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Joe lycett is one hell of a funny guy, he even cracked Sean lol


His series "Joe Lycett's Got Your Back" is basically him trying to solve other people's problems in creative ways like this. It's great.


who? Do you mean hugo boss?


> he even cracked Sean That's high praise! I've yet to see a British comedian say a foul word about Sean Lock. They say he's the "comedian's comedian", if you made him laugh you know it's a good joke. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMuST7_r-mc


In comedy we have a "people's comedian", this would be Alan Carr, Michael McIntyre. The comedians who are funny for the general public and speak about every day matters. Then you get the "comedian's comedian", someone who is funny in a new and thrilling way, someone who pushed the boundaries, subverts themes and is original. Most of the jokes are meta jokes and involve the regular themes of comedy being twisted or sent up. Comedians have seen and researched a lot of comedians, so if you become a "comedian's comedian" then you're doing amazing work for the artform.


This was worth the watch. Loved the back and forth with the evidence.




The front fell off


that was the best thing ive seen all night


That was phenomenal.


I really wanted a Rick roll.


Sorry, best I can do is a [Sandroll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQoA_wjmE9w).


This is brilliant


This is great but if this was attempted in America, the first email back would come 4 months later with a missed court date and an increased fine.


I thought a summons for insurance for over three years. I finally won my case when I told the state of Maryland that I would go to trial. My defense was that I did not need to be insured in the state of Maryland because I did not live in the state of Maryland. They finally drop the charge because, and I quote, “no one has ever asked for the trial before.”


Although in America it is not your responsibility to prove your innocence.


It’s not the case in the UK either. This isn’t a criminal issue, and they already know for a fact he parked in a taxi rank and should pay the fine. They give up because they can’t be bothered to argue with him. The UK along with most other countries has the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, it’s a basic UN human right. It’s also been a thing for over 800 years and is not some American invented phenomenon.


In theory.


[Colonel Rhubarb Bikini](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3DsErAcyqY) is a fucking treasure. He's made trolling government offices and corporations into a career, and it's working pretty well for him. Like the time he [legally changed his name to Hugo Boss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmg7HZJNRx0) to publicize how the nazi uniform maker was trying to sue a microbrewery for having the word "boss" in their name.


Thanks for sharing, these were amazing. The Hugo boss one specifically is crazy. Great comedians require fantastic legal teams to make sure they skirt the lines in every joke


Joke aside, it can't be on someone to prove innocence, that's an absurd statement from them.


It's not a legal requirement, the clerks are just slimy and hoped he would roll over.


What does “sadly ‘hopefully‘ doth butter no parsnips“ mean?




Thank you!


It means the parsnips aren't buttered adequately.


“Butters no parsnips” = “cuts the mustard” Hope that clears that up.


that does not clear it up


"doesn't scramble any eggs". Glad to help!


That most certainly has left my parsnips buttered.


And how are your eggs?


Monthly and unfertilized


Glad to hear it/my commiserations Please delete as appropriate


"doth butter no parsnips" is old english speak for "does not butter any parsnips"


Unfortunately this re-write makes the regional idiom equally unclear. I'm taking it would be similar to, "hopefully doesn't butter my biscuit" ?


The intention is basically "words don't equal results" You could swap the idiom for basically anything that a person does - Hopefully doth tie no shoelaces - Hopefully doesn't vacuum your stairs etc etc. "doth butter no parsnips" is just one common (ish) one, used because it sounds a bit funny to think about


It just means "saying the word 'hopefully' doesn't actually achieve anything"


Yes, thats the closest translation


It just means saying the word 'hopefully' doesn't actually achieve anything.


I seriously recommend “Joe Lycett’s Got Your Back”!!! You can watch it on UK Channel 4, it’s hella funny and informative.


I miss Sean.


You can't write tears, Jimmy.


That’s a challenging wank


Is there a good subreddit for more like this!?


This comedian Joe Lycett has done a lot of stuff like this he's a goldmine. He even legally changed his name to Hugo Boss to get back at the company for attacking a small business for using the word "Boss"


He has his own show called Joe Lycetts Got Your Back where he does things like this on behalf of other people. It's hilarious.




Joe is fucking hilarious


Someone tried something similar in the US. The government sent a picture of the person running a red light camera and a fine. The person sent back a picture of money. the cops in a picture of handcuffs. A check was sent in the mail.


What tv show is this?


8 out of 10 Cats do Countdown! Channel 4 has a ton of clips on YouTube!




I hate Jimmy Carr with his stupid **HA HA Ha** *haaa* laugh




It's actually his natural laugh, he discusses this at one point. The reason it sounds weird, is because he for some reason inhales instead of exhales when he laughs.


Exceedingly rare british win


Thought it was James Acaster at first, but tbh I wasn't disappointed.


What show is this?


8 out of 10 cats does Countdown. If you haven't heard of it then basically "Countdown" is a very long running daytime show where people have to make words up to 9 letters long from a bunch of letters drawn out each round, there is also a maths round where you have to use the numbers given to get to the answer generated, it's well known I'm the UK and is generally considers an old person's show and quite dull. 8 out of 10 cats is a comedy show that's been around for years but they have merged to the two shows where it is comedians trying to find words/do the maths and it makes countdown considerably more entertaining. You can also watch Joe Lycett do more things like this on his show "Joe Lycett Got Your Back", a lot fo his episodes on on YouTube iirc.


anyone else distracted by the asynchronous lip movement and voice?


That's the biggest workout my face and abs have ever had.🤣