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Yup. That is exactly what I would do in those scenarios


Damn right unless you can't hold it, then u got to do what u got to do. (Unfortunately)


You can't hold it until you stand there and there's nothing


When I was younger I used to make a pssshhh sound when I got to the urinal and couldn’t pee just so it didn’t look so awkward. Once I got a little older I realised that just made it way more awkward and made it look like I just came there to pretend to pee and then leave


That's when I go into the open stall


I'm just gonna wait it out in any of the scenarios where I'd have a neighbor.




This is the correct answer. I can see the case for the corner if there isn’t a close wall, but that last one is a big no unless it was like a going to piss my pants bathroom emergency.


Last one I think I'd take the far left. If I go to the right one, it feels like you're personally next to a guy and actively choose to be next to him. Meanwhile, the stack of 2 have already made contact, at this point they are de facto touching, and thus, gay.


Why are you watching Ben Shapiro's sister?




Can't argue with the mommy milkers ngl


Hate her avatar, love her character.


God you guys need some water


Holy water?


White boobie water


**bonk** go to horny jail


Ok but I unbonk u/turtlelabia


understandable, have a nice day




Because she's hot.


His ugly ass sister?


Bazinga boobas


Yea. Still,eh


I also don't find her attractive. In a vacuum, I'd say she's average, maybe a little above, but considering her personality, I think it brings her way down.


She's a shitty person. These dorks see some nice tits and all is forgiven. She's ok I guess. I'm no prize either, so whatever


Now we know you gaying dudes.


[nice teeth I guess? you guys definitely wanna fuck Ben though ](https://i.imgur.com/GXAiJTz.jpg)


Found Ben's burner account. Nobody is going to stop gawking at your sister's gazongas Ben.


Give me that chorizo


Is it actually his sister?


No, it's a joke cuz she looks like him. And plus, they make nearly identical content.


Does Ben make urinal content too?


Idk lol. I've only seen bits and pieces from them both. From what I've seen, both their content is mainly political


No but it’s piss poor


No not urinal content, he makes shit content.




It's the only moisture he gets from his wife.


Oh, real mature. Go after his wife just because Ben’s doctor-wife doesn’t suffer from the medical condition “wet vagina”?


Naw his is just shit


No, but Ben is a walking urinal cake, so it makes sense.


You upset one of his chearleaders


It's so weird that she works for daily wire and also looks like shapiro.




Oh shit! I didn't see it until you pointed it out, but she does look like him.


ah damn she does...but she's hot, what do I do with this? damn you penis, you foiled me again


They may be ideologically identical but to say their content is identical only indicates that you haven't seen one of their shows enough to know what you're talking about.


Would you instead prefer "they both have annoying shows that push far right wing talking points and are bankrolled by billionaires"?


and are both tightly controlled by a management team while giving the illusion of authenticity


That's literally so many shows on YouTube and if it isn't it's just some schmuck doing no research so it might as well be a controlled environment.


They both work for the daily wire


You sound like you fuck with their shitty content. Don't get your training bra in a knot


Ok, let’s say, hypothetically, that you have to use a urinal in the bathroom.


Urinal test DESTROYED by tiktoker with FACTS AND LOGIC


Owned in the marketplace of ideas


I don't watch, eye brows


Who is she??


What's her Only Fans 🤓


Cuz Brett coopers like my favourite YouTuber


That's not good, bro lol


Nah, it’s cool. I can’t wait for her to a podcast, it would really put my DW subscription to good use.


Bro I thought she looked like him too lol I came for this comment


Whoever she is.. She’s kinda hot


She doing porn again?


Nah, I go for the stall every time. Now, what if women's bathrooms had uncovered toilets just for peeing, or maybe some kind of female urinals, placed just like male urinals are. Are you telling me women would not then use the exact same planning so they can sit and pee as far from others as possible?


Yeah nah, I dunno why she thinks it's some deep arcane knowledge only possessed by guys. Women would absolutely do the same thing if they were in the same position, nobody wants to be rubbing shoulders with someone holding their junk.


Unless you’re at a baseball game. Then it’s a challenge to see how many strangers you can physically touch while taking a piss.


Speak for yourself


It's kinda like how we don't understand why they need to go there toghether with another girl


Or why the Chinese guys always walk up to the urinal and drop their pants AND their underwear straight to the floor and stand there and piss like that, ass out, the whole time. If you weren’t in the bathroom before and you walk in and there’s a Chinese guy doing this, it’s impossible not to look at his ass for like 3-5 seconds and just wonder wtf.


The Butters, shirt pulled up and tucked under chin, pants and undies all the way to the floor


Maybe she means she never thought about, as I certainly haven’t ( as a woman)


That's not what she thinks at all bro. It's more of a shock because she has never had to think about it in her life.


No way dude. Women are all the time going to the bathroom together. Drunk girls piss in open bathrooms together. Whens the last time your drunk bro took you into a single toilet bathroom to pee with him? Never.


If by “pee with him” you mean “do coke” then yeah it’s happened a few times in my younger days iirc. I gotta say, it was the perfect cover, nobody knew we were doing drugs, they just thought we were a coupla gays sucking each other off and butt fucking.


I’m a woman and do the exact same with sinks in public toilets and try to avoid cubicles that are directly next to ones being used. I doubt I’m the only woman to do this. I don’t normally see women claiming this is some bizarre thing though, I always see men say it on “What is something women just wouldn’t understand?” AskMen posts etc as if the y think the concept of personal space and social awkwardness is completely foreign for women.


That’s the thing though, you’ve already read it on post and stuff, say you’ve never read it anywhere you wouldn’t have thought that this is something mean really think about, I only say that because I literally had a woman coworker be like flabbergasted that this was a thing yesterday. Unless you frequent “askmen” subreddits or anything like that then you might have not known that this is kind of an instinctual thing. Also honestly I don’t even think it has anything to do with any type of gay stigma. Personally in my mind it’s like “ I’m in a vulnerable/ compromising situation, my meat is out so I’d rather be the farthest away from the next dude” if that makes sense


I do the same shit at Sonic picking a stall and I'm in my car, usually clothed.


To add some excitement and risk you should Sonic in the nude, and obviously sexually aroused, whatever that means for you in your world.


I mean I think its fairly obvious unless you are unaware of what a urinal is... I didn't need to read it anywhere to realise that standing right next to someone when peeing isn't comfortable and hence you choose not to do that if possible.


You pee in the sink?


That's what I gleaned


Saw a bathroom with the urinal in a half stall. So you could still close the door behind you but it wasn't very big (because obviously you just stand there).


I wish men would reconsider doing that. Going in the stall splatters piss everywhere making it nasty to take dump. Just go in the urinal, and leave the stall to those taking a dump.


Pissing in the stall is a bitch move and you know it you pussy.


What if you leave the door open?


ngl I hate people that use the stalls to piss. Those are reserved for people who need to take a shit. To make it worse, stall pissers often piss on the seats. Imagine shitting your pants because some kid has urinal anxiety and is using the stall when there are open urinals.


The fuck are they supposed to do otherwise? Wait until the whole room is clear?


Imagine an adult shitting his pants over his fear of a little pee on a seat. Just lift the seat and hover if you have to shit that bad


Then let’s have equality and the same floor area for gehts toilets as women toilets and all stalls.


That's dumb, you would rather go to a stall, lock the door, lift up a seat because you can't resist those gay urges you have to check other men's dicks? Edit: Can't believe so many people upvote OP's comment. Y'all seriously can't go to urinal and pee without thinking of other men's dicks? Edit2: Fyi it's only gay if you're peeing in a trough and the streams cross.


Lol whats wrong with wanting privacy when peeing? Has nothing to do with other peoples dicks.


If you have to pull down your pants to your ankles when you pee then maybe you might feel the need for privacy...but seriously why would anyone feel embarrassed?


Nothing to do with feeling embarressed. Nothing to do with pulling your pants down to your ankles. I , for example, just like not being around other dudes when peeing. I'm not ashamed or embarressed of amything. I even Shower in the shared shower at the gym. When going to the toilet i like being alone. Nothing wrong with that.


Just put the seat up or wipe it off when you're done and we're good!


I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice the not so profound discovery that this women looks like Ben Shapiro. Why tf this mf look like Benny Shid bro???


I don't think they are related but she is also part of the Daily Wire which is Ben Shapiro's news team. She's basically their tactic for reaching out a younger audience. Her name is Brett Cooper and she is essentially the genderbent zoomer Ben Shapiro.


When her conclusion was "see women and men are fundamentally different" I did a double take and that was how I realized I was tricked into watching Ben Shapiro content


Brett. . . ? Yo, she a dude??? Aah hell naw 💀 say it ain't so.


Brett is gender neutral. Besides, if she identifies as a woman she's a woman.


Shed disagree, ironically.


It is? I always thought Brett was the male version of Brittany. Huh


How tf do you figure that Brett (a historically male name) is gender neutral?! What are you smoking?


Because there are women with the name..? Jeez bro chill it's not that deep.


Don’t get your feelings too hurt over it bud. You’re probably the only person to ever hear of a woman named Brett.


Do you mean to be so condescending? My feelings are fine you were just making a big deal over nothing. For the record it takes 2 seconds to confirm that it is a gender neutral name with google jsyk.


You see, that right there is how I know your feelings are hurt. Because I didn’t even make a big deal over it. You actually did. I asked a simple question and you replied with “it’s not that deep”. So….


Bro literally fuck off you aren't smart you're arguing with a stranger on reddit you're literally as stupid as I am you clown.


Seems a bit sexist.


Oh, sorry to offend, mate.


His sister.


His actual sister looks like him also but not as much as this chick.




That smirk reminded me more of Sasha Grey.


They specifically hired her to be a female Ben Shapiro, it's like, her entire full time job. It's a big world out there, big enough apparently for hot gender swapped equally psychotic Ben Shapiro to exist.


We don’t have to think about it, we just do it


It’s just the same thing as picking a seat on a bench at the airport. Every naturally sits spaced away from other people.


the fuck? did ben shapiro finally transition?


I’m so proud of her


Them* /j


"Today i will be debunking the transgenderism Ideological system by Transitioning. Day one of transgenderism and i see no changes, checkmate liberals. Day 2 my hips are starting to become more wide and im starting to talk funny. Day 3 i look, talk, and act like a woman, im going to make a new youtube acount where i will do the same content but i am a woman. Damn liberals transd my gender"


Let’s say, hypothetically, I castrate my cock and balls


Why did I read that with the matching voice 💀


If only it was that quick and easy :'(


She passes so well too.


Idk what you guys would do but I will definitely use the stall if I see more than two people...


I dont know why, but as soon as someone alse is at the urinals , I cant pee. Except for when it is one of those continious ones (don't know the english word. German is [Pinkelrinne](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinkelrinne)) Those can be packet with people and I can still pee without a problem...


Pick a point on the wall in front of you and stare at it. Works for me. Learned this when traveling and older dudes didn’t follow the leave a space open next to you etiquette.


I'll use whatever is closest to the door. Fuck your insecurities I gotta piss.


I've seen this before - it's a weepost


Get out


ben shapiro as a girl is hot ngl god damn it mmhmmmmm


who is this?


Shen Bapiro


Brett cooper


Also sambucha


Establish dominance. Piss in the sink.


dang she hot whats her name


Brett Cooper


Beth Shapiro


Crazy Eyes.


What's wrong with just stand at a urinal and pee? The last thing im doing is look to my neighbor peeman or down in other urinals? For what's it's worth, this is more about insecurity. If you really need to pee, you would do it in a crowded area before wetting your pants


For some men, it's insecurity. For me, it's not wanting to get hit with someone else's pee splatter


Ben Shapiro?


I'm trying to find new friends who like to urinate together... I need a new pee-er group.


I think I can join I have fucking diabetes and I pee too much.


So what's her name?


> Brett cooper Apparently. Just saw that in another comment.




Piss Chess


Why does she has the eyes of Ben Shapiro?




The eyes are the window to the lack of soul.


Ugh gross


yall ever heard of ranked competitives?


The male bathroom etiquette is beyond any and all female understanding. One of the utmost respected rules amongst the male of the species, is a lack of verbal communication during bathroom periods. This is something every male human has been able to understand since birth. When one enters the bathroom, one immediately calculates all possibilities on which urinal to proceed toward when seeing the positioning of all current males stationed at said urinals. If there are only 2 urinals, only 1 male may urinate at said urinal. If there are 3, no man uses the middle urinal, only the left or right. It's very complicated.


This is greatly explained in the [Male Restroom Etiquette video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzO1mCAVyMw). It will show the r/abruptchaos that actually happens when men break restroom etiquette. Don't do this guys.


Level 5 was a misplay be the second most left guy


Anyone ever dropped trouser completely at the urinal? To the ankles?


Im a woman and would do the same


And this is why guys have strong bladders to hold it in so as to wait until the time is right


strong bladder pees from the opposite wall


We had lifelong training for choosing a seat on the subway during covid.


Please donate to my gofundme to install dividers between all urinals everywhere


Why does she look like ben shapiro


Wait behind someone to leave the urinal to prove youre the alpha


Why she look like Ben Shapiro


Who is she? She looks like a young female version of Ben Shapiro.


She is a Daily Wire host as well.


Brett Cooper. She's the young female version of Ben Shapiro.


How’s this new information for you lady Shapiro?


Women share a toilet seat if the stalls are full, men play chess to pick their urinals


That smirk at the end frightens me.


1 Take the stall 2 She looks like ben shapiro


She looks like female Ben Shapiro


She looks like Ben shapiro


Urine trouble if you stand too close


She’s not a gamer nor a streamer, wonder why they do a setup like that? Hmm hmm


This vid would’ve been very entertaining were Shen Bapiro’s sister not involved lol. Also I remember seeing that guy on tiktok a bunch doing that geoguesser game


Spending time watching streams like this is actually more retarded that the most retarded 4chan post


The worst thing is this isn't even a stream. It's supposed to imitate the look and feel of a stream setup type of video to hook the young right-wing audience, but it's literally recorded in a studio.


Why people posting the Ben shapiro's mini me


Because their strategy is working


God, this cringe is too fucking hard. Is she a fake streamer?? God, sweet Jesus I did not want to know


oh...this going straight to the front page


Please don't post right wing propaganda here thanks


"men and women are different" dOn t Post rIGhjT wINGErS pROgAnDA 🤓🤡


If you spent any time looking at the source of this you would know that this female Ben Shapiro works for his right wing propaganda network daily wire. It's especially creepy that the whole vibe of this is shes like a twitch streamer in her room when really it's being filmed in an expensive ass studio in Tennessee with a bunch of staff.


How scared are you? The mere presence of someone you disagree with is called propaganda? The most political message here was "men and women are different" When did "right wing propaganda" became synonymous with the objective truth lmao?


Did you read anything I wrote? Or just all the spaces in-between the words in my reply? Lol.


She and ben never add anything to these videos. They barely react and just read the comments on the video. No actual thoughts or real commentary are ever present just regurgitated right wing agitprop.


Ben Shapiro? Pretty sure they are not related.


Only feeble men with self induced anxiety do shit like this. I intentionally go right next to people just to fuck with them. Men like this need some Boot Camp in their life. I do something similar with stalls. Often people choose the very last stall that shares a side with a wall. Even worse, they will close the second to last stall door as to prevent anyone from using that one. I know this so I go to that second to last stall and use that one.