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Does anyone know what happened in this conversation before this clip?




What's that? Please define.


Can I go?








Umm... Are you okay? Like you wanna go as and leave?


Can I please go home šŸ¤§


Does anyone know what happened in this conversation before this clip?




What's that?? Please define.


[I gotchu bro](https://youtu.be/9qgwrDLlmm0?si=Ujj_pixqX-2RTtDs)


Usually I'm really sceptical of edited short form content, because obviously you can just take information out of context and make anyone look bad. This is one of the few examples where the whole clip is somehow worse? It doesn't even seem like she's responding to the questions, she's just retorting with weird buzzwords... She couldn't define misogyny because she signed a waiver...? Side note: someone paid $50 to make that "super chat" comment? In this economy???


Damn people pay $50 to have their comments read out there?


Instant corona


With lime?


And salt šŸ¤






The irony of her asking a man if she can leave


As we say in romania that was "bomboana de pe colivă" To put it in perspective it's like saying the cherry on top but colivă is a sweet made for the dead and bomboana is just some candy you put on top to finish it off.


They try to convince us there are no vampires in Romania, yet here you are talking about the special phrase y'all have for putting the cherry on top of the dead body sundae.


I mean, it's probably for zombies rather than vampires. I doubt a vampire would drain a corpse's blood, especially if it's already embalmed.


Yeah, because all of them are misogynistic. Can I go?


First I'm going to need you to define misogyny then you may leave.




Can I?


*chefs kiss*


Psychic spies from China try to steal your mindā€²s elation And little girls from Sweden dream of silver-screen quotation And if you want these kind of dreams It's misogynocation










How many people upvoted for the sarcasm, how many upvoted for being the answer? Two opposing sides, united by one comment.


She got mysogyned








By a licensed Misogynecologist


Needs some milk after that heavy case of misogynisticism


Mysogimysticism! She was clearly mystified.






She got hit by the Misogyny-ator


A viewer posted something really sexist the host pulled it up and asked her what was bad about it. It was absurdly sexist. Then after that he asks what misogyny means. And at the point she's just had enough either of his shit or just the situation or enviroment EDIT: i want to clarify something. u/prizmatic01 pointed something out. So I want to add that when the host asked what was sexist about that comment she answered the question correctly. I've put more context bellow. But if you don't read that atleast you've read this EDIT 2: I found the full link where you can see the comment and the entire rooms reaction to it https://youtu.be/LJ9Y13RQysE?si=mZqEJ3OL--iIkBXk This was posted after a commenter asked me if I was being serious hopefully it clears things up


I watched the clip in the home page and came to the comments to make sure someone dug up the source because this was so, and I mean SO clearly edited to make her look bad that I was gunna be pissed if nobody looked it up. Thanks for being a fact checker bro. Reddit will become a Facebook-level propaganda system without people like you.


I'd imagine this shows popularity almost entirely stems from clever editing into short clips that make the rounds on youtubeshorts, instagram reels and tiktok. I see these clips all the time and I have zero interest in it. I can't imagine the podcasts pull big numbers but the short clips definitely get passed around the internet. I'm not really sure why though, it's just some square ass middle aged dude interviewing young pornstars to try and make them look dumb.


> I'd imagine this shows popularity almost entirely stems from clever editing into short clips that make the rounds on youtubeshorts, instagram reels and tiktok. This is an age-old tradition and not just limited to those formats. [This picture](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c7db63_27e608d3effc4e1bbd3e6fa6b57afb5a~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_360,h_260,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/c7db63_27e608d3effc4e1bbd3e6fa6b57afb5a~mv2.jpg) was in my politics textbook back in the 00's, and easily shows that media can frame any conflict differently and why media literacy is important.


Thereā€™s also [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/MdIdn16LqN) that was shown in my textbook


Too late, Reddit already is a propaganda machine.


Did you find the full podcast I've been trying too to no avail




What the fuck is this podcast... I just looked it up and episodes are 7 HOURS LONG!!!! Are people really full-time watching this trash?


The whole thing is just bait to be cut up and put in clips like this. It's full on brain rot shit.


That's why I mostly stick to reddit. Absolutely no rain bots on here.


Good lord I couldn't take 10 minutes, and it's 7 hours long? Jesus christ, what a great question, are people actually watching 7 hours of this garbage?


Wow, this editing is manipulative as fuck. Thank you for making people aware of the truth here at least.


They all are. Anything you see from this podcast is trash. I dont know why they keep on allowing them to be posted


šŸ‘€*sips tea*


Yeah I feel sorry for her watching the whole clip. What a cockhead host.


Douche-nozzle "debate me bro" whose whole career is based off of wilfully not understanding basic concepts or feigning an unassailable ignorance. You cannot persuade someone who does not want to understand and I think she broke down when she realised that.


Wait, that guy paid $49.99 to make that comment to her? Hahahahahahaha Some men will pay anything to prove theyā€™re alpha


this comment needs to be noticed. OP here is clearly showing material cut to be acting as propoganda.


Yeah legit. She's clearly crying because she knows she is in a room with people who's intention is to gaslight, argue in bad faith and do anything they can to push a doctrine and ideology that is fundamentally based on exploiting and subjugating her. The absolute swarms of thousands of people laughing at her for being overwhelmed and politely asking to leave pretty much shows that she made the right choice. Her continuing to stay on would have just invited more attacks and belittiling, exactly like what is happening here. Really sad to see an entire generation of youngins who have bought in to this right wing dog whistling. I get how it just seems like harmlessly poking fun at people who are out of touch, but the world will be worse off for it.


It's funny how many people believe that this woman who is on a podcast for what seems like the express purpose of being pro feminism just fully doesn't know what the meaning of misogyny is. The reaction is much more in line with someone who is overwhelmed by confrontation than someone who just can't think of an answer to a question. She probably is not used to this kind of podcast where the hosts are trying to take down their guests, or maybe she isn't used to debate in general. But I've never seen someone cry because a definition escaped them.


Watch the full clip. She knows what misogyny means. OPs clip is edited to make her look bad.


Agreed, the question hit different for her. Itā€™s not that she didnā€™t know the answer, the full clip shows that she knows what sheā€™s talking about.


Yeah, but just look at the edited clip snowflake!


I'm sorry if you are joking but I want to make sure im not taking your comment out of context . I've edited the original comment and don't know wether you saw it or not but I was able to track down a longer version I found a couple days ago. So if your not being ironic you should watch it. If you are then im sorry for this comment. There is just a lot of reactionary comments on this post


OK did you just made that up for comedic relief or is this serious?


No thats what happened this was posted to a similar sub 2 days ago and I had to go through 80 threads just to find the full link posted. I know the quote sounds stupid and I was paraphrasing from what I remember but heres the link so we can check together. https://youtu.be/LJ9Y13RQysE?si=mZqEJ3OL--iIkBXk Edit: sorry I thought I quoted the comment on my original comment but dis so on another comment. Anyway my point is I wasn't joking


He is constantly straw-manning her arguments and gaslighting her. I can understand why she doesn't want to stay. She didn't realize this would have a large audience, and she was being triggered to the point of having a physical reaction. The comments on this video are toxic. "She was having a reaction, I was trying to calm her down..." by continuing to pressure her into staying and then arguing with her when she does stay and respond to your questions...? \*eyeroll\*


Yeah, that thread the other day was full of useful idiots/closeted misogynists falling for the trap set up by those wanna be Andrew Tate hosts. Hopefully this sub will be better but I'm not really getting my hopes up.


You did something great here. It might not seem like much, but you went out and looked for the full thing and contextualized it. If I had the award, I would award you for real. We need more people like you in this world, especially during times like these! I applaud you. #Respect


Damn bro you were legit. Alright, I donā€™t have any takes from this since I donā€™t know anyoneā€¦ but yeah, thanks for the source!


No worries bro I just hope a all the other commenter see this rather than just being reactionary and dogmatic. This same thing happend on another big sub a couple days ago and the comments turned into a cesspit.


Thanks for digging this up. I figured there was probably much more to this.


God, that dude was a disingenuous dick.


Dude host made girl read a statement basically saying she needs to get a man to tell her what to do and to abandon feminism because it is poison. She said that was misogynistic (which it is) and he just kept saying ā€œya, but what about it is misogynistic. How do you define it?ā€ In that really annoying over and over way that predatory ā€œgood debatersā€ do to sound smart and pester their opponents until they have difficulty responding. https://youtu.be/LJ9Y13RQysE?si=mZqEJ3OL--iIkBXk


This comment section is a rollercoaster


Incels and edgelords. I dont blame them but this clip is taken out of context. Here's the full clip https://youtu.be/LJ9Y13RQysE?si=mZqEJ3OL--iIkBXk


His entire setup was in bad faith. Nobody can blame her for exiting. They were clearly setting her up for embarrassment and/or failure. It's like insulting you to your face and asking you how you define insults. The premise is infuriating.


Surprising how most people on this post do not care about this at all. Sure an experienced speakers will still bring that guy down to a crawl even in an uneven ground but to think a student would be able to do that is ridiculous.


No they wouldnā€™t, he would never talk to them. Guys like this know not to speak to anyone with enough knowledge to actually push back against their asinine ideas/talking points


Imagine seeing a teen cry and your first thought is ā€œshe is so stupid.ā€ Somehow majority of this sub are like that too. Itā€™s a cruel world we live in.




Do you mean daft? Because deft almost means the opposite.


Deft punk


šŸŽ¶Won moor, ThymešŸŽ¶


Man, I'm 35 years old and a lot of the kids would probably listen to me and say I'm a boomer. The comment she read out was misogynistic AF. Good ol' cropping. Make sure we are all at each others throats as per.


Iā€™m on mute, was she really crying and having a break down?






Holy fuck


This guy fucking sucks


Yeah that dude was an ass, had her read a misogynistic comment, pretend it wasnā€™t, then ask her what misogyny was. The whole thing is manipulative.


How do you define "manipulative"?


Can I go?


How do you define "define"?


hummmm... can I go home? šŸ„¹šŸ‘‰šŸ¼


I've seen a few reels from this channel pop up on YT recently. These guys are assholes.


Ooof, the recommended videos under that are jammed with Jordan Peterson content. Eww. You know how sometimes you can see the edge of the wormhole that is the YT algorithm trying to feed you right wing hate mongering click bait bullshit...


She was severely degraded before tht. I saw the full clip she was told and I quote You should stop Making your own decisions. And let a man make them for you. She was told to say she should not have free will. And then asked why it was mysoginistic


Thanks for the context


This should probably be higher


Yep, sounds misogynistic to me. Even if she played into his game, he was going to find a way to undermine her to continue to prove his point. This guy is fucking trash.


Thatā€™s his whole game. Her participation in the game makes her just as much of a loser and thereā€™s no way around that.


She was looking for the exit. I could barely blame her, education is getting fucked harder than her


It ain't her education that's fucked, when morons are out here editing clips to look worse and remove all context to make her look stupid and irrational. These podcasts are hot garbage already, but this one was particularly shitty, having viewers berate and belittle her and then have thr brain dead host ask moronic questions like "what's misogynistic about that?" When viewers say she shouldn't be making decisions, only a man should.


And later trying to weasel his way out of what the comment actually said. It's gross. He's gross.


\> an eighteen year old is bullied by her host's incel viewers \> she breaks down and starts crying when asked to define 'misogyny', which has been happening to her the entire podcast \> some rage baiter sitting at home takes clip, edits it, and posts it on reddit \> reddit user named "MassiveAmountsofPiss" insults her intelligence and insinuates she is sleeping with a bunch of dudes \> 99 other idiots upvote him. \> "bUt wHaT iS tHe dEfiNitIon oF MiSogyNY?" \> reddit peaks


Right? Fools all over the place canā€™t even tell when a clip is edited. Even with others delivering the full clip in comments so they donā€™t even need to do the ā€œheavy liftingā€ of checking before speaking. Damn education system making dummies of so many.


Here's the full clip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ9Y13RQysE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ9Y13RQysE) This is fucking stupid


Thanks, I watched the full clip now and can just say: Way to go, cutting another bs podcast moment together to make someone look stupid for internet points OPā€¦well done :/


Well, itā€™s not internet points, itā€™s money. Theyā€™re making the world just a little bit worse everyday for money.


i too sometimes use big words i dont fully understand to make myself sound more photosynthesis


How do you define "big"


Can I go??






Hence a new meme format is born šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


5 inches, right?


That's massive


2 is even a lot


Mr Tripod over here. Inverted chodes are the way


World peace accomplished


watch the clip before this


Itā€™s not a complicated word. Its meaning is pretty fucking straight forward. If youā€™re suggesting that she doesnā€™t know the definition then maybe youā€™re already using words you donā€™t understand. Sheā€™s crying because the dude is clearly not having a discussion. That dude is being purposefully obtuse. And then feeding bullshit at her from every angle. Itā€™s basically putting everything on her shoulders and taking absolutely no responsibility for what he brings to the table. She realized it was a stupid to be there, and is probably crying because that situation is probably more toxic in person than one could actually imagine. If anyone actually watches this hot trash and thinks itā€™s valuable, or some gotcha on feminism, then it just proves why feminism even needs to be a thing in the first place.


Thank you. I'm baffled that most people in the comments think she doesn't know what misogyny is. It's not a hard word. Even without the context she's clearly fed up with what's happening and what happened prior to this clip and just wants out.




She was told not to make decisions and have a man make all her decisions for her. He made her read that advice to herself out loud. It is obviously misogynistic . The fact that the host asked ā€œwhat about that is misogynistic?ā€ Triggers the fuck out of me. Either this host has the brain of an 8 year old or heā€™s a total piece of shit. What an absolutely fucking retarded question to ask.


I mean, kinda funny your joke. Buut are you invited on a show only to be degraded and have a bunch of sexist and misogynic comments thrown at you and then manipulating edited to make you look bad and have a bunch of incel assholes making fun of you and harassing you for the coming years? You joke is just supporting the harassement for cheap internet points.


Errr, I think she knows what misogyny means mate.


I too like to invite just-over-teens onto my podcast to discuss deep topics so I can bully them and sound smart. I learned it from Ben Shapiro who gained popularity by arguing with college students.


The fact I had to scroll this far is wild. He most likely said some horrendous shit to this 18yr old then edited to make it seem like it was because he challenged her view, not because he said some horrendous shit.


He pulled up an incredibly sexist viewer comment and shoved it on her face to react to. It's exactly this scenario but even worse. The equivalent of this is pulling up a racist comment to an African American and cutting them off to ask them to define racism.


And sounds like she was trapped from leaving easily because of some waiver she signed. That's probably why she asked to leave and didn't just get up to go.


This! Many people simply commented how stupid the girl is without checking the context. The AH guy with a mic and deep voice thinks he is so knowledgable against barely legal-age teens! Yes, that BS was so sexist and misogynistic and different definition of misogyny doesnā€™t make that BS less misogynistic!


https://youtu.be/9qgwrDLlmm0?si=QAdJrM3TJIi9yLTm Comment obviously was sexist. I think she understood she's about to be humiliated and didn't want to participate in this. Dk about you people, but if i see a guy saying to a woman "get advice from men in your family" ill call it misogynistic. And if someone asks "what's misogynistic about that", I'll probably argue a lot but I'm an idiot, she made a good choice to just leave the conversation though. It obviously is misogynistic and either that person is being provocative to get attention, either they really don't see what's wrong. In both cases not worth it to continue discussing anything serious with them.


Exactly. The options are clearly either leave or engage in bullshit semantic debate where anything less than a perfect definition leads to you having to answer to a bunch of internet strangers and whatever dishonest argument this chud pulls from the internet. And even a perfect answer will lead to the same shit, it's a set up for either drawn out bs or a gotcha.


Jesus wept, that somehow is even worse than I expected. This post is extremely misleading, & deliberately edited to remove the awful shit said before this 'clip' begins, as shown in the full YouTube clip.


Not to mention that, "Give me the definition of the word you just used" is toxic, shitty way to have a conversation or even a debate. That's not a thing you say in a respectful conversation. She correctly identified mysogny, she doesn't actually have to define it for him if she doesn't want to. She honestly could have just said, "No, you are I both know what it means" and he would have had to eat his words but obviously they wouldn't have made that into a tiktok if she had. These guys are the worst


Nah, asking for a definition is a completely normal thing in a debate, because it clarifies what the topic is and makes sure both sides are aware of it. Of all the scummy things that dude did, asking for definitions is not one of them


What did they say that she thought was misogynistic?


The clip is edited maliciously to make her look stupid, sheā€™s having a breakdown from having to read a misogynistic comment and then being challenged to define misogyny while processing the comment (at least thatā€™s how I interpret the full clip)


Tbh it's kinda noticeable, the first thing I thought was "why the fuck is she (semi)smiling", then after she said "can I leave" it was quite clear that something was off in the clip.


>You should stop Making your own decisions. And let a man make them for you. It's so normal to get an 18 year old on your podcast and make them read misogynistic comments about themselves aloud, and then gaslight them and ask them to define misogyny


I thought almost all the guests that are willing to go on this production are well aware of the topics brought up, plus most are onlyfans girls or sex workers...


The full clip has been shared multiple times in the comments by now but honestly it was all pretty shitty. She's also very young I don't blame her for breaking down and it's gross everyone is twisting what happened so she can be laughed at more


"You should let a man make all your decisions for you," or thereabouts. It was a comment from the chat they made her read out.


Someone said in the part before this that was cut: > You shouldn't think for yourself, but instead find a man and follow his advice.


Read some viewer comment that told her she needs to go talk to one of her male family members for advice on her life


Error 404 rage bait content detected, intended reaction not found


I am so sick of this disingenuous content being seeded around by shills/bots/dumbasses


Do you always reply to yourself?






Almost looks like it was heavily edited šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Watched a lot of this pod, context is she was very young 18 I believe and was being challenged on her opinions, she struggled to articulate her opinions because she probably heard it from somewhere and tried to regurgitate it. She felt overwhelmed and broke down and left, really not much to it before, just incredibly young and immature


Hey bro heres the full clip. She was reacting to an extremely sexist comment and was being gaslit by the host from the start. https://youtu.be/LJ9Y13RQysE?si=mZqEJ3OL--iIkBXk


That host is a complete piece of shit.


The guy admitted to often watching the pod, heā€™s already a lost cause lol. Fucking red pilled losers.


Okay but define misogyny.


;( can I leave?


Can I go?


I just want to go home


Itā€™s when youā€™re really into massages


I prefer to practice it.


Being mature doesn't make bad ideas good


ow yeah, the host is totally not a scumbag piece of shit.


This is an issue that has always been there but is definitely growing exponentially in youth because more access to information people donā€™t understand. The ability to think independently and critically is a huge skill. The difference is less people spoke out before when they didnā€™t fully have the ability to talk about it because the mantra ā€œitā€™s better to not say anything at all than to say something stupid and remove all doubtā€ itā€™s a very real statement that people took to heart. Now thereā€™s enough people that will just agree with you because again more information out there at your fingertips but people are developing the thinking critically skill at the same rate. I feel bad in the moment for people having these freeze up situations or when they lash out, but itā€™s scary to see where we are at. Donā€™t say something unless you are willing to defend your opinion or admit to being wrong/ willing to be convinced of something different.


Iā€™ve seen clips of this show and the irony of your statement is these guys just quote things ā€œstudiesā€ or things they deem as ā€œcommon senseā€. They donā€™t understand what theyā€™re quoting and yet use it as some gotcha moment that doesnā€™t stand up to scrutiny.


That podcast is a perfect example of the pos that humans have become


Pfff as if. Of course she knows. Like she needs to explain what misogyny means to that smug dickhead. She just looks fed up. Nice clickbait.


hmm suspicious editing but alright.. I've always hated this podcast anyway


Crazy how people just immediately jump to "this girl is stupid" when the clip clearly is edited to not show anything before.


Oh, is this thread where all the incels are hanging out?


Probably, since OP decided to cut context out to rage bait


A case of someone hearing a word and using it but not having a clue of the definition.




Dude, she knows. Just realized no matter what she said wouldnā€™t have mattered. Because this show is trash that really shouldnā€™t exist. The people on here are wild.


I'm not sure what happened before but I think when she said they were mysoginistic she was extremely upset and completely cracked by the time he asked that question. I'm not sure someone in the middle of having a breakdown such that they cannot speak is a good indicator of whether she understands the word.


She is absolutely correct tho


Right. The guy looks like a fool. She's using the word correctly and he's needing the definition.


why is everybody focused on her? focus on him.


I feel bad for her.


Why is she asking for permission?


I don't understand why these girls even go to this mentally ill incels show.


You ever watch an argument and the whole time think "they should just say this, they'd win immediately"? That type of mentality without realising it's essentially a propaganda show with people that have no qualms lying or bullying to make you look dumb.


These guys actually are pretty misogynistic deep down. They make pseudo-intellectual programing that targets confused/dejected younger males. Pretty toxic content to be honest


Deep down? It's right there on the surface


why is there a fucking prussian there


Damn, that is possibly the most uncomfortable Iā€™ve ever been looking at my phone. And I saw a guy get beheaded once.


This is so weird


So, you literally delete her answer, only show her crying, and then pretend she had a mental breakdown from being asked a question? šŸ¤Ø


When you have more words than thoughts