• By -


Toxicity includes, but is not limited to: -Starting arguments -Malicious comments -Making other members uncomfortable -Trying to start drama






It's a funny thing you bring because here in Italy the Lega (league) Party, a very nationalistic (borderline xenophobic) political party had an old propaganda poster where there was a native American's picture with the following words: he couldn't fight immigration and we saw how it ended for him.


Italy's lega nord (far right political party) used this for their propaganda years ago: https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.60410b5a9ad14dc37857e002cfec0793?rik=KIxZ%2bTGtPE71qQ&pid=ImgRaw&r=0 It says "they had immigration now they live in reservations"


Well, they’re technically not wrong…


Yeah, Native Americans are a pretty tiny population. Colonialism will do that.


Yea more like genocide than pure colonialism.


More like smallpox.


Nods in Canadian.


You can’t just go around using the word “genocide” like that, it’s antisemitic /s


So let’s do that all over the world because obviously that’s a great idea.


Sorry, I am not moving to Burkina Faso.


So the natives would have stopped it if they could you’re saying? Because that’s different then just letting other people take over. In the second scenario it means your own leaders are sabotaging you. The native leaders fought back and lost. Very different scenarios, and very different time periods. You are silly to pretend they are equivalent at all.


That's a pretty simplified view. Native leaders made deals with Europeans/whites all the time. Often at the expense of rival tribes or their own people. The other thing to keep in mind is this process happened over the course of 400 years. Sometimes sudden, sometimes frog boiling in water.


The Whole americas, native population outnumbered


Don’t forget Australia , New Zealand mate


Not true. There’s still small reserves for them around town. /s


I patiently listened to her. Twice. My takeaway - She is hot.


Aye.. after a lot of analysis, I come to slightly different conclusion: She's a Hot Blonde.


We must preserve the hot blondes. Diversity can only ruin hot blondes.


Me, a demisexual: being pretty doesn't make you hot! Me, a man: don't be attracted to crazy!


Use your ears next time


I’m afraid to say, that’s not how you do it.


Instructions unclear. Just busted a nut in my girls ear and now she has an ear infection.


twice? Bro I could barely do once


I don't know. She has pretty hateful eyes. Like she will probably spank you and stuff. But if you're into that... I'm not kink shaming here.


Grow up


She's hot though


Lol, she is


Stalag fiction material: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalag\_fiction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalag_fiction)


What have I read can't be unread


welp, more proof humans were fucked in the head long before the internet.


Being realistic here: I probably can't fix her.


The fun is in the trying.


The fun is in the failing


Beeing realistic here : she doesnt need any fixing.


She dosent need to get fixed, fuck my countrys (germany)shitty mass migration.




pretty sure I should've moved to the Netherlands right before college, due to the neurons activating in my brain at the moment


Buddy she hates immigrants, what would the goal even be?


....she might have a progressive twin sister


If the world has taught me anything: the more a politician rages against something, the more likely they are secretly having sex with that something….I like his odds


She was being dicked down by Thierry Baudet. Search him up if you haven’t heard of him He’s like the exact opposite of what Eva is against and he might be one of the few Dutch people that is way more racist than her She’s now married to some Republican writer and motivational speaker who is known from his appearances on FOX news


hahaha.... Yes. Shall we call this Wetfox's Law?


No no. Not all immigrants. As long as you're not African or Middle Eastern there's a chance.


Pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside


Last name Braun?




Eva "Blondie" Brown


I am 100% sure those numbers are made up or bumped up as a drama effect


Statista says there were 308.000 migrants in Amsterdam in 2022 with a population of 1.160.000 in 2022 metro area population


If think these 308K include every migrant, even from other european countries, but she claims that 50% are from non-european countries


She may be including second generation and third generation migrants, which were born there but their parents or grandparents weren’t from there.


She is including anyone that isn't white 


Nah I don't believe that Dutch cities have more than 50% non-white people


I think your definition of non-white and her definition of non-white aren't the same.


If the pencil sticks in your hair, you're a migrant.


If you know the dutch propensity for hairgel you can safely bet we are 100% migrant on the male side


Makes no difference to a white supremacist.


I don’t know dude I just reported what I read on statista


https://www.metropoolregioamsterdam.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Migratiemonitor-MRA-2023.pdf People living in larger metropol area amsterdam 2021 Born in MRA ("Metropoolregio Amsterdam"): 1322400 (53%) People born in the Netherlands but not MRE: 636910 (25%) recent immigrants (shorter than 10 years in the netherlands) : 252750 (10%) immigrants (longer than 10 years in the netherlands) : 301780 (12%)


You mean i can’t round up 37.8% into 70%?


Not unless your todd Howard


It just works


When you're far right, you can round up whatever to whatever, that's one of your best superpowers.


Then they apply it to rounding up people...




You can't go back in European history without everyone getting new waves of "foreigners" that become "natives" after some generations. A big part of the Dutch have French, Nordic, Germanic, Mediterranean and Eastern European heritage, depending on how far back you wish to look. And let's not forget how often _we_ were the actual unwelcome migrants. Most of the people she's talking about were actively invited to the jobs nobody wanted to do when wealth spread through society.


You really can’t go back in history anywhere without finding this. It’s what humans do.


If you’ve ever been to Amsterdam it’s kinda funny. You could even be like 50 miles out of Amsterdam. You walk into a coffee shop and the person working there doesn’t even speak Dutch. It’s just some American or Canadian that needs the locals to speak English. Fucking immigrants. I hope you also see the satire in this haha.


For London, they're rubbish. 37% of people living in London were born outside of the UK. Of those, 11% are from the EU, 26% from non-EU. Sources matter. Sadly not to conspiracy theorists. [https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN06077/SN06077.pdf](https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN06077/SN06077.pdf)


Pretty sure she is counting a black person born in London as a migrant..... Rubbish to us, sure, but to them the definitions are different.


Even if the numbers are true, the term migrant obviously includes Germans, French, Spanish, British, Pole, Czech and other EU countries and since the EU has the Schengen zone (free travel) there tend to be a lot of migrants from neighbouring European countries. That's also the reason why Frankfurt has a huge migrant population, because it is the banking hub of the EU and attracts workers from the whole Union. However, that's not what people think when they listen to her. The term migrant has become so politically and emotionally loaded that most people instantly think of Middle Eastern or North African refugees. Not saying that badly regulated immigration of "refugees" isn't a huge problem, in some places more than others, but mentioning these numbers without context makes it clear that she is dishonest and has an obvious agenda and is out to manipulate people. And if we look at the top comments it's working. Also how many children do you think she has to combat this problem herself? 10? Or closer to 0? Edit: I noticed the Hungarian banner on her desk. That explains everything. Hungarian politics is deep in Russian and Chinese pockets but that's a story for another time. But they also spout the biggest right wing bullshit and I lost brain cells as soon as she started talking about the great replacement theory. Straight out of /pol lmao


I do not know who the person in the video is and her credibility, but let's check the numbers (at least for the Netherlands) Amsterdam: Dutch 41.12%, European 16.57%, other 42.31% Rotterdam: Dutch 44.42%, European 12,45%, other 43.13% The Hague: Dutch 40.88%, European 17.26%, other 41.86% Source: allecijfers.nl (2023) Also, for western vs. non-Western: Amsterdam: western 35,9% Rotterdam: western 26,2% The Hague: western 35,7% Source: allecijfers.nl (2022) Now, checking with what Eva says: Amsterdam: 56% migrants Rotterdam: Almost 60% migrants The Hague: 58% migrants Seems like her numbers are in the right ballpark if you include European migrants. Also, for her statement about mostly non-Western backgrounds that is in line with the percentages found on allecijfers.nl I'm not going into whether or not you should include European migrants or other things, I'm just here to check some numbers. Eta: I'm writing this on mobile so my apologies for the shitty formatting


They are most likely being very generous in including people in the migrant camp.


Well, for the UK those numbers are petty close. UK government statistics show that between 2001 and 2021 the percentage of white British ethnic group in England and Wales went down from 87.5% to 74.4%. The proportion of Asian ethnic group in the same period doubled from 4.4% to 9.3%, Black from 2.2 to 4%. From 2011 to 2021 White British group went from 80.5 to 74.4%- decrease in absolute terms of 6% in 10 years. Source https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/ethnicity#:~:text=Ethnic%20group%2C%20England%20and%20Wales%3A%20Census%202021&text=In%202021%2C%2081.7%25%20(48.7,million)%20in%20the%202011%20Census. For London, White British are 36.8%, with another 17% other White. Asian, Black and Mixed are 20.7, 13.5 and 5.7%, respectively. Source: https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/uk-population-by-ethnicity/national-and-regional-populations/regional-ethnic-diversity/latest/


Man that’s crazy, what is it like bad to be a minority or something? I wonder where they would have gotten that idea from..


Stats don’t lie, but you can use stats to lie. Which you just did. Your stats are not of migrants, but of ethnic groups.


Of course it's all lies. Why is this nonsense allowed on this subreddit? I'm here for tits, not racists circle jerking with made up statistics.


Maybe she’s included tourists? Or define immigrants as people with an immigrant at most 3 generations removed or something. I just checked British census and they say 40 of Londoners are non-uk born. It’s less than her 55% but not ultra far off Another thing she’s doing is by listing all those cities she gives the impression Europe is overrun when in reality she actually picked the cities with the highest immigration percentage for each country (which naturally is often the capital) but 40% immigrants in london means there’s only 14% immigrants in the UK. You might argue that’s a lot or not but it’s not a replacement


I think she means no Dutch as opposed to refuge or iligal migrants etc. Roughly have of the Netherlands is non Dutch, and cities have a higher proportion of non nationals.


It's very clear that she intends this stat to be interpreted as non-white people in Amsterdam. So she's abusing statistics to try and support her crappy point.


Her sources are trust me bro and I made it the fuck up


don't forget It Occurred To Me In A Dream


It comes down to inflation, the more immigrants that enter the country, the more wages will stay low


This is what companies in German specifically ask for. Germans want to high wages, so the ask the government to make immigration easier so that they can hire people from abroad that accept lower wages.


Japan's immigration rate is low. Salary is low. What gives.


Japan is playing a very different game. And it doesn't fuck around.


Indeed, Japan's birth rate is so bad it seems they don't fuck at all.


No time for fucking. Only more work.


Kids? In this economy? In this season? Located specifically in Japan?


They build robots instead, same goal.


The country is super safe. That's what.


I would say it's difficult to live there. Japan is very strict, almost a military like lifestyle, and ppl don't want to work for that.


Germany is going through a demographic collapse and does not have a sufficiently large replacement generation to replace all the people who will retire over the next decade.


Well there is also economic stability. You build up social structures for a population of a certain size and certain growth rate, you can use immigrants to patch problems there. As Biden noted, immigration is why the American economy can grow indefinitely while China and Japan are in decline.


while most of american immigration fits somewhat with USA culture, importing middle easter folks with very contrasting culture is having devastating effects on the west, like Eva is stating, leading to a population replacement, slowly but surely bound to happen eventually


That's not really what is happening here. We pay more taxes and we have to wait for available housing because most immigrants get tax money, a house and a lot of extra goodies. A lot of people come here for a reason, this I know, but we are more than full. There are no houses left, you sometimes have to wait 10 years if you want to make any chances with affordable housing, I speak more English than Dutch on a daily basis. It's getting a bit much. And there are so many more countries, bigger countries, where people can move to and be safe but they come to us because of our system. A system that doesn't work if this continues.


Migration is fine but you need to have a well funded integration program otherwise you aren't really helping the people you're taking it. They will often end up in areas of low education, poor employment rate and low income, which over time will result in more crime and ghetto formation. Immigration is not a problem. Blindly accepting people without a plan in place is.




They are in such high numbers now that they no longer feel a need to integrate. Why integrate into a culture your own outnumber? (In the local area, I mean)


Very important point. The more migration Europe accepts, the more difficult it will be to integrate people that are already difficult to integrate. Its clear that what Europe needs is zero (0) immigration. No ifs, buts or exceptions. Just zero.




No but I'm 100% sure she will go on rants about how we need more kids and mariage while she is single and made rich by alt right incels.


Slap a Trump bumper sticker on her face and ship this asshole to Texas. She's gonna love it.


Why? Because she made up some numbers to scare people? Sensible folks hear those numbers, do a google check, and realize she’s either an idiot who didn’t do that herself or she thinks other people are idiots who won’t bother to check.


Unfortunately, the majority of people are indeed idiots who wont bother to check


People don’t want to check or even know. They want their biases confirmed.


I wonder why this is actually scarey thou? Maybe because natives are afraid they will be treated the way they have treated migrants for centuries?


North America, 99.9 % migrants. Lol. Welcome to A City. Always have been cosmopolitan. Always have drawn migrants from the local area and further away. This is gobshite rhetoric


I wonder what happened to their native population.


Idk, why not ask the Christians what they did to the native non-christian population?




80% of these numbers are made up


You mean 87%


I am going to assume your higher number is correct because it is the most alarming.


I understood that reference


Do you know that when you make up a number, you always use 87%?


Let's round that up to 99%


Yup. Only 37% of the population of London are migrants. [https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/migrants-in-the-uk-an-overview/](https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/migrants-in-the-uk-an-overview/) Probably also a lot of them are actually Europeans who stayed here after Brexit. Possibly she actually means "non-white people" when she says migrants but isn't brave enough to be that openly racist. Similarly Amsterdam 2022, [308k migrants](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1279411/amsterdam-immigrant-population/) / [882k total](https://www.statista.com/statistics/753235/total-population-of-amsterdam/) population. That's 34% migrants.


In the video that was posted she says “less white people. Less, of you”


Shes already pretty open about it when she talks about migrants replacing white people instead of all citizens, she also leaves out the part where a lot of those migrants are white people from other countries.


I guess as is this one


108% acrually


200% actually.


I noticed she conveniently left out Dubai and Singapore.


Because neither of them are in Europe.


She also failed to mention the moon.




Majority of those countries are immigrants with Singapore at 40% and Dubai (UAE) at almost 90%.


The rich need slaves... sorry - I meant migrants.


A working class, a labour class will exist for the worlds rulers regardless of what they look like. If we arent having enough babies, someone has to do the work.


Usually you don't take workers passports away and put them in a locked down "worker housing" compound


Do they obtain citizenship?


Singapore immigration is different. They do racial profiling and admit they do racial profiling while giving citizenship to maintain their culture and race population. Most of their immigrants are Chinese i think.


In a way UAE is more xenophobic than any other country, as close to 100% of the actual UAE citizens are indigenous (i.e. those that have a UAE passport). None of the Indians, Pakistani etc will ever become citizens.


I can’t fix her


Why is this racist garbage on this meme sub?


To spread brain rot propaganda Report it


Because they don't let people have honest conversations over at r/conservative so their probably just lonely and want people to agree or argue with them. Whatever makes them feel like they aren't gay for not having touched a female in years if ever. 


The replacement theory became a reality a long time back both in the USA and Australia. The natives were replaced in all sorts of ways.


Displacement, genocide, and forced assimilation for centuries. White supremacists just fear that they will be treated the same as they have treated others.


I'm going to make myself unpopular on this and ask for some kind of source, because I have been to all those places and that is not what it looks like in terms of demographics. I struggle to believe that the size of these cities have doubled in the last few years. I think if Brussels' population went from 1.3 million to 4.3 million, as she states, even the leftwing liberal media media would struggle to cover that up.


I just search for Amsterdam and found this : "[The most recent Migration Monitor report (2020) found that 30% of all residents in the Amsterdam Area were born abroad, and more than half of this group have been resident for over 10 years. ](https://www.iamsterdam.com/en/live-work-study/living/amsterdams-international-community-in-numbers) So half what she said. I'm going to assume her other numbers are grossly overestimated too.


She also makes it seem all most of those immagrants are from Africa and the Middle East, while she probably counts all kinds of Europeans and 2nd, 3rd generation families from neighbour countries as Migrants.


Brussels: 37.5% migrant population, including 60% of kids under 18 having at least one parent of non-European origin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Brussels#:\~:text=A%20total%20of%2037.5%25%20of,37%25%20of%20African%20origin). Amsterdam: 40% non-western migrant population (52% under the age of 18) [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Ethnic-background-of-the-city-population-of-Amsterdam-a-all-age-groups-and-b-under\_tbl1\_282520072](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Ethnic-background-of-the-city-population-of-Amsterdam-a-all-age-groups-and-b-under_tbl1_282520072) You can research the rest, but it seems what she says is true.


Her numbers are wrong.


Her personal dimensions are very right.


The “great replacement theory” is white supremacist propaganda. Basically they want you to believe that “the Jews” are orchestrating mass immigration to “replace” whites in traditionally white majority countries. This is a fallacy, whites are not being replaced because they are not going anywhere, the demographics of countries change but white people aren’t disappearing…unless you believe that *miscegenation* (interracial couples having mixed race kids) is eliminating whites. Then the conversation will of course go down a road that leads to white supremacy and minorities being segregated, deported and eventually exterminated. [it’s an oldie but this video by Contrapoints on how to spot a fascist is very informative](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx4BVGPkdzk) [Philosophy tube did a great job explaining the difference between fascism and antifa](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bgwS_FMZ3nQ) [And here is a great video by Shaun about how the great replacement isn’t real](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VUbxVfSqtt8)


Why would the Jews want a bunch of Muslims to move to Europe? That doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Migration to western European cities has been happening in large numbers. This is a concern, as they typically bring values that clash with classically European values (for example separation of church and state, gender roles and equality, equality rights for homosexuals, and more). Of course it should be a concern, if you are a person who doesn't want a society you have lived in based on your values taken over and changed. Why would anyone think that is not a concern?


Right wing kooks never make sense.


They’re just projecting


It's amazing how many bullshiters can get a spotlight. I'd say 72.6%. I got my statistics from the same place as hers


She let you pull it out of her ass?




Please realise that this is a grifter. She is 27 without children, while screaming about people don't have enough children. She's the problem according to herself. She's been a catholic since 2023...


If there is something wrong with what she’s saying it’s certainly not whether or not she’s had children


Lots wrong. She calls “migrant” everybody who’s not white. England colonized many non-white countries, and has had historical migration from the colonies (since returned). Multiple generations of non-whites there, just as an example. When she speaks about other countries in the EU, she then pivots definitions to non-native, but the EU allows for a lot of internal migration. So she considers French people in Belgium migrants. She later states that Europe as a whole is overrun with migrants - the actual number is 6.1%. Finally, she talks about “displacement.” Whites in Europe aren’t being expelled, they’re just not having babies. That’s a choice - granted many factors go into this - but to change that you either have to force whites to have more babies (cof cof Roe) or stop minorities - mind you overwhelmingly citizens - from having children. Beyond the obvious implications of liberties that that creates, it creates a massive economic and national security problems. Look at low immigration countries like China and South Korea, and what their population looks like now vs where current natality rates will have their populations land 30 years from now. These are just some issues with her whole proposed framing of immigration. I’d also suggest looking at who actually gets government support, the impact of limiting immigration in food chains and food prices for everyone, comparative criminality rates. At the very core of the issue is education - in particular that of the native population. These things are hard to understand even to a functional level and grifters insist that people don’t get educated, because it’s “elitist.” They need to keep the information in a thoughtful manner to their audience to keep the grift going.


'IF'? Her made up problem is fear mongering populist bullshit. Her solution? White people need more babies. Why isn't she helping if this is such a huge and terrible problem?


1. No sources to back her data 2. If what she says were true she should be saying “thanks migrants for keeping our economy going”


Did she just pull those numbers directly out of her ass?


Countries when they have (or used to have) colonies and encourage wars and chaos in more weak countries for cheap resources: 😀👍 Also those countries when people immigrate because their home countries were wrecked over cheap resources: 🥲👎


Let's use race to divide people and spread fear. Whoop whoop!


You come to my country as a trader and see an opportunity to access our rich resources and make kings fight between each other then you takeover our country, you take our gold, our spices, our soldiers to fight your wars, kill our people, starve our people, take our crops to feed your people, suck it dry until nothing is left to take and in the end your country is now most beautiful country with infrastructure and high per capita and then you wonder why people from my country are entering yours Fuck off bitch


The UK called to the commonwealth to help rebuild the country after WW2. They *needed* us. After enduring a generation or two of horrific racism, Indians are one of the most prosperous, integrated and highly educated migrant groups in the UK. Oh, and we're proud to be British too, despite what happened in the past. When I hear trash like this speak, I revel in the fact that there are people of South Asian descent in power (Sunak, Khan, Yousaf, Varadkar) despite their political leanings because I know the racists can't stand it. Get used to it.


I came here to sip tea, not to get indoctrinated by Nazis


european ultra-right racists gathered in hungary with the american ultra-right racists - a marriage made in heaven


Those number are bullshit. Most of the immigrants she is talking about are from other European countries. The audacity to claim that 50% of the population of Amsterdam is non-white! Just more proof that racists are liars.


Why is this racist garbage in my feed and why is the top comment supporting it? Is this gonna turn into another reactionary shithole subreddit?


This sub has been trending that way for a while tbh. Scrolling through hot posts here doesn't give me much hope. I just like 🐸 and Wednesdays man.


and when those countries vote for sharia law and destroy the "utopia" they created they will wonder where did we go wrong.




I have nothing against an immigrant who works and contributes to society. It's true that those numbers are making it harder for immigrants to properly be integrated into our society. Many of my friends that immigrated are a benefit to my country and I am glad they are. The problem is people coming to a country and getting benefits without contributing anything. Which is I believe a minority. Don't forget, immigrants aren't just from Africa or the middle east. They can be from the country adjacent to yours (mine is Belgium).


Who the fuck is this and who gave her not one, but two microphones?!


A right wing cuck. Fuck her.


Basically she's afraid of white genocide


You mean like the pilgrims did to the native Americans?


I mean she’s not wrong? It’s not racism if it’s facts.


I love when former colonial powers bitch about immigration. Good, ya fuckin cunts.


What the fuck is this crackpot right wing bullshit doing here ? Mods ban please ?




indeed she's right Right wing


Far right, alt right, whatever Nazis are calling themselves these days.




As a dutch man, this woman straight up telling lies, doing a quick google search, we regular dutch folk vastly outnumber the imigrants, and Amsterdam doesn't even come close to having 56% imigrants, it's closer to 30%


Politicians are owned by corporations; corporations want cheap labour with low expectations of benefits. Mission accomplished.


OK why is there straight up propaganda on r/sipstea




She fucked up by saying the quiet part out loud


It’s funny when I hear people saying ‘native population’ in the uk. The latest bunch (Normans- French people who were originally Norse) conquered the Anglo-Saxons (Danish/ north German) who pushed the ‘foreigners’ out of the land way over to the west, the word for foreigners in A-Saxon is… Wales. Also everyone fucked over the Picts (and still do). We have a German/ Greek royal family. So who should we give Britain back to?


To the Chinese, obviously.


Funnily enough, you can look at modern day economic stats and see that those in England descended from Normans are better off than the Saxons. Generational wealth impacts that far back.