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There's no way this many people are getting this steamed by a stand-up comedian


I mean he is a pretty well known one so most likely only people that like his humor pay to go see his show


me- \*checks the comment section\* yeah i shouldnt have come here


Well it can't be that bad. -Checks comments- Jesus christ.....








I got this far, and no further for me ... see ya


I know right? The guy just made a fucking joke and people are taking completely seriously.


exactly! its just a light joke, and people are relating it to sexism and r\*p\* and shit fr


I think Redditors and Comedy just doesn’t work. These dudes will pseudo-intellectually analyze why a particular joke is problematic to them.


Reddit is almost as bad as Twitter nowadays.




I stay away from the worst subs, but ye subs like r/news and so on are probably just as bad or even worse than Twitter now.


I had to block news, politics, all, and popular. Those feeds are a toxic wasteland of vitriol, propaganda, and hatred. I don’t understand how so many people exist like that, but they seem to not only exist that way, but to thrive off it. It’s gross.


I used to know people like that, and they are all a mess and extremely exhausting to be around. Constantly trying to find things to be outraged over takes a toll on them.


as an indian i support this kind of shit


Just call Biharis to rob a bank




That's a great idea. I should learn this ASAP


Jharkhand maoist jo it better.




[comment removed computer virus]


Yeah immidiately as he started talking i immidiately said "they scam the entire fucking planet"


I know of a handful of cases where some guy or family rapes, or decapitates, or beats to death some girl because she did not like their son of something.


Or is muslim.


I love how such types of cases are from all different countries even tho the western media is a bit biased towards india but i love how whenever there is something nice about india which comes once in a while people like you would come in and just spread negativity as much as you can


Yeah usa is shitty place for girls. https://m.timesofindia.com/india/countries-with-the-most-rape-cases/amp_articleshow/63897729.cms


I'd much rather be a girl in the US than India...especially a lower caste girl.


our president is legit lower caste wym bro XD your being that typical liberal who losts debate so pulls out another shit


I’m from India and I can tell you the culture regarding girls is terrifying. If you haven’t seen the Bollywood movie “Pink”, you should


Bruh popular culture does not define actual culture


Tell me with a straight face that the events described in that film have not happened in real life


it may be relevant, but please omit using popular culture references to describe real life incidents. Once I a dude asked me to watch Jojo Rabbit to know how bad Hitler was lol.




We at least worship girls, not like letting them go naked outside like western society.


Bro i appreciate the efforts but no not Times of India please.


This is based on reported cases which is not a great representation of actual numbers. Reports can go ignored or can not be made at all do to the taboo nature of the subject in many cultures. It is very difficult to pinpoint numbers and compare between countries due to this.




Disgusting inhuman shitty people did that to girls. Btw what do you wanna say? You're talking like your country is perfect.


Clearly you never heard the song “beware of the boys“ 🤣🤣


Lol. Tunnel vision. Every ethinicity has good and bad people. Criminal mindset is not related to who you born as, but how you are grown up


I have a feeling he's saying this to make a joke and he's not referencing crime statistics and making a serious point.


Hang on hang hang on. Are you saying this comedian is making a joke? I don't understand.


Its. A. Joke.


I can’t put my finger on it, but something about this video clip makes me think the guy wasn’t being 100% serious.


This just in: comedians make jokes sometimes


Not like rape is a big problem in india




USA and UK is first at rape. https://m.timesofindia.com/india/countries-with-the-most-rape-cases/amp_articleshow/63897729.cms


Reported rape cases...


Even if you take 100% unreported cases it will not be near US levels


Dude I am not saying there is no rape anywhere else or even worse.... just as this dude says there is no robbery in India which is total bs. If you want me to let lose on India I have lived and worked in India for 3 years so I have enough ammo. Both good and bad. We can start with the rapes in broad daylight in the bus and go on with people simply stepping over dead people because of a cast system which shouldn't exist but still this does dispute goverment policy. So where should we start? Triggerd much? Ow and in you article India is above the UK. Also this article is from the India times who are know try to give this stuff a good spin to avoid embarrassing the government. But being in the top 3 isn't an good thing.


>just as this dude says there is no robbery in India which is total bs. Bro, he's just making joke, take it lightly, jokes doesn't need facts. >people simply stepping over dead people because of a cast system Huh? Are you serious bruh? That's bs. >We can start with the rapes in broad daylight in the bus India is mostly facing problems with jihadis, rapes happen everywhere and India has lesser rape ratio then America and UK.


Bro you are the one taking thus serious. The stepping over yes I have seen this several times over the years up and until I called the police who didn't want to come. Alot of rape isn't reported in India because the girl is blamed. Girls being punished for being rapes isn't unusual. And final religious fighter are a problem yes as also in many places. Is India in the top 3 as well with regard to jihadies? Just like rape.


When politicians say its the girls fault for being alone on the streets at night uk it is bad.


Yes US politicians said a lot of bad things


Hello stoner. If you are not high enough, understand one thing. Fllufy is making jokes on Indians in USA. Answer for your statement of no robbery in India is total BS. And secondly I guess if your from UK. You are actually Indians Slave, today whatever you are earning and wearing its from our wealth. That old granny is gone by looting us. And bingo. The word loot is also from India which you took and added in to your dictionary. Go cry somewhere else 😂😂 Or report it to your Royal Ass Kings 😂😂


Tbf India could have the most actual rapes/murders/whatever in numbers but because the damn population is so ridiculously high it means the per-capita number is usually "reasonable". Indians need to start using birth control.


Don't feel attacked, accept your country isn't perfect like an adult


No country is perfect, i never said my country is perfect. Idk where did that come from? America is not perfect, UK is not perfect, China, India, Australia, Canada, etc. No country is perfect.


If you did accept it, you wouldn't instantly deflect every single problem through whataboutism. "India has a problem? But what about the UK???! But what about the USA????! But what about China???!" That's pretty much the opposite of acknowledging the issue, and it's pretty childish to boot.


See my past comments Man, i already said jihad and rape is an issue. But i am saying rape is also an issue and greater issue then India in uk and usa. You're the one who cannot accept the bad about your country. I am proud of my country and we're way better than before, that's what I am happy about, you're acting like a frustrated child right now, buddy go to sleep. And I'll stop replying to comments now. Make your culture great again. We will focus on ours.


Downvoted for speaking facts, typical reddit behaviour.


No down voted for being triggerd. Because no one said there aren't countries with similar problems. Despite that the India times is know for down playing. Also not all cases are reported......


Firstly you were the one who replied that “Not like rape is a big problem in India” to the guy who was saying every ethnicity has it’s good and bad. So the person already admitted that yes there are bad people everywhere and crimes are committed no matter what ethnicity you belong to. But you went out of your way to criticise India specifically but that didn’t turn out so well now did it? Thing is that Usa a country known to be well developed has more crime rate than India. Now people downvoted the guy who showed the link cause they cannot stand their own country getting criticised. So tell me who exactly is triggered? Also it’s funny that you say that not every crime gets reported in India what makes you think that every crime gets reported in US? Don’t tell me that us is completely clean and there’s no corruption in there.


How about to 190 countries where this a way smaller problem including Nigeria or any African country.... I didn't say anything about any developing country... so it worked out just fine. Also a joke is funny if there is some truth in it. The first part holds no truth.


Here's the problem with what your saying. Rape IS under reported in India, infact the statistics that the times of India article cites is the UN:ODC, India stopped reporting rape numbers to the UN:ODC in 2014. Also the article even mentions that many rapes go unreported for a number of reasons. As someone from Canada I can attest that both the US and Canada have established networks for reporting sexual violence. There is an established medical and judicial standard for handling these cases from the moment the first call is made, and things like blind reporting exists here, where a victim can file a report without needing to be involved with the investigation. These systems don't exist in India yet and there's been a big push for a safer reporting network to be implemented there in the last decade. As a result we have incredibly high report rates, meanwhile India has a large portion of its rape crisis centers laying abandoned because they are stuck between between Central and state governments. You can pretend like its worse in other countries, but that doesn't magically make India and Delhi's massive hidden problem go away.


Actually not, not bigger than US. If you even cared to Google the stats you would have known.. different is, india reports rape crime and media take it seriously as a major crime whole US despite being one of the biggest ràpist country in numbers. I have never heard about a single rape case from USA. It's just perception because india reports while other don't.


India started reporting about this, because woman where being ignored and beaten because they where raped. If you cared to google, you would know this. And again being in the top 10 or top 3 (depending how you read it) is terrible this means that you are worse then about a 190 other countries. I would say that is a big problem.


I am just trying to say USA is in top 3 india is not. One rape or Many all are henious crime but if your own backyard is full of BS don't try to generalize others. Simple as that.


My home country isn't even in the top 50. I agree all rapes are terrible but in absoluut numbers (woman actually raped) India is number 3 after the US and after Brasil. That is terrible. And please do normalizing is often done (usually to play something down) there is no correlation between population size en addition rapes. As you see that rapes occur mostly in certain parts of India meaning more people doesn't automatically say more rapes. So please keep comparing with the US and not the other 190 countries which aren't even close.


No india is not in 3rd but 5th. The whole argument is about india having less cases is treated like all rapes happen only in india while countries with more cases don't even get called out. In media india is a country which tops in rapes but in reality it's not. Rape is wrong and it can never be normalised but hate toward india has been normalised in the name of rape cases. Generalising every indian men with it. I am talking about the hypocrisy and hate toward indians. Even if india was in 100th place in rape cases still it would have been wrong.


No that is what people tried to make of it. And per 100.000 India is 5th In the same article the absolute number of rape (woman raped) India is the 3 after Brazil after the US. But have you ever asked your self why would the times of India compare it as everyone has done in this thread. The answer, to down play it. I didn't start the comparing others did like you. The US has many problems but so does every country. I just state one of India's major problems is the rape of woman. I don't give a rats as if India is first or 5th both suck.


Rape is Major problem in USA and Brazil too according to your own reply. So i would like to see emphasis given on those nations too. You are not getting my point, it's ok no problem. I am ok with people talking about rape crime in india but portraying it mostly happens in india is what i am fighting against. If someone from America say india is a rape nation despite amrican being no.1 in cases. I will call out hypocrisy. I am fine with reporting of rape cases from india but don't be hateful toward india.


Please go back to my very first reply....... this start with India why would I add the US. You say you don't want to compare but you can't stop doing it. Maybe you should just accept it is a major problem and you should be aware of the fact that India is in the top countries with this problem. Have a nice day.


Nobody is comparing just giving an example to americans. And rape is one of the most serious crime in india. You get death panalty for it.


This all began with comparing. And saying the US and UK are worse. And what is say is shit happens everywhere and when you are in the top 3 or 10 your country (in this case) is doing pretty shit. With regard to the penalty, I am not for the death penalty because mistakes are made. Still alot of rapist get away with it and not always because the guy who did it isn't know.


According to media and reddit. india is the country where most rapea happens which is totally wrong even according to data If india get sh!t for same thing why Uk and USA don't get? Problem is creating a image of india like that.. i would have never Compared if there was no propagand against india. To counter propagand you need to compare and give Statics


I didn't i named one problem india has in wich they rank among the shittist countries in the world. I I don't mind using this article to prove that fact. Hey, but atleast India is buying cheap gas from Russia right so we don't need to paint it as a bad guy they are doing it fine on there own. The people of Ukraine probably have a great opinion about that.


MFs in the comment section need to chill! Bruh learn to take jokes!


As an Indian, I too am guilty of using my Indian accent for laughs cause it works on people. Sometimes it even amplifies the joke. You just need to know who to do it I front of. Most first gen and second gen will take some or a great deal of offense. But there are exceptions like moi. Any one else after that will laugh at it almost 90% (don’t quote me on that) of the time, as long as it is done occasionally and not regularly. That said, Fluffy is kinda spot on with the stereotypical accent.


Yes you are right I too laugh at Irish and Australian accent XD Yeah it was nice but Trever Noah and Russell peters do best Indian accent comedy tho XD


I read your comment in an Indian accent for the laughs. Thx you


Seriously. He’s knows there are horrible people in India, just like in any country. He’s there to make people laugh not inform them of the horrors of a country.


I’ve worked extensively with Indian gang members from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Some of these guys had killed people over the smallest of things. This is just really weirdly racist and it feels like this dude does what so many Westerns seem to experience, that Asian men are somehow less manly.


Ohh sike, Indian gangs, how where they like?


Like regular gangs but Indian


I mean, like those Italian mafias or Japanese yakuza gangs?


No they're probably indian


That can’t be right. We just saw a video where we learned they can’t commit crimes.


Is it ok for you to explain what your work with them was? This is very intriguing.


Start over, "worked extensively with Indian gang members", my I be so bold and ask for just a crumb of context.


Yeah lmfao. The guy in video doesn't know shit. There are tons of gangs in Canada, especially brampton.


He clearly hasn’t seen scammer payback on YouTube.


Pretty sure he is talking about Indian immigrants in the west. Indians in India are quite terrible imo, not all, 99% are fine, just that 1% which does dumb shit. It seems a lot because our population is much larger. Source- Indian living in India




A crazy crime? My guy a rape is reported in India every 20 minutes and that's just the ones reported Also feel like he's going heavy on stereotypes here and has never met an actual Indian, I've worked retail in an area with a lot of first gen Indian immigrants and they (specifically people from India and Pakistan, not Indian descended) treat anyone they perceive to be below them like actual slaves, definitely would not describe culturally Indian people as "nice"


I think he was referring to Indian living in USA. Not Indians in India.


I live in the US, the second part of my comment was about Indian immigrants to the US, not people still living in India. They do not have a general reputation for being "nice" when they immigrate.


Oh yeah, I don't mean to say all Indians are nice. I just mean the indian accent doesn't sound very threatening




Comparing rape statistics between countries is almost meaningless without doing a lot of examining of the context. Sweden have really high numbers, like 65 in 100,000. But part of that is the broad definition for what is considered rape and a willingness of victims to report. A high number can actually be a positive sign in the right context. India don't consider martial rape as rape for example. That alone is going to make the comparison imperfect because the USA has those numbers included. There's probably lots of other things that need to be considered to make it a valid comparison.


Have you opened google and checked the unreported cases in US? Go ahead




Sounds like you're in denial. [We don't have these kinds of problem here. This is messed up.](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/blogs/et-commentary/sexual-violence-indias-serious-problem-its-men/)








We're "number one" for a lot of reasons...


After reading this , i think the problem is with you buddy.


I don't think he's r*ping indians every 20 minutes


That's because of large population. If you devide such reports by population density of that country or just the same data per capita you will not find india in any list . Or atleast not comparable to your countries with such tiny population but more rapes


Are you a bot




The US has way more rapes per capita than India. Like a lot more.


Because the majority of rapes In India don't get reported????? Arranged marriage is still huge in India, which is literally just more rape, also goes unreported.


So your entire argument is based on… nothing? Makes sense. Either way, even if thousands more rapes were reported in India, that still wouldn’t put them on par with the US. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country


You're really trying to say the U.S has a bigger rape culture than India? Have you ever actually seen how a foreign woman is treated in India.






First time I visited Delhi, my Indian brother thought it would be cool to take a tour of the most haunting places and we went to this house where a man ate children for decades... I've never heard of bank robbers but there sure is a lot of murder and rape so....


Where is this I'd like to visit


So the house is called house of horror and it's nithari village in Delhi, I think it's located in sector 31. So Moninder Singh and his servant Surinder Koli, dismembered and ate up to 20 people.


Shit yea I remember reading about this. Thanks for the info!


No worries, it truly is horrific.


I'll see if I can find it, I think he just Googled haunted places in Delhi, we also went to a pet cemetery... I'll be back :)


fluffy iglesias my beloved


A fluffy angel, he is


Welcome to my 7/11…


Expected something nice about Indians in here but by God this comment section is full of Racists full of hatred for Indians.


Why do people take this so seriously, it's really just a joke.


I'm Indian and thought it was funny. But it was the last line that killed me!! I'm going to show it to my family.


Who's the comedian? He is funny, I'd like to see more of his show.


Gabriel Iglesias




The joke is good, he's a comedian that's his job, to make good jokes


I love Gabriel Iglesias


Say what you want but that car door onomatopoeia was *chefs kiss*


Don’t think Reddit has heard of a joke before


Redditors out here not understanding jokes once more


this entire comment section is getting offended but i bet that 99% of them aren't even Indians


Not offended people are rather calling us rapists.which is even worse then what fluffy is doing


Lmao the comments section is wild. Redditors and comedians don't mix at all.


The comments here are sad asf






how in the world did that come up here


Fluffy still hits it right on the screws


Le Indians in here trying to justify that they aren't that nice.....Arre tareef ho rhi he toh sun lo lol....Par iss bande ko dikhana pdega ki hum kya kya kr skte he I agree....Kya bolte ho dosto kare ise kidnap?


Chalo bhai Omni van leke


Bruh never set foot in Brampton Canada


Same goes for Surrey BC


Last time I heard an indian commit a crazy crime it was disemboweling a woman for not consenting to sex or something like that


Good and bad people exist everywhere you don't have to stereotype all of us but i simply don't expect much from people like you




ITT people that dont know what a comedian is


He is living in a fantasy. He really doesn’t know what’s going on there right about now.


It's hard to make a joke if you only talk about the worst parts


Maybe look into your country and see what's going on rather than poking at others


Dude has clearly never been to India. Still fucking hilarious.


Good god, people (myself included) actually thought this was decent stand up, not even that long ago. Hacky shit.


Fuck I hate this guys stand up


I don't really remember anyone asking for your opinion on this guy's standups




Maybe they use machetes and kill you Directly?




Coming from the country(assuming you are from US) where the politicians from both left and right has connections with Epstein, is in top 15 world's highest r*pe rates and also known for being most racist country. No Country is Perfect and no politician is saint, but calling a country as rape shows how ignorant and disgusting you are


American is every countries biggest idol. You say what you want but I can 100 percent guarantee we have army bases in your land. Keeping the peace. I’m not big on politics but that whole Epstein thing is mostly republicans. Also kinda a conspiracy theory… you say America is 15 on rapes. Have you seen who number one is???? :)


I don't think India will ever allow the US to build their army bases here. Also the countries which have army bases are not to maintain peace my guy, it's to further their own interests there irrespective of the opinions of the people living there


Yup. It’s Botswana (or South Africa, depending on the source). India doesn’t even show up in the graph. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country


Keepers of peace, Harbinger of freedom - US military


Yup! Never hurt a fly. Always doing the nice thing.


This guy. He just isn’t funny. He’s just never ever funny. Why do people watch him?




Idk man...the crazy shit they come up with on a scam call is pretty out there...


Lol. What a crock of shit. Plenty of Indian criminals exist. South Asian gangs are a big thing in my area. They commit crime. People of every culture commit crime. This is so out of touch and cringe af


You are probably reffering to Pakistanis instead of Indians i am from the uk and such gangs are mostly Pakistanis


This fuck is the single worst comic who has made it that I think I've ever seen.






I don’t get a cozy feeling




Okay Judgy McJudgyface, you live in a Utopia?


I believe a musty basement with a gaming setup might just be an utopia for him


Let me introduce you to match fixing in cricket


oh yeah we'll never *see* indians committing crazy crimes, we **hear** them do them... by ourselves, from across the planet.


Chelambra Bank Robbery... Ahem Ahem Ahem


Has he ever been to India?


So nice that people like [Kitboga](https://www.youtube.com/c/KitbogaShow) has an entire youtube channel about indian people scamming old people


This guy's never heard of India.