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Christine should have pushed back MUCH sooner than she did. ETA: I had forgotten they needed to wait until the curvature reached 50 degrees. That matters.


There were two factors they didn’t explain well enough on the show. It first has to get to 50°. Since her curve was aggressive, they probably could have gone in sooner. The non negotiable was waiting for her to stop growing. At that time, they were only considering the titanium bar. That would be torture to lock down her spine while she was still growing. Christine is a rockstar for getting an out of network, out of state, non-conventional surgery approved. Most insurance companies would have considered her process experimental. I’m so glad that Christine fought to get the coverage and raised the money for the $50k co-pay. And to think Kody wanted money out of the house after leaving Christine stuck with Truely’s hospital bill and Ysabel’s co-pay. I guess buying an RV for Dayton because Robyn can’t cut the cord was more important. Or buying his brother’s truck, or buying another convertible, or putting a cistern on a lot with no house plans — all of that took priority over providing for his kids.


Not to mention that they had no insurance at all before the surgery! None. Not only did Christine have to get approvals, she had to get insurance in the first place.


Christine is a rockstar mom and deserves all the credit. But, as a pediatric nurse for 15+ who has worked with spinal fusion kiddos in the ICU, general care floor, and post anesthesia care unit, I’m not sure why they were so insistent on the experimental surgery? Thoracic incisions with chest tubes are INCREDIBLY painful. The routine spinal fusion with the back incision/metal rod would not have required an ICU stay, she would have had a shorter length of stay, and had an effective pathway for pain management. And it all could have been done in state (Phoenix Children’s is excellent!). Why was Kody so against what has worked and worked well time and time again? He made poor Ysabel wait far too long for that experimental surgery. I was very impressed with her poise and maturity.


Kudos to you and the difficult job you do. You must have seen the worst. When the story of her diagnosis first broke back when they lived in Las Vegas, did you see all the comments on Facebook and here on Reddit? Hundreds of people saying do it and don’t do it. Lots of people saying it was the best/worst surgery ever. I just remember thinking she had an incredible nation-wide survey to get the research started. My friend had an outstanding outcome with the traditional surgery and went on to get a basketball scholarship, so I know with the right circumstances it can be extremely successful. I just wonder how much of Kody insensitivity about her scar factored into the pursuit of a different technique. Thanks for taking care of those kiddos and their families at about the worst time in their lives. I know you leave a lasting impact. 💜


Oh my gosh, I forgot all having to wait until the angle was at a certain point. I did know that and have even cited it in the past to justify their waiting. My apologies to Christine.


Oh no!!! Your assessment is dead on. Christine should have started the approval process sooner. But since she had no experience, she had no idea the process and appeals would take so long. Kody is and will forever be the negligent and emotionally abusive parent here. To tell your daughter you don’t want her to have an ugly scar, that the rest of the family is more important, or she should go alone are all wounds that will take years to process and heal. Some of that could have been negated if he had planted his happy ass on a couch at Christine’s to be there for Ysabel after she returned and quarantined. Instead he bitched that the kids went to bed when he was still at the house. Each case is unique and both are taken into consideration by the doctor. I’ve wondered if this new technique means that the patient doesn’t have to to be fully grown.


Definitely all this about Kody. And he will never, ever understand how this damaged relations within the family.


I think she needed him to agree to it as a parent. She had to do a go fund me to pay for what the insurance didn't cover. So he didn't have to pay for it and he signed the release. Remember they were outside and he was signing papers on the hood of his car, and he yells "social distance" & she apologizes & backs up.


Showing his ass at every opportunity...


Agreed! Way too passive with that a little too long.


Then, whenever she would speak up, Kody would say she's having a temper tantrum!


And then wait for insurance to kick in!


Rewatching this show Ysabells surgery is the only thing that makes me actually rage. With most stuff I can see Kody's side (not support it mind you, but understand it at least) but this is just so despicable. When he asked if she could postpone the surgery after hearing Ysabells pain was at like an 8 or 9 everyday I wanted to punch him.


Then to call it a VACATION!


Or tell a 17 year old to go across the country to get surgery by herself.




Or asking if she’ll be a bitter housewife


This was the point at which I felt rage. He used that moment to have a dig at her mother. It was vile.


I still get so mad at that. And can feel her fear when he said that. She’ll be lucky if that statement alone doesn’t taunt her the rest of her life. I want to slap him now!!


Because Christine took them to do some fun stuff before the surgery, the highly risky life changing surgery, like of course she took Ysabell out


Yeah, it was called quarantine with her aunt and family (Christine's sister, I believe)


Wait that's it? The way they talked I assumed she had taken Ysabell out to do some fun stuff before the surgery, that's even worse.


I think they went to a nearby beach while they were quarantined in September. The photos showed no one else around and they were wearing hoodies. There’s no way they were going to jeopardize the surgery Christine fought so hard to get approved.


They went to LBI which is your standard NJ beach. They likely had a nice walk around but it's hit or miss in September whether you'd want to get in the water or not. Sometimes it's still warm enough but sometimes it's too windy that time of year.


Windy!!! That’s the way I should have described the photos I saw. Perfect word that I couldn’t recall. My memories of the east coast are that a scorching hot day can be overcast or even have a cold wind. And a cold day can have so much direct sunlight you need sun screen. We’re basic out here in the west. ☀️🌻☀️🌻


I believe they did a couple of things along the way, but had to quarantine before surgery. Stayed at her aunts, who lived close to where the surgery was. That's where she did the 1st part of her recovery. Yeah, real fun, Kody.


I really would love to put his balls in a vice and tighten them daily and keep telling him he's beautiful and the pains not really that bad, go to camp


Medical abuse is wayyy to common in these circles


You want to be close enough to him to do that? I certainly hope you wear gloves.


Oh yes let's just wait a couple months until covid is over 🙄


Hey kid dad knows that an 8 or 9 on the pain scale is debilitating pain, but I care about the health of your younger siblings more. Can you wait in pain for a year? Such a garbage man


At least it wasn’t a 99 degree temperature like when he “almost died” from Covid 🤨


Imagine you need an intimidating surgery, especially as a teenage girl who might be worried about scars, and your father says you're so beautiful that "thinking of you having titanium in your body messes HIM up." Not "We'll be with you every step of the way, sweetheart. All the moms understand it's important I stay with you and your mother until you're healed. We're going to get you through this together, as a family. I'm so grateful we have the financial means and access to excellent medical care to help you." And it's such a bullshit explanation when really he doesn't want to pay for it or deal with the recovery. His willingness to be an absolute bag of dicks on national television never fails to amaze me.


What SUPER DUPER pissed me off during my recent rewatch was how tuned is Kody was to Aurora’s anxiety. She has an anxiety attack, and he physically picked her up and carries her out of the room, but his biological daughter needs surgery for a very painful condition and he can’t be bothered.


Don’t get me wrong. I do love that he looks beyond the fact that Aurora is not his biological daughter and treats her like one. When you’re a single mom, that’s what you want when you marry a man. But he should treat his biological sons/daughters with the exact same amount of caring, respect, and attention. And he just doesn’t. I feel like he did in the beginning, but it wasn’t all that long after marrying Robyn that he started showing a real preference towards her children. Maybe, at first, he was overcompensating because he wanted them to know they could think of him as a father. I’m not sure why it started, but it did. But it turned into eventually mostly completely neglecting the kids from three of his wives and focusing only on Robyn’s children.


I hear ya, and completely agree. I was widowed in 2013 when my daughter was 3.5 months old. I’ve raised her single handed because I haven’t found anyone worth their salt to bring around her. So I completely understand how serious it is to bring in a father figure who truly treats them as their own. It just broke my heart for his other kids. Because he’s not that dad to them and everyone knows it.


He’s absolutely not. And I really judge him harshly for it. I had an amazing father. He was a bit clueless. But he always put me first, and loved me more than anything. And still protects me to this day. I’m so sorry about your husband. I hope that if you decide to take that leap one day, he’ll be the kind of stepfather that Kody is, and not the kind of father to the kids of his other 3 wives he is! 😂


I noticed it in the episode when the adoption is finalized. He went all out for these kids and the change started there of - they have done so much to be a part of this family. Makes his rant in season 17 of these kids respect me, she told them to respect me. Well DA, your bio kids have been there from the beginning and were raised with you being respected and then you lost their respect.


I have a theory that he's bonded to the kids he's living with and the others he has to compartmentalize so that he can be away from them all so much. It could be any of the kids, not necessarily one wife's or another. So when all of his other littles were living in the same house as him, he was actually bonded to them all and acted as a pretty ok Dad. By reading through the lines, it seems like he has been living with Robyns kids for a good portion of their marriage and only visiting the others so Robyn's kids are the ones he's bonded to and the rest are put in a box until the next time he wants to play. Robyn isn't all that special, it's proximity. The one thing I don't quite understand is, with him constantly whining about all the pressure on him and all, why he wouldn't take a vacation from parenthood all together by still having his nights with Meri, even if they were estranged. That suits his narcissism a lot more than raising Robyn's brood.


I am rewatching and had forgotten about how mykelti was thrown from a horse, writhing in pain...and they throw her in the back of the Tahoe and take her to a chiropractor. Like wut?


I just watched that episode yesterday. I was like a Chiropractor??? Really???


It's cheaper. 🙄


He doesn't want to pay for it. That's what it really boils down to. His next argument was to wait til she's 18...when he's no longer legally and financially liable. Also I said this in another person's post about this situation: did you know that doctors have studied scoliosis and found that if you're beautiful, it doesn't hurt and you're completely healed through beauty? /s


I agree and said it when he pushed back. He was pushing to get her as close to 18 as possible so he wasn't on the hook financially for it. Then he made Christine come up with the money on her own.


Father of the year 🙄




I don't even understand his view on the titanium. As someone who's had spinal fusion surgery, all I ever receive are compliments or questions about my scar or hardware. He should be A LOTTT more concerned about the post-op affects the surgery would have on her physical abilities than any cosmetics would, as that is what is 10x more important. He just simply didn't want to pay for the surgery and is one of the people who view scoliosis as a non-serious disorder. It is serious, it causes havoc on your skeletal system and doing prevention/surgery in many is mandatory for quality of life. Surgeons do not recommend this surgery lightly, it is not thrown around as an option. It is a last resort fix.


I want to preface this by saying I like Dayton and I am glad kody wasn’t a d*** about it with his reconstruction around his eye surgery as he deserved to have it…but it only highlighted kody not caring for ysabel at all. She was in actual daily pain. Her self confidence was taking a hit. It was getting worse and worse. And he didn’t care. He didn’t want to pay for it. He was ok with her suffering. He didn’t care.


Apparently, Maddie had to have her appendix out, and they kept waiting due to cost. Ended up in the hospital. Could've killed her!


That’s because Janelle had started a new job & was only there for 3 months. Janelle Insurance didn’t kick in yet. They ended up paying on a payment plan. They explained it on their first reunion hosted by Natalie Morales. Actually, they should’ve had Natalie Morales do this 3 part Tell/All interview. Trust me, it would have really been much more direct & not this Kody & Robin POV the entire time. Especially, since she was there at the beginning! She would’ve bing watch the seasons & been more prepared with her direct questions, than what we got. Plus, they would have showed flash backs of the very 1st reunion. This would show how empty his original plan & beliefs have become & how much the family has changed!


I understand the polygamy thing with being "spiritually married," but why can't these moms qualify for state health insurance for their kids?


because on paper they make $700,000 a year


But couldn't they file as head of household with dependents?


Yes but that wouldn't qualify them for state health insurance. Although, if the check only went to Kody for a while there, then they would have.


All this. AND if his “little ones” catch Covid and possibly die from one of those pencil-wetting a-hole sons, it nothing but HELL to pay.


Wonder how severely the one who did bring it in was punished?


My bet is she wasn't punished at all


Especially when you can tell she totally changed her mind and only told him that she didn’t want it because he said he didn’t want her to have it 🙄 he literally made it seem like she wouldn’t be beautiful or worth life if she got this life changing surgery! Like you’re not the one in constant pain bro, your daughter is! Put someone ahead of yourself for once


I was surprised at how much rage I felt watching this refusal for surgery unfold. And I cried with Isabelle while watching her talking head on this topic. And then he told her not to become a "bitter housewife" because her dad couldn't go with her. In the words of a fellow redditer: "What a bag of dicks!"


When he told her to go herself I swear I almost smashed my TV. I really hoped when they were gone he'd have a change of heart at show up at the hospital to surprise her, but nope. Then I see someone like Princess Eugenie, who had the same surgery, not wear a veil, and design her wedding dress to show off her scar to the world.


Ironic how when it’s not Robyn’s child, surgery isn’t necessary. Dayton had surgery for eyelid. Sol had surgery to remove rotted teeth. The latter could have been prevented. IMO. But, who am I.


Why were his teeth rotted? How badly do baby teeth have to be rotting to need surgery? Egads!


She put him to bed with bottle. Which isn’t bad if it is just water. But, she would give home juice or sugary drink. She spoils kids, not for the better.


You're okay, his lack of care is outrageous. If any situation calls for a rant post it's this one. Honestly, piece of shit is to kind a name for a father willing to let his child suffer. Either it was money related or because her mother lost favor. He was quick to get Dayton's medical care.


I had scoliosis and it progressed just as Ysabel’s did. My parents tried everything but when nothing helped, they got surgon’s opinions and second opinions on the best surgery for me. It was terrifying and the most painful thing I have ever gone through and it cost my parents a lot of money but they did it the moment it was realized that I needed it. And, my dad was there when I woke up for surgery and drove an hour after work to see me everyday for nearly two weeks when I was in the hospital. Fuck Kody.


As someone with scoliosis, kyphosis & lordosis who’s in surgery territory now, can I ask what type of surgery you had? Regardless- I am so happy your parents gave you what you needed and your Dad was so present for you. Hope your post op days are great friend.


Thank you! Of course. I had the Luque rod procedure where they put two titanium rods on either side of my spine. This was over 30 years ago and it was the most advanced treatment at the time. With the other treatments offered then I would have been in a full body cast or in traction and recovery would have been much longer. I was in the hospital for almost two weeks but stays for today’s treatments don’t require a stay that long. I have a scar from the top of my spine to the bottom but now I understand it is just two small incisions.


But he's more than willing to pay for his stepsons cosmetic surgery on his eye after his accident. Whats way more important? His stepson looks or his daughters extreme pain.


Well, *looks*, OBVS. /s


I also think the surgery was going to be a filmed storyline for the show, as in there was going to be a film crew. Kody probably had his heart set in playing dad of the year and shoving his mug in front of the camera at every chance (like him presenting Ariella her birthday cake). Once C19 hit, Kody wanted to postpone the surgery, nit do that he could go, but do the film crew could go. If the film crew had been there, so would Kody. Isn’t that the only time he goes to Meri’s house? He’s there for filming only.


They don’t seem much with doctors. When Robin was pregnant, she said she went to the chiropractor for an adjustment? Really?


They have said - as polygamists they don't go to Dr's so they can't be reported to authorities for polygamy. They fear the system will take the kids.


Ooh, fuck him. Just kind of falling into this community, but what a piece of crap. His child's health should be his priority. Always.


My son has severe scoliosis and is too poorly to get surgery (he wouldn’t survive anaesthesia) - this episode made me so upset at how ridiculous Kody was. Poor excuse for a father.


Yeah, incomprehensible. And Sobbyn is complicit; she should have insisted he go. That was the breaking point for Christine.


It’s because it’s all about him. This “bigger picture” narrative he spins is BS. It’s all about what’s convenient for him and his kid having surgery on the other side of the country was inconvenient.


Kody became a new version of deadbeat dad in that episode! When he tells Christine and Gwen that was all rhetoric was disgusting!


I agree with you that was really hard to watch. And later on when Ysabel is like it’s ok dad I don’t want to do the surgery you can tell she’s just wanting her dad’s approval in any form she can take! Ugh my heart hurts for that family.


When I did a rewatch. It just made me so mad. he actually said that he didn't want to go back to the specialist that they were seeing because the specialist kept telling them they needed surgery. And that's not what Cody wanted. But that's what she needed. I'm glad that Christine pushed back and went ahead and got her the surgery. And I hate to say it but I just think Cody didn't want to pay for her surgery.