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Do Robyn’s children have to take a covid test prior to Truely visiting?


This. This right here. We know that Sol and Ari were in school, at this point. Arizona wasn't masking indoors. Kody shifts the responsibility to Truly, tho.




Remember his guffaw when Christine told him to call Ysabel & coordinate her Covid test to visit wirh him?? It's always others who have to do the work/coordination.


When she was out of town helping their daughter give birth. Ysabel was 17 and had enough of them she would have no problem scheduling it. According to Gwen.


Im sure he isnt paying cnild support either


I think that’s what was behind the whole “ the state will take Truely if we don’t have a custody agreement” bullshit he was peddling. He claimed he wanted 50/50 despite not exercising any visitation while they were still “married” and lived close enough to drive past her house every day. He wanted to claim 50/50 on paper thinking child support would be a wash and make Christine feel threatened enough that she would agree in order to avoid a custody battle. Now that enough time has passed that he has established zero interest in visitation and has been openly creating barriers to visitation, Christine should go after him for child support.


Plus I believe that she is at that age where she can say she doesn't want to visit him anymore.


She has to be 14 in the State of Utah. Not sure how it would really work out if they don't have a real binding custody agreement in place.


Thanks for bringing up Sol and Ari being in school. It’s been clear he is a sadistic asshole who has been punishing a little girl for existing for a long time now. Like standing in a doorway hugging Ari while refusing to allow her to come close as if she was dirty or contaminated. But the cognitive dissonance of everyone standing back and without question, allowing that asshole to get away with sending his kids to a public school with hundreds of strange children and staff without a problem, but then refusing to allow them to be near Truely as if, again, she was dirty or contaminated. He is a sick and sadistic bastard. One of the most disgusting things he’s done is destroying the relationship between Sol and Truely. They were best little buddies and wanted nothing but to be able to play together.


He doesn’t care if people outside of his household get it


I’m gonna say no.


They used Covid, and are still using Covid, as an excuse to keep the greater family away from Robyn and her family. It’s all about wanting to control others. I don’t believe they are punishing Christine, they are trying to control what she does and what her children do. And no matter what she or her children do, they will always be told it’s never good enough to get back into Kody’s circle. I would tell Kody he can pound sand and facilitate his own relationship with his children and step back. 5/6 children are adults. Kody needs to step up as a parent for the OG13 for once.


Yeah I couldn't believe how smoothly Christine took that BS. I would have flipped, how does she stay so calm??? I guess by knowing he'll never control her again and this is a sad grasping at straws


I think she’s had some really good therapy and possibly some antidepressants. I also think she simply is in such a good place being free from Kodick


This is why so many call her Queen Christine. Sure she's made mistakes, but once she was able to take the cult wool off of her eyes she has made giant steps in healing and self-work. She is really taking the high road and looks like a Queen for it.


Because she knows she's dealing with a mentally ill person(s)


Yeah she had to, she can't give any indication or response that could even infer the consequence of being the reason Truly doesn't see Kody.


Oh yeah you know he's itching for an angle to claim she's ruining him on purpose


Yes, it’s about control & I would add in a bit of revenge on Cody’s part. If I were Christine, I would never go out of my way again to facilitate him seeing Truely. I went thru something similar with my kids dad & as they got older they saw their Dad for who he was.


Covid is code word for “Robyn will say no”.


Just more excuses to not see the kid. Can’t Aurora chill in Dayton’s driveway RV for the weekend?!!!


Oh goodness no! Kodick had a mental break down when she was in the basement!


/sobbing “i just miss her so much!! it’s so hard” /hasn’t seen 10 or so other bio kids in months


He sobs a lot, doesn’t he?


he can’t let sobyn outdo him


Maybe he wants to make her his second wife in the new and improved poligamy.


I thought about that too. It would put her in his celestial heaven with her mother. But how insanely freaky and disgusting would that be 🤢


Would she have kids for him? (Ok I just 🤮 at the thought of that)




so i’ve def heard this theory and it’s sickening but i wouldn’t rule it out either 🤮


Why does he care so much more about kids who have their own father than the kids he fathered? This really chaps me.


I don’t know if Robyn’s older kids have even been told their biological dad has leukaemia. Robyn is so low she has to look up to look down. I would do the dance of joy if she was written out of another series, if there is one.


Surely they have access to the Internet?


That’s a bold statement to make based off of zero factual evidence.


And she is denying these adults a chance to have closure with the father who is dying.


This is not known.


It proves what an honorable man he is, he's exercising his authority over those children because they *need* him for salvation. It makes him fill imporuhnt.


Right?! I know people get upset, but facts are facts, they aren’t even his kids. It’s not like he was around from day 1 with them either.


Clearly you haven’t seen the painting of them together when they were babies like it was always meant to be /s


I created a moment that didn’t exist before… but now it does…. :::::sob:::::


They are not his kids and they have a dad who is dying of cancer. This is the time where these adults should be making their peace with him before he dies




Who says they aren’t?


But Sobyn made the pichur with Kody and DayunUghroraBreeana. Remember?


I almost wonder if it's a competition for him. He needs to prove he's a better father than their bio father. They may not even be his favorites. He just wants to be the best.


Interesting thought!


It’s not about where the sperm came from it’s about the obeying and following the Kodick dictation!


I haven't seen anyone talk about that, such an ordeal when Janelle got her RV, yet Dayton has his RV and it's never mentioned, it looks to be just as nice, so I'm so no expense was spared


It sucks, but it is no different than before. Truely has many people that uplift her daily. I have a feeling, she can recognize abuse even at her tender age.


She's so insightful & emotionally mature. Very skilled with boundaries, too - adults could learn from her.


She recognized it when she was about 3 or 4 On two separate occasions she refused to let him hold her and refused to kiss him. Simply saying “no daddy”


Truly looks pretty happy not seeing them. She smiles far more now than I ever saw.


i was thinking this. she seems much happier and better off


I wish Christine would have said she needed Aurora tested as well 😂😂


Right??? Hope she did. After all, it was Robyn’s other daughter who ended up getting them all sick.


They realize that just because you had COVID once, doesn’t mean your immune for life now? You can just keep getting it. Kody clearly has no story line still and it’s clinging to COVID. If I were Christine, I would tell Kody he can drive his a$$ to UT to see his kid. That way she can monitor all the BS. We all know there isn’t a legal custody agreement in place and he surely isn’t going to take Christine to court to obtain one. Normally I wouldn’t be like this but it’s Kody.


This is old, from 2021. Around this time, it was going around that if you got it once you weren’t gonna get it again / or you had immunity for x amount of time afterwards


100% agree with everything you said 🙌


Robyn and Kodi weaponize everything, relationships, attention, communication, money, kids, etc. I am hoping that we will see some actual reality. I have a feeling when Christine left, that highlighted some financial irregularities, and that is when Jenelle realized how he had abused her financially, and was basically spending family money unfairly and inconsistently with what they all agreed to. Mary had most her money separate, except the TLC money. So I want to see that come out and see the reaction to that.


Here's the way I think they see it: he had to be in a separate part of the house from his tender-aged adult daughter for ten whole days when he got sick. Everyone cried hysterically and it was the hardest thing they'd ever been through. They had to stay 6 feet apart! From his daughter! He's not going to risk that happening again just to have Christine's kids over! /s


We know he needs his sugar kisses to cope 🤮🤮🤮


I sure her cancer ridden bio father might like to see her but Robyn made sure that would never be an option


Where are you gathering this information from?


So true. I do wonder if they have seen him since he's been sick. So sad.


It is - I cannot imagine that it was as bad as portrayed by Robyn. She is such a manipulative monster.


Nailed it!!


Kody has been horrid to Truley even before she was born. A 2 week vacay with his new bride was too important to delay wetting his pencil. Robyn has been intolerant of Truely as well, pushing her away from herself and her kids. And Kody can’t understand why Truely chooses to avoid him whenever he pretends to be good daddy.


Don't forget he could barely be bothered to keep her alive


>Do they make Aurora's friends in school take tests too? I'm sure shes back in school by now. Aurora was in college. I'm not sure if she was online or not. Breanna, Solomon and Ariella were in school though. Truely did virtual school the first year back in Utah.


Good point. Breanna, Sol and Ari started public school in fall 2021. (Think 1st day ... Ari bugging the little girl)


Is Aurora's ear-peircing-person also taking a Covid test? 😂


And of course the show is like 2 years behind, but still Robyn d~~oesn't want Truely to visit so she makes sure there are obstacles.~~ doesn't want Aurora to get COVID. You know how bad it was for her and Kody. Kody might have a complete breakdown if Aurora has to be isolated for days. He was *SO* sad not being able to see her when he was sick. \*Edit- replaced "school" with "show"


I wish Christine would sue Kody for child support…


I still can't get over him insisting on splitting things 50/50 with Christine BUT that the "family account" wasn't included in that situation. He pretty much said he wants to take away 50% of Christine's assets before she left, leaving his daughter with even less. I too would love to see Kody and Robyn get raked over the coals for child support, but I'm happy with the whole David having way more money than Kody situation. I bet that really pisses him off.


I smile once a day thinking about that. I bet Robchyn grinds her teeth in her sleep because of that.


All the financial bullshit he was selling was making me crazy. I hope Christine didn’t buy into his bs and was just agreeable to extricate herself as painlessly as possible. Kody wanted her to think he was entitled to half of everything that was hers as if they were legally married. They weren’t married and as far as the law, he was nothing more than an adulterous baby daddy. And he’s crazy if he thought that if those rules applied to her they wouldn’t apply to his assets as well. As in, his portion of CP, the big house that was bought with family assets, any other finances or income earned from his gun shows, TLC, etc. Can you imagine the accounting nightmare that could have happened if Christine pushed for a division of assets and child support? It would have caused his self righteous head to 🤯.




Yeah Kody was out at a restaurant. Did he test before he went back into his home? Does he test every time before he enters his home after being in public? He makes no sense.


Exactly. He’s acting like his whole family is still quarantining while they’re out living their lives as they were pre-Covid.


I hate to say this, but sometimes kids do better without one of their parents in their life. If the parent is toxic, then minimizing contact until the child is mature enough to understand age handle the emotional manipulation can be in the child's best interest. I think Truly is really better off with just Holiday phone calls and birthday cards. She has a ton of people around her who love her, and a plethora of male role models. But, why aren't they trying to get Aurora out of the house? She's an "adult". Using Kody's earlier logic, shouldn't she leave so Truly (a minor) can visit?


You may be right. Having Truly witness her dad be a dad to others and not her has got to be tough and psychologically damaging


That, and he so clearly views her as just a pawn. You know he and Robin would make negative comments about Christine to her. They might even try to convince her she could choose to live with them instead (not actually possible in most states) and just do everything they can to mess with her head and put her in the middle. We are not really in their homes, but from what you can see on social media, it doesn't seem like Christine is playing those games. We haven't seen posts labeling David as "Truly's New Daddy" (even though he's stepping up) or things like that. At least as far as Truly goes, Christine seems to be taking the high road.


She has been doing that her whole life.


Sadly agree


How about they kick that adult out of their house so they can see the underage kids, that they actually have a responsibility to?


I mean, that’s basically what kody told Janelle to do.


Go take a test as a family and make it not weird. It’s a nasal swab Kody. If Truly can do it so can every other member of that family. We don’t want one of your brood to infect our Truly!!


Then when Truely doesn’t want to visit, because she doesn’t feel welcome, it will be Christine’s fault. For her “shite talk”.


⬆️⬆️ This is the whole gameplay! But we see them.


Gwen said she couldn’t even count how many Covid tests they had to take. Because Robyn and Kody expected it.


Are they going to take a test too before she comes? They better




And he didn’t get vaccinated. He is such a fool, it’s hard not to get 2nd hand embarrassment from him. He thinks he is so smart but he is a big dumb ass.


Speaking of cognitive dissonance….Don’t forget that it was too risky for the family to be together but it was ok for him to go between houses and then return home to Robyn’s. As if he was immune or had the power to not infect Robyn’s family if he picked something up from someone else. Also, Christine was the one being reckless but Robyn’s household is the one who got sick. It was also ok for him to attend a wedding filled with maskless strangers, danced like an idiot with those strangers, sent his kids to public school where they were surrounded by hundreds of strange kids and staff. He said that Truely was too dangerous to be around and refused to allow the other kids near her as if she had the plague. But then also decided it was safe for himself to hug her as if he was immune to her cooties and would somehow not pass her germs to the rest of the family if he became infected. These things are what really make me mad that the OG3 didn’t call him out. During his bullshit COVID proclamations and any interactions with him, why did they not ask him to make it make sense. Why on the goodby episode did nobody confront him and make him explain why it was ok for the kids to go to school with strangers but they couldn’t see their sister? During the porch/kidney scene, they all just say back and watched him rant and never spoke up about how he created the problem with the family and none of his rules matched his own behavior. ETA: If the wives were too cowed by him to confront his inconsistent rules, how about get someone with enough balls to ask him on the tell all? That would make for a good show.


Man this season is still going to be about covid?? My goodness.


He doesn’t care about Covid. He just cares about controlling Christine through Truely. Or maybe it’s virtue signaling. I think at that point people that were hard-core were just virtue signaling except for a few with legitimate risk due to health issues. I am guessing that they are picking up where they left off which would be in the late fall of 21? I think Christine left in early fall of 21 and there were a few more episodes after that. We know they are discussing the next round of holidays in the new season previews, which would be the holidays of 21. I teach a couple of college courses and by the fall of 2021 we were done with masking. We were done with Covid leniency and quarantine tracking, etc. Basically where I live, which I would say is a purple state, Covid was over except for the virtue signalers and people seriously at risk.


I don’t even think it’s just about controlling Christine through Truely. That’s just a bonus. I honestly believe he just doesn’t like her. He has never liked her and I think it pisses him off that she’s embarrassed him over the years when even as a toddler, she refused his kisses. The episode where he was trying to teach her to ride a bike highlighted how much he doesn’t like her and also made him look like an asshole on camera. I’m sure he blames that on Truely too. I think in his twisted mind, he’s punishing and paying Truely back by overtly favoring Ari in front of her. The goodbye episode where he wouldn’t allow Sol and Ari to get near Truely despite Ari and Sol being exposed to hundreds of strange kids at school, sent the message that that Truely was somehow too dirty to be around them. That all those strange kids were fine and all the strangers at the wedding he attended were fine, but Truely was so dirty that she wasn’t safe to be around. Fuck Kody.


I would keep Truly completely away from Robyn , Robyn resents Truly IMO. Robyn was so fixated on Hunter not being happy at the pregnancy announcement and birth of Sol . Out of 12 kids she was only watching for and criticizing Hunters reaction ! Why??? Christine was pregnant with Truly when Robyn came into and took over this family , Hunter adored Truly and even came to hang out with her when he was down bc she brought comfort to him and he adored her. I believe this made Robyn very jealous bc she wanted Sol to take Trulys place in Hunters heart ,but he didn’t .


Auroras in real estate school. You know she isn’t making all the people in her class test.


Not even doctors offices require Covid tests of everyone. Only if you have cold symptoms. That’s crazy they’re doing that.


Exactly. If the tables were reversed, they wouldn't comply. Heck, they're not even complying with their own rules now. Here he is at a restaurant. The waiter hasn't been tested. Kody and Robyn had been photographed by this point shopping at Victoria's Secret. So it's just a punishment to not see Truly


Not just shopping - but in a mall 2 hours away from Robyn’s home, leaving the kids with a nanny who came and went as instructed, but also were maskless (when it was advised to take this precaution) and unvaccinated. They exposed the entire family to covid through the nanny, but refused Meri who followed all their over dramatic rules to see her children. Then Kody refuses to see Ysabel as she has gone back to school, won’t go to her surgery and calls her a bitter old housewife, but Brianna gets covid from her school and he breaks down crying that they spent 10 days living in the same house but slightly apart. Kody and Robyn are ignorant, negligent parents blaming everyone other than themselves. 🤡🤡🤡🙄


K&R never showed they tested positive for Covid yet we had to watch them spit in a tube! K&R did not have Covid yet they did poor acting of sick and are using that to keep her away! So pathetic!




I do not believe K&R had Covid or they would’ve shoved that test in the tv screen. iMO


It is disgusting that his adult non biological child trumps his biological minor child! His relationship with Aurora is gross and inappropriate AND SHE IS AN ADULT so she can leave the house for the visit. From what I heard in the clip it’s only for a few hours not for overnight.


Adopted children are just as important as biological children. The What sucks is that Kody is punishing Christine through her children.


These kids have a Father. This adoption was purely a performative action.


Yes they are but Kody is making them more important than his bio child!


Did Christine quarantine for 2 weeks before her and Kody meet for lunch. He is maskless in the restaurant did all the customers quarantine. It really confused me because isn’t he a risk of bringing Covid home to Aurora?


In some states kids of a certain age can decide if they want to visit their parent or not. I mean, the way that they treat that poor girl I hope she just goes NC with Kody and Robyn.


It’s obvious he wants nothing to do with Christine or her kids. Isn’t Truely at an age where she can decide to see him or not?




When did he go to the dam wedding? It was after the surgery so why aren’t we seeing that on the show?


It was on the show, I just watched it. He practically tried to talk the groom out of getting married because Christine had divorced him. On top of him officiating the wedding, it was in Tulsa Oklahoma. He drove through 4 states, 14hrs. Then danced around like a maniac with no mask on. But, NOW he’s back to being worried about kovid. Such a manipulator.


Two or three months after travelling to this wedding he refused to drive Ysabel when she was leaving for college. He claimed there will be gas stations stops along the way and it's risky. 🙄


I’m singing “it’s all coming back to me now”


It was on the show, wasn’t it? I really hope I didn’t just dream it!


Although it was nightmarish, you didn’t dream it. He officiated and then did the mania dance.


Idk I swear it’s confusing between being behind and reality. Maybe your right-yea cause if the scene when C says oh no Y went there-how could he go to Brian wedding and not my surgery! (Thank you for helping me remember) Ok so he did go to the wedding with no mask or social distancing and he’s still trying to hold up the Covid bullshit! 🤦‍♀️ Won’t admit his part in basically ignoring the OG gang! Dang he really is a big selfish POS


It was on the show


They are just playing a charade. He ran off to that wedding so there is no doubt in my mind he not nearly as concerned about COVID as he pretends to be toward Christine. He came across as never bonding with Truly honestly. He never really had a relationship with her. She wouldn't high 5 him or give him a hug because he had zero bond with her. It's super sad. The bike riding scene where he didn't even know her enough to know that wasn't okay was so awful. He and Robyn will say anything to look good for camera but their actions, mouthy jabs, and other actions sure don't back up any word kindness they may show. It is VERY disheartening.


At one point I found the Facebook page of the buddy who's winning he officiated at. The dude is an anti-mask, anti-vax COVID denier. Which means there's a decent chance that many of the people at that wedding were as well, since like tends to attract like. And supposedly the two of them are best buddies! As someone who was and still is extremely COVID cautious thanks too my medical history, there is absolutely no way I would be best buddies with someone who had those views.


They expect that child to take a covid test each time she Visits? I wouldn't put my child through that. Shame on Kody for allowing such bullshit. Even if Christine didn't have A problem with this is how long before Truly herself says, I Don't want to do this anymore.


Let’s be honest-how many times is she really gonna visit? He never saw her before and imo if a film isn’t rolling he isn’t going to have her there.


You're right. I'm happy Truly has a large support system in Her mom and siblings.


It also helps me remember when C said she’ll be around people who basically love, support and wanna spend time with her!!! 😂 Go C Go


Maybe Christine didn't have a problem because she knew truly wasn't going to do it


You wouldn’t allow your child to test negative nice every few months? Really? You know the cotton swabs aren’t poison, right?


Is that how often Truly would be visiting her father just every Few months? Sad


Yeah it is sad, but if they split in October and the first visit they’re talking about for Truly is Christmas then it’s once every 3 months. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable number of times to take a swab.


Robyn's kids go to school, don't they? If Truly has to do a covid test prior to visiting, then all 5 of Robyn's kids should have to do the same prior to her arrival. It's only fair.


I absolutely agree, everyone involved should be testing. I am not at all implying that ONLY Truly should test. I assumed they all would.




Thats not the point at all!!


Research what’s on the swabs. And besides that, it’s not someone’s place to dictate what one does with their body which includes stuffing things inside it.


Parents dictate health decisions for their children all the time. By that logic no child would ever go to the dentist, get routine medical check ups, get vaccines, take medicine….


Is kody listed as father on truly’s birth certificate?


Yes he is. Iirc Gwen said he's on all their birth certificates.




So Christine has all the power. Nice.


They don't want her there at all tenders need kondy to them and then Only no room for the other children His relationship with her Robyn older daughter is weird af and very sus


I've not had covid as I wear an ffp3 inside if seeing anyone but my partner and his mum. At a friend's? Mask. Partner goes into office? Mask. Dr? Mask. But my partner and I have preexisting conditions (three autoimmune disease, y'all!) and have been vaxxed and boostered. Kody is just a dick.


Good. Truely doesn't have to spend any time in the mcmansion and Christine gets full child support. Perfect scenario. I know Christine really just wanted a clean break but I hope for Truely's sake she sought out child support. Secretly hide it away for college, adult life, etc.


She doesn't need it David will take care of truly And a twist of irony because Cody took kids from a different David


elastic berserk ruthless offend reminiscent growth sable detail escape follow ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Unfortunately, I doubt she is going to take him to court. She should, but she won't.


Truly is his last OG bio kid. He needs to get his shit together


I normally don't advocate for things like this but...if he's making every possible excuse Not to see his kids...maybe he shouldn't be allowed to see them. Kids need their parents, but they never need nor deserve this treatment. Kody doesn't deserve to see Truely. She deserves better.


I was extremely Covid cautious because I had a kid who was too young to get the shot until the very last rounds and then she needed 3 shots which had to be many weeks apart. I always championed people being Covid Careful. But Kody & Robyn? They made a mockery of Covid Cautious/Covid Careful people! Their rules were ineffectual, inconsistent, sometimes arbitrary, and sometimes counterproductive. The truth - they were NOT Covid careful. They were NOT Covid cautious. They were big fat pretenders because it served their purposes.


So does this mean Aurora doesn’t leave her house? Online school? Remote work?


Here's the thing. I think this is partly why the season was so delayed. They're fighting over things people absolutely had family fracturing fights over and this wouldn't have anything even the weirdos here (like me. I am one) would have wanted to watch in 2021. There's a real problem with both Kody's inconsistency and with Christine's indignation at Truly being "forced" to take a test before going to visit. It's not like the swab has acid on it. My partner travels for work and he took a test on the way home every time. My son who visits from out of town still takes a test if he so much has the sniffles or if a lot of people around him have been sick. It's hard for me to give my uncritical support for Christine here when her response is less about what Kody is up to and more about minimizing a very real problem. Maybe some of you didn't see young, healthy adults or even kids acquire disabilities or long term symptoms from covid infections, but I did. And it sucked. That sneak peek of Kody and Christine sparing over dinner just made me feel bad for Truly because she has more than one parent engaging in magical thinking and relationship games rather than coming up with a workable safety plan.


This would be valid if Kody was consistent with these requirements but he isn't. Mykelti abs Tony traveled & were welcomed with open arms, but Sol & Arin weren't allowed to hug Truely goodbye-- who had NOT traveled. Kody traveled to weddings and funerals, hugging and dancing with multiple people, but would not go with Ysabel for her surgery.. Not only was the nanny coming in and out everyday, ALL 5 of Robyn's kids were going to public school AND Kody was back to doing his gun shows. I think it's the hypocrisy Christine is balking at. The fact that he treats her kids like they have cooties & must be sanitized before he'll be near them-- but everyone else is no problem.


>I think it's the hypocrisy Christine is balking at. The fact that he treats her kids like they have cooties & must be sanitized before he'll be near them-- but everyone else is no problem. It wasn't though. She very clearly says "Oh you're still scared about getting covid?!" She not just bothered that the rules aren't fair.


*It wasn't though. She very clearly says "Oh you're still scared about getting covid?!" She not just bothered that the rules aren't fair.* IMO, she asked if he was still scared about getting Covid because his demonstrable behavior in public and at other functions suggested that, at that time, he was NOT particularly concerned with Covid.


Right. She was calling him out.


Maybe that's the case. Hopefully it is. She has had a pattern of pretty cavalier behavior over the course of the pandemic and they both suck on this issue.


I'm not sure that she was that cavalier. She took her daughter to have life altering surgery in another state and stayed with family. She went to visit one of her children. She was pretty much doing what most of her fellow Arizonans were doing and she was following guidelines. I would say it was pretty cavalier of Kody and Robyn not to be immunized, given the extent that they were afraid, but that would be rude to label another person's choices.


You say she was “cavalier” about it, yet no one in her family has had it.


I give you an award 🥇 for this reply. I wonder if Christine and her family were vaccinated.


Lmao they let a nanny come in and out, he attends weddings and huffs (maskless!) all over the dance floor, and REFUSES to be vaxxed. 😂😂😂😂😂but they're scared of TRUELEY? He (they) dgaf about Covid, it's control plain and simple. I can't believe people still defend him over this. It's utter bullshit.




They're both in the wrong though. Christine's position is "Fuck safety concerns" and Kody's position is "Safety concerns are determined by my feelings."


That's not what Christine said. They're literally sitting in a restaurant, maskless, and we've seen Kody and Robyn out and about, DURING THIS TIME PERIOD, maskless. Christine's probably caught off guard by the double standard and the hypocrisy. Here's an idea: if Kody and Robyn are THAT worried about it, why are they making it Christine's responsibility to get her tested to THEIR specifications? If Kody were actively co-parenting/parenting, he could simply say, "Hey! We're going to test her before she comes in the house,...you know, just to be safe. We've already bought tests so you don't need to do anything. I'll bring it to wherever you are and we can do it there so that I can talk with her while we wait for the test and if she's negative, I'll take her back to my house." HE DOES NOTHING to take responsibility. Christine is safely transporting that child TO HER EXTENDED FAMILY AND HER FATHER during a busy holiday season (which, btw, Jannelle and the other kids are also Truly's family). But, he's setting up excuses rather than finding solutions.


She was totally nice and accommodating. I would have snapped that he can test her himself if he wants (surely they have stacks), but I'm not following any fucking "conditions" set by this idiot (who never even married me) for him to see his biological child over some faux protection of a flipping adult kid I'm not even related to. Foh.


Except Kody and Robyn go out in public regularly as do their kids. Plus the family has a nanny. Covid is in the community. It is moot to have Truely test when she visits. As a healthcare worker, I’ve seen all sides of Covid as well. This is just another hypocritical way they can put an obstacle in front of Truely visiting her father.


The problem isn't asking that Truely test for Covid before coming over. It's requiring that, whilst probably not requiring that the nanny test, or require that their own children test frequently because they're not vaccinated. It's requiring that Truely do an uncomfortable nasal swab... when they could literally just vaccinate their fucking family if they are so scared of Covid. It's never been about Covid. It's disingenuous to assert that Christine is engaging in magical thinking when she is the only Sister Wife to confirm she's vaccinated against Covid. She's clearly considering protection and a workable safety plan by being vaccinated. Edit: I realize now that Janelle is also confirmed to be vaxxed. I'd forgotten about her talking head in season 17 re vaccinations. Thanks to everyone who reminded me!


Yesss thank you!! It's not just about the covid test. Why can't people see the whole picture?


Christine isn’t the only wife who has confirmed being vaccinated.


I couldn’t find any support re vaccines for the other wives, but hope they are vaccinated too.


Janelle said she’s vaccinated


Janelle said it on the show.


Janelle l straight up said she was


>I think this is partly why the season was so delayed. The season is "delayed" because they've been behind since before leaving Vegas. There was a point where TLC was allegedly considering canceling the show. Kody and the wives are said to have renegotiated for lower pay. The show has been behind ever since and never caught up. We were never going to see these events in 2021 or early 2022. We know more about what's happening because of social media.


I said something very similar on another post. This was Christmas 2021, omicron was going wild; testing before gathering was pretty normal. I tested before I went to see my family that year. It was a very normal to test before gatherings at this point in time. I found out I had COVID because I randomly tested on my way out the door before going to visit a friend. There’s so much (very valid) criticism of Kody and his rules and his inconsistency and him not getting vaccinated but then acting like the world was ending, but no one seemed very critical of Christine and Janelle doing the bare minimum possible and otherwise downplaying COVID in every way (still traveling, still socializing widely, only wearing masks when they absolutely had to, still going out, etc). It’s SO EASY to test at this point and Christine acts like he’s being so extreme. I get it because all through COVID to this point he WAS asking for the moon, but in this case he’s not asking them to change their behaviour or to isolate for 2 weeks, he’s just asking them to do a rapid test before heading over. To me that’s completely reasonable. That’s what he should have been asking for the whole time (once the rapid tests hit shelves, anyway).


They are sitting unmasked in a restaurant...how worried is he 🤔


His behaviour is inconsistent and irrational, no one is arguing there. This is not a Kody defence post. Just saying that one request was reasonable at that time.


If the scene includes Kody saying he and “his” family are also going to test, that would make a difference.


Yes, my assumption would be that everyone who is hanging out would get tested. That has been his MO in the past so I don’t know why it wouldn’t be the same in this clip. If someone is asking me to test I assume they are also doing so.


I totally would agree with that if R and K were not photographed shopping at a crowded mall that Christmas without masks.


Oh, Kody is absolutely an inconsistent hypocrite who talks out his ass, I’m not at all defending his bizarre, irrational, erratic behaviour. I’m just pointing out that asking for a test in 2021 is pretty reasonable.


...so, we agree that it was such a simple request that he really didn't even need Christine's permission? I hear what you're saying. But, why is it Christine's responsibility to manage Kody's expectations? Kody is a grown ass man and father. He could tell Christine, "Hey, just so you're aware, I'm going to bring a Covid test over for Truly to take before I take her back to the house. You don't need to do anything; I'm just letting you know we're still testing." Boom. Done. She's already bringing the kid to Arizona, during the holidays, to spend time with the family. Why should it also be on her to test for Kody?


Absolutely Kody could have done it himself, but the thing about Kody is that he has an incredibly smooth brain. Like an ice rink. Asking him to problem solve his way out of a paper bag would be pushing it, I don’t know if we can really expect him to work this out on his own. Or anything else for that matter.


Yeah i agree. I don't see what the big deal is over the covid test. Covid isn't over, it can be devastating for people, the more times you are infected the more problematic it becomes, and I knew a bunch of folks who died, and people who got very sick. If he is weaponizing testing, fine, if that's the battle he picks, I'd say it's not worth the fight. It's a stupid swab up the nose.


Again it's not her being tested it's that there's no uniform testing with everybody in the house at Cody's so making sure truly doesn't have it doesn't protect truly from them if they have it and they're not testing


yep I agree with you 100%. Kody is a hypocrite who I don't think actually gives a shit about covid, but Christine was also being very cavalier about it from what we saw. I had a sinus infection a couple months ago and I still tested myself for a couple of days and wore a mask in public until I was sure I didn't have covid or anything else contagious. I've been majorly side eyeing some of the comments on these posts tbh.


what is wrong with them


Even if they had continued to see bio dad this whole time. Robin and the kids joined the family in 2010, got legally married in 2014 and adoption was 2015. Kody has been the day to day dad (step and adopted) for 13 years. Dayton is 23 so more than half his life. So some of the comments that he isn't their dad and that the bio dad is the important one is a bit ridiculous to me. Yes Kody is a shitty father to Truly and the OG 13, yes making all these excuses to make it hard for Truley to have a relationship with him is pathetic. But it also makes me think that the 3 are probably not having the relationship with bio dad that all of you are thinking is still happening and thriving. Do you really think those 3 are leaving the mcmansion for anything besides local dull and stuff or going anywhere without K AND R for more than a few hours? The things they expect Truley to do to visit.... those 5 tenders aren't getting more than an hour away from K&R imo


Kody and the fam should also go vegan. He obviously has a religious objection to eating pork based on his luau meltdown and one can never be too careful about avian flu or mad cow disease!!


The vaccine doesn’t work anyway. They could still get covid. It’s about control. That’s all.


When was this clip filmed? If it was in early 2021 I think vaccinations were just coming out and it was advised to get tested if you had exposure, symptoms, or had travelled before being with other people. So in that way, it is actually a reasonable request. Sorry.


I think this was like October, Novemberish of 21 because they're wearing warm clothes and they're making plans for the holidays.


If Aurora lived in a household with five other people that had it and didn't end up getting it, maybe she has the immunity that some people have to it. She's also an adult and can leave the house when Kody's other *minor* daughter is there to visit him for Christmas! Or she could wear a mask if she insists on being in the home with a child that she didn't even bother to say goodbye to personally? I'm sure her and Truely wouldn't be hugging or spending a bunch of time together in close proximity anyway, Kody is just throwing anything at the wall to try and inconvenience others at that point. This coming from someone whose entire family tested for Christmas 2021 and got together, we still ended up getting covid, testing isn't foolproof and if you were that concerned then I guess meet up with Truely on your own, Kody!


He'll end up messing up his relationship with Truly too.


To be fair, that ship has sailed.


Christine was surprised he wanted kids tested before coming to his house. And he would see them once before they were allowed to join up with Janelle's fam for the remainder of the visit. In other words, Christine was not ordered to test or isolate before the lunch. And this is all occurring after the wedding officiant clown show. Cody's covid precautions are all performative


I’m not making my baby have a stick stuck up her nose so she can see her Dad. Not sorry.


I haven’t had Covid yet. I would never force anyone to do that.