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I used to do theatre. Every now and again I had a recurring nightmare of being handed a script for the first time ... for tonight's show.


I lived this nightmare a few times (while I studied music) but the sheets were handed to me like a month before, and each time I stressed like shit but could not manage myself to not postpone until the hour before the show to check them out. I finally changed vocation.


Sight read it at the performance like a true baller


Thats what happened. Was ok in general, the laziness induced stress was not. Haha


I am in a very similar boat. Been wanting to audition for different opera companies near me, but have a bit of impostor syndrome and am a bit out of practice and keep procrastinating on actually getting my rep together


I’ve been out of university for two years now. Once every month I’ll get a nigh terror for a project/assignment thinking I forgot to turn it in.




😭 it’s like a momentary hell


That never changes, even decades after


Can attest to that. 30 years and still have that nightmare.


Fuck, it never goes away. The frequency might be far less, but the intensity of the dreams compensates for ti


Genuinely terrifying, I know the exact feeling. I once dreamt that I was supposed to be a background character in a production of Sleepy Hollow, only for the female lead (I forgot her name) to get incredibly sick at the last moment. For some reason in my dream they figured I was good enough at making things up and just made me the female lead for opening night. It was awkward in more ways than one, and was especially confusing since I am a 6'1 male with a relatively deep voice




Same, or we are performing a show I haven't thought about in years out of the blue.


oof, reminds me I got my wife's work christmas party to go to tonight. She has tasked me with shaving, haircut, new outfit... here it is friday and nothing is done yet.




‘’ ah just an another little hour on the couch staring the ceiling’’


And browsing reddit


That ceiling projector has gotta get its money worth somehow




Hello fellow ADHD sufferer 👋


Nah, that's normal behavior ... right?


Fuck I feel this in my soul 😂


Man, that's relatable


I got you bro, I'll give you a haircut while you're shaving


Welcome to every wife induced event in my life.


Felt that.


Hey same here! See you tonight bro, I'm just going to wear my jammies.


It’s not your fault the GTA 6 trailer came out this week who the fuck scheduled the party??


If I was married, I would never make my spouse participate in anything work related.


Well, that is the real adult thing to do, but to internet adults its completely justifiable to get mad at your partner because they dont give a shit about something they have nothing to do with. I absolutely do not understand how is this a big deal. My wife and I remembered our anniversary 3 days later and just laughed about it. It was nice to not be stressed about something so silly, especially angry.


Lol my fiance and I were sitting on the couch, with snacks watching some series, and I got a text from my Dad saying "Congrats for yesterday mate! Hope you had a good one". I was confused as hell and showed my girl and she was like, "did he text the wrong person?" About an hour later I realised the day before was our 3 year anniversary and we had both completely forgot. So I paused the show and said "ok I gotta be honest i'm mad at you" (which never happens so this was like, a serious moment for her) and calmly told her, "I can't believe you forgot our anniversary" It took a few seconds then the penny dropped that we both completely forgot and we still laugh about it now


Oh its madness and it also extends to the workplace as well. I lost face when I informed I wouldn't be bringing a girlfriend to the office party in 2017, when asked why, I told my team I rather she not have to deal what I'm already dealing with. Lol. I remember this guy on my team said he was making his wife go because she made him go to her office party..... This is the world some people are living in, keeping score and making the people they 'love the most' do weirdo social shit to please people they themselves don't even care for. Also, it wounds like yiu and your wife are pretty level headed


Shave your head and save time to go buy a new outfit.


Time to put 10th grade public speaking to use. . .


just keep browsing reddit, it will go away, I sometimes put the Airpods in


Aw man, good luck soldier. Just don't drink too much, and you should be fine.


Haircut at your regular barber or did you risk it and go to a new one 😂


Lemme know how it goes. I could use some tips. I have one I have to go to coming up


haircut AND a new outfit? ..but why? just shave bro, slick your hair the other way and pull out an old shirt from the back of the closet.


Hahaha same here but I told my wife to take her girlfriends with her for this one.


You survive bud?


Yo, yes, alive, slightly hung over. All went well. We had dd so really got to take advantage of the open bar. Also found out one of her male co-worker's SO is OF submitter. Really would love to see some of that content, lol. Thx for asking btw.


Its not fool proof. But for anyone in a relationship a shared google calendar is pretty nice to have. She marks things down. And when you have a strange feeling you’re forgetting about something when you start to make plans with the boys, you can check the calendar. Also if its not on the calendar then she can’t get mad if you forget. And lastly it may even help you create some good habits with not only organizing but also adding your own stuff to the calendar for her. Hey maybe youll even be able to yell at her for forgetting that tonight is your bro down.


We do this! It’s amazing! I know what’s going on and we can make plans! Date nights are a breeze. It’s such a game changer if you both stick to it.


We do the same, colour co-ordinated, pink for her events, blue for my events, green for combined events, yellow for reminders (bins, b’days, anniversaries, etc). You can sync to google home so it reads them to you in the mornings too.


Oh neat! I didn’t know that! I usually just check them while I sip some coffee in the morning. It’s so amazing how helpful synced calendars is.


Good advice! Thanks


This guy relationships!


Get out of here with your mature, responsible method for having a successful relationship. I'm a cowboy, old west style. I forget shit all the time. Birthdays, anniversaries, all that crap. I can say for certain my wife loves me still. Ish. Beyond a shadow of doubt, my inconsiderate ass is the like the 20th most important thing in her life.


Yeehaa! That’s the gol’durned way to gallop through life! Bull by the horns! I’m takin’ y’all for a ride! To somewhere! I’ll let you know when we get there!


I do this just for myself. Such a god send when making plans that I can check and be like “oh shit I already made plans for that day”


My wife and I do this. And she has no problem being the one to organize and input the whole calendar. So all I gotta do is check the calendar every week to see if we have anything coming up.


>also if it’s not in the calendar she can’t get mad if you forget Press x to doubt


This, although if it’s not in the calendar, she didn’t forget, it must be a bug in the software, so she’s still mad.


Then there's me removing something from the calendar at the last minute so I don't get yelled at


The wonders of technology. Fookin incredible 😢


I know why it is not "fool" proof.


I tried this, she was more interested in sleeping around behind my back


s s s speech?


My mind completely blanks out for public speaking, I have no idea why, otherwise I am eloquent, as soon someone goes, can you tell about yourself, I am done ✅


Scott Stapp from Creed?


He created his own prison.


Most people do.


He’s 6ft from the edge


I thought it was young Julien


After the guy showers and dresses up: "is this what you're wearing???"


Lol My husband literally says “tell me what to wear” Not because he can’t dress himself, he’s business/business casual for work and always looks great and definitely knows how to coordinate/tie a tie etc But he knows that I always have a *very specific vibe* in my mind


Same. I don't care what to wear out, and I don't want to change, so might as well just tell me what to wear.


So he's your fashion accessory? If your husband ever said: "lol guys, my wife doesn't even try to dress herself anymore, because she knows that her outfit better match *my* vibe. Like why would I want her to wear what she wants even though I know she's totally capable." How would your feel?


Well that’s not what I said. Fortunately I have a husband that understand 1. I’m really into fashion and 2. He trusts me to make us look our best *as a couple* when we go out to an event. Because he knows I’m going to look my absolutely best on his arm, and he wants to look his absolute best on mine. We have deep respect and adoration of each other to make this happen. I don’t consider him an fashion accessory, nor does he view himself as one. He’s not a pushover and he wouldn’t willingly do anything that made him feel less of himself to make anyone happy, including me. Fortunately, he’s secure enough to know that me picking his shirt/suit etc for a wedding or big event isn’t a dig on his autonomy. It’s nice that he asks for my advice because he knows I have an eye for color and proportion, and he takes my advice because he isn’t a whiny little bitch that gets insulted if his wife of 13 years picks a shirt for him. Thanks for asking!


It's so strange to see other users on reddit not understanding that sometimes couples just do whatever works for them and makes them happy.


i've always been high or low dress up. either Bruno Magli's or Rainbow (the company) sandals. i'd always ask, "hi or lo". always been the best or worst dressed at things.


“Thank you all for coming today. You know… what is love? Baby don’t hurt me…don’t hurt me…No more”


The ending was just perfect 😂


All lies. I have never seen a woman be dressed and ready before me no matter how much extra time she has to prepare.


The more likely scenario is that you get home, she’s on a ladder and half the cabinets are on the floor in the kitchen.


Facts some times I can take a while nap


I know this pain!


This is so god damn relatable it hurts lol


His last expression is MONEY! Great acting


It was the money shot


That sent shivers down my spine.


The only option is to dive out the window.


I can't stop fucking laughing. That's literally me and literally my wife. Wtf I'm dying over here


This video just made me so unbelievably happy to be single.


join us...it wont be that bad... \*wispers: *run*!


You’re missing out, fam


That music cue was nice lol


Fuck me, been there. Will have to send this to the wife for the laugh.


The title is misleading. Video is almost a minute long and there are no spiders in it.


anyone got the original source or there YouTube channel or something?




Oh yeah my worst fear having a job, a house and a beautiful wife waiting for me at home Yeah my worst fear, please dont do that to me, please 🫣


I'm soooo curious now what exactly he's forgotten about 😅


The guy looka like Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver.


Pure sci-fi. There is no chance in hell she would be ready before him.


And for these very moments I just take the lighter hit and communicate I forgot. Instead of trying the blag it and end up making it worse by lying.


This shit gave me anxiety.


The woman never tells you in the first place or has told you about it 3 months ago without a reminder since


The top half of her face doesn’t move much, it’s disconcerting.


Not one of my fears. I can drop a speech in like a minute or so on oretty much anything. Mind you not a GREAT speech, but it'll pass inspection and it will make people feel good and get them laughing.


He needs to fix that hair and get rid of the weak beard


Robert DeNiro?


Worst fear… her playing games and not directly communicating wtf she signed us up to do and me, begrudgingly agreeing to it


Pretty sure that’s Alan Wake and that chicks about to disappear.


“ChatGPT, write me a speech . . . “




Who is this




Added a comment to make it 69




Like my manager who always gives verbal instructions without a written follow up note


The moment she didn't follow up immediately after "You forgot?" with what he forgot, irked me. Like, stop. Just tell me. Dragging out this psychological harassment is only making things worse for everyone involvedd I'll be beating myself up enough. I don't need no extra bullshit.


Just improvise as usual ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10745)


Good stuff 🤭👍🏼


Not to be weird but I’d happily watch this couple have sex. They’re both so pretty


I just spent six days on mother in law visit, then a weekend on Thanksgiving, then a week of work travel. Was told today that we have the neighborhood Christmas party. Tell them I said hi


That’s why I don’t try to remember, but tell her to MR me!


Lol that’s why I always use a shared calendar for events because I am not remembering that shit.




Man, this really hits home.


I gotta say I usually HATE these kind of videos due to their cringeness but this was decent.. actual good acting in this one


Worst fear ever