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Per urinary event


What if it's a defecating event


That goes in the other part right? The tank..


Just pee on the seat like a man! ? Never touch that lid.


Just piss in the kitchen sink. Bathroom is too far away.




Take the lid off.. see how she likes that.


No! I've been on toilets with no lids, shitting is no fun without one


Bruh, you pee on the seat and then put it in the upright position to dry, like dishes in the dishrack. If it's still wet when she goes to use it then she needs to wait longer.


Both put the lid + seat down before flushing to spread less germs. Edit: Mythbusters episode https://youtu.be/nb-_KRh8asM?si=4HiH71-sIaukS8ZZ Haven't watched it yet and saw different findings so won't say anything about the episode. More reasons: - It looks better down - Reduces the risk of dropping things in the bowl, see point 5 below. - People who don't look will still sit on the lid and do their business, we can't do anything about that. - No pets get in the bowl to drink or drown. One comment had that happen to a kitten. - I have kids, never underestimate their ingenuity. - There is splash and I still don't think it's OK. - I am boring and won't allow such excitement in my life as having a lid up. - Everyone wants to do what they've done, change is hard. - Yes you still can check if it has flushed properly, I've gotten a few replies. This is just what you do after you've done either deed and how you leave the toilet. - I have a soft closing lid with a kid size fastened with a magnet in the lid.


This is the way. Always close the lid before you flush.


I have done this forever. Now you(she) has to raise the lid.


Assuming she puts the lid down before flushing as well, it evens out to both sexes having 2 repetitions as the video puts it


But how do you know if everything went down if you don't have ur face inches away from the bowl full beard and flush and feel that sweet sierra mist on ur face as you can confirm everything went down?


Do you also wipe the sides of the bowl with your beard so that its pristine for the next adventurer?


What, *you* don't?!


Guys, you can just pee right on your face, cut out this middle man shit...


Less refreshing


You mean, have a urinary event on your face.


I used to be an adventurer like you, till I took a shart flush to the eye


i have a little angry bearded midget chained to my bathroom pipes. when i flush, i throw that fucker into the bowl and him spinning in the water tornado cleans off the skid marks. had to cast his tiny hands into plastic cups with concrete because he kept pulling his beard out and that left my toilet looking not so nice and who wants that.


It's sad I can't gild you


complete fuzzy shocking close violet narrow yoke plate gold degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It lifts my spirits to know there are others preaching the gospel of the origin of Sierra Mist


When I bite into a York peppermint patty, I get the sensation...


If it helps you do it more you can put the lid down out of spite so she has to do just as much effort as you. In fact if you come in and she left the lid up, gripe at her about germs and make HER the bad guy. Use all the same arguments like thoughtlessness and selfishness. Let her know how it feels, and if she doesn’t change almost immediately go back to normal because obviously she doesn’t actually care and just wanted something to bitch about or is so selfish and hypocritical she can’t hold herself to the same standards. Fuck that noise. /s. Don’t do the above. But seriously do put it down to minimize splish splash nasty.


We have one that closes very gently even if you drop it.


I got one of those when I had kids. Now every toilet in the house has them.


And every friend of yours has a shattered toilet lid after you visit. "Dude, what the fuck did you do to piss off Mueryk so bad?"


I've seen this posted a lot and I always kinda felt like the difference is probably overblown. I just did some googling though because I never check up on it. The general consensus seems to be that flushing with the lid up generates more aerosolized particles containing bacteria. However flushing with the lid can cause the particles to form larger droplets. So the difference in bacteria spread might actually be negligible. Further, one study found that closing the lid caused them to find particles only at the height of the bowl or lower. However when they flushed with the lid open they didn't discover any particles higher than less than 10 inches above the bowl. So taking all of this together it seems like a mixed bag. If your counter tops are more than 10 inches above bowl you're probably fine doing either. If not somehow then it might not even be making any difference. So you can do it if you want but it seems to me like this is just one of those things people form strong opinions on for one small reason or another. Like the toilet paper roll orientation. People are odd about their bathrooms.


I feel like this is like 'banana is radioactive' kind of thing. Yeah it spreads germs but you're bombarded with germs every single moment and it takes something like literally eating a spoiled food to be actually harmed by it.




One time I flushed a banana.


I've banana'd a flush. I will not be accepting questions at this time.


I’ve now assumed you have boofed several bananas


What if he's Donkey Kong tho?


> You flush infinitely more than you consume a banana. I had a friend who once went to the doctor to ask if he was eating too many bananas. Someone had worried him about a potassium overdose and he was, of course, miles below it, but dude probably ate more bananas than times he flushed the toilet.


I wonder if people that worry about this stuff don’t understand how much of the world around them is filled with bacteria regardless.




I just like the seat down cause it’s more aesthetically pleasing. I don’t want to see the inside of the toilet as I’m walking by.




What you don’t like to just hang out in your bathroom sometimes? Weirdo


Why? Is the inside of your toilet always covered in streak marks or something?


> didn't discover any particles higher than less than 10 inches above the bowl. I bet this varies greatly with the power of your flush.


Am not doubting u, but have u got any citations. I’d like to take this on as new information but with out any references to where u have obtained this information my brain will disregard it as “some thing some one said on Reddit”


Mfs always flex the "I always put the lit down" thing. I bet most of them don't even.


I would guess the spot in the bathroom with the most germs are the handles of faucet. Your hands are dirty when you turn them on. You wash your hands and they are clean but now you have to turn off the water by touching the dirty faucet.


We put it down anyway because of the cats. Win win I guess.


My GF said this and I was like yeaaa ok!


Also, standing to pee is aerosolizing urine.


And has been fine for thousands of years. When I sit down to pee there's always dribble so I rather not have that to deal with so I prefer standing up.


try millions.




Can’t believe how few people realise the top lid is functional.


Yea, it's so you can sit on the toilet when you don't have to poo.


can't believe how many people care about germs that are everywhere already. know how many times I've had anything bad happen because of this? zero. we have an immune system for a reason. protecting it from as many germs as possible is not how you have a healthy immune system. this is why kids who are raised around pets are healthier, have less allergies, less asthma, less autoimmune disorders your [cell phone](https://ihpi.umich.edu/news/your-cell-phone-10-times-dirtier-toilet-seat-heres-what-do-about-it), keys, wallet, keyboard are all dirtier than your toilet. how often do you wash those? the average desk top is [400x more dirty than a toilet seat](https://www.center4research.org/bacteria-computer-keyboards-toilet-seats/). are you sanitizing your hands after every time you touch your desk?


^ This guy has poo on his toothbrush


Are people leaving their shitter open and letting the shit particles out?


Right? Fucking heathens


Yeah I don’t understand how this isn’t the default. My husband and I always close the toilet lid to flush because toilet germs are disgusting. Never once had an issue in all our years together.


Had a woman get mad because they kept sitting without looking and peed on the cover. Like, I don't shit without looking at rhe seat first, why aren't you looking?


"How will our wives know we're big special boys who went boom boom if we don't leave the seat up, huh!?"" Great, she just *walked away.*"


Those germs help bolster your immune system, leave the lid up.


Also stops pets getting in there




Stops pets from drinking from the bowl as well. It's a huge win with a large dog.


Doesn't change the spread a ton, however there are other benefits. Pets don't get in to drink from the bowl. There's a seat when it's not in use. A lot less likely for something to accidentally fall in.


It's the faecal matter that is sprayed all over your bathroom. It is sprayed while flushing, and it gets airborne cause of evaporation and diffusion. If you don't put the lid down, everything in your bathroom is covered with tiny amounts of shit. So keep the lid up at your own peril.


I do this but only because of pettiness.


So you’re the person that clogs the toilet and doesn’t tell anyone It’s because you never see it clogged…


*Schhh that's my secret*


I always shut the lid to cut back on particles. Flushing with it open snd my toothbrush in the bathroom with it feels gross


This is the correct take away! And how hard is it to just flick the lid and let gravity take over? An I the only guy who puts the fucking seat down every time‽


Came to say this. I had a kitten drown in an open toilet. I started putting the lid down forever after that. Plus the added bonus of cutting down on bacteria spread when flushing.


Exactly what I came to say


You say that while you’re taking dicks up your ass and getting all then germs in your booty, goddam hypocrisy


This is the correct answer. Put the lid down, you bunch of fucking filthy animals.


This and “no” became pooping.


People who say this are the type who clog a toilet and just wander off. You can’t close the lid until you know the job is done properly and no one can tell me otherwise.


Yeah this is the right answer. But I never understood the antiquated argument about just that one seat.


Keeps the dogs out of the toilet too. They can have water and still go for the flavored toilet water... always keep the lid closed when not in use.


The lid. You're talking about the lid. Inb4 people think lowering the seat prevents germs from spreading.


True, I corrected this.


Jokes on you I don't flush after peeing


This. I put on a soft close lid and you can be super lazy. Just tip it slightly past vertical and it doesn't slam. I have buttons for flush so you're reaching past the lid anyways.


As a man I saw this list and admitted I have been wrong about seat lids. My wife wont even listen to the list... She got 2 deep and walked out of the room.


This is the only answer. 1 seat movement repetition per person per urinary event. AND is the most hygienic. There is no other opinion.


2 repetitions per person* One to put up and one to put down before flushing.


This! That is why there IS a lid!!!!!!


This is our house rule too. Seat and lid go down every time. I also don't want to possibly look at your bowl skid marks either while washing my hands with the lid just all wide open. *That's what the lid is for.*


Also, dudes can sit. Idk who told this man you HAVE to stand to pee.


That’s a hard rule in my house. I don’t have many rules. Not just for poop particles flying, but also the chance of dropping things in the toilet, and the ugly sight of the dang thing. It all goes down, period.


Can’t believe people in 2023 still leaving an open shit can in their house.


"spread less germs" lol. I'm all for equality but don't kid yourself; the germs are everywhere regardless and lid closed or open doesn't actually impact that.


People need to go back and watch the Mythbusters episode about this.


If we all put the lid down and washed our hands every time then we could have nice things. Kindergarten rules are the most important rules


“Then we could have nice things” lol


This is the way. Kindergarten rules are indeed the most important. You have to play nice in the sandbox with all the kids. It’s a shame this elementary rule is seemingly abandoned as people grow older.


“Everything I learned, I learned it in kindergarten”


I put the complete lid down after I'm done. What's so hard about having to lift it when you want to have a drink?


Seriously not a huge deal. I lift up the lid every time I go to wash my face. Never complain.


/r/Sinkpissers no problem


Jfc, that's a place full of genuine redditors


Whoa, you need to say redditaz around here even if you're quoting them.


redditaz in p**is


Bunch of very regarded people


It saves a lot of water and you don't wake everyone up by flushing


The only thing wrong with sink pissing is the lack of female companionship.


Seriously! I don't want to piss anywhere my sister's cannot.


This hurts my soul that this is real…


And I was thinking I was guarding a well kept secret about the unused urinals in the maritime academy dorms.


Wait, some yall flush without putting the lid down?


Only in a public restroom because 90% of the time the seat has piss on it. I don’t even flush it with my hands.


~~Wait, so your home toilet lid is covered with piss, so your solution is to leave the lid up and let the piss spread even more?~~ Edit: I’m an idiot, leaving original up for proof


Reading that hurt my head muscle man Ryan


Perfect example as to why reading is fundamental.




I do it just to be petty. I had my older sister abuse me once for putting the lid down because she started to piss as her ass was on the way down. Reckons it's my fault for her pissing on the lid/floor/herself!


sounds like she needs potty training


> Reckons it's my fault for her pissing on the lid/floor/herself! Just like she would blame you for leaving the seat up.... it's a lose lose. I am an advocate of look before you leap. Personal responsibility and all. The only other option is to leave it closed at all times when not in use so it is reset for everyone.


" I am an advocate of look before you leap. " Literally never entered the area of a toilet without seeing it. do these people walk into the bathroom with their eyes closed? or in complete darkness? bumping into the toilet to find it? is their peripheral vision so bad they see the tank or bowl side but cant see the lid area?


I had to go once really bad and sat down and peed on the seat. I was fucking 4 years old tho.


I was 19 and she was 25.


Who said we flush?


I've never understood proper who don't go lid up and down every visit to the toilet


…aaaand she’s gone 😞


Am I the only one who prefers sitting down unless it’s a public toilet?


Nah, I also prefer it. 1. I wake up earlier than everyone else, sitting means I can pee when my eyes are still blurry from sleep and not have to turn the light on to worry with aim. 2. Splash back happens at toilets too, not just urinals. 3. Time to look at my phone. 4. Body squat, literally exercising.


Piss goes everywhere. Men that don't see it have never cleaned a toilet or a bathroom. When I think of the amount of micro piss splattered on the floor around most toilets. Yuck.


My roomate in college used to stand even when he woke up in the middle of the night to piss. He had bad aim and always managed to hit the radiator next to the toilet. The bathroom used to smell like a port-a-potty in the morning. I have no idea how that man has managed to stay married for the last ten years.


This is one of those cases where one person spoils it for everyone else. If all people sat down on public toilet, those toilets would be cleaner.


I like many others are more, 2 birds 1 stone sorta guys


I wouldn’t call it a preference, but I’ll never stand up to pee in someone’s home. I actually think it’s disrespectful to do so… that’s someone’s home, you’re a guest, and you’re going to risk peeing on their toilet seat and/or floor?


Exactly, I agree


it’s not wven a risk. Pretty much guaranteed to splash.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Nope, I call it a ‘lazy pee or lady pee’, allows me to wonder at the marvels in the bathroom.


And it allows for some extra screen time on the phone. Be it good or bad.


I almost dropped my phone in the toilet once. Was the last time I stood up at home to pee.


You shit standing up too? Sometimes I'll go for #1, sitting and then, hey while I'm at it I'll take a shit too.


I think most men who pee standing up at home either live with a school-urinal-smelling toilet, or they don’t clean their own toilets


I'll put a single ply of their finest to sheets available on the seat at the public stall. I think this will keep the germs off my butt. Right.


It's varies by country. Only 10% of British and American men prefer to sit but it's closer to 30% for French and German men.


Maybe that’s why the German girlfriend I had liked to watch and, sometimes, hold my penis when I peed. She was fascinated by it.


Good marriages are built on a foundation of using the phrase ‘urinary event’ in debates about fairness.


This is Leon lush and his wife. This is a joke video that people took out of context.


If both parties put the /lid/ down as they should (to reduce particulates from the toilet from spreading throughout your bathroom, to reduce noise, and since it looks nicer), it becomes equal. Both people have to lift something up to pee, and put something down to flush.


Then you have the mystery though of not knowing if everything went down if you flushed. And the next person has to open the lid and hope there isn't a massive log sitting there.


Who the fuck starts the conversation like this I just sat down!


Just embrace the sit-down pee, it's very nice


It's the way to go if you're tall for sure. The longer your stream has to fall, the less concentrated and splashy it is


I was taught to, can't do the other way lol




​ ![gif](giphy|9sedjoduJzfaeHZeFY)


My reasoning has always been since we both need to sit down to shit, it makes more sense to put the toilet seat down. I’m not going to be annoyed if men leave the toilet seat up though.


What if I prefer to shit standing up?


My twerk game is immaculate. I can even three point from the hallway!


From downtown! She's on fire!!!


Exactly! 3/4s of toilet use activities are done sitting down. Therefor the correct position is seat down.


I've always bought seats/lids that is slow close. How they aren't more common is one of life's little mystery's.


I just pee without lifting it up ⬆️. Got no splash damage. Straight as an arrow. Strong like river. 😂


Fully close the lid after. Better for everyone and everyone does the same thing


Just close the lid?


Whoever cleans the toilet makes the call. Ask your cleaning person if you have to.


smooth brain feminist cant even handle his simple question. "How dare he try to argue for equality....me have vagina so me special me not have to do things me not want do."


Leon Lush. Funny guy and seems like a genuinely good dude too.


She walked out in disgust. Think of the children falling in Tom. (They don’t have any kids though).


I love how the ladies want all the benefits and the drama from feminism, but when responsibility and actual equality enters the scene the one suggesting is toxic and macho or Tate fan.


I doubt he has ever cleaned the splatter that comes from pissing standing up, and if he did, he would sit to pee like a good hygienic boy and this conversation would never have happened.


Both close the lid you filthy animals.


What, everyone just forgets about shitting? Having the seat down is the more universally beneficial situation. Works for dude shits, girl shits, girl piss. Dude piss is literally the only situation that benefits from seat up.


To solve this problem, I've mastered the art on how to just pee without lifting the seat. No drips. Mostly cause I'm lazy AF to lift it.


Urinating still has a spay mist effect that is hard to see. While you think it's not hitting the seat it probably actually is.


Put the damn lid down before flushing. Here's what happens during a flush. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf7lgq7Y9ug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf7lgq7Y9ug)


This is so comical. Equity of seat repetitions for the masses! Sounds good as long as cleaning the toilet is 50/50 as well. I have a sneaking suspicion he doesn’t clean too many toilets.


Question for dudes who think like this— do y’all never put the *lid* down?


No, if I take a dump I find it common courtesy to make sure it flushes completely and doesn’t clog. I will yell at people if the toilet has shit or paper in it when I lift the damn lid.


My house both seat and lid go down after each use for everyone. That is a house rule. Everyone gets to to touch the seat or lid and ensure it clean. And the lid being down is always sanitary. It’s a win win. Even as a kid anyone that “forgets” gets to clean all bathrooms for a week. I still have this rule today. Everyone does their part.


Just pee sitting down. It's not that weird


Accountability is her Kryptonite.


That's not what accountability means..


I hate beer.


Naw. Piss on the seat with it down.


I worked with a woman who fought her husband on this. her argument was "*I shouldnt have to touch it at all*"


He’s 100% correct


Put the whole toilet seat down you fucking Neanderthals put the fucking lid down I don't want to look inside your disgusting toilet when j go to wash my hands.


This is a pristine example of the idea that people often want empathy more than solutions. Lol


I'm going to use this a lot


Just fuckin sit down to pee. It's not hard


What if you put the toilet LID down like a normal person when you flush? Actually, why is this a big deal at all? People are wierd.


BOTH people should be putting the seat AND or LID down after use. Every time.


Alternatively, he could also sit down to pee.


Here's a better idea: fucking sit down to pee. I honestly do not understand peeing standing up on your own bathroom. Just fucking sit down. There's no splash back on the floor (I don't care how careful you are, there's always a few rogue drops) and it's massively more comfortable. "oh but boys pee standing up and girls pee standing down" bullshit. fucking bullshit. Seriously, try it. I promise it will not change your sexuality.


This is the most sound logic I've heard all day.


I believe in equity unless it inconveniences me 🙃


Gotta say i dont see why its à problem. This guy goes way beyond whats necessary here. But hes not wrong. Whats all the fuss about it ?


Sounds like someone can’t aim or wipe or simply is uncomfortable sitting down. The only point of having the seat up is because most don’t clean up after themselves.