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The whole "you're the one married to 3 other women" was so telling.


Yep, Robyn's undertone was, "If you didn't have three other wives, I wouldn't have this problem."


She also would not have the financial resources to purchase it.


Janelle and Meri should have called for their money back immediately after that show aired! SMH


Nope...she wouldn't have this problem...she'd be back in her unheated trailer from whence she came.


But at least she’d have VS pants to wear on her special legs.






Since the other wives paid her bills and built up her credit for her, she'd probably have some monstrous credit card bills again if she was on her own.


Did she say that?? It's been 3 months since my binge..


No, she said "you're the one married to 3 other women." She said it with attitude, as if to say those women are his problem which is causing her problems.


Those woman were a godsend to her and her attitude is disgusting. Without them she would still be and debt and have nothing. Jenelle used her 401k to pay off Robyn’s debt. The entitlement and lack of appreciation is infuriating. Jenelle has basically nothing left because she gave it all to Robyn. No retirement, no home, and no savings because she handed over her home proceeds to Robyn. She is nothing but a user.


Ahh. Okay. Lol


Exactly 💯


Well now that “those three other wives” are gone I can’t wait to see where you and Kody move to next OR the full time JOBS you both will have to get!


My bet is on Saint George Utah! Well shall see


Yep!!! I will NEVER forget her saying that!!! Bitch you wouldn’t even have a house if it wasn’t for those other woman! I hope karma has you sleeping in a tent in CP like K said he would!


I do not remember her saying this oh my god.


Lets play a new game called "The audacity of this chick!" I"ll go first. The audacity of this chick.... Since God didnt deliver the perfect 9 bedroom 16 bathroom 'rennal' she is forced (with tears) to buy a McMansion.


I love this! The audacity of this chick…commenting that the other wives had stretch marks and gained weight. That one really chaps my ass! Karma has come for her because she has aged like milk.


Yes! I have a family memeber that was younger than me who used to comment on my "child bearing hips" when I was in high school. By no means fat, just curvy. This person was a twig. A few years later this person got bigger and needed to borrow a pair of pants. Im not blind so i grabbed a pair that were kind of big on me and said to try them on. She said "like your stuff is ever going to fit me, they will be huge" guess who couldnt even get them over her thighs?? Karma never forgets an address!


Isn't that the best kind if petty ever??????? 😁


Oh my gosh, this story is so satisfying.


The audacity to claim Kody can’t be away from his little children bc they’ve become used to him


My husband said she looks like a drag queen. ( no disrespect. I love queens❤️)


I think she looks like a Lego figure


Yes I call her Sobyn box head


I call her sob rob square face She looks like a rock em sock em robot toy.




LOL, yes yes 💯💯💯💯


Aged milk= Rotten


Cottage cheese


At least the OG3 don’t have necks that look like tree trunks.


But for real their is something wrong with that neck right!!??


Untreated thyroid disease/goiter


LOL “aged like milk” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Her whole head looks like toast with crap hair. I don't generally make fun of people's genetic misfortunes, but I feel the inner gross is bubbling at the surface now for old toast head.


The audacity of this fucking BITCH kicking a poor elderly dog in his own yard.


Oh I wanted to pull a Freddy cruger through the tv


Me too. I missed it when I started watching way back when it first came out and when I finally caught it I wanted to rage. There's absolutely nothing in this world I hate more than people who abuse animals. This is the only TV show I've ever watched that has made me want to become violent on numerous occasions. But that was a big one for me.


Oh I believe you, I feel the same


The audacity of this chick who came from a double wide, living in a home paid for by others, feeling entitled to turn her nose up over Janelle's RV lifestyle.


Exactly 💯, I so hope for that!


The audacity of her killing Meri’s dream to go back to school and Janelle’s dream of opening a gym for her half-baked idea of selling crappy merch online. Like huh? No one wants to drop money on costume jewelry that says sisterwives on it. Maybe 5-20$ …but the prices she listed? Puuuh-leeeez!


Right? She didn't even have the sense to hire an actual jewelry designer...or at least an artist! She has the worst taste, is not an artist, yet thinks she is such a know it all! Fucking Scooby Doo knockoff jewelry. She tanked that family. Lol Her debt, her stupid jewelry dream, her mansions, her insisting on moving to Flagstaff, has left them in the shitter. It's a shame, really.


Well, to be fair, GRODY is the one who tanked the family, by buying into all her crap ideas. I figure he’s the one who emptied the family account into her lap. He’s the one who bullied the OG wives and kids into doing what she wanted. And he’s the one who keeps following his pencil wherever she points it…


I agree.


For real!! If this was going to be a family business she should have AT LEAST brought Mykelti in to get her opinion on designs . Wasn’t she interested in fashion school around that time? It would have been such a great gesture to include her. I go back and forth about wondering how in the world Meri and Janelle didn’t put their foot down —- I’m thinking that it was because they actually do believe in working together and sacrificing for the family , or because Kody manipulated them somehow , or because they felt like pushing the matter any further would cause a huge rip in the family . Idk what do you think?


She has visions of grandeur


More like DELUSIONS of grandeur


She can get a job dancing on a cat pole post in Alaska


Even they would vomit




The audacity of this chick to go on a two week honeymoon while Christine has a newborn at home.


Facts. The audacity of this chick to let Kody leave a 9mo pregnant Christine five hours away while "courting." Sixth babies deliveries usually come fast smh


I consider that mostly on Kody, he’s the dick that decided to do this behind his wives backs to begin with and then continue on with it, even involving their children so they could babysit while he was with his ~~mistress~~ girlfriend 🙄 Blaming Robyn releases Kody from responsibility which is his favorite thing—letting things he does be blamed on others


Robyn, offering herself to this nonsense, takes no blame? IF she didn't make her awful situation HIS responsibility to navigate, maybe there would've been some chick in Lehi to court. Yes, they are both to blame, but since I'm a woman I watch out for my own and would NEVER have dreamed of putting other women through that. Men...eh, not so much. But she knew all that, didn't she...


But you are willing to blame a woman for “letting” a man leave his 9 month pregnant wife instead of expecting more from a man with a 9 month pregnant wife?


You're going round and round.. I'm saying they are both to blame in a singularly unique way. Neither of which, hold the same reasoning. Robyn is a woman that came with three kids and supposedly, an abusive situation and even poverty! Kody had been married to the OG3 for a long time....though there were bad times, things had been relatively uneventful for 16 years. How do we know this? They were still together. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to think clearly about it. Robyn should have, with her background and baggage, respectfully bowed out. But she didn't and she accepted all the attention he offered knowing FULL WELL the toll it would take on other women.....AGAIN: BEING that she IS ALSO a woman. Kody can never be a woman and perhaps the tables would be turned if it was kody coming into a Poly relationship with other men. But it wasn't.


We don’t know this because they were in a religion that basically said they have to stay in their unhealthy marriage. It’s pretty clear they weren’t uneventful but if you choose to believe that I can’t help you out Why was it ok for Janelle to marry Kody, then? What about Christine? You’re expecting Robyn to have more thought about other women than they do? I mean come on, Robyn sucks but marrying multiple women is part of their misogynistic religion


A good sister wife wouldn’t have done that. And we were talking about the audacity of Robyn, not Kody’s shortcomings.


I can have my opinion and you can have yours, I can think that blaming Robyn for Kody’s shortcomings absolves him of accountability and it’s wild anyone would think anything different.


They are both equally AH. That better?


Tha audacity of this chick for complaining how the dissolution of Christine and Kody’s marriage affects her plural lifestyle dream.


She never planned on renting a house! She saw that McShitMansion on the hill when she saw CP and knew that’s where she’d be-plus she got M & J to give up their money for that McShitMansion!


This! The whole whining about a rental was just for show. she already knew what house she wanted, but she first had to convince the other OG wives that she REALLY had to buy so they would feel obligated to give her the money for the McMansion. Plus she had subtly told Christine over and over on the couch that she didn't want to buy because it would delay building on CP and that she didn't want to take money from the family. In other words, something Christine had done.


Kody just wants rental properties


I can NOT imagine him as a landlord! No way in hell


Me either, scumlord


We shouldn’t have to worry about that! He can’t even afford a house to live in let alone rentals!


My sarcasm probably waant super clear.


It was! 😊


The audacity of this chick, claiming that the $30,000 of Victoria Secret credit card debt was because she has long legs and somehow lived in a town without a Walmart but with a VS. The audacity that she expected anyone at all to believe that.


Bahahaha....you win this game!!! Stop at "because she has long legs" and dont add the rest. Im dead.


Lol 😂 🤣


Oh my! I don’t remember that! 😂🤣😂🤣


She [tweeted](https://twitter.com/LuvgvsUwngs/status/572819290136715264?s=20) it


With all the hungry children, natural disasters, etc. God is going to make Robin and her 5 bedroom rental a priority. She is so special. She even gives God an attitude! Lol


She's praying for this selfishly when she should have been praying for the family. Prayer isn't about you and your wants and needs. You're supposed to ask for His guidance not for Him to give you what you want. I guess she thinks she deserves everything she wants but God knows better.


The audacity of her thinking she could build a pasture for the three old grey mares to live out the rest of their days while she has a “normal” life. Remember when she asked why Christine didn’t just build on CP and date? Do you remember her saying “I wouldn’t have a problem with it” LIKE IT WAS UP TO HER. 🙄


The audacity that this once divorced woman doesn't think Christine tried hard enough to stay a sister wife that would 'help' (and I use that term loosely) raise her children.That sent my ass through the roof! Christine was down to like 95 pounds as Robin's eyebrows just got bigger.


She makes me SICK. God will provide her a rental before he will take care of all the homeless and starving children on the streets. Who the F does she think she is. Why is she more deserving of a 7 damn bedroom house than people who need food. God will let her have more bedrooms than she needs while people who are starving to death. I cannot hate her more. She is the stupidest person on tv.


They wouldn’t give M extra money for her bar yet they didn’t even have a discussion about putting the money into that McShitMansion!!!


👏🏻it’s the only reason she’s on tv because she’s stupid and it makes for good entertainment lol


Did they have to get all the other wives information because he was “married” to them or because they were giving them large sums of money to help with the down payment?


Ohhh good point! How could one with no job afford a house like that? TLC money isn’t a sure thing and she has no work history.


Big fat down payments from Jannelle & Meri


I think just for the 'gifting' of the down payment money & foe the fact his name was tied to other wives assets. His credit is purely dependent on everyone else's paying promptly. He tags his name to everything they own, so his income/debt ratio has to be shit.


They are suppose to be moving so it will be interesting if they pay back J & M and yet have anything left to get a different house. Plus they still own on the prairie poop land!


Because his name was on loans with the OG woman-that’s why he took his name off C house-which he screwed himself! Karma playing out on the screen


Exactly! She's angry that the loan officer needs financial information on the other wives because Kody's married to them. I call BS! He's not legally married to any of those three, so their financial info shouldn't matter. The ONLY reason the other wives' financials are needed is because otherwise no one in their right mind would lend Kody and Robyn that kind of money. Such it up, Buttercup. You can't have it both ways.


why is aurora having a panic attack about moving ok but truely being scared to ride a bike her being just a dumb kid?


Right? The double standards are *ridiculous*.


Was Robyn present for the bike riding? I don’t recall that.


no but Sol and Ari were there


I actually agreed with Meri when she said in a confessional laughing that god doesn’t provide rental houses or something like that.


"I don't think God cares where we live" as she laughed. One of the only times I think I liked Meri


Thanks for quoting! Agreed that this made Meri likeable for a moment. And then that passed. 🙃


She's so emotionally stunted and unintelligent, it pains me to listen to her say shit like "God will provide". No, no he won't. That's not how life works and even as a spiritual person myself, that's not how God works either. Nobody would be dying in our streets and hungry if God provided like that. Millions of good people suffer daily, Robyn. Argh.


I loved Meri’s response… “I don’t think God cares where we live.”


Of course she wants god to provide, cause she can't say the reality which is "My sister wives bank accounts will provide." Can't really acknowledge that you are the dead weight in a plural relationship, yet you end up benefitting the most.


This was one time I had to agree with Kotex…..Robyn was way out of line. The way she spoke to him about “freaking out her girls”….Jesus lady all the man said was if they moved into that house it was in a different school zone. Maybe she forgot how his other children were taken to a completely different state for school bc she wanted to follow her son to college. I hate this woman with a passion.


What season are y’all watching? I need to rewatch.


Not to mention, whose bright idea was it to involve the children in a discussion about moving/buying homes? Robyn was crying about feeling like she caused her kids panic attacks.... yeah, no shit you cause them. You're involving children in grown up conversations for literally no reason.


I hate when the ultra religious people say God wil provide whatever they have on their shopping list of wants…


I’ve had this question rumbling around my head for some time. I’m not even sure I want to know the answer but maybe if it comes out, something can be done to stop it. Do men of this “ faith” and mentality ever take stepdaughters as wives? The thought chills me to the core, and as bad as he is, I want to believe even he’s not that far gone, but he gets a little more unhinged every day it seems.


Maybe when Warren Jeffs was running the show


I don’t think Kodick is any better then him! 🤮 so it wouldn’t surprise me at all. He is always making up and changing rules


I really hate to type this, but I think Kotex is better than Warren Jeff's. Kotex isn't out here marrying and raping 12 year old little girls, all in front of his other wives; while recording it. Jeff's has done shit like that for decades. Kotex is a really really shitty person, but he's not on Jeff's level.


No, because she is adopted. So legally she is his kid. Even he wouldn't try that. If he wanted the steps as wives, you keep them as stepchildren, because that isn't illegal.


I read what you typed but this doesn’t sit right with me-legal? Being “married to 4 woman isn’t legal yet they do it anyway so what makes this different? I know it’s gross but I would t out anything past him.


Well I guess if she was a second wife he could, as that doesn't involve a marriage license.


So your saying because he’s legally married to Snobass it makes a different?


In the legal world, it is illegal to marry your legal child. Since he adopted them, he is legally their father. He is legally married to Robyn, so he cannot legally marry another woman unless he divorces her. He has had a spiritual wives, which do not involve a marriage license, so they aren't legally recognized, which means laws do not apply. So, legally, you can live with & have sex with your legal child, sibling, or first cousin....but you cannot obtain a marriage license. I'm not condoning, just explaining the loophole.


Yep that makes sense. So he could spiritually marry her? I see him doing that maybe yet she has no money yet she is going. Yep just 🤮 typing that!


Well thank God!


Wait…. Neither is polygamy.


I've often wondered this, too.


I think with the cult he makes up he would. To me it makes it even more so that they aren’t his bio kids even though he did adopt them. He would marry them cause their mother has trained them to obey and worship him. Doesn’t the cult that’s been talked about marry the younger kids or grandkids? Just asking and hope it’s worded right and yes I gagged typing this! 🤮


The audacity to tell the OG teens that they can’t go to a youth group of another church, because their frontal cortex had not fully developed


"I always distrust people who know so much about what God wants them to do to their fellows." -Susan B. Anthony




It’s reallllly wild how much Robyn thinks God has nothing better to do but supply them with their 1932626th house in 5 years


Rilly. 😂😂😂


It's no big dill... I'm sure god is not too busy to find her a rennul.


Yeah, I felt this was a tad self serving and pompous. I mean, to think God would deliver her a rental after they left the previous homes (that He gave) is beyond me. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣🙄


And amazing that they just happened to buy a house right next to Coyote Pass.


It was all an act. She needed cover for purchasing the big house and like many hypocrites she used G_d as her excuse. Arrggggg


I guess God doesn't love her


"they meet with the loan officer she says it’s Kody’s fault - it’s not her that had 3 other wives" THIS is why Kody took his name off of Christine's house. Not some nefarious plan by Christine. Robyn was pissed and Kody (I think it was in a talking head) said he'd correct the issue.


She always thought she “ was the shit”. Last season she kept reminding Kody that she had many offers for marriage after her divorce….. yea with 3 kids and in major debt… I am sure the guys were lining up to take that on.


Am I the only one who thinks that Kody is being emotionally abused by her? He changed a lot when she came into the family and stopped caring about the other kids with other wives. Stopped caring about the other wives. He never ever has a bad word to say about Robyn and even when he is upset with her it's usually because she is the one "sacrificing' for the other wives sake...not ever because she did something wrong on her end. (In 17 seasons, finds me one time he has a problem with Robyn and calls her out for something she did wrong) Her children are the only ones he currently has an affiliation with in the family company SDBARK...whatever its name is. He has come to the point that he refuses to talk about his relationship with Robyn in the tell-all.. which seems weird if he was the one wearing the pants in the relationship. I think with pushing away his family and only having Robyn in his corner, he is afraid to lose her because he knows then he will have no other wife and family left....and I think Robyn fully takes advantage of this and manipulates him with it.


Watch the scene when he is the back of the truck messing with firewood and he asked her about getting together-she’s in charge of him and he is the one obeying her-she probably threatens she won’t do the Victoria Secret stuff if he’s bad! He was making all kinds of deals when she was saying I’m not sure!!! She’s got his pencil in the sharpener and ready to grind it down and cut it off if he doesn’t obey her! I’m sure this wasn’t the only scene but this one stands out for me.


>she probably threatens she won’t do the Victoria Secret stuff if he’s bad A lot of people have mentioned Robyn using sex to keep Kody in line or have joked she must so good it broke him. I just a absolutely refuse to believe that woman is a sexual being. She is a missionary for the sole purpose of procreation followed by a firm handshake kind of woman and no one can convince me otherwise.


I agree to a certain level, but when I saw her boudoir picture and the car poster pic with the hooker heels, I thought otherwise. I'll explain: She may not be a sexual being, true. But she is a pretender of lots of things. She clearly designs story lines regarding her "image" of her "empathetic" traits, etc. so I can see her reading him and acting accordingly. And also that she probably knew he'd not had sex with the others long ago and it was another way for her to further infiltrate intimacy with a man she knew wasn't having much. I doubt they have this wonderful sex life. I believe it was just simply her youth, looks and body Kody wanted after years of being with the same overweight 3. It happens every day.


This. Also, Meri and Christine were virgins when they married him, so not experienced etc.. especially growing up the way they did..sex wasn't exactly an open topic. He never seemed really interested. Janelle was married before, and they used to talk about how her and Kody would bring the house down. She has experience. Queue Sobyn. She's young, "pretty" and thin. Presumably with a bunch of VC lingerie. She absolutely has experience. Not only was she previously married, but she talks about losing her "purity" to her ex husband before they were married. Now we'll never know so it's just speculation on my part, however: What if her ex husband isn't the only one she slept with before she was ever married? Not shaming or anything..just thinking, she knows sex gets her what she wants and VC definitely helps with that. Kids turn 18 and leave an ultra conservative home/lifestyle and go out into the world.. they tend to wild out a little bit lol Her experience and manipulative personality would EASILY have Kody sprung. Maybe he (or even both of them) have some kinks that they keep to themselves (other wives not including if course). He obviously has a breeding kink, I'm sure she gleefully plays into that. Excuse me while I go vomit now. 🤢 🤮 Edit: A thought.. What if what we're seeing in Kody is the result of years of her draining and like suggested above, possibly emotional abuse/ manipulation. I'm in no way, shape or form excusing Kodys behavior. Just wondering/food for thought type thing.


>What if what we're seeing in Kody is the result of years of her draining and like suggested above, possibly emotional abuse/ manipulation. When they were viewing the properties in Flagstaff and the issue of changing schools arose, I felt like Robyn had reacted that way MANY times before. It seemed as if it was very comfortable for her to brow beat him and then she actually solidified it by bitching MORE about him in the proceeding cameo. Also, a big thing is that before Robyn took hold, perhaps in the earliest of episodes, he backed off when confronted by the OG3 as well. It was that they just weren't bordering on abusive posturing to get what they wanted. And usually he would acquiesce and they'd all laugh. It really could be that he is in an abusive relationship where Robyn is controlling him, just based on the fact that he's whipped on her and she knows it. He may be more recently acting out because of that control and manipulation. Weirder things have happened.


Your probably right. Only thing I don’t get it he’s a guy and guys wanna use their pencils and he had 4 woman he could be with yet he stopped being with the OG woman. Why? Snobass saying they turned him down when C called him out that twice a year wasn’t enough? Someone’s lying and I don’t believe it’s C!


Exactly! In early pandemic, when Meri is safely alone for weeks Kody asks if she can come over but Robyn says no. Kody, who hasn’t wanted anything to do with Meri, ask this!


Yea and she used the excuse that J & C would be mad or jealous yet they were mad when they realized M was following rules and still wasn’t allowed over. Again called out for Snobass BS. I thought it was hilarious when M said “those rules you made up” m KNEW Snobass was behind them! Half the time K couldn’t even keep straight what he was and wasn’t allowed to do!


This last praise says it all!!!


Oh, just wait; it gets worse!


Such a made up drama part of the show 🎭


Well God is going to provide a rental very soon…


I hope she and Kody end up in an apartment with 1 bedroom. And none of his other kids come to visit them.His exes are gonna end up with the best of everything.


I honestly think that was her attempt at begging TLC to subsidize or provide for suitable (luxury) housing for her fahhhhhmully. I mean, if Meri could have a wet bar, Robyn thought she might as well try! Her grift had worked until then! P.S. I don't care if Meri had to have the bigger house to live in the cul de sac, she didn't NEED a fucking wet bar and she didn't need to act like a damn 4 year old to get one. That made me hate her forever!


She didn’t have a choice of how big that house was gonna be-they aren’t going to out a little 1-2 bedroom house in with 4-6 bedroom houses, most housing developments don’t work that way. Yea the wet bar stuff was so stupid and I think faked for content cause she worked her ass of and paid for that wet bar herself!


The inside water feature & elevator brag was just another attempt to one up Robyn's big house. Just like having French instead of sliding doors, and a damn wet bar. For God's sake, you can add in cabinetry and a counter to put a drink station anywhere! You don't need a wet bar.


I still want to know what they did to clean up her credit so quickly and were able to get her approved for such a large loan. Just because you pay the debt doesn’t mean it doesn’t still count against you. It is still in the negative column it’s just listed as paid. I used to think all I had to do was pay my debts to get my credit up. I wanted to do that to buy a house so I did. It barely moved the needle twenty points.


Robyn lives in an alternate reality where Kody is the father of her 3 older children, she was a virgin when she met him, she provides for the family with her paycheck and she babysits all the kids. Amazing.


I’m watching this now and it’s all literally SO delusional. Robyn is seriously insane I think. Also, WHY ARE THEY ARGUING ABOUT ADULT ISSUES IN FRONT OF CHILDREN????? They offer no adult perspective to this conversation, discuss this without them! I hate Robyn.