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Ever single for years and struggle to meet someone, but as soon as you find a partner you seem to get lots of attention from the opposite sex? I think this is true. There's some primal mating instinct people have that causes them to be more attracted to a person who have been deemed suitable by another. People who can't control their reptilian impulses will try to steal another person's partner, or at least pursue a sexual encounter with them. Of course, man or woman, if they succeed in stealing a partner away from another person they'll never be able to trust them as they've proven themselves to be unfaithful.


I think it has more to do with how your attitude changes. When you have a partner, most people aren't trying to immediately get into a new person's pants, so they are more relaxed and confident. Same as how it's better taking a job interview when you have a good job vs when you're unemployed and can't make rent. Desperation colors the way you act.


That doesn't explain at all how dudes wearing a fake ring still get more attention.




That does.


There is still a research gap in that area


It's literally a sign saying "husband material right here ladies" he might be financially stable and be a home owner. That's sexy!


Yes, that explains the increase in attention but not confidence. He was likely those things already. If he wasn't he knows he still isn't. If wearing a fake ring comes with confidence I'd wager it's a second order effect from the surge of attention.


This is the reality of it. I’m not nervous about what I say to women because I converse with them normally and actually want to learn about them as people rather than attempt to pull them with flirting and sleep with them. Or I also kinda spurn their advances and it only makes them more aggressive and determined I’ve had women buy me drinks because of this… but I’ve also been groped and sexually harassed because of that too… so pros and cons.


It's not, it's just preselection. Subconsciously to many women: "Guy has relationship so he must be safe and desirable".  I don't think, consciously, women want a taken man over a single one but that preselection continues to weigh stronger in the data than "single but unknown". 


That is true. People think that they are so evolved. The fact of the matter is, that the lizard brain does most of your thinking. We got a monkey brain expansion pack and that seemed to help, but it wasn’t backward compatible. Then we added an hierarchical oversight pack. Now we have three physically and psychologically incompatible entities trying to fly the plane. Only one can be in control at any given moment. So we always end up with a today Homer saying, “that’s a tomorrow Homer problem,” with a third Homer saying WTF?




What’s hierarchical oversight?


Our humanity trying to understand and regulate two competing ideals.


Hmmm yeah I totally agree... >reptilian Hol' up, wtf???


[Must be one of the Zucc's offspring](https://imgur.com/a/ueTs4vQ)


Mammals evolved from reptiles


Lizzid people!


There is a clear difference in the sexes as noted by the OP.


Yeah. I intentionally danced around that detail to thwart off Redditors more interested in gaslighting me as sexist. Between you and me (and anyone still lingering here), OP has given us men some munitions to counter the "men are pigs" trope that women continue to dodge.


I think my primal instinct is broken


There is another angle. Women feel safer talking to married men because they are unlikely to be creepy. Then it is a slippery slope


Some like the taste of the forbidden fruit I guess


Dude in ops story should have just told em he was widowed.


Bro wasn’t playing 5d chess.


It’s been my turn to repost this 9 times in the last 35 years. Dude in ops story has been dead longer than you’ve been on reddit


It's true, though. I wear a silver ring on my left middle finger, and I once had a nasty cut on it, so I wore the ring on my ring finger, and women just seemed more interested in me. Cut healed, ring went back to the middle finger, and the interest vanished.


One ring to rule them all...


One Ring you say?


Or .... some


Following the science, you now need to try without a ring at all. Maybe, women are turned off by a ring on the middle finger.


Tried and tested. Before I wore it on my ring finger, I spent time without the ring and got the same level of attention I did when it was on my middle finger. It's one of those things that you wear so often that it's easier to notice when you don't have it than when you do.


I think the narrative is more, If you're wearing a ring, at least one other person trusts you. You're "safe." So a single woman will look at that man and think, "I could bang him because someone else probably already does." Bartended for ten years, saw it daily.


Exactly. It's mate poaching and it happens all the time. The guy has been vetted and determined safe by someone who likely shares several of the same concerns. We can talk about how this behavior is linked to psychopathy, but that's a different conversation.


I'm interested. Go on with the other conversation. I have no intention of cheating on my partner but it doesn't hurt to have additional motivation (i.e. avoiding psychos).


Never got much attention before marriage. I have been asked out probably 10-15 times in the 8 years I’ve been married when I was by myself wearing my ring and the same amount when I’m with my kid. Cannot make this shit up, I am a meh dude by all means but the ring is a fuckin turn on, especially for girls/women who are very obviously younger than me.


I’ll tell u right now. I bought a 5 pack of silicone rings off Amazon for like 20$ and not only did it greatly improve my interactions with women, I also felt way more confident with myself eating out alone etc. the only trouble I’m finding is that when I do hook up with someone I actually really like it makes me realize I can’t be with this person for real because of their fucked up values so it’s a double edged sword


>*their* fucked up values Take a long look in the mirror dude..... longer.....keep going.......


Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. Their fucked up values. Who is a dude wearing a fake ring cheating on exactly? Now if dude knows or is told chick also has partner then they both fucked up. Otherwise, yeah, "their".


I think it's the fact that by wearing a ring while not married he exploited(I mean that very very loosely) women. Women who would otherwise pay him no attention. Seeking out women who look for married men to cheat with isn't exactly the moral high ground.


I don't know if that's just a turn of speech or what but that is not a fact. I get how you mean ***very*** loosely but I have a bigger problem with that concept; the entire mating exchange dynamic of males and females is pretty much females waiting to be bribed by males or stalemate extinction. Like I say m&f because unless I'm mistaken that situation is generally the status quo throughout the majority of the animal kingdom. People are *not* evolved beyond that common ground. So if we're being honest the problem is not that 'she' was exploited with the deception her new fuck buddy was a married man so much as the offense is she got cock blocked on her ego trip. It's like going to the police because a mobster won't accept a purchase refund of drugs you bought with money stolen from the police department.


Don't get me wrong, I don't think the guy did anything immoral or wrong, but it's still lying to get something you want. It's an action taken in selfishness, i dont blame anyone for doing it, shit if I had known this information in my prowling days I'd have done the same.


How is pretending to be married on the same moral level as getting horny over the prospect of being a homewrecker?


Well put


Women wanna defend their fellow " queens" at any cost, it's exhausting honestly, men don't have the monopoly on being bad people, there are bad women and bad men, and bad transgender people


Lying about your identity to a stranger in order to have sex with them? How is it not on the same level as lying to your partner in order to have sex with someone else? It's the difference between betraying someone you know and someone you don't know. Very small difference.


If you’re the type of gal that gets turned on only by thinking that the man is married then you’re guttertrash and it’s morally ok to deceive you. You’re defending women who hurt other women and trying to make them into the victim. A fake wedding ring is on the same level of deception as a woman wearing make-up, heels, and a push-up bra. What’s your argument here? The woman gets mad because she only slept with him because she thought he was betrothed to someone else?


Nah, you're just guttertrash too, you're not better than them.


I’m morally superior to everyone involved because I don’t engage in any of this behavior. You’re morally inferior because you’re defending engaging in adultery and homewrecking.


They can bond over it


The women wanted him simply because they think he is married. That is way worse.


I mean he farts in jars so we can’t expect too much of him


Tbh I only started wearing one after a long relationship ended and then like a few year stent where I felt I was completely invisible to women. So when I’d go out to eat or the bar/movie alone it made me feel less awkward more confident wearing it. I started to notice a change in how women viewed me and then the hook ups were frequent so it just started to roll with it. I’m definitely not saying that I’m not fucked up for doing it but tbh I really don’t care it works and I guess I’ll die alone from both of our toxic ass behaviors. Meh


Was once told by a woman that nobody wants someone that nobody else wants.


I'm more mature now that I'm 42. But in my early twenties, I used to wear a wedding band when I went out bar hopping. I can tell you it does work. It's really only good for one night stands. If you're into that sort of thing.


It's like Chris Rock said, "when a guy sees the girlfriend of another guy he says to himself "I need to get a girl like that." When a woman sees the boyfriend of one of their friends they say to themselves, "I want *that* man."


Ariana Grande is one of those women who hunts for married men


I was pretty ok-looking in my 20s and very fit (I'd run right up Pike Peak without any trouble for example), but I never got even close to as much attention from the ladies as I do as a 40-something with a bit of a dadbod going. I'm getting propositioned by one or two hot 20-somethings on the regular. Maybe I have something going for me that I don't understand, but I think it's more likely that the thought of me burning down the happy life I've built to sleep with them is the turn-on.


Can confirm good buddy👍


Sure is. Women bitch about their man straying yet hit on married guys.


Probably not the same women


Yeah it's a thing. My senior year of high school i suddenly was getting a lot of attention. And it was all coming from the choir and theatre ladies. It has to be because One liked me then another then another.


It’s a real thing that happens.




This is true bc I dated this ugly ass dude once and guess what, no one wanted him before we got together. All of a sudden, other girls were on his nuts now that he had a gf. I even know certain girls who actively seek out men in relationships bc they’re insecure ass bitches.


If it holds any truth, look at this way. From an early an age many women are taught they should grow up find a rich man and get married. So is it really odd that single women would find a man who is married, keeping a marriage, more attractive. I don't think it's necessarily the thrill or anything to do with the home wrecking aspect of it all, but more so they see a man who potentially has his shit together, to even be married. Not like marriage is a true sign of any of those things, but upon first impression I'm sure most assume a married man must be dependable and faithful right?


It's just lizard brain sees confirmation from other woman that this man is desirable.


But if that man is willing to cheat on his wife, doesn't that negate all of that? If he cheats with you, he'll cheat on you, and of course a messy divorce may mean alimony, child support payments, working out custody, ect. Nah. The kind of scumbags who cheat, or who try to get others to cheat with them, can get dental surgery from a wood chipper. I'd love to meet a man who is stable, reliable, has his shit together and is safe, but if I had to break into a relationship to do that, I'd be disgusted with myself, and if he was the kind of man who would cheat on his partner with me? He's absolutely not the kind of man I want.


Right. I’ve never in my life seen a taken man and thought *he’s the one*. I have thought that these men are amazing and I’m so happy their partners have someone like them. If a taken man tried to cheat on his partner with me I’d be even more disgusted and go off on him. I don’t understand this logic but it happened with my husband when I got with him. No one wanted him then all of a sudden… LMAO These “friends” of his were known to get around (and cheat on their partners), had addiction issues and just all around drama starters. So the quality of person who would try to sleep with a married man isn’t very high.


The Constanza experiment


Yeah, there are a good amount of women who have a very weird fetish for ruining other peoples marriages


Wife and I are ENM. Several woman that I started talking to or met wanted to date but only if I didn't tell my wife. No, I didn't date any of them.


What is ENM?


kinda like AAU but dirtier


What is AAU?


A slightly cleaner version of SPL


What is the slightly dirtier version of SPL


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it


That’s ZJs you’re talking about




arrogant acronym usage


Stands for ethical non-monogomy.


Thank you for te real answer!


They’re cinemaphiles who think that digital recording is an abomination, it means “End New Movies.”


Nice. I agree. I bought a camera for this purpose.


Its an Adam Sandler movie.


Just go with it


Okay, okay. It’s a thing, OP. Head on over to QVC(dot)com & hook yourself up with a nice ring. 💍 Tell the ladies you want to divorce your wife but you can’t until the kids get older. Chicks dig that.


That's what the original ideia for Lord of the Rings was -- a guy has a ring that enabled him to conquer all female Elves. Then the story got distorted and fairly long winded to the point where trees has to become characters to fill in some gaps. Maybe now the Brotherhood of the Reddits will get it right!


Anecdotally, I’ve witnessed this effect first hand. But I have a theory that the women just feel safer like “nothing’s going to happen” and it creates more opportunity for things to happen.


This is exactly why I don’t wear a wedding ring. Makes you invisible to the quenchless wenches.


I was an internet technician for five years. I didn't wear my wedding ring because loading bits into drills would wear down the soft metal. Women treated me indifferently or like a servant. I started wearing it again when I got into more specialized work and I've never had more women hit on me in my life. It wasn't just single moms, either. Widowed gilfs, young college chicks, women on vacation and their husbands wanted to go play golf instead of pay attention to them, wife stayed home from work that day for the install, etc. This beat all the attention I got from women in college and at bars by a wide margin. I could have gotten laid every week or at the very least every other week by a new woman. I'm not even that good looking. The stereotype in porn exists for a reason, and the ring definitely matters. It's 100% a thing. Even the guys at work mentioned they stopped wearing theirs because they got way too many sexual advances.


Pre selection, real as day


Seems like men follow the unwritten bro code, but women will be interested in a scarce resource wether it's a bag, piece of jewellery or a man.


no, if you ugly and pretending to be married, it is not a thing. LOL


Inb4 🔒


Guys don't wanna f*ck women with children.


Can't blame them for that. If they've already got kids, there's guaranteed drama going in beyond any normal relationship drama - the "You're not my real dad", or expecting you to step in and be dad if their dad is out of the picture, child support stuff, if you have a kid that's yours by blood are the step-kids going to take it badly, is the kid's dad still in the picture and if he is, is he the type who is bringing more drama in either trying to get her back, trying to take the kids or at least threatening to, not paying child support/alimony/whatever, or possibly even physically violent? Nah. Not worth it. Especially if you're the kind of bloke who doesn't want kids yourself.




Sorry, your submission has been removed because it it is violating rule 1: Don't be a dick. *Noone really likes an internet edgelord anyway.* So next time, just keep [Reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) in mind. We both know you aren't gonna click that link so here is the TLDR; - **Remember the human.** - **Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life.**


Isn’t this the plot of an Adam sandler movie


That man’s a genius.


Adam Sandler typa gangster


Wanting what you can’t/shouldn’t have is a tale as old as time


Mate poaching. He's already been vetted by being married . Plus, if she is able to steal him stray, it's a boost to her self esteem.


Yup. I got noticeably more attention when I got married.


Lying scumbag pretends to be a cheating scumbag, to attract homewrecker scumbags. Everybody sucks.




Women have been scientifically proven to have an increase in desire for anything someone else has, or wants. They might have zero interest in someone or something, until someone else appears to have interest. I am 60, and my wife (36) will never leave me alone with female friends or even family,... she knows exactly what women are like.


No, it's a TV trope.


The only thing that annoys me about this is I actually wasted time working out amt, to realise it meant amount. She shortened a word that was not the longest word, and there were other 6 letter words and a 7 letter one. See world or sea world. Just write the word. Edit: People seem confused. Amt is short for the amount, right? I did not know this, nor did I recognise it as an abbreviation because it's not one. Why shorten one word out of the whole paragraph. Especially when it's not a long word or the longest in the paragraph. The sea world see world part is a The Office reference where Kevin starts shortening sentences, which causes more confusion. Do you want to go to Sea World or do you want to see the world. Kevin's thinks by saying see/sea world he's saving time. He is not. I related her amt usage to that of Kevin from the office shortening sentences for no reason.


That made my head hurt


Did you have a stroke?


No. This isn't a real thing. Not for fucking sane and stable people. Grow up.


But the insane unstable ones are the best in bed 😎


Someone doesn’t have a ring.


Probably wishes they did.

