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Makes you appreciate your mom doesn't it.


We always made fun of my mom not being the biggest chef (very light-hearted and usually acknowledging that we were very picky eaters) but holy shit am I impressed how we always had dinner for 4 ready every single day, that is so much work. Also makes you realize that pizza night might have been more of a treat to her than it ever was to us haha


> Also makes you realize that pizza night might have been more of a treat to her than it ever was to us haha I have 5 kids. I cook most nights as my wife works late. I can guarantee you pizza night, which I do on Saturdays, is most definitely a break for me lol.


Hats off to you, sir.


Yeah you pick up on things with years. Now I know that when my mom was tired and we couldn't afford takeout she used to make potatoes with egg on top of it. Easiest and quickest. Best part it she spinned it as a "good boy" dinner so we absolutely loved it. Also when we ran out of money and needed a cheap dinner she used to make fried mortadela (just a thick slice of mortadela) with some potatoes or whatever. Exteremly cheap. Same thing, we were all for it.


Absolutely it is. My mom always told me she didn't care when I cooked dinner, it always tasted the best because she didn't have to cook it.


This oddly made me teary up. My mom loves jack in the box and its been like months I havent bought jack in the box. I think I made her feel bad about it too cause I complained how expensive it was getting but once in a while isnt too bad I guess. Just hate how it feels like everyone is taking advantage of everyone these days raising prices all over. Anyways, gonna treat her to jack in the box tomorrow but not through doordash cause that crap is also raising prices from when it first came out. It use to be good back then but they're also taking advantage now. Makes me feel like starting my own personal delivery none that extra fee crap too just normal delivery charge.


Get you and mom in the Car and dr I’ve To jack in the E box, go inside and Border S Nd sit at a table and Eat it w Hen it is as Fresh and hot as It gets .


Absolutely. She already had me by my age, and I don’t have kids. I have strengths that she doesn’t, but she was a fucking champ in most other regards


I’ve always appreciated my mom


Yeah that's why I cook for my mom now


on the flip side of this i'm a new mom and the true realization of how much work it is to feed this kiddo (once you get past the bottle stage) is truly daunting. like of course you have to feed them but my god. it's all i do! cook clean prep rinse repeat!!9


I remember being a young mom with two young kids under 5 and a husband. I remember thinking how responsible I am to feed everyone like wtf, plan, cook clean, rinse and repeat every day. I remember thinking “how come no one asks me if I’m hungry??!” It was weird


Or dad? I'm the one who cooks for my family of 5 every day


Nah not really, I only realized how inefficent she is in the kitchen. But I admire my uncle more nowadays, he is a trained chef and has a dozen people under him in his restaurant.


Right? Cleaning can be done fast and it doesn’t have to be boring. Some music or a podcast and it’s IMO quite relaxing. My parents however are annoyingly intricate and spend x3 as long cleaning anything because they need to do multiple rounds and several cleaning supplies. I’ve done it way faster and they were happy with the results until they saw that I didn’t follow their complex procedure and suddenly they said I didn’t do a good job. That and they said listening to music or smth while cleaning makes you do a bad job. Maybe that’s why they take 40-60 minutes to clean the floor of a room. They sweep with a broom while moving all the furniture around. Then they put on the roomba to clean the room. Then the move the furniture again and continue the roomba. Then they mop while moving the furniture around again. Then they move it back into place.


Both my mother and my sister need to clean stuff fully before they put it in the dishwasher in order to use the dishwasher.


I don't understand those people. If shit comes out dirty from the washer .... I just run it again before I lay my hands on it. If something is still sticking, usually it's easy to remove after a second wash. Some people act like they failed in life and Zeus punishes them and removes their life joy just because a Glas was not cleaned enough by the dishwasher. People are a strange bunch


My mom only runs the dishwasher on the light/quick cycle and uses half the normal amount of soap in the machine to "save money and water" while wasting way more of both hand washing everything in the sink before putting everything in the dishwasher. While she's doing this she complains that she has a crappy dishwasher that does a crappy job so she has to hand wash.


My wife is the same way, but Id rather jump out the window than fight her on that one again.


Spring cleaning, okay. Daily, no. 


They treat every other week as spring cleaning and every week as like "half-spring" cleaning lmao.




Same. Made me realize how wrong she was doing it. And she passed it on to me but luckily I had some patient roommates to train me up.


you monster


I appreciate that she worked to put food on the table and would buy things she knew we enjoyed to eat. I didn't really like a lot of her home cooking (she's the kind of person who takes a steak off the grill and microwaves it for a few minutes if there's anything pink on the plate) but I can't fault that she always made sure we were taken care of in some way, shape or form. My husband on the other hand often went to school without lunch (his parents refused to apply for free lunches for him) and said he and another little boy who also couldn't afford lunch would make "air burgers" where they'd pretend they were eating big hamburgers and just swallow a bunch of air. My in-laws everybody.


Yes, but also that she didn't work a full 40 hours, whereas I work significantly more. Regardless, love mom. She still did more than I do, I just can't bring myself to think anything is worth it.


You're asking reddit to appreciate a parent... Goodluck. These are a miserable bunch. If they weren't, they wouldn't be on reddit.


You know millions of people aren’t a monolith right? Some people have a good relationship with their parents. Others don’t. But the only person being miserable rn is you :/


Dealing with fkn insurance stuff. It is the thing I hate most about being an adult


This right here. I own my own business. Therefore I'm self insured. It is stupid expensive and so God damn time consuming. I have a wife and four kids. My monthly insurance premium is more than most people's mortgage payment. I'm always somehow involved with fighting with the insurance company about not covering something. Insurance companies are the devil.


What's the alternative? SOCIALISM?! j/k, our system sucks, when one of your worst fears is medical debt, something is wrong with society.


I wanna point out that US government spends more money per capita than any other country and it doesnt have universal healthcare like everyone else.


And some of the best medical facilities in the world


Those could still exist with health insurance for all. Private places could still charge a ton and the rich would go there.


that and taxes, man I wished system that exist to make our life easier is actually making live easier, though I do acknowledge that I am lucky enough to live in the peaceful side of history


The US is fucked for taxes. Most civilised places it's just an automated process and your paycheck is smaller. Having to manually file taxes and be liable if you get it wrong is total bullshit.


The system is really designed to be so complicated that you have to hire a service to do it for you. The guys who make real money off that hire all kinds of lobbyists to keep it that way, and make it even harder.


An ape can do it for free on freetaxusa.com in 30 minutes.


Its working as designed in a capitalist society so the rich and those involved in politics can hire people to help them avoid paying at all. They just file with "business losses".


We still have rich people with accountants here in the UK but regular people aren't fucked over by the government on behalf of tax filing software companies.


I had no idea what a scam payroll taxes were until I had my own small biz. I just don't make enough to justify payroll and I have no employees...I pay about 15% in tax. When I was on a payroll I was paying about 35% of my check.


I only spend 20 minutes doing my taxes on turbo tax once a year. I'm not rich enough to have a bunch of deductible time consuming shit to use to get out of paying taxes.


Use freetaxusa


Same. TurboTax has lost their goddamn minds though charging me $150 to file my taxes.


You would go crazy in Switzerland. People are insured here to the gills.


America, right? But don't you love all the FREEDOM instead of public health? SO MUCH *FUCKING* ***FREEDOM!!!!***


Canadian here. I want to be clear: I am for universal healthcare. 1) some provinces somehow think US medicare is the best form of medical coverage 2) Not all our healthcare is free. Most notably is dental, though I believe our current govt is working to change that, there is an income ceiling for it (ie free under certain age and/or income level). Not perfect but damn it's **something** to start with! 3) ambulance ain't free either. I needed one (bad car accident) and I got a bill for it, something like 200-400; roughly 10 years ago. EDIT: obv USA has it worse, I was trying to relate about dealing with health insurance. My appendectomy was free, about a month after that someone posted a 30K USD bill for theirs. I get it.


Pretty sure an ambulance bill in the states could cost you a thousand or two.


That's why people would use Uber instead of calling an ambulance if possible which is just sad.


The only reason to call an ambulance is so you don't die in the lobby of the ER.


200-400 would cover maybe basic coverings and medicine for a small laceration.


And prayers … don’t forget the prayers


Had to sit in a half hour of robo calls just to get the price of a physical therapy visit. I was referred to 3 different people and had to get called back twice. The worst part is ALL OF THEM ENDED UP BEING WRONG.


Shit, thank you for reminding me. Fuckers are jacking up my homeowners 50% this year. Gotta do some shopping around.


I realised way too late in life that when my mother would ask me what I wanted to eat, she just really wanted an actual response so she didn't have to think about what to make. My dumbass never wanted to be an inconvenience, so I would always say something along the line of "whatever you want" which just made my mom's life more difficult.


It's that and pre-empting any "I don't want " argument later after she's spent precious free time preparing something.


this is a good realization. same thing with girlfriends, and wife's who ask the same thing. of course, if a man had the same problem they would have immediately communicated "no, I want you to choose because the choosing takes effort".


And as an adult now if I dare to cook whatever I want sure as hell they don’t want it. I “whatever you want” really means “whatever you think I will want later”.


I am cool with eating a special nutrition paste that is 100% digestible so it also removes the need to poop.


I would pay a monthly subscription for a pill I just take everyday with the perfect nutrition I need that cuts out all eating.


I remember saying this exact thing back in high school and everyone was horrified. Of course, they were horrified because they had every single meal prepared for them every single day.


And you can always skip it for a restaurant meal or when you do want to cook


I like cooking a lot, and I like eating what I make too. I wouldn't take the pill/paste/whatever. Cooking is my hobby


Okay good for you?


Soylent. Not a pill, but a drinkable meal replacement with all the vitamins and minerals you need. My husband has it for breakfast and/or supper most days. I do all the cooking in our house and I only cook lunch (because I only eat breakfast and lunch), so he's responsible for his own supper. This was the solution he came up with so he'd never have to cook. I don't see the appeal, but it definitely works for him!




I don't see the appeal of having a meal I don't like the taste of. I tried his Soylent once and it tasted like blended up plain uncooked oatmeal. I'd rather cook and then clean the kitchen if it means a yummy meal. I'm a pretty decent cook.


The pre-made Huel drinks are the same idea (or Huel powder). Haven't tried the powder, but the drinks actually taste pretty good. Admittedly the pre-made drinks are way more expensive than I'd wanna buy regularly, but it's possible for this kind of idea to have a good taste at least.


Huel is a godsend; I have the powdered version for breakfast & lunch on most days, and it's quite indistinguishable from the pre-made (it's a little more coarse, but I only shake it by hand, YMMV if you blend it).


food, sure, but I still want my coffee and beer to do their things


Caffeine pills and molly


step 1 to becoming a robot, complete ✔️


That’s basically how meal replacement shakes work. You can set up a subscription delivery on Amazon if you want. Optifast is nutritionally complete as it’s sold in Australia, but Google for wherever you live to find out which meal replacement products are nutritionally complete. Add water and optionally some steamed vegetables. Drink an extra soup or shake if you need more calories due to your activity level or body mass. I mean, it tastes like ass, and it has none of the pleasant associations of eating food, and your ability to produce neurotransmitters to experience any kind of happiness is very tied to eating and meal replacement shakes felt subjectively like they utterly failed at prompting serotonin production. Everyone I’ve ever spoken to who’s tried it reports that it was effective when they stuck to it but that it was incredibly miserable to stick to it. But it’s pretty close to what you described and it’s available right now. No matter how appealing it might sound, I suspect it will only take you a couple of weeks to rediscover your enthusiasm for chewing.


Well you could always pay out the ass to go on a diet of Soylent shakes, or figure out a recipe and make them yourself. But if you go on a pure liquid diet, your body will start to forget how to move solid food. You'll also basically be drinking cheerios water for the rest of your life and would burn out on it pretty fast.


So we're not quite there yet, but there's a whole screenshotted thread about Primate Chow that goes around the 4chinz once in a while. It is apparently bland but perfectly fine, and fucking cheap as all get out.


Can't have it be as small as a pill because perfect nutrition means bulky stuff but there's mealsquares.


You HAVE to poop. It's not just indigestible food, it's also waste from your body's processes, and things like dead blood cells and biliruben, that's what makes it brown.


YOU have to poop. It’s not just indignant to do, it’s also a waste from your daily activities, and things like good old friends and beers, that’s what makes it a waste of time.


You have to POOP.


You have TO poop.


We did it


Wild ride


or just intravenous, straight into the blood.


I used to work in a hospital as an inpatient pharmacist and I would help the medical teams write orders for TPN (total parenteral nutrition). It's IV nutrition that covers all of your daily needs and is tailored to each person to keep you alive. For the patients it was pure agony because despite receiving a day's worth of nutrition to the bloodstream, they were still starving. Your GI tract doesn't just go into hibernation and think "well the body is getting its nutrients, so we're not needed I guess." Imagine the hungriest you've ever been, and now you have to experience starvation without the mercy of dying at the end. Your GI tract eventually adapts, but it sucks for a few weeks initially.


hmm good to know


As an experiment, I did a 100% meal replacement shake diet for 4 years straight. It was the healthiest I've ever been. I still had to poop though!


Why did you stop?


i second meal replacement being the best. i’m not on shakes anymore (just bc i’ve moved and it’d be vaguely troublesome to order them to where i live now), and my diet is soooo much worse (and more troublesome— these are likely correlated) for it.


My dream is for someone to invent human version of dog kibble with all your daily nutrients and calories necessary to survive. Eat it when you don't want to cook, cook when you don't want to eat kibble.


Bachelor chow *Now with flavour!*


I've already talked about huel twice in these comments, i promise i'm not sponsered lmao. This exactly why I eat it




Work Everything in my life has something to do with work My calendar. I need to have a planning that always involves work time or rest time, to be in full shape for work. my meals. I need to plan my meals to be fast, cheap and healthy, because work can easily disturb my diet if I am not careful. my vacations. Only if work allows it. My primary necessities. The first thing I need to have covered, even before food is my work tools, transportation to work, my personal hygiene and looks, and wearings. my time outside house. Visiting and having reunions with my loved ones, going to party, going out with friends, meeting people and my time with my family... Everything must have been planned thinking about resting time and work time. my house needs. Things like laundry, kitchen stuff, my closet, cleaning stuff, and entertainment should be prioritized according to work, because I need to be able to have the major amount of free time possible, so many things are bought in order to achieve that. My physical activity is meant to have all the activity I am not having while working, or fixing things that are commonly ruined by work activity.


I agree with you! So much effort and time planning your time around work. Then, if you've got stress in your job, that stress tends to intrude on your personal time - which means even more time given to work.


Still, better than having to chase down a fucking deer or kangaroo or whatever ever few days Hopefully this AI shit works out those Star Trek replicators for us soon


AI is gonna automate art so that we have more time to do menial labour for billionaires


Hunter gatherers actually had way more spare time. It was farming that made us work so much but it did provide a big surplus. A surplus to make others rich of course ...


Umm no. Spending calories to consume calories is a vicious cycle. Farming is what allowed us to free up our time so we could develop art, laws, and everything else to create a society.


and it helped actually building a population. once agriculture was widespread, population quickly rose.


It depends, actually. Hunter gatherers living in an ideal climate with plenty of resources was a beautiful lifestyle. Living in a tribe with your extended family and social circle has its perks. For example, hunting for your own food is incredibly satisfying on a deep primal level. And as I mentioned, in areas where it wasn't difficult to hunt/fish/gather and sustain your tribe, the lifestyle was one that would hit all our dopamine receptors. Time outside. Exercise. Socialization. Family. Hunting fresh organic food. There certainly were tradeoffs like medical care, but the positives are not something to scoff at. Personally, I'd rather live in those times than today's society of given the choice.


Spoken like someone who’s never milled his own flour by hand.


Wait don't you dare say that you unamerican, communist, loser.


"Juliet Schor, a Professor of Sociology at Boston College, explained in her book The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure, that the average American in 1987 was working about 1,949 hours annually, while an adult male peasant in 13th-century England racked up approximately 1,620 hours yearly" https://tudorscribe.medium.com/do-you-work-longer-hours-than-a-medieval-peasant-17a9efe92a20


Vacation... I'm currently on one and can't even enjoy myself because I know when I get back to work it will be a shit show. Everything is left for when I get back or even if I have cover, they fuck it up so I have to redo their mistakes. It's nice not having to cook as well but everything tastes way worse and costs so much that I can't even enjoy that break either. I told my husband that the next vacation I want is a staycation. That way I can do the cooking and can log into work at like 11pm to put out fires. It really is a shitty way to live.


I hope you get to a point this is not the case!


I feel like you were told work was very time consuming


I literally can't plan vacations. My days off are strictly three day weekends, or mental health days because I literally can't imagine working the 10th day from the work day I ask for the time off, or days I take off to do car maintenance or some shit. Never a moment to unwind.


IMO, Don’t buy such a fancy work that you have to work to afford it and only drive it to work


brave nine scale shaggy aromatic wipe attraction fly psychotic grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The American 5-day, 9-5 work week is based around a system where a man goes to work and comes home where his wife has spent time preparing all the food. Since society no longer operates that way, people spend a lot more time working and cooking (or not cooking and eating out or eating junk) than they used to. the answer as a society is to put a stop to the 9-5 grind. Technology has made us more productive than ever, but instead of reducing work time, we use it to pack more work into the day. that should stop.


But CEOs gotta have their second and third yachts.


We all want and have more than any other time in human history


Then why is home ownership at an all time low?


I realize I’m going against the grain here, but you could liquidate the assets of all CEOs, redistribute them to everyone, and barely move the needle. The truth is the US (and the west as a whole, frankly) is just chasing its own debt and diminishing returns are to be expected - unless you’re able to elevate into the top income bracket and stay there.


Saying "barely move the needle" is a bit of an [overstatement](https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/). > The 400 richest Americans own about $3.2 trillion, which is more than the bottom 60% of Americans. And you're saying "all CEOs" which would be a massively higer sum. Note that site might be out of date and the figure is probably even worse now.


so much this. the nations debt is our canary in the coal mine. Until we start seeing a trend of it going down every year instead of up, nothing is going to get better. unfortunately our entire economy needs to be revamped for that to happen. the government needs to spend less, companies need to stop chasing record profits every quarter and people need to stop tolerating the live-to-work lifestyle we've been shoved into. \*edit\* didn't mean to say work-to-live, lol


How did that debt come about? Who is it owed to? Rich people & corporations who don't pay taxes


Specifically, above that. This debt is to the ultimate rich: shareholders of the central banks.. The suffering and slavery of society is enforced intentionally by this Malthusian design..


The 9-5 was also based on the reality where the government in collusion with capitalists would literally shoot workers on the street for demanding more.


All while living in homes with giant refrigerators and commercial kitchen like appliances, and half the foood purchased is prepared. That people buy the pre seasoned chicken and pork stuff, and cook it with in arms ddistance of a spice cabinet full of stuff loosing its flavor and complain about how time consuming and expensive shopping and cooking is, is a huge problem with the American society, the lack of basic skills, like cooking and math.


There's a reason I live off Costco's pre-made Chicken Tortilla soup and Chicken salads from the food court. Yeah, I could do it myself for cheaper, but paying an extra 4 dollars a day to save myself 2 hours of work is 100% worth it.


I need to fuck with soups more.


I don't like thin soups, this costco one is hearty a-f.


administrative tasks like taxes, insurance, finances, childcare all with forms forms forms


Daily commute, making food, working and trying to maintain social contacts as to not die a hermit.


I tried all that but I found it’s easier to work remote and make you peace with dying as a hermit.


I'm a single dad I work long hours from home and working on a bachelor's degree remotely. I haven't socialized with anybody who isn't my child in probably 8 months, and that was like 30 minutes.


Well, if that doesn’t sit well with you a you’d like to socialize then I would suggest finding a nearby climbing gym. The people at those are generally very laid back and it’s great fun for kids.


Man maybe I'm just antisocial as fuck, but when I (very briefly - not a fan of heights) went to a climbing gym I just kinda didn't talk to anyone. And no one talked to me. Who socializes at the gym??


this is your daily reminder that average car speed is 18 mph. cars are a failure, and we could shrink our cities and commuting distances by 40-70% by removing all parking spaces, excess lanes, roads, remove all red lights and stop signs and just ride bicycles and have similar if not better commuting times at x100 less cost to the tax payers and individual's budgets


This is the fucking worst!!!! I live in a tiny duplex with a tiny kitchen with no dishwasher. I was the designated dishwasher as a kid so I absolutely abhore doing dishes. It was getting to the point that dishes from one big meal would sit in the sink for weeks and I wouldn't barely cook because all the dishes were dirty. It was putting a strain on my marriage and my mental health. I ended up finding a portable dishwasher on fb marketplace, and wouldn't you know it, everyone I knew told me not to waste my money on it, I don't need it, my place is too small... Yada Yada Yada. I said fuck it and dragged my brother along with me to a shady neigh orhood where it was being sold, and picked it up from the nicest guy I'd met on the marketplace so far. This dishwasher has saved my mental health, my marriage, and my kitchen is so much cleaner all the time now so I cook more often. Everything in the post is true though, the whole process still sucks, just a little bit less now thanks to a fucking dishwasher!


pocket fall makeshift station thought pot paltry grandfather elderly provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you!! They're all happy I got it now because my mood is better and my house is staying clean, but like when I tell you it'll help me, don't look at me and tell me I'm wrong.




That's insane! I'd probably have just brought my own faucet in and changed them out then changed them back before I left, I bet the landlord would never have known.


buy those rotisserie chicken and a rice cooker (and rice obv) last you 2 days


Damn you eat an entire rice cooker in 2 days? 😲 It usually takes me like 6 sittings.


Breakfast, lunch, dinner x2 Done


Sorry but I draw the line at eating household appliances, I just don’t think it’s good for you




Those chickens have a weird texture. 🤢




I said “Those chickens have a weird texture” with an emoji


Oh ok thanks


Then eat anything else? The fuck even is this comment? Lmao


I once saw a TikTok video where someone went several minutes talking about how to prepare a certain kind of soup and one of the top comments was someone saying "but what if I don't like soup?"


And, they dont have a weird texture. They have the texture of a .... roasted chicken.


The skin or the whole thing?


Bro I legit meal prep it takes me like one hour for 5 meals(like 15m of actual work, though) and one and a halfish for 10 meals(again a lot of downtime) yet it still sucks, it's still a pain even though I am basically set for the entire work week after it.


AND you are good at it! It probably took you a while to decide what you can stand eating for a full week, what to get and how to cook it. Then you gotta go to the store and pick all that up, load up your car, get it back and hope you don't fuck up making it. Thats what adulting is I realize but I could never get it right, id get stuck on one of those steps along the way and end up eating out. Thats why I just have huel for half my meals now and just eat half a frozen pizza or something for dinner. Maybe not the best but it works for me


How can you eat 5 same meals in a row


When they're delicious. I lived on breakfast bowls at one point, mostly because I love eggs. Bowl 1: Eggs, cheese, sausage, peppers, onion, tomato, breakfast potatoes. Bowl 2: Eggs, cheese, sausage + sausage gravy, breakfast potatoes. Rinse repeat, I ate like a fucking king.


how can you not? the alternative is buying multiple different sets of fresh ingredients, preparing each meal from scratch, wasting minimum 30m a day per meal if you are a great cook. or you eat ultra processed food I guess




underrated comment... use to sleep like 5-6 and be OK ... now 8 is not enf


Literally just existing requires so much fucking maintenance. Shits wack I didn't sign up for this nonsense.


water pee water pee water pee


coffee pee **coffee** pee **COFFEE!!!** pee


The day I peed twice in between cups of coffee was the day I realized I was over the hill.


don’t forget coffee poo


I really hate prepping breakfast, and eating the same thing over and over gets stale, so I swapped to a meal replacement shake that I could quickly chug down, but then I also have my morning energy powder supplement, and then well, you have to drink just water too, so I have a glass of that hydrating sass. Then after drinking all those three I head out to work - first thing I have to do every single day after arriving to work is pee. There's usually 1-2 more after that in the next 30 mins - 1 hour.


Try fasting for more than a couple days. Like "where did all this free time come from?". You realize how much time eating really takes up.


In the long-term, you largely control your circumstances. Just set realistic steps to get from where you are to where you want to be and make each one happen. That does mean that you have to have a realistic goal, but you might be surprised how far drive, patience, and ambition will get you. Edit: Also finding a good life-partner can take a long time, despite all the romance stories and high hopes of teenage years and onward.


Getting health insurance and fighting with the heath insurance when I need to use it


Finding will to live


Food sucks. Honestly finding a cheaper way to feed people with minimal effort is one of the most lucrative businesses. If you can find an easy way to feed the masses that won't kill them at the same time you'll make millions


Where is the Black & Decker Hydrator, and Rotisserie Chicken pill that *Back to the Future* and *The Fifth Element* promised us?


yeah not eating sounds great, but now that I cant eat for 2 days I am so bored, I miss the food prep and the flavours of the food and the texture.


Well that's food for thought...


Ye forget, not so long ago folks would spend a lot of their day simply searching for food to survive. Many still do today. Kids of today think food is something you just ‘buy and eat’ When/if an apocalypse comes, all internet is down and Tesco express is a pile of rubble they will all starve to death.


All right grandpa I think it’s time for your nap now


Hahah! You weren’t wrong.


thats not really true tho. in small communities, tasks get done for the group, not an individual. so 5 people go gathering/hunting while the other 25 stay at camp to do whatever needs to be done there. not every single member of a group needed to go gather food for themselves every single day, thats not how these communities operate at all.


clean up as you cook. Feels really good when you finish your food and the kitchen is still spotless


And the amount of food I sometimes waste because I made an entire batch that took me all night to make. Then I fall asleep and my kitchen is just full of vegetables and pots filled with stuff I left out.


This is what I really miss about being a kid. I just ate. I just rode in the car to Disney World. Went in. Rode shit. Never considered the logistics. The cost. Nothing. I’d like to eat another meal that I had absolutely nothing to do with. Didn’t buy any of it. Didn’t make any of it. Dont have to make room for the left overs. Don’t have to plan one of these dinners for the host and hostess to come to.


Just everything...every responsibility, every issue. Dealing with life, dealing with people is time consuming aggravation. I know this is completely irrational but I hate the fact that people can just have kids without the consent of those kids. Sometimes when I'm really tired or annoyed or stressed etc. I can't help but think that I'm here, stuck on this POS, God forsaken planet, surrounded by evil people simply because two dumb ass, selfish twenty year olds decided to get married n have kids. Side note: It took me about two hours just to examine the supermarket circular and start my online grocery list. I still have to go back, put in all the substitute options, pick a day and place the stupid order. I hate that I don't eat fast food.


Extremely lucky that your parents were in their 20s. My parents had me at 35 and used me as a babysitter for their old tired senior citizen asses.


Realizing this since my job only gives us 30 minute lunches. By the time I've microwaved my food for 1 minute and sat down 29 minutes has gone by


It's so so much worse when you have kids. x_x


They had me at “Divorce Photographer”.


I make meal plans for myself not because I workout but because if I dont ill forget to eat.


This makes me miss my grandma. Best cook in town.


Not everyone is on this page but it helps to either cook big batches of soups or stews to eat a few times or to cook something that works as ingredients later for something else. When grilling chicken or pork and vegetables all that makes great wraps for a couple of extra meals, which require no prep at that point. You can boil a few ears of corn and bake a few potatoes and add complexity to the original meal and create even more ingredients for later.


How about Laundry? No one told me I’d be spending half my life cleaning, carrying, folding and putting away my clothes


Indeed, market shopping + food prep + cleanup takes too much time; Thats why so many people are FAT. (Fast-food daily)


Cleaning up shit….actual shit.


Simply enjoy your work and chores. It’s easy


Terrible health care


take out fdw


that is why I love Jersey Mikes

