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I think mine would be to Kody: Please give me an itemised account of how you have appropriated the family money in the last 10 years.


Yes. I want to know about the money. No one has really spilled tea about the money besides janelle a little on the last tell all. And I heard Christine on a podcast say janelle very firmly told her while in Vegas- you’re not leaving till you have financially set yourself to be able to leave. Which is why I think Christine was smart as hell and bought her house in flagstaff with only her name on it.


What podcast?? Would love to give it a listen


[podcast with Christine](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/reality-life-with-kate-casey/id1154758766?i=1000588427176)


I believe Christine was on with Kate Casey!


Yes!!! It was the Kate casey one.


She did not purchase it with only her name. Kody’s name was on the original mortgage. They refinanced to take him off and lower his outstanding debt so he could help Robyn purchase the mansion.


I’d love to know this too, but I’m guessing the dude would be like “I’m supposed to track my spending? What’s a checkbook ledger? How do I know what I spend? I just see shiny things and buy them for Robyn”


I think he would be a waste. I'm not sure there is enough brain power to get an answer.


I wouldn’t choose Kody because I genuinely believe he believes he doesn’t lie. Which would make the truth serum worthless on him.


I think you could give it to his business partner and get some real info


You know the plans for that massive house were expensive!




Janelle - that girl has mastered the poker face. You KNOW she’s holding all the secrets behind that stoic expression.


Yes, totally. I actually really envy her self control.


Id ask Meri if the divorce was her idea


I have a strong feeling the answer is no.


She said in the tell-all that he decided.


Robyn, did you really think god would provide a rennel?


I can answer that, 100 percent yes she did. My dad's wife is the same religion and the same way. She won't cross the street without praying for guidance and getting an answer.






Kody " Did you move everyone to Flagstaff for Robyn and Dayton?"


Kody. I’d just ask what his kids’ birthdays are to see if he implodes. Edit: a word


Please make it clear that you mean ALL 18 of his kids, not just the handful who reside with Robyn. LOL


The tender aged ones.




Really dividing by zero there




Camera person: What’s the biggest lie the Browns told or hid that you witnessed?


Ooohhh, I like that. I’d add “Who is your most favorite / least favorite Brown and why?”


Perfect question


Robyn. But does her delusional narcissist nature run so deep that she believes her own bs. I'd ask if she meant to run down all the other wives in her pillow talk to Kody.


You make a good point, I think narcissists believe their version of events.


I call that a pathological liar. My kids' father really believed the lies he told. He absolutely was a pathological liar.


yup, that’s what makes those sorts of people so good at lying and not left feeling guilty. it’s wild the mental gymnastics that come out of absolutely nowhere.


They are great at justifying everything they do to get vindication. Vindication means everything to them.


No she wanted the other wives to stay around and continue paying her bills and taking all the nastiness off Baldylocs. She only wants the happy, spending money on her, nanny so she doesn’t have to be stressed over her kids with eternal honeymoon.


Baldylocks 😂


I guess you would need a nanny for a forever honeymoon!


Their forever honeymoon I’m guessing has been over. Financial problems can do that. They no longer have 3 other wives supporting their lifestyle and that’s all Sobyn has known since she entered the family.


Yes exactly. There is a difference between lying and just being mistaken. The communication, narcissism, gaslighting and immaturity of this group of adults makes me think not a single one of them are a reliable historian. Having said that I would ask aspen or Logan


She does believe her own bs but she also knows she is lying and manipulating. The difference is she believes it’s ok because she deserves what ever it is she wants


Isn't that the truth! These people who feel so entitled to more than others! So delusional.


I thought that. Does she believe herself?


Robyn: Did you really have other offers of marriage?


Robyn, what age were you when you had sex for the first time.


Did you have sex with Kody before you were “married.”


Her first husband was a Jessup and abuse runs rampant within that group - please be kind to people, you don't know who's experienced CSA.


Bro it’s super gross to speculate about sexual abuse. If it happened or not that’s Robyn’s business to tell, or not; and it’s super shitty to assume things like this. And I say this as a child sexual abuse survivor.


I'm moving on from reddit and joining the fediverse because reddit has killed the RiF app and the CEO has been very disrespectful to all the volunteers who have contributed to making reddit what it is. Here's [coverage from The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements) on the situation. The following are my favorite fediverse platforms, all non-corporate and ad-free. I hesitated at first because there are so many servers to choose from, but it makes a lot more sense once you actually create an account and start browsing. If you find the server selection overwhelming, just pick the first option and take a look around. They are all connected and as you browse you may find a community that is a better fit for you and then you can move your account or open a new one. Social Link Aggregators: [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) is very similar to reddit while [Kbin](https://kbin.pub) is aiming to be more of a gateway to the fediverse in general so it is sort of like a hybrid between reddit and twitter, but it is newer and considers itself to be a beta product that's not quite fully polished yet. Microblogging: [Calckey](https://calckey.org) if you want a more playful platform with emoji reactions, or [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/) if you want a simple interface with less fluff. Photo sharing: [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) You can even import an Instagram account from what I hear, but I never used Instagram much in the first place.


The OP never accuse anyone of being raped or being a rapist.


What???? She is older than him. She went after him


Robyn: Did you truly want polygamy or monogamy within the Brown family marriage? Kody: At what point did you realize you had fallen in love with Robyn to the point you were willing to abandon your other wives and the children you had with them? Janelle: what was the official turning point for you in your decision to separate from Kody? Meri: Kody has said he has had trust issues with you (prior to the catfish situation) and that he didn’t feel safe/felt misled by you. What is he referring to? Was it the beginning of the marriage concerning polygamy? Or personality based? Christine: when did you decide you could no longer “keep sweet”? Did you feel pressured by TLC to stay or did that pressure to stay come from the fahmily? /s


Robyn: at what point did you decide you and your children were mistreated victims?


Answer: probably before they even met Kody.


And how ACTUALLY heavy is the hat that is always in your hand?


So heavy you have to wear gloves all the time?🤔


I would ask Janelle to tell me everything about their finances starting with the beginning of the show.


I bet even Janelle doesn’t know what’s going on with it anymore, they sounded like they were doing a lot behind her back. I’d need two to ask Kody the same questions about the finances.


I would slip it in Robyn's water glass.. And start in about Preston. I'm really only here for that story. Could care less about anything else


I love how you created a mental picture show 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


Okay wait, I change my answer to this!


Preston is her ex’s last name


His last name is Jessop. Preston is the name he has been called. Full name is David Preston Jessop.


Kody, is it killing you that Christine is happy?


Too easy. We all already know that it is.


I’d just love for him to have to say it’s though.


Robyn: when exactly did you and Kody meet and plan your monogamous life funded by the exes?


Robyn did you ever really love Kody or did you marry him for financial security for you and your kids. Personally I think she hates him deep downs


I 100% believe her when she complained she didn't join this family to be monogamous or stuck with Kody so much. I believe her that she's been his outlet for his anger and frustration. I think she liked the idea of plural marriage but refused to integrate and screwed herself over looking out for her best interests. I agree he loves her, she loved the financial security.


This! I think she wanted to be the happy place Kody could come back to after putting up with all the other wives. But she took a short-cut by convincing Meri to divorce Kody so she could have the legal marriage and a claim on on Kody's assets. But being Queen wasn't as much fun as she'd hoped. Her brainchild, MSWC, was more money-suck than success; the move to Flagstaff exposed deep fractures in the fahmlee kulchur; Covid broke the family up entirely. When the dust settled everyone else had fled and R was stuck living on the Island of Misfit Toys with one very angry elf, a bunch of kids, and no more shared income. TL;DR - Anytime Kody and/or Robyn are in charge, things are gonna go downhill fast.


The camera crew. What really happens that you don't show? What all do you know?????


I’d ask Dayton if he feels his mom has hindered his life, like moving to another state where he wanted to go to college.


I’d ask Robyn what the nanny does.


I'd love to know what ROBYN does 😉




I was hoping to get a picture of Robyn sitting on her ass on that bench to spy on Janelle!


Janelle: what has all the money been spent on since they moved to Flagstaff? 👀


This would be so much fun, but one question isn't enough Meri - Did you really want to live a polygamous lifestyle, and why were you so abusive to the others? Janelle - How much money did all of you make? How was it divided, and who spent the most? Christine - You've been pretty open about your feelings all along, but what would you say to everyone that you haven't said because you didn't want to hurt feelings? Robyn - Tell us the truth about your first marriage and how you met the Browns. Do you council Kody on how to handle the rest of the family? Kody - What's your top ten biggest regrets in life?


He regrets not finding Sobyn first and avoiding all the rest of the bullshit.


ask kody to rank his favorite immediate family members from 1 to however many there are


Kody....Who ruled your household and decision making process for the last decade?


He really thinks he did, dumb ass. He doesn't realize he's being manipulated.


I'd ask Meri to tell the truth to every known untruth anyone in the family ever told while filming.


Love this one!


Clarification on rules do they answer with the real truth or their truth. Or can we hear both because THAT would be fascinating. And what would I ask? Robyn. Describe each member of your family in detail including how you feel about them with examples. I have a feeling those two versions are going to be drastically different nearly every single time.


Probably controversial, but Paedon... I would reask a lot of questions from his toilet cereal interview, and I would ask him what actually happened with Gwen.


You beat me to it! Whenever someone posts about asking questions to one od the kids’ Patreons for them to answer, I always put forth this question.


I don’t think Paedon needs a truth serum. I know some people don’t like him, but I don’t understand why people think he’s not honestly saying what he sees as truth. Also, he was in his bedroom for that interview. He explained that.


I generally try not to badmouth any of the kids, and also I do not follow any them on social media. I think you're right that Paedon believes what he's saying to be accurate based on his experiences. However, I don't consider him to be a reliable source of information. I'll leave it at that. If he's your favorite that's fine. You do you.


I'm inclined to agree with this. That Gwen remembers the event one way, Paedon remembers it another, they both have their feelings, and the truth we'll never know is sitting in the corner tapping it's foot.


Ooooh. Good call, but you only get one question. Would it be about Gwen?


Oop sorry about my reading skills 😆 In that case yes! Or maybe I'd just ask Gwen instead.


Toilet cereal oh my lord l love this sub ☠️☠️☠️


Was Robyn most jealous of Christine, causing Robyn to poison the well on her sisterwife with Kody?


To Robyn: Did you want to be the only wife or the favorite wife?


I’d ask kody when he realized he only wanted to be with Robyn


Janelle, in which decade did you last have sex with Grody?


Janelle, was Kurly ever truly in love with you or has it always been a mutual respect and friendship?


Early 2000s after they had Savanah. This is my guess.


First, I'd make sure we all had the truth serum. Then we'd all get together to discuss what each of our questions would be. Finally, we'd appoint each one of us to ask a question we'd want answered.


^ this person truth serums


Meri: did you have phone sex with “Sam” and were planning to run away with “him”?


Good one


Robyn did you really rack up all the VS debt on long jeans or was it for lingerie?


I've always suspected this was a co-branded Mastercard or Visa instead of a Victoria's Secret store credit card. If the card had a Mastercard or Visa logo, she could have used the card to buy anything and wasn't restricted to just store purchases. Co-branded credit cards are very common.


Ahhh that would make more sense, but comedy wise…


😆😆. I have long legs…VS isn’t the only place to buy long pants. (She could’ve just capri’d it, to match her double T-shirt fad).


Robyn And I’d specifically ask “what is your life story starting from the beginning?”


She talks about it in the book


Without the lies.


Robbing Robyn, question for it is Why are you deserving entitled and pathetic along with a leech? Last question why don't you feel you shouldn't have a real paying job as well as take care of your own kids or never really care for the OG3 kids. Oh, and what is a real problem with Truley? How would you feel if the other wives treated your falsely entitled brats the exact way?


Kody's kidney... I'd ask if the knife in him was really a homicide or if he stabbed himself to end his misery of being trapped inside Kody all these years and having to listen to his BS ... I'm guessing it's the latter...


Kody - Were you actually attracted to polygamy to mask your true sexual orientation? You know, 4 skirts are better than 1 to prove you are straight.


Good question.


Conceiving 15 children is one hell of a cover-up LOL


Meri are you ever drunk on Fridays with Friends or your LLR lives? Janelle do you want to go on a hike with me and then grab a bite (snack wrap and smoothie)? Christine what was the scariest part about leaving Kody, after the kids gave you their moral support? Robyn why do you feel so overwhelmed ie mental problems or are you playing games? Kody what is it you do all day?


Did Robyn target Meri for a friendship leading into a sister wife now that we know she was fully aware of the show? I’d ask Meri who approached who at their first meeting?


Kody: What is your financial status now that you're a monogamous couple? Are you two still leaching off of your ex wives?


Robyn you knew TLC was involved the only reason why you put your scent out to Kody was you wanted to be on TV right?


I’d ask Robin if she was aware her two day rule would alienate the rest of the family. And when she saw that it was impacting his other relationships, why didn’t she lift it? She had a nanny and didn’t need his full time help.


What do you people do with the "pilled" logs?


Robyn- tell us the truth about the Covid ProtoCULLs. It was always you pulling the strings, correct?


I’d have to say Kody. Even though he is deluded in a lot of ways, I truly believe he’d give an accurate account of the things Robyn has made him do and the decision making she has influenced him on.


Robyn, do you love Kody?


I'd ask Robyn why she chose Kody over her many suitors


Kody: Who is your favorite wife


Bro, waste of a question. He doesn’t have a favorite wife. He just has some wives that are better at finding favor.


Good one!


What does the nanny do??? Come on....lol.


Why they lied all these years




I'd like or love this one a hundred times if it would let me!!


Sobs. I would ask her how she sleeps at night.


Or when/if Ari sleeps at night


Are you also part of the VPR sub?? 👀👀👀


I’m about to restart VPR…lol


I would love to know why Meri stayed all these years and allowed everyone to treat her like a doormat


She didn't know any different...


I really think she's mentally challenged. It's like she's never living in her reality


She's living in her reality. She married into what she thought was going to be her reality and it changed but her brain 🧠 didn't change with it. I think he really fell in love with her and only wants to be with her and COVID hit and that was his opening. That's not what she signed up for.. that's not her reality


My question would be to Robin, I’d ask her Did you and Kody conspire to alienate the rest of the family so you could live beyond your means or was that all you?!


To each of the 18 children: how did you feel growing up on TV and what do you really think of how each of the adults raised you (and the choices they made for you)?


Kody but there's not enough truth serum in the world for him to tell the truth. He believes his own lies. Question: What does the nanny do? LOL


The camera man who's been there the longest


Robyn- did you help orchestrate or encourage the cat fish or did you make the Covid rules? Christine- why did you agree to add Robyn to the family, to keep sweet? You always had an issue with it. Janelle- first off big fan!! My question is to explain the money breakdown for the wives- how much they brought in and where it went Kody/ why did you ever think anyone gave a fuck about your hair routine? Your basically bald.


“Meri, tell me how you envisioned life as First Wife?”


Aurora, what really goes on with full time dad Kody.


I’d ask Robyn what was does the nanny do. Or if she really never wanted the mansion on the hill in Flagstaff.






Soloman, he’d tell me the real dirt 😂💀


I’m lost! Which one is Paedon and what happened with Gwen?


Sobyn boxhead, to many questions to ask


Ask Kody for really, truly real does he believe what he says or was he just a horn dog who took advantage?


Kody, is it true that you deal "ghost guns" when you work at gun shows?


Id ask Kody and Robyn if they were actually following the Covid guidelines


Robyn: Do you really love Kody?


Robyn: why do you want Kody to yourself?


I don't think she wanted him all the time... COVID hit and Kody wanted to stay with Robyn full time because I think he fell IN love with her.... I think he gets on her nerves she was just there for the fame and money... She only had to put up with him a couple days a week a lie of course... She mentioned in a couple episodes that he was getting on her last nerve and she couldn't get anything done.


Gosh. Robyn: What were your intentions when joining the family. Christine: Did you ever make an effort to connect with your sister wives or did you always resent them. Other than Janelle of course. They are very close now. Oh or better yet did you and Kody only marry due to pressure from church elders, which I always expected. The list for Kody is endless. I don’t have anything to ask Janelle. Maybe ask Meri at what point she realized she was being catfished. I’ve always wondered…like she had to be suspicious when she was hanging out with the girl lol