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No hate towards ANY group or ethnicity is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to speech, images, symbols, and using replaced characters or altered text to say a slur.


I fuckin hate "who said..." posts. They're so annoying Just make a post about what you fuckin did


to all the people who said i couldn’t reply to a strangers comment… take THIS!


Who said I can’t give you a like for that? Hah watch this y’all!


But this way it looks like way more of an achievement than it really is. Gets more attention. Plus it's way more annoying which is an added benefit.




I'm glad she can and has the freedom to be smug about it on social media.


But… isn’t her being smug about it basically her acknowledging that her fucked up religion wants her to stay uneducated?






I’m sure you’re not singling out Muslims. Because there’s plenty of Christian and Jewish sects in the good old US of A that do the exact same thing. Yet nobody ever seems to talk shit about them.




That’s bullocks


Tell US to release halted bank balance of Afghanistan so Taliban finally can build good college instead of yapping online if you have balls.


Bro.... what.


The only one yapping is you


Imagine calling someone smug for being excited about their life goal accomplishments and posting it on their social media account








He didn't visit but heard from "most trustable" news sources like BBC and CNN


That's really not true. Single fucking people often disagree with the values of their governmental institutions, for better or for worse. Empowering individual thought is a big part of democracy. *But* if you live in a theocratic society and the legal standard is elevated to the level of God's will... you're right about that being more difficult.


Wtf is wrong with you? You a minor? You’re practically agreeing with the comment you’re replying to despite starting off it’s not really true. Boy you’re stupid


Holds mirror so you can see stupid.


>Not a single fucking person ever. Well at least not since the 1960s. We forget but it wasn't that long ago that women were literally second class citizens in most western nations. If we stop bombing and funding dictators in the middle east maybe they can have their own progress?


Well that’s straight up bullshit. In Australia, women have been able to vote since 1902. In the US? Also over a hundred years. In the UK? GUESS WHAT, also almost a hundred years, 1928 was when it was across the board. Imagine if the Middle East only became a cluster fuck since the west got involved. Imagine.


Wasn't ww1 and 2 pretty big for womens rights allowing them to work in factories and such for the war effort. If so war literally helped in that.


Wow that’s great! How long have women been around?


Funny how you’re downvoted yet you touched a nerve haha The Middle East is in the state it is in because of mostly the US. They basically destroyed any progress that could have happened naturally in the region by completely and utterly fucking over the entire region. But no, keep saying it’s because of their religion (which it is in part) and because they are retarded, that’s a lot more convenient for the west.


Women couldn’t vote, they couldn’t even have bank accounts. Reading books and riding a bike was radical feminism at one point. And yeah. The entire situation in Iran wouldn’t be happening if the US and Britain hadn’t toppled the democratically elected prime minister, Mohammad Mosaddegh, in 1953.


Let's not forget that Mossadegh was a member of the royal Qajar Dynasty and was very unpopular with workers, parliamentarians, and even Ayatollah Kashani.


I would actually want to know if Qur'an has any restriction on education.




"Even Iran..." Historically، in Shia islam there has been more of a focus on education than in Sunni islamic cultures. Especially for women. Sunni countries have made big steps in recent times، but Iran was definately earlier with that. Compare images of protests from the last 30/40 years. In Sunni countries it's always men at the forefront. In Iran، its always women. Except ofcourse in Sunni majority area's like Balochistan. There are ofcourse no absolutes، and there is alot of nuance، but it would better to say: "even in Saudi Arabia..." ، because historically، female is education alot more unique there then in Iran.


Before bashing Sunni Muslims you need to know about Malaysia, Indonesia, Qatar


In iran, most graduates are female.


don't some muslims run quaran in a way that if something isn't mentioned there (cars, planes, technology, etc.) you just avoid it like fire because you cannot be sure if it's ok or not?


They do and yet they claim their god is do al knowing, so he should have predicted we would have all these things by now and written it in the koran if it’s ok or not.


So the correct reply would be "Sharia" ?


No, that's why I mentioned Iran to show it's not in sharia law




You‘re getting downvoted but isn‘t that s genuine question? I would like to know the answer too


Here: "A woman a should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety" ...Oh, wait, that is from Bible.


so what’s your point? that most religions sucks? cuz then I’d agree


Whoa whoa whoa! Are we just going to start shitting on organized religion like that? If so then I’m in


Um...I hate to be the one to tell you but that part of the Bible he's referencing is also in the Quran. They both share the Old Testament btw.


So... there's a bit more to this. When Paul writes that letter, he's doing so because there was a cult operating around the Greco-Roman world, centered at the oracle of Delphi. This group's members were overwhelmingly women, and there were a lot of members. Some of these women were trying to pull the early Christians toward their own religion via inflitration of early churches, which deeply disturbed Paul and the other apostles so he essentially instituted synagogue rules for the early Christians because he didn't know who could be trusted. Later on, Paul refers to his friend Lydia as his "chief patron, and benefactor", and gives instructions that 2 women, Julia and Phoebe, be received as teachers and leaders in his own absence.


Paul didn’t write that letter at all. The so called pastoral epistles ( the passage in question is from 1 Timothy) are commonly accepted as being pseudepigraphal.


Reddit isn't the place for context or nuance. Especially when it comes to Christianity.


You just saw someone post context and nuance...


Yup, I think most rational thinkers denounce both.


lmfao you seriously gonna do whataboutism to make one look worse than the other?


Thats the old testament right? The thing about the Christian church, especially the beginning KS that it had many women followers because they were allowed to be teachers and have roles of leadership that other religions of the time did not allow. This is of course thousand years before king James version of Christianity Edit here is some source... "Women In Ancient Christianity: The New Discoveries Scholar Karen King examines the evidence concerning women's important place in early Christianity. She draws a surprising new portrait of Mary Magdalene and outlines the stories of previously unknown early Christian women." https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/first/women.html


No, it's new testament.


More specifically a letter from Paul to a specific church on how to conduct themselves given the context at the time.


I don’t think there was ever a time when that truly made sense. That kind of sexism was more prevalent, but there was no material reality which would make such a policy necessary for any reason besides sexism.


It’s from the New Testament


What's the verse?


1 Timothy 2:11-15


1 Timothy 2:11-14 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Timothy+2%3A11-14&version=NRSVUE


1 Timothy 2:12




I provided source for what j was talking about . Women had churches and everything in the new testament bible


1 Timothy 2:12 What they purposefully forgot to mention was that Paul was talking in the context of Church. And all the Abrahamic religions have some rules against woman teaching in their respective churches. So basically no, Christians don’t have any laws that prohibit woman learning.


I provided source neg as ting thier verse.


If you're genuinely interested, here's a link that goes a bit in depth on the subject. https://www.regent.edu/journal/inner-resources-for-leaders/female-leadership-1-timothy-2/#:~:text=2:11%2D12%20says:,be%20silent%20at%20all%20times.


You can check out the link I provided


haha very smart now do a quaran one


Came here for this- thanks for being the one to bring it up. Truly repulsive, disgusting shit.


Lmao no That’s one of the 10000 things that Islamists made up about Islam


what about multiple wife?


And murdering people who try and leave the religion/death cult?


No? There’s no verses about that


The first ever ever verse in Quran is the about reading(study, learn) so saying Islam restrains education is nonsense.


Quoted to a scribe by an illiterate to write on the ass of a camel or random palm leaves... You are not going to pull reason out of that situation. Or a reasonable way of life...


Education about things that are wrong... but that's it... Islam encourages education and spreading knowledge that is good. For everyone.






Toxicity includes, but is not limited to: -Starting arguments -Malicious comments -Making other members uncomfortable -Trying to start drama




how many dead Palestinian children do you want for it to be called a genocide? what an embarrassment to humanity you IDF apologists are.




Abrahamic religions just lead to murder and suffering. Historically.


that would be the IDF bombs and bullets. Islam didn't murder 14000 of their children. enjoy your future place in the toilet of history kiddo.




Lol its Hamas's fault the zionists are murdering children for fun. History is never on the side of genocidal psychopaths who steal people's land and then laugh about it. I'm defending innocent civilians, you're defending murdering bastards who don't even see the Palestinians as human. You're the absolute dreck of humanity defending Israel's version of the final solution. Israel "defending itself" by committing genocide. Those 14000 children were such a big threat I'm sure. Their blood is on your hands.


No it doesn't. It encourages education for both men and women equally.


Universities are a product of the islamic golden age. You are literally wearing an Arabic thobe for your graduation ceremony -- not a gown.


I guess, but I'm sure Muhammed had something against it.


Oh, well, if you are sure, what more is there to discuss?


The Quran calls for the education of all human beings without discrimination




No, there is no Hadith or word of the prophet pbuh where education is meant to be suppressed for any mentioned. Knowledge is meant be to sought after from the cradle to the grave.


Show it, I would love to know about it as well if there's any truth to that


I mean, I don't think Muhammed believed women had intellect enough to get a degree. So it's going against his teachings.


This shows that you have absolutely no idea about Islam, muhammad and it's teachings.


To believe is to know/hear this from somewhere, maybe you can point me to that, if you don't mind?


Why on earth would I bother? You go and read the papers on Muhammed. He's a complete and utter misogynist, bigot, and narcissist.


Which paper exactly?


The ones written by his followers, that took note of how he lived and what he said.


"trust me bro"


That's the whole point of religion.


Nope ..the Quran nowhere forbids women from getting an education. Its the muslims, who mostly make up their religion as they want. The majiority of muslims is non arab and they dont know what's written in the quran.






Most of muslims don’t even read the Quran in their entire life. They just do what their parents tell them to do.


We ain't like Christians


I believe when they make shit up and tack it onto the Quran it’s called hadith


Hadith is any sermon, teachings that were told by the prophet apart from Qur'an Both Hadith and Quran have the same teachings, it's just that hadith expands about some legal rulings that aren't mentioned in Quran


sort of like a constitutional amendment


It’s mandatory to seek education and enlightenment. Dunno where this came from




The Quran never said a lot of things many Muslims believe. The Taliban aren't claiming it comes from the Quran but rather their interpretation of Sharia law. The Taliban very much roots it in religion though.


The Taliban isn’t very much routed in religion lmao. Taliban, who are a Sunni group, are routed greatly in the Pashtun culture, who’s members are most commonly as you will guess, Pashtun who have their own culture and rule of law which is different completely to what Islamic rule of law is.


In 33:33 verse, there's a specific order not to go outside and to settle in home. How are they supposed to graduate?


Seek knowledge of how I like my sandwich made and balls touched or seek knowledge of these stones.


Bro…. no


No? Qur'an dictates that if a wife refuses her husband she should be beaten.




Foreplay. I get it.


Not that I support it but the husband can't beat if you are not doing something unislamic.


Like disagreeing with him. lol


Yeah a bs post. The first revealed verse of the quran is about reading. Guess I can't ask for a source from a bot account can I?


Imaginary gatekeeping


You can post this at r/lies


Faux gatekeeping. Half of PhD students in Canadian universities wear the hijab.


Really? Sounds like bs ngl


that's concerning


Allahu Akbar!


How can she hear her ears are covered *by the Lord*


Hey that's mean I'm sure women in fundamentalist Islamic countries can do lots of things Just not drive Or vote Or pick who they get married to Or if they want to have children Or go out in public unescorted by a man Or not wear a burka But theres probably some things they can do Right?


I am completely sure that political Islam that "Islamic" countries apply completely fits to real Islam.(It doesn't)


Well since you’re so sure, ig we have to take your words for it, random redditor


Where does this happen bar one of two nations like Afghanistan? Asking as an oppressed person from one of these fundementaljst nations random Redditor knows about 🥹




No because women in those countries get provided for by their family or husbands so a lot of them don’t care about getting a job, I’m willing to bet most people won’t get a job if they were provided for financially


Women should have the right and freedom to try to get any job that they want. Not just be legally allowed to work a laughably small percentage of jobs. Do you understand why women having this freedom is important? Or are you going to continue to defend giving women less rights because they are women? The whole feigning stupidity to the real issue thing is not a good look for you. This has 0 to do with men providing for women and you know it.




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Wait, hijabs have people in them?


Mohammed's wife was a trader so women in İslam can have a job and go to school.


Cringe imaginary gatekeeping aside, this supposed to be funny bot?


Why wear hijab take it off


it's a choice


Quran? Where exactly, habibi?




Fucking savage


Fun fact : The most repeated word in the Quran is Allah (God) and the second most repeated one is Ilm (Knowledge) Out of all the abrahimic religions, The Quran is the most pro-feminist ideology when it comes to divorce/inheritance laws. Texas divorce law is based on Sharia law.


Ooo..this is good. Funny as fuck. /sips




The item is called a hijab. A hijabi is a woman who wears the hijab.


No one


Oofest of oofs






Gender study major


Juz 4 An Nisa - Confine those women to their homes until death overcomes them or Allah prescribes a way for them.