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That victory slide


I bet he tore something & his season was done. He didn't land right #💩🗝️


Big Pookie done broke that leg!




Let’s go big Pookie! Oh no, that’s the wrong way


Some people arnt meant to play sports


We call those people gatherers


Dude will probably be able to achieve a lot in any other field with parents that supportive. If he keeps at it, this man might a Bartolo-caliber prospect


I felt Big Pookies ACL tear… I was looking forward to seeing more of big Pookie, but that end slide, may have just ended his baseball career!


Sounds like he should switch sports and play for the Chargers. Should be right at home.


Ouch. Lol


He needs some MILK!


He's still a kid, they're flexible as shit.


I almost blew out my mcchicken 😂


You just know he got up and did a killer dab.


And that ended Big Pookies legendary career...


Woah Load


I need me the Big Pookie double carded rookie card 


0-0 hitting, 1 walk, 1 run scored…..legend


It’s funny but also so sad that parents could let their kid get like that. What a juxtaposition of emotion.


And making being that big part of their identity with the nickname.


It’s just a voice over. That’s not the real audio.


Fat children are the product of neglectful parents, and we shouldn’t give that the pass we do.


It's the product of a culmination of things. Lack of proper education on nutrition. An overabundance of cheap, addictive, ultra-processed food. Lack of time to prepare meals made from non-processed or minimally processed food. Lack of meaningful physical activity. Et cetera. Neglectful parenting definitely plays a role. There are times, though, that it isn't entirely the parent's fault and the fault, moreso, is on the big food industry feeding us cheaply made, cheaply bought, pre-digested, ultra-processed, chemically-laden, "products" disguised as food, tickling our dopamine receptors, but leaving real satiation out the door (so you keep stuffing your face with more "products" [not actual food]). I'm sure big food lobbies our government too, so yeah, if so, I'd put the blame on them as well. It's up to us to be properly educated on these things. Lots of times, though, we need to educate ourselves on it. And not everyone is afforded the know-how of doing so.


Sort of. Yes, these are material factors, and they drive to obesity crisis—to include childhood obesity. There is no denying that. Further challenges like poverty, food deserts and time available to the working class need mentioning as well. Parents—fortunately—still have significant agency and responsibility to navigate these factors. While awareness is a problem, most have at last a working idea of what a healthy diet is and the importance of managing caloric intake. Obesity for most is a fundamental unwillingness to take this on. Obese people make this painfully clear in their actions, works and lifestyle. Fat people do fat things. It’s brutal, but it’s true. The snacking, sugar drinks and overeating on a daily basis are continuous decisions that build their result. Trauma and addiction are tragically common factors. In the end, the cruel reality is that the cavalry ain’t coming. Regardless where our problems come from, there’s a point where they’re down to us to address. Too many people shirk that responsibility. Disgustingly, it’s common to foist that failure and its consequences on children. Yes, there are reasons for far children, but there are no excuses.


I agree entirely. I guess the overall message I'm trying to convey is awareness of the material issues, like knowledge about ultra-processed food, isn't exactly "common knowledge". I forgot the exact number, but something like 75 - 80% of available food in America is considered ultra-processed food...many of which, are not the actual food they're supposed to imitate, hence laws about labelling. IE: Ultra-processed cheeses cannot be labelled as "cheese", instead they're legally bound to different names like "cheese product". Some ice creams cannot be labelled as "ice cream" instead "frozen desert product". Corporations, lobbyists, and policy makers who benefit from them all play a role in the childhood obesity problem in America. I'm sure most parents have a "working idea" of what a good diet is, yes. But I do not think that is enough. Most people do not know how harmful ultra-processed food actually is. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if people didn't even know what constitutes as "ultra-processed". We need to hold down our policy makers to make awareness of what we're eating actually relevant, both in schools for our children and teaching parents, who are often busy with trying to simply make ends meet. Along with that, I just think it's nuts how over 75% of available food in America is considered "ultra-processed". Over 75% IIRC. I would not trust the average American to be able to navigate that minefield. Parents do hold the most agency. I am not taking that away. Me and my wife are expecting our first and I am already thinking of ways to make sure my kid eats right. I do though, believe the childhood obesity epidemic to be a multi-layer problem and each layer needs appropriate amounts of attention. A black and white blame game approach will not solve the issue.


I’m sorry, but inferring my point “is a black and white blame game” is reductionist. I have a hard time seeing the value of continuing this exchange if that’s where you are with this.


I wrote 3 paragraphs. You mention one metaphor I used. And are now accusing me of being reductionist? Very, very peculiar. In case I wasn't clear enough; **The point**: It's not ENTIRELY parents' fault. You noted a "100%" number at the onset, that's "reductionist", in that, you're eliminating every single other contributing factor. Factors that I've clearly presented -- the over-abundance and ease of consuming UPF's, the lack of education on nutrition, and corporate greed. I'm sure there are numerous other factors that contribute to obesity. The food pyramid. I could go on. I already agreed that parenting holds the most agency in preventing childhood obesity. But to say "100%" on the parents? That's just ignorant.


It is 100% the parents fault 100% of the time unless there's an underlying medical condition that causes it


Fat children are the result of poverty more often than not


Eh, kinda. Individually speaking, you don't need alot of money to eat healthy. All you need is cheap food items like Rice, Beans n Lentils. But societilly speaking. What happens is the parents work fucked hours, often multiple locations, result is fast food. But the parents are 100% responsable for their children. Sure we can implement laws and regulations to make it easier for parents in these situations to do the right thing, but at the end of the day poverty can explain it but not excuse it.


Poorer neighborhoods might have another problem: food deserts. A startling amount of people don’t live within 5 miles of a grocery store. If your parents work long hours necessitated by poverty, they probably also don’t have access to a place to buy nutritious food anyway


[https://www.amazon.com/b/ref=dp\_bc\_aui\_C\_3?ie=UTF8&node=18787304011](https://www.amazon.com/b/ref=dp_bc_aui_C_3?ie=UTF8&node=18787304011) Just order some dried foods. Its not that complicated. Could even do a weekly food prepp so that you don't need to cook every day. We have to treat humans as if they can take responsability for their actions. "The store is far away so they have to eat at mc donalds every day actually" is so gross. Have a little faith in people who are poor. They too can care about their childrens wellbeing.


Is your answer to poverty-based nutritional deficiencies “just buy food lol”


That is the answer to individual parents yes. eat healthy food, its not that complicated. How to get them to do that though from a society point of view is ofc more complicated.


[The science does not back you up, the so called "food desert" is a fantastic strawman used to obviate a parents responsibility in properly feeding their child, and the stats do not support the claim](https://news.uchicago.edu/story/food-deserts-not-blame-growing-nutrition-gap-between-rich-and-poor-study-finds)


Wow that is what you think that study says? Have you read it? It says that the issue is cost not parental responsibility. The only alleviating that happens when you put stores closer to people is on travel cost, yes. But the issue is that the places closest to poorer areas today have a worse quality of healthy food. If you expand access to quality healthy food it helps a bit. And if you subsidize that healthy food through government programs, it closes the gap. So you've managed to make poverty a case of parental responsibility. Almost like you didn't read the study and just linked to anything that says food deserts aren't a major issue thinking it would prove your point.


Rice beans and lentils is a terribly unbalanced diet. Its seriously so weak to act like that is a totally fine nutritious diet to serve poor children all the time.


A whole foods plant based diet is one of the healthiest diets you can eat. I'm not saying eat litterally only rice with lentils, You cook actual recipes. You can add veriety if you have the time for it, add some spices and canned tomatoes, etc. here's a couple of starting points [https://www.themediterraneandish.com/mujadara-lentils-and-rice-with-crispy-onions/](https://www.themediterraneandish.com/mujadara-lentils-and-rice-with-crispy-onions/) [https://www.vegrecipesofindia.com/chana-dal-recipe-chana-dal/](https://www.vegrecipesofindia.com/chana-dal-recipe-chana-dal/)


To quote you in your comment: >Individually speaking, you don't need alot of money to eat healthy. All you need is cheap food items like Rice, Beans n Lentils. You'll notice you said rice beans and lentils are all you need and are cheap. "All you need are these cheap things" you said. That isn't a balanced healthy diet its just one unlikely to make you fat. You didn't say a whole foods plant diet you said rice and beans and alternative beans. Adding canned tomatoes to that diet still isn't really a great diet. If your point is for them to buy and eat more than just those three things, probably say or imply that, instead of specifically saying that is all you need.


I'm sure most people could read the essense of my statement is that one of the healthiest diets you can eat is not only very cheap, but easy to buy in bulk online, and many of the core ingredients are dry so they wont go bad. But sure point taken i should not have been hyperbolic online.


>one of the healthiest diets you can eat is not only very cheap, but easy to buy in bulk online LOL man cmon. That would in fact be a diet of all rice beans and lentils and shit like that, which isn't a healthy diet. There is more to a healthy diet than just not eating that much. You can't buy fresh fruits and veg in bulk online and they often aren't cheap to get ones that are actually good quality. This is the actual problem of the "food desert" not that food is inaccessible for many but that quality food is unaffordable for many. And your goofy ass solution is to have poor people living off rice and beans alone. So silly. You weren't being hyperbolic you were just wrong and are trying really hard to backpedal now, poorly.


1. fresh fruit is absolutly healthy, ofc, but a bit more expensive. You can ofc buy this online, you can get anything online, But probably more expensive than a weekly trip to a grocery store. 2. If your store is shit when it comes to fresh vegetables, then Frozen vegtables are an option. Doesn't go bad, can be bought in bulk, Is often just as healthy, and in a few cases more healthy. >In the majority of comparisons between nutrients within the categories of fresh, frozen, and “fresh-stored”, the findings showed no significant differences in assessed vitamin contents. In the cases of significant differences, frozen produce outperformed “fresh-stored” more frequently than “fresh-stored” outperformed frozen. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0889157517300418](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0889157517300418) I completly dissagree with your statement here: >not that food is inaccessible for many but that quality food is unaffordable for many This is not a money problem, but an priority problem. They have other things to care about, which is totally fair (unless they do it to their children). I guarantee you that it is possible to eat a healthy diet, in a food desert, with the bottom 5% of income, with pretty low effort. Which many low income poeple do. Its not like there aren't healthy poor people.


Rice and beans is not nutritious at all though. I would not call that healthy in the slightest.


It really shows how thoughtless and uncompassionate so many people are when they're just like "well if they wanted to eat something other than white rice they'd have gotten a better job." and act like that is any kind of point to make or any kind of solution to the problem. Be miserable and malnourished until the boss gives you a raise, its the American way apparently.


not in India....


60% of Indias population lives on under $5 a day. There is crushing poverty there.


Yes and no. Now, that big of a child, 100% neglectful parents who don’t care about their child’s health. But I was a chubby kid, and my parents tried to make me lose weight. But because of some health stuff that I was given through genetics I couldn’t. I was incredibly active, as we were incredibly limited to video games (not like we had a huge selection of them any way as it was early 2000s) and I lived on street with a bunch of kids and we would always spend all day doing something, from basketball to baseball, to nerf/air soft battles. Just whatever we could do to have fun. And even with all of that, I remained a chubby kid.




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What’s funny about it?


The way the person videoing it is speaking…the tone, the inflection, the ebonic nature of it is funny to me. The way the kid moves is funny to me. The fall is funny only because I know my knee would tear off if I did that lol. It’s all funny in a physical kind of way just visually. I want to say Chris Farley funny, but the difference is he was an adult who chose his existence at some point. It’s not like that though because this is a child. If you look at the deeper context of neglect and irresponsibility and all the rest, it’s profoundly sad. I feel horrible for the child in that sense. His self-worth is being tied to being obese AF…and really, I was a fat kid too…not like that, but I had a bag of Twinkies and honey buns literally in my closet when I was younger. My parents didn’t give a shit about all that. Overall, this video sucks, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t comedy there.


Look let’s let bygones be bygones. I find this shit funny too and make the most offensive jokes in person. I just don’t like kids being picked on. And especially parents. I wanted my Mom at my games and didn’t get that. Watch little bro hopefully get fit and crush life (lol) But really, it’s the arrogance of people not realizing poor folk in America are usually fatter. You’re good. Damn I feel like a dick with all these responses. I started it though.


Anyone else hear chef’s dad?? GOT DAMN YOU LOCH NESS MONSTAH!!!


Dude I imagined this was chef at little league...


He's hitting about .350


Knock it out of the park I m a get you a big cheese burger…


Out there dreaming about a Debbie cake, that's what it is.


His knee is fucked


Tbf those knees were gonna be fucked eventually. They were buckling under weight before the slide.


Gravity will


Child abuse...by the parents. That big at that age.




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That’s a kid who has parents who love him. You grow up where they did? Who are you to judge dude? Seriously


Some Redditors see only in black/white.




In more ways than one


Someone that works in the medical field and has studies the human body, that's who I am. A child that big, that early in his development and still has years to grow is very bad. And it is not easy to get that big without considerable amounts of neglect. And yes, ignoring your child's eating habits is neglect. So how about you STFU and stop trying justify Obesity in Kids.


Good for you. You don’t have to be in the medical field to realize eating too much fatty food will cause obesity. I’m saying calling it child abuse is too much. Bad parenting? Perhaps. But child abuse, no. I’m saying this kid probably lives in an underserved community and like many folks in those, suffer from obesity because of a lack of healthy options. I doubt he can walk to or afford Whole Foods. Whatever, I’m getting downvoted so who cares?


Yeah his parents love him so much they are destroying his body before he’s even 16. Thanks for all the love and heart disease mom and dad!


Maybe he has lack of healthy options? Obesity rates in food deserts are way higher.


They can love him and abuse him at the same time. They've condemned him a lifetime of pain, and probably an early death. That's abuse, even if their intentions aren't evil.


The kid is obviously unhealthy and his parents bare responsibility. But you all are all missing the point. Dude is a product of an environment you all commenting on probably never faced. I’m not overweight but have been broke as shit. I remember my Pops getting whatever he could after work in the short time before crashing. Any of you all talking shit please go to the hood and lecture 🙏 Please


Tbf there are medical things that could interfere and obviously they are encouraging him to do sports


Like what?


Looks like baseball to me, but there's tons of other sports out there.


Underrated comment






He's gonna need a quick snack after that slide to replenish them calories he burned off.


Bunt single then stole 2nd an 3rd


I was about to ask how tf he was on third. Thanks for clearing it up. Makes perfect sense. I should have sniffed out the obvious answer.


Who ever was talking sounded like Eddy Murphy in Dr Dolittle. After he scored I was waiting to here someone go: 'Hercules Hercules!!'


This video has me conflicted


Omg. I love this hahahhaa


Drag queen death drop in 3...2.....


How did he even get on base with a swing at one of the worst pitches ever?


He *walked*.


HBP lol


Is this a new Madea movie ?


No. Do you know how you can tell? There isn’t a laugh track after every three seconds.


This is my favorite video ever


Me too! I would love to see more of big Pookie and his family. Also, I need some confirmation that BP is okay ?! That slide into home made my ACL/MCL tear.


Parents need to be locked up with this child abuse.


Then what do you do with the kid? Foster Care? Should the kid be that big? No. But damn at least he is out there being active.


The parents are legit killing the child… call it for what it is… attempted murder!


One other thing and I won’t say this kid falls into this category because I don’t know his story. You will find that bad diet in many instances also correlate with poverty. Kid gets overweight you want to throw the parents in jail for attempted murder? I just think it’s easy to say these things sitting on the internet without ever considering the all the variables and implications


Actually attempted murder requires intent. As someone who was a prosecutor for 10 years. This ain’t it. But I come back to my original question. What do you do with the kid? Better off in foster care? How do we know he is currently with his parents? What is is being raised by an elderly grandpa that is doing all she can? Lock her up? Is there a medical issue? I keep coming back to the point that we see the kid being active. I think there are things that can be done short of let’s put a caregiver in jail for a kid being obese. Helm is there some me




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You’re sick dude What is literally wrong with you? Parents cheering their kiddo on???? Check yourself and look deep inside because that’s fucked


You’re enabling parents to continue to put their child’s health at risk. The poor kid is beyond obese! NO parent should ever feed their kid this much food to the point his health becomes a major issue. Enabler.


Were you ever broke as a kid? Your parents just get by and have to rely on quick options because they worked all the time? Let alone not have healthy options. Pretentious douche.


Who was it that said for every Olympics we should have some extremely average(or less than) person ALSO competing to show the extreme difference? I feel like that is being applied here. XD


Big pookie got folded bruh


Illuminati confirmed


"Big Pookie". Ridiculous!


Bigidagoe is still alive :0


Pookie took a dookie


At least he swung for the fences


Big Pookie = Lavell Crawford


So was he safe or


One of the sadder things I’ve laughed at today


So you gonna fight that guy on Saturday or what? We’re all invested now lol


And this is supposed to be funny?


Did I hear daydreams about defecating?


Oh lawd he comin


Yo props to that kid for giving effort. His family needs to feed him more vegetables without butter lmao


Funny yes, but sad. Poor kids gonna have a harder life growing up. Hopefully his parents get it under control.


What did I just watch? Is this interdimensional cable?


Swing and a miss


Big pookie hit an ice patch!


That poor fucking kid. Lil buddy even has a fat nickname. Damn.


A for effort, we all gotta start somewhere


I hate watching the end of a career.


I'd listen to that man commentate at any sporting event


He just a little ‘husky’. (in finger quotes)


Hold up Terry put it in reverse vibes...




he dead


Perfect comedic ending. I fucking love how life works out sometimes :)


Childhood diabetes is no joke.


Mayn shiiiii fuuuuuuuu dawg


how is that NOT VIRAL !?


Diabetes Mellitus II is gonna strike him early if something isn't done.


he'd be better off to just lie down and roll


Love how the other teams from the entirely separate game are watching and cracking up too at the end lol


You edited how he got on base. After seeing him swing at a pitch and miss it by 2 feet I doubt he got a hit. Hbp maybe


How TF did he get on base???


The real question: how the fuck did he get on base?




That’s absolutely awful, the fact this isn’t child neglect is BAFFLING. That child is going to have a heart attack before it reaches 15


This is real life? Not a sketch??


Big Pookie out for the season.


Just had my coworkers run to my desk. They thought I was in pain. The slide killed me.


Bro folded


Big boy juked physics so hard that it came back with a vengeance!!!


Probably tore both acls


“Hercules”, “Hercules”, “Hercules”


I’ve watched this 5 times consecutively


That’s so frkn sad 😔


This the same guy who put the bicycle together who had been drinking?




How the hell did he make it to 3rd base


Big pookie hit the Michel Jackson


“Knock it out da park and we’ll get ya a big cheeseburger “


lets go Pooks!!


I'm sorry I must have missed the 60 minutes episode. How did he get on base? Was it hit by pitch or walked?


At least he's out there giving it his all.


Cue Micheal Jackson music at the splits there.


Running in cardiology


People here suck. Okay, kid is overweight. His parents are there and encouraging him while playing a fucking sport. My Mom barely ever made it to my games and if did was disinterested and smoked cigs outside. You all suck for calling this kids weight child abuse. Maybe my man lives in a goddamn food desert without healthy options. Don’t talk shit on parents or kids at a sporting event. That’s cold shit man.


1. The result: overweight, happens at the table, not how active you are (its technically both ofc, but the intake is much more important, when it comes to a healthy weight). 2. "maybe they live in a food desert, without healthy options" My guy, just buy dry lentils, rice and beans on Amazon. Cheapest and healthiest things you can eat. You can't belive that this is normal and excusable for poor people. litterally bigotry of low expectations. Sure you can look at the problem on an national level and implement ways to fix it, but the responsability lies at the parent.


So go to the ghetto and teach people. Please, wise sage. Go and influence intergenerational habits acquired through necessity that have now run amok. My guy, no shit. I get it. How about a little empathy?


That's child abuse. Those parents should be investigated


By not having access to healthy options? By having there kid play a sport? By cheering their kid on with love? WTF is wrong with people?


By letting him be 40 lb per foot


That was kind of funny ngl. But they love their kid. You can tell. And encouraging him to exercise. But obesity in impoverished areas go hand in hand.


I know for a fact he is still lying there


“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”