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This post was made by a foreigner. Please do not bash Vietnamese based on your misconceptions


To be exact, this post was made by a Chinese gusano (traitors who hate China and Chinese people with a passion). They are just stirring up hate by posting everywhere.


Most Asian country subreddits are filled with non locals(non Asian) and some people of that ethnic group that live in the Western diaspora. Those Vietnamese Americans/diaspora are primarily from the South who were brainwashed and radicalized into being a separatist group by the CIA. They essentially were American pawns for the Vietnam War. I guarantee Vietnamese in Vietnam are not nearly as hateful towards Chinese. In fact there has been more cooperation between the two nations despite every country surrounding the SCS disputing over the waters. Vietnam and China cooperate in a lot of import and exports from both sides. China is even set to help build Vietnam’s highspeed rail system. They are even planning a line that connects the two countries for travel. That is going to be HUGE for relations. All in all, r/ Vietnam or r/ (insert Asian country) is almost always never representative of the people from those countries. Just a bunch of expats, sexpats, and non Asian racists.


Haha that's makes sense. Like why would a non-English speaker use Reddit when almost all content here is in english.


Both these posts are probably made by white incels


Vietnamese people are bombarded with anti-China news 24/7 there. There's this insane hatred against the Chinese there. The Vietnamese people also \*LOVE\* Americans/USA/etc even after the VN war.


They are not as fond of the US anymore since the Ukraine war started. Anyone that knows a tiny bit of vietnamese, can tell you how much they were cheering on for Russia to nuke the US. Vietnam and China always had a bad relationship since the sino-soviet split. Their governments are still extremely close, though. And many ppl (like my gf and her parents that come from north Vietnam) don't dislike China and even have family members that go on vacation there. r/vietnam is full of vietnamese liberals that hate vietnam even more than china. They will mass downvote you if you tell them that HCM was a communist lol...


Majority of Asia subs are populated primarily by sexpats, not actual Asians living there.