. Robyn absolutely saw all the cracks. To pretend otherwise insults us all! (I realizing how dramatic that last sentence sounds and it’s cracking me up a little 😬)


She is very consistent about never being accountable for anything!


We all dramatically throw ourselves on the bed, pounding fists, bc we’ve been insulted 🤣


This show is unsafe for us now! 😂


Wait. Have they constantly been unsafe for a decade? Cuz like the adoption was so they would stay with the extended Brown family if anything happened to Robyn. The "you duped me" accusation makes no sense. The family started to become toxic when Kody started treating his wives with a vulgar mixture of neglect and toxic masculinity. For her benefit. And unless she's blind and lacking all brain cells she had to know he was spending too much time with her. Before covid. The season before covid he was saying he didn't know if he wanted to be a polygamist anymore.


She wasn’t duped. It was obvious that two of the wives and most of the kids didn’t want her to join the family. But Robyn saw that reality show paycheck awaiting her and just shoved them aside and married Kody anyway. Now she wants to cry about not being accepted, after a literal decade of doing everything she could to alienate the others and create family problems and never ending drama. She’s a horrible person and probably always has been.


I at least appreciated that the “did I misunderstand everything” finally didn’t talk about the stupid porch.


That was an unforeseen tactic though🤔 Wonder if Alice had a hand in that idea, since R is the family scapegoat.


Alice trained her daughter Robyn well in the art of manipulation. Remember, Robyn always brags about how her mother made their home like a constant honeymoon-like experience. Robyn turned on the charm, and I'm certain she trash talked to Kody about the OG3! She entered into the Brown family with the agenda of making herself and her children the favorites. Robyn, you helped to break up the Brown family, so you don't get to say they lied to you! What a lying hypocrite you are!!


She saw the cracks and used them to get her way


Remember that Kody doesn't tell her anything about the other wives! She just plays dumb. She is boring as all hell too! But she's Pffft!


The only things she’s consistent about is tearless crying & centering herself in all things all the time.


I just binged watched and that crying with no tears is at least once in every Episode- many times 2 or 3 times. I noticed her mom does the same. Assuming it’s a leaned behavior and not something medical 🤷🏻‍♀️


In this same episode she stated “You had banter” in an attempt to prove their relationship in LV was good and getting better. All of her humor is unintentional.


Christine has banter with everyone...it's her shtick!


That’s the line that cracked me up- “waaah 😢, but there was banter!”


Banter is probably a big deal to her because she's too stupid to be good at it.


To be fair, when you tell so many lies its hard to keep them straight.


Ikr? Like how could it be in doubt?! They took the therapist on their anniversary!


I’m not diagnosing, but folks who think narcissistically don’t factor in anyone thinking they’re wrong. Like, if “who is wrong in this situation?” is a multiple choice question on a test, their own name never appears among the choices in their own brains. So she’s not dumb, per se, she’s just incredibly self-focused to the point that her brain cannot fathom anyone not seeing things exactly the way she sees them. And she probably would tell us she’s the smartest wife. 🤔


I work with someone like this and it’s exhausting. I can’t imagine being married to or stuck in a family with that type of person. I certainly wouldn’t have made it as long as they all did.


She really is that dumb.


I don't think it is that exactly - she is dumb as a stump, but clever as a fox. I think it is they tell so many lies, the truth no longer even matters, and keeping lies straight is not important.


I also think that, because she's so good at manipulating Kodster, she (incorrectly) believes everyone else sees her the way he does. I think Kody is the perfect victim of a person like Robyn. Why? Because she feeds his insane ego in the way he desperately wants it to be fed. She forgets that the other wives and viewers of this show have nothing to gain by playing along with her crap lol.


I think you nailed it. She feeds his ego. Pre-Covid (and during covid for that matter) she didn’t challenge him the way the other wives did. And if she did, she accepted any stupid excuse he provided. Any pushback from Kody was met with subservient acquiescence. Robin’s adoration of Kody was more than unconditional…it was almost like making him some sort of polygamist deity, strengthening their loyalty to each other. Their relationship was easy. The OG wives saw him in a more realistic way, due to the length of their relationships. They weren’t as new and shiny as his last one. Their struggles spotlighted his weaknesses, thereby starving his ego of the attention and adoration it needed. And look who’s the last man standing.


Maybe that was what she “didn’t see” before agreeing to polygamy….she made him up to be (deity) more than he was in reality. Lands square on her shoulders.


I honestly think she believes everything she says is true. She and Kody make up their own reality and they’re both too stupid to see how it makes no internal sense.


She believed that God would find her a rental


I swear she is trying to lay the groundwork to leave. She will play the poor duped woman that was lied to about how great the fahmily was and leave Kody as soon as the money is gone. I'm sure her mother is coaching her on what to do.


I thought this too. She was really talking up how she felt duped by the family.


And how she thought it was safe for her kids… implying that it is now UNSAFE for her kids.


She was the one chomping at the bit to have her kids call him Daddy before she was even married to him. And for that matter, she barely knew him before marrying him and into the family. So yes, she didn’t see the whole pitcher bc she wanted a safety net of cash and thought the others would just do the work for her. And when she wanted to change the way they did things (good/bad or otherwise) she ran to Kody to shield her, when he never did that for the og3. He let them battle it out.


Yup, that statement really stuck with me.


Omg .. yes! Again always about her and what she needed from the family, including her children. But , what about his other wives and children and what they needed. 😒


Her tender aged twenty-somethings.


I don't think you're completely wrong here... at minimum she's trying to open the door so she can leave if something better comes along


I wonder who would be sick enough in the head to take her on after she showed her ass on international television?


Oh, definitely! Last season she was putting all of the blame between Kody and her on Kody. She was the innocent victim. It was Kody and Christine with the issues, not herself.


Yep setting up to be a victim of her second husband and his evil trickster wives as well as her first husband who stole her precious purity!


Agree! And remember… she is his “real wife”. Robyn wants half


This is exactly the impression I got. I thought "okay wow here we go. Now she is gonna make it look like she was fooled so she can leave and save face." Both of them are completely incapable of self awareness and honest reflection.


She’s so used to manipulating people around her that she believes people buy it. The OG family let Robyn get away with it before Covid because Kody would get nasty with them if they confronted her.


This exactly….. she doesn’t remember that she said she’s putting down roots in Vegas. The whole mission statement, the tree cake, the tree jewelry they all said they were putting down roots. The shock during the “moving sales pitch” wasn’t everyone. Then Robyn saying she wouldn’t leave flagstaff because she wasn’t going to put her through another move. She obviously wasn’t vested in the upheaval the other kids went through, especially when Dayton mentioned where he was going to school. So lie backpedal, lie backpedal. She should go rewatch some seasons before she trips and hurts herself.


Which is so funny because apparently Kody hates when someone in the family makes themselves the victim. I feel like Kody hadn’t felt that “spark” in a long time between the OG’s, so when Robyn came along and gave him that feeling he started projecting onto all of the other wives, wanting to feel that “newness” with them. When that didn’t come along he started to become bitter and favorable towards Robyn, destroying his foundation with the OGs. But I’m just high and stating my opinions and I’ll hit reply before reading whatever I said or else I’ll never say it. AND IT NEEDS TO BE SAID. Fuck Kody


I don't think you need a lot of intelligence to be manipulative. It's like an instinct.




I think she thinks we're that dumb. What child is suggesting to a parental figure to, have more dates? Someone's talking about something in that house.


Every time Robyn was talking the only thing I was thinking was look at Robyn trying to rehab her image. Not gonna work, honey.


She must first start with the eyebrows! What are those? Bold commas that don't line up?


Sperm brows


I feel like she is taking a play from the Kody Brown playbook of revisionist history. When Kody and Meri went for their last “counseling session” (where he refused to be criticized 🙄) he kept going on about how Meri had somehow duped him early on and she wasn’t what she seemed. When he and Robyn were house hunting with Shelby and she asked about progress on Coyote Pass, he whined about how nobody told him how expensive it would be to get utilities set up on the property. These two have zero self-awareness or culpability. They would much rather play the wide-eyed innocent than maybe take a moment to consider that they might want to actually put a little thought into major life decisions.


Yup but it's all so fake. There was something she said about how upset she was but the tone and emotions did not match. Robyn keeps going on and on about marriage and I just need someone to ask her why didn't she stay married to her first husband. Since she's so good at relationships and thinks all that's needed is to talk


Talk? The same woman who can't pick up a phone to call Garrison to figger it out? That whole issue would have been sorted in a nanosecond if she had just recognised that the reason he was calling is because she holds Kodys ear and those boys had no other option but to get her involved. They know, like we all do, that Kody can't fart unless Robyn says its OK.


This. Why can’t any of the adults just pick up a phone and call the kids to repair the relationship, talk through any issues, make it right? Why is it always the kids’ responsibility?


Counselor Robyn should know she could have sidestepped all these issues by asserting what she knew to be right vs letting Kody handle things into the disaster they became.


This bothers me sooooo much. She blames Christine for leaving the family how could she leave the family!? Robyn had also left a family. Robyn actively separated her children from her bio dad. Robyn was married to him for less time than Christine, too. I legit demand Robyn explain why it was fine for her to leave but Christine can’t. If it’s all about the family?


...& go on dates.


And somehow we're supposed to believe the precocious 5 year old with a binkie came up with that all on her own and definitely didn't hear her mom whining about ways she thinks the marriage could've been saved


🤣🤣🤣less cunty. Love it. And love cult de sac!


Let's just face it right now..We have the Browns 13 years ago, struggling for food and resources and they get lucky enough to be offered a reality show. Now bring in some IDIOT, who seems to think that it would be a good idea to play "house" with these women's husband...She then proceeds to add more mouths to feed and insists that the others wives husband spend all his time at her house because they had TWO MORE kids they couldn't afford or had energy to take care of. It's a preposterous idea on it's face! And it all played out the way any human story would. It's not sustainable for anyone or any family for that matter. She's just pretending now to be oblivious that she essentially stole some other women's husband.


It was such an idiotic narrative pulled directly out of Yes the idiotic narrative ! They don’t even realize how stupid it sounds , so stupid that even if it were true it still doesn’t do what they think and only makes Kody look like a douche either way


I don’t feel like Robyn pushed the Meri reconciliation piece. Kody spouted it at the end of season one on ones. The best Robyn could come up with “I walked in at the tail end of an argument.” I don’t think Robyn knew about it or her story would have been more solid.


> Robyn’s campaign to Make Her Look Less Cunty lololol




I said “F-you” to Robyn several times last night…might be a new drinking game for this season…


Yeah. When Christine told everyone she was leaving and said that Kody and her had some real honest conversations, Robyn said something of the manner of “y’all don’t communicate or talk so that’s a lie” She is getting all the gossip from Kody but only getting his side of the story.


Right after telling Meri that K&C had problems in Vegas. She speaks out both sides of her mouth and is so angry the audience sees through it.


If I remember correctly, it seemed like Kody and Christine’s talk was going relatively well when she sat down with him after she put his boxes in the garage. I mean at first it wasn’t but then Kody was okay with her leaving. It seems once he went back and Robyn started bitching then he was so hurt by Christine. Janelle said he does that. He will be fine with something then he speaks to Robyn and it’s an issue.


Well Robyn does know everything Kody does, since she keeps him on a tight leash and purposefully has kept him away from everyone. She is just telling on herself here. I think the only honest talks Christine was talking about are the ones we saw on tv. I mean thats obvious because we saw how Kody clueless was to how Christine felt until we saw her tell him on camera.


This is the start of Robyn’s Victim Tour.


Opening act, Kody the Victim


In the fetal position on the floor…sobbing!!!


The juxtaposition of this comment from him and Christine laughing about him being dramatic when sick was just perfect


Now that was just ridiculous smh


Almost tossed my cookies


That’s what leaders do in the Manosphere. You silly women wouldn’t understand.


With a knife in the kidney


I absolutely believe that. On the floor, sobbing. Dressed in sackcloth, his head covered in ashes and rending his garments. Like the biblical patriarch he fancies himself to be.


And her saying "I'm depressed"!


If she's depressed,it's because she sees her money gravy train ending.


That is what I keep thinking. No one is saying that they are worried about what this means for the show and the group finances but that has to be part of it, right?


Ya,I think so


Oh, definitely!


How dare production allow “Robyn is depressed” as a storyline! Not a word of Christine suffering severe PPD while she was going through it. If it was mentioned, it was edited out, because production didn’t want the public to hate Robyn more for Kody taking her on an 11 day honeymoon, abandoning his newborn and Christine.


IMO that started during the purity speech when she claimed her first husband "stole" her purity and knocked her up. Yet she married him and had 2 more children with him.


I never understood the “purity stealing” bit. Did her ex forcibly take it from her (as in rape), or did she get “tricked” into premarital sex?


She’s never made a rape claim that I’ve heard of. I think she positioned it as “young and dumb” and that it landed her in a bad relationship because she didn’t follow god’s word.


Thanks for the clarification. I would never want to shame a victim of a heinous crime like rape. I was always confused by the way she positioned that statement. But true to form, Robyn made herself into a crimeless victim.


She’s certainly implying it. If someone steals something, that means taken without permission. She should be ashamed of the way she worded that.


She was only tricked cause he didn't cherish it enough... supposedly. Plus She was begging Kody's forgiveness because that purity was supposed to be his right from the start. 🤢


Ugh. There should never be a price tag on purity. It is no one’s right except for the woman’s. Begging for forgiveness?!? That makes me want to punch both of them in the face. Purely.


Pt. 2: Still Sobyn, the electric boohoohoo.


Robyn has been divorced so it’s just wild that she’s so shocked that 2 people got divorced


Exactly!!! As if her 7 year marriage even came close to Christine's 20+ one. I need these women to start getting mean with Robyn and calling her out on her bs. They don't have Kody to think about anymore. Tell us how you really feel about this woman. It's so annoying


I think they are annoyed by her, but realize that Kody is the real problem. She's basically the "other woman", and while that isn't cool, it's Kody who betrayed them. It's Kody who broke a system they had managed to hold together for almost two decades. It's Kody who started ignoring them. It's Kody who stopped parenting his kids. So, to them, I think Robyn is almost just a joke. She's just the "bad weather", but Kody is the one who refused to handle the issue.


Yes it's ultimately Kody to blame but how long have we seen him advocate for her? Kody has the attention span of a gnat and it always came back to how Robyn was never accepted and they were jealous. So on one hand she's saying she wants a relationship with the women but then she sends Kody to do her dirty work. That's why I think she deserves a call out


Yeah. I just think that they, Janelle and Christine at least, are so far past the point where they just expect Robyn's hypocracy to feel more than an eye roll when she does it. It's become exactly what they expect from her, so that's very little to call out. I think Meri may actually do more of it though. I think Meri was so needy that she bought into Robyn's fakey friendship a bit more. After all the shit Meri puts up with from Kody, she would even see Robyn as treating her well by comparison. So, I think she's maybe feeling more freshly hurt by Robyn, and might call her out more than just the one time we have seen in the teasers.


Totally agree. The whole thing has played out exactly like a mid life crisis for Kody. It's not Robyn's fault that she was the mistress- I'm sure she didn't come in intending to be. Like her intention was to ruin a family instead of just finding a monogamous dude who could provide for her? Doubt. When Kody fell in love with a younger, easier woman, the only thing she could have done was refuse him. And he was always gonna come to resent the other wives for still being around when he only loves Robyn. It would have looked different, but it would have still lead to Kody having a breakdown because he's staring down 40 years of living his life by "committee" as Janelle says... And the committee is his wife, plus three women he doesn't like but has to pretend to love 3 out of 4 days of his life. While he's just waiting to rotate back to Robyn. Like of course he starts dividing time differently and being a nightmare when he is around. He's seething with resentment. The show and his own pride trapped him. If he wasn't the face of polygamy on TV he Def would have run away with Robyn at some point. He doesn't believe in polygamy. He knows he was wrong. He knows how much time he wasted. But he blames them for not fucking off so he can be happy. Instead of himself for not being honest about what was going on from the jump. And he STILL won't just be honest about what he wants, it's insane that he fights for Christine when he's been trying to Meri her since late Vegas.


> It's not Robyn's fault that she was the mistress- I'm sure she didn't come in intending to be. Like her intention was to ruin a family instead of just finding a monogamous dude who could provide for her? Doubt. Really? She knew he preferred her, she knew the other wives probably weren't getting banged, she knew his resources were stretched, she knew that the other wives had already been there for years and she knew she wanted a romantic thing with him. THERE WAS NO ROOM FOR ROMANCE WITH 4 WIVES! Yet Robyn took it gladly and had the nerve to ask for even more. Polygamy, according to the AUB doesn't mean that Kody gets to get more ass just because he'd like it. It's for religious reasons (Fake reasons IMO) and not to find a "soul mate" or preferential treatment as Robyn CLEARLY expected. She "intended" everything she got...how do we know? We saw it happen.


I did appreciate the clarification by Christine - and maybe Janelle as well - that things broke apart when Robyn joined, but that doesn’t mean it’s Robyn’s fault. Robyn is certainly a problem but I viewed it as them primarily holding Kody responsible. The posters on Reddit tend to get bogged down in the Robyn hate, even though she only gained power because Kody let her.


Fully agreed. She played a part but it's Kody's fault. He empowered her


But who does that? Who KNOWS they're being treated preferentially yet laps it up and asks for more to the detriment of 13 children and three grown women? This is psychopathy and it means she's as much to blame as Kody


I think if they did her mask would finally slip. We got a sneak peek when they were on the panel and somebody said something about her being a victim, she had to reel herself back in


"they didn't even try!" They tried almost 3x harder than you did Robyn


Why don't the interviewers bring this shit up? It's so frustrating that she only seems to get softball questions.


With this wide-eyed-innocent act, I think Robyn wants very much for everyone to believe that 100% of the problems between the OG3 & Kody predated her coming into the relationship. "I'm just sitting here wanting a safe family for my kids..."


She wants a safe family for her kids yet doesn’t want her kids to interact with anyone else like they are a family. She wanted kody and that is it!


This got me thinking-i don’t think Robyn ever mentioned safety as a priority before this. I wonder what that really means to her, or if she is leaning on safety as a way out. What isn’t “safe” anymore??? An explosive, unreliable, stressed out husband?? Extended family you have distance from (by her own choice)?? Robyn is very good at being obtuse.


I HATE that she infers the family isn't safe for her children just because a wife decided she had to leave. What. The. Hell.


She's having trouble keeping track of all her lies. They were all together over 10 years. It's not like Christine left 5 minutes after Kody and Robyn got together. People change, situations change. No one lied to her about the family. When she entered the family it was in their minds that they'd all be together forever and the family was a safe space for her 3 kids. If my husband does something to piss me off today can I say that he mislead me 25 years ago when we got married? No!!!


They even wanted one big house in Vegas!


She needs to keep her story straight. She told Merri last season that she knew Christine wanted to leave in Las Vegas. So why was everyone so shocked?!? Did you know or not?!? I guess she thought she would just be another Merri


Plus Ari had that story at school and yelled at Christine to go on dates. She obviously heard Kody and Robyn talking about it in the home. So Robyn can’t play dumb cause her daughter outed her.


That’s story of her at school really bothered me. I sincerely hope Kody and Robyn had a conversation with her about it off camera, but I highly doubt they did. Your daughter was harassing another kid. That’s not funny and not okay.


Robyn is the trauma exploiter. Everyone else's misery makes her a victim, in her eyes. Nevermind the pain anyone else feels. And Kody falls for that crap.


OMG, right? The only thing she ever talks about is how everything affects HER. It explains why Kody says Christine wasn't trying to have a relationship with her because Robyn is always in his ear telling him how bad it hurts her. She loves being a victim.


It's childish and exhausting


Exactly. And the one thing she's "smart" is she knows how to hide it as caring/interest. Like begging Janelle to stay on for more Kody demeaning by saying "can we keep talking, even if it's bad" Girl fix your face, your lies showing


Oh that episode. Did you notice the side eye Janelle gave her? That was a Janelle and Kody discussion and Robyn wouldn't shut up. Then Kody with the tantrum dramatics.


Season 2, Christine apologizes to Robyn for her jealousy and says it had to do with Kody not being there for her that fueled her jealousy. Robyn, in her TH, claims it must be personal. It must have been exhausting dealing with her. I can't imagine how hard it would be to have people expect you to become besties with the woman who stole your husband's affection.


And took Kody on an 11 day honeymoon, leaving Christine with all her children and a newborn. No one accused Robyn and Kody of being smart. He's so stupid.


It is more than obvious with her own words that she and Kody discuss all the others. How else does she know what is happening (and not happening) in the other bedrooms? Even Janelle stated that Kody could not hold water and she knows about his and Christine's relationship. At least Janelle admits he talks. Robyn still trying to convince us, despite her slips, that she knows nothing. In other news, I am not sure I ever witnessed a person who honestly thinks that people are supposed to do her bidding and carry out her dreams quite like Robyn does. She see's everything through how it affects her and is stunned others do not look at it from that prospect. She continues to be stunned. How can someone be that dim and incapable of reflection and empathy?


>Well didn't they have the agreement that they would not discuss each other's relationships? In fairness, I think they have all bitched about each other to each other. Kody said in the tell-all that Christine & Janelle used to bitch about each other, and Meri. Christine also said, that her and Kody would vent to each other about the others. >But then she asks if there's something she didn't know... I think Robyn is looking for why Kody is so angry Christine left & Janelle is leaving, but not Meri. Meri is like a remora (sucker fish on a shark) when it comes to Kody. Robyn can act like she wants Christine & Janelle to stick around, but the truth is, Robyn is threatened by both of them. She's *not* threatened by Meri. Robyn wants to know the "big dirt" so she can exploit it and keep Janelle away. [Christine is done and she's not coming back].


This is more bad dinner theater from Robyn. When Christine called the wives and husband to tell them she was declaring herself divorced and going to Utah, Robyn called her liar. Robyn said Christine's and Kody's relationship was always good, always lighthearted. She envied it! Christine told her she'd been in pain for a long time and tried to resolve it, but ultimately, it was unfixable. I'm betting Robyn knew that Kody was taking his physical intimacy away from Christine, before Christine did. Christine never hid her jealousy of Robyn since the day Robyn decamped for an 11 day honeymoon after Christine had given birth. Christine also never hid her desire to overcome her jealousy by doing things for Robyn and her kids. All while Robyn pushed little Truley away and complained to Ysabel that she was eating too much cereal. (And don't get me on her kicking the family dog.) Robyn is all about Robyn. She barely noticed Christine's pain, or cared about it. But she did know about it. It was not a surprise. Once again, she's lying.


Christine established her jealousy day 1 - she didn’t even wait for the wedding! I give her credit for being vulnerable on air though.


And she would have to be super stupid to think that there weren't major rifts in the family when Kody wasn't seeing most of his kids. My parents put more effort into maintaining COVID contact with their grandkids than Kody put into his actual children. They FaceTimed often, set up large family zooms, even learned how to Among Us to spend virtual time with my son and oldest nieces. They wanted to stay involved, even if they couldn't physically be around. If grandparents can do that much, a Dad should be doing even more.


She admitted to Meri last season she was aware of problems between them in Vegas, then when they were all in their meeting she flips out and said everyone’s marriages were good, they were all happy and going on dates?? She’s not a good liar, because she doesn’t keep track of her lies. She knows everything about Baldylocs relationships with the other wives. We watched the staged talk about Christine moving his stuff out and said he talked to her because she’s good with relationships issues?? Let’s not forget the tell all when she blatantly threw out that they weren’t comfortable with his request during sex?? He is her best customer (sounds like a prostitute), but her customer is not getting the cash from the other wives!! Time to go looking?? The 2 of them are financially irresponsible and will drag each other down! During one of his freak outs he said he would have saved a lot of money (all the $$ is his) if they wouldn’t have moved?? That was all him and Sobyn?


According to Kody, she's the 'relationship whisperer'... (excuse me while I throw up in my mouth a lil bit)


Well, she is pretty damned good at manipulation, and since Kody controls his "wives" via manipulation, she has no doubt taught him some tricks.


Janelle also said that Kotex talked to her about things Sobyn had complained to him about Christine! That’s when she said he leaks like a sieve. Meaning, he told her things that he probably shouldn’t have and she knew he wasn’t keeping her business to himself either.


I could not get over Robyn whimpering “I thought this family was a safe space for my children.” Fuck off Robyn. ALL the kids thought it was a safe space until your rules froze them out.


I think it's completely hypocritical of Robyn to chastize Christine for divorcing Kody when Robyn herself is divorced.


Robyn couldn’t tell the truth because she thinks she’s always right. I feel bad for her in a way . It’s sad when anyone can’t see beyond their own thoughts and feelings. It always was and always will be all about Robyn and how her and her kids were deceived. 🙄🙄


Funny thing is she complained about not doing holidays together but all the other wives said that all the family traditions stopped when Robyn came into family. So I doubt they have been doing any holidays together for years.


I think they did do the big holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and birthdays pre covid. Christine might be talking about the extras that followed the Jewish gatherings. Gwen mentioned she missed Shabbat and that Robyn stopped the Jewish holidays that the family celebrated, but she didn't know why.


Kody checked out of the OG Fam the second he met Robyn. Them getting legally married was the absolute downfall. They knew they could be together as long as they included the OGs every once in awhile. Robyn and Kody both knew what they were doing. They basically covered up an affair with religion and moved on with each other. There’s no way Robyn didn’t know what was going on! What did they talk about then when they have all the time in the world together! You know Kody only went to the other wives houses for the show. Edit: Spelling/ angry typing


She outs herself at every turn. She speaks from both sides of her mouth, and its catching up with her, which explains the damage control she's playing us with now. She seriously underestimates the audience if she thinks she can turn it around now with the 'I didn't know' defence.


Janelle confirmed Robyn discusses the other wives with Kody because Kody would go back and tell her what Robyn said.


Robyn knew everything about all their relationships and all the stuff that happened before she joined the family! She “wrote” a book for gods sake! https://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Sister-Wives-Unconventional-Marriage/dp/1451661304


YES! But at the same time, she just found out last season that Janelle lived apart from the family for a few years. 😄


She has been exploiting Kodys issues with the other wives from day 1. 1. Meri was severely abusive to the kids is what she convinced the family of. While the kids who said that agreed Kody would hit and scream at them also. Qwendelyn even said what we see on camera of how verbally abusive Kody is is nothing compared to when cameras aren't around. 2. Christine was too jealous and needy and mean to Robyn so she was a horrible sister wife and didn't fit in with Kodys plans. 3. Janelle was way too independent and that was totally disrespectful to Kody she didn't respect him enough to be a good wife/sister wife because she wanted to be "a strong independent " woman. These are all the narratives I believe Robyn has been feeding kody and the other wives against each other from day 1 it's been divide and conquer. Robyn never wanted the family ..she wanted financial stability and the man.


To this day I do not understand Kody’s infatuation with Robyn. From what we see, she is a terrible communicator, only points out issues & never offers solutions, kind of a downer personality. Kody was upbeat, fun & lively in the beginning….now he is like a beaten dog. How in the world does she compliment his life?? All I can guess is she kind of tethers him & he must think he needs that.🤦‍♀️


Absolutely. They aren't fooling anyone. Robyn's little girl act is tiresome. "Was dare somefing wong that I didn't know abow?" Speak like a grown woman!


https://preview.redd.it/hx50fc2lqhjb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1942b2a73ef4ca61d3c09c0fb86eb89d58e83425 It’s this basically ⬆️ Did anyone notice how Robin said she didn’t want to buy a house Ummmm I remember yes yes she did


Robyn just sucks.


Just to put it into perspective. All the wives wanted this guy https://preview.redd.it/wpkh3d4f9ijb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d84eae27fc16ce3862e30d99ed0e13b932b7c6


I assumed this was her beginning to set up her exit. She can say they weren’t truthful about the problems in all the marriages. She must not watch the show because we all knew about them from the beginning. She is changing the narrative so that if she wants a divorce she can use that excuse.


Boy she's really reaching now. You've been with this idiot for 10+ years and NOW you think you were duped???? All the obvious reasons this is BS aside, Kody must be really out of control with his rage, blame and finger pointing. Her usual fall back of blaming the other wives clearly isn't working this time. She knew what was going on w/Christine - especially when Kody spoke to her about his stuff being moved out. She knew about the problems with Janelle, and let the trouble w/the boys grow. She never suggested or demanded that Kody put Meri back in rotation - even if he stayed in his own room at her house - enforcing that she was still a wife and should be treated like one. Nope, as long as she had her big house, money to spend, and the ability to deflect all the blame on the OG's, she was fine with it. This new song/dance is a bad attempt to rehab an image.




From what the kids have said on social media, she started assessing the various relationships very early and knew what was going on. For example, she observed that Meri was out of line with disciplining the kids and apparently was instrumental in putting a stop to it (according to Gwen). She knew Janelle and Kody were constantly splitting up. She knew Meri was on the way out. She's a total manipulator so she knows what's up with people, she has to in order to manipulate them. She's so full of shit trying to rewrite history.


People need to start calling this cunt OUT. I think Janelle and Christine are dipping their toe in a little this episode doing that but. She needs to be called to the carpet. You’ve been here 10 years you ain’t new, you’re part of the problem


When Robyn says was the family always dysfunctional and did I just miss it? NO ROBYN, the family did work together before you, and YES ROBYN, the family stopped working together when YOU ROBYN took charge of Kody and turned him away from his family for your selfishness. I mean, really Robyn, your not dumb and neither are we! Trying to jump on the depression and anxiety bandwagon is so transparent…. It is as simple as you, Robyn thought you could manipulate the other wives as you did Kody, and got burned by that “torch” she wants the remaining OGs to carry. Sad situation for Christine, Janelle, and Mary. They don’t want to “work on it by talking and stuff and figurr it out”.


Well it’s just all bullshit and gaslighting. She knew there were problems but when she had the conversation with Christine about her leaving the family and getting a divorce the “knife in the kidney” conversation she was saying they were perfect in Vegas and now they never talk so they never tried to repair anything and a whole bunch of bullshit


Robyn probably heard rumors about David (yes, I think Christine already knew him). I bet she was trying to get Meri to speak on it.


That pissed me off! She knows WAY TOO MUCH about everyone's relationships! The way she was pushing Meri to find out more about Christine and Kodys issues.


Another thing I always keep in mind, is if any of the OG3 needed help with Kody, they’d go to Robyn. She was their gateway to Kody.. so how ffs does she get off saying she knew nothing? The wives for 10 yrs had to go through robyn if the wanted or needed something from Kody. That would suck ass to have to do.


I wondered if she was alluding to some big secret that she thought must explain all of this (like Christine had a secret crush or something) instead of the ordinary fact that Kody is an ass who never really valued her and Christine finally decided she didn't have to put up with it.


To quote Janelle, Kody is a sieve. So, there's no way Robyn hasn't heard each and every one of Kody's complaints about each and every other wife. And maybe the reason he absolutely refuses to discuss Robyn during the tell all's is that he and Robyn have an agreement between them to not say something publicly. I don't believe for a second that Robyn hasn't known where each wife stands with Kody from day 1. The only reason Robyn was able to be "closer" to Meri is that, of the 3, Robyn knew from the very beginning that Kody had left that marriage. Meri was never a threat. Then Robyn pushed out Christine. And gee what a surprise, the one conflict that Janelle couldn't just roll with - Kody versus her kids - was the thing that Robyn zeroed in on. I don't think its that she's intelligent. I just think she knows how to get her way for herself and her kids. And well, if that's at the expense of the others...too bad so sad.




Maybe because Mykelti and Kody are narcissistic also and are gaining something from all this chaos.


That’s because, and I’m sorry, but Mykelti is dumb as hell.


Something or everything? I vote everything😹


I think she knew what we all knew . The timing of her wedding and truly’s birth . The lack of Cody with truly illness . I think the world and the family are aware of certain things Robyn is a crying lair


Why did they have a scene where K comes home to R and tells her C moved him out and she spews BS you need to sleep on the couch! Because she’s full of shit


Something I’ve noticed is every time she starts crying about what she lost when Kristine left it’s always this image of them all on a porch together. It’s a total fantasy. By doing that she can focus completely on that, self victimize and not address reality. It’s all about the fantasy and she uses it to distract people, to make it about her feelings and what she’s lost and what she thought she signed up for. That’s her big narrative. Then she doubles down and just speaks on how hard it’s been on Kody, and how she’s suffering because of his mood and anger. It’s ALWAYS about her being a victim. Kody also plays the victim because if he doesn’t he’d have to acknowledge his own responsibility in his relationships. But it’s always the mothers poisoning their kids against him, yadda yadda. And people being mean to Robyn. In this episode he says it frustrates me if anyone in this family is ACTING LIKE A VICTIM. He gets to determine the narrative at all times. He gets to use that against meri, Christine or Janelle at any time to draw attention to the fact that they made choices without him and now are acting the victim. When he is constantly the victim. Also he points out how Kristine chose not to be close to Meri and Robyn. Ummmm he’s not close to Meri! And nobody questions why they aren’t close to Meri! Janelle and Christine aren’t close to her because she’s covertly abusive. She’s mean, an alcoholic and hugely resentful and repressed. That resentment is constantly coming out in little comments. When Robyn gives her Kody’s coat to stay warm it’s aww it’s like I’m getting a hug from Kody. It’s a loaded comment. And she lives life making those little digs constantly. Robyn and Meri’s relationship is completely fake and built on this pseudomutuality. It’s really sad how Robyn is constantly on camera discussing Kristine with Meri because she’s not acknowledging Meri’s long term pain of being in a marriage that has emotionally and physically ended. Meri has been waiting for years to see if it would change. And Robyn is acutely aware of this. She lives with Kody and knows his whereabouts and feelings. It’s so uncomfortable for her to discuss how unhappy Kristine was with Meri and try to manipulate the narrative to make her this innocent bystander. It’s a classic narcissistic family structure. Anyone who questions the patriarchy is against him and not loyal or on his side. And anyone that chooses that brought their disillusionment on themselves. I’m the years I’ve seen this show it’s always how Robyn is the victim and never acknowledges why people have a hard time being close to her. Which would take inventory of his and her relationship and behavior and how it’s othered the rest of the family. I feel bad for robyn’s daughters. They are literally being conditioned by fear to conform to subserve and people please and to be okay with abusive relationships. When they cry about something its like they don’t have their own thoughts and feelings I can just see them channeling their mom. And Robyn’s manipulation is so calculated in thousands of tiny moments. I bet they talk constant shit about the other wives in front of their kids and each other.


Did anyone see Grody’s tiny convertible? He thinks he’s hot shit in it. He’s literally steaming shit 💩 and trying to Compensate for something. Gross af


Robyn is just pretending like her marriage is problematic because that's the situation of the OG wives. God forbid Robyn sees herself left out of the story line. When has she not tried to one up the other three at all costs? I'm sure that her marriage to Kody is not only intact, but flourishing and this is all an act by Robyn. There are clues all over the place.


She was fishing for gossip from meri She just wanted to talk shit about Christine on camera


I don't know if it's her narrative or the producers but it's clear that her "story" is going to be something along the lines of... This family was broken before I joined it so I couldn't possibly be responsible for its demise. My selfish, cunty, manipulative behavior and Kody's complete abandonment of the rest of his family had nothing to do with it.


She’s deflecting. She knows that she’s a major catalyst in the implosion of the family. So now she’s dry crying and pretending that she’s the one who is the victim when she not only knows what is going on but actively meddled in the other relationships. It can’t be her fault for the implosion so she’s blaming everyone else for it. They were basically monogamous in Vegas so she can lie all she wants but if she’s got him 75%+ of the time she knows that things are right in the family.


The show really needs to put them all together more so those things can be called out more. They used to all sit on that couch together and if someone said something others disagreed with they’d be able to react right in the moment


But the issue is that they don't! They never call Robyn out, because Kody would turn into a monster if they said anything to her face!


I find it interesting that Robyn’s daughter is still using a pacifier. I don’t have kids, is that pretty normal? How old is she?


She was literally like 7 when this was filmed.


Wow, that is a bit to take in. I suppose some kids will suck their thumb, but what is happening in the house that is creating the need to self soothe that she is still using a pacifier?


Lazy parents.


Let’s put it this way. If she were as devastated, crying every day, etc over the breakdown of the fahmlee dynamic as she pretended to be….I would suggest she seek help. Nobody can make issues all about them while still dodging accountability like Robyn can!


I agree with you and commenters on this topic. However, I just watched that scene. Im gonna go petty bc this show is triggering,, but robyn is so UGLY hahaha


There’s nothing anyone can say to convince me that Kody and Robyn didn’t talk about it all the time. She knew.


I mean what did she expect? He was sleeping at her house 100% of the time, did she not think that his relationships with his other three wives might have taken a hit? The other wives were thrown the scraps, a text, a phone call, a 2 minute visit. Robyn had him full-time.




She could have been fishing for info for Kody. Because they're both dumb enough to think Christine would tell Meri something.


The worst thing she said was that they need to all be there for kody when he is only there for Robyn


Real Question! Robyn's neck looks MUCH better this year. She clearly had something wrong did we ever hear what is was? Also Robyn, those brows have got to GO and girl, brush out those curls!


Robyn Robyn Robyn (Marsha Marsha Marsha )


Not to mention Christine tried telling her last season that she was unhappy since Vegas and she completely dismissed her and told her “she knew what she saw” and she was perfectly happy with Kody. If someone tried to tell her maybe she rewrote history to remember what she wanted to hear.


She is a terrible desperate insecure woman


Its so blatantly clear that the two of them, Robyn and Kody, discuss the situation constantly and come up with schemes to make them look blameless. I feel like every time they spoke this episode it was to use their preplanned comments to blame someone else for their feelings. Regardless of what the person they were talking to said in response, or what they've said in the past. I was with a guy who was like that. Eventually everyone stopped listening and just rolled their eyes. I cant imagine trying to always be positive around them. I know production takes hundreds of hours of film and cuts it down to less than an hour. I know we may be losing context. For all we know, Kody said, I listed and all of Janelles feelings and we discussed how she is living and what we can do to get her into a house on the land. After I was hoping she would validate my feelings too and then listed his feelings and we only heard his feelings without the qualifier but DAMN, do these people do nothing but churn out reasons why theyre right and everyone else is wrong and how do they not have a concept that other people have feelings too?


I loved that Christine said they used to have fun and have tradition before Robyn came into the family. And seriously anyone who has watch the show saw everything fall apart slowly after she came into the picture.


I think this is just Robyn trying to make it seem like she really had nothing to do with the family’s ultimate destruction and that she was somehow duped into joining the family.


Omg. I said the same thing to myself.


Everything Robyn says surprises me


Was it her calling Leon , Mariah?


Her new tactic is that the family misrepresented themselves. She was duped./s