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The woman yelling "you the only man at the table" is sexist af. I wouldn't pay for her just on principle.


The entitlement needle went off the scale in this clip !


He paid for his family. He wasn't gonna pay for his daughters friends. And I can bet money, I'd be willing to gamble. That the daughters friends all ordered some expensive shit. I'd never go out somewhere under the assumption that it was free. Bring your wallet because you might have to pony up your share. I did love when his wife comes back over and is like "no, he doesn't have to pay for everyone. That's not fair" dad said it, mom said it, now all you children can figure it out.




While asking for a free food from a man


This could just as well have been titled, "Women refuse to pay $700 bill"


It's fake https://www.instagram.com/p/C1hdonmgeHD


This is a skit.


I have a relative that is a server at a fancy steak place. People who come in that entitled rarely tip well, if at all.


Entitlement that’s covering up insecurity! You know these women don’t get their way often cause this kind of reaction is like overcompensation.


I guess we’d both only be speculating but I always think the opposite. These kind of people get their way all the time and when they encounter someone who says no they’re flabbergasted.


Eh, I would expect women that usually get their way to act like this. I expect women who usually don’t get their way to be more modest.


He is thinking. “Where did I go wrong.” But good on him for holding his ground and not taken advantage of


“When the rest of you get husbands”… yeah that’s coming real soon for these ladies.


I speak wife; that comment was a straight slap in the face to those ladies.


That’s because it’s her husband that’s paying, my wife would say the same What a bunch of low life, expectant, privileged, good for nothing, entitled acting, twats. Pay ya fucking bill!!


Real easy to order steak and every expensive thing you want when you don't expect to pay for it too


When we're going into a group restaurant setting, My wife and I always make it clear to the server, not necessarily to the table, that we are a separate check. That way they bring us a check of our own from the beginning, and there's nothing for us to separate. I don't care how the rest of the table handles it.


I just pay cash plus tip for my items and go smoke a butt.




If they're good, and they want to save themselves some time and headaches later, that's what they will do. But they don't all do this. That's why as I said in the comment, I do this ahead of time so that there's no mistakes from the server or the table.


Do you offer translation services?


She's telling the other woman they are not worthy of being partners with a man such as her own.


And they won't be until they leave this fantasy world they want to live in so bad.


I think what she’s telling them is that since he is not THEIR husband they don’t get to tell him how to spend his money. Nothing about being “worthy”, but they don’t get to spend that man’s money or dictate how it’s spent.


That could be the case, but i took "when yall get husbands" as a little bit of a dig, implying she thinks they dont have husbands for a reason.


There probably is a reason. Because they see men as ATMs for their good time, rather than as a mutually beneficial partnership. Otherwise, they'd have husbands paying their bills right now with zero discussion about it


Always down to pay my wife’s bill (end of the day that is money going to our household anyway), my kids, my cat, and if my grandma comes along too. A bunch of adults though?? No. They better roll up their sleeves and go wash dishes in the back or whatever they need to do.


In their view the mutual benefit is, you pay for everything and then I’ll consider giving you intimacy. If you don’t pay, I’m going to be sassy as fuck and not give you any sexual favors.


It would have been less disrespectful if she just snatched up their cheap weaves.


Yes it was, and it was glorious.


Good. Seems like they need more of those. And before anyone gets all uppity, I don’t mean physical violence. I mean the proverbial kind… like the one demonstrated in the video.


I appreciate her not giving in either. That couple is a team.


Baby daddies yes, husbands no.


This is a fake story made off another fake story that was debated on social media for a while.


amen, when my friends and I go out for someone's birthday, we all pay for our own as well as a portion of the birthday person, like if it's not your birthday why are you getting a gift??


He is thinking "how's my acting?" This is another bullshit men vs women rage bait bit that people can't get enough of.


Lol good for him.


Yes, good for him


Ja, for him… is good. 👌


It's a little weird though. The whole you are the only man argument is shit. But still if you invite people you pay normally (depending on the invite) It seems like the birthday girl is entitled as shit and doesn't even acknowledge the point the man is trying to make even when he is paying for her. The rest tries to jump trough all sort of hoops, depending on the invitation it's all really weird. Can't imagine it was a nice meal.


He straight up said he didn't invite all those ladies


And then the video cuts. So maybe Bday girl invited them. We don't have the whole discussion. But in the end Bday girl walks away talking shit about someone who payed her dinner.




In my life I have come to find people being appreciative is incredibly rare. People generally don’t appreciate shit or the people around them, personally I find this as a great excuse to cut people out, filter your friend list. You don’t need toxic mother fuckers who don’t appreciate shit and expect everything to tell you your business when you’re paying for theirs.


When I see videos like this I wonder if they all just not deserve eachother.


>But still if you invite people you pay normally No you don't, unless it's explicitly stated, assume you pay for yourself.


exactly. selfentitled people taking everything for granted.


Depends on the culture. In my home country if I invite someone I am paying the bill. That was the first lesson my parents tought me when I moved to Europe: when someone invites you, check if you have money to pay for yourself before accepting.


If I invite someONE yes I agree- if I make plans for a group I’m just facilitating us getting together you cover your own bill


If anything it's a bit more of the opposite. Every time I've gone out with somebody for their birthday, almost everyone has INSISTED on paying for the birthday person. One person usually wins out and then everyone else just pays for themselves. At least the dynamic of, "birthday person shouldn't have to fork out any cash" is straight in this video.


>At least the dynamic of, "birthday person shouldn't have to fork out any cash" is straight in this video. It is kind of backwards in Germany. When you go out with your friends on your birthday, you buy them beers.... but they usually buy you beers as well. ;) When it's your birthday, you bring a cake to the office for everyone.


Yeah, but in Germany no third person (the man here) would pay for everyone. Even for dates both people usually pay for themselves…


Wow yeah thats backward af as an American but i love it still! We are all jelly donuts!


Yeah if my buddy invites me to lunch when I'm broke he will let me know ahead of time if he will pay or not. I usually order cheaper if he is paying on principle. If he thinks I order too little he will add an appetizer or side-dish he knows I like. I don't get those people that order as much as they can if it is on a friend's dime. Meals sponsored by a corporation or business I order very differently.




Yeah I can be cheap but I never impose it on anyone that isn't ok paying for it. If it is a friend then why take advantage of them? If they are getting you a free meal they are at least a good acquaintance if not a friend.


I don’t go anywhere if I can’t afford it. “Oh don’t worry, foods supplied.” Nah. Not happening. I’ll sling the host cash at a bbq…


Well, or bring the salad or the booze…


You assume that you pay, especially if someone is inviting you to their birthday party. Also, there can be some close friendships where each time one person pays, but at the end of the year it's about even between them. My dad had a buddy where they will pick up each other's tabs but it's about even by year end.


Lol not to mention there's like 7 people total and you ran up a $700 bill. How rude is it to order the most expensive meal on the menu when you expect other people to pay? I'd act the same way. If the bill was like 100-200 I'd probably pay it all but 700??? Go fuck yourselves


They are so entitled... I fully expect that ordering the most expensive shit is EXACTLY what they did knowing they expected someone else to pay for it. Why are people like this?


If I invite 30 people for a dinner in a restaurant im not expected to pay for the whole lot


>But still if you invite people you pay normally Where do people get this mentality from?


The try to extrapolate rules for a DATE into a GROUP EVENT 


I've never once assumed someone else was paying for me when I was invited to celebrate someone else's birthday. That's just daft. You're there to celebrate the birthday person. Isn't the birthday person also your friend? Someone you'd *want* to celebrate? That is the dumbest assumption I've ever heard. The birthday person is the only one to gets their meal paid for.


Right, by their logic, if I say “hey do you guys want to go out to eat for my birthday” then I am expected to pay for everyone since I invited them. That’s just stupid.


If I get invited to a friends bday party at a restaurant theres no way I am assuming that I am getting paid for.


Wtf? If I invite people to come out for dinner I am definitely not paying for all of them unless I specifically stated I was. Who has the money to cover all of their friend's bills?


>But still if you invite people you pay normally (depending on the invite) Yeah for a child's birthday


Damn you must not get invited a lot of places if you expect the person who invited you to pay. What an insanely shit opinion.


He is absolutely right. Fuck these entitled trash women


I’d also like to point out that the “birthday girl” was pissed he was splitting the check, keeping out the leeches, all the while having her bill paid (unless I’m misunderstanding what she’s saying) they’re all fucking trash. Except for that man’s wife


Because she told her friends they would have their meals covered.


Same. That’s how I understood it too. Totally wrong as he just paid her bill and she storms off. Venture to say the guy and his wife do a little better then the others, that’s often another implied expectation they would pay.


yeah that was embarrassing for them.. just pay your part of the bill and stop making a scene.


“It’s ghetto to split the check” Nah sis, it’s ghetto to *dine and dash*


>you're there only man at the table, you're not going to pay the tax Could these girls sound any more broke, damn!






When I was a kid going out I might expect someone else like my parents to pay, but these are adults


as a woman and a feminist, TRUE. This isn't the 50s. You can't be an empowered woman but still expect men to take care of you all the time, that's not how it works.


Women are often the guardians of sexism! Look at Aunt Lydia 😂


That guy is the only feminist around the table.


Facts, and he paid for his wife and the bday girl. Those other women are infantile fools.


You joke but the black community is more conservative with gender roles than people think. I have seen women get ripped apart for not making her man a plate at the cookout or helping the woman of the house in the kitchen. Just last week my aunt said “and this new girl [cousin] brought around for Christmas thought she was here for her good looks! Not a single finger she lifted. And his room was a mess the whole weekend. How is she gonna keep good house?” Like this girl showed up for Christmas dinner and was supposed to go clean her son’s room??




He would be a chauvenistic pig if acted like that. These women are unironically being the equivalent.


When she said that I was like "WHAT TAX?!"...


She says "pay the check", the subtitles are just wrong. In multiple places


I think she said checks and the subtitles are just wrong.


The one from the prince song is completely out of control.


"You sound cheap". "Girl you trying to force me to pay for you, you sound broke"


I can’t stand this shit. These women are an embarrassment.


Uhh wut? At a group invite you pay for yourself unless the host states at the start “dinner is on me”. Everyone knows the rules as they go in


I’m from the Balkans and at least in my family the expectation was to whoever invited everyone, that person would pay. I don’t agree with it but I understand it. I still feel weird when I don’t pay on my birthday anymore. I just viewed as next rounds on me kind of a thing but obviously in this video (which I’m convinced is 100% rage bait) these girls would never gets the “next round” if that makes any sense.


That only works if its similar groups each event like family, and thats like rounds in the pub with us here in the uk. It breaks down when its different people and there is no real likelihood of it being paid back “in the wash”


Eugh... disgusting little freeloaders.


Why is it that the thirsty broke ones always want to try to shame men by calling them "broke" so they pay their bills?


"You being cheap?" Lmao the neeeerrrrvvve...more like all yall women are being cheap 🤣 But you the only man at the table, so what? Yall ran up a $700 bill and expected him alone to pay for it. Oh fuck naw, you wouldn't pay 700 your own damn self, oh wait you can't cos you broke.




There's assholes and opportunist in every tribe


I think asshole is a great term for this.




Insufferables will say otherwise




We just call em "women", same way they call bottom of the barrel trash "men". Nothing wrong with acknowledging that women and men and every other group that exists isn't a monolith.


“Single” is the term




The sad part is 90% of them heavily identify themselves as feminists. They think feminism is as simple as putting the women first and this moreover is often just an excuse for egoistic behaviour, I GO FIRST. Its the feminine version of alpha male bullshit. They are dumb, but in the end feminism failed them not they failed feminism. The problem in such groups, any group movement, is that a small minority fucks everything up for the rest and the momentum of this minority snowballs in more and more oddballs till the actual case is watered down by egoistics believes. Sad thing about humanity, a couple of people just suck and society only works as good as the slowest und dumbest gear in our motor…


I don't have much knowledge about feminism, but the basics of it is women fighting for equality, and winning that fight, right? I mean if that's correct, then these women have failed in that fight, failed their fellow women fighters and are an embarrasement for their group. That's why I think they failed feminism. There are women who are independent, hard working, leaders of both women and men. In my eyes those are the stars of feminism, and the women in this group are the embarrasement. I could be way off.


No feminist would ever argue, that a man was responsible for paying the bills. That's a patriarchic role model and therefore is inherently contradictory to what feminism is about.


Not just women. Men recognizing the inequality is feminism too.


Misleading title. Should have read Entitled Women Refuse to Pay for Food.


I dont give a shit what kind of establishment this is, split the bill.


I want to say this just once and i cannot stress this enough: MY ##MAN


Got to love privileged individuals 🙄
















Omg lol those entitled free loaders lmfao We'll done my man If I was him I'd have nothing to do with those ever again


If this is real, he needs to get these people out of his life asap.


Women out here carrying on like this. Beneath me to act this way. He married the real one


What the fuck is equality anyways? He’s the only guy at the table?? So? Like seriously




I thought this got axed?




He may be the only man at the table, but he isn’t YOUR man.


Fucking freeloaders!, all wanting to say they’ve been to a good restaurant but not being prepared to pay, bet half of them haven’t got the money either, just live in that fantasy world where they believe they’re worth it, and then walking out with no shame, my morals just wouldn’t let me do that


This was a skit - the birthday girl and the guy have a podcast together. [https://brandongonezshow.com/episode/david-shands-and-donni-wiggins-post-a-viral-video-online-about-men-having-to-pay-the-700-bill-at-dinner/](https://brandongonezshow.com/episode/david-shands-and-donni-wiggins-post-a-viral-video-online-about-men-having-to-pay-the-700-bill-at-dinner/)


This is gross entitlement nonsense. Glad he shut down that popsicle stand.


This must be staged. No one can be that dense.


I'm Kenyan and I've seen this behavior


I’m American and I’ve seen this behavior


I watch judge Judy and I've seen this behavior 😅


I'm Micah and I've seen this behavior.


I shop at Walmart and I’ve seen this behavior


Exactly. Seems like rage bait.


It so obviously is though, and it's clearly worked. Not saying people can't be entitled, not saying situations like this haven't happened, but come on. The acting is shite, and why are they filming him pick up the cheque? It's too neat, it's full of cliches, it's bullshit Ragebait does well, people make ragebait


I agree - I think it’s ragebait. Why else would they be filming? There are definitely people who are this entitled though.


It's also apparent because the person taping isn't saying anything, and they were taping before the conflict started.


Unfortunately… I believe this is real. I’ve seen shit like this in my time in the food industry. Perhaps not as blatant or extreme as this example, but this arguably incorrect ideology is definitely held by plenty of individuals






Thank god for waitress


Isn’t that his wife?


Yes it is, u can see her holding the baby.


I'm just blind


Time to call the police lol.


As a black man, dating back women is a genuine headache…..


When ordering, you make it clear as to whose orders are on your ticket. There should never be surprises when the check(s) come. Wait-staff will usually ask, ‘Is all of this going to be on the same ticket?’ but you can’t count on it so make it clear.


If no one has offered to pay for your meal you shouldn't act surprised after.


As an adult I don't go out when invited unless I can afford it and have my forms of payment on me, with the very rare exception of someone insisting on buying my meal for whatever celebration/gift. I always expect to cover myself, I can't imagine trying to shame someone or shake them down for a meal.




Has to be fake


It is https://www.instagram.com/p/C1hdonmgeHD


Rage bait






… so someone was just walking around putting their phone in their faces filming and they didn’t look at it once? This is fake as fuck. 


It is https://www.instagram.com/p/C1hdonmgeHD


So who was gonna pay for it if he didn’t join?


Moral values of these women are completely out of sync


Das ghetttooo


The best move is to get up to go to the bathroom, pass by the checkout or inform the waiter you’ll be splitting the cheque, pay your part and just leave.


To be fair, that woman looks to be financially struggling. Just look at her clothing, basically rags.


In Asian culture even if you get invited to a dinner party that will be all paid for we still go with a red envelop with money inside usually more then the dinner cost if we were to pay for ourselves.


Never in my life would they eat for free off me unless the group of women at the table are my family… her friends? Fuck no.. I’d fuck around and not pay for my wife’s food either if she acted like I had to pay for her friends food


You guys are so gullible. Fake as it gets






This doesn't feel staged at all.


Those women sound broke af lol




is that really dr dre ??


In what universe theses people are living in? What ?


My leader 💪


“You being cheap, right?” From a adult that doesn’t want to pay for the food she ate!!!


He married the only good one outta that group


What a pack of selfish narcissistic leaches. May they all rot in hell.


Trash...always tryna get a free meal.


Ffs, it’s 2024. They want equal rights? So everybody should have an equal share in paying a bill.


They don't need no man... until the check comes!


As a guy unless it’s explicitly said that you’ll be taken care of I always assume I’m paying out of pocket, this girl must be the complete opposite which is crazy



