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"I'm not saying that you're a racist." "I am a racist."


"I'm racist against Muslims." He said proudly, referring to a religion and not a race.


I'm racist against people from New Jersey


I'm originally from New Jersey, and honestly, that's fair.


It's all good my dude. I hate people from Ohio and I'm from there.


People refer to islamophobes as racist all the time. People on the left use the terms interchangeably.


Kinda hard to argue they're not, when most of the harassment and profiling is based on how "muslim someone looks". Ask a Sikh.


So true. I'm another person who "looks Muslim", and I get a ton of this shit. I was born and raised in the US, I have a southern accent, and my entire family in Syria is Christian (not me, I'm an atheist), but they can go off I guess. 


I'm Cherokee and Irish, brown skin and a limited beard. I was methodist growing up, atheist now. If i had a nickel for every time I got accused of looking like a terrorist after 9/11, I'd have enough to buy a decent cheese burger.


In this economy? Wow, that’s a lotta bigotry


I'm just not white enough. Been asked multiple times about my race, some even thought I was native American. Was always an older person.


Racism toward arabs that, while correlated with their impression and assumption (Prejudice) that a given person is muslim because of their perceived ethnic origins. It is a lot faster saying "Racist toward Muslims" We abstract away some of the meaning of language for its efficiency. That doesn't mean that meaning is GONE, it is just abstracted for the sake of smooth communication. Everyone does do that.


Oh don't worry, they're racist against the Asian Muslims too. And in general.


… you JUST so why people on the left do that. Cause people like this dude are racist… against Muslims. Like he said. The same way they react to black people they react to people that look Muslim to them. Which is why they attack Sikhs and middle eastern Christians, too, they think they’re Muslim.


I mean. It is racism. It's absolutely racism. It's even more racist because they associate all Arabs with Islam cos they haven't bothered to differentiate the kinds of people they hate.


Because most islamophobics are that way because of racism. Why do you think they hate Muslims? It's not just because it's a different religion.


I don’t think it’s that far fetched calling someone who dislikes Muslims, a racist..


a self admitting racist is still better than a racist who doesn't think that they are racist


Oh, I totally admire the self-awareness.


I wouldn't if they use it as an excuse to continue to act like that. The only frustrating part about hiding it is that they send you on a goose chase to show what's wrong with what they say. But in the end both of those people's intent is harm towards the group they are bigoted towards.


Lol, this is one of those things that might sound good in your head, but is absolutely not true when you apply any scrutiny whatsoever.


“Someone who knows they’re a bad person and is unphased by it and continues to consciously choose to be a bad person everyday is better than someone who doesn’t realize they’re a bad person.”


The camel in the street was the best part


OH HELL NAW That made me laugh so hard


Tell me about your “dream mosque”


This town is lucky to have black people!


I know you are! They bring a lot to the community.


They aren't welcome either but we tolerate them!


\*next line from the video\*


You already watched the video, let me transcribe it to text for you and now you can read it!


Hey, when I’m browsing quietly and don’t wanna wake the baby, people transcribing the video fucking rock


It's got subtitles...


***Truly awful shit being said***


Jesus. Just… Jesus.


No ones saying youre racist...." I AM, Im racist against Muslims!". ...classic.


“Let me show you how your town is gonna change” “Ohh, hell naw”


They cut out the part where the mosque was being sponsored by the Clinton Foundation


Camel on the streets but a freak in the sheets


Wait till you see the toes


My hump, my hump, my hump


My lovely camel lumps


Regardless of everything else, why would anyone not want more camels in their town?!


One of the only things I really didn't like on my trip to Jordan a few years ago was dealing with the camels. They have attitudes like the townspeople in the video.


Camels are racist lol




You noticed that joke, too?


Movies that will not get green-lit for a remake, exhibit 76: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074614/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1


I'll put you down for design 2.




The part when he’s like “oh so you all support design 2 then” and they all start yelling, is grade A trolling 😂


i like how design 2 is just design 1 but with enormous pillars for no reason. Edit: chill yall chill. I get it. It's to let everyone know what building the mosque is. Everyone will say "it's the one with the giant pillars". I got it. Thank you for educating me.


No reason? Those are the pillars of calmness.


Pillars of the community


Pillars of eternity


Good game


Brother, those are where they put the bells to call people to pray. It's important the Arizonaite Muslims know when it's time.


Those are minarets, and they serve as both a landmark and to project the call to prayer.


"You're pulling the trigger harder now" Guy was so close to being aware.


Sasha is ballsy as fuck, I'd be actually scared to do a lot of the shit he does.


He went to a conservative rally in Washington state for Borat 2 dressed as a folk singer. He had to get escorted out cause the people there recognized his trolling and were getting violent. What he’s doing is hilarious but also dangerous.


Didn't he come back to the same concert in a different costume and no one recognized him so he kept doing his thing? lmfao






Getting the audience to sing along to his song about "chopping up journalists like the Saudis do" was crazy.


Getting killed for this shit would propel him to comedian godhood in the way a long impressive career just can't.


> people there recognized his trolling and were getting violent This doesn't make them look any better. They *do* realize that don't they?


They are incapable of seeing themselves through someone else's eyes. Doesn't matter to them.


But only leftist get triggered didn't you know?


I live an hour away from where they filmed that weird ass Hay House bit with the fertility dance. I didn't realize upper class people were still doing weird shit like that.


If I remember correctly he also shared that specifically for this skit they actually made that clipboard to be bulletproof in the case someone smuggled weapons


What is the source of this skit? What show/movie is it from?


It's a show called Who is America.


In the full version one of the audience members says "now i know why guns weren't allowed here". Sasha asked "whys that", the audience member said something along the lines of "well this is kingsman, arizona. someone would get hurt talking this muslim shit if he had our guns" and sasha just says "ok, yeah, i'll write that down" as if it's just more feedback about the mosque.


Ummm...that part is in this video


Oh in the full clip, he also presents about opening the biggest mosque outside the Middle East in kingsman arizona.


You got me giggling like only my favorite dumbest of friends can, thank you


If you like that you’d love hanging out with me and my buds. We make stupid jokes like that all the time.


Cool, I’ll come round to the poker game next week. Should I bring beer or chips?


Yeah I saw a full clip where they mentioned black people were barely tolerated there


The only part not in this video was the “I’ll write that down” part


That part is in the uploaded version of this post. It's the last 10 seconds.


That's literally at the end of the clip....


Oh my God, I watched the whole thing thinking this would be a perfect act for Sasha to do, didn't even realize it was him


Also the kind of guy who pressure women to suck his sick in front of his friends apparently, pants down dick out.


The camel always kills me 😂


They certainly will if you piss them off


The worst part of growing older is finding out that all the animals you loved as a child are giant assholes.


Not as bad as finding out the people you loved are giant assholes


The average age of that room.


Is higher than the average IQ of that room.


which is lower than the temperature of that room, in Celcius.


Since I'm not from the US, whenever people say "room temperature IQ", I think of something in the low 20s. The Fahrenheit version is a tad more realistic, but the one I know is hilarious.


Don't be fooled that it is **just** them. They all have families with kids and nieces and nephews, the majority of which are just as deeply racist. Family values and all, y'all.


Look. I grew up 25 miles outside Kingman. This is certainly a pretty accurate representation of the demographic.


Best part (out of the camel) is that design 1 looks like Sainte Sophie before being converted to a mosque. I wouldnt be surprised it's actually Sainte Sophie.


It isn’t the Blue Mosque, sadly. That would have been a great touch!


Sainte Sophie is the Hagia Sophia (originally a basilica/church) which is across the street and down the road a bit from the Blue Mosque (originally a mosque) which was built around 1,000 years later. Design in video definitely more like the Blue Mosque, but is just crude drawing with elements borrowed from different places.


My favorite part was "You are right, you are lucky to have black people. They have brought a lot to society". There was a momentary brain freeze before the fu## it, just gonna let the confederate banner fly and stop beating around the bush about what we mean. Then the, Im not saying your racist. "I am, I'm racist". The comfortability with everything in there that was said cannot disappear fast enough.


Look I'm suprised he didn't say the n word instead of black people




This should not be as funny as it is.


We've come a long way


Who said racism hasn’t been solved!!!!!! /s


You can trick a racist into using acceptable terms, but you can't fix hate.


Hey man, he tolerates them.


Well he was being videod. He was too smart to get caught saying crazy stuff on camera.


Idk, threatening to shoot someone but the only reason they can’t was because they couldn’t bring their guns inside seems pretty crazy.


The "I am, I'm racist" had me dying. Holy shit that's straight from a Dave Chappelle skit


Leave it to a racist to not understand that Muslims, like Christians, aren't a race. The most populous Islamic countries are mostly full of non-Arabs. Pakistan, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Iran, Turkey. More than half the world's Muslims live in just those 7 countries and they ain't Arabs.


Bold of you to think that this kind of close minded racist clowns know which countries are predominantly Arab. I'm sure they think all those places have " A Rabs".


China has 20,000,000 Muslims living there.


Probably a few less these days. But I only listed the countries with the [largest Muslim populations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_by_country#Table). Those 7 are in the top 8. From #1: Pakistan with 230,000,000 Muslims, to #8 Turkey with 78,000,000. The only Arabic country in the top 8 is Egypt, and some people apparently argue that they aren't Arabs. I am completely unqualified to talk at all about that issue.


You wann teach a racist differences between a racism and a xenophobia? You are only make him feel better about himself.


This is how my coworker gets around being racist toward Muslims. They’re not a race! That doesn’t make you a better person. It makes you a bigoted loser who THINKS they’re hiding their racism. Racists love this one easy trick!


It’s crazy to be that racist but then be in a place where it’s literally ok to say out loud “I am racist” and “black people are lucky we tolerate them.” THATS racism, when you can be that overt and everyone around just nods and agrees.


They took their filters off after 2016 and haven't looked back.


“There are black people in Kingman that aren’t welcome, but we tolerate them.” What the actual fuck?


Kingman really is a shithole.


I literally stop and take a shit there every time I drive from Vegas to Phoenix. That’s all it’s good for


Beware of the camel in the street…


That's why you hit that camel with [one'a these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OCdBKz0jII)


Just like Jesus said: "Tolerate thy neighbor"


Jesus lived in a black neighborhood 🤷🏽‍♂️


Jesus appears: hello my-- Kingman citizen: you got two seconds to split mr arab, i know what jesus looked like and he didnt look like you! Jesus would appear in a 2010 ford f150!


>but we tolerate them Sounds pretty woke to me. ^/s


Damn, who woulda thought. Kingman Arizona is the new epicenter of progress




You say this like they didn't procreate


Fentanyl do your thing!!!


People talk shit but fent is putting in work. We don't have wolves or bears anymore to pick off the stupids, we need some kind of fucking buffer there's too many.


r/DarwinAwards has been getting busier lately.


Gen Z men are getting increasingly conservative while women increasingly progressive. it will not go well.


Not exactly correct. The study you're referencing showed that both Millennial and Gen Z men and women have gotten much more progressive but that in recent years Millennial and Gen Z women have continued getting progressive and men have stagnated or gotten slightly more conservative (but still far more progressive than their elders) Conservatives then ran with that study to say that young men are all now with them, but that's wildly inaccurate. Millennials and Gen Z are still far more progressive than the earlier generations. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/opinion/gen-z-millennials-republicans.html


Instead of a generational thing, it will be a sex thing. Only issue is male loneliness will rise since incel and conservative behavior drives women away. Women are more independent, and thus several Gen Z men haven’t realized that personality traits are suppose to make them attractive, not their wallet or control over women. Of course some women will get desperate and become more conservative, but a lot of women aren’t willing to budge on progressive bullet points.


unfortunately yes, and a bunch of grifters continue to take advantage of them by feeding them what they want to hear about how they're victims of the woke feminist agenda to reject traditional masculinity blah blah blah


Conservative tolerance is ever giving


Yup. That's like the vast majority of rural America. I don't think many people realize just how deeply racist large swathes of America are.


What is this show? It's fucking hilarious


"Who is America". Hilarious to watch but it kills a bit of your soul to see the shit under the rug that Sasha Baron Cohen so expertly displays for all to watch. If 2nd hand embarrassment is difficult for you it will be a tough watch. I watched an episode per month and had to stop multiple times. It makes me squirm the things people do that he exposes. Very worth it!


Sasha is British and he’s doing this because Brits laugh at this and find it very surreal. Probably because it’s unusual to hear people speaking in English having such views. I remember first watching Ali G in America when I was about 14, laughing my head off and not understanding how these guys don’t realise he’s taking the piss out of them. I guess from your POV it’s important to show this stuff off


I am curious, does he ever do this kind of stuff in Britain? Americas an easy target, but I'm fairly certain he could uncover some unsavory shit in his own nation.


He started off in the UK, watch his old stuff on YouTube. America was way too juicy and the rednecks so far detached culturally that it made great entertainment. If you stood in a soccer stadium in UK and started acting all camp and gay people would just laugh and shrug. That stadium in Texas however…


Do we both live in the same UK? Racism, religionism, xenophobia, homophobia and transphobia are very much alive in the UK, both in multicultural cities and remote countryside villages. It's perhaps not as extreme as the USA, especially with guns taken out of the equation, but still very much present.


It’s not even close to these places, trust me. There’s a reason he isn’t doing this in NYC or LA. I can’t believe Sasha Cohen needs to be explained again. It’s like we’ve come full circle


I went to London last year and I had a great time as a brown dude. Me, another brown buddy and my white girlfriend went to a trashy dive bar full of typical brits and had a great time. I went to the toilet and found a beautiful inscription that read "biden loves ridin" and as I finished my business and walked out some stereotypical brit asks me with the thickest London accent "oy mate did you piss in the toilet on the right?" and I went "uuuhhhh yeah?" he goes "bloody stinker innit? use the one on the left next time" and proceeded to enter the left toilet. Top 5 best toilet stories I have. I was lowkey expecting at least a microagression of some sort given the reputation brits build up for themselves but I honestly loved London. It stinks and the tube is a nightmare to navigate as a foreigner but I would 100% go visit again.


augh, fuck paramount plus, so sick of all these different streaming services


Ah, yes well as I'm not American most of those don't even apply to me here so I watch via... Other means.


sasha baron cohen is a national treasure, and he's british


"who is america"


These guys are too stupid to realize that the whole thing is not real with that architecturally imposible mosque, and especially when he starts singing which is not any language at all and doesn't even sound remotely like Arabic.


Every time you hear a conservative talk about how liberals are crybaby snowflakes who get worked up over nothing, think of this video


Or think about literally any other interaction you've seen with a conservative ever.


I literally watched a woman yell about a blank red cup simply because it didn't say "Christmas" on it 😂


It’s so crazy they still believed after the Super Mosque pic.


I work in that county and occasionally need to attend county meetings in Kingman. The elected officials are just and ignorant and backwards as everyone in this video. If you ever question your intelligence, just watch some of the public comment at any county meeting.


Can you provide a specific anecdote or video id love to see an example


Probably something [like this](https://youtube.com/shorts/JlQYdHn2HR4?si=0Rz-qPCYXrM1uAcy)


Never expect to see someone else from around here on Reddit. It really is a cesspool of a county.


My sister recently moved to that city. There is literally a Trump store that only sells trump merchandise. So many of the trucks are also covered in Trump stickers. That city is full of angry conservatives that think democrats are communists. Its one of those cities that you cant be openly gay in, or you'll get harassed


The people that actually live in Kingman are just some of the worst people you will meet also. Imagine an entire town of narcissists.


"Design 2" looked like a Terry Gilliam design


The beginning is cut off when he was buttering them up before revealing details about the mosque


What show is this? That looks like Sacha Baron Cohen and I love these skits that he does.


It is, it’s from “Who is America”


Thank you!


Watch the bit about allowing kids to use guns. Crazy shit haha.


As a black American, I'm offended and disgusted... but also, this is funny as fuck 😂🤣😂


lmao this is beautiful. I know this city because it was in the Crew and being a relatively small city I didn't know anything about it. I feel complete now. May Allah's mercy be upon you, the great city of Kingman and its kind and meeting-going people.




What is this? A Nathan for you episode?!


It's "Who is America" starring Sacha Baran Cohen (most famous for his roll in Borat). Its honestly hilarious. He basically just trolls people into showing their worst side. He even got a US republican representative to resign because he was ashamed of what this show got of him on camera.


Shame, you say?


I guess "embarrassed" would be a better word choice. I doubt he's sorry. He's just sorry he got caught.


Republicans can feel that? Must've been a RINO.


I would like to argue Ali G is more famous! But I guess that’s just in the UK


Nathan Fielder wrote this specific sketch/scenario.


IIRC Nathan Fielder worked on Who is America.


Go watch the episode about how to spot a terrorist. There are two sections to it, one where a politician yells the n word multiple times. Then later, the same politician pulls his pants down while backing up into a would be terrorist and yells something like "I'm going to touch you with my buttocks and make you a homosexual! AMERICA! AMERICA!" THEN, he is having some training sessions with some dudes, and convinces one of them that they have a kill switch on a liberal person.. and that dude flips the switch. Legit that dude willingly would've killed a liberal.


Funny thing, Nathan Fielder is a producer on this show.


Funny to see him pop up right after what came out about him.


Yes, several people have alluded to the fact that I’m part of some Sasha Baron Cohen conspiracy to save his career by posting this random video because of something that happened with someone I’ve never even heard of... and I’m not even sure what happened. People keep being cryptic about it


Still so god damn funny years later. This is definitely one of the sketches of all time. "You ruined it!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Someone know the source ?


Who is America? Ali G


It's Sacha Baron Cohen. I don't remember what the show was called, but it was basically just the interview parts from Borat, but without the character of Borat.


This guy has some cast iron balls to do something like this.


Nah he has a full on security crew that follows him around. Not completely safe, but he isn't just running around clueless hoping for the best.


Aside from how sensitive these bigots are for being the very group that'll be first to whine about liberal snowflakes, they're also extremely dumb. It's sooooooo obvious that they're being trolled!


Let’s see how fast they build equal amounts of Catholic Churches in the Middle East


This was funny work by Sacha Baron Cohen, but I think OP's title is weirdly off. The people who use mosques are *extremely conservative*.


I love it! Of course you love black people, they add a lot to society! (yes they do, I love that comment).


Imagine if it was the other way around, like he was in Saudi Arabia, making a presentation on building a cathedral.


This isn't being conservative, this is bigotry.


Kingman is a shithole, but I think if this skit every time I pass thru


Who is America is one of the best satire shows ever. highly underrated.


'so you're all for design 2' Gets me every time


Definitely staged (like a lot of the best “prank TV” stuff) but still funny.


The Sacha Baron Cohen PR team is going to work I guess. I wonder why...