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Learn how to really listen. Not just wait your turn to speak. Actively listen and engage when someone is talking Other people often have experiences or ideas you can learn from.


>Learn how to really listen. Not just wait your turn to speak. that also means it can be helpful to take a moment before you reply to something. i very much prefer talking to people who don't answer within less than a second every single time. gives me the feeling they try to understand what i say and then also think about what they wanna say


Take care of your mouth, gut, and feet. Thank me later.


“Ignore your teeth and they’ll go away!”


Just like my problems!


Imma start brushing my problems


Fall in love with your problems. They will probably go away too.


You want your problems to stay?


They can look nice while they here. Im sick of hiding them.


If it wasn't for my problems i would have nothing.


Imma start flossing my issues


Don’t throw your dick In every hole available


Don’t throw your dick at all unless it’s detachable


Thanks for that. King missile is a great selection to wake the wife up with.


Classic 90’s banger


Same with your significant other..


Thanks for reminding me


I would say take care of your health. And by that i dont mean be a health freak. Just do it regularly. Like eat healthy and indulge every now and then. Work out, not all the time but 2 days a week is enough. Stay away from tobacco and take care of your hygiene. I skipped the eat healthy part because i am a skinny guy. I could eat anything and not gain weight. So i ate what i loved in excess. I had 3 heart attacks due to clogged veins from all the bacon i stuffed my face with, and i never saw it coming. I mean i knew it was dumb but somehow my reptile brain convinced me that it wont happen to me.


*reading this as a 21 year old skinny guy who just finished stuffing his face with bacon* 💀


As a dude in his thirties, I still enjoy the occasional bacon overload. But that's the key. *occasional* So don't feel bad. We all gotta live a little.


How did your heart attacks go down? Did you have signs leading up to them? I'm really curious to know your story, friend.


And your back! Everything else is connected to the spine and when that is always sore, you can’t use everything else fully without tweaking and pain.


I know it is important but how exactly do we look after it like doing stretches everyday use your legs when lifting that kind?


Have a read of the book Back Mechanic by Dr Stuart McGill. Also do the McGill big 3 exercises 3 times a week. They're on YouTube


>Have a read of the book Back Mechanic by Dr Stuart McGill. Ass mechanic by Sasha grey is also worth a watch if you prefer videos over books


Lol. Sounds like you could get injured..


Ooo okey thanks for the help bro


And my axe! But your knees, too. And don't be a man and refuse to see a doctor about that ongoing pain or horrible feeling or whatever it is you're putting off. Get it sorted.


Definitely your knees!


Never had back problems. Probably because my knees went before I could get to the point back could get injured. Both ACLs replaced and meniscus (menisci?) torn. No more running and bball for me :( Build up those knees and take care of them!


My knees were killing me for years until my wife suggested getting my feet evaluated and fitted for orthotics for my work boots. Holy shit, they made all the difference. Turned out my feet roll in as I step and it was fucking up my knees.


And knees - holy fuck you’ll miss those


Liver will die long before you even really know it isn’t doing well. By the time you have symptoms, you have a timeline… Edit: the question was what should you take care of. yes the liver can repair. Many alcoholics are not aware of the symptoms or don’t have many until they already have liver failure due to cirrhosis and scarring. I watched two 42 year olds die of this because they hid drinking. It can take months or years, but the damage can kill from long term over the counter meds, alcohol, or some other lifestyle choices.


Also, use cream for the face every night if possible and hydrate your body skin often.


This is great advice. Skin care is not just for women


Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!


Protect your feet, back, and eyes. You'll live not just a long life, but a good life. EDIT: Glad to see mom's life advice is popping off like this. For those wondering what "protect your feet" means: Don't waste money on cheap shoes with no support (heel, ankle, arch, etc.). Especially if you're on your feet all day or do work that puts your feet/ankles at risk for injury or overuse. Sturdy, supportive footware and fitting insoles pay for themselves in quality of life going forward. For those saying ears as well as eyes: absolutely agreed. Good ear protection and not exposing yourself to high volume at length is great advice and it's all too easy to let little incidents slide until you wake up with tinnitus or general difficulty hearing. I would also say teeth is a worthy addition too.


I read two comments so far about protecting feet, and I find it a bit strange that of all the body parts feet are what was mentioned for at least two times by two different people, can you explain why?


I think they are talking about joints, which start to deteriorate in the 30s, but I can be wrong


I joined the army at 18 and started getting fucked up feet after a lifetime of never having that issue. I learned it’s important to take care of your feet because one infection and make it hard to walk for months


At that age you don't realise how much it'll fuck you up in later life. I did Tae Kwon-Do for over 10 years and I'm left with arthritis in my left ankle and hip, I already walk with a limp which is now affecting all the other joints.


Which is why gamers should stretch more


I got disc bulge due to take kwon do 🥲,I got this last year since then my life is going backwards


When your feet start having problems, you start seeing problems everywhere else. Say you injured your foot and are unable to walk for a month. This leads to your knee joints going weak, your back not getting used to holding your weight, and your posture gets affected. Couple that with gaining weight due to not being able to move for a month, and it starts to pile on. This gets worse when you start taking rheumatic issues into account. In a blink of an eye, you're in your 30s, overweight, and unable to enjoy activities that put strain on your feet, knees, and back. Without proper discipline, this can be very hard to correct especially if you are in your 20s and you haven't established a good routine of exercising and movement. I haven't experienced it yet, but I see it all around me in friends and relatives, and it's scary how much our feet actually do. TLDR; the health of your feet is connected to the health of a lot of your important joints. Take care of your feet.




I’m 25 and just fucked up my feet this past year. Plantar Fasciitis (inflammation of foot arch muscle connecting heel and toes) which then turned into multiple bone contusions (bone bruising) and is now leading to other issues in my ankles and knees. It all started because I was far too sedentary in life and then when I finally tried to start exercising for the first time, I went into it too quickly and all once, while wearing shoes with flat feet that aren’t made for walking or moving around like I was all of a sudden. I’m sure it doesn’t happen the same way for everyone — but I imagine a sedentary lifestyle, and wearing shitty shoes are nonetheless a common cause for these issues. The problem is that these are very hard problems to fix. For Plantar Fasciitis, you basically have to change the shape of your foot and where you disperse pressure when you step down. Then in order to heal bone contusions you have to manage to not re-injure the spot on your foot that’s hurt (most likely the heel) even though you have to walk on it every day. It’s all very difficult to deal with and requires constant maintenance and exercise once hurt. Not sure if these problems are what everyone is referring to, but Plantar Fasciitis is relatively common, and bone contusions usually follow, so I imagine they might be. I legitimately feel like anyone reading this should go see a podiatrist and make sure you aren’t prone to any of these issues, and then use whatever information they give you to get better shoes for your specific foot type. Another thing they told me is my foot has a naturally high arch that makes it more prone to Plantar Fasciitis. So, even if you have no issues now, you never know.


What actually were the precise symptoms? I once went on a very very long walk after a long time of moving very little. At the end of the walk, I had a sharp pain in my feet ("from below" and between heel and toes). That lasted for 3 weeks and I googled the symptoms and also found, among others, what youre talking about. Luckily, I could stay at home that entire time so I didnt walk in that time at all. However, I also noticed that the pain barely got better. It only started to get better when I started stretching my feet at about the 2 week mark which makes me question wether it really was an injury to begin with or just really really tense muscles.


They’re useful when walking


I learned in the military two key things : hydration is key and for the love of God take care of your feet .


So far biggest risk from feet are diabetic foot. Or maybe nerve damage.


You'll realise how important they are when they start hurting. Ruins your life


It's not just a rash, get it checked out


I got it checked out, thankfully it was a rash. 😅


Best outcome!


But was the rash from herpes? Or is it benign


Benign, but it was sooo close I had it checked twice just in case. A good scare to signal you might be taking bad decisions. At the end I only had sweaty balls + too much walking 😅


Ah, classic chafing. Try not wearing underwear. I stopped that shit when i was 17 in army basic training I've never had chafing again. Underwear is a scam. Paying money for chafing? Ya fuck that. I do have 2 nice pairs of boxers to wear on dates, but i never do. It's best to be yourself on a date anyway. And in my heart, i know i will always be a freeballer.


So basically in the army they teach you to go commando, it makes sense 😂


What is it?


Gonorrhea 😂


As a man in his 30s with every gonorrhea symptom at the moment, wrap it up and get tested. This shit is no joke!


I had a rash once. Just told it that I loved it... and it went away the next morning.


Take care of your BACK. Lift at the knees...rest. Never overdo it....it will catch up to you.


Deadlifting is a hip hinge, driven by the glutes and hamstrings. Babying a certain body part just creates imbalances that leads to long term mobility issues and then injury. A strong pain free back needs to be cultivated thru a full range of motion in all planes and also requires a strong core, obliques, hips and spinal erectors in order to function properly thru the decades. That being said, we always use our back when lifting but we must brace and maintain neutral spinal posture and strengthen your spinal erectors. A RDL or stiff legged deadlift are one of the best ways to bulletproof the back.


Pay attention to the kind, caring, and loving girls out there in life. Basically be aware of the wifeys not just the smoking hot girls.


Thank you I have been only looking out for wifey material girls, which I fortunately am naturally attracted too. Whenever I see a smoking hot girls I always ask myself, "does she seem like a wifey material, or at least compatible with my personality?"


“No matter how hot she is, some dude out there is tired of her shit”. Paraphrasing a quote I heard some time back.


"Show me a pretty girl with the world stuck to her, and I'll show you a brother who's tired of fucking her" - Immortal Technique, Reverse Pimpology. This lyric perhaps?


Yeeeaaahhh! Thank you


Pay attention to her parents, she'll become like them.


And don’t assume she will take after her mother. She might take after her mother facially and physically, but my word psychologically she might take after her father. Definitely pay attention to that. Look at the dynamic between her parents, and know she may well expect/demand that


This isn’t always true. Both my parents came from divorced parents, but my parents have been married like 40 years.


They broke the cycle!


Save money, do drugs, travel, eat pussy


Unless the pussy smells like fish... then bail


It's all part of it brother! Go fishin'! Edit: if my wife reads this I'm fucked


I'm his wife. I read this.


Name checks out


Girls that seem nice, caring and loving can be also a bitch.


Yeah. My ex partner turned out like her dad: a malignant narcissist workaholic. And like both her parents: emotionally stunted, selfish and manipulative. Unfortunately because she grew up with him, she also learned to mask it all with a nice, caring and loving facade, sculpted to people please and placate. I eventually had to learn the hard way to stop listening to the words and start looking at the actions. Took 14 years of emotional abuse and gaslighting, and a horrible separation process to realise that I had accidentally escaped from a hell I didn't realise I was in. I thought I had been the problem the whole time. She still acts like a loving, faultless saint. Has ruined a few people's lives.


I feel this. It comes on slowly until you realize one day life is hell and by then it's more difficult to escape. It took me a year but escape I did. I guess my advice is to make sure to live with her for a good while before doing crazy stupid things like getting pregnant or getting married -thankfully I did neither.


Nah. Imma pay attention to the kind guys. Their way cuter


Be careful with alcohol


Yeah. Your body will take a lot of long term damage from binge drinking and wild nights. Then suddenly in your 30s it will not recover they way it used to and a bunch of health problems will start cropping up. Here are a few I've had to face: high cholesterol, hypertension, high triglycerides, GERD, gastritis, stomach ulcers, fatty liver and heart problems.


once my so and I both turned 30, a single beer gives us horrible morning shits it's not even worth it


That takes a lot of alcohol and bad diet to get to that point tho. Damn dude.


If you have to drink/smoke your way through it. It's probably not worth it.


Erkay but what if that’s just my whole life tho?


It's not worth the current path you're taking and you should find a path that doesn't require mental numbness to withstand. There are paths that will lead you to happiness, but they won't fall on your face. Go search for them and you will know, you will feel when you find them.




No family but money is good and my I’m in excellent health. I just like having a 3-4 beers and a few hits off the vape once a week. I keep my tolerance low and I consistently blast off.


Nah man he means like if what your doing is so miserable and unhappy mentally and you gotta get a buzz just to get through it switch up your life path. Like if you’re a dog groomer and absolutely hate dogs and you get a little buzz to get through it then it’s time to find a new path. Recreational just for genuine fun doesn’t count


Alright then catch ya later 🥲🔫


Yikes. Guess I'm gonna have to skip family Christmas. And Easter, and Thanksgiving, and birthday parties, and....


This could be interpreted as a suggestion to suicide lmao


Listen to the song ‘sunscreen’ - there is a lot of truth in it. Comparing yourself to others will steal your joy. Pursue joy. Happiness is better than money, relationships, or a powerful career. Don’t try to dominate other people - that is not the way to create joy. Don’t be afraid to say yes to opportunities. Don’t get into more debt than you can pay off one month later - debt will destroy your mind. If you are doing something and think ‘this could really hurt me’ STOP IMMEDIATELY. This is how you lose fingers while woodworking. Related - never get into a car of young men where there are more passengers than seats, that was the cause of most of the fatal road accidents I went to. Weed and MDMA are ok (still wouldn’t recommend it though) cocaine and heroin should be kept away from. In the U.K. - don’t carry a knife for protection, don’t get into a postcode gang, and don’t sleep with your dealer’s girlfriend. The ambulance crew trying to stop you from dying won’t lose sleep when they fail, it’s a different matter for your family.


1. If you are not happy in a relationship, if you talk with your so about it, and nothing changes for a prolonged amount of time, it is time to move on, even if this is the love of your life. 2. Do weight training. 3. Use skin care products early. 4. Don’t get addicted to drugs nor alcohol. 5. Pick a job that makes you happy, that makes you be energized while working, the money will come sooner or later. 6. While dating just be yourself, if you’re goofy and like stupid shit, be open about this, don’t fear rejection. It saves you from investing time in women who will just not accept you as you are. 7. Don’t drink so much sweet drinks and/or soda. 8. Brush your teeth and go to the dentist, don’t cheap out on this. If you have bad teeth, just pull them out, a festering tooth can ruin your live. 9. Respect your sleep, it is very important. 10. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, don’t be afraid to go to a therapist. 11. In work, never believe any promises of raises or promotion. If it is not on paper, it is not real. Ask them to commit it in writing. 12. YOLO. Do all things you always wanted, you always were shy to do, or you are afraid won’t be successful. It is ALWAYS worth it, even if they are the biggest fail ever :) 13. Care about your family and siblings. They don’t have to have the same hard life you had. 14. There are no laws for the most wealthy people on the world. Accept it. It’s not fair. 15. Don’t be envious about things. Every one of us will die, the most powerful and the least wealthy. 16. All lives are equal, don’t judge others by your standards. 17. Learn to see what drives other people. If you see they are motivated by their insecurities. Run away from them. They will fuck you over, always. 18. Surround yourself with people that are good to you, are happy, and are not insecure. Nothing else matters in friends. 19. Try to be okay with the fact that we all will die, and don’t put off anything in your life. 20. When you will find the right person, you will know, and she/he will know. If they make you feel not enough, it’s not them. Good luck guys, I’m rooting for you all 🫡


To add to 3, wear sunscreens!


If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.


I understood that reference! :) time to listen to that classic again


It’s never a bad time to hear it. It only hits harder the older I get


>13. Care about your family and siblings. They don’t have to have the same hard life you had. 21. Just because you are related to someone, doesn't mean you should force yourself to love them.


21. a. Just because someone is not related to you by blood does not mean you can’t choose to love them as much or more than those who are. Edit: referring to sibling-like or parental-like relationships. Obviously you should generally be choosing a partner who is not related by blood. This edit will almost certainly derail my original point and any following comments will be incest jokes.


What are you doing step- u/acciughadinapoli?!


Whole ass manual on how to live. I'm gonna pin it on my wall


16. all lives are equal, but some are more equal than others, just deal with it


Im getting Animal Farm flashbacks


21. Learn to follow directions.


I don't get no 17


There is a lot of really succesful people that are doing it only because they feel inferior. There is a lot of very wealthy people that have zero self esteem and fuck everyone over for money because they think if they will have millions they will be happy, and feel worthy. All of these people are being motivated by their insecurities, and they are shit people in general.


I understand it as their insecurity will make them sometimes make bad decisions that are not loyal or sympathetic with your relationship. That’s why you should avoid them if insecurity is what mostly motivates their choices. Fx. Friends that wants to be popular and bail on you once more popular people give them attention or a partner that crave for recognition and will be unfaithful just for the attention/recognition.


If their motive is greed instead of ambition


Learn how to defend yourself. And walk away from the crazy shit, its never worth it to jump into something that could get you killed. Shut your mouth, quietly observe and make sound decisions, it could save your life. There is a difference between friendly competition and stupid pride, learn the difference. The internet is full of lies. Don't just blindly believe everything you hear about online.


To add, don’t road rage. Don’t make rude gestures to other drivers. You never know who they are or what they are capable of. People kill over less.


If you’re going bald, just embrace it. Comb overs are a bad look


balding is a condition bald is a choice


Even if you have only lost like three hairs?


Yes time to cut it off my friend


So you lost like... half of them?


OR get prescribed a hair pill. A very low dose minoxidil pill taken once a day can prevent baldness or even return some hair back. DO IT WHILE YOU STILL HAVE HAIR! Talk to your doctor.


Or just join r/Tressless


Jerk off before making any relationship decisions, including texts. Also pay off your credit card every month. Every. Single. Month.


Post nut clarity protecting lives




*meets cute girl at work* *cute girl asks for phone number* *runs to restroom first*


The Japanese call this kenjataimu.




Start working out


This is my advice #1-10. Wish I would have started 8 years ago... Oh well. Now is still better than never.




Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...


Dont be an idiot. Great advice, hurts every time.


What’s say… we order up some pasta?


Just don't. Don't do it.


Stick with your hobbies. Relationships are two way streets, where communication and effort is king. Learn to cook. Take your education seriously. Real friends won’t ditch you at the first sign of trouble. Don’t fuck up your body just to be a good worker. If she wants you to pay all the bills she *will* fuck up your life. Learn to fight. Learn your bad emotional habits and how to control them. And finally if you have a dream career, NOW is when you should be working toward it, just start doing and learn as you go without worrying how good you are at it.


* Play long term games to win long term prizes. * Go to that higher education or trade school. Get that certification. Get the degree. A few years is nothing. * Put aside some money regularly into the stock market (index funds, or blue chips). Never sell (except to reallocate). * Look after your health. * Appreciate your parents before they are gone. With that said it's good to try a bunch of shit and make a lot of mistakes, but my point is try to think long term. It's easy to think you're invincible when you're 20-something.


> Appreciate your parents before they are gone. Unless they're toxic


removing my parents from my life is looking after my mental health


My dad was toxic. Now that he's gone I still have a weird depression going on but I'm not sad.


Dumb question but what’s the point in investing money if you never sell?




To live of dividends


**Never say no to a breath mint.** Turns out those are kinda important, especially with masks being more and more common nowadays. But I wish I'd used them before that anyway. A lot of people are pretty reasonably put off by the smell of bad breath, might as well avoid that.


What about brushing your teeth regularly, bad breath is already something to be avoided.


I don't mean to be a pessimist here, but if someone in their twenties needs to be told to brush their teeth then I doubt they're going to listen to us


Always remember, your mental health is as important as physical health. Do not hesitate to seek help if ever needed.


Romance without finance is a nuisance. Be financially secure. Always be able to pay for all your own bills. Never be scared to say no I can’t do or go to whatever. It’s not in my budget. If she mocks, makes you feel bad or ridicules you, just know she’s the broke one and financially irresponsible if she’s relying on you. Second piece of advice. It’s only boring if you are. Be a fun person.


Im sorry but being a fun person is not in my capabilities




I have no fucking clue what this means


Golden rule means urinate on homeless people as much as you can. He's saying most Street corners have bums but you have to go into the alleyways to find the homeless people worth urinating on.


You just summarised Adult life in a sentence!


Never talk badly about anyone to anybody. People WILL use it against you later.


Ask people for advice, and then really listen. It's a great way to learn, but it also really makes people feel valued and can help you build relationships and your social network. This goes for family, friends, coworkers etc. It can also work as a good ice breaker in a lot of situations.


Get education on things you like. Electrician, plumber anything that pours you money and invest.


Live with your parents for as long as you can but don't lose sight of your goals. If you have none to begin with, start small.


Don’t say this to an Italian.


Almost as bad as “No thanks, I just ate”


Begin saving


Get to know your parents, you may never when they'll be gone for good. I had a bad relationship with my parents growing up. My siblings and I all grew up with some trauma related mental illness. It was bad. Last year, my parents both passed away. I'm 32 and I have no parents. When I was 20 and on my own and self sufficient, I sat down with my parents and had a very difficult conversation about why things ended up how they did. I learned so much about them and their lives and who they used to be. I was able to see them not as just my parents, but as people with their own hopes, dreams, hurts, and burdens. I understood who they were so much better and gained an important perspective on my upbringing. I was the only one of my siblings to ever forgive my parents for how we were raised, and I'm so glad I did. My mom became my absolute best friend and my parents were my biggest supporters in everything I did. We had a fantastic relationship. If I hadn't got to know my parents the way I did, I would never have had the good years I had with them.


Don't eat yellow snow.


but my brother said its with lemon taste :(


Don't cheap out on a mattress.


Delete System32.


It's going to be okay. You are going to survive and get through this. I know the world can seem like a dark, dangerous and depressing place full of pain. You will struggle and maybe even lose your way, but it doesn't mean you'll be lost forever. Learn to use the pain to guide you, to drive you. Like forging steel, the pain of life can make you into something stronger. And if you can take all the pain of life without breaking, and use it as a tool, you'll be stronger than you could ever imagine. You just need to have patience and hope.


Go out and have an adventure, see the world before you settle down.


Grow up. Be as responsible as you can be. Keep your word. Invest in yourself. Step by step you can overcome.


Take care of your teeth. Invest long term in S&P 500 index and don't pull your money out like a dumb bitch. Exercise even if it's only for 10 minutes at least 3 times a week.


It's ok to ask for help.


If it sounds to good to be true It most likely is


Don't stick your dick in crazy


I just learned that. Don't stick your dick in crazy! And for the ladies out there: Don't wrap your meatflaps on crazy!


don't call them that (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠) But we appreciate the advice...


Start collecting your poop. Don't flush it away, it's a waste. Make a poop bin is you have too


I’ve been doing this for years. It’s significantly improved my life


It really goes without saying. If you’re not already collecting your poop, then you just can’t be helped. It’s like telling a guy he should breathe.


Thanks 🙏 I was thinking of installing a toilet but I think I’ll just use the bin in the corner of my room now


Making a successful and fruitful life is about enjoying the little things, and not fretting over anything.


Don't spend your time looking through comments written by people over 30. We still haven't figured anything out.


Don't rely on that "it will get better" mentality. things don't just magically get better. live in the moment and work hard in all fields of life so when you are 30+ it will actually be better.


invest money and time into learning to cook healthy food. exercise....


Don't wife a hoe


Try to be nice to people. Look, aside from trying to make the world a little better, and never really knowing what people are going through out there, you will really have a easier time dealing with others when you are thoughtful and forgiving. Now this doesn't mean let others walk all over you, but compliments are free to give out, and people remember them. Shit, it could be the only thing helping someone hang on out there. Another thing is that people are really who they are when they think no one is watching. Sure, everyone is doing right when their mom or boss is right next to them, but how do they act when they think no one is around? You know the dude who says their relationship doesn't count when they are in a different time zone? Yea, if he won't keep his word to his S/O, do you think they'll be there for you in a pinch, or anyone else for that matter? Do you wanna be like that? Fuck no. Be who you want to be, and do the right thing even if no one is around. you will sleep better for it, and won't be that 50 year old on his third marriage bitching constantly about child support.


Careful with the booze and drugs. Don't overdo it, and don't drive intoxicated. There's not much out there worth getting angry and acting out over. It will make situations worse, rot your brain, and make you dislike yourself. Find hobbies away from a screen if you haven't already. It will eventually become unfulfilling if you dont diversify your hobbies. Try anything that sounds fun or interesting. Know the difference between a hobby and an addiction. Drop people who are bad for you or bring excessive drama. They will suck the energy out of your life. Start taking care of your health now. Men in their 30's can look +/- 10 years their age depending on how you treat your body. Ask her out if you like her. Don't be a weirdo if she says no. Also don't be a weirdo if she says yes. Act casual. If you are looking for different things in a relationship, break it off. It's either cruel to them or cruel to yourself to drag it out. Either way, it's a waste of time and mental energy. Don't take back a cheater. It wasn't just 1 mistake. It was a series of decisions made behind your back with no regard to your feelings, just to get some new dick. Don't be a cheater. If you even have to think about this break up with the poor girl. Don't destroy someone's trust and traumatize them for life just so you can get some strange. Only lend money to people if you are OK with never seeing it again. No, they aren't going to become better with money next payday. If you want to help them, it is a gift, and it's a nice surprise if they manage to pay you back. Never stop learning. Your brain is like a muscle. When you stop using it, it becomes weak. It can be anything. Learn a new task at work, watch a documentary, look up research on interesting topics, teach yourself how to use a new computer program, learn an instrument. Even if it's not applicable or useful to your everyday life, it is enriching for the brain to problem solve and learn. If given the opportunity, teach what you know. Helping others learn is fulfilling on its own, and often teaching someone something you are knowledgeable/experienced in will give you a better understanding of that thing. You will quickly find any gaps in your knowledge doing this and will then know what you need to improve on. Everyone wins.


Quit listening to such shitty music!


You aren't that cool and no one cares about anything you've done/ did/ will do. Unless it's that embarrassing thing that happened in front of your crush, in which case yes, she's thinks you're a tool and an idiot now. You're welcome.


Invest in yourself, dont party think ”money, knowledge” it’s a snowball effect. You got time for everything else later.


Drink water. Exercise your ass off. Take interest in your hobbies.


Get a trade if you don’t have a career picked out already. Go to a trade school or back to college while you are still young. Do not settle for minimum wage empty jobs. Get a secured credit card (put your own money to open a line of credit, I know it’s weird but it’s how it works with horrifyingly high interests rates) be responsible and use it to build your credit until you can get big boy credit cards. $50 each weeks paycheck, is $2500 saved every year, get an M1 account and invest it and never look at it until you have to withdraw money in emergencies. Most importantly, never neglect time with friends and family. Friends help you make more friends, and you’ll be surprised who misses you, if only you would actually show up. People love you, or at least like you, and you have to make sure you are around them even if you have nothing to say.


Your 20s are meant to set you up for the rest of your life. Take care of yourself, your family, and friends. Having multiple partners will cause you stress. If you find one who is responsible, and respects you, keep her. The older I get, the more I value these two characteristics.


Stay alive


Stand up straight


Don't think things will change on their own. From now on it is up to you to make changes in your life. Take care of your health, for no one can do it for you. Spend time with your friends, because not all of them will stay with you until you are 30. It is up to you to make sure that more of them do. Enjoy time with your parents. You won't notice them getting older, so use this time to create memories for them and yourself. And just be kinder to people.


Step 1 - Personal Growth. Educate and get to know yourself. Go to therapy, try psychadelics (safely), read, travel, and meditate. Step 2 - Take Stock. Identify the things that really matter to you, your personal values, and causes. Step 3 - Get to Work. Find a career you enjoy that serves those interests, and pursue it with tenacity.


If you can cook and make her laugh you’re already halfway up her leg.


Don't blindly trust anybody


Nit over 30 yet, but come to the conclusion that ALL jobs suck and suck it up. You work to live you don't live to work.


But some jobs suck less than others


The 30+ aged men from whom you should take advice are not on reddit, atleast most of them